Mystical cave of skeletons. The mystery of the "skeleton cave" No need to joke with dark forces

The mystery of the death of the famous scientist David Waddle and his companions continues to excite the scientific world. A creepy cave with a pile of skeletons in the jungle of Thailand, near which the remains of travelers were found, became the cause of new victims, but never revealed its secret.

In search of the famous scientist David Waddle, who disappeared in the jungles of Thailand in 1992, the US National Association of Anthropologists sent a special expedition... .....

It was led by Perry Winston and Roy Clive, experienced researchers who spent more than one year in the wilds of Indochina. Following Waddle's route, they reached the jungle-covered hills northwest of the mouth of the River Kwai. Beyond the hills lay a damp lowland, bordered on one side by a river and on the other by swamps infested with snakes.

These places had a bad reputation among the surrounding residents. According to legend, in ancient times a tribe of cannibal sorcerers lived here. Local guides refused to accompany the expedition, and Winston and Clive with a group of assistants set off on a further journey at their own peril and risk.

The diary entries of the missing Waddle, made by him shortly before his last journey, contained references to this plain and to some cave located there, in which cannibals performed magical rites. This is what interested the anthropologist. Winston and Clive set out to find this cave, not without reason believing that Waddle and both of his companions could have died in its vicinity.

On the very first night, having set up camp on the plain, people heard strange sounds coming from the southwest. The sounds were like the fractional clanging of many hammers. Feeling involuntary fear, the travelers did not dare to head in that direction in the middle of the night, and in the morning, after walking several miles to the southwest, they discovered a cave. There was no doubt that it was Waddle who wrote about her. It was also clear that this was where the night sounds came from. But it was clear that no human foot had set foot here for many years; if those same sounds were made by people, then their traces would inevitably remain on the swampy soil.

Soon, the almost completely decomposed bodies of Waddle and his companions were found in the jungle surrounding the cave. They were recognized by scraps of clothing and equipment. An examination of the corpses showed that the anthropologists died a violent death: their chests and skulls were broken by some kind of blunt object. However, the killers did not take anything from the property. This led to the assumption that the people may have been killed by some powerful beast.

Upon entering the cave, the researchers found many human skeletons lying on the floor, leaning against the walls, even suspended from the walls and ceiling. People were amazed by the fact that the chests and skulls of the dead were broken in the same way as those of Waddle and his companions. However, it was obvious that most of the skeletons in the cave were of very ancient origin. This circumstance has puzzled researchers.

The camp was set up at some distance from the gloomy abode of the dead. And again, in the middle of the night, a split clang was heard - this time much closer. Now no one had any doubt that it was coming from the cave. With their weapons ready, the people spent a sleepless night. Only in the afternoon did Winston and several other people go to the cave. Everything here remained the same. There were no signs of anyone's overnight stay.

But an incredible surprise awaited them in the cave itself. A superficial glance at the skeletons was enough to confirm that most, if not all, of them had changed their positions. Just the day before they were sitting or lying completely differently! It was clear that someone had moved the dead at night. But for what purpose? Winston and another expedition member decided to stay near the cave for the night. Supplied with supplies of coffee and whiskey, armed with pistols, and carrying a movie camera that allowed them to film in the dark, they positioned themselves at the entrance. The rest returned to camp. At night, the same fractional sound was heard from the direction of the cave. Now no one doubted that only bones could knock like that. No one heard any other sounds - no shots, no screams.

The next morning, Clive discovered the mutilated corpses of Winston and his companion. They lay in a bloody puddle, their bodies were crushed in the most savage way, and their skulls were pierced with some kind of blunt object. This made such a terrible impression on the people that they, taking the corpses, immediately left this terrible plain. No one dared to look into the cave again, although one of the expedition members later said that, passing by the gaping black entrance, he nevertheless directed the beam of his flashlight at it. What he saw left him speechless. The beam snatched out part of one of the skeletons located in the cave. This man claimed that he saw fresh dried blood on the bones of an ancient skeleton!

According to one New York newspaper, the report on the expedition was never made public, which, apparently, was done under pressure from investigative authorities.

Skeleton Cave in Thailand is supposedly located northwest of the mouth of the Kwai River. Many mystical legends have been created about it, and the true existence of this mysterious formation is subject to great doubt.

People started talking about the cave in 1992 after the disappearance of American anthropologist David Waddle and his two companions in the Thai jungle. A special search expedition led by Clive and Winston was sent to search for these people. These were experienced anthropologists who knew the jungles of Thailand very well.

The expedition set off along the same route taken by the missing Vodl. Very soon the search party reached a hilly area covered with dense thickets. Just beyond the hills the valley began. On one side it was bordered by a river, and on the other by a swampy lowland infested with poisonous snakes.

Local residents avoided these places because they considered them cursed. Once upon a time, a tribe of cannibals lived on these lands. They were all sorcerers and brought a lot of evil to other people living nearby. Therefore, the guides categorically refused to go into the valley with a search expedition.

Even before his disappearance, David Waddle mentioned a mysterious area and a cave in which a tribe of cannibals performed magical rituals. The anthropologist wanted to find her and carefully examine her. He went to a mysterious place with two accompanying people and disappeared. Therefore, the task of the search engines was to find the cave. It was next to her that the lost Vodl and his comrades should have been.

After the first day of searching, the expedition set up camp in the valley. In the middle of the night, people woke up from a loud sound coming from the south. The sound was like a quiet drumbeat. The researchers experienced involuntary fear and were unable to sleep until the morning.

As soon as dawn broke, the group moved towards the sound that sounded at night. By lunchtime, not far from the swamp, people discovered a cave. The soil around was soft, but no human traces were observed on it. It seemed that no one had entered the dark mouth, surrounded by dense vegetation, for a long time.

After some time, 50 meters from the cave, members of the search team discovered three bodies. It was Wodl and his missing companions. The bodies were badly decomposed, but they were identified by their clothing and equipment.

The bodies clearly showed signs of violence. Someone killed people. The criminals smashed their skulls and chests with some blunt and heavy objects. However, the property remained untouched. One could assume that the researchers were attacked by some large and strong animal.

Anthropologists entered the cave and found a large number of human skeletons in it. They lay on the ground, were hung on the walls and from the ceiling. At first glance, it was clear that their age was estimated at centuries, and their skulls and chests were broken in exactly the same way as those of the corpses found near the cave.

The search party set up camp next to the cave. At midnight, a fractional sound was heard again, but much closer. It seemed as if it was coming straight from a dark mouth, behind which lay human bones.

In the morning, members of the expedition headed to the cave. There were no fresh tracks around her that could have appeared at night. However, in the cave itself, the poses of the skeletons changed noticeably. Last day their situation was somewhat different. It seemed as if someone had been dragging and hanging the dead at night.

Clive and another member of the group decided to stay near the dark mouth for the night. They took with them guns, hot coffee and a movie camera for night filming. The rest of the people returned to the camp.

At night, a sound resembling a quiet drumbeat was heard again. People were suddenly struck by the idea that bones could knock in the same way. However, no shots or screams were heard from the direction of the cave. And in the morning, Winston and the members of the group who remained with him discovered the corpses of Clive and his companion. The bodies lay in bloody puddles with broken skulls and crushed chests.

This sight made a terrible and painful impression on people. The expedition members took the bodies and left the valley. No one dared to look into the ominous dark mouth again. Only one person shone a flashlight into the darkness and saw one of the cave skeletons. Spots of fresh dried blood clearly appeared on his dark bones.

After this, the skeleton cave in Thailand acquired an even more sinister mystical component. However, few people believed the expedition members. They talked about the dead rising at night, but they never wrote an official report listing supernatural oddities. Common sense and fear of psychiatric examinations won. In the future, another expedition is planned to the mysterious dark mouth, behind which ominous mystical entities are hiding.

200 mysterious and enigmatic places on the planet Natalia Nikolaevna Kostina-Cassanelli

Skeleton Cave Fact or Fiction?

Skeleton Cave

Fact or fiction?

In the impenetrable tropical jungle of Thailand, there is a place shrouded in a dense shroud of mystery: this is the so-called Skeleton Cave. The cave was discovered only at the end of the twentieth century, but today there is no longer any doubt that it was used for magical rituals, and the remains found here belong to people whom ancient priests or shamans sacrificed to the gods.

The expedition sent to explore the Skeleton Cave by the US National Association of Anthropologists encountered considerable difficulties: before it, more than one group of scientists had disappeared in this area, infested with poisonous reptiles and bloodthirsty reptiles. In addition, the surrounding area of ​​the cave has long had a bad reputation: local residents still retell legends about a tribe of cannibals who also practiced something like a voodoo cult.

When scientists finally got to the cursed place, the first thing they discovered was the remains of our brothers. The previous expedition killed every single person, and all the people were killed in a similar way - their skulls were broken and their chests were crushed. The most mysterious thing was that the bodies showed no signs of struggle or signs of anyone’s presence.

When the scientists entered the cave, they were even more amazed: human skeletons were literally piled up in piles, and... all the dead were found to have similar injuries!

But the most mysterious thing was yet to come: at night, a strange noise was heard every now and then to the tent camp, similar to the rattling of many bones, which anthropologists mistook for the sounds of a night forest. Imagine their amazement when, upon entering the cave, they discovered that the skeletons... had changed their location!

There are many legends about the Cave of Skeletons, including that people who newly arrived here are killed... by the skeletons themselves. It’s hard to say which of all this is fiction and which is true, because no one else decided to explore the eerie cave to the end. It is not without reason that they say that the American anthropologists who fled here in panic were most frightened by the fact that the old skeletons in the cave were full of marks of fresh blood!

Scientists identified two specialists who were supposed to film the cave at night. However, in the morning their colleagues were found dead, and they were killed in the same terrible way...

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This mysterious Skeleton Cave in Thailand is located northwest of the mouth of the River Kwai.In 1992, scientist David Wodle disappeared in the forests of Thailand and the American Association of Anthropologists sent an expedition to search for him. Following the route of the missing scientist, the search party reached hills covered with dense vegetation. Behind the found hills there was a swampy plain teeming with various snakes, and on the other side there was a stormy river.

Skeleton Cave in Thailand - an anomalous place

Local residents considered this place to be bad. According to legend, in ancient times a tribe of cannibal sorcerers lived here. For this reason, local guides simply refused to accompany the expedition, and the search team set off on their own.

In Vodle's diary, members of the expedition found an entry he made shortly before the trip. He talked about a cave where a tribe of cannibals performed magical rituals and sacrifice ceremonies. Therefore, the search engines, not without reason, assumed that Vodl and his two companions went to the mentioned cave and could have died in its vicinity.

After spending the night near the hills, the group members heard strange sounds coming from the southwest side. These sounds were very reminiscent of the fractional knock of many hammers. The researchers felt a strong gripping fear, and they decided to wait until dawn to try to find the source of the unexplained noise.

When the sun rose, the travelers walked several miles and discovered a cave. This was the Skeleton Cave in Thailand that the missing scientist spoke about. In addition, members of the expedition suggested that it was from this place that night sounds were heard, although it was obvious that no one had been here for many years.

After exploring the area near the cave, the group discovered the bodies of the missing people, which were almost decomposed. An examination of the remains showed that they died a violent death. The skulls and chests were fractured by an unknown blunt object. Members of the expedition concluded that the dead were victims of an unknown beast, since the belongings of the dead were in place.

Anthropologists then decided to explore the cave. Upon entering, they saw a huge number of human skeletons: on the floor, leaning against the walls, suspended from the ceiling and walls. Having examined the skeletons, anthropologists were surprised: the chests and skulls were broken identically to those of Vodla and the members of his expedition. The camp was moved almost to the cave. As on the first night, the travelers again heard a strange knocking, but this time much closer. The sound came from the cave.

The next morning, several people from the search party went to the Skeleton Cave. Still no human traces were found near her. However, upon entering the cave, the expedition members did not believe their eyes. Almost all the skeletons changed their position. It was suggested that at night someone had dragged the remains of human bodies, but no one could explain the purpose of this.

The head of the expedition, Winston, and another participant in the search decided to spend the night near the cave. At night, the Skeleton Cave in Thailand began to make sounds again. It became clear that only bones could make such a knock. In the morning, anthropologists came to find out how the night had gone and discovered the mutilated corpses of Winston and his assistant. Their skulls were crushed using a blunt object and their chests were crushed.

The remaining members of the group were so frightened that, taking the dead, they left this ominous zone. However, no one dared to look into the cave.

However, one of the group members said that while passing by the dark entrance to the cave, he nevertheless pointed his flashlight there. What he saw brought him real horror. A beam of light snatched out part of the skeleton that was in the cave. Fresh dried blood was visible on the dead man's bones.

But the report on this expedition never saw the light of day, which, apparently, was explained by pressure from the investigative authorities.

In the near future, another group of researchers should go to the mysterious cave of skeletons, but perhaps the truth about what they saw will be strictly classified.

The Skeleton Cave in Thailand is an anomalous place!

This mysterious cave is located northwest of the mouth of the River Kwai.

In 1992, the famous scientist David Wodle disappeared in the jungles of Thailand and the US National Association of Anthropologists sent a special expedition to search for him. It was led by Perry Winston and Roy Clive, experienced explorers who spent several long years in the wilds of Indochina.

Following Vodla's route, they reached densely wooded hills overlooking a small river. These places were notorious among the residents of the surrounding villages. According to legend, in ancient times a tribe of cannibal sorcerers lived here. Local guides refused to accompany the expedition, so the team of Winston and Clive set off at their own risk.

In the diary of the missing Vodel there was an entry made by him shortly before his last journey, which mentions some cave where cannibals performed magical rites and sacrifice rituals. Winston and Clive, not without reason, believed that Waddle and his two companions headed towards this cave and could have died somewhere in its vicinity.

On the very first night, having set up camp, members of the expedition heard strange sounds coming to them from the southwest. The sounds were like the fractional knocking of many hammers. Feeling involuntary fear, the researchers decided to wait until dawn to try to find the source of the strange noise. In the morning, after walking several miles, they finally discovered the cave they were looking for. It is likely that this is where the strange night sounds came from. But it was clear that no human had set foot here for many years.

Soon, in the jungle surrounding the cave, the decomposed bodies of Vodel and his companions were found and recognized by scraps of clothing. An examination of the corpses showed that the anthropologists did not die a natural death: their chests and skulls were broken by some kind of blunt object. Strangely, the killers did not take anything from their property. This means that Wodl and his people were not killed for the purpose of robbery, but became the victim of some kind of beast.

Upon entering the cave, the researchers found many human skeletons lying on the floor, leaning against the walls, and even suspended from the walls and ceiling. The researchers were amazed that the chests and skulls of the dead were broken in exactly the same way as those of Vodel and the members of his expedition. This circumstance has puzzled researchers.

The camp was moved almost to the cave. And again in the middle of the night a loud knock was heard, this time much closer. It was coming from the cave. With their weapons ready, the people spent a sleepless night. Only the next day Winston and several other people went to the cave. There were still no traces of anyone's presence in its vicinity.

However, upon reaching the cave, the expedition could not believe its eyes. Most of the skeletons have changed their position. Just yesterday they were sitting and lying completely differently. A version was expressed that someone was dragging the dead at night, but the purpose of these actions remained unclear.

Winston and another expedition member decided to stay near the cave for the night. Supplied with supplies of coffee and whiskey, armed with pistols, and carrying a night movie camera, they took refuge at the very entrance of the cave, and the rest returned to the camp.

At night, the same fractional sound was heard from the direction of the cave. It became clear that only bones could knock like that. No one heard any other sounds - no shots, no screams.

The next morning, Clive discovered the mutilated corpses of Winston and his companion. They lay in a bloody puddle, their bodies were crushed, and their skulls were pierced with some kind of blunt object. This made such a terrible impression on the people that they, taking the corpses, immediately left this ominous plain.

No one dared to look into the cave again. Subsequently, one of the expedition members said that, while passing by the cave entrance gaping in darkness, he nevertheless directed the beam of his flashlight there. What he saw shocked him. The beam snatched out part of one skeleton located in the cave. The researcher claims that he saw fresh dried blood on his bones...