Young Hollywood mestizos with Native American roots. Bright representatives of mixing races and nationalities. Language families of Russia

Children from mixed marriages (mestizos) always turn out amazingly beautiful or at least incredibly cute. This is an indisputable fact. In Korea, if one of the parents is Korean, they call them "chagubya" and they are perceived as their own Koreans, but with the appearance of Europeans. Chagubya, as a rule, are very beautiful, and therefore they are not deprived of the attention of others. Well, more to the point… below we present to your attention the 16 most charming celebrities who are half Korean.

Christina Kay Williams, singer, actress and host, was born in Yokohama, Japan in 1986. Her mother is Korean and her father is American. Both her parents were talented musicians. Mom was a professional singer, and dad played musical instruments.

American actor, born in Los Angeles (one of the largest Korean diasporas lives there). Half Korean, half German-Scottish.

Half Korean and half Japanese. Simon is considered one of the sexiest idols in the K-POP industry.

French actor and model. Julien's father is Korean and her mother is French. He rose to prominence through his role in the sitcom High Kick Through the Roof and his appearances on Korean television.

His main profession is a model, but he also took part in the filming of Korean films. Popular in both America and Korea. His mother is Korean and his father is American.

Professional American and Korean actor and model. He starred in the film "X-Men" in the role of Zero. Daniel's dad is Irish-American and his mom is Korean (adopted by an American family after the Korean War).

Yun Mire (Tasha) is known as the queen of Korean hip hop. She was born in Texas in 1981. Yoon Mire's mother is Korean and her father is African-American.

British idol singer. At the age of 7, she took part in the musical 'Les Miserables', and in 2010, she performed on the popular Korean show 'Star King', where she impressed everyone with her vocal skills. Shannon is a former member of the Five Dolls and currently has a solo career. Her father is Welsh and her mother is Korean.

Sin Richard Duleik was born in Los Angeles in 1984. His mother is Korean and his father is British. Known for his role in Athena: Goddess of War.

Gained popularity thanks to the show "Law of the Jungle". Born and raised in Hawaii. Mom is Korean and dad is American. Many fans were disappointed when they found out that he is already married and has two children.

11. Mizuhara Kiko / Audrey Kiko Daniel

Professional Japanese model and actress. Mom is a Japanese citizen of Korean origin, and dad is American. Is the exclusive model of the Japanese fashion magazine "ViVi"

Gained popularity due to participation in the first season of "K-Pop Star". She signed a contract with YG Entertainment and became a member of the group SuPearls, but after two years of preparation, the group was disbanded and the contract with YG was canceled. Currently under LOEN Entertainment.

13. Gangnam (M.I.B)

Language families

Indo-European family

The Indo-European family is the most studied family of languages ​​with the largest number of speakers of these languages. This family includes English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Russian, Greek, Hindi, Bengali; and classical languages: Latin, Sanskrit, Persian.

Ural family

The languages ​​of this family are located in Europe ( Hungarian, Finnish) and Russia ( Mordovian). These languages ​​have a rather complicated structure of nouns.

Altai family

The language family extends from Europe ( Turkish) through Central Asia ( Uzbek), Mongolia ( Mongolian) to the Far East ( Korean, Japanese). The main distinguishing feature of these languages ​​is the harmony of vowels.

Sino-Tibetan family

An important family of Asian languages, which includes the most widely spoken language on Earth - Chinese (Putonghua). These languages ​​have features of monosyllables and tonality.

Malayo-Polynesian family

The family includes more than 1000 languages ​​that are common in the islands of the Indian Pacific Ocean, as well as in Southeast Asia. Among these languages Malay, Indonesian, Maori And Hawaiian.

Afro-Asian family

The languages ​​of North Africa and the Middle East are in this family. The main languages ​​are Arab And Hebrew.

caucasian family

The family is located in the Caucasus Mountains region between the Black and Caspian Seas. Georgian And Chechen - main languages. They are known for having a large number of consonant sounds.

Dravidian family

The languages ​​of southern India (as opposed to the Indo-European languages ​​of northern India). Tamil is the best known of these languages.

Austro-Asian family

This is a group of languages ​​located in Asia. They are found in the territory from eastern India to Vietnam. Among these languages ​​are Vietnamese And Khmer.

Niger-Congo family

This family includes many languages ​​of southern Africa and the Sahara. Common languages ​​include: Swahili, khosa, Shona And Zulu.

Present and future of languages

In 2003 in the world there were a total of approximately 6,809 languages.
90% of these languages ​​are spoken by less than 100,000 people. Over a million people speak 200-150 languages. There are languages, their approximate number is about 357, which are spoken by less than 50 people. On the tongue kambap(Central Cameroon) spoken by 30 people; in the language easy(in the Andes mountains in Bolivia) speaks about 20 people. Language Mati ke(in northern Australia) in 2003 was known by four people. About 46 languages ​​have one native speaker.
Unfortunately, with the development of mass communications (high-speed flights, radio, television, telephones, the Internet), many small languages ​​​​began to be under the threat of extinction. With their disappearance, the exceptional cultural way of perceiving the world around us will also disappear. Linguist Edwardsapir, wrote:
“There are no two such languages ​​that could adequately convey the same social reality in the same way. The words that various cultures put on reflect separate worlds, and not the same world with different labels.
Over the past 500 years, about 4.5% of the described languages ​​have disappeared from the face of the Earth. In North America, 52 out of 176 languages ​​have disappeared since 1600. In Australia, 31 out of 235 languages ​​have become extinct.
But even with all this, in some countries and regions one can observe a rich linguistic diversity. There are 52 languages ​​in Mexico. There are about 100 on the territory of the former USSR. Over 400 languages ​​are present in Nigeria. There are over 700 different languages ​​on the island of Papua New Guinea: in fact, every village has its own language. There are more than 800 languages ​​in India belonging to different families (Indo-European, Dravidian, Sino-Tibetan, Austro-Asiatic).

America's strength comes from its diversity, and some of this country's most prominent celebrities come from extraordinarily diverse national backgrounds - even if you didn't know it. So, take a peek into the melting pot of nations and trace the diverse family trees of these celebrities - and you might find that their history, talent, and beauty comes from different parts of this world, in this case, Asia.

14 Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods refers to his ethnicity as "Kavcherindziat", an acronym for a mix of Caucasian, Black, American Indian, and Asian.

13 Vanessa Hudgens

Disney Princess Vanessa Hudgens' father is Irish, but her mother was born in the Philippines and her ancestors include Filipinos, Chinese and Spaniards - great company!

12 Keanu Reeves

Keanu actually knows kung fu. Okay, aside from the Matrix joke, Keanu was born in Lebanon, but he is one-fourth Chinese, one-fourth Hawaiian and half English. Did we already say he's from Canada?

11 Rob Schneider

Rob Schneider's father may be Jewish, but his mother Pilar is of Filipina origin. Schneider is so proud of his Filipino heritage that he asked his mother to write a screenplay about her life in the Philippines so that one day he could direct her story.

10 Kristen Kreuk

Since her first appearance on Smallville, she has come to be regarded as one of the most beautiful women on television. What is her secret? It combines the heritage of the ancestors of the Danes, Chinese and Jamaicans.

9 Dwayne The Rock Johnson

The father of Dwayne Johnson, also known as "The Rock", is a black Nova Scotian (Canadian), and his mother is Samoan.

8 Enrique Iglesias

He may sing mostly in Spanish and be from Madrid, but Enrique Iglesias's mother, Maria Isabel Preisler Arrastia, is a Filipino by birth, born to a mestizo family in the Philippines.

7 Dean Cain

Born Dean George Tanaka - and this already clarifies something - the star of the series "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" has Japanese roots, inherited from his paternal grandfather, who was born in Japan.

6 Chad Michael Murray

Chad Michael Murray quickly became obsessed with most of the students during the TV series One Tree Hill - but most are unaware that this quintessentially American boy is actually a quarter Japanese.

5 Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars (born Peter Hernandez Jr.) was born in Hawaii to a Puerto Rican, Hungarian and Ukrainian father and a Filipino mother. We knew that these dance moves couldn't possibly be from here!

4 Naomi Campbell

Considered one of the world's most famous supermodels of all time, it's no surprise that Naomi Campbell combines Jamaican and Chinese ancestry.

3 Kirk Hammett

It may surprise you to know that the lead guitarist of the heavy metal rock band Metallica, Kirk Hammett, is half Irish, half Filipino.

2 Sharon Leal

Gorgeous actress Sharon Leal was born in Tucson, Arizona to a Filipina mother and an African-American father - here she is a dream girl.

1 Nicole Scherzinger

Often referred to as one of the sexiest female singers to grace the American scene, Pussycat Dolls lead singer Nicole Scherzinger was born in Hawaii to Filipino-Hawaiian-Russian parents.

Semitic branch - divided into subgroups: Akkadian, or northeastern (Akkadian); Canaan-Aramaic, or northwestern (Amarean, Hebrew or Canaanite, Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew and Assyrian); Arabic, or Central (Arabic and Maltese); Abyssinian, or southern (Minean, Sabaean, Ethiopian);

Egyptian (Ancient Egyptian, Coptic languages); Berber; Chadic; cushitic.

5. The Caucasian family of languages ​​combines three branches of languages:

West Caucasian (Abkhazian, Adyghe and Kabardino-Circassian);

East Caucasian (Circassian, Ingush, Avar, Lezgin languages);

South Caucasian (Georgian, Zan, Laz, Svaneti).

6. Altaic language family:

Turkic branch (Chuvash, Tatar, Bashkir, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Kumyk, Kazakh, Yakut, Turkmen, Turkish, Azerbaijani; dead Pecheneg, Polovtsian and Khazar);

Mongolian (Mongolian, Buryat, Kalmyk);

Tungus-Manchu (Nanai, Udege, Evenk).

7. The Sino-Tibetan family is divided into two branches:

eastern(Chinese, Dungan and Karen); western(Burmese, Tibetan, Kachin).

47. Typological classification of languages.

CLASSIFY (from the Greek “rank” + “do”) - distribute any objects into classes (departments, detachments) depending on their common features and regular connections between them. CL-CIA OF LANGUAGES is the determination of the place of each language among the languages ​​of the world.

TYPOLOGICAL (MORPHOLOGICAL) CLASSIFICATION OF LANGUAGES - a classification of languages ​​based on similarities and differences in morphological and grammatical structure, i.e. in the ways of forming the forms of individual words. regardless of genetic or territorial proximity.

According to these differences, languages ​​are usually divided into the following classes:

1. Root or isolating languages most languages ​​of the Southeast. Asia (China, Vietnam) They are characterized by: no word forms. The words don't change. The root word consists only of the root. Order and intonation play an important role (languages ​​of West Africa). Mao ra doi, doi vi ra tao (cats are afraid of dogs, dogs are not afraid of cats); grammatical the significance of the word order in the sentence (Chinese word "hao" m/b different parts of speech and have different meanings "hao zhen" a good person, "zhen hao" a person loves me)

2. Affixing languages affixes play an important role in the grammatical structure, the connection between words is more grammatical, affixes have morphogenesis

1) agglutinative languages, the formation of grammatical forms and derivative words in languages ​​by attaching affixes that have grammatical meanings to the root or to the base of the word. Affixes are unambiguous, that is, each of them expresses only one grammatical meaning, and the same affix always serves for a given meaning. Affixes follow each other, do not merge with roots or other affixes, and their boundaries are distinct. The vowels of affixes may undergo phonetic changes depending on the sound composition of the stem (see vowel harmony), consonants at the junctions of morphemes may also change, but all these changes are subject to purely phonetic patterns characteristic of a given language. This is observed, for example, in most Altaic and Finno-Ugric languages: ish- business, work -chi- derivational affix ( ishchi- "worker"), -ler, -imiz, -den- (plural), belonging (1st person plural) and case (original case). Features: each morpheme almost always has one meaning. Morphemes can be used in all parts of speech.

Example: bash - head. I.p., units h.

Turkish bashlar - head, pl., im.p.

Bashtyn - r.p., singular

Bashlartyn - r.p., pl.

2) inflectional(from lat. flectivus"flexible") - a device of a synthetic type of language, in which inflection dominates with the help of inflections - formants that combine several meanings at once. The inflectional structure is the opposite of the agglutinative one, in which each formant carries only one meaning. Classical examples of inflectional languages ​​are Latin, German, Russian. with help endings including zero ones (home - at home, walked - walked); with help internal inflection- grammatically significant change in the phonemic composition of the root (English) foot - feet "foot - feet"; mouse - mice mouse - mice").

3. Incorporating, or polysynthetic, e.g. Chukchi-Kamchatka, pl. languages ​​of the Indians. America. Many languages ​​of the peoples of the North (Chukchi, Koryak, Kamchadal, etc.), American Indians. A sign of the morphological structure of the word in these languages ​​is its incompleteness, "incompleteness": the word acquires a peculiar structure only as part of a sentence. You/mine/yvalya/mna/rkyn (I sharpen a big knife).

There is not a single language that would purely belong to one type of classification, for example, Russian. Refers to inflectional, but there are elements of agglutination (read, read-a, read-and in which suf –l- conveys the meaning of the past tense, and gender and number are expressed by inflections)

Typological classification criterion- the structure of the language is analytical and synthetic ACCORDING TO SCHLEICHER. Analytical structure involves a wider use of service words, phonetic means and word order to form word forms, phrases and sentences. The languages ​​of the analytical system are English, French, Italian, Spanish, Persian, Bulgarian and some other Indo-European languages. Synthetic tuning characterized by the fact that along with the use of service words, word order and intonation, a large role belongs to the forms of words formed with the help of affixes - inflections and formative suffixes and prefixes. The languages ​​of the synthetic system are Russian, Polish, Lithuanian and most other Indo-European languages; all ancient written Indo-European languages ​​were synthetic, for example, Latin, Greek, Gothic.

In its pure form, analyticism and synthetism are not represented in more than one language of the world, each has elements of both.

H. Steinthal divided all languages ​​into languages ​​with a form and languages ​​without a form, and the form should be understood as both the form of the word and the form of the sentence. Steinthal called languages ​​with no inflection as joining languages: without a form - the languages ​​of Indochina, with a form - Chinese. Steinthal defined languages ​​with the presence of inflection as modifying, without form: 1) through repetition and prefixes - Polynesian, 2) through suffixes - Turkic, Mongolian, Finno-Ugric, 3) through incorporation - Indian; and modifying, with the form: 1) through the addition of elements - the Egyptian language, 2) through internal inflection - Semitic languages ​​and 3) through "true suffixes" - Indo-European languages.

F.N. Fink (1909) based his classification on the principle of constructing a sentence and the nature of the links between the members of the sentence. As a result, Fink shows eight types: 1) Chinese, 2) Greenlandic, 3) Subiya, 4) Turkish, 5) Samoan (and other Polynesian languages), 6) Arabic (and other Semitic languages), 7) Greek (and other Indo-European languages). languages) and 8) Georgian.

In a typological study, two tasks must be distinguished: 1) the creation of a general typology of the languages ​​of the world, united in certain groups, for which one descriptive method is not enough, but the use of a comparative historical method is also necessary; 2) a typological description of individual languages, including their individual features, distinguishing regular and irregular phenomena, which, of course, must also be structural.

There are a large number of language families and a wide variety of languages ​​in the world. There are more than 6,000 of the latter on the planet. Most of them belong to the largest language families in the world, which are distinguished by lexical and grammatical composition, kinship of origin and by the common geographical location of their speakers. However, it should be noted that community of residence is not always an integral factor.

In turn, the language families of the world are divided into groups. They are distinguished in a similar way. There are also languages ​​that do not belong to any of the selected families, as well as the so-called isolated languages. It is also customary for scientists to single out macrofamilies, i.e. groups of language families.

Indo-European family

The most fully studied is the Indo-European language family. It has been isolated since ancient times. However, relatively recently, work began on the study of the Proto-Indo-European language.

The Indo-European language family consists of groups of languages ​​whose speakers live in vast areas of Europe and Asia. So, the German group belongs to them. Its main languages ​​are English and German. Also a large group is Romance, which includes French, Spanish, Italian and other languages. In addition, Eastern European peoples who speak languages ​​of the Slavic group also belong to the Indo-European family. This is Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian, etc.

This language family is not the largest in terms of the number of languages ​​included in it. However, these languages ​​are spoken by almost half of the world's population.

Afro-Asian family

The languages ​​that represent the Afro-Asiatic language family are used by more than a quarter of a million people. It includes Arabic, Egyptian, Hebrew, and many others, including extinct languages.

This family is usually divided into five (six) branches. This includes the Semitic branch, Egyptian, Chadian, Cushite, Berber-Libyan and Omot. In general, the Afro-Asiatic family includes more than 300 languages ​​of the African continent and parts of Asia.

However, this family is not the only one on the continent. In large numbers, especially to the south, there are other languages ​​​​in Africa that are not related to it. There are at least 500 of them. Almost all of them were not presented in writing until the 20th century. and used only orally. Some of them are still exclusively oral.

Nilo-Saharan family

The language families of Africa also include the Nilo-Saharan family. The Nilo-Saharan languages ​​are represented by six language families. One of them is songhai-zarma. The languages ​​and dialects of another - the Saharan family - are common in Central Sudan. There is also a family of mamba, whose carriers inhabit Chad. Another family, Fur, is also common in Sudan.

The most complex is the Shari-Nile language family. It, in turn, is divided into four branches, which consist of language groups. The last family - coma - is common in Ethiopia and Sudan.

The language families represented by the Nilo-Saharan macrofamily have significant differences among themselves. Accordingly, they present a great challenge for linguistic researchers. The languages ​​of this macrofamily were greatly influenced by the Afro-Asiatic macrofamily.

Sino-Tibetan family

The Sino-Tibetan language family has over a million native speakers of its languages. First of all, this became possible due to the large number of the Chinese population speaking Chinese, which is part of one of the branches of this language family. In addition to it, this branch includes the Dungan language. It is they who form a separate branch (Chinese) in the Sino-Tibetan family.

Another branch includes more than three hundred languages, which are distinguished as the Tibeto-Burmese branch. There are approximately 60 million native speakers of its languages.

Unlike Chinese, Burmese and Tibetan, most of the languages ​​of the Sino-Tibetan family do not have a written tradition and are passed down from generation to generation exclusively orally. Despite the fact that this family has been studied deeply and for a long time, it still remains insufficiently studied and hides many secrets that have not yet been revealed.

North and South American languages

At present, as is known, the vast majority of North and South American languages ​​belong to the Indo-European or Romance families. Settling the New World, European colonists brought with them their own languages. However, the dialects of the indigenous population of the American continent did not disappear altogether. Many monks and missionaries who came from Europe to America recorded and systematized the languages ​​and dialects of the local population.

Thus, the languages ​​of the North American continent north of present-day Mexico were represented in the form of 25 language families. In the future, some experts have revised this division. Unfortunately, South America has not been studied as well in terms of language.

Language families of Russia

All the peoples of Russia speak languages ​​belonging to 14 language families. In total, there are 150 different languages ​​and dialects in Russia. The basis of the country's linguistic wealth is made up of four main language families: Indo-European, North Caucasian, Altai, Ural. At the same time, most of the country's population speaks languages ​​\u200b\u200bthat belong to the Indo-European family. This part makes up 87 percent of the total population of Russia. Moreover, the Slavic group occupies 85 percent. It includes Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian, which make up the East Slavic group. These languages ​​are very close to each other. Their carriers can almost easily understand each other. This is especially true for the Belarusian and Russian languages.

Altaic language family

The Altaic language family consists of the Turkic, Tungus-Manchurian and Mongolian language groups. The difference in the number of representatives of their carriers in the country is great. For example, Mongolian is represented in Russia exclusively by Buryats and Kalmyks. But the Turkic group includes several dozen languages. Among them are Khakass, Chuvash, Nogai, Bashkir, Azerbaijani, Yakut and many others.

The group of Tungus-Manchurian languages ​​includes Nanai, Udege, Even and others. This group is under the threat of extinction due to the preference of their native peoples to use Russian on the one hand, and Chinese on the other. Despite the extensive and long study of the Altaic language family, it is extremely difficult for specialists to decide on the reproduction of the Altaic parent language. This is due to the large number of borrowings of its speakers from other languages ​​due to close contact with their representatives.

Ural family

The Uralic languages ​​are represented by two large families - Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic. The first of them includes Karelians, Mari, Komi, Udmurts, Mordovians and others. The languages ​​of the second family are spoken by Enets, Nenets, Selkups, Nganasans. The carriers of the Ural macrofamily are to a large extent Hungarians (more than 50 percent) and Finns (20 percent).

The name of this family comes from the name of the Ural Range, where it is believed that the formation of the Ural proto-language took place. The languages ​​of the Uralic family had some influence on their neighboring Slavic and Baltic languages. In total, there are more than twenty languages ​​of the Uralic family both in Russia and abroad.

North Caucasian family

The languages ​​of the peoples of the North Caucasus represent a huge difficulty for linguists in terms of their structuring and study. In itself, the concept of a North Caucasian family is rather arbitrary. The fact is that the languages ​​of the local population are too little studied. However, thanks to the painstaking and deep work of many linguists studying this issue, it became clear how fragmented and complex many of the North Caucasian dialects are.

The difficulties relate not only to the actual grammar, structure and rules of the language, for example, as in the Tabasaran language - one of the most difficult languages ​​on the planet, but also to pronunciation, which is sometimes simply inaccessible to people who do not speak these languages.

A significant obstacle for specialists studying them is the inaccessibility of many mountainous regions of the Caucasus. However, this language family, despite all the contradictions, is usually divided into two groups - Nakh-Dagestan and Abkhaz-Adyghe.

Representatives of the first group inhabit mainly the regions of Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia. These include Avars, Lezgins, Laks, Dargins, Chechens, Ingush, etc. The second group consists of representatives of kindred peoples - Kabardians, Circassians, Adyghes, Abkhazians, etc.

Other language families

The language families of the peoples of Russia are by no means always extensive, uniting many languages ​​into one family. Many of them are very small and some are even isolated. Such nationalities primarily live in Siberia and the Far East. So, the Chukchi-Kamchatka family unites the Chukchi, Itelmens, and Koryaks. The Aleuts and Eskimos speak Aleut-Eskimo.

A large number of nationalities scattered over the vast territory of Russia, being extremely few in number (several thousand people or even less), have their own languages, which are not included in any known language family. As, for example, the Nivkhs inhabiting the banks of the Amur and Sakhalin, and the Kets, located near the Yenisei.

However, the problem of linguistic extinction in the country continues to threaten the cultural and linguistic diversity of Russia. Not only individual languages, but also entire language families are under the threat of extinction.