Young jolie. Facts about the turbulent youth of Angelina Jolie (15 photos). For many years I did not communicate with my father

Each decade has its own actress, who actually becomes a symbol of these years. A woman that other representatives of the fair sex are trying to equal, and men creep at her feet. The first decade of the XXI century is closely connected with the name of Angelina Jolie.

The peak of her career has already passed, but there is still a multi-million army of fans who idolize the actress. Angelina has not only a unique beauty, but a wayward character, she always loved and knew how to shock the audience.

The girl was born on June 4, 1975 in the family of actors Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand. Due to constant cheating, her parents divorced just a year after the birth of their daughter. After that, her mother took her with her brother to New York.

Already in childhood, Angelina was distinguished by a strange character, at the age of 9 she announced that she wanted to open a funeral home. Teachers considered her a sociopath, and she was forced to visit a psychotherapist. This did not stop her at the age of 6 from starring in her father's film Looking for a Way Out.

At the age of 11, she moved to her father in Hollywood, and at the age of 14, Jolie began working as a model for American and British agencies, starred in several videos. In 1989, Angelina has the first young man, with whom they lived together for two years in Voight's house.

According to rumors, the reason for their quarrel was the passion of the future actress with knives, or rather, she loved to cut herself. Once she even ended up in the hospital after cutting her carotid artery. At the same time, she is addicted to drugs and leads a free lifestyle.

At the age of 18, Jolie began acting professionally in films, the first work was the 1993 film Cyborg-2. After him, the actress ordered herself to the killer, so she did not like the result.

And in 1995, she starred in "Hackers", where she met her first husband, Jonny Lee Miller. The marriage quickly fell apart, however, the actors still communicate well, and they call their marriage a mistake of youth. At that time, she was credited with relationships with actor Timothy Hutton and actress Jenny Shimizu.

Her career is slowly taking off. Angelina constantly tries herself in different roles - from the sick wife of the governor to the hijacker. I must say, all the roles work out for her without difficulty.

She received her first awards for the film "Girl, Interrupted": "Oscar" and "Golden Globe" for the best supporting role. At that ceremony, she confessed her love for her brother, because rumors about their vicious connection crawled through the media for a long time.

The beginning of the new century was successful for the actress - real big roles rained down on her. So in 2001, she played in the debut film adaptation of the adventures of Lara Croft, which collected $ 280 million at the worldwide box office. And in 2000, she married a second time to Billy Bob Thornton.

But the marriage again did not work out, and three years later the couple divorced. Both had to remove the tattoos they got before the wedding. By the way, Angelina loves tattoos very much, only there are about 20 pieces on her hands, and each has its own meaning.

The peak of her career can be considered 2005, when she starred in the action melodrama Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which brought her worldwide fame, as well as Brad Pitt. Rumors about their romance began on the set, despite the fact that Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston at the time.

That same year, Pitt divorced his wife, ostensibly due to irresolvable differences. Since then, he and Jolie constantly came across the paparazzi, they even came up with the nickname Brangelina. The actors did not comment on their relationship.

Angelina adopted her first child back in 2002, taking a boy from an orphanage, so when she and Pitt adopted another girl together, it became clear to everyone: the couple was serious. And already in 2006, Jolie admitted that she was expecting a child from Brad.

On May 27, 2006, their first common child, daughter Shiloh, was born, and two years later, Jolie gave birth to twins, Knox and Vivienne. And only in 2012, the couple said that they were starting to think about the wedding, and even then because the children asked them about it.

On August 23, 2014, a long-awaited celebration took place. The wedding took place in their French estate Chateau Miraval. Angelina chose a wedding dress from Versace, and decorated the hem with drawings of her children.

But the third marriage did not become happy for the actress, already in 2016, all with the same magic wording - insoluble contradictions. It is not known what caused it, but there are different rumors - from Pitt's romance with Marion Cotillard to the depression of the actress herself. We'll find out in a couple of years in someone's really candid interview.

Today, Angelina is mostly focused on raising children, although she can be seen on the big screens from time to time. Even before the divorce, she was engaged in directing and, I must say, quite successfully. The acting career has been in decline for a long time, but we hope that all this is due to divorce and responsibility for children. Soon Jolie will again claim the highest awards.

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If you missed the important news, we remind you that very soon a nude photograph of Angelina Jolie will be put up for auction. It is expected that its cost will be at least 38 thousand dollars. You still have every chance to get a candid shot with your favorite actress. Of course, not otherwise than during one of the most famous Christie's auctions in the world.

But fans of the star can enjoy these photos of Angelina Jolie in her youth absolutely free of charge. The young actress with plump lips, expressive eyes and long dark curls looks just perfect. The only thing that has changed since then is that Jolie has become a real world celebrity.

It may be hard to believe, but Angelina Jolie in her youth had impressive forms, puffy arms and spicy roundness, which, unfortunately, she cannot boast of now. It is only interesting that the breast size of the actress has only increased over the years. The impeccable snow-white skin of a celebrity is also a thing of the past: now Jolie's body is decorated with numerous tattoos, the number of which is at least 13.

Angelina Jolie in her youth looked no less attractive than now

Already at the age of 16, Angelina had a sultry appearance and a piercing look that could drive any man crazy. In the future, the directors were able to discern in her the same inner look and fortitude that helped her become the owner of the Oscar.

Which has become one of the most anticipated events of the year. And today I want to tell you some interesting facts from the life of Angelina Jolie, who was not always a role model and had a very turbulent youth.

1. From the age of 14 she lived in a civil marriage

According to the actress, she received her first experience of family relationships ... almost in childhood: Angelina began to live in a civil marriage, as soon as she was 14 years old! Moreover, the initiative to settle the daughter's chosen one in her house came exclusively from the mother of the future star. A sad occasion made Angelina remember her turbulent youth - the actress gave an interview to the British Sun in memory of her mother Marcheline Bertrand, who died of cancer in 2007 at the age of 56. Talking exclusively about the bright moments of her childhood, Angie tried to explain what liberal views Marcheline adhered to and how democratic she was in raising her daughter. But, apparently, not quite well picked up an example to illustrate.
“One of my boyfriends lived with me at my mother's house when I was only 14,” Jolie admitted. “It was the smartest thing a mom could do because that way we didn't hang out in the park together.
Angelina said that it was a real civil marriage - she and her young partner had a stable, almost marital relationship for many months. The fact that Angie was still going to school at that time did not bother her mother at all:
“We lived as a married couple for two years,” recalls the actress, “When I turned 16, I wanted freedom, and then I focused on work.
After Jolie graduated from high school, she immediately began working and fully immersed herself in her career. As Angelina admits, after breaking up with her first common-law spouse, she did not meet with anyone for three years, until she tied the knot with her first official husband, actor Johnny Lee Miller.

2. For many years I did not communicate with my father

The father of actress Jon Voight learned about the wedding of Angelina and Brad ... from journalists. Angie did not communicate with her father for a long time: she was never able to forgive him for leaving her mother. Now the relationship with the parent of the Hollywood star is more or less stable, although Jolie admits that it was not easy to make contact.
- He communicates with children, they see each other. I think it's right. Each of us has our own life, but we made it a rule not to remember the past. When my mother passed away, I was the person who had to call him and tell him everything. I wanted to write a letter since we hadn't spoken in about six years, but I knew I had to call. We talked for two minutes. I called not to support him, but to convey information. So it was a very short communication, she says.
Between the Oscar-winning Hollywood actor and his equally famous daughter misunderstanding reigned for a long time after John in 2001 told in an interview about Angelina's "psychological problems" just before she was about to adopt her first child, Maddox. It was Brad who convinced his beloved to try to forget past feuds and allow grandfather to see his grandchildren.
- I've been waiting so long to hug my grandchildren! And these are the most beautiful and loving children of all whom you know, and I say this not because I am their grandfather, but because they really are! Voight later said in an interview. - I've been working all the time to get everything back. Angelina just herself felt that the right moment had come to bring me back into her life.

3. Stormy youth almost brought her to the grave

Angelina once admitted that in her youth she was completely crazy. The actress decided to talk about her turbulent youth in the Bob Simon show “60 Minutes”.
“I survived my worst, my darkest times, and I persevered. I didn't die young, and it's a great success - many artists could not bear what fell to my lot. There were many reasons why I should not be here now. I love risky ventures too much - walk on the edge, tempt fate - and often go too far, - the actress admitted.
According to the star, she often did the worst things in her life, but now it's over. Previously, the actress made outrageous statements, talking about her bisexuality, kissed her own brother, and wore a vial of blood from her then-husband Billy Bob Thornton around her neck. Now she likes to be just an exemplary wife.
- I'm still a "bad girl" - was and will be. This is a part of me. It's just that now I have Brad and ... our adventures, - Jolie assured a few years ago.

4. Gave an interview on television while “high”

Franklin Meyer, a man who has been Angelina's drug dealer for many years, burst into shocking details from the life of the actress in an interview with Life & Style magazine and spoke about her drug addiction. According to him, twelve years ago, Jolie was under the "coke" during a television interview with the famous TV presenter Charlie Rose. Meyer claimed that she bought cocaine from him before and after the show, and on the show itself, the actress was just “covered”. Therefore, she behaved extremely unnaturally, jumping from one topic to another. And when Angelina was asked about the roles of drug addicts in the cinema, Jolie answered with a blue eye that they had become "part of her." According to the dealer, he met the actress in a hotel in 1997, and she became his regular client. Angelina bought cocaine and heroin from him, and gave him about a hundred bucks at a time.
- She once said to me: "I think I would really like to adopt a child." I was shocked... Having just taken a dose, she talks about adoption!
In 1998, the actress spoke frankly about her addiction. But she emphasized that she had “tied up” for a long time. According to her, she tried everything: cocaine, heroin, LSD, weed, ecstasy. Marijuana, however, quickly got tired of her. The star did not like to feel stupid and laugh all the time.
- I remember taking LSD before going to Disneyland. I began to think of Mickey Mouse as a middle-aged man who hates life. Drugs are dangerous, I gave them up a long time ago,” Jolie said.
Later, the same drug dealer posted a shocking video showing Angelina during her period of heroin addiction.

5. Tried to commit suicide and drowned out suicidal thoughts with cuts

Star biographer Andrew Morton revealed some of the shocking facts from the actress's life, which are contained in his book Angelina Jolie: A Forbidden Biography. One of the episodes, unfavorable for the star, published by the writer is that Angelina tried to commit suicide. The actress even hired a special person to help her end her life.
“She had depression, suicidal thoughts, and she said she hired a hitman who was going to pay some kind of “contributions” for her future murder,” Morton said on the Fox & Friends television show.
He also said that the star cut herself, sticking a knife into different parts of the body.
She injured her neck, chest and thighs. For most of us, this is wildness, but it helped her to free herself,” he said.

6. I got stoned and posed naked

Drugs, a noose around the neck and completely naked Angelina Jolie: eight compromising pictures of the actress were published a few years ago by the American tabloid Star Magazine. In the midst of a promotional campaign for the new thriller "Salt", which Angie is presenting, dangling around the world, these racy photos were like a bombshell. Under the picture of the actress on the cover of the tabloid, the inscription flaunts: "A night that Angelina would like to forget."
A series of eight scandalous photographs of Angelina was taken in 1999 and has never been published before. In the black-and-white picture published on the cover of the tabloid, Angelina was filmed topless, with a joint in her teeth and a black belt around her neck - either a collar or a noose. According to the source who sold the footage to the magazine, the photos were taken during a 14-hour party with heroin and marijuana. In other pictures, 24-year-old Angie appears in an even more relaxed form. On one, the actress is completely naked, and only a black tape pasted crosswise covers her nipples. On the other - naked Angelina is sitting on the bed, and from the toilet items on her - only thongs and a cowboy hat resembling ribbons.

7. Seduced her mother's boyfriend

Another fact in the biography of the actress, disclosed by Andrew Morton: 16-year-old Angelina had a short but very stormy affair with her own mother's boyfriend. When Marcheline found out about this, she was terribly angry with Angie. This spat greatly cooled the relationship between mother and daughter and dragged on for many years. For many years, Jolie and her mother practically did not communicate.
- Marcheline lived with a man whom she loved very much. And Angelina seduced him when she was 16 years old - that is, barely finishing high school, - says the biographer, - Her mother, having learned about this, broke up with her boyfriend and was mortally offended by her daughter. When Angie shared what had happened with her brother, even James turned his back on her. Nobody else could trust her.
Only over time, having settled down and having children, Angelina was able to truly understand her mother and become very close to her. The mother of the actress died of cancer in 2007 at the age of 56. According to Angelina, she is still incredibly hard going through this loss.

8. Date women

In her early youth, Angelina had many fleeting relationships and many lovers. Despite the fact that Angie belonged to the golden Hollywood youth, her path to the heights of fame was not easy. The actress was ready for any, even the most scandalous experiments, just to gain a foothold on the screen. One of the star's early roles was in the film "Gia", which was filmed for American television in 1998. 24-year-old Angelina plays the main character in it Gia Maria Carangi - the famous supermodel of the 80s, who died of AIDS at 26 years old. Passing on the character of her eccentric prototype, Jolie had to participate in candid filming: she starred completely naked and played erotic scenes not only with men, but also with women. The film itself was a great success, and Angelina even received the most prestigious Golden Globe Award for it in the Best Actress nomination. In one of the film's most beautiful scenes, Angelina kisses another girl, played by actress Elizabeth Mitchell (she later played Julia in the cult series Lost). In the other, she boldly demonstrates her bare chest (mind you, without a gram of silicone). And finally, she poses completely naked in front of the cameras of photographers.
Jolie herself did not hide her bisexuality. Even before her affair with Brad Pitt in 2005, in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, she admitted that she did not like to share a bed with slender women:
“Ever since I started dating women, I know what it’s like to hug a stick,” says the actress. - Thinness is not what you need when you turn off the light.
In 2008, Angelina Jolie's former lover, 38-year-old Asian top model Jenny Shimizu, gave an interview to the British newspaper News of the World, in which she stated that the actress could leave Brad Pitt for a woman.
- Angelina is a wonderful lesbian lover. Despite the fact that she is expecting a child (as it turned out, two) from Brad, I doubt that she stopped dealing with women after me: it's like a drug, and she's addicted to it, Shimizu said. And more: “Angelina loves danger and loves adventure. She lives precisely this, and is not content with the role of an exemplary wife. She has a fabulous body. And her mouth delights me: she can do incredible things with her plump lips on every inch of skin.

In 1996, Angelina Jolie co-starred with her lover Jenny Shimizu in the film Foxfire. In 1998, Angie will repeat her experience of explicit filming with women in the film "Gia".

9 Ruined Uma Thurman's Family

Brad Pitt isn't the only married man in Angelina's boyfriend collection. A few years ago, it turned out that Angie was the reason for the divorce of Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke in 2004. A close relationship between them was born during the filming of the movie Taking Lives. When the Kill Bill star found out about her husband's infidelities, she broke up with him and soon filed for divorce. True, the passionate romance between Jolie and Hawke did not last long, as Angelina also found out that he was cheating on her too - with Canadian model Jen Pertsov. Ethan Hawke somehow opened up on the air of one of the American TV channels: in his interview, the actor said that Angie had turned his head with her innate sexuality.
“My best screen kiss was with Angelina Jolie,” he admitted. When her lips touch yours, you forget your name.
The idle reporter did not fail to ask about the details, namely, what is so unusual about Jolie's kiss - lips, tongue or something else.
Why is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart a genius? Hawke argues. - Angelina Jolie was born to drive men crazy, to make them weak.

10. Had an affair with Mick Jagger

The author of the book "Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: The True Story" Jenny Paul collected information bit by bit for six years, meticulously comparing facts and dates. Among those who supplied her with information was Angelina's close friend Texas Terry and her mother's ex-boyfriend Bill Day. Jenny Paul claims that Jolie had two hasty romances with Mick Jagger. The first was in 1997, when the young actress starred in the Rolling Stones video for the song "Anybody Seen My Baby?", and the rocker was still married to model Jerry Hall. The second - in 2003, then Angelina was married to British actor Jonny Lee Miller, and Jagger lived with his mistress Lauren Scott.
Angelina starred in the Rolling Stones video for the song "Anybody Seen My Baby?"

11. Mother forced Angelina to dye her hair from the age of four.

Angelina really suits her current hair color: it seems as if she has been a brown-haired woman all her life. And her experiments with her hair, when she suddenly turned from a goldilocks bleached with perhydrol into a burning brunette, are now perceived as mistakes of youth. But it turns out that Angelina's real hair color is light! As the actress admitted in an interview with the German magazine Das Neue, her mother forced her to dye her hair from ... 4 years old. According to Jolie, her mother Marcheline Bertrand decided to change her daughter's hair color because she did not like the shade of Angelina's curls. Since then, for 30 years, Angie has had to use paint.
- My real color is dark blond, - the actress said, - But when I was four or five years old, my mother dyed my hair dark and decided that it suits me more. And since then I've been doing it all the time.

12. Made a nose job

Biographer Jenny Paul claims that in her youth, Angelina did plastic surgery. Moreover, she did not operate on her lips, as many are sure, but on her nose, and also did laser correction on her eyes. But Angie's plump lips are by nature - it's enough to be convinced of this by looking at her childhood photos. Yes, and the daughter of Jolie and Pitt Shiloh, who looks like her mother like two drops of water, is also that sponge.

13. Awarded the title of the worst Hollywood mom

In 2012, Angelina Jolie, along with Christina Aguilera, was recognized as the worst celebrity mom in the world. The American weekly Star in its new issue has published a rating of the worst and best parents. According to the editors of the publication, the best mothers are Hollywood actresses Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Garner and Reese Witherspoon. In turn, Angelina received the shameful title of the worst mother because of the malnutrition of children and their bad manners. By the way, the Jolly-Pitt family has repeatedly said that their children love to eat at McDonald's, and they prefer Coca-Cola for breakfast.

14. Called sex on the side "common business"

According to the film star, she is not against diversity in relationships if both partners do not mind it.
- I doubt that fidelity is absolutely necessary for family relationships. It’s better to have sex on the side than to leave your partner and then pour mud on him,” Angelina opened up in an interview with Das Neue Magazine, “Neither Brad nor I ever claimed that living together means that we should become each other’s property. We take care never to limit the privacy of each of us.

Last: 15. As a child, she dreamed of being a funeral director

Angelina might well have gone into the funeral business if her career in Hollywood hadn't taken off. In one of the interviews, the star admitted that as a child she dreamed of becoming a funeral organizer, as she was shocked by the burial of her beloved grandfather.
- It sounds like something strange, eccentric and even dark, but after losing my grandfather, I was really very upset about how he was buried. When someone goes to another world, the family has to deal with funeral homes, which, in my opinion, should do everything differently, - the star admitted to the British tabloid Sun. - If my business with the cinema did not work out, I would go into the funeral business.

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