Can a bachelor serve in a scientific company? Scientific company. Tasks of the scientific company

Among the 135 thousand recruits who, by presidential decree, will be sent into military service in the next three and a half months, there will be several hundred especially privileged soldiers. These volunteer conscripts, selected through a competition, will be assigned to special units of the Armed Forces - scientific, production and sports companies.

It's great luck to get there. After all, selection for scientific companies begins long before the presidential conscription decree. To do this, officers are sent to the country's leading technical universities and military registration and enlistment offices, where they select the most gifted students, and after studying their profiles and personal conversations, they offer graduates "scientific" service. Many agree - anything is better than crawling on your belly around the training ground or sweeping the parade ground from morning to evening.

Over the six years that scientific companies have existed in the Russian Army, more than 2 thousand young people have served there. Every fifth person chose to remain in the ranks after military service - but in the status of an officer. Approximately the same number of former scientific soldiers now work in the defense industry as civilian specialists.

More than three hundred more university graduates will have a chance to make their own destiny this spring and summer. They are expected in 16 scientific companies, including in the military innovation technopolis "ERA", located in Anapa, where four units will be staffed with new recruits.

Service at a resort, and even by profession - most conscripts can only dream about this. Recruits of scientific companies (they are also called operators) will be placed in the ERE, two people per room. Each room is equipped with working and sleeping places and a bathroom.

In addition to design departments, a data processing center with super-powerful computers and open areas for experimental research, the military technopolis has a sports and fitness complex with a swimming pool and a gym. In short, there are all conditions not only for full-time work and service, but also for recreation.

Operators of scientific companies who were selected for this spring are scholarship holders of the President of the Russian Federation for excellence in studies and contribution to scientific activity, authors of scientific publications and holders of intellectual property. In general, almost every young man of military age who has passed a competitive selection and has an average score in specialized subjects of at least 4.5 can serve in ERE. According to the General Staff, in June 2019 the number of scientific companies in the ERA technopolis will increase to five.

Last year, for the first time, conscripts were selected for research and production companies. The opportunity to serve, as they say, without leaving work, was given to two dozen smart guys with an engineering degree from Tula. They were allowed to be based and undergo military training three days a week in the local 106th Airborne Division. And the rest of the time they worked at Tula defense enterprises, including the Instrument Design Bureau named after Academician Shipunov and the Splav Research and Production Association. For those who don’t know, modern missile and gun systems “Pantsir-S” and multiple launch rocket systems “Grad”, “Uragan” and “Smerch” are being developed and produced there.

Last fall, 109 conscripts were assigned to four research and production companies. Moreover, two units were recruited for the first time - in the interests of Sevmash in Severodvinsk and the Yantar Baltic Shipyard in Kaliningrad. Recruits will be recruited into these units this year as well. So, young Kulibins, go for it!

As for sports companies, there are also four of them in the Armed Forces; currently 370 soldiers serve there. They plan to form the fifth company by December. In April - July, more than 190 people will be recruited to these units. The minimum requirement for applicants is to be a candidate for the Russian national Olympic sports team.

My service in the 10th scientific company of the VA MTO

Hi all!

Now is the time when many graduates of Russian universities are concerned about the issue of military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They are faced with questions about how to serve in the most productive way and not lose the skills and knowledge acquired while studying at their university. Since 2014, for citizens who have received a higher education document with an average grade point score of at least 4.3 and have various scientific achievements, the opportunity has become available to serve in scientific companies.

Today, there are 14 scientific and research-production companies in which young people who meet the high requirements of the Ministry of Defense can serve.

In June 2016, I received my master's degree in "Information systems and technology"at the National Research Technological University MISiS.

On July 1, according to tradition, a wonderful concert “Graduate Day” was held, and on July 7 I was drafted into the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces.

Spring call...

Back in early 2016, I decided to serve in the army. At that time, I was writing my master’s final qualifying thesis, had an internship at a consulting company and was thinking about looking for a new job. One day, while walking through one of the buildings of my university, I noticed an announcement about the beginning of accepting documents for one of the Moscow scientific companies. I was skeptical about this proposal, but after thinking it over a little, a week later I was already present at a meeting with representatives of the scientific company of the Higher Qualification Union. Then I learned that scientific companies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are designed to perform specific scientific and applied tasks and are located on the basis of research institutions and higher military educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Upon completion of conscription military service in a scientific company, a person who has expressed a desire to continue research activities in institutions of the Ministry of Defense is concluded the first contract for military service, and the first officer military rank is awarded "lieutenant". This meeting inspired me greatly, and I began to look for more information about these junior officer training companies.

In order to be selected for a scientific company, you need to submit an application and a set of documents before the start of the draft; the deadline is the end of February and September, corresponding to the spring and autumn drafts.

There are more than ten companies in total, each of which is unique in its own way and focused on a specific branch and type of troops, for example, there is a company of the Aerospace Forces (VVS) in Voronezh, the RKhBZ in Kostroma, the ground forces in Moscow, the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Khimki , signal troops, logistics, military medical service in St. Petersburg, etc.

I managed to submit my application in mid-February and already in April received confirmation of successful selection into Military Academy of Logistics and Technical Support named after Army General A.V. Khruleva. At the end of May, the military commissar personally called me and invited me to a medical examination, I passed it relatively quickly, because, as a volunteer, the head physician ordered me to be admitted without queues.

My classmate chose the scientific company of the aerospace forces, located in the suburbs of Moscow, I did not compete with him, so I chose and do not regret the Academy of Logistics and Transport (now called VA MTO), which is located in the historical center of St. Petersburg next to the Tauride Palace, where the most important historical events took place exactly 100 years ago.

It feels like it was yesterday...

The summons to the military registration and enlistment office was at 7-00, I arrived in Moscow by an early train and went to my Danilovsky military registration and enlistment office, and then to the city assembly point, where more than a hundred conscripts were waiting to be sent.

My classmate Sanya Rezov is an operator of a scientific company of the Aerospace Forces, who reported to the Minister of Defense at the national defense center about his developments

An officer from a research institute specially came to pick us up from St. Petersburg, and as it turns out later, from my department. That day I met my first colleague, friend and comrade, and now a lieutenant of the Railways, Roman Sergeevich Boldyrev.

with future lieutenant Roma Boldyrev

We spent the night at the recruiting station, where the best places were allocated to future operators of scientific companies. The next day, we were solemnly escorted from the Moscow military registration and enlistment office with the presentation of memorable gifts, with instructions from veterans and public organizations.


The young fighter’s course took place in the training base of our academy, which extends along the Gulf of Finland. Previously, there was Fort Ino, one of the main fortifications that protected St. Petersburg from sea and land. Applicants from various academy institutes took the initial military training course with us.

Every week there were military relay races, sports competitions, formation review and song competitions. KVN also held concerts.

our video for KVN

We competed with 18-year-old boys, although there were no candidates or masters of sports in our ranks, we took first and prize places in a bitter struggle. If we still sang well and took places, then the relay was not easy for us. There are only 32 of us soldiers, 4 of them are in uniform, about 3-4 have been released from the medical unit, we were saved by a sergeant, deputy platoon commander, who participated in the relay race along with us. I remember it was a rainy day, in the morning they sang the song poorly, they marched in a solemn march with a joint - the heel of the man at the back came off. Consequently, we did not receive the cakes that are awarded for victory, there was only one thing left - this was victory in the military relay race dedicated to the day of the military builder, the professional holiday of the cadets of the Military Institute of Engineering and Technology. At that moment, each of us gave our all 100%, even the weather helped us in that fight, when the time came for our start, the sky above the training ground became bright, the clouds cleared and the sun came out for just 10 minutes, we didn’t need anything more. We won the battle and took second place based on the results, which is, of course, an achievement for us, because we defeated 18-20 year old applicants, some of whom completed military service, and the second part was diligently preparing for admission.

We studied in military science, went to lectures and practical seminars on tactics, chemical warfare, military medical training, etc. There were so many classes that it began to seem to me that I had entered the third higher education, but in the military, because we were always in formation and with automatic weapons at shoulder

The scientific company does not smoke....
By law, smoking is prohibited on the territory of educational institutions; this law also applies to military institutions. We were not only forbidden to smoke, but also to go to Chipok for sweets, not to mention the store in a military town. Walking alone or in a group without permission was strictly prohibited. Then we were really afraid of getting caught by a sergeant or officer. Now remembering this, a smile appears. Where we stored food, how we tried to hide our phones, how in the evening the hefty Marat called me near the dryer and handed me a kazinak with the words: “Tema, eat, quickly.” How we had a feast during Parents' Day, how we "lost" the replacement fund after washing, how we picked blueberries and looked for apple trees, how we dug trenches and gained heights.

At the end of the initial military training, we had a field trip and shooting. Of course, we will remember this month and a half for the rest of our lives and only on the positive side.

Why in raincoats? No, not RCBZ training, it just started raining heavily and we put on a raincoat in our sleeves

This period brought us together greatly, it was then that we became a real team and at the end of August we were sworn in to the Military Oath. The head of the Military Academy of MTO, Lieutenant General A.V. Toporov, came to swear in and personally present the distinctive badges of the operators of the scientific company. and head of the Research Institute.

A short video with the participation of call operators in autumn 2015 and spring 2016

The geography of conscripts of our scientific company is extensive, starting from Vladivostok and ending with Kaliningrad. And this is no joke. Graduates of technical and economic universities in Russia from Irkutsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Penza, Ufa, Ulyanovsk, Krasnodar, Rostov, Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc. I can’t remember them all. There are 60 of us in the company. And I really want graduates of the Yakut NEFU to begin serving in scientific companies.

It is worth noting that our generation fell under the reform of the former Minister of Defense Serdyukov, who closed the military departments of leading universities, carried out large-scale reductions in military universities, and from 2010 to 2012 there was practically no enrollment in military universities. 2010 was declared the year of “closed doors”; enrollment was reduced tens of times; for example, in 2011, only 1,500 cadets entered the first year, and this is for the whole of Russia. Pupils of Suvorov schools and cadet corps were not able to enter military universities, but, thanks to the creation of scientific companies, yesterday's cadets were able to become officers.

Our conscription was given a completely new all-season set of field uniforms.

Before formation on the tactical field

On the basis of supporting the educational process in the city of Luga, where the mini-community training camp was held at the autumn conscription.

While the young recruits were learning to walk in formation, we were cleaning our weapons, setting up tents, and preparing the shooting range.

Our company is located in a large modern cadet dormitory; geographically we belong to the Military Institute of Engineering and Technology; there is also a canteen, a medical unit and a cultural center.

A distinctive feature of a scientific company is the division of activities into combined arms and research. Four days a week are devoted to scientific activities, Friday is a day of combat and special training. Training and information sessions take place from Monday to Thursday. During special training, we are given classes on the subject of logistics support for troops (forces) by research institute researchers, doctors and candidates of science.

Combat training of operators of a scientific company includes special tactics, combat, physical and other subjects of combined arms training.

Mass sports work is carried out either in the cadet gym or in the Tauride Park.

My favorite thing was running along the embankment and around the garden; the route passes through the CIS Parliamentary Assembly, the Water Museum, Smolny Cathedral, the Governor's Administration, Leningrad Center and apartment buildings. In general, if you are in these places and see guys with a Russian Army T-shirt, then be sure that they are running from the military logistics academy.

On Saturday, part of the day is devoted to self-preparation and a park and maintenance day. Once a month, a single information day is held at the academy, where they give current reports, and in June, listeners, that is, senior officers staged a performance based on the play “concentration camp”, this event took place on the eve of the day of remembrance and mourning.

On weekends we visit cultural and educational centers, museums, cathedrals, cinemas, KVN games, concerts at the Western Military District Officers' House and hockey matches.

Recently, they began to be involved in ceremonial initiations into the “Yunarmeytsy”. These are mostly hockey teams; unlike cadets, we stay until the end of the game, where the intensity of passions can be even higher than in adult hockey. In general, we support young athletes so that not only their parents, but also third parties are spectators.

Accessible environment...

We participate in social assistance to citizens, specifically to disabled children during cultural events. Our operators not only come to them with interesting performances, but the Academy entrusted our company with patronage over the social project Admiralty Tango - a wheelchair dance festival, which is held twice a year with the aim of promoting culture and beauty, harmony and personal perfection, as well as promoting self-realization of personal potential and development of creative qualities of participants.

Unfortunately, many cultural institutions do not yet provide an accessible environment for wheelchair users. It is not always possible to call a special taxi. We carried children in our arms, helped teenagers and adults.

Sometimes, we can ask for help directly from the social welfare department of the council, for example, to help a disabled person get up to his apartment, I went like this once.

Visit to the Naval Cathedral in Kronstadt.

Some of the children participated in the reconstruction of the festive fireworks dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the complete liberation of the city of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade.

On the "Road of Life" on the shores of Lake Ladoga

“You must be head and shoulders above the cadets in discipline and culture. They study to become officers for 5 years, you for 1 year.”, – foreman of the scientific company

We watched as the first year began to resolve, we never had anything like this. Without violating the wearing of military uniform, all movements in the ranks without violating the discipline of the ranks. Fortunately, there were no complaints from the patrol.

One of the significant events in our company happened on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, when the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko visited our company to present memorable gifts and letters of gratitude to researchers and operators of the scientific company. We prepared diligently for this visit.

Our main place of service is the research institute for military systems research, which carries out military-applied tasks ordered by the Logistics Headquarters and other units of the Russian Armed Forces.

Each operator is assigned to a specific research department, which solves certain problems, for example, I deal with the problems of functioning of the material support system for troops. This includes services such as food, clothing and fuel services. We also deal with logistics processes in the logistics system. Each operator has his own scientific supervisor with whom he solves these problems, a work laptop, and access to information and reference funds.

So, during his service in the scientific company, he published 13 scientific articles, received 10 certificates of innovation proposals, filed 2 applications for a utility model patent, and performed operational tasks in the department. Some of our guys participated and won the “Temp” competition from the state corporation Rosatom; they traveled to Moscow twice, where they presented their projects.

The MTO scientific company also participates in international Olympiads among cadets. The most capable operators in subjects such as mathematics, foreign language, computer science and history are selected from the operators. Researchers and teachers from the academy help them prepare. In general, this year they showed good results, and the Academy itself took first place in the team competition.

Here they keep track of where graduates, and yes, precisely graduates of the scientific company, get a job after finishing their service. The administration of the institute offers civilian positions for junior research assistants. This is very convenient for those who want to continue doing science, enroll in graduate school and work at the same time.

Military personnel participate in various conferences and exhibitions demonstrating developed projects. The best developments of operators take part in the international military-technical forum “Army”. Last year one of our operators received a second diploma degrees and received the “Discovery of the Year” nomination. Some of the military developments in which the operators took part began to enter service and be introduced into the logistics system of the Russian Armed Forces. Such high results provide an incentive to work harder in science and solve pressing problems that contribute to increasing the defense capability of our state.

Report from the scientific company

In conclusion, I would like to say that the year spent in the scientific company of the MTO Academy allowed me to master not only new research skills, but also military ones. Part of the time was spent on performing operational tasks in the department and in the management, assisting adjuncts. If I had a choice again where to go to serve, without hesitation I would again choose the scientific company at the Military Academy of Logistics named after Army General A.V. Khruleva

Why didn't I become a lieutenant?

I am 24 years old, by this age the cadets already have the military rank of “senior lieutenant”. Am I ready to go to the troops in different districts and garrisons? No, Yakutia is closer to me and it’s a pity that our military units are located far in the Arctic zone.


About a year and a half ago, I decided to serve in the army. At that time, I was almost 26, I had a higher education diploma with the qualification “information systems and technology engineer”, graduate school without defending a dissertation, as well as experience in entrepreneurial activity in the IT field and work in the Russian education system. There were no official grounds for a deferment from military service, and I was faced with the choice that many young people of military age face - to “wait out” a year and a half, essentially hiding from the military registration and enlistment office, or to honestly fulfill my duty to the Motherland. Of course, I chose the second one. I decided on a specific direction quite quickly: the network was actively discussing the recently created special units in the armed forces - scientific companies. Since I had significant research experience, I applied and received confirmation almost immediately. From that moment my military career began.

I’ll note right away that the army turned out to be completely different from what I imagined. She turned out to be much better. The problem is that the army service in general, and in scientific companies in particular, is shrouded in a dense veil of various myths and stereotypes, which are quite difficult for a person who has not gone through this school to understand.

Scientific companies today are on the information agenda of regional and federal media - interest in them from potential candidates does not subside. This text was written mainly for them. I hope it will help you make an informed and only right decision. To do this, first of all, I will try to dispel the most common myths about military service in scientific companies, relying solely on my own experience. But first we need to understand the general stereotypes about military service.

About “army mythology”

In 2000, Roman Kachanov’s comedy “DMB” was released on the country’s screens. The film instantly became a “national hit”, and Ivan Okhlobystin’s script, which delicately incorporated the best of army folklore, was immediately disassembled into quotes. One of my favorites:

And then I won’t take the oath!
- Eh, my friend, you are young... You don’t choose the oath, but the oath chooses you!

Watching the ups and downs of the fate of the film’s characters, who were chosen by the oath, is fascinating and, in places, very funny. But that’s exactly what – to observe. None of those who watched the movie frankly wanted to become such a “hero” in real life.

For my generation, born in the late eighties, ideas about military service were formed fragmentarily and extremely chaotically: fathers served in the army of a state that no longer exists on the world map, older comrades from neighboring families were drafted in the nineties - the most difficult time for the country, which, to a large extent, Unfortunately, it had a corresponding impact on the general condition of the armed forces. The picture of conscription service consisted of scraps of Soviet jokes in the style of “digging from the fence until dinner”, and a large number of folk stories retold “from mouth to mouth”: from completely idiotic ones, like painting garrison grass and building generals’ dachas, to downright frightening – about hazing that caused terrible tragedies. Generously flavored with the same type of newspaper headlines about army incidents in the early 2000s, this picture looked both stupid and scary. The army seemed to be a place where a normal person absolutely could not find himself. Parents did everything possible and impossible to ensure that their sons would never encounter the reality of the army in their lives, so it is not surprising that over time a common opinion formed in society: “either the poor or the fools go to serve in the army.”

The vector of public consciousness began to change several years ago - the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have significantly transformed, leaving most of the systemic problems in the past. However, the fight against deep-rooted stereotypes regarding military service continues, and scientific companies in this fight are the most powerful “” in forming a positive image of the Russian army, striking the destructive “army mythology” just as the “Caliber” missile system destroys terrorist bases in Syria .

Myth 1. “The army does not need scientific companies”

However, “scientific companies” are not a PR project, as some media often try to present it as. Scientific companies, first of all, are one of the effective personnel mechanisms that significantly contribute to the modernization of the Russian army.

As you know, one of the key vectors of army reforms set by the country's leadership is the improvement of the defense-industrial complex - the corresponding federal target program, designed for the period until 2020, was adopted simultaneously with the Russian state arms development program for 2011-2020.

The basis for the development of the military-industrial complex, which allows maintaining the growth of key performance indicators, is systematic work with personnel. The key task in this aspect is to attract qualified engineers to production areas closely related to the military-industrial complex.

Taking into account the features of modern armed conflicts, one of which is the widespread use of information technology, as well as taking into account the state military doctrines of developed countries, primarily the member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, based on the concept of network-centric wars, we can conclude that the key role Automated control systems, various types of reconnaissance and high-precision weapons will play a role in the effectiveness of the use of armed forces and ensuring the defense capability of both an individual state and military-political blocs as a whole.

In this regard, questions about personnel support for advanced research projects in the field of development of high-tech offensive and defensive weapons, as well as the formation of a systematic approach to the creation of conceptually new “think tanks” in the structure of the Russian army, which would solve two problems, become relevant:
1. Conducting current military scientific research in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
2. Attracting competent personnel to the structures of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the military-industrial complex engaged in advanced military developments.

One of the approaches that allows us to get significantly closer to solving these problems is the mechanism of creating fundamentally new structural units - scientific companies - on the basis of research organizations and higher military educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The idea of ​​their creation was expressed by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General S.K. Shoigu at a meeting with representatives of the Russian scientific community at MSTU. Bauman in the spring of 2013.

The new units were assigned the following tasks: participation in research work, solution of applied problems in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense, training of scientific personnel for the military-scientific and defense-industrial complexes of the Russian Federation.

The unit in which I served was a scientific company of the Russian Air Force, stationed at the Air Force Academy named after. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin, was one of the first to be created. The main task of the operators of the scientific company of the VUNTS Air Force "VVA" (as the military personnel in this unit are officially called) was to carry out applied scientific research in priority and promising areas of development and use of the Air Force of the Russian Federation.

As can be seen from the peculiarities of the current situation, the tasks solved by scientific companies are extremely relevant and fully correspond to the global challenges facing the armed forces today. Thanks to these units, competent and qualified graduates of civilian universities can apply their scientific potential in solving specific engineering problems to increase the defense capability of our state.

Myth No. 2. “Only “golden youth” serve in scientific companies”

If by “golden youth” we mean young people “whose lives and future were mainly arranged by their influential and high-ranking parents,” then this thesis, of course, is completely untrue. At the same time, military personnel of scientific companies have one peculiarity - they are all talented graduates of the best universities in the country. People from the Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MEPhI, MSTU im. Bauman and other serious technical universities have very talented and highly qualified engineers.

It is indeed difficult to get into service in a scientific company, but only due to the high requirements imposed on candidates (the following are the requirements for candidates for conscription military service in the scientific company of the VUNTS Air Force "VVA"):

1. Male citizens of the Russian Federation aged 19-27 years who have not served in the military.

3. Candidates from the categories of citizens specified in paragraphs 4-5 of paragraph 5 of Article 34 of the 1998 Federal Law No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service” will not be considered.

4. The presence of high motivation of the candidate to undergo military service upon conscription in a scientific company.

5. Compliance of the profile and specialization of the candidate with the scientific directions of the VUNTS Air Force "VVA" (mathematics, physics, programmers, electrical engineers, etc.).

6. A penchant for scientific activity and the presence of a certain scientific background (participation in competitions, olympiads, availability of scientific publications and works).

7. The average score of a higher professional education diploma is not lower than 4, 5.

The process of submitting an application for selection to the scientific company of the Russian Air Force is described in detail on the website: http://academy-air force.rf/scientific-company/

Myth 3. “Conscription service and scientific research are incompatible”

As already noted, scientific companies are completely unusual military units. Based on the specifics of scientific tasks facing operators, they are provided with maximum “military comfort.”

Firstly, the operators do not live in barracks, but in a fairly comfortable dormitory. Each room, designed for four military personnel, has an LCD TV; two computer classes, two recreation rooms (with drinking water, tea/coffee and the latest newspapers), a library, a sports corner with exercise equipment and showers are available for the needs of operators. The order throughout the territory is maintained in perfect condition.

Secondly, in order to increase the efficiency of the scientific company operators within the framework of the research work being carried out, each serviceman is assigned a scientific supervisor from among the scientific and teaching staff of the VUNTS Air Force "VVA", who has an academic degree, academic title and practical experience in performing scientific research . An individual plan of scientific work for the year is drawn up with each of the operators, which reflects both the main areas of activity and key performance indicators, which are expressed in the number (and quality) of published scientific papers, reports at scientific and practical conferences, certificates of software registration, patents and so on. Everything is extremely measurable and transparent.

Thirdly, the daily routine of a scientific company operator allows him to fully realize his scientific potential during the year of service. In my opinion, discipline has an extremely positive impact on the effectiveness of research activities. From Monday to Thursday, the daily routine in the unit is as follows: in the morning - getting up, exercise, breakfast, morning examination and departure to the scientific supervisors; at lunchtime - eating and resting, after - continuing work with supervisors; in the evening - individual or collective sports, dinner, rest (we usually watched a movie, read, continued to study in our scientific areas in computer classes), after 21:00 - an evening walk, check-in and lights out. On Friday is a day for studying general military disciplines, on Saturday is a park and economic day and the opportunity to go on leave in accordance with the schedule, on Sunday is a day off and, again, the opportunity to go on leave.

As practice shows, such military time management has an extremely productive effect on self-organization and planning of scientific activities.

Myth No. 4. “It is impossible to achieve any significant results in science in a year”

The approach to using the research potential of military personnel of scientific companies is structured in such a way that each newly arrived operator continues the research begun by his predecessor. The emphasis on continuity allows you not to “reinvent the wheel”, but to focus on solving specific research problems under the auspices of a scientific supervisor. Operators also conduct their research work within the framework of research projects of various categories, and actively participate in conferences and scientific and technical competitions.

Among the areas of scientific research in which operators of the Russian Air Force scientific company work, the most relevant are:

Mathematical and computer modeling of meteorological objects for solving applied problems of meteorological support of flights
Research of methods and means of protecting information and information resources from unauthorized access and destructive information influence
Development of software-simulating systems for power plants of combat aircraft and research of aircraft motion dynamics
Development of software for determining the statistics of the distribution of interference levels at the input of electronic warfare systems in the dynamics of a conflict with ground-based electronic warfare systems
Experimental and computational studies of multi-channel multi-frequency information processing in digital radar systems
Object-oriented modeling of aerometric systems of maneuverable aircraft and the process of evolution of hazardous weather conditions using radar data
Development of software and methodological support for research of radiophysical characteristics of radio-absorbing materials and coatings
Development of simulation models of ground flight support facilities
Development of software systems for studying aircraft weapons objects and methods for determining the parameters of negative electromagnetic influences

Since the creation of the scientific company of the Russian Air Force, its operators have published more than 200 articles in scientific journals and collections of scientific and practical conferences, filed more than 15 applications for patents for inventions, registered more than 35 software products and 45 innovation proposals.

Operators of the scientific company of the Russian Air Force became winners and prize-winners of various scientific and technical competitions, including the All-Russian Exhibition of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth "NTTM", the Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes", the International Exhibition of State Security Equipment "Interpolitex", the International military-technical forum “Russian Army”.

Personally, during my service, I published 5 scientific articles (including in publications of the Higher Attestation Commission), made presentations at 7 scientific events and registered a software product, which I presented to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev at the exhibition of achievements of scientific companies within the framework of the International Military-Technical Forum “Russian Army 2015”.

Myth No. 5. “Hazing and inadequate commanders”

The notorious army “hazing”, as well as low-qualified officers, are a thing of the past. Almost all the officers with whom I had the opportunity to communicate during my service were actively involved in sports and led a healthy lifestyle (with a total dislike of bad habits), which set an example for many conscripts.

The command staff of the scientific company of the Russian Air Force was selected taking into account the specifics of the tasks facing the unit - all officers were researchers at the Air Force Academy, had experience participating in scientific conferences and olympiads, among them were prize-winners of scientific work competitions and laureates of awards from the Government of the Russian Federation. Naturally, there could be no talk of any assault or disrespectful attitude on the part of officers towards conscripts. All communication was strictly professional and respectful.

As for relations between colleagues, the unit has built a mentoring system - starting from the “young soldier course”, senior military personnel help their “junior” comrades in everything: they teach how to properly serve in daily duty, hem a collar, perform drill exercises and etc. In scientific terms, similar supervision is carried out. Six months later, the junior conscription becomes the senior one, and he himself helps the newly arrived guys to understand all the details of military service. The concept of “hazing” is completely absent in the scientific company. During my service, no incidents happened between colleagues - smart people will always find a way out of any conflict situation.

Myth No. 6. “They recruit “nerds” into scientific companies”

Thanks to the light hand of the media, this statement has become extremely popular today. In reality this is, of course, not the case. Many of the guys who served with me in the scientific company had sports ranks, some were candidates for master of sports, including martial arts. Almost everyone during their service, one way or another, begins to accustom themselves to intense sports and significantly improves their physical shape. Daily jogging, exercise and going to the gym contribute to this.

Among other things, military personnel of the scientific company, just like other soldiers of the Russian army, serve in daily duty, go to shooting ranges, and master the necessary materials for military training. Service in a scientific company is not an alternative, but the most military service.

As for the areas of recruitment, not only programmers served in our departments. The scientific company of the Russian Air Force includes three platoons:

1. Platoon of modeling hydrometeorological processes and phenomena, separation of high and medium pressure air.

2. Platoon for the development and improvement of aircraft designs, aircraft engines, flight navigation and radar systems.

3. Platoon of information technologies, software and hardware development forecast; electronic warfare against enemy assets and assessment of reduced visibility and protection information in the automated control system.

As can be seen from the specifics of platoons, engineers from a wide range of fields can realize their scientific potential in the field of military service.

Myth No. 7. “Serving in the army is “losing a year of life””

Military service can be different, with different tasks and opportunities that it provides to conscripted military personnel. In this regard, scientific companies are a unique personnel mechanism, thanks to which talented graduates of civilian universities can enter into a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense in order to continue scientific research in the officer rank after conscription service. Students, starting from the second year, can design their professional trajectory taking into account further service in the Russian army: choose the appropriate directions for their coursework and diploma work, and upon graduation from the university - go to serve in a scientific company in order to later become an officer in the armed forces strength and continue his scientific career in the development of the military-industrial complex. Taking into account the level of salaries of officers, as well as the conditions provided to military personnel, this direction today seems extremely promising.

On average, about 30% of each conscription continue military service under contract. The guys receive appointments to various departments engaged in scientific and applied research in their field. My colleagues who signed the contract are very satisfied and do not regret their choice.

Going back a year and a half ago, if I were asked whether I would make this choice again, knowing what the Russian army is, I would, without a doubt, answer “yes.” For me, this was an extremely important experience, both for a young scientist and for a defender of the Fatherland, and I can definitely recommend to everyone who, for one reason or another, hesitates in making a decision about military service - to make this choice in favor of the army. Over the course of a year, you will receive a lot of opportunities for self-realization, and most importantly, you will be able to make a real contribution to ensuring the defense capability of our state.

The Ostankino military commissar spoke about the features of conscription for specialists.

The spring conscription campaign is underway in Moscow. About how conscripts have changed over the past five years, who is going to serve under contract today, and how to get into the prestigious scientific company of the Ministry of Defense, “ ZB" said the military commissar of the Ostankino district of the North-Eastern Administrative District, Colonel Sergei Lesovoy. Another conscript went

According to the military commissar, conscripts have clearly changed over the past few years:

The guys know more, can do a lot and have become more organized. And I observe such changes in “ horizon" five years. Facts are in the past when a young man came to the military registration and enlistment office without a complete set of necessary documents. In general, the guys now have such an important quality as commitment.

Good start with an apartment too

Recently, there have been more people willing to serve under contract. By the way, the Ostankino military registration and enlistment office is the leader in this issue among the capital's military registration and enlistment offices.

- Many guys go to serve after graduating from university. These people have a choice: they can go for a year and do regular military service, or sign a contract for two years and serve in completely different conditions., says Sergei Lesovoy.

So, if a military unit is located in Moscow, then after a while the contract soldier lives at home and goes to service as if he were doing a regular job.

In addition, people go to serve under a contract consciously: with the intention of making the defense of the Motherland their profession and a successful start in life, explains the military commissar. Contract service provides such opportunities. The salary of a contract worker can range from 17 to 55 thousand rubles, depending on length of service and level of training. And a military mortgage allows you to solve the housing problem. According to the official portal of the Ministry of Defense, over 11 years, more than 174 thousand military personnel have used military mortgages, and Moscow and the Moscow region top the list of regions where contract soldiers most actively participate in the program.

Scientists in uniform

According to the Ostankino military commissar, scientific companies are very popular among conscripts. It's been more than a year since they were created in Russia. True, to get here, you need to go through a tough selection process.

Not everyone can get into the scientific companies of the Ministry of Defense, says Lesovoy. - Only those who have already declared themselves in science. These are university graduates who have their own scientific developments, mainly in the field of high technology, programming and modern types of communications. While serving in scientific companies, the guys do not stop their research in their chosen profile. Health status also influences selection.

They may not have to attack, but this is still an army,” says the colonel.

By the way, the majority of those who served in scientific companies then enter into a full-fledged contract and remain in the troops. They receive an officer rank and then work in the structures of the Ministry of Defense.

Gennady Vasilyevich, constructive interaction between society and the army has made it possible to expand the opportunities for military service. One of the innovations in recent years has been scientific companies. To what extent did they justify themselves?

The idea of ​​conscripting the most successful graduates of civilian universities for military service in scientific companies has fully proven its effectiveness. The experience of functioning of scientific companies has shown that they fully meet the needs of the Armed Forces, Russian society, and educated young people subject to conscription. During their service, conscripts with higher education diplomas have the opportunity to develop their abilities, increase scientific achievements, acquire new competencies and, if desired, continue a professional career in the army and navy.

At the same time, research organizations are replenished with young specialists who possess scarce competencies necessary for the development of new types of weapons, military and special equipment. And most importantly, scientific companies solve the problem of rational use of intellectual resources in the interests of ensuring the defense capability of the state.

- Are scientific companies still an experiment or an established practice? What place do they occupy in the battle formation?

The scientific companies formed in 2013 have already come a significant way from a local experiment to a network of military scientific units solving applied problems in various areas of scientific research. Currently, 12 scientific companies have been formed in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in which more than 600 conscripts serve. The results of the activities of these unique divisions are embodied in numerous inventions and advanced innovative developments.

In our opinion, further development of the project will take place in the direction of improving the quality of interaction between scientific companies and the country’s scientific community and enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

- Your academy, as you know, was the first where a scientific company was formed.

Everything is correct: the first scientific company in the country was formed at our academy on July 5, 2013. The main task that was assigned to its team was to conduct applied scientific research in priority and promising areas of development and use of the Air Force and electronic warfare forces. It should be noted that the geography of selection of candidates for scientific companies was continuously expanding, and the requirements for young scientists in soldier's uniform were constantly increasing.

Thus, in 2016, the selection of candidates for the scientific company was carried out in 24 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the “passing score” for enrollment in the scientific company increased to 4.73. In other words, almost only excellent students serve in our scientific company.

Candidates are selected by special groups from among the scientists and teaching staff of the academy. Moreover, the work begins in student classrooms. As a result, operators of scientific companies, as scientists in military uniform are called by military specialty, become young people motivated to serve the Fatherland, many of whom have professional experience in areas relevant to the academy.

- How are the pioneers of soldier science doing?

Here are just a few examples.

In the period from 2013 to 2017, operators of the scientific company of the Air Force Academy received 3 patents and filed 20 applications for patents for inventions, filed 102 applications and received 30 certificates of registration of computer programs, developed 125 rationalization proposals, co-authored with scientific supervisors published 427 articles in scientific journals and collections.

Operators of the academy's scientific company performed 130 research projects.

Testing of the results of scientific activities and demonstration of the scientific achievements of the operators of the academy’s scientific company were carried out at scientific conferences, exhibitions and competitions, such as the All-Russian Competition of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth (NTTM), Competition of Scientific and Technical Works and Projects “Youth and the Future of Aviation and Cosmonautics”, International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes”, International Forum “Propulsion Engineering”, International Military-Technical Forum “Army”, etc. It should be noted that the number of prestigious scientific events in which operators of the scientific company of the Air Force Academy take part is growing with every year. And this is a stable trend.

- One must assume that the operators of the scientific company are by no means engaged in “pure science”...

Certainly. Mostly innovative projects are developed according to the profile of the Air Force Academy. I can name some: modeling of hydrometeorological processes and phenomena, separation of high and medium pressure air; development and improvement of the design of aircraft, aircraft engines, flight navigation and radar systems; information technology, forecasting the development of software and hardware, electronic warfare against enemy assets and assessing the reduction of visibility and information protection in automated control systems, and so on.

Is one year enough for yesterday's civilian university student to master military topics, adapt to the army environment, and even produce something valuable for science?

Only every second serviceman achieves full potential in the field of military applied research. This problem is also noted by scientific supervisors of operators. This contradiction is mainly due to the fact that the coordination of technical specifications, obtaining patents and copyright certificates, and publishing scientific articles require more time than a year of service.

Therefore, in order to optimize and increase the efficiency of scientific work of operators, their activities should be based on the continuity of scientific projects. On average, the implementation of one such scientific project requires the efforts of operators of three to four calls.

Previously, it was believed that military service and scientific activity were two incompatible things. Some potential conscripts sought to enroll in any university rather than join the army. And how much talk has there been about “talented dancers and balalaika players”, “brilliant mathematicians”, how much has it been said that the service is dulling... What is the situation with “scientific pacifism” now?

According to the results of a survey conducted as part of a scientific study, the majority of operators of a scientific company value in the new format of conscription military service, first of all, the opportunity to fulfill military duty while simultaneously improving their scientific qualifications.

Research shows that 72% of operators have an improved attitude towards military service after serving in a scientific company. If military personnel had the opportunity to go back a year, 82% would again join the scientific company. Close interaction with universities helps to increase students' interest in serving in a scientific company. In general, the choice of young people who decide to serve in scientific companies is becoming more and more conscious.

The results of research over the past two years show that the personnel of scientific companies no longer see a contradiction in the fact that a conscripted soldier can also be a scientist at the same time.

- And what is the future fate of young people who served in scientific companies?

An analysis of the results of training scientific personnel for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in scientific companies shows that the experience of attracting operators to military service under a contract has generally been successful.

Thus, as of August 20, 2017, 179 operators completed their service in the scientific company, of which 77 entered into a contract for military service and were appointed to a primary officer position with the military rank of “lieutenant”, forty-one officers continued to serve in scientific positions, and 36 lieutenants - in engineering. 31 graduates of the scientific company were employed at enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

At the same time, the study showed that if at the beginning of the project, in 2013, 27% of scientific leaders doubted the advisability of operators continuing military service in officer positions, then in 2016 this figure dropped to 7%, which indicates an increase in confidence in young officers from number of graduates of the scientific company. And this is natural, since officers who have completed conscription in scientific companies and been appointed to scientific positions are not inferior in level of knowledge to graduates of military universities. At the same time, it should be noted that there is a shortage of officer positions for junior researchers to appoint operators who have expressed a desire to continue military service. To solve this problem, it is necessary to additionally introduce junior research positions into the staff of military research organizations, so as not to waste trained personnel; there is simply no other way out.