Facial expression. Facial expressions and gestures in communication. The language of facial expressions. What do gestures, facial expressions and body language of a person say from the point of view of psychology

Facial expressions are a classic field of study for the physiognomist. Not knowing its data means being subject to serious physiognomic mistakes. Often we happened to change, using the data of facial expressions, the diagnosis made by the study of forms.

Facial expressions are the main indicator of the speaker's feelings.

Facial expressions help to better understand the person with whom communication takes place. Facial expressions are also very important in relationships, as it allows you to figure out what feelings people experience in relation to each other. For example, raised eyebrows, wide eyes, downturned lips are signs of surprise; lowered eyebrows, curved forehead wrinkles, narrowed eyes, closed lips and clenched teeth indicate anger.

Drawn eyebrows, dull eyes, slightly lowered corners of the lips speak of sadness, calm eyes and raised outer corners of the lips - about happiness, contentment.

For any participant in communication, the ability to decipher the facial expressions of the interlocutor is very important. But at the same time, the ability to master facial expressions yourself, to make it more expressive, so that the interlocutor better understands intentions and motives, is no less important. This skill is especially necessary in the practice of business interaction.

While the morphological type is created in an investigative way, facial expressions are the result of education. If the Jupiterian in our example had spent his childhood in an environment where he would have been taught to want to express himself, he would not have become a neuropath and his facial expressions would have expressed a strong nature. This statement is a powerful encouragement for those who see signs of moral weakness in themselves. Improving our mental culture, we improve our nature, and this is a worthy goal.

People who are not subject to strong passions have calm facial expressions.

On the faces of eternally trembling people, as well as on the faces of eternally busy people, wrinkles often appear already in youth. The deeper the wrinkles, the more they emphasize the ideas they represent.

“The depth of the fold of any matter speaks of its frequent and everyday use,” Delestre noted.

Of course, one must be able to distinguish mental wrinkles from those that appear from rapid fattening.

The movements of the forehead are closely related to the movements of the eyebrows.

"The forehead of a good man," says Delestre, "carries the clarity of his conscience." If the forehead without wrinkles is the forehead of weak-willed, indecisive people. The forehead rises above their blond arched eyebrows, which are usually thin and emphasize the innocence of their owner and the lack of reactions from their passions.

Neuropaths have horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, which are the result of frequent raising of the eyebrows, the well-known gesture of constant surprise. Because of the smallest work, they wrinkle their forehead.

Balanced natures have on their forehead the smallest number of horizontal wrinkles, because they do not wrinkle in surprise: their forehead is wrinkled vertically in the area where intense, strong-willed attention is expressed, that is, between the eyebrows at the root of the nose. So, vertical wrinkles go hand in hand with horizontal and thick eyebrows. The depth of the vertical wrinkle and wrinkles generally determines the amount of mental control.

If the vertical wrinkle in question is very deep, it means a wayward and even violent will. In this case, it is accompanied by thick and naughty eyebrows. This type of forehead and eyebrows is found in people who are not amenable to any discipline. Delestre saw many such faces in prisons.

People live among people. They communicate, exchange information, share their emotions not only using speech, but also with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The ability of a person to communicate without words is called non-verbal communication. A lot of literature has been written about what the gestures and facial expressions of a person mean, which one way or another we notice in a conversation with each other.

Someone does not particularly attach importance to this, but it is important for someone to understand what is really behind the words. It is important to understand the meaning of human gestures and facial expressions.

Psychologists, doctors, recruiters, investigators, managers - this is not a complete list of professions in which people carefully peer at the interlocutor in the hope of noticing additional information about him. They analyze how the arm lies, where the leg is turned, and try to determine what it matters. It should be added that a man and a woman can use the same gestures in a conversation, the meaning of which can be interpreted in different ways. For example, fixing your hair is a women's movement, the meaning of which is the desire to please. And if a man entered the room, took off his hat and straightened his tousled hair? That is, it is necessary to take into account the circumstances under which these movements are made, and only then interpret their meaning.

How to understand a person by facial expressions and gestures

Even if our type of activity is not related to psychology, probably every educated person has read a popular article, a book, or at least once in his life heard about how to understand a person by gestures and facial expressions. We know the meaning of the position of the hands, the so-called "open" and "closed" postures. The value of the position of the body, which can tell about a person's interest in the conversation, about whether he is located towards the interlocutor.

There is a description of movements and gestures at the moment when a person tells a lie or is very excited. It is believed that if a person crosses his arms in front of him, then this means that he is wary of you.

We are advised to look carefully, observe the interlocutor and watch our movements, so that suddenly we do not say more with our gestures than with words. For example, hands hidden in pockets are an attempt to hide self-doubt. A hand clenched into a fist - concentration of attention, self-affirmation.

And in other sources they write that walking with hands in pockets and “dragging feet” means a hidden character and a depressed state of mind. So how to understand a person by facial expressions and gestures?

The language of human gestures and facial expressions is so diverse that it is difficult to understand which of them matter and which do not. With a detailed examination of the interlocutor, you can acquire the skill of reading facial expressions and gestures.

Over time, even remember their meaning, understand what a person is experiencing at this particular moment, but no more. A real understanding of the peculiarities of the psyche of the people around us is given by the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Armed with systemic knowledge, any person acquires the ability to involuntarily understand the desires and actions of other people, decipher their favorite key phrases, gestures and facial expressions and read them like an open book.

Facial expressions and gestures through the prism of System-Vector Psychology

System-vector psychology is an accurate scientific knowledge that reveals the eight-dimensionality of the human psyche. Eight vectors, eight personality types. Each vector has its own name according to the erogenous zone. And it is possible to determine the presence of a particular vector or combination of vectors in a person, including through non-verbal communication. And not only to determine, but also to understand what qualities and properties a person possesses. What are his habits, desires, what is his sexuality.

Owners of the skin vector very often use a gesture - a raised index finger up or threateningly shake the index finger. In general, the movements of a person with a skin vector in a developed state are particularly accurate.

The gait is fast, in a crowd of people he will never collide with a passerby, he will skillfully maneuver, cutting corners, saving time and distance. He is athletic, flexible, fit. The owner of the skin vector in an undeveloped or poor condition is also visible. It is he who will drop everything on the go, will make many unnecessary movements, and in a stressful state will begin to flicker. It is better not to mess with such a person - he is late everywhere, brings confusion, does not keep his promises. Drumming fingers on the table or jerking his leg. Tendentious features of facial expressions of the kozhnik are thin pursed lips, an almost disappearing upper lip. He is distinguished by fast speech, short phrases. Can generally speak and write in abbreviations, abbreviate words. In a state of non-realization in his speech, we can hear the words “no” and “no” too often. Questions asked of him may be answered reluctantly, evasively, or with a question after a question. Nothing about himself, everything will be asked about others.

In his speech, we can hear rational questions: “Why do you need this? What it will bring to you?" Benefit-benefit is what drives such a person. Any action must be either beneficial to his personal health or beneficial to his well-being. The first question of the skinner: “How much does it cost? How much did you buy it for?" Economy is the species role of the owner of the skin vector. In an underdeveloped state, he saves everything for himself: time by cutting off the path to the bus stop, food in his own refrigerator, light in his apartment, words in conversation. The developed properties of the skin vector contribute to the fact that it begins to save for others. Designs bridges over rivers or airports, saving everyone time and space. That is why the words “benefit-benefit” are key, according to them we understand what kind of person is in front of us and what properties of the psyche he has.

famous anal vector

The main characteristic gesture of the representatives of the anal vector is rubbing the palms together or shaking the fist. The speech of such people is unhurried, very detailed and with a lot of details and details. It is not recommended to interrupt such a person, he will stop, look reproachfully at you and start his story again. "BUT" is a mandatory word in the speech of a person with an anal vector. In any barrel of honey, he is looking for a fly in the ointment. In a developed state, he becomes an expert in his field, bringing it to the ideal. Analyzes and brings to perfection, eliminating the slightest inaccuracies and shortcomings.

In this case, his “but” is a search for a fly in the ointment for improvement, for the ideal state of everything that the owner of the anal vector touches.

If a person with great delays in development and unrealized in his qualities and properties, then in his speech the words of the so-called "toilet vocabulary" will often sound. He will criticize and dirty everything. Favorite topic of conversation - "where are we going." He is prone to nostalgia: "before, the grass was greener, and people were better." Also, the marker of an anal person are the words: “only no offense”, “I didn’t offend you”, “just don’t be offended.” Resentment is a property of the psyche of only a person with an anal vector.

He is distrustful, and this distrust is manifested in the words "I know you" or "you will not fool me." Being a real man is very important for him, so he seeks to emphasize his masculinity by growing a mustache and beard. In the speech, he also emphasizes: “Well, I’m a man, a man said - a man did.”

The gait of such people cannot be called easy, they walk with a heavy gait, but always straight. If you have chosen the path, then you will not turn off it for anything. Will not maneuver among pedestrians. He goes straight, and he himself is a straight man.

People out of this world

Facial expressions, gestures, speech - their manifestation or absence in a person speaks volumes, helping to reveal the human psyche. The owners of the sound vector are people "not of this world." Deeply immersed in yourself, you can see it in your eyes.

They are in themselves and the gaze is turned inward, which is manifested by the absence of facial expressions. They prefer silence, and if they have to speak, the voice is barely audible, they need time to answer to switch from focusing on themselves, so after you ask questions, the answer will follow in a couple of seconds: “Huh? What? Are you talking to me?" They pause, sometimes the phrases are fragmentary, some were said, and some remained in the head. Sometimes you may notice that during a conversation they cover their eyes.

Very often in their speech there is a pronoun "I". Live communication may prefer communication via the Internet and instant messengers. You will recognize the owner of the sound vector by the keyword "silence". Knowing these features and having knowledge of system-vector psychology, you can easily say that the owner of the sound vector is an introvert and an absolute egocentric. He is busy with knowing himself, searching for the meaning of life and spiritual search. You will never meet him in a noisy company; he will always prefer silence and solitude to fun. Night is his time, but not for an unbridled party, but for silence and loneliness. The state of absolute comfort for the sound engineer is silence.

He is also the owner of an ideal musical ear. In life, the owner of the sound vector realizes himself as a musician, composer and opera singer, philosopher, theologian, poet, programmer, physicist.

The meaning of gestures and facial expressions of a human leader

Owners of the urethral vector can be found not so often. Even without knowledge of system-vector psychology, you will not forget meeting such a person. His behavior will forever remain in your memory. And the meaning of his gestures and facial expressions will retain a strong impression for a long time.

Gestures and movements are swift, wide, on a large scale. The owner of the urethral vector does not enter, but flies into the room. They say about such people: “It goes, and under it the asphalt melts.” A wide smile is almost always present on his face, a dynamic look. Open shirt on the chest. He is always hot - hot blooded. The reaction is always lightning fast.

Having noticed such vivid gestures and facial expressions, having systemic knowledge, you can characterize the mental and physical state. You will know how to behave with such a person and what to expect from him. Such a person from birth has inner freedom. It cannot be limited in any way. For him, there is no word “no”, there are no restrictions even where they should be. He is always on the rise in everything. Therefore, if alcohol or drugs appear in the life of the urethral, ​​then he becomes an inveterate drunkard or dies from an overdose. Pride is the inability to move backward, only forward. He does not know how to give up or lose, it is better to die. In addition, he does not recognize any authorities, he is an authority for himself. A brave man, a source of new ideas and a leader who unites the pack - these are just some of the characteristics of the urethral vector.

Facial expressions and gestures inherent in people with olfactory vector

The number of people with an olfactory vector is only 1%. We can say, a rare type of people. It is extremely difficult to spot him. He is unremarkable. When an olfactory person enters or leaves a room, no one notices how and when he did it. Turned away and he's gone. Turned around, and he stands and looks at you with a gaze. In clothes, he prefers gray, inconspicuous color. You won't see much gesture. Facial features are frozen, inexpressive. However, there is something in his appearance that distinguishes him from everyone. On the face, you can notice the displeased grimace "the face of an old maid." His gaze is attentive, penetrating, prickly, piercing and frightening.

The look of such a person on an unconscious level causes fear. Tendentiously, he has a large nose and a sloping chin. The speech of such a person is illegible, slurred, it is difficult to hear him, and everything he says will be ambiguous. The owner of the olfactory vector is not inclined to demonstrate both the joy of life and a bad mood. He unconsciously "feels" the state and thoughts of people, therefore, on his face is a mask of constant disgust.

People who can "speak" with their eyes

The owners of the visual vector are people whose facial expressions and gestures are very pronounced. The emotional amplitude is huge, and the whole palette of emotions is visible on their beautiful face. Large, wide-open eyes, framed by fluffy eyelashes. Eye to eye conversation is a common way of communication for them.

Even getting off the bus, tapping on the shoulder of the person in front, they will certainly try to look into the eyes, asking: “Man, are you getting out?” It is also said about the owners of the visual vector that they have "smart" eyes. A bright extrovert, demonstrative personality, it is difficult to imagine such a person without gestures and facial expressions. The speech of such a person is beautiful, literate, breathy.

Often uses the words “how beautiful”, “look”, “imagine”, “terrible”, “terribly beautiful”.

System-vector psychology makes it possible to see the inner content, that is, the human psyche, behind external manifestations. The owners of the visual vector are kind, sympathetic, empathetic, amorous. They have a well developed imagination. The most trainable and observant, not a single small detail escapes their attentive gaze. They also have conscientiousness and modesty. They say about them: "they make an elephant out of a fly." tend to exaggerate. They feel this way, with all their huge emotional amplitude they experience any situation. Here is a far from complete list of the qualities and properties of the human psyche with a visual vector.

Conclusion from all that has been said

Undoubtedly, when we read gestures and facial expressions of a person, non-verbal signals are of great importance. They give our communication a special color, make it lively and interesting. And if you have knowledge of system-vector psychology, seeing a complete picture of the mental state of others, anyone can learn perfect communication. With systemic knowledge, communication will become easy and predictable, as the person will be clear to you from the first words and gestures. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “Happiness is when you are understood.” After the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, you will easily understand people.

“... Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of becoming or being at least a little X-ray person, that is, to see people through and through, to know what is in their heads, what their state of health is, what they think, what they have done, what their true face and sexual preferences.

Sherlock Holmes, psychics, shamans, yogis, Don Juan Carlos Castaneda and other fictional X-ray people, with the example of their abilities of all-penetrating vision, beheaded hundreds of millions of people. Some only dreamed of becoming an X-ray person, others tried, and still others became.

I think that those who study the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan have every chance of becoming a person-rent. I spent about 90 hours on lectures online and I don’t regret it for a second…” May 29, 2018

To convey to others their feelings and thoughts, a person helps oral or written speech. In the first case, not only voice transmission of text is used, but also non-verbal means of communication, such as gestures or facial expressions. They enliven speech, giving it a more emotional coloring. The ability to correctly read non-verbal signals allows you to understand the true motives of the interlocutor, since it is facial expressions in communication that express a direct relationship to what is happening.

The value of facial expressions in human life

Non-verbal communication does not involve the use of speech, only sensory or bodily contacts: facial expressions, touch, gestures, glance. They help people reach mutual understanding at the level of emotions. Studies have found that only 35% of the information we transmit to each other through speech. The rest 65% is accounted for by non-verbal signals: body movements, gestures, gaze, facial expressions. They complement spoken phrases, enhancing their significance.

In fact, non-verbal means of communication are quite capable of replacing themselves. This is what happens to deaf-dumb people. For them, speechless communication through gestures and facial expressions is a common way of communicating with others. The same can be said about children who have not yet learned to speak. People use non-verbal communication techniques to establish communication links with representatives of the animal world.

The importance of facial expressions in the process of communication cannot be underestimated. Indeed, sometimes facial expressions, coupled with other non-verbal signals, carry more information about the feelings or mood of the interlocutor than words. People are used to being in control of what they say. However, non-verbal manifestations are difficult to hide. Many movements occur reflexively, before the emotion is evaluated by the brain. By learning to capture and interpret facial expressions and other non-verbal signals, you can understand not only what the interlocutor wants to say, but also what he is trying to hide.

Manifestations of feelings and emotions through non-verbal signals

Gestures, pantomime and facial expressions are means of communication that are related to optical-kinetic. This system of non-verbal signals includes appearance, voice timbre, hand or head movements, body position in space. The successful establishment of contact depends not only on what the interlocutor says, but also how confident his facial expressions, voice, look are. This is the reason for the interest in studying the meaning of non-verbal signals on the part of psychologists, businessmen and people who want to build a career.

What will the facial expression say?

The most important element of non-verbal communication is facial expressions. American psychologist Paul Ekman developed Facial Affect Scoring Technique, or FAST for short, which allows you to determine the emotional state of the patient visually. The professor suggested conditionally dividing a person's face into three zones:

  • forehead and eyes
  • nose and area around it,
  • mouth and chin.

According to the FAST methodology, the value of non-verbal facial expressions is considered only in the totality of changes in at least two of these areas. Such a simple analysis of a non-verbal signal makes it possible, for example, to distinguish a feigned smile from sincere joy.

There are six basic emotions that are most vividly expressed through facial expressions:

  • joy,
  • anger,
  • astonishment,
  • disgust,
  • horror,
  • sadness.

Involuntary or reflex facial expressions these are non-verbal manifestations that the person himself does not control. It is she who reflects the true emotional state.

We propose to consider the most significant non-verbal manifestations of feelings reflected in facial expressions, which are schematically shown in the picture:

  1. Emotion joy reflected in the area of ​​the forehead and mouth. The corners of the lips are raised, the teeth are parted. There are slight wrinkles around the eyes. Eyebrows are also slightly raised in relation to the bridge of the nose.
  2. The face of a person experiencing happiness, relaxed. This is expressed by half-closed upper eyelids, while the eyebrows are slightly raised, the look is radiant. The corners of the lips are drawn to the auricles.
  3. For surprise characterized by raised eyebrows, rounded eyes, slightly open mouth.
  4. Doubt expressed in a person's gaze shifted to the left. It is the left hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for analyzing the situation. The position of the lips resembles a sarcastic smirk, that is, only one edge of the lips is raised.
  5. Gloominess or despondency express lowered eyebrows and corners of the mouth. The look is dull, indifferent.
  6. The face of the frightened man is tense. Fear expressed in raised eyebrows, wide-open eyes. Teeth are partially visible through parted lips.
  7. Rounded eyes, parted mouth, raised eyebrows - this is how facial expressions express shock.
  8. A one-sided grin, a sideways glance, squinted eyes and a raised eyebrow - this is what it looks like mistrust.
  9. man's gaze, thinking about a problem, directed upwards. The corners of the lips are slightly lowered.
  10. Wide-open, recklessly shining eyes, raised "house" eyebrows and a parted mouth, express joy over came up with a brilliant idea.
  11. Man, self-satisfied, looks relaxed. His eyebrows and eyelids are lowered, and his lips are folded into a half smile.
  12. O insidious plans will tell the look with a squint, the raised outer corners of the eyebrows, the lips compressed into a thread, folding into a forced smile.
  13. cunning narrows his eyes, looks away. The left or right corner of his mouth rises.
  14. demonstrating determination, a man compresses his lips, tightly clenches his jaw, looks from under his brows. His pupils can narrow sharply, his gaze becomes menacing.
  15. embarrassed, people fix their eyes down, smile with closed lips so that one edge of the mouth rises. The inner tips of the eyebrows creep up.
  16. Resentment expressed in pursed lips, low lowered eyebrows and eyelids. The gaze is taken away from the interlocutor.
  17. Concentrated when thinking, most people move their eyebrows so that a crease forms on the bridge of the nose. At the same time, the gaze seems to be directed into itself, the chin is tense, the mouth is motionless.
  18. Uncertainty expressed in a slightly bewildered, wandering look, raised eyebrows. The corners of the lips are lowered.
  19. Expression daydreaming on the face is characterized by highly raised inner corners of the eyebrows. The gaze is directed upwards, the corners of the mouth are asymmetrical.
  20. Fatigue expressed in complete relaxation of the facial muscles, including the eyelids. The lips take on the shape of a horseshoe, with the tips pointing down.

To accurately determine the emotional state by facial expressions or by a combination of non-verbal signs, it is necessary to take into account such details as the direction of gaze, the state of the pupils. If a person experiences strong antipathy towards the interlocutor, he involuntarily squints. The liar averts his eyes to the side, he is betrayed by frequent blinking or, on the contrary, by an unblinking look. Insincerity is evidenced by the asymmetry of the face, too mobile facial expressions.


The interpretation of non-verbal behavior of people by facial expressions or gestures depends on many factors. These are the cultural traditions of the country, gender, age of the interlocutor, the situation in which it occurs. It is worth remembering that non-verbal gestures and facial expressions among the inhabitants of Europe or Asia are different. In addition, most adults have good control over their non-verbal reactions. To capture genuine emotions from the facial expressions that flashed across the face in a matter of fractions of a second, a certain skill, observation is required.

Facial expressions and gestures are the most important elements of communication. This is what is commonly referred to as non-verbal communication. These tools help to place the semantic accents of the conversation, enhance the emotionality and expressiveness of speech.

In addition, "body language" is often able to say much more about the speaker than the words themselves. Facial expressions and other non-verbal means of communication are poorly controlled by the speaker, so they can become a source of additional information about a person. About his intentions, emotional state, mood and attitude towards the interlocutor.

This article will help you understand the nuances of the psychology of facial expressions and gestures.

Contrary to what many people think, gesticulation is not just an "addition" to a conversation, not just a manifestation of individual or cultural habits. According to modern scientific research, gestures and other elements of non-verbal communication are one of the primary ways of communication between people. Some scholars generally believe that at some point in history it was one of the main means of communication.

These means of communication do not just accompany the conversation, they greatly influence its semantic content. Moreover, in such a way that the listener often does not even understand this, since such signals are read subconsciously. On the one hand, they greatly facilitate communication, because they help to place the necessary accents in the conversation, expressively highlight some elements of the conversation, and set the very modality of speech. On the other hand, they work effectively as a means of persuasion.

In addition, facial expressions and gestures can be a source of additional information or, in some situations, replace speech altogether.

Facial expressions and gestures in a person, from the point of view of psychology, perform the following functions:

  1. regulation. These are gestures that accompany imperative speech - orders, requests, etc.
  2. Representation of the internal emotional state of the speaker, his attitude towards the interlocutor and the very situation of the conversation.
  3. Spatial function - gestures indicate the spatial position of the speaker and interlocutor.
  4. . Gestures replace or supplement such language expressive means as metaphor, irony, hyperbole, etc.
  5. communicative function.
  6. The function of displaying speech actions. Gestures can illustrate an offer, a threat, a request. Not to be confused with the first paragraph. This function is connected precisely with the speech action of the subject of the dialogue.
  7. The function of describing the physical parameters of an object, its actions and properties.

Gestures, facial expressions and other elements of non-verbal communication have a strong connection with speech. We can say that they form a single communication system, which is designed to most effectively convey information and influence the interlocutor.

What part of the brain is responsible for gestures

The use of gestures and facial expressions is not only due to cultural characteristics. The source of this lies much deeper - in the very human psyche. Facial expressions and gestures, first of all,.

Human gestures and facial expressions are perceived and produced by different parts of the brain.

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for production. The same hemisphere allows a person to navigate in space, recognize voices, intonations, rhythm, music. The right hemisphere is responsible for specific subject thinking.

However, the same areas of the brain that are responsible for speech - the lower frontal gyrus and the posterior temporal region - help to perceive, decipher signals of gestures and facial expressions. In other words, the brain perceives a gesture as a symbol equivalent to a word.

What gestures can tell about a person

Gestures and facial expressions are an inexhaustible source of information about a person. Of course, this should not be taken as a universal way of obtaining information about the intentions or thoughts of the interlocutor, because you always need to take into account the individual context, the partner’s individual habits and the environment in which the conversation takes place.

Facial expressions can also speak of a purely physiological state of a person. However, there are some general behavioral patterns, the knowledge of which will help you navigate in a particular speech situation.

The face and eyes are rightfully considered the most expressive parts of the body when it comes to facial expressions.

  1. Direct gaze, long and continuous eye contact with the interlocutor, indicate interest, disposition for dialogue and a high level of trust.
  2. Covered and slightly lowered eyes - physical or emotional fatigue, passivity, disinterest.
  3. The squint is traditionally read as a sign of either increased attention, or as evidence of malicious intent, a negative attitude towards the interlocutor.
  4. A bowed head and a look from bottom to top are subconsciously perceived as a sign of aggression, readiness and desire to use force.
  5. A bowed head with a bent back, on the contrary, speaks of a desire to please.
  6. A "running", constantly evasive look signals the uncertainty or anxiety of the interlocutor. Or that the atmosphere of the conversation makes him uncomfortable.
  7. Side view - skepticism or distrust.
  8. Raised eyebrows, wide eyes and parted mouth - surprise.
  9. Small wrinkles around the eyes give out joy.
  10. Tightly compressed lips, furrowed eyebrows and dilated, as if "inflated" nostrils - anger.
  11. If a person wrinkles his nose, it is quite possible that he is disgusted. This instinctive reaction to a bad smell also works on a more symbolic level.

Head position

The position of the head itself can tell a lot:

  • Head at the level of the interlocutor - readiness for dialogue.
  • Slightly raised with a protruding chin - self-confidence, high self-esteem, arrogance, readiness for action.
  • Head, tilted to one side or lowered down - weakness, fatigue, willingness to compromise.

Hand gesture

  1. Involuntary manipulations with wardrobe items, foreign objects, or the face (rubbing the nose or earlobe) can indicate strong excitement, anxiety, that the interlocutor is waiting for something or is not sure of something. Such gestures, oddly enough, are designed precisely to hide excitement and stress, to distract the person himself from them.
  2. Open, raised palms - this gesture is used in a situation of explanation, persuasion. We can say that this is a kind of stop sign.
  3. Hands folded into a “lock”, covering certain parts of the body, hidden in a pocket - this often indicates uncertainty and alertness. A person unconsciously resorts to defensive gestures when they feel threatened.
  4. Hands behind the back are perceived as a signal of unwillingness to dialogue, a signal of timidity and doubt.
  5. If the arms hang freely along the body, this can be read as a symbol of passivity.
  6. Hands clenched into a fist are perceived as a sign of determination, aggression or concentration.

Shoulder gestures

  • A person is perceived as confident and determined when he freely moves his shoulders.
  • Signs of high self-esteem and a desire to act can be called a protruding chest with shoulders laid back.
  • On the contrary, the "hollowness" of the thoracic region is often interpreted exactly the opposite. As well as shoulders pressed to the head or “dropping out” forward.

Gait and posture

  1. A confident person has a straight posture and does not slouch.
  2. Although slouching can be, for example, a sign of an inactive, sedentary lifestyle, it is often interpreted psychologically.
  3. The gait is fast, with active hand gestures, giving out determination and a desire to act.
  4. A shuffling and slow gait is subconsciously associated with laziness and slowness.
  5. A straight, measured and wide gait speaks of openness and confidence.
  6. Small steps indicate caution, foresight and prudence.


Extremely rich and varied. Gestures and facial expressions make speech richer, more varied and richer in terms of expression.

Gesticulation for a person is natural and necessary. Even in those cultures where it is not customary to emphasize speech abundantly with facial expressions or movements, they play a big role. It is important to be able to "read" and decipher these more or less obvious signs.

It is equally important to be able to use them yourself. Appropriate, expressive and bright gestures, the correct look and posture will help build a dialogue as efficiently, effectively and convincingly as possible.

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However, parents are just so accustomed themselves. In childhood, they were taught to “grimacing” in front of a mirror. And parents were weaned by their parents ...

- So uncivilized! It's not supposed to be like that! You can not do it this way!

They even came up with a legend about Narcissus, who looked at his reflection for a long time and became a flower.

What determines the beauty of the face?

I am writing this article on my laptop, in a cafe, drinking my favorite coffee with milk ... At the next table, three girls are talking about something.

It was the observation of them that gave the idea for the article.

It seems to be beauties. But no.

Beautiful bodies. Wasp waist, emphasized chest. It can be seen that these girls are engaged in their bodies.

Maybe yoga, dancing, running, gym, I don't know. Plus, probably, diets are different. It can be seen - they work on the bodies, withram.

Wonderful hair, everyone has their own style. Their faces are covered with imperceptible traces of cosmetics, each trying to look good.

But I am sure that none of them is engaged in the development and change of their face.

One or two smiles on duty (for photographs) - that's the whole arsenal of facial expressions.

Each of them could become a beauty. Such a girl with whom I would like to sit in a cafe, over a cup of coffee.

Be enchanted... And fall in love...

And there is everything for this.

It remains to work on the face

Above the expression of the lips, eyes, eyebrows.

And if they worked on their face, not only with the help of cosmetics, they would be beauties.

But... Alas...

How are faces formed?

Those people who are often dissatisfied develop dissatisfied faces.

Sad faces are obtained from those who are most often sad. Closed faces, without emotions - in cautious, distrustful people. And funnyfaces appear in cheerful people.

It is important to constantly monitor your facial expression.

Always. Or as often as possible.

And do not allow discontent, disappointment, sadness. Even in the most ordinary situations.

When we drink tea in a cafe, for example.

And if allowed, then in this case, the face remains beautiful.

(Well, let it be ugly - as you wish!)

It is important to study your face in advance, how we talk, how we rejoice, wonder, admire.

Are we so offended?
Is this how we show dissatisfaction?

How are we offended? How do we express dissatisfaction?

And if we don’t like some emotion, we can change it, develop it, train it.

In this place, I often hear criticism. That, they say, this is dishonest, unnatural, not right. What, they say, to whom it is given, is given to those, and if it is not given, then it is not given! You can't learn it!

Usually, I don't insist or argue.

Yes, some people are more fortunate than others.

I know beauties who secretly spend hours in front of the mirror, studying themselves, their faces.

Experimenting. Trying new emotions. Charming yourself. Talking to yourself, imagining the interlocutors and their faces.

But no one admits it.

Why? Because it's very intimate. Just like having sex with yourself. Doesn't anyone admit this either? Right?

But if you see a wealth of emotions on your face, beautiful expressions of lips and eyes, this is most likely the result of training.

Smart girl!

It is clear that not only the face needs to be dealt with

Moreover, do not go to extremes, doing only facial expressions.

It is important to learn other skills as well.

Including oratory, of which I am a coach.

I personally know such beauties who work on their face.

I heard about it for the first time when I was a student, and I couldn't believe my own ears.

And then he bought himself a large mirror. - Guess what for? - And even skipped a lecture, stayed in the hostel so that no one would see me practicing my smile.

Then there were gestures. The ones I have now.

Actors, artists, fashion models are engaged in the development of facial expressions ...

Have you seen the wonderful film "Artist"? If not, be sure to check it out! Recommend. The film is without words, so everything is based on facial expressions, gestures, emotions.

Time will pass…

I think time will pass, and my article will become completely irrelevant.

The world of girls, and guys, will be engaged in training and developing their faces.

In the meantime, as they say: “Everything is in our hands”

Right now go to the mirror. Explore all your emotions!

All! And anger, and joy, and irritation - too!

And very important: speak in front of a mirror! Learn to be surprised, beautiful. Learn to express gratitude. Interest.

After all, a face in motion happens much more often than a static one.

Smile out of the corners of your eyes. Smile at the corners of your lips.

Learn to change your face and smile during a conversation.

Smile at the corners of your lips.
Smile out of the corners of your eyes.

And practice, practice, practice...

And further. About women's faces. If a woman wants to please men, then what kind of facial expression should she train? BUT?

Right. Men are attracted to faces that show the desire for sex. Such faces also need to be trained, if this is important.

What faces turn you off?

Fear and fright make faces such that you don’t want to approach them. This is a defensive reaction. Mask. And, it's a pity, it is with such persons that people most often meet.

Fear, fright, discontent disfigure our faces. And, if such a condition is not uncommon for a girl, it makes a reliable imprint on her face. And to make such a face beautiful will be more and more difficult.

Improving the character, we improve the appearance.

Our behavior and emotions are connected with our appearance, our face. The most frequent emotions form the character, and form our face. Therefore, the direct connection of our character with our faces. So be kind! Don't get irritable. By improving our character, we improve our appearance.

For eight years I led the club of practical psychology. We conducted many different classes and trainings, completely different. But there were also such classes aimed at inner and outer beauty, at harmony. And I saw how people “bloomed” and changed faces.

There is a wonderful poem on our theme of human faces.

About the beauty of human faces. Poet, Nikolay Zabolotsky , perfectly revealed the theme of the beauty of human faces. Comparing faces with the facades of houses is a wonderful metaphor, you must agree ...

On the beauty of human faces

Nikolay Zabolotsky

There are faces like magnificent portals
Where everywhere the great is seen in the small.
There are faces - the likeness of miserable shacks,
Where the liver is cooked and the abomasum gets wet.

Other cold, dead faces
Closed with bars, like a dungeon.
Others are like towers in which
Nobody lives and looks out the window.

But I once knew a small hut,
She was unsightly, not rich,
But from her window on me
The breath of a spring day flowed.

Truly the world is both great and wonderful!
There are faces - the likeness of jubilant songs.
From these, like the sun, shining notes
Compiled a song of heavenly heights.

There is another poem. Vladimir Vysotsky. It's the same theme, but presented in a different way. You can scroll through, if not interested, and read the article further.


Vladimir Vysotsky

Laughing sobbing among the crooked mirrors,
I must have been cleverly played:
Hooks of noses and grins to the ears -
Like a Venice carnival

What should I do? Run, hurry up?

Or maybe have fun with them?
I hope I - under the mask of animals
Many have human faces.

All in masks, wigs - all as one.
Who is fabulous, and who is literary.
My neighbor on the right is a sad harlequin,
Another executioner, and every third is a fool.

I enter into a round dance laughing,
But still, I feel uneasy with them, -
And suddenly someone the executioner's mask
Like it, and he won't take it off?

Suddenly the harlequin will forever be sad,
Admiring his own sad face?
What if the fool has his foolish appearance
So it will be forgotten on a normal face?

The ring closes around me
They grab me, they draw me into the dance.
Well, well, my usual face
Everyone else took it for a mask.

Firecrackers, confetti! But it's not like that...
And the masks look at me reproachfully.
They scream that I'm out of time again
That I step on the feet of partners.

Evil masks laugh at me
Merry - they start to get angry,
Hiding behind a mask, as if behind a wall,
Their human real faces.

I'm chasing after the muses,
But I won’t ask anyone to open up:
What if the masks are dropped, and there
All the same half-masks-half-face?

I still penetrated the secret of masks.
I am confident that my analysis is accurate:
And the mask of indifference in others -
Protection against spitting and slaps.

But if he was a scoundrel without a mask,
Wear it. And you? Everything is clear to you.
Why hide under someone else's face
When is yours truly beautiful?

How not to miss a good face
How honest to guess for sure me?
They decided to wear masks
So as not to break your face on the stones.

P.S. Last important addition.

Since you have already read the article up to this point, which I am very pleased with.

This unexpected observation (for myself) I made on the train. And I travel very often, work is like that.
Waking up early, I looked out the compartment window and at the beautiful sleeping girl opposite. It is, of course, indecent to look at girls when they are sleeping. But she was sleeping. She had wonderful breasts, under the T-shirt. Beautiful long hair. Correct facial features ... And a tired, dissatisfied face, and therefore not a beautiful face.

I sat and modeled in my mind, what will she be like when she wakes up?
Frozen discontent has already manifested itself in the wrinkles on his face. I thought that this girl often falls asleep like this. And that she could be much more beautiful than she is now. If only I smiled more. And smile before going to sleep.

Sleep takes up a third of our lives. Falling asleep - remember this article! Smile!