Is it possible to distribute the things of a deceased person. Is it possible to carry things after a deceased person? What to do with things of dead people. How to get rid of dead energy on the things of the deceased

Why the things of the deceased need to be distributed to the poor in 40 days and how to do it right. How to neutralize necrotic energy.

Many people adhere to the old belief that the clothes of a deceased person, as well as his belongings, are best given to the poor. Since the personal energy of the deceased may remain on the objects, which will prolong the grief of loved ones. The Orthodox religion tells how to properly perform this ceremony.

What to do with the things of the deceased on the advice of the Orthodox Church

It would be most appropriate to donate things to the temple, where they will be cleansed of the "memory" of the old owner and then they will be distributed among those in need. Of course, it is recommended to sort beforehand. Very old and unusable items of clothing should be sent to the trash. Those that have been preserved in good condition are carefully packed and, by prior arrangement, handed over to the ministers. Thus, you will help the deceased to complete his affairs on earth and with a good deed make it easier for him to reach the gates of heaven.

According to the Orthodox tradition, it is necessary to give away things within forty days. During the transfer to the church, do not forget to ask to pray for the repose and you can order a special service. Buy a few candles and, when you come home, fumigate the room so that the spirit of the deceased does not return.

How to remove negative energy from the objects of the deceased

Sometimes it happens that after the death of a loved one, you want to leave a memory of him and keep those items that he used during his lifetime. However, some of the superstitions say that the necrotic energy remaining on them is capable of harming and even taking a grieving person to the next world after his loved ones. What to do in this case?

Experts recommend a cleansing ceremony. You need to select those items that you decide to keep, tie them with thread or rope, sprinkle them with holy water and fumigate with smoke from church candles. Then you should mentally say goodbye to the deceased, put everything in a large box or suitcase, cross and hide it away from eyes for a while. This will help reduce the grief from separation, and the soul of the deceased will not worry that her part has remained next to you.

As for the gold jewelry that belonged to the deceased, it is advised to immerse the jewelry in salt water for several minutes. According to signs, salt is able to destroy any malicious manifestation. Then the jewelry should be thoroughly wiped and let them lie down for some time next to your other personal items. For example, next to the watch, with a chain or with a pectoral cross.

Particular attention should be paid to the monetary savings that the deceased person owned during his lifetime. If this is a large enough amount, then funds should be allocated from it for alms for the poor. And before you become the full owner of the inheritance, you should thank the deceased for the gift and remember something good about him.

14.07.2015 10:30

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The death of loved ones is always a great sorrow. However, every Orthodox person should be comforted in sorrow and ...

Sooner or later, all of us have to see off someone close on their last journey. And often a situation arises when, after a deceased person, some things remain that are still suitable for use. How to deal with them? Here is what experts in the field of parapsychology and bioenergetics say about this.

Is it worth getting rid of the belongings of the deceased?

Sometimes one hears that it is better to get rid of all the things of the deceased. But is it? Much depends on the specific situation and on what kind of thing we are talking about.

First of all, the deceased could leave orders before his death, how to deal with this or that thing belonging to him. Therefore, it is better to act according to his wishes. For example, if he gives some thing to this or that person, his will should be fulfilled.

If one of the relatives or close friends of the deceased insists that some of the things be given to him, then it is advisable to do so.

If some thing is dear to you only as a memory, it is better to put it away and take it out when you want to remember the deceased.

Bed or sofa

If a person died on a bed or sofa, or lay on them for a long time during an illness, then it is definitely better to refuse such a “legacy”. If for some reason this is not possible, for example, other family members need a bed, and there is nothing to buy a new bed or sofa, then at least perform a purification ceremony by going around a piece of furniture from all sides with a lit church candle in your hand and sprinkling his holy water. Of course, in any case, bedding is also necessary, furniture should be disinfected and, possibly, reupholstered.

Clothing and footwear

If a person wore clothes or shoes when he was ill before death, it is better to burn such things. In no case should you wear things taken from the deceased. The rest can be distributed to friends or the poor.

If among the wearable things of the deceased there are very good and almost new ones that you would like to keep for yourself, then it is better not to take them out of the closet until 40 days have passed since the death.

If you are going to use these things, it is advisable to first conduct a purification ritual. To do this, the thing is soaked in a solution of water and salt, and then washed properly.


If cheap dishes remain from the deceased, it is better to throw them away or give them away. If these are expensive sets, silver appliances, you can keep them for yourself, but you need to thoroughly wash and clean them before use.


It is believed that watches retain the energy "imprint" of their owner for a long time. Often, when a person dies, the clock on their hand (and sometimes in the house) stops.

Should I keep the watch of the deceased? If he lived a decent and good life, then you can keep them for yourself. If this is not the case, then it is better to get rid of the clock.


Jewelry, especially expensive ones, is not so easy to part with. Not without reason in many families pass from generation to generation.

It is not recommended to wear jewelry that belonged to evil people, those who were engaged in witchcraft, some dark deeds. If a person was engaged in magic during his lifetime, only the one to whom he transferred his gift has the right to wear his jewelry.

Household appliances and gadgets

In general, there is nothing wrong with using household appliances or gadgets after the deceased. The only exception is the mobile phone. This is still a rather personal thing that a person constantly carries with him.

If a person died a violent death or committed suicide, then in any case it is better to get rid of his mobile phone. Recently, cell phones are often placed in the coffin along with the deceased. If the phone is new and expensive, you can keep it for yourself. It is better to give someone a cheap or outdated model.

Portraits and photographs

It used to be customary to hang portraits and photographs of deceased relatives on the walls. However, today it is increasingly possible to hear that the images of the dead carry negative energy and this can adversely affect the fate of those who survived.

Usually a large funeral portrait is chosen, which is enclosed in a mourning frame or tied with a black ribbon. The portrait is put on the table during the wake. After that, he must stay in the house until 40 days from the date of death.

It is better to remove photographs from the walls if living people in their “presence” somehow feel uneasy - for example, fears, insomnia, headaches, some kind of ailments, hallucinations appear ... This should be taken especially seriously if the deceased is alive was related to magic, esotericism, or, to put it mildly, did not differ in outstanding spiritual qualities, had the glory of an evil and bad person.

Do not throw away old photographs, even if you never knew the relatives depicted in them. Let this be a memory of your ancestors. Get special albums for such photos. Photographs of dead and living people should not be kept together. Also, do not post photos of the dead next to the living.

It is strictly not recommended to take pictures at a funeral, and even more so then keep pictures of a dead person in the house. So you will let the energy of death into your home, which can really negatively affect your life.

How to deal with unnecessary things?

After the death of a person, those things that are of no value should be thrown away. It is necessary to clean the apartment or room of the deceased from excess rubbish, carry out a general cleaning and, if possible, repair.

After the death of a person, relatives and family mourn and feel sad, and all the little things in the house remind them of the deceased. What to do with all the personal belongings of the deceased, after he departs to the "other world" - many are wondering. They are also interested in: "Is it possible to wear things after the deceased"?

Customs of different peoples of the world

There are a huge number of people on the planet, all people belong to different religions and their faiths. And everyone deals with death differently. In Western countries, the question of death is put in this way: that after it the soul of every person lives, that is, it ends up in two well-known places. It's either Heaven or Hell. Actions are weighed on the scales of "good and evil" and on the basis of this the soul is sent to the right place.

In the East, it is believed that the soaring soul does not die after death, but continues to travel around the world, and can be reborn into any other living being. Among them:

  • plants;
  • people;
  • animals.

The direction of the soul, of course, does not end precisely after death, they say that if during life a person has not fully “worked off” his own “debts”, so to speak, then he will definitely be reborn in order to complete everything that he did not have time to do.

The Eastern people always cremate the deceased, and some of the peoples belonging to the East burn the body on a fire, after which, along with the body and all its things. This raises the question, where to put the personal belongings of the deceased?

What to do with personal items

The energy of death is very different from the living bioenergy of a living person. Many people with psychic abilities describe the energy of a dead person as cold, viscous, viscous, or one that makes the body tremble. From this we can say that it differs significantly from the energy of the living.

Some believe that after washing the clothes of the deceased, they can be safely worn, dust and dirt can be removed from clothes, but all the information and energy of the deceased cannot be erased, and cannot be washed in any way. This must be taken into account before putting on outfits.

The question - what to do with the things of a deceased person - worries everyone who has ever experienced the loss of a loved one. Some are in a hurry to resolve this issue immediately after the funeral, others for months and even years cannot touch the things of the deceased and part with at least something. But there comes a time when they have to make a choice.

There is an opinion that the things of each person, especially those that we use constantly, are saturated with our energy and moods. That is why the traditions of some religions welcome the complete disposal of the things of a deceased person immediately after the funeral, while others, on the contrary, recommend keeping them as a memory. Orthodox traditions are inclined to believe that when completing the earthly affairs of a deceased person and praying for his soul, one should disassemble and distribute his things to those in need on his behalf within 40 days after death with a request to remember the deceased. This is considered a good deed, which will help the soul of the deceased in determining its future fate, which is decided on the 40th day.

That is, Orthodox traditions interpret what to do with such things unambiguously - personal belongings should be distributed to relatives, neighbors, friends and acquaintances, leaving for yourself what you don’t want to part with and what is dear, like a memory. Things that were not useful to relatives and friends are usually taken to the church. In each of them there is a place where you can leave things and where people who need them can take them. In addition, there are charitable collection points where your gift will also be welcome. Their addresses will be able to tell you in specialized agencies providing funeral services.

But the question - when it is possible and necessary to distribute things - has another point of view among the Orthodox: it is necessary to distribute things, but only after 40 days, before that you cannot touch and distribute them. On this occasion, we want to note that the Bible does not clearly indicate when to distribute the things of the deceased, but throwing them in the trash is not recommended in any case. Especially if things are in good condition and can benefit someone.

After the death of a person, his close people mourn, many of them are burdened by the things of the deceased.

What to do with the things of a person after his death?

Is it possible to carry things after a deceased person?

You will find answers to these questions in the article.

Death and the energy of death, is it possible to wear things after a deceased person

The western population of our planet and the eastern population have a different attitude to the issue of death. In the West, it is generally accepted that the soul of a person ascends after his death and goes to either Heaven or Hell. The Eastern interpretation of death and its outcome is somewhat different from the Western one. In the East, it is generally accepted that the human soul continues its journey after death.

In Eastern religions, it is indicated that the soul is reborn either in a new human body, or in an animal or in plants. The path of the soul does not end with death, life is an opportunity to get out of the circle of Samsara due to the working off of karma. If a person has not worked off his karmic debts during his lifetime, he will be reborn.

In the Eastern tradition, it is customary to cremate the body of the deceased; among some peoples, it is customary to burn it at the stake and, together with the body, all the things of the owner. Thus, the question of whether it is possible to wear things after the deceased is not worth it.

As for the energy of death, bioenergetics all over the world indicate that the energy of a living person is different from the energy of a dead person. Many psychics, examining the things of the dead, touching them, can say with accuracy that the former owner of the thing is dead. The energy of death is addictive, it is cold and more viscous than the energy of life - this is what psychics point out.

Getting rid of it is quite difficult. After washing a thing, it is impossible to erase information about the life and death of its owner. Therefore, bioenergetics and psychics do not recommend buying used clothes. She can carry information about her deceased owner.

The Christian Church considers all of the above to be superstition. Christian superstition is a sin. The church does not give a definite answer to the question posed. Very often you can see how relatives bring things of the deceased to the Temple so that those parishioners who need them can use them. The Holy Father surely sanctifies these things. Perhaps that is why they can continue to be used in everyday life, it is worth figuring it out.

What can be done with the things of a deceased person, is it possible to wear things after a deceased person

In Western tradition, it is customary after the fortieth day from the date of death to distribute the things of the deceased. It is believed that the things of the deceased should not remain in the house. Why was this tradition born?

It is believed that the soul of the deceased ascends on the fortieth day - from this day you can dispose of his property;

In the old days, clothes were in short supply, so they tried not to throw them away, but to transfer them from one family member to another;

The things of the deceased were taken out of the house so that he would not return for them.

Due to the shortage of clothes, especially outerwear, in the Middle Ages, relatives were happy to take the things of the deceased. Most people don't need clothes these days. Therefore, if you can give the things of the deceased, then only some of them:


Clothes that were not worn on a significant date;

Clothes that were not worn in sorrow.

It seems superstitious, but still. It is worth considering well, but do you need to repeat the fate of the deceased? You can wash the things of the deceased thoroughly and hang them out in the fresh air. Often, relatives note a strange smell from the things of the deceased in order to get rid of it, and it is worthwhile to carry out this simple manipulation.

It is not in vain that the priest sanctifies the things of the deceased in the temple, brought by relatives for transfer to those in need. This manipulation allows you to remove the energy of death from them. At home, you should not try to reproduce this ritual. It won't lead to anything good.

What to do with the jewelry of the deceased? Will clean and wear. It can be done. It is enough to dip them overnight in holy water and you can continue to use them, but only after the fortieth day from death. Previously, you should not disturb the soul of the deceased.

The things of the deceased, which you do not want and cannot distribute, can simply be burned. If we are talking about books and records of the deceased, they can be stored on a par with other things in the house. If the family still wants to get rid of them, then it is better to give them from the heart. Such a gift will not carry negativity.

If you sell the things of the deceased, then the proceeds cannot be spent on yourself. They must either be donated or spent on some good deed. To something that will benefit. It happens that the deceased bequeaths to transfer his things to one of the relatives. Then don't be afraid to wear them. But until the fortieth day from the date of death, you still should not dispose of them.

What should not be done with the things of a deceased person, is it possible to wear things after a deceased person

Is it possible to carry things after a deceased person? Not in the first forty, but especially nine days after his death. Often the relatives of the deceased even before his burial begin to divide the property. This is considered a great sin, but people go to it for the sake of profit. It is believed that the still undead soul is watching everything that happens in her former home and the punishment for such atrocities of relatives will not be long in coming.

Bioenergetics do not even recommend sleeping in the room of the deceased, so that he does not come in a dream, let alone wear his things. Of course, not everyone has such an opportunity, but it is possible to put aside the belongings of the deceased for forty days and not touch them. Often the things of dead children are left for those who are younger, for the next offspring - this cannot be done!

It is better to bury a child’s favorite doll or toy with him, but not to give it to another baby. The energy in children is much weaker than in adults, there are cases when, after such gifts, misfortunes happen to children. Even if the older child has died, the younger one should not be dressed in the clothes of the deceased.

If the deceased had a favorite mirror in which he admired, it is worth burying it, you can even at the grave. They cannot be used. Mirrors that are in the apartment must be removed and wiped well.

So is it possible to wear things after a deceased person? Today, bioenergetics offer hundreds of ways to cleanse things of negative energy, including the energy of death. But don't trust all of them. It is better to free the house from them and at the same time - the memory. It is only worse for the dead if the living constantly remember them. What is symbolic is that in the Eastern tradition it is customary to get rid of the things of the deceased almost immediately after death, so that nothing would keep him on Earth. So that he can safely make the transition to reincarnation.

It is not customary to wait any number of days here. Death comes and the soul is free. Perhaps this approach is optimal in deciding whether things can be worn after a deceased person. But, everyone must decide for himself, choosing one of the options proposed above - this will be fair.