Michael Deikin. Flowerhorn. Flower horn - beauty, ferocity and unusual shape Why exactly these fish were selected

Aquarists try to diversify the apartment by adding interesting-looking aquatic inhabitants to the aquarium. The flower horn is one of those, the fish is famous for its inflated head and iridescent color. It looks favorably in an aquarium, and maintenance even for an inexperienced person is not difficult. Fish surprise people with their extraordinary behavior and changing external data. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's look at the main characteristics in more detail.


  1. The fish were bred artificially, they were obtained as a result of hybrid crossing. Flower horns belong to the family of cichlases, it is difficult to say for sure which breeder worked to create fish with such interesting data. One thing is for sure, the fish reaches a length of 40 cm, so it looks impressive in a large aquarium.
  2. The species of fish was bred in Malaysia. If we adhere to some data regarding the origin, then we can conclude that lipped, spotted, rainbow and citron cichlazoma took part in the creation.
  3. Why exactly these varieties participated in the creation of a new species, you ask. Crossing is due to the promiscuity of aquatic pets in terms of choosing a companion to create a married couple. This means that the named representatives of cichlases can interbreed, regardless of the species.
  4. As a result of the research, it was possible to obtain a new species that can easily compete with a dozen popular aquarium pets. In the end, artificially bred cichlazoma turned out to be beautiful, omnivorous and rarely sick.
  5. The first representatives of the species could be met in 1996, this period is considered the date of the appearance of flower horns. For almost 20 years now, representatives of the family have been living in various countries, they are kept in aquarium conditions.
  6. There are several subspecies of flower horns. Among them are tai silk, campha, zhen zhu, malau. It is not yet known whether further improvement of the species will be carried out, because aquarists are satisfied with everything.


  1. What you see on a fish's forehead is a fat bump. The body is dense, oval in shape, the horns reach 40 cm in length. The color is reddish, silvery, gray or pink.
  2. Many aquatic inhabitants have a dark strip of medium width on the side of the body. It breaks up into specks upon visual inspection. However, this is not a mandatory feature.
  3. The fins on the back and in the region of the anus are elongated, sharp, and the caudal fin is rounded. As for the duration of existence, this subspecies lives for about 10 years.
  4. It is difficult to describe horns by external data, because each individual is unique in its own way. If you add to this the fact that every aquarist is trying to develop his own type, then the generally accepted standards are completely eroded.
  5. It is worth knowing that when buying small fish, it is impossible to say for sure what they will grow in the future. Usually individuals are dull at first, then change color over time. It can also be the other way around, that is, after puberty, the fish fades for reasons that are still not clear.

Difficulties in content

  1. Like other cichlids, flower horns do not require scrupulous care and special frills in content. Therefore, we can say that the fish are relatively trouble-free even for a beginner. The main thing is that the water meets all the criteria, then the pets will not feel bad and show aggression.
  2. Fish are unpretentious in terms of feeding, that is, horns are allowed to be treated with both frozen or dry food, and live worms, etc.
  3. It is worth mentioning that the fish is not suitable for everyone. There are reasons for this. Among them are impressive dimensions. That is, the aquarium requires a fairly spacious one. Horns defend their territory, so you need to carefully select the neighborhood. Due to their violent temperament, some individuals are kept one at a time, even plants are excluded, because the fish pull them out.
  4. Horns are aggressive if you put your hand in the aquarium. Given that the size of the individual is not at all small, the fish bites painfully. Therefore, when maintaining an aquarium, some difficulties may arise.
  5. Nevertheless, despite the peculiar disposition, a beginner will be able to cope with the care of this type of fish. If you study all aspects, observe the temperature regime of water, there will be no problems.


  1. We have already mentioned that representatives of this breed group are omnivores. The fish has a brutal appetite, so it is always not enough. On the other hand, if the pet systematically overeats, he will become obese. This also cannot be allowed, because fish die from excess weight.
  2. Feeding can be any. The main condition is the content of protein compounds in large quantities in the composition of food. Since we live in a modern world, the food is already made and packaged for you. You just need to choose the option that suits large cichlids.
  3. Horns also eat shrimp, gammarus, fish or bird fillets, small fish, flies, bloodworms, worms, etc. Feeding frequency - 2-3 times a day. Respect the portions, the leftovers of the meal should not settle to the bottom or do it, but in minimal quantities.
  4. Previously, large-caliber fish were fed on the meat of mammals. But today it is known for certain that such food causes damage to the esophagus. Therefore, when compiling a diet, give the fish such food no more than once every 10 days.

Conditions of detention

  1. The fish is large, so it needs an appropriate dwelling. One individual accounts for 200 liters. minimum water. Therefore, when keeping two fish, you need an aquarium with a volume of 400-500 liters.
  2. In cases where, in addition to horns, other cichlids will live in the aquarium, it is necessary to purchase housing with a volume of 900-1000 liters.
  3. Since under natural conditions, pets live in slowly flowing water sources, then take care of the appropriate equipment. Buy a water filter. Siphon the bottom weekly, replace a third of the water with new water.
  4. Maintain optimal temperature conditions so that the fish always feel comfortable. The temperature should be 27 degrees. The alkaline balance is also important (6.5-7.5), as well as hardness (10-18 units).
  5. Fish have a negative attitude towards plants, if possible, they should be completely excluded. Horns dig the soil, the rhizomes will simply float up. Therefore, do without plants.
  6. Gravel road is suitable for soil, and for shelters, choose snags and pebbles. Flower horns do not hide, preferring to constantly walk around the aquarium. Due to the large dimensions, make sure that the entire decor is tight, otherwise the fish will turn it over.


  1. We have already said that representatives of this subspecies categorically do not accept outsiders in their home. Moreover, aggression extends not only to fish not from the cichlid family, but also to all cichlases.
  2. Large, they like to fight for territory, they show aggression even when cleaning the aquarium - this is how Horns can be briefly described.
  3. The ideal option is to keep the fish alone or hook a couple to it. But in the second case, take care of a spacious aquarium so that the pets do not fight for territory.
  4. Bites are painful if a horn bites you while cleaning the aquarium. To reduce aggression, try to choose the right time when the fish is napping or hiding.
  5. If there is a desire to plant other varieties of pets, give preference to large-bred individuals. We are talking about Managuan cichlazoma, plecostomus, astronotus, etc.
  6. However, if we take into account all the reviews of experienced aquarists, horns should live alone. So they will be comfortable, and you will prevent skirmishes and stress.
  7. An aggressive attitude extends not only to individuals of a different breed, but also to relatives. For example, when keeping a couple of horns, you may notice that there are constant conflicts between them.


  1. If you plan to get beautiful offspring, then carefully read the color of the parents. If everything is done incorrectly, then you can get fry dull, with incomprehensible spots.
  2. The main difficulties faced by absolutely all breeders of such fish are the attacks of the male on the female. The male sex attacks the female, your main task is to protect the female.
  3. Equip the water dwelling in such a way that the female finds where to hide. The male must not see her. As a rule, he begins to kill the female when she is not yet ready.
  4. To eliminate this, it is necessary to hang a grid to divide the housing into two sections. Thus, spawning can be stimulated.
  5. Next to the grid you need to place a stone. When the eggs are laid, the net is placed away from the male so that he has access to fertilize the eggs.
  6. The water temperature must be maintained at around 28 degrees. As for the alkaline balance, it should not exceed 7 units.
  7. If, after fertilization, the male begins to beat the female, then resettle her or send her back to the second part of the aquarium.

There are no difficulties in keeping the presented species of cichlids. But it is worth considering the size of individuals, the aquarium is selected with a large volume. Fish should not be overfed, otherwise they will quickly become fat. Take into account the aggressiveness of pets towards neighbors, select roommates with special care.

Video: flower horn aquarium fish

The Flower Horn is a unique fish for those who love bright and large cichlids. She has a very interesting behavior, character and a completely unusual appearance. Those who decided to get themselves a flower horn never regretted it.

Flower Horn Information

Cichlids, as a rule, are not picky in partners, and can create pairs not only with their own kind, but also with completely different types of cichlids. This feature made it possible to obtain many completely unimaginable hybrids from different types of fish.

Not all of them turn out to be successful, some do not shine with color, others after such crossing become sterile themselves.

But, there are exceptions...

One of the well-known and popular fish in the aquarium is the fruit of artificial crossing. So is the flower horn, a child of the genetics and perseverance of Malaysian aquarists.

It was in Malaysia that careful selection and crossing of various cichlids (which ones are still not clear for sure) was carried out in order to obtain healthy and reproductive offspring. The flower horn is a hybrid, but at the same time it is not prone to disease, beautiful and prolific.

An interesting feature of the flower horn is that it changes its color throughout life, before reaching puberty. So, if you are interested in buying a bright fish of a certain color, then you need to choose an adult fish, or grown up enough.

Otherwise, you may be in for a surprise, not always a pleasant one. On the other hand, if you buy flower horn fry, then a whole series of magical transformations will pass before your eyes, and who knows, maybe you will have a fish of rare beauty?

Caring for the flower horn is very simple, it is an unpretentious and hardy fish. It is worth noting that it grows very large, about 30-40 cm, and requires a spacious aquarium for maintenance, especially if you keep it with other fish.

Flower horns love to dig and eat plants, so you are unlikely to create a beautiful aquascape with plants. Because of this hobby, and also due to the fact that the fish itself is large, it is recommended to install stones, driftwood and other decor on the bottom of the aquarium, and not on the ground.

Otherwise, they can move them as they please.

It is best to keep flower horns alone as a rare show fish. They are very territorial, aggressive and do not get along well with other fish (except in very large aquariums, from 800 liters).

In other volumes, neighbors will be traumatized, or under stress.

Habitat in nature

Flower horn is a hybrid that is artificially bred and, accordingly, does not occur in nature at all. The first individual was bred in Malaysia in the 90s of the XX century, by crossing several species of fish, mainly South American cichlids.

They admired his appearance, especially the fat bump on his forehead, and they named him "Karoi" - which means warship.

There is still debate about which fish the flower horn originated from. The true combination is known only to those who brought this fish. Aquarists agree that the fish is descended from Cichlasoma trimaculatum, Cichlasoma Festae, Cichlasoma citrinellum, Cichlasoma labiatum, Vieja synspila.

The first line of flower horn cichlids to hit the market was called Hua Luo Han. Hua Luo Han were bred around 1998. But, since then, it has become very popular, and an incredible number of different variations and hybrids have appeared.

With huge fat cones (which increase with the help of chemistry), with a shortened body, or curved and other options.

The most popular at the moment are: flower horn campha (KamFa), Malau or Kamalau (KML), Zhen Zhu (ZZ) and Thai Silk (Thai silk).

The flower horn has gained a special, elite status among aquarists. In Asia, along with arowana, it is considered as one of the lucky fish by adherents of the Feng Shui movement. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese tradition that normalizes the arrangement of objects and things in the house in order to achieve maximum harmony with the outside world. And the aquarium in this current is one of the key topics for achieving wealth and success.

Accordingly, a flower horn, the pattern on the scales of which looks like a heart or a hieroglyph, can cost thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of dollars.

Even a particularly large fatty lump on the head of a fish can bring a tidy sum to the owner. It is believed that it is a symbol of the Chinese god of longevity, and the larger it is, the more luck it will bring.

True, the more modest fish sell at a reasonable price and are now widely available to aquarists.

Thai silk - young:


The flower horn has a very dense, oval body with a huge fat bump on the forehead. Large individuals reach 30-40 s in length. The scales can be either metallic, gray, or pink or red.

In most species, there is a wide, dark stripe along the midline of the body, breaking up into separate spots. But, some variations may not have it. The dorsal and anal fins are elongated and pointed, while the caudal fin, on the contrary, is rounded.

Life expectancy is about 8-10 years.

In general, it is rather difficult to describe the appearance of horns. Many aquarists breed their own unique fish. If you buy juveniles, there is a risk that their coloration will change dramatically as they mature. And, instead of an attractive individual, you will get a rather gray one.

Adult fish are classified according to 7 features: body shape, color, scale size, presence of a horizontal stripe, fat cone size, eyes, and straightened fins.

Difficulty in content

Flower horns are easy to care for and tolerate water conditions that would be a problem for other fish.

They are also unpretentious in nutrition, and eat any protein feed, from artificial to live.

It's worth saying that although it seems like a suitable fish for beginners, it's still not possible, for several significant reasons.

Firstly, this is a very large fish, for the maintenance of which you need a spacious and large aquarium. Secondly, the flower horn is very aggressive and territorial, it is desirable to keep it alone, without neighbors and even plants. Beginners can quite find a smaller and more peaceful cichlid.

And finally, the flower horn is so aggressive that it attacks the hand that feeds it, inflicting rather painful bites on the owner while he maintains the aquarium.

However, if you are absolutely sure that you want this fish, then no circumstances should stop you. Despite the obstacles listed above, this fish is suitable for beginner aquarists, as long as they study their fish and are willing to take on some challenges.


It is an omnivorous fish with a huge appetite that is difficult to feed. They eat all kinds of live, frozen or artificial foods, as long as they contain a high amount of protein.

Food variety is just as important as nutrition and quality, so it is best to give: high quality food for large cichlids, shrimp meat, bloodworms, worms, crickets, flies, grasshoppers, small fish, fish fillets, gammarus.

You need to feed two to three times a day, especially if you are feeding food that leaves a lot of waste.

It is important to know that feeding on the meat of mammals, so popular in past years, is now considered harmful.

Such meat contains a large amount of proteins and fats, which the gastrointestinal tract of fish does not digest well. As a result, the fish grows fat, the work of internal organs is disrupted. You can give such food, but infrequently, about once a week.

Feeding crayfish:

Like other large Central American cichlids, the flower horn needs a very spacious aquarium. If you keep it alone, then the minimum volume is 200 liters, but even more is better.

Weekly water changes and a bottom siphon are also important, as the flower horn is very littering during meals.

As for the decor, it is difficult to create it - the fish likes to dig, does not like plants. There is no point in planting plants in an aquarium at all, they will be destroyed.

It is better to use gravel as a soil, and large stones and snags as shelters, however, the fish does not like to hide and is quite active.

Make sure that the stones, decor and equipment are firmly set and will not fall, as the flower horn is quite capable of tipping them over.

The temperature for keeping should be quite high - 26-30C, ph: 6.5-7.8, 9 - 20 dGH.


Flower horns are not well suited for keeping with other fish, as they are very large, aggressive and territorial.

It is best to keep one fish separately or in pairs, and if you still want neighbors, then only in a very spacious aquarium. The flower horn will even attack you while maintaining the aquarium, and the bites will be painful.

To reduce aggression, you need an aquarium with plenty of free space, lots of hiding places and large neighbors.

Such fish will be:,

It is believed that the female has a black dot on the dorsal fin, which is absent from the male, but other aquarists refute this. When sexually mature individuals are ready for spawning, a thick ovipositor is visible in the female, and the papilla in the male.

The only technique that can be considered real in sexing a flower horn is that used by tilapia breeders. Take the teenager, put it on the palm of your left hand, and gently run the right hand along the abdomen towards the caudal fin with the palm of your right hand.

If this is a male, then you will see splashes of a clear liquid from his anus, the female does not have this. An adult male is easy to distinguish by a fatty cone and size.


Very often, such hybrids are fertile, that is, they cannot produce offspring. But not a flower horn. To get fry the same color as the parents, you need to have a good idea of ​​how clean the line is, otherwise the fry can be very different from their parents in color.

Breeding flower horns is similar to breeding other large South American cichlids. As a rule, they are bred in the same aquarium in which they are kept and the biggest problem is to save the female from the constant attacks of the male.

You need to equip the aquarium so that she has a place to hide, so that the male does not see her. Very often, the female is not yet ready, and the male is already starting to chase her and kill her.

Or, you can divide the aquarium into two parts using a net, so both the female is intact and the species of fish stimulates the start of spawning.

You can even use this technique, a large flat stone is placed near the net, and all other objects on which she could spawn are removed from the side of the female.

When the female lays her eggs on this stone, it is transferred to the male (or the net is moved so that he is on his territory) and a stream of water is directed onto the stone, helping the male to fertilize it.

In any of the options, even with a grid, even without, you will need to create conditions that stimulate the start of reproduction. Water should be about 28 ° C, neutral water - pH 7.0 You need to feed plentifully and good food, you can also replace most of the water with fresh water.

Parents will guard the eggs very jealously. Even if the couple is kept separately, and there is no threat, the male may decide that the female is superfluous here and start beating her. In this case, it is better to deposit it, or send it back to the dividing grid.

Caviar and fry are large and easy to care for. You can feed the fry of the flower horn with brine shrimp nauplii, crushed food for large cichlids.

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The flower horn fish is a unique fish that is gaining recognition from admirers of bright, large cichlids. An aquarium inhabitant can surprise with an interesting and not always peaceful behavior, an extraordinary appearance that changes for a long time.

What should you prepare for?

The fish has an important feature: the ability to change colors before puberty. If there is a desire to buy a bright and beautiful fish, it is advisable not only to look at the photo, but also to give preference to a grown or adult individual. Otherwise, you need to prepare for any surprise, realizing that it may not be very pleasant.

If you manage to buy a small individual, it will certainly surprise you with numerous color transformations. Perhaps the flower horn will grow beautiful?

Care promises to be easy and understandable. The fish has a persistent and hardy character. The most important thing is to buy a large aquarium, because the growth of the fish will reach at least thirty centimeters. At the same time, there is no need to dream of a beautiful aquarium, as the fish loves to dig the soil and eat plants. Considering both aspects, it is recommended to stop at a large aquarium with stones, snags, installed on the bottom instead of soil. When creating a decent aquarium, it is tedious to remember that it is its inhabitants that can become a real decoration.

Flower horns can be kept with other fish. However, it is desirable not to translate this idea into reality. Having studied the photo of the fish, it will be possible to understand how beautiful and unusual it is. The best option promises to be the aquarium cultivation of one fish, which is an exhibition.

Visual Description

The flower horn has a dense oval body. A large fat bump is visible on the forehead.

The length of large individuals is 30 - 40 centimeters.

The scales of the fish differ in color. Different shades of gray, pink are supposed. In most cases, it is assumed that there is a wide and dark strip located right in the middle. Then the strip turns into numerous spots, which are the decoration of the fish.

Both fins, dorsal and anal, are elongated and pointed. The tail fin may be rounded.

Describing appearance is a difficult task. Many owners of aquarists try to breed unique fish. Moreover, such a possibility exists. By accumulating experience and knowledge, you can understand how to grow a beautiful disc or simple flower horn.

Adult fish are classified according to the following criteria:

  1. Body shape.
  2. Color.
  3. Scale size.
  4. The presence or absence of a horizontal stripe.
  5. The size of the fat bump on the forehead.
  6. Eye shape.
  7. Fins.

Caring for a flower horn can be straightforward and simple. The fish successfully tolerates different parameters of aquarium water. The content is easy with regard to nutrition, creating lighting in the aquarium and other aspects. Despite this, it is recommended to show increased responsibility and try to create good living conditions for the fish.

The flower horn is not a particularly suitable fish for beginner aquarists. What is the reason for this?

  1. The fish is very large. A simple and disc flower horn needs a spacious aquarium.
  2. Behavior can be aggressive. For this reason, it is desirable to keep the flower horn without neighbors. The disc flower has a particularly pronounced aggression, because it is able to attack the human hand when feeding and maintaining the aquarium.

Given certain difficulties, there is an opportunity to get along with the fish and understand what should be the approach to it.

Feeding: the most important rules

The fish is omnivorous. However, you need to prepare for a pronounced appetite, which makes it difficult to feed. What can be food?

  1. Live, frozen, artificial food with a high protein content.
  2. Shrimp meat, crickets, grasshoppers, moths, flies, small fish, fish fillet.
  3. The optimal number of meals per day is 2-3.

Avoid foods that are high in fat. Otherwise, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of the fish will be disrupted, after which there will be a risk of obesity and malfunctions of the internal organs. Feeds with a high content of proteins and fats should preferably be given once a week.

Suitable conditions for living in an aquarium

Flowerhorn will feel comfort only in a spacious aquarium. When planning to keep the fish alone, you should choose models from two hundred liters. When planning to breed a flower horn in pairs, you will need 400 - 450 liters. Other cichlids will be safe if the volume of the aquarium reaches 800 - 1000 liters.

Are there any wishes for keeping in the aquarium?

  1. The current should be moderate.
  2. It is desirable to keep clean water. To do this, use an external filter with a high power level.
  3. Every week you need to change the water, carry out a bottom siphon. This will help maintain optimum cleanliness.
  4. Decorating is a difficult task. The flower horn loves to dig. Plants become undesirable for fish. Any plants will certainly be destroyed.
  5. The best soil option is gravel. For shelters, stones, snags are suitable.
  6. The fish shows a desire for activity, therefore it is advisable to install any decorative objects in the aquarium securely.
  7. The water temperature is 26 - 30 degrees.
  8. The optimal ph level is 6.5 - 7.8.

How to breed flower horn fish?

Flower horn can please offspring. The purity of the line of the fish is shown if the fry are born in the colors of their parents. Otherwise, the color can be drastically different.

Among the problems is saving the female from the male, who is ready for constant attacks. How to deal with such a task? In the aquarium, you need to choose a place for the female, where she can hide. If she is not ready, you need to provide an opportunity for loneliness, relaxation. For such a mode of life of the inhabitants, it is desirable to use a grid that can divide the aquarium into 2 parts.

Among the interesting options for decorating an aquarium is the following: next to the grid, you need to put a large flat stone. On the part of the female, you will need to remove all other items that can be used for spawning. If the female lays eggs on a stone, it must be moved to the male or allowed to approach. Then a stream of water is directed onto the stone, facilitating the process of intercourse and fertilization.

The conditions in the aquarium should be conducive to the active reproduction of the inhabitants. What factors increase efficiency?

  1. The water temperature should be around 28 degrees.
  2. A neutral pH of 7 is assumed.
  3. Most of the water should be replaced with fresh water.
  4. To feed the fish, it is desirable to use high-calorie and high-quality feed.

Future parents are ready to guard the caviar with a zealous attitude. Even if the male and female are kept together, there is no direct threat, it is advisable to take care of the protection of adults. The female is recommended to be deposited behind a separating net.

Care can be easy if you understand the characteristics of the flower horn and the needs of the fish to the living conditions in the aquarium.

Horn belongs to cichlids - it is a decorative and very bright aquarium fish. She has an interesting personality and an unusual appearance. No aquarist will regret getting one. Cichlids are not sorted out in partners, due to which many hybrids have been bred. True, not all offspring are successful. Most become sterile after crossing. However, there are exceptions.

The Flower Horn fish from the Cichlid family has an interesting appearance and character.

Hybrid Flowerhorn

The Flower Horn is the result of an artificial cross. The species was bred by aquarists in Malaysia in order to obtain offspring capable of further reproduction. The result was a hybrid that resists diseases well, and is also very beautiful.

The flower horn has a peculiarity, throughout its life it changes color, so if you want to get a pet of a certain color, then you need to choose an adult that has already reached sexual maturity. Until then, the horn changes its color. Otherwise, you may not be very pleasantly surprised. But there is another side - if you buy fry, you will be able to observe a series of interesting transformations of fish. And perhaps it will be possible to grow a pet of the rarest beauty.

The main feature of the Flower Horn is that it changes color throughout its life.

Horn is unpretentious and hardy enough. It is worth considering that the pet will reach large sizes, from 30 to 40 centimeters. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate reservoir in advance, especially if it is kept with other fish. The hybrid is very fond of feasting on plants and digging, so a beautiful aquascape is out of the question. In the aquarium at the bottom there should be stones and various snags. The fish will drag them as they please.

It is recommended that the flowerhorn cichlid be kept alone in the aquarium, as it is very aggressive against other inhabitants. An exception are aquariums from 1 thousand liters. In small spaces, the hybrid will injure the neighbors, or they will be in constant stress.

Habitat in nature

Horn fish is obtained by artificial crossing, so it is impossible to meet it in nature. The first fish was bred back in the nineties of the last century when crossing South American cichlids. Until now, it is not known which fish were involved in crossing. Experienced aquarists believe that the hybrid is a descendant of Cichlasoma trimaculatum, Vieja synspila, Cichlasoma Festae and Cichlasoma labiatum.

The most popular hybrids in modern times are Thai silk, campha, malau and zenzu.

Flower horn is considered an elite species that brings good luck, it is loved by adherents of feng shui. Therefore, if there is a pattern on the scales of a pet that resembles a hieroglyph or a heart, the fish can bring a rather large amount to the owner. Fish with a more modest color will cost the new owner at an affordable price.

Description of the cichlid

The body of cichlazoma flower horn is oval and dense, there is a fat bump on the forehead. The color of the scales is varied: red, gray, metal color. Many species have a dark stripe in the middle of the body, which blurs into spots. Fins on the back are sharp and elongated, and on the tail the fin is round. On average, fish live for about 9 years.

Aquarists are constantly breeding their unique pets.

Adults are classified according to the following criteria:

  • by the color of the scales;
  • according to the shape of the body;
  • by the size of the scales;
  • according to the size of the eyes;
  • according to the size of the fat cone on the forehead;
  • along a horizontal strip on the body (available or not);
  • on straightened fins.

Content Difficulties

On the one hand, caring for a horn is easy. The fish are immune to small changes in water temperature, which are considered a problem for other species. Cichlazoma flower horn is not picky, you can feed it with artificial protein food, as well as live.

The flowerhorn is immune to small changes in water temperature, which are considered a problem for other species.

However, a hybrid is by no means the choice for beginner aquarists, as keeping a flower horn has its own difficulties. The following reasons contribute to this:

  1. The fish is quite large, so it needs a spacious piece of water.
  2. Horn is a territorial fish, it is worth keeping one, this applies not only to neighbors, but also to plants. Inexperienced aquarists may purchase a more peaceful cichlazoma.
  3. The disc horn can even bite the hand that feeds it and leave a painful bite while the person is serving the water.

But this should not be a reason to abandon this fierce but beautiful fish, just worth studying it well and being prepared for difficulties.

Horn feeding

This species is omnivorous and has a large appetite. Fish are not easy to feed. In her diet, a variety of feeds (frozen, live, as well as artificial). It is important that they are rich in protein and nutritious. It is better to give flies, fish fillets, worms, shrimp meat, gammarus and bloodworms. Horn should be fed three times a day.

Previously, cichlids were fed on the meat of mammals. Now such feeding is considered harmful, since meat has a lot of fats that have a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract of fish, it is difficult to digest it. As a result, the fish swims heavily in fat, and its internal organs begin to work poorly. It is permissible to give such complementary foods once a week.

In the diet of the Flower Horn, there should be a variety of foods (frozen, live, as well as artificial).

Life in an aquarium

For one individual, a reservoir of 200 liters is needed, but preferably more. When keeping two fish, you will need an aquarium of 500 liters. If there are three or more of them, then at least 1 thousand liters will be needed. Cichlids are clean, so they need clean water with a moderate current. It is recommended to acquire a powerful filter. It is important to change the water in the aquarium by ¼ every day. But it is also required to change the siphon every day, because the fish litters a lot.

Plants should not be planted, they will still be destroyed by fish. Gravel is great for soil. The stones at the bottom must be firmly fixed so that they do not fall on the fish, which will try to turn them over. Required water acidity - from 6.5 to 8. Water temperature - from 25 to 30 degrees.

Compatibility with neighbors

Horns do not treat other aquarium fish well. He attacks always and on everyone - he has such a ferocious character. You can reduce his aggression if you provide him with a spacious reservoir, add only large neighbors and equip a sufficient number of shelters.

Fish that are suitable for cohabitation include plecostomus, giant gourami, black pacu, astronotus, pterygoplicht.

But all aquarists sooner or later come to the conclusion that the flower horn should be kept alone. Do not forget that aggressive behavior also extends to relatives. If a couple lives in an aquarium, then you need to carefully monitor them, they can kill each other.

Sex differences

Until now, there is no method by which it is possible to distinguish a female from a male. Some are sure that on the dorsal fin of females there is a black dot, which the opposite sex does not have. However, other aquarists refute this fact.

When the fish are mature and ready to spawn, the papilla can be seen in the males, and the females have a large ovipositor. There is only one technique for sex differentiation in horns, and that is for tilapia. The essence of the method is as follows.: the young individual is placed on the palm of one hand, the second is carried out through the body from head to tail. If at the same time liquid splashes from the anus, this is a male. This is not the case for females. An adult male is distinguished by its large size and a bump on its head.

Breeding aggressive fish

Often hybrids cannot have offspring. But Horn is an exception. In order for the fry to turn out the same color as the parents, you need to be sure that the line is clean. Otherwise, the fry will inherit an unpredictable color.

Horn breeding is similar to breeding other South American cichlids. They are bred in the reservoir in which they live. The difficulty is to save the female from aggression from the male. In the aquarium, there must be a shelter for her, in which the male will not notice her. You can divide the aquarium into two parts with a net, the fish will see each other, and this stimulates spawning.

This method is also effective: in the area of ​​​​the female, all objects are removed, leaving only one stone near the net, so that she spawns on it. Then a stone with eggs is moved to the male and a stream of water is directed at him to make it easier for the male to fertilize her.

In addition, favorable conditions for reproduction should be created in the reservoir: the water temperature is 28 degrees, and the acidity is 7. And also change the water to clean and feed the pets well.

After fertilization of eggs, it is better to transplant the female, as the male will protect future offspring and may attack her.

Flower Horn, or as its creators call Hua Luo Han, is a fish of impressive size and bewitching appearance. A characteristic feature is the protruding forehead and the presence of hieroglyphs on the body of the fish. Hieroglyphs do not appear immediately, but as the fish grows and matures. Although some fish may appear very little or not at all. Our Horn at first was not very beautiful, monophonic, without hieroglyphs at all and not foreheady. And as the fish grew, it just blossomed like a flower.

It is simply impossible not to notice it in an aquarium. First, the size. So far 28 cm, but it seems to be growing (keep this in mind if you decide to get such a fish and do not do this if your aquarium is less than 150 liters. My aquarium is 800 liters, but there are many other fish.)

Secondly, Horn is very active and manages to be everywhere at once. Thirdly, he is simply incredibly beautiful. Fourth, he is smart and cunning.

The fish undoubtedly has intelligence, and on this point, only the smart Oscar (Astronotus) competes with it in our aquarium.

The rest of the fish do not even contact this couple. It is believed that the Horns are quite aggressive, but perhaps it's all the same individually. Ours does not get anyone and does not gnaw.

No bitten fins or severed tails. The truth helps the astronotus to regulate the number of cichlids in the aquarium, otherwise we would have had overpopulation long ago.

Cichlids breed all the time. And a friend from aquarium correspondence had a tragedy: Horne ate all the fish he could over the weekend. But this happened due to the wrong selection of fish for cohabitation.

If you want to get yourself a Horn, you should also know some interesting facts: according to Feng Shui, it is believed that Horns bring wealth and good luck, while the larger the frontal growth, the better.

The hieroglyphs on the sides eventually add up to words. A fish with auspicious hieroglyphs costs a lot. These fish are kept by the billionaires of Asian countries, sincerely and probably not without reason, believing that they bring them good luck. The fish was bred relatively recently in 1996. The popularity of the fish is growing very quickly and in America they are already holding a beauty contest among Horns with a large prize fund.

Our Horn has grown into an unusually handsome and smart girl. It's just that the opportunity to read the hieroglyphs that have come through has not yet presented itself ... But I want to!

If you do not know what to feed him, then I advise you to look