Can an indifferent person be called selfish arguments. How are the concepts of "indifference" and "egoism" related? I. A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco"

Theme "How the concepts of indifference and egoism are connected"

Introduction. Every person has been accused of selfishness and indifference at least once. Each person blamed one of his acquaintances for this, albeit not out of malice. The reasons may be different. Someone let someone down, ignored or refused to help. We hardly have a detailed account of what exactly we mean by pronouncing these words. Intuitively, their meaning is clear to us, but in some situations we mix these concepts, neglecting the subtleties of word usage. This happens because their semantic field partly coincides.

If we want our speech to be beautiful, we need to be able to use each word to the place, and this is possible only if we clearly define their similarities and differences. The difference between the words "selfishness" and "indifference" is felt intuitively. Let's try to formulate it. The main difference is that selfishness is a more complex concept than indifference, it contains it in its definition. Selfishness is most often interpreted as selfishness and preference for one's interests over the interests of other people or society. About a person who is focused on himself, that is, an egoist, it can be said with certainty that he is indifferent to the feelings and troubles of other people. There is no compassion in his heart. The opposite of selfishness is altruism. Such people are characterized by selflessness and concern for others. You can't really call them indifferent.

Argument. One of the most striking examples of selfishness and indifference in fiction is Pechorin in Lermontov's novel The Hero of Our Time. Throughout the novel, he exhibits both qualities in abundance. He plays with other people's destinies, not thinking about the consequences of his actions. Pechorin kidnapped Bela to dispel boredom. When she fell in love with him, Pechorin had already lost interest in her. With Princess Mary, he did even worse, seducing her out of pride, not having feelings for her. At the end of the chapter, he indifferently confesses this to her. In the chapter “Taman”, he disrupts the plans of peaceful smugglers when he asks the girl about the scene he saw and threatens to tell the authorities about the transfer of goods if the girl does not satisfy his curiosity. Pechorin himself writes in his diary: “My love did not bring happiness to anyone, because I did not sacrifice anything for those whom I loved: I loved for myself, for my own pleasure.”

An example of altruism is Dr. Bomgard in Bulgakov's work "Notes of a Young Doctor". Having barely graduated from the university, having no experience, he goes to a rural hospital and, in harsh conditions, day and night, selflessly fights for the health of patients. He makes mistakes and learns from his mistakes, is often afraid and overcomes himself. The reasons for his actions cannot be explained by selfish motives, only the ability to compassion makes him sacrifice his own interests for the benefit of others.

Conclusion. The concepts of selfishness and indifference complement each other. The concept of "egoism" is deeper and gives a more complete picture of the character of the person in relation to which it is applied. Indifference as a quality of personality is a sign and manifestation of selfishness.

"I don't care". How often do we repeat this phrase in everyday life? There can be a lot of reasons for indifference: from lack of time and interest to your own selfishness.

The person who repeats this hackneyed phrase usually doesn't care how it affects other people's feelings. In such a situation, selfishness and indifference are equal concepts.

Usually people consider selfishness to be the main cause of insensitivity. Of course, such a position has good grounds, but how can one regard indifference if vulnerability or cowardice is hidden under it?

We often come across this topic in the literature. Writers try to find out the causes of negative character traits. Indeed, the theme of indifference is one of the basic ones in art, since nothing hurts a person more than indifference. Thousands of people all over the world suffer because of it. Examples of indifference due to selfishness are often found in literary works.

In the story of Paustovsky "Telegram". An elderly woman every day was waiting for her own daughter to visit. But she was too busy in the city to come or just write her a letter back. The daughter forgot that her mother gave her the best, raised her. Nastya is very responsive at work, she helps her colleagues and tries to be the best. But when the girl receives a telegram about the death of her mother, she does not even pay attention to her. Only after losing her mother forever, the negligent daughter realized that her relatives did not expect money from her, they needed care and attention. Nastya would like to repent, but there is no one before. The mother left and left bitter resentment and disappointment in her daughter's heart.

The daughter's selfishness manifested itself in caring and worrying only about herself. And indifference to the closest and dearest person manifested itself precisely because of this. Paustovsky asks readers to pay attention to their relatives, call and visit them more often, because at any moment they can leave this world forever, then nothing can be changed.

Indifference is shown not by words, but by actions. You can be a wonderful person, but have selfish inclinations in your character. A person lives in society for the sake of other people, selfishness gives rise to indifference, cruelty and heartlessness, and thereby breaks people's lives. Maxim Gorky expressed this opinion in his famous expression: "Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul."

Aksyanova Guzel Saitovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school No. 2

  1. The heroine of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova is a person with a sensitive heart.Thanks to her intervention, the carts, which were originally intended for moving and loaded with things, were given over to transport wounded soldiers. Another example of a caring attitude towards the world and people is Platon Karataev. He goes to war, helping out his younger brother, and although he does not like the fight at all, even in such conditions the hero remains kind and sympathetic. Plato “loved and lived lovingly with everything that life brought him to”, helped other prisoners (in particular, fed Pierre when he was captured), took care of a stray dog.
  2. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", many heroes manifest themselves as pronounced altruists or egoists.The first, of course, is Sonechka Marmeladova, who sacrifices herself to provide for her family, and then goes into exile after Raskolnikov, trying to save his soul. We must not forget about Razumikhin: he is poor and lives hardly better than Raskolnikov, but he is always ready to help him - he offers a friend a job, buys him clothes, gives him money. In contrast to these noble people, for example, the image of Luzhin is presented. Luzhin "more than anything in the world loved and valued ... his money"; he wanted to marry Raskolnikov's sister Dunya, pursuing a base goal - to take a poor wife who would be eternally obliged to him. It is noteworthy that he does not even bother to ensure that the future bride and her mother get to St. Petersburg comfortably. Indifference to the fate of the closest people results in the same attitude towards the world and characterizes the hero from the negative side. As we know, fate paid tribute to sympathetic characters, but punished indifferent actors.
  3. The type of a person who lives for himself is drawn by I.A. Bunin in the story "The Gentleman from San Francisco".The hero - a wealthy gentleman whose name we will never know - goes on a journey "solely for fun." He spends time in a circle of his own kind, and divides other people into attendants and an annoying "hindrance" to his pleasure - such, for example, are commission agents and ragamuffins on the embankment, as well as inhabitants of miserable houses, which the gentleman from San Francisco has to contemplate along the way . However, after a sudden death, he himself, from a supposedly respected and revered person, becomes a burden, and the same people in whose devotion he believed, because "he was generous", send his corpse to his homeland in a soda box. With this crude irony, I.A. Bunin illustrates the well-known folk wisdom: as it comes around, it will respond.
  4. The image of a kind-hearted, sympathetic person is the key in the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor".The fate of Matryona cannot be called enviable: she was a widow, buried six children, worked for many years on a collective farm “for the sticks of workdays”, did not receive a pension and remained poor in old age. Despite this, the heroine retained a cheerful disposition, sociability, love of work and a willingness to help others, without demanding anything in return. The apogee of her self-sacrifice is a tragic incident on the railway, which ends with the death of the heroine. Surprisingly, her face, untouched by the terrible accident, was “whole, calm, more alive than dead” - just like the face of a saint.
  5. It is not easy for a person with an open and sympathetic soul to live in the world.So it happened with the Chudik from the story of the same name by V.M. Shukshin. As an adult male, the hero thinks and behaves like a child. He reaches out to people, likes to talk and joke, strives to be on good terms with everyone, but he constantly gets into trouble due to the fact that he does not look like a “correct adult”. Let's remember one episode: on the plane, Chudik asks his neighbor to buckle up, as the stewardess ordered; he takes his words with obvious displeasure. The landing is not entirely successful: Chudik's neighbor falls from his chair, so much so that he loses his dentures. The weirdo rushes to his aid - but in response he again receives a portion of irritation and anger. And this is how everyone treats him, from strangers to family members. The responsiveness of the Freak and the unwillingness of society to understand someone who does not fit into the framework are two sides of the same problem.
  6. The story of K.G. is devoted to the topic of indifference to one's neighbor. Paustovsky "Telegram". Girl Nastya, secretary of the Union of Artists, gives all her strength to work. She fusses about the fate of painters and sculptors, organizes exhibitions and competitions, and does not find time to see her old sick mother who lives in the village. Finally, having received a telegram stating that her mother is dying, Nastya sets off, but too late ... The author warns readers against making the same mistake, the guilt for which will probably remain with the heroine for life.
  7. A. Vampilov's play "Twenty Minutes with an Angel" tells us both about human responsiveness and the merciless indifference of people to each other.Heroes Anchugin and Ugarov are trying to get money. However, their desperate "Save" only causes irritation among others. And the last attempt to get money is Anchu-gin's appeal to passers-by from the street, which they themselves do not take seriously: “Good people! Help!" Following these, Khomutov the angel appears and offers the drunkards a hundred rubles free of charge. But they don’t believe in selflessness so much that they scare the money they so desired until recently, the petitioners seem to see a catch and a hidden threat in them: “The devil knows what ...” Khomutov, who had retired, is returned to take the money: “Take the loan. Well, to hell with you." They do not believe Khomutov, the atmosphere of evil is thickening; the stage of persuasion "in a good way" ends, the "angel" is tied up and interrogated with passion, in which all the inhabitants of the hotel take part. The inquiry gradually turns into a trial, at which the newlywed Stupak delivers an accusatory speech: “Comrades! What's going on here? It's just monstrous! We're all screwed up. And all because of him! Because of him! He is a provocateur! He insulted us all! Slandered! Spat in our souls! He needs to be isolated! Immediately!" Passions run high, a “crucifixion” is brewing in the form of imprisonment in a mental hospital, which is not at all included in the hero’s plans. The third part of the play includes a "confession" of a grave sin, caused by sympathy for him from the recent tormentors, their apologies and reconciliation. Khomutov's “Confession” evokes not indignation, not condemnation, but sincere pity and reciprocal repentance: “This is terrible, terrible. Something happened to us. We are wild, we are wild.” And further: “I beg you, do not think that we are already so inveterate. It was something terrible. Some delusion, I assure you. We should have believed you - of course! We just had to."

In the play "Twenty Minutes with an Angel" Vampilov showed the "falling away from the norm" not of an individual, but of society as a whole. The name of the hotel "Taiga" has become a symbol of the savagery of modern people.

  1. The story of V. Krupin "Maria Sergeevna" also tells us about both human cruelty and kindness.The main character, a former teacher, was left homeless and is looking for food in the garbage heaps. She blames no one for what happened: neither the children who sent her to the nursing home, nor the nursing home employees who insulted her: “All of you here are jailers with a life sentence.” Maria Sergeevna knows how to forgive: “You don’t think anything about my children.” She does not forget about those who are in need: "I filled a separate bag for the dogs ... who were always waiting for her." She has a sense of dignity ... This is a morally pure person. The author claims this by the very title of the story - "Maria Sergeevna". It is no coincidence that he chooses the name of the mother of Christ, who gave her son to people. And the presence of a patronymic is a connection with ancestors, with the past, where so much good remains. And this good must be transferred to the present. Another symbolic surname, the Kozhemyakins, is not accidental. The strength of a real person is measured not by physical indicators, but by moral ones. Sergey Nikolaevich found the strength in himself to invite the old woman into the house, to allow her to wash. He gave her tea! He was ready to do it the next day. And the stoker Nikolai, who forgot the name of the former teacher of his children, “... never switched to“ you ”.

In this story, we also see a description of the loss of true values: “... a lot of bread is thrown into the garbage dumps”; parents are allowed to leave the house; forget about their ancestors, losing patronymics, while calling the human names of dogs and cats. Indifference to someone else's pain... It never occurred to Laura that she could help an old woman who was begging in the garbage. She is sure that the state is obliged to do this: “collect, export”. The last verbs are not about garbage, about people!

  1. People show their indifference and cruelty in different ways. “School years are wonderful,” is sung in one very good song. But these "wonderful" years quickly fly by, sometimes leaving absolutely no trace in the memory of former students. This situation also developed in the story of Yu. V. Bondarev “Forgive us! ".Pavel Georgievich Safonov is a well-known designer who "has become accustomed to fame over the years", moreover, "even got a little tired of it." A whirlwind of work and family worries, "early success", "satisfaction" from one's own achievements obscured the memories of school years.

And just returning from the sanatorium, thishuman suddenly realized how long he had not been "in his native steppe town", did not see his school friends, did not go to school. The city in which he grew up has changed beyond recognition: it was "as if re-populated, re-built." Pavel Georgievich wandered in confusion around the places familiar from childhood and did not find the former buildings, old streets: the city "did not remember and did not know Pavel Georgievich at all." Andhero For some reason, Bondareva felt offended and robbed, "as if they had cruelly and evilly deceived him, taken away something that could not be taken away."

Safonov recalls childhood friend Vitka Snegirev - "the first boyish devotion", Vera - "the firstlove , unfinished and touching…” and can’t come to terms with the fact that these people exist like this only in his memory. But this memory was not fueled by new impressions: Pavel Georgievich did not know that Vitka's family had long since moved to Sverdlovsk, and that he himself had become the director of the plant. The hero of the story did not know that his "first love" never returned from the war. But the most cruel disappointment befalls the designer during a visit to an old math teacher. Safonov comes to Maria Petrovna only because he accidentally remembered another person whom he knows in this "foreign" city. Yes, and he remembered the old lonely woman when he wandered into the schoolyard and noticed "a red light making its way between the branches" of an acacia tree.

And then a mass of memories "overcame" Pavel Georgievich: he was the favorite of Maria Petrovna, who predicted a great future for him, but he did not even think about her. Visiting the teacher, the “famous student” imperceptibly realizes to himself that none of her favorite students has visited her in all these years. All those who live and work successfully, just like Safonov, did not remember that they owe their well-being to this woman in some way. And all these famous designers, factory directors and other successful personalities should be grateful to the person who raised them, they should remember and take care of him. Then you don’t have to regret the past so much and apologize in writing.

  1. The novel "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov tells about such human qualities as weakness and cowardice, kindness and indifference, selfishness and love for everything around.These qualities of a person are perfectly revealed in the chapters that tell about the meetings of Pontius Pilate and Yeshua.

Yeshua is a model of responsiveness, he calls all people, even his executioners, good people, he pities Pontius Pilate when he sees how he suffers from a headache and when he understands that he will have to pronounce him a guilty verdict.

Yeshua simply loves all people, without exception and without allowance for what these people are. He is ready to rush to help anyone and, probably, regrets only one thing, that he cannot have time to help everyone in need.

Another thing is Pontius Pilate. The Roman proconsul, the actual master of Judea, must be an impartial and indifferent person. Thousands of criminals pass before his eyes, at his word, thousands of executions are carried out. He is accustomed to cruelty, and it does not awaken anything in his soul.

But even this steely man was touched by Yeshua's sudden participation. But Pilate is a coward. Yeshua dies to make the whole world happy, Pontius Pilate is punished for indifference by eternal loneliness.

11. Indifference in Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" alternates with examples of responsiveness and self-denial for the sake of the happiness of others.Terrible is the fate of the eagle-man Larra, who considered himself the best, who considered himself entitled to do what he wanted, who killed the girl simply because she dared to refuse him. Such indifference to human life, to man himself, could not go unpunished. Larra was expelled from the tribe and lived alone for many years. But time punished him more than people could have done. The moment came when Larra realized that he was not at all exceptional. He passionately wanted death, but even death turned its back on someone who was more indifferent than herself.

Another example of Danko, this young man saved his people with his kindness and self-denial. His responsiveness knew no bounds and knew no fear. When he led a long road through the forest of angry and hopeless people, he felt sorry for them, as only a pure and brave heart can feel sorry for. To help those who were ready to tear him to pieces, Danko forced himself to catch fire and tore the burning heart out of his chest. He led the people out of the forest, he saved many lives, but the indifferent crowd thought only of their salvation and immediately forgot the savior.

However, responsiveness does not need gratitude, it is such a quality that makes a person happy in itself, from the realization that you managed to help someone led someone on the right path, gave a chance to start a new life.

12. Usually in books about the war we find many examples of indifference, which manifests itself in different ways, someone becomes a traitor, someone looks indifferently at someone else's pain and suffering, but this is not the story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man".

Unprecedented trials fell to the lot of the protagonist, a simple driver Andrei Sokolov. He goes to the front, then is taken prisoner, fate pushes him against other prisoners, and in this environment, where every second potential suicide bomber, there is no place for indifference. Sokolov himself mercilessly shares the bread that the “kind” camp commandant gave him, a stranger sets his hand, just to get rid of the pain, the prisoners stood up for each other and therefore many of them survived.

Returning from the front, Sokolov is faced with a new test - the war took his whole family from him. But his heart is still full of love for people and this love needs to be released. Sokolov adopts Vanya, an orphan boy, and thus creates a new family. His lonely soul will no longer be lonely, since a loving heart has appeared next to her.

13. All people are different, each has its own destiny, its own habitat, but in any conditions you can find examples of the vicious manifestation of human nature and selflessness.

In Gorky's drama "At the Bottom" we will also meet heroes with an open and sympathetic soul(Natasha, Nastya, Natasha, Actor) and people who, taking advantage of their more favorable temporary position, find pleasure in humiliating and insulting their own kind (Kostylev and Vasilisa).

Vasilisa Kostyleva appears as a hostess with a callous soul. The Wanderer Luke among all the characters brings to all people the ideas of goodness, forgiveness, hope for the best - his support inspires people with faith that gives vitality. This is also a manifestation of sympathy for people, support.

Only sincere participation makes sense, only it fills people with faith and strength, only it brings consolation. Anger and dissatisfaction with other people are destructive qualities, both in relation to the one who gives, and in relation to the one who is forced to accept such manifestations of human nature.

  1. In the play "Thunderstorm" by A. Ostrovsky, indifference comes from Tikhon in relation to Katerina,this torments her, he cannot intercede for her, does not want to take his wife with him on a trip, although Katerina already then feels that something will happen. Also, indifference comes from Boris at the end of the play, when he does not want to go against his uncle, is afraid of losing his inheritance and leaves Katerina with her torment.

15. We meet a completely different hero on the pages of A. Kuprin's story "The Wonderful Doctor".Dr. Pirogov helps the Mertsalov family, who find themselves in terrible conditions: the father is in a fruitless job search, the death of his eldest daughter, a serious illness of the youngest girl. All of them are waiting for death from starvation or, at best, a shelter for the homeless. The doctor helps the Mertsalovs without even naming himself, but at the request of the head of the family to say his name so that the children can pray for a kind person, he only waves his hand, sends him to his family and asks him never to despair.

16. WriterV.G. Korolenko wrote a wonderful book "Children of the Underground".He showed how easy it is for children from different strata of society to find a common language among themselves, for whom the conventions that adults live by do not yet exist, and how easy it is to be sympathetic and kind while you are young.

The boy Vasya, the son of a judge, who lost his mother early, begins to make friends with the children of the dungeon, Valek and Marusya, who live in a gloomy castle in a company of beggars, outcasts of civilized society.

Adults try to avoid even passing near this place, children are frightened by the horrors that are happening there, but Vasya is convinced by personal example that all this is a lie. Yes, the poor have to steal in order to somehow live, but among them there are children who seem very unhappy to Vasya, and his good heart cannot bear this picture. He tries to help his new friends, Vasya shows responsiveness and kindness. Even his father, realizing what feelings move the boy, begins to be proud of his son's actions.

Unfortunately, we can be indifferent, we can not pay attention to other people's troubles, but deep down, each of us understands that this is very bad, and envy those who are capable of pure good feelings, such as simple human responsiveness.

17. Unfortunately, modern society has lost touch with nature, which existed throughout the entire period of existence.We forget how we once worshiped her and were afraid of all her manifestations, how we hid when we heard thunder and saw lightning. Now a person, having mastered so many technologies, has begun to consider himself its master, he no longer attaches any importance to what will follow his actions, has ceased to be responsible for his actions, has forgotten about the most precious thing, putting his own well-being in the first place, and not nature .

So, in the story “Farewell to Matyora” by Valentin Rasputin, we are told the story of the village of Matyora, which had to be flooded in order to build a dam.Here the author shows how cynical the world has become, that people living in it forget about what is really important. But not only the village was flooded, but also forests, fields, a cemetery, thereby destroying the small world that the inhabitants created. Nobody thought about what would happen next, about the environmental problem, people just needed a dam, and they built it. This example proves that because of the human ego and the thirst for power over the world, many lands die, rivers dry up, forests are cut down and environmental problems begin.

18. I. S. Turgenev in his novel "Fathers and Sons" also shows indifference to nature.One of the main characters, Bazarov, is a nihilist and believes that nature is a workshop for man. The author shows in him a “new” individual who is indifferent to the values ​​of his ancestors. The hero lives in the present and does not think about what his actions may lead to in the future. Bazarov does not seek contact with nature, it does not bring him peace and pleasure, does not give him peace of mind, therefore, when the hero was ill, he went into the forest and began to break everything. Thus, the author shows us that indifference to the world around us will not bring us anything good and will destroy at the root everything that was laid in us by our ancestors, who treated everything with respect and reverence and understood the value of this life and the main tasks of their existence.

19. In Boris Vasiliev's wonderful story "Don't Shoot the White Swans" we can easily find examples of an indifferent predatory attitude towards native nature and examples of responsiveness and love.The main characters of the story are the former forester Buryanov and the new forester Polushkin. In the only reserved grove that remained from the once huge forests surrounding the village, uniform outrages were happening. The forester himself took poachers to hunt in the grove, stole the forest, cut off all the bark from the luxurious linden trees. Buryanov was completely indifferent to the nature of his native land, did not understand its beauty and lived only in order to snatch an extra piece from the natural wealth that was in his charge.

Ivan Polushkin was different. A man a little out of this world, but in love with nature to the extreme. He could bypass the anthill, digging a ditch for sewer pipes. When he was appointed a forester, he began to strictly monitor the reserved grove, tried to make it even more beautiful, so that this beauty was accessible to people. He even brought white swans, because they were once found in this region. Defending his swans, Polushkin died at the hands of poachers, but he died with a pure heart, not holding a grudge against his killers, he died as a holy man who was one with the nature of the region in which he lived.

  1. T A clear emotional connection between man and nature can be traced in Lermontov's story "A Hero of Our Time". The events of the life of the main character, Grigory Pechorin, are accompanied by a change in the state of nature in accordance with changes in his mood. So, considering the duel scene, the gradation of the states of the surrounding world and Pechorin's feelings is obvious. If before the duel the sky seemed to him “fresh and blue”, and the sun “brightly shining”, then after the duel, looking at the corpse of Grushnitsky, the heavenly body seemed “dull” to Grigory, and its rays “did not warm”. Nature is not only the experience of the characters, but is also one of the characters. The storm becomes the reason for a long meeting between Pechorin and Vera, and in one of the diary entries preceding the meeting with Princess Mary, Grigory notes that "the air of Kislovodsk is conducive to love." With such an allegory, Lermontov not only more deeply and fully reflects the internal state of the characters, but also indicates his own, author's presence by introducing nature as a character.
  2. Leonid Andreev is a wonderful writer, the author of many stories about animals.One of the character traits that a kind person should have, according to L. Andreev, is a careful attitude towards animals. The writer emphasizes the sincerity of children in dealing with them, in contrast to the indifference of adults.

The story "Kusaka" tells the story of a stray dog ​​who has never seen affection or love in his life. It filled her with anger. But then the dog settled in one of the dachas, where a good family came in the spring. They caressed the dog, gave her a name - Kusaka, but then they abandoned it. The story ends with just one phrase: "The dog howled ...". The idea of ​​this work is that a bad attitude towards animals leads to the same indifference towards people. It is no coincidence that therefore an episode with the fool Ilyushka appears in the story. People who are capable of betraying a four-legged pet, of cruel treatment of them, can also act with their loved ones, friends. This is confirmed by the episode at the beginning of the story, which refers to a drunken man. He hit a dog in the street and then came home and beat his wife.

“Argumentation. Attracting literary material” is one of the main criteria for evaluating the final essay. Competently using literary sources, the student demonstrates his erudition and deep understanding of the problem. At the same time, it is important not only to give a link to the work, but also to skillfully include it in the discussion by analyzing specific episodes that correspond to the chosen topic. How to do it? We offer you, as an example, arguments from the literature in the direction of "Indifference and responsiveness" from 10 well-known works.

  1. The heroine of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova is a person with a sensitive heart. Thanks to her intervention, the carts, which were originally intended for moving and loaded with things, were given over to transport wounded soldiers. Another example of a caring attitude towards the world and people is Platon Karataev. He goes to war, helping out his younger brother, and although he does not like the fight at all, even in such conditions the hero remains kind and sympathetic. Plato “loved and lived lovingly with everything that life brought him to”, helped other prisoners (in particular, fed Pierre when he was captured), took care of a stray dog.
  2. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", many heroes manifest themselves as pronounced altruists or egoists. The first, of course, is Sonechka Marmeladova, who sacrifices herself to provide for her family, and then goes into exile after Raskolnikov, trying to save his soul. We must not forget about Razumikhin: he is poor and lives hardly better than Raskolnikov, but he is always ready to help him - he offers a friend a job, buys him clothes, gives him money. In contrast to these noble people, for example, the image of Luzhin is presented. Luzhin "more than anything in the world loved and valued ... his money"; he wanted to marry Raskolnikov's sister Dunya, pursuing a base goal - to take a poor wife who would be eternally obliged to him. It is noteworthy that he does not even bother to ensure that the future bride and her mother get to St. Petersburg comfortably. Indifference to the fate of the closest people results in the same attitude towards the world and characterizes the hero from the negative side. As we know, fate paid tribute to sympathetic characters, but punished indifferent actors.
  3. The type of a person who lives for himself is drawn by I.A. Bunin in the story "The Gentleman from San Francisco". The hero - a wealthy gentleman whose name we will never know - goes on a journey "solely for fun." He spends time in a circle of his own kind, and divides other people into attendants and an annoying "hindrance" to his pleasure - such, for example, are commission agents and ragamuffins on the embankment, as well as inhabitants of miserable houses, which the gentleman from San Francisco has to contemplate along the way . However, after a sudden death, he himself, from a supposedly respected and revered person, becomes a burden, and the same people in whose devotion he believed, because "he was generous", send his corpse to his homeland in a soda box. With this crude irony, I.A. Bunin illustrates the well-known folk wisdom: as it comes around, it will respond.
  4. An example of selflessness is the hero of the collection of stories M.A. Bulgakov "Notes of a young doctor". A young doctor by the name of Bomgard, who recently graduated from the university, goes to work in a rural hospital, where he encounters harsh living conditions, human ignorance, terrible diseases, and, finally, death itself. But against all odds, he fights for every patient; goes out to the sick both day and night, not sparing himself; constantly learning and improving his skills. It is significant that Bomgard is not a heroic person, he is often unsure of himself and, like everyone else, is afraid, but at the decisive moment a sense of professional duty wins over everything else.
  5. The indifference of people to each other is especially terrible when, like a virus, it covers the whole society. Such a situation developed in the story of V.P. Astafiev "Lyudochka". It contrasts the life path of the heroine and the attitude towards her from others, from the family to society as a whole. Lyudochka is a village girl who moves to the city in search of a better life. She works hard at work, resignedly takes care of the housework instead of the woman from whom she rents an apartment, endures the rudeness of the “youth” around her, consoles the dying in the hospital until the last minute ... She is too unlike the stupid, spoiled herd of people, surrounded by which she is forced to be, And this time after time leads her to trouble. Alas, no one, not even her own mother, extended a helping hand to her at the right time, and the girl committed suicide. The saddest thing is that for society this situation is in the order of things, which is reflected in the dry, but terrible statistics.
  6. The image of a kind-hearted, sympathetic person is the key in the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor". The fate of Matryona cannot be called enviable: she was a widow, buried six children, worked for many years on a collective farm “for the sticks of workdays”, did not receive a pension and remained poor in old age. Despite this, the heroine retained a cheerful disposition, sociability, love of work and a willingness to help others, without demanding anything in return. The apogee of her self-sacrifice is a tragic incident on the railway, which ends with the death of the heroine. Surprisingly, her face, untouched by the terrible accident, was “whole, calm, more alive than dead” - just like the face of a saint.
  7. In the story "Gooseberry" A.P. Chekhov, we meet a hero obsessed with a base material goal. Such is the narrator's brother, Nikolai Chimsha-Himalayan, who dreams of buying an estate, and certainly with gooseberry bushes. For this, he stops at nothing: he lives stingily, is greedy, marries an old rich widow and torments her with hunger. He is indifferent to people, so he is ready to sacrifice their interests for his own. Finally, his dream comes true, he feels happy and does not notice that the gooseberries are sour - to such an extent he has renounced real life. This terrifies the narrator, he turns to the “happy person” with a fiery speech, urging him to remember “that there are unfortunate people, that no matter how happy he is ... trouble will strike ... and no one will see or hear him, as now he does not see and does not hears others. The narrator discovered that the meaning of life is not in personal happiness, "but in something more reasonable and great." "Do good!" - this is how he ends his speech, hoping that young people who still have the strength and the opportunity to change something will not follow the path of his brother and become sympathetic people.
  8. It is not easy for a person with an open and sympathetic soul to live in the world. So it happened with the Chudik from the story of the same name by V.M. Shukshin. As an adult male, the hero thinks and behaves like a child. He reaches out to people, likes to talk and joke, strives to be on good terms with everyone, but he constantly gets into trouble due to the fact that he does not look like a “correct adult”. Let's remember one episode: on the plane, Chudik asks his neighbor to buckle up, as the stewardess ordered; he takes his words with obvious displeasure. The landing is not entirely successful: Chudik's neighbor falls from his chair, so much so that he loses his dentures. The weirdo rushes to his aid - but in response he again receives a portion of irritation and anger. And this is how everyone treats him, from strangers to family members. The responsiveness of the Freak and the unwillingness of society to understand someone who does not fit into the framework are two sides of the same problem.
  9. The story of K.G. is devoted to the topic of indifference to one's neighbor. Paustovsky "Telegram". Girl Nastya, secretary of the Union of Artists, gives all her strength to work. She fusses about the fate of painters and sculptors, organizes exhibitions and competitions, and does not find time to see her old sick mother who lives in the village. Finally, having received a telegram stating that her mother is dying, Nastya sets off, but too late ... The author warns readers against making the same mistake, the guilt for which will probably remain with the heroine for life.
  10. Manifestations of altruism in wartime are of particular importance, since it is often a question of life and death. The novel Schindler's Ark by T. Kenilli is a story about a German businessman and NSDAP member Oskar Schindler, who during the Holocaust organizes production and recruits Jews, thereby saving them from extermination. This requires a lot of effort from Schindler: he has to keep in touch with the right people, go for bribery, forge documents, but the result - more than a thousand lives saved and the eternal gratitude of these people and their descendants - is the main reward for the hero. Strengthening the impression of this selfless act is the fact that the novel is based on real events.
  11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Did you feel a terrible depression and lack of desire for everything? But after this, even indifference to oneself may arise.

Being in a state of indifference, a person ceases to have feelings for the world around him and himself. Such a life is devoid of common sense and filled with gray everyday life.

A person's physical and psychological activity decreases. Any person is subject to the state of apathy, regardless of character or upbringing.

What does it mean to be indifferent to oneself?

An important role in the formation of an indifferent state is the way of life. The reason for indifferent behavior can be banal boredom. Sometimes the desire to do nothing is short-term, in which case a person just needs a little rest. However, if indifference develops into a difficult mental state or a protracted depression, then it is necessary to analyze your behavior and eliminate the causes of such manifestations.

There are a lot of possible reasons for the manifestation of indifference, consider some of them:

  1. Experienced stress
  2. Chronic diseases.
  3. Physical fatigue.
  4. Disappointment in professional activity.
  5. Lack of purpose in life.
  6. Dissatisfaction with social and social life.
  7. Abuse of alcohol and other bad habits.
  8. Advanced age.
  9. Emotional exhaustion.
  10. Energy imbalance.

An indifferent state manifests itself as a protective reaction of the body. The person withdraws from the outside world. Not wanting to experience despair or loneliness, he stops showing emotions.

  • At ailments body indifference is a symptom of ongoing disease.
  • Taking certain medications can also cause a similar effect.
  • Lack of material wealth gives a person uncertainty about the future, thus causing indifference to ongoing events.
  • When material values ​​are placed above human values, a person ceases to experience moral satisfaction from such a life.
  • Lack of purpose deprives us of interest in what is happening. We stop striving and wanting, we live a boring monotonous life. In such a case, it is necessary arm yourself with a goal. It is she who motivates a person and makes him take action.
  • Experiencing strong feelings, a person is exhausted and becomes incapable of showing any emotions. In this case, temporary silence and calm will have a positive effect on the state of the body.
  • Any life situation can lead to apathy.
  • Too active emotional outbursts lead the body to a state of fatigue. Emotions go off scale and there comes a limit, a person becomes indifferent for a while.
  • A person who has lost the meaning of life does not worry about anything. Lack of desire for something leads to a passive state of motor activity. A person is not in a hurry, his energy reserve is at a minimum.
  • To form desires, it is necessary to show emotions to surrounding events. Indifference leads to a passive state, indifference.

Depression is the easiest form of manifestation of indifference. Since in a depressed state a person experiences at least negative emotions. In this state, the person suffers because of the unattainability of his desires.

IMPORTANT: Lack of mood is normal for a few days. If a bad mood lasts more than a week, is reinforced by a depressed state, depression, then you should pay attention to this.

  • In order not to sink even deeper, be less alone with yourself and your own thoughts.
    Always try to maximize your potential. This will give you new strength and energy.
  • Showing participation in the lives of others, you will feel an indifferent attitude towards you. This will encourage you to show your kindness and help.
  • Do not neglect the attention shown to you. Understanding and support of loved ones will awaken your human qualities.

Indifference to oneself: examples from the works of world literature

In literary works, in addition to the main plot, the reader meets various types of people. The authors through their characters show us the attitude of a person to life, to his environment, to the world of nature and beauty.

In various episodes, the relationship of a particular character and society is considered.

Many of us have heard the expression of the Russian commander "How painful is indifference to oneself." People who are indifferent to their own lives are content with their miserable existence. Following the lead of their weaknesses, they degrade from a full-fledged personality into a broken person.

Consider several well-known works with specific examples of literary heroes who show indifference to themselves and the world around them:

  • In the novel "Children of the Arbat" A.N. Rybakov reveals the theme of indifference on the example of the broken fate of the protagonist. Alexander Pankratov acts as a fighter for justice. Remaining honest to himself to the end, he cannot act against his own conscience. Being in the whirlpool of historical events, Pankratov does not succumb to the influence of the arbitrariness that is happening around. Struggling with lawlessness, he is unable to hide his feelings and constantly defends his personal position. Being under the pressure of difficult life situations, Alexander does not change human values. Constant disappointment in the Soviet regime takes away the meaning of life from Pankratov. His attempt to arrange a personal life ends in tragedy. These events break Pankratov and lead to an indifferent pessimistic state.
  • The detrimental effect of indifference to others and one's own life is shown by the example of the central character in the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time". Pechorin is in an eternal search for the meaning of his life. The events taking place around him do not bring him joy and pleasure. His environment is of no interest to him. Pechorin accepts multiple attempts to diversify his life, lends himself to adventures and adventures. However, nothing fascinates him for a long time. Everything around sooner or later becomes indifferent to Pechorin. He sets himself selfish goals. Obsessed with the desire to overcome boredom, he steps over the fate of other people. When the desired result is achieved, his interest immediately fades. Indifference to others leads Pechorin to his own indifference. Emptiness day after day fills Pechorin and makes him an unhappy person.

  • A. S. Pushkin reveals an indifferent attitude to life in his poem. On the example of the main character Eugene Onegin, the author shows how numerous experienced events led a person to indifference and disappointment. All he wants from life is peace. He is completely satisfied with a monotonous and boring life. The indifference shown is detrimental to his personality. The feeling of his own hopelessness, inability to influence what is happening, leads the hero into a depressed state. Onegin shows no interest in the events and people around him. Rejecting the manifestation of Tatyana's feelings, her care and participation, Eugene dooms himself to loneliness. On the example of Onegin, Pushkin shows the reader how unrealized human possibilities lead the younger generation to an apathetic state. Indifference to oneself often arises under the influence of external factors.
  • A person indifferent to himself is described by A.P. Chekhov in the work "Scum". He talks about the governess Yulia Vasilievna. She is unable to defend her own opinion. The governess dutifully endures all insults and humiliations. Receiving a salary for several months, she remains with nothing. Taking advantage of her weakness, the owner maximizes material benefits in his direction. Fulfilling someone else's will, Yulia Vasilievna crosses out her own desires. So she shows indifference to her life

In the work “written by I. S. Turgenev, using the example of the nihilist Yevgeny Bazarov, an indifferent attitude to art and the surrounding nature is shown. For this character, material values ​​come first. He does not take seriously any activity related to art. The spiritual world is of no interest to Bazarov. He is not able to understand the artistic meaning of the paintings.

  • Poems and music do not evoke any emotions in him. Bazarov sees a cold calculation in everything. When making decisions, he does not listen to his feelings.
  • Human experiences are alien to him. Being a doctor, Bazarov considers the human body from the point of view of the anatomical structure and does not attach importance to the existence of the soul. He refers to everything incomprehensible through his own denial, thus showing a defensive reaction.
  • Contemplation of the surrounding nature does not bring peace of mind or aesthetic pleasure to Bazarov. He easily destroys the world around him.
  • This indifferent attitude leads to devastating consequences. The efforts made and the established values ​​of the previous generation must be respected. Live not only in the present, but also think about the future.
  • Another striking example of indifference to other people's destinies we observe in the novel by L. N. Tolstoy " War and Peace". Anatoly Kuragin lives for his pleasure. He surrounds himself with all kinds of entertainment. He likes to court the female sex and his flirtations have no boundaries.
  • For Kuragin, his lust is most important, he is indifferent to the feelings of others. Seducing Natasha Rostov, he does not think about her future fate. Playing with her feelings, he gives the girl hope. Natasha is doing the wrong things. With his frivolous attitude, Anatoly blackens the girl's reputation.
  • Indifference is manifested in every person to a greater or lesser extent. Indifference to each other is increasingly common in our lives. Everyone should be responsible for their actions and be prepared for negative consequences.

The danger of indifference to others

A problem that we often encounter in modern society is indifference. When resolving various kinds of problems, we can only rely on ourselves. People are indifferent to other people's lives.

Good and selfless deeds no longer have the same value as before. Indifference to others begins with the same attitude towards oneself. An indifferent person has a callous soul. Dialogue with such an interlocutor loses all meaning. Talking with an indifferent person you will not get understanding, empathy or support.

Moreover, you may be blamed for all your troubles or interrupt communication due to loss of interest in the conversation. Society is afraid to take on the obligations of another person, and this is the norm of modern life. Being in a passive state, a person is not able to rejoice at the achievements of others. He closes and degrades in his world.

Removal from bright and intense events, brings a person to a limited existence. An indifferent person does not need to show love for himself and does not experience such feelings himself. But it is love that can melt a callous heart. Without experiencing such emotions, a person will not be able to live a full life.

  • Young people do not give up their seats in public transport, no one tries to lighten the burden for an old woman with heavy bags, because we have become indifferent to others.
  • People hide their true feelings, trying to appear better than they really are.
  • Disappointment in society leads to indifference to oneself. The progress of indifference can be affected by the upbringing of your parents or your environment.
  • The root of indifference can be the notes of selfishness shown by a person. Excessive self-confidence or inflated self-esteem provokes an indifferent attitude towards others.

In our progressive time, indifference develops due to the mass irresponsibility of people. The permissiveness of the younger generations makes them cruel and aggressive. People are replacing live communication with various technical sources of information.

The American writer H. Keller, deprived of sight and hearing as a result of a disease, wrote about indifference in her statements: “Science has invented a cure for most of our diseases, but has not found a cure for the terrible one - indifference.”

Video: Examples of indifference