Is it possible to combine escapelle with beer. Is it possible to take Escapelle with alcohol: interaction. Dehydration of the body due to intoxication

Escapelle is an emergency contraceptive drug used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The drug is postcoital contraceptive with gestagenic and antiestrogenic properties.

In contact with

The contraceptive effectively stops ovulation and prevents fertilization if sexual contact occurs during the maximum chance of conception. Escapelle during ovulation prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg, reliably protecting a woman from unwanted conception. In the event that the attachment of the egg has already taken place, the drug has no effect.

Pharmacological form and composition

For those women who have been prescribed the drug Escapel, the instructions for use emphasize that it belongs to the category of emergency contraception and is used immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Important! The main active ingredient that provides the pharmacological action of the contraceptive is levonorgestrel.

Also in the composition of the drug can be found and other components:

  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • potato and corn starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • talc.

The drug is produced in the pharmacological form of rounded pills, grayish or whitish in color, containing 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel.

The drug is packaged in foil blisters and cardboard packaging.

The contraceptive effect of the drug

Escapelle is a medicine that is used as a means of emergency contraception, that is, after unprotected sexual intercourse or the use of barrier methods of contraception. The effectiveness of the pharmacological agent is quite high, and, if used correctly, is at least 95%. At the same time, the contraceptive has no effect on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, as well as the process of blood clotting.

How does the drug work on the body of a woman? Levonorgestrel has been successfully used in gynecological practice for many decades to prevent unwanted conception. This substance has an active effect on the female reproductive system, preventing the removal of the egg from the follicle and its further fusion with the sperm. This is exactly how it happens suppression of ovulation.

It must be remembered that the use of the drug is advisable only in the case of unprotected sexual intercourse that occurred in the pre-ovulatory time, that is, until the egg is removed from the follicle cavity. Otherwise, the medication will not be effective.

It is recommended to take a contraceptive as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, but no later than after 72 hours.

The level of effectiveness of tablets during the first day is 94-96%, the second - 85% and the third day no more than 60%.

After oral administration, the drug is rapidly absorbed into the walls of the digestive tract, the maximum level of levonorgestrel in the blood plasma is reached in about 1.5-2 hours.

It is excreted from the body by the kidneys and intestines.

Indications for use

In order to answer the question of who can take a contraceptive drug, you must carefully study the instructions, which list the main indications.

  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • the use of ineffective or unreliable contraceptives;
  • improper use of a contraceptive.

Before using the drug, it must be borne in mind that it belongs to the means emergency contraception approved for use in the most urgent cases. If a woman needs regular use of a contraceptive, you should consult a doctor to prescribe permanent birth control pills.

Contraindications and side effects

Many girls go to the doctor with a question as to whether the medicine has contraindications, and what are the consequences of its use in prohibited cases.

Gynecologists are sure that with the rare use of the drug in the indicated dosages, it well tolerated female body.

In the case of the use of the contraceptive Escapel, side effects in most cases are associated with the individual characteristics of the patient's body. To the most common side effects drugs include the following:

  1. A slight violation of the menstrual cycle, which is most often expressed in its shift for 3-7 days.
  2. Swelling of the skin of the face and eyelids, a feeling of discomfort and tightness in the mammary glands.
  3. Painful cramps in the lower abdomen.
  4. Skin allergic reactions - urticaria, rashes, itching, burning.
  5. Frequent bouts of nausea, vomiting.
  6. Chair disorders.
  7. Headaches, weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, lack of coordination.
  8. Bloody issues from the vagina, which have nothing to do with the menstrual cycle.

Is it possible or not to take medication as an emergency contraceptive for girls under the age of 16? The instructions for the medicine indicate that its use in adolescence strictly prohibited, since during this period the hormonal system of the female body has not yet fully formed. Taking birth control pills can lead to serious hormonal imbalances.

Mode of application

In order to learn how to take Escapelle and how often you can take it, it is best to consult a qualified gynecologist. Only a doctor can tell you about the most effective way to use a contraceptive and choose the optimal dosage, depending on the individual characteristics of the female body.

The use of the drug is oral. It is recommended to drink the tablet within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, trying to do it as soon as possible.

In this case, it is possible to suppress the process of ovulation, and prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Single dose - 1 tablet. If, for any reason, vomiting begins within 2-4 hours after taking the medicine, Escapel should be repeated at the same dosage.

The contraceptive can be used on any day, regardless of the menstrual cycle. But doctors warn that taking more than 1 tablet per 1 menstrual cycle is prohibited, as this can lead to the development of side effects, most often to heavy uterine bleeding.

Important application rules

Escapel is a contraceptive drug intended exclusively for for emergencies. In no case can it replace birth control pills intended for regular use.

If during 72 hours of one cycle a woman had two unprotected sex, the use of the drug Escapel after the second sexual intercourse will not bring the expected contraceptive effect, and its use will be useless.

O take attention! The drug prescription is dispensed in pharmacy chains by prescription .

It is very important to remember that Escapelle only protects against unwanted pregnancy, not sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally use other barrier contraceptives, such as condoms.

Pharmacological agent Not recommended take throughout all trimesters of pregnancy. But at the same time, Escapel does not have any effect on the process of growth and formation of the fetus, does not lead to various pathologies and developmental anomalies. During lactation, contraceptive pills are allowed, but lactating women should remember that the period after taking the drug and before feeding should be at least 6-10 hours.

Alcohol consumption

Is it possible to combine Escapelle and alcohol at the same time?

It is with this question that many patients turn to their gynecologist, because in most cases, taking this drug is unplanned.

Escapelle and alcohol is a combination that best avoided.

The use of hormonal contraceptives with alcohol can have the most severe and unpredictable consequences for the female body.

The impact of alcohol contributes to a marked decrease in the contraceptive effect of the use of Escapelle tablets. In addition, alcohol in any form increases the likelihood of side effects of the drug.

In order to prevent the onset of an unwanted pregnancy, doctors advise to pause between taking the drug and alcoholic beverages for at least 24-26 hours. Only in this case can one count on the high contraceptive effectiveness of the Escapel contraceptive.

Video: escapelle - emergency contraception

In contact with

The manufacturer of this drug is a Hungarian company with a good reputation in the pharmaceutical market and among consumers. Numerous studies were carried out before the release of the drug for free sale.

But not a single experiment was carried out on drunken subjects. Therefore, the manufacturer does not indicate anything about this. Seeing that there are no restrictions on this in the instructions, most women are sure that alcohol and Escapelle are compatible.

But the negative is possible, and its manifestations have already been indicated above. It is unlikely that anyone will want to put themselves at risk and conduct such tests.

After all, it is not for nothing that there is a warning that it is advisable to take the drug under the supervision of a doctor. Even if you consider that this is an emergency contraceptive drug, there is still time for a medical consultation.

It is impossible to hide from the doctor that a certain amount of alcohol was drunk. Otherwise, the cause of possible intoxication will not be established correctly. And this already leads the patient to a hospital bed. Many gynecologists argue that such a combination can be detrimental to reproductive functions, up to the complete loss of the ability to have children.

These frightening warnings of doctors are aimed only at the benefit of patients. If you are warned, then there is some risk. After all, both the drug itself and alcohol can destroy reproductive abilities, especially if taken frequently.

And if such depressing components are combined, then it just turns out an explosive mixture, the action of which can make a woman infertile. Is it worth risking your own women's health and the ability to have children? Maybe it's better to give up alcohol so that such an extraordinary situation does not happen? Take care of your health!

How long does it take for a tablet to leave the body?

Next, let's look at what will happen after taking this drug. After taking Escapel, the drug is completely absorbed into the blood, reaching a peak concentration within 2 hours from the moment of use. The drug is in the body for a long time: for example, its half-life is min 23 hours.

If you are breastfeeding, it is best to avoid breastfeeding your baby during this period, but it is necessary to express milk.

Contraceptive pills and alcohol are a rather controversial tandem and cause concern, especially among young women.

Birth control pills and alcohol

Since childhood, we have all heard about the dangers of ethyl alcohol. And how does it affect the body while taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills)? After all, their reception is associated with a serious introduction into the holy of holies of the female hormonal background.

So can you drink alcohol while taking birth control? Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Contraceptives and alcohol: how to reduce health risks

Many annotations (instructions) for contraceptives do not contain direct information about the prohibition / permission to take ethyl alcohol. However, there is direct evidence that alcohol can reduce the effect of many medications.

If the banquet cannot be rescheduled and it is scheduled for the evening, then first move the usual time for taking the medication by 3 hours and take it earlier.

You cannot deviate more from the specified time.

As an exception to the rule, act as if you forgot to take the next dose of the drug, and the next day take it strictly according to the prescribed instructions.

This will somewhat reduce its harmful effect on the body.

Just before the banquet, eat some butter or drink some fresh raw eggs.

Vomiting and birth control pills

Consequences of alcohol intoxication when taking birth control pills

In no case should alcohol poisoning be allowed, which will certainly follow due to the use of large doses of ethyl alcohol. And the point here is not even the harm of intoxication, but the fact that the pill can come out with vomit even before it is absorbed in the body.

If vomiting occurs 2-3 hours after taking the medication, then it should be considered that you did not drink it at all. Continue taking oral contraceptives as directed.

Thus, you can somewhat reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancy. Look in the annotations to the drug, what period is considered critical in the interval between vomiting and the last dose of the drug.

Compatibility of alcohol and birth control pills

Let's give data on the compatibility of alcohol with the most common birth control pills. So:

  1. "Genele". This contraceptive and alcohol are practically incompatible, especially in cases of emergency (postcoital) contraception. Once in the body, ethyl alcohol sharply weakens the effect of the tablet preparation.
  2. "Ginepriston" and alcohol are categorically incompatible!
  3. "Postinor" in tandem with ethyl alcohol can not only not interfere with fertilization, but also cause direct damage to the health of the female body.

Important! Gynecologists urge you to think again and again before combining any, especially strong alcoholic drinks, with taking pills. Think about whether a glass of drunk wine is worth your precious health? Maybe it's easier, cheaper and safer to leave the vessel untouched on the table?!


In the name of maintaining one's own health and in order to avoid far-reaching unpleasant consequences, it is still advisable to refuse alcohol during the period of taking contraceptives. But if this is not in your power, then try to take their minimum dose.

Remember that alcohol reduces the effect of contraceptives, so take additional measures to prevent unwanted pregnancy and be sure to consult a gynecologist.

You need to know what unpleasant consequences are expected after using this drug. Often side effects are expressed in:

  • nausea, vomiting, stool disorders;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and mammary glands;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • increased anxiety and fatigue;
  • severe headaches;
  • allergic reactions: skin rash, burning, hives, itching and even Quincke's edema.

Usually this drug does not cause disturbances in the menstrual cycle, in rare cases there are deviations from the norm. The maximum delay that can be caused by Escapelle is five days. If there is no menstruation for longer, it is necessary to take a pregnancy test to exclude the fact of its presence.

Directions for use

The main active ingredient of the drug is the hormone levonorgestrel, which is able to block the activity of spermatozoa. It is an artificially synthesized hormone similar to progesterone.

Having consumed one tablet (that's how much is contained in the package), the fertilization of the egg is blocked even if the spermatozoa have already managed to get to it. If there was an attachment of a fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus, then the effect of the drug may be ineffective.

Escapelle has a wide impact on the woman's body. This is not limited to blocking sperm activity.

Some time after taking the pill, the nutrient medium in the uterus and female tubes changes dramatically. More mucus appears, which prevents spermatozoa from moving freely to the egg, and the egg itself, in case of fertilization, to gain a foothold on the walls of the uterus.

In order to learn how to take Escapelle and how often you can take it, it is best to consult a qualified gynecologist. Only a doctor can tell you about the most effective way to use a contraceptive and choose the optimal dosage, depending on the individual characteristics of the female body.

The use of the drug is oral. It is recommended to drink the tablet within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, trying to do it as soon as possible.

In this case, it is possible to suppress the process of ovulation, and prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Single dosage - 1 tablet. If, for any reason, vomiting begins within 2-4 hours after taking the medicine, Escapel should be repeated at the same dosage.

The contraceptive can be used on any day, regardless of the menstrual cycle. But doctors warn that taking more than 1 tablet per 1 menstrual cycle is prohibited, as this can lead to the development of side effects, most often to heavy uterine bleeding.

Escapelle is a contraceptive drug intended exclusively for emergency cases. In no case can it replace birth control pills intended for regular use.

If during 72 hours of one cycle a woman had two unprotected sexual intercourse, the use of Escapel after the second sexual intercourse will not bring the expected contraceptive effect, and its use will be useless.

Note! The drug prescription is dispensed in pharmacy chains by prescription.

It is very important to remember that Escapelle only protects against unwanted pregnancy, not sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally use other barrier contraceptives, such as condoms.

Contraindications and side effects

In order to answer the question of who can take a contraceptive drug, you must carefully study the instructions, which list the main indications.

  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • the use of ineffective or unreliable contraceptives;
  • improper use of a contraceptive.

Before using the drug, it must be borne in mind that it belongs to the means of emergency contraception, approved for use in the most emergency cases. If a woman needs regular use of a contraceptive, you should consult a doctor to prescribe permanent birth control pills.

Many girls go to the doctor with a question as to whether the medicine has contraindications, and what are the consequences of its use in prohibited cases.

Gynecologists are confident that with the rare use of the drug in the indicated dosages, it is well tolerated by the female body.

Risks and consequences

Side effects after taking the drug are possible. This is reported in the accompanying instructions, and doctors must warn about this. Among them are:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.

This happens quite rarely, but alcohol can be the main provoking factor. Moreover, it does not matter when the woman took alcohol: before taking the pill or after it.

These side effects may or may not occur. All this is individual.

But a sharp hormonal surge in the body cannot go unnoticed. To exclude the harmful interaction of the hormone and alcohol, it is undesirable to drink alcohol after taking the medicine.

A woman may not notice drastic changes in her health. But she must remember that a severe failure has occurred in the body, and a long rehabilitation is required.

There is a desire to quickly restore hormonal levels - do not drink alcohol, even with a low alcohol content, for at least two weeks. Each organism is individual, so the effect of levonorgestrel on the body cannot be the same. But women and men who respect them must know and be aware of the possible consequences.

Due to the strong concentration of hormones in Postinor tablets, it is banned in many countries, as it can cause a lot of side effects.

Paired with alcoholic beverages, side effects can develop in a more enhanced form. Here are some of them:

  • general deterioration of the body, weakness;
  • headaches;
  • vomiting, nausea due to poisoning with liver toxins;
  • pain in the liver and urinary tract;
  • pregnancy, including ectopic;
  • bleeding.

If a woman chooses Postinor as a contraceptive, then she should think about how this drug will affect her health.

And although the contraindications to the use of Postinor do not contain a clause on the compatibility of the drug with alcohol, you should not interfere with Postinor with alcoholic beverages.

It must be remembered that alcohol is the strongest catalyst for substances, including hormones, which Postinor contains a loading dose.

Therefore, if you decide to protect yourself in this way, then it is in your hands to minimize the risks of taking such a potent drug. And in this case, it is better to refuse alcohol or limit its use to a minimum.

The main active ingredient of Escapel is levonorgestrel.

It is an artificial hormone that duplicates natural progesterone.

Escapelle disrupts the natural hormonal balance of the female body. This negatively affects not only the physical condition, but also the psyche. Sometimes the psychosomatic effects can be much more serious than the physical side effects.

Most women who have a normal sex life are well aware of the situation when it is necessary to resort to emergency contraception.

There are not so many such drugs, and the principle of their action is almost the same: you need to take a pill within a few hours after intercourse.

One of these drugs is Escapelle. What is the reason for such a strong effect and what are the consequences of taking Escapel? In addition, often unprotected sexual contact occurs after taking a certain amount of alcohol.

What will be the effect of the drug in combination with an alcohol-containing drink in the body. These are just the questions that most women are interested in. To understand the principle of exposure, you need to know as much as possible about the drug and possible complications after taking it.

Such a strong impact can lead to hormonal failure?

The main hormone of this drug is contained in all contraceptives. But in tablets for daily intake, its content does not exceed 30 mcg.

In Escapelle, this hormone is many times more, about 1500 mcg. This is a huge blow to the hormonal background, which will lead to numerous changes in the body.

It could be:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • discharge with blood impurities after menstruation;
  • pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen;
  • disorders in the digestive tract.

Doctors and the manufacturer warn of possible consequences, but in reality they do not happen so often.

Medicine knows cases when, after taking the Escapel pill, pregnancy occurred.

Experts say that this is due to the late intake, after 72 hours have passed after unprotected intercourse.

In order not to suffer in guesswork, it is necessary to clearly understand what consequences the drug can give if the instructions or recommendations of the doctor are not followed.

Most women understand that taking hormonal drugs forces them to introduce some restrictions into their usual lifestyle. And is it possible to drink alcoholic beverages after taking the pill, and if so, when?

This happens quite rarely, but alcohol can be the main provoking factor. Moreover, it does not matter when the woman took alcohol: before taking the pill or after it.

These side effects may or may not occur. All this is individual. But a sharp hormonal surge in the body cannot go unnoticed.

To exclude the harmful interaction of the hormone and alcohol, it is undesirable to drink alcohol after taking the medicine.

There is a desire to quickly restore hormonal levels - do not drink alcohol, even with a low alcohol content, for at least two weeks.

Each organism is individual, so the effect of levonorgestrel on the body cannot be the same.

But women and men who respect them must know and be aware of the possible consequences.

Once, a woman in front of the doctor's office complained to her interlocutor that she had drunk Escapelle, and nothing was happening.

This is due to the mild effect of the drug on the body, even with a strong hormonal surge. This cannot be said about the well-known drug Postinor.

There are no restrictions and contraindications for the simultaneous intake of alcohol with such a medication. But there are different situations, for example, in the case when you need to urgently drink a drug, and ethanol is already in the blood.

What to do in such cases and how long is it recommended to take the medicine after drinking alcohol?

Drinking alcohol against the background of drug treatment is in principle unacceptable, since both ethanol and drugs have a destructive effect on the body's main filter - the liver.

In the case of Escapelle, the load on the liver increases many times, and if we add the aggressive action of alcohol-containing substances, the consequences can be very deplorable.

Such a tandem violates the hepatic function, leads to the destruction of hepatocytes. The result of a strong overload of this important organ is toxic poisoning of the liver, which leads to the development of hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Also, the simultaneous intake of alcohol and medications is often the cause of increased alcohol intoxication and subsequent intoxication. The next morning after drinking strong drinks and using Escapel, severe nausea and vomiting are possible.

Escapelle: harm to the body

Is Escapelle harmful if you do not follow the instructions?

Definitely yes, in the package with the tablet there is always an insert with instructions, which you definitely need to read.

All possible side effects, dosage, contraindications, etc. are indicated there.

If the doctor has not explained how to take Escapel, as well as what consequences this drug has, a woman can find out this information from the instructions.

If you ignore medical prescriptions, then emergency contraception will bring significant harm to the body. The severity of health damage depends on various factors.

From receiving frequency

Escapelle is one of the most recognized and popular emergency contraceptive drugs. Disputes about the side effects and dangerous consequences of this remedy are ongoing - both among doctors and among patients. Since Escapelle is usually taken unplanned, the question of whether it is possible to take the drug with alcohol becomes very important. Official and large-scale studies of the interaction of Escapelle and alcohol have not been conducted. But scientists and medical practitioners say that the powerful Escapelle and alcohol, when taken at the same time, can lead to an unpredictable dangerous result.

What is Escapelle?

Escapel (along with the well-known Postinor) is included in the group of hormonal drugs that are used for emergency postcoital contraception. This means that you need to drink a single tablet (unlike similar drugs, where there are two tablets) after sexual intercourse - within three days.

The only biologically active substance in the composition of the contraceptive is levonorgestrel. This is a synthetic hormone - an analogue of progestogens, which include the famous progesterone - the hormone of the corpus luteum of the ovaries, otherwise the "pregnancy hormone".

Despite its name, progesterone is a powerful natural contraceptive - it is he who protects a woman from conception when she is already carrying a child.

In the first half of the 20th century, scientists worked tirelessly to create oral contraceptives based on progesterone, and today many contraceptive drugs contain synthetic analogues of progestins.

Escapelle is one tablet to be taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse, ideally as soon as possible. In one pill of a contraceptive - 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel. Escapelle is allowed to drink at any time of the monthly cycle - the day when sexual intercourse occurred does not affect the effectiveness of hormones at all.

The mechanism of progesterone action changes dramatically depending on the timing of admission:

The price of Escapela varies in a very wide range, it also depends on the city (capital or regions) and the pharmacy chain. You can buy one pill of a contraceptive on average for 340-570 rubles.

Alcohol compatibility

The effect of hormonal drugs on the body is always very individual, so side effects in one particular case are difficult to predict.

Side effects from a single dose of Escapel are quite rare (according to clinical trials of the drug), but can be quite serious:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • intestinal disorders (diarrhea);
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • painful menstruation;
  • too heavy menstruation;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • interruptions in the menstrual cycle (delays and complete cessation of menstruation).

From the compatibility of the drug with alcohol (regardless of when alcohol was drunk - before or after Escapelle), the reaction of the body may be even more unpredictable. This is largely due to the effect of alcoholic beverages on the body.

First, synthetic progesterone is metabolized in the liver. The half-life of Escapelle is about 26 hours. The liver is also involved in the processing of the decay products of ethyl alcohol. And if you mix a contraceptive with any alcohol, the liver receives a double blow, which it cannot always cope with.

Secondly, the vascular system suffers greatly from alcohol intake - first, alcohol dilates blood vessels, then causes a sharp spasm. Since Escapelle itself provokes bleeding, in combination with ethyl alcohol this effect is enhanced.

Possible consequences

The most important consequence that a woman can expect after an alcoholic-hormonal cocktail is the banal inefficiency of the drug. Gynecologists warn patients about this, reviews also speak about this. Many women who took Escapelle in parallel with alcohol write that the pregnancy occurred immediately, despite the supposedly powerful progesterone effect.

In many ways, the onset of an unplanned pregnancy also depends on the time of taking Escapel.

If you take a pill on the first day after unprotected contact, the guarantee that conception will not occur is 95%. But after 48 hours, it already drops to 58%.

If, at such a late date, the contraceptive is also mixed with alcohol, then the effectiveness will be minimal. In this case, emergency contraception will simply turn into Russian roulette.

The other side of mixing alcohol and Escapelle is much more dangerous and can cause irreparable harm to the patient's health. Alcohol of any strength and in any dose can increase the “side effect” of a powerful contraceptive several times over.

The consequences may be as follows:

  • severe nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain and diarrhea;
  • increased alcohol intoxication;
  • painful hangover syndrome;
  • severe uterine bleeding (up to a threat to life).

Combination rules

Instructions for use Escapel does not give any indication about the compatibility of the drug with alcohol. There is also no evidence of any compatibility testing of artificial progesterone and alcoholic beverages. But all medical sources are unambiguous in this regard: mixing hormonal drugs with alcohol of any strength is strictly prohibited.

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy and not harm your health, it is important to follow the simple rules for taking Escapelle:

  1. If unprotected intercourse was accompanied by the intake of alcohol, you should not drink Escapelle immediately after it. If time permits, it is better to wait until all the decay products of ethanol are removed from the body, and then take a contraceptive.
  2. After drinking the Escapel pill, alcohol is prohibited for at least a day (and preferably two). During this time, the products of progestin metabolism will leave the body, and the risks of "side effects" will be minimized.
  3. If after a contraceptive pill within 3 hours the woman began to vomit, you need to drink Escapel again. No alcohol 2 days after contraception!

The drug "Escapel"

Sometimes a girl's personal life develops according to an unplanned scenario that requires a quick decision. As an option, a romantic date with a glass of wine and unprotected intercourse at the end. In such situations, many women prefer to play it safe and take emergency contraceptives in order to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Escapel is especially popular in solving this issue. Therefore, thematic forums are full of messages from worried girls about the interaction of Escapelle taken with a portion of alcohol. They are interested in whether the effectiveness of the pills is reduced due to alcohol.

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The effect of alcohol and Escapelle on the body

Escapelle is available in the form of tablets for oral administration. Contains the active substance levonorgestrel, is a synthetic progestogen that has an emergency contraceptive effect by suppressing ovulation and fertilization. For maximum effect, the drug must be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex, or other circumstances that give rise to doubts (violation of the integrity of the condom, the girl forgot to drink OK). If more than 72 hours pass, the pills do not have the desired effect, the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy increases. The drug can not be used on a regular basis, as well as girls under the age of 16. In addition, you need to remember that it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Compatibility of Escapel's hormonal tablets in combination with alcohol has not been investigated by clinical trials. Also in the annotation there is an emphasis on the interaction of the drug with other medicines, but nothing is said about the reaction of ethyl with Escapelle. Despite this, gynecologists recommend avoiding such combinations whenever possible. According to doctors, alcoholic beverages within reasonable limits, specifically on the effectiveness of Escapelle, do not have an effect, but alcohol enhances other negative manifestations that are inherent in the drug.

Side effects from alcohol and Escapelle

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, a single dose of Escapel can provoke such unpleasant consequences:

  • feeling of nausea, vomiting. If this happened immediately after taking the pill, then it is recommended to re-drink the medication;
  • a state of weakness accompanied by dizziness;
  • pain in the head;
  • disorders of the intestinal tract (diarrhea);
  • pulling pains in the area of ​​internal genital organs;
  • menstrual disorders (premature menstruation, or vice versa, delays);
  • often patients complain of uterine bleeding.

Escapelle loads the liver, therefore, it is not recommended to use it in case of diagnosed liver failure.
Given such a wide range of side effects, there is reason to believe that the compatibility of the hormonal drug Escapel drunk at the same time with alcohol can cause the most unpredictable reactions.

Possible consequences from drinking alcohol and Escapelle

With this combination, the main blow falls on the liver, since it is in it that Escapel's metabolism occurs, and ethyl alcohol creates a serious additional burden. In addition, alcohol without medication has a direct toxic effect on the cells of the body.

The consequences still depend, not only on the combination of alcohol and a hormonal drug, but also on the specific quantity, quality and strength of the strong drink drunk.

Common practical examples of side effects are as follows:

  • an obstacle to the full absorption of the drug by the body with alcohol. Accordingly, the concentration of the active component in the blood decreases, and hence the effectiveness of the drug as directed;
  • increased state of alcoholic intoxication, even with moderate doses of alcohol;
  • sharp pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • an allergic reaction in the form of itching and redness of the skin;
  • dizziness, pressure drop;
  • vomiting and diarrhea are the leading side effect;
  • it was found that when drinking alcohol with emergency contraceptives, uterine bleeding occurs much more often, accompanied by pain.

The optimal combination of alcohol and Escapelle

You can minimize the negative impact on women's health, as well as prevent unwanted pregnancy, by adhering to the following rules:

  1. with unprotected intercourse in a drunken state, you do not need to immediately take Escapel. In most cases, this provokes vomiting. The drug is effective for 72 hours, so it is better to pause until the alcohol is eliminated from the body, and then take the pills;
  2. when taking Escapel on a “sober head”, it is recommended to drink alcohol at least a day later;
  3. as mentioned above, it sometimes happens that Escapelle causes vomiting. According to the instructions of the instructions, you must drink a second dosage. Under such circumstances, it is better for a girl to postpone drinking strong drinks so as not to aggravate the situation.

Escapelle and drunk alcohol: what are the consequences? Will contraception be just as reliable if the woman drank alcohol? This question worries girls in cases where it is necessary to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy.

Escapelle: main characteristics

Escapelle is the most popular contraceptive today. Its effectiveness is confirmed by consumer reviews, but you should not resort to this drug too often. The systematic use of the drug can lead to serious problems associated with the reproductive system and the menstrual cycle.

  1. unprotected intercourse;
  2. doubts about the quality of other contraceptives;
  3. an act of violence.

You can take the drug no more than once per menstrual cycle. Otherwise, problems with women's health may arise. One of them is hormonal imbalance.

Possible side effects:

  • allergic reactions;
  • deviations in the digestive system: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • nervous system failures: fatigue, migraines;

Most side effects can be expected from the liver and reproductive system. Reviews about the drug are mostly positive. High efficiency is achieved if a woman drank pills in accordance with the instructions.

Alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of Escapelle, resulting in an unwanted pregnancy.

This tool is very popular with girls and in this regard, they are interested in whether Escapel is compatible with alcohol. And what consequences can be expected after such a “mix”. Considering this issue, it is necessary to note the most important minus. Since Escapel is a contraceptive, its effectiveness decreases first of all after taking alcohol.

Its use is necessary if there is a threat of unwanted pregnancy. But to drink pills, you must clearly follow the instructions.

  • It is necessary to use this drug no later than two days after sexual intercourse, for the first
    Reception requires 1 tablet. After 12 hours, another 1 tablet is taken.
  • If after taking the drug for 2-3 hours vomiting begins, you need to drink another tablet.
  • It is worth noting that this drug has a number of side effects. The drug should be abandoned to those girls who suffer from problems associated with the liver.
  • Again, if we return to whether Escapelle and alcohol can be consumed at the same time, then this combination is considered undesirable. But if there is an urgent need for this, then you can take the drug after alcohol.

This drug may cause headaches and nausea. So even if you do not have any allergic reactions to any of the components of Ecapel, after a while you can still feel discomfort, because the use of such drugs most often does not pass without a trace. In turn, if a woman drank alcohol, this can increase nausea and headaches several times, so this is another reason not to take Escapelle and alcohol.

The consequences of the use of alcohol and Escapelle

There are no strict instructions that you should not drink alcohol along with Escapel. But, given the importance of the functions of this drug, it is better to refrain from drinking strong drinks. Otherwise, the following consequences may occur:

  1. Alcohol adversely affects the body's absorption of the active ingredients of any drug.
    funds, and Escapelle is no exception. Therefore, if the girl drank alcohol, the effectiveness of the drug will be significantly reduced.
  2. The joint use of the drug with alcoholic beverages may increase alcohol intoxication. And it doesn't matter how much you drink.
  3. Escapelle gives an additional load on the liver. As you know, alcoholic beverages also negatively affect this important organ of the human body. After a joint intake, serious disturbances in the functioning of the liver can occur.

Based on this, we can conclude that it is better not to drink alcohol after taking a contraceptive. Also, if the girl drank alcohol, it is better to wait for the complete withdrawal of ethanol from the body. Of course, if time permits, since the remedy must be taken no later than 48 hours after sexual intercourse. Otherwise, its effectiveness will be significantly reduced.

How long can I take the drug after alcohol.

There is no exact indication of how many hours you can take this drug after drinking alcohol. Drinking with alcoholic beverages is allowed, but it is better to refrain from combining them so that the effectiveness of the drug does not decrease. However, experts say that only a few hours after drinking the pill, you can drink alcohol. It is better not to forget that Escapel belongs to the group of hormonal drugs. And in combination with alcohol, even if there are no serious prohibitions, unpleasant consequences may appear:

  • the effectiveness of the remedy will decrease, so that the prevention of unwanted pregnancy may fail;
  • hormonal pills increase the amount of female hormones, which can cause bleeding;

Based on this, we can conclude that it is better to take the remedy after a time sufficient to remove alcohol from the body. Then the efficiency will increase and the harm to health will be less.

You should not think that if the instructions for the drug do not contain information about the prohibition of alcohol, then it is safe to drink alcoholic beverages with the drug. Each human body is individual and it is very difficult to predict how it will behave as a result of such a combination. Be careful with strong drinks, and you can maintain your health and quality of life.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and one or another means and methods cannot be used without consulting a doctor. Be healthy!

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Sometimes in life there are unforeseen situations that threaten, including an unwanted pregnancy.

Escapelle is one of the most famous drugs for emergency contraception., and for its reception to be as effective and safe as possible, you need to know how it interacts with alcohol.

The instructions do not say anything about whether Escapelle and alcoholic drinks can be combined, so you might think that there is no risk in this. However, do not rush to conclusions.

Escapelle and alcohol: compatibility

Even if there has been no research on how this remedy is combined with alcohol, we must not forget that it belongs to powerful hormonal drugs, and it is categorically not recommended to drink them with alcohol.

Can Escapelle be taken with alcohol? Yes, who can stop you? But doctors agree that it's safer to abstain from alcohol..

Can I drink after Escapelle?

Alcohol should not be drunk either while taking Escapelle or after it.

You should not combine Escapelle with alcohol for the following reasons:

  1. Alcohol interferes with the absorption of drugs, and in the case of a contraceptive, this can play a cruel joke, since the drug works due to a very high dose of the hormone.

If the concentration of Escapel in the blood is lower than expected, it is possible that it simply will not work..

The initial risk of failure - five percent - will increase markedly. This is especially true for those who took the remedy towards the end of the period when it is effective - this, recall, 72 hours: on the third day, the guarantee of protection against pregnancy is reduced to 58%, and in combination with alcohol it becomes completely minimal.

  • If alcohol reduces the effectiveness of the contraceptive, then the negative effect on the liver, on the contrary, will increase.

    This drug itself is very difficult for the body, the high content of the hormone in it creates a great burden on the liver, and alcohol can aggravate the situation.

    This is especially dangerous because at first liver diseases do not manifest themselves in any way, and a woman may not even suspect that something is wrong with her, but the effect on a diseased organ will be even more detrimental than on a healthy one, and besides, in as a result, new dysfunctions may occur.

  • Escapelle, to make pregnancy impossible, stops growth and stimulates the rejection of the endometrium (intrauterine mucosa), which is accompanied by bleeding.

    In other cases, it is too abundant even without the action of any other substances, but the risk that a woman will need medical attention is much higher because of alcohol.

    The fact is that it acts in two phases: first it expands the vessels, and then narrows them, as a result of which too much hemorrhage may occur.

  • Alcoholic drinks increase the side effects of the drug. In addition to bleeding, it can be nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. In addition, a hangover will be much more painful than usual.
  • If in the first hours after taking the medicine there was vomiting, you need to take another pill.

    We figured out the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol and Escapelle at the same time. But how long can you drink alcohol after Escapelle? More on this later in the article.

    How long can you drink alcohol?

    However, this is a minimum, it is desirable that the half-life of the drug is completely completed (that is, that approximately 26 hours have passed), and ideally, you need to wait two days.

    The same applies to the use of the contraceptive itself. If you drank the day before, especially in a considerable amount, it is better to wait until the body completely removes alcohol.

    In this way, you will save the liver from a double load and eliminate the risk that the drug will not be absorbed properly and, therefore, will not work.

    Not only alcohol affects the effect of Escapelle, but vice versa - a joint intake will increase intoxication, and it is impossible to predict how much, because it is always individual.

    Negative consequences

    Someone will decide that a small dose or something with a relatively low degree (the same low-alcohol drinks, light wine, beer, for example) will not harm. This is true except that the more alcohol, the worse the consequences can be.

    Even with a very small amount of alcohol consumed, the risk remains - the contraceptive effect can negate even just a glass of wine.

    Along with reviews that alcohol did not affect anything, there are quite a lot of those that say that the pregnancy ended up remaining.

    In this case, the good thing is that Escapelle does not affect the fetus, it will not affect the child in any way if you decide not to have an abortion.

    But here there is another side of the coin - alcohol can interfere not only with the correct action of the drug, but also with the full development of the fetus.

    Important Points

    Escapelle is a means of emergency contraceptive care if unprotected intercourse has already occurred.

    In addition, we must not forget that this drug protects against unwanted pregnancy, but not against infections..

    Let's summarize the question: "Escapel, can I take it with alcohol?". There is no exceptionally reliable data on the effect of alcohol on the effectiveness of Escapelle, so every woman has the right to decide for herself whether to drink or not, but you need to be aware of the risk and seriously think about whether the possible consequences are worth it.


    A tool such as escapelle is one of the most popular contraceptives. Despite the fact that such a tool does have increased efficiency, it is often not recommended to use escapelle. Doctors warn that if you often drink such a medication, then this negatively affects the menstrual cycle and the reproductive system.

    Considering that such a contraceptive is very popular among the fair sex, the question often arises - is it possible to combine escapelle and alcohol and what could be the consequences of such a combination? Answering this question, it should be noted that the interaction of escapelle and alcohol, first of all, significantly reduces the reliability of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

    Rules for the use of escapelle

    1. As for the rules, it is recommended to take escapelle within 2 days after sexual intercourse.
    2. It should be noted that such a contraceptive also has contraindications - women who suffer from liver diseases cannot take it. Returning to whether it is possible to take escapelle with alcohol, it should be noted that such a combination is possible. This combination is considered acceptable, but highly undesirable.
    3. In any case, it is highly recommended to take Escapelle no later than 2 hours after alcohol has been consumed.

    It should be noted that the adoption of such a drug does not pass without a trace. Many women may experience nausea and headaches shortly after taking the pill. Combining escapelle with alcohol can cause nausea to escalate significantly, which is another reason to refrain from this combination.

    What are the consequences of combining alcohol with escapelle?

    There is another very significant nuance. The fact is that alcoholic beverages significantly slow down the absorption of the active ingredients of the drug, and the use of escapelle is no exception in this regard. And this is considered another reason that the effectiveness of such a contraceptive in combination with alcohol is significantly reduced. It should be noted that if you take such a drug along with alcohol, then intoxication will come much faster and the pills taken can give a variety of side effects.

    It should be noted once again that the use of alcohol has no direct contraindications when taking escapelle. However, given the important function of such a drug (prevention of unwanted pregnancy), it is better not to take risks and not drink alcohol.

    Instructions for use are as follows: the 1st tablet should be taken no later than 48 hours after sexual intercourse, and after another 12 hours have passed, you need to drink 1 more tablet. It happens that after 2-3 hours after taking the drug, vomiting is observed, then you need to drink 1 more tablet. It should be noted that those women who experience vomiting after taking such a pill should not drink alcohol at this time.

    Many women combine taking escapelle with alcohol, arguing their position by the fact that the instructions do not say anything about the fact that you can’t drink alcohol along with pills. But this does not mean that such a combination can be passed completely harmlessly. In addition to what was said above, it is important to note that such a drug contains a large amount of hormones, which can have the most negative effect on the body's work if the drug is combined with alcohol. That is, you can combine them, but it is highly undesirable.

    Additional Information

    It should be noted that the hormones taken are processed by the liver, immune system and stomach. Such a drug is metabolized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys and intestines. That is, the load on the body is large, and in combination with alcohol, the load on the internal organs increases many times over, thus, the work of the body is greatly complicated and significant harm is caused. It is possible that this will lead to the most negative consequences.

    You can take such a contraceptive and alcohol, but you just need to make sure that enough time has passed after alcohol is taken.

    As for the side effects from such a combination, they largely depend on the physiological characteristics of the body. Despite the fact that the combination of such a contraceptive and alcoholic beverages in most cases occurs without any special negative consequences, doctors still do not recommend experimenting. Health leaves in pounds, and comes in golden spools, do not forget about it. So is it worth it to once again drink a couple of glasses of wine and have the most negative impact on the body?


    Medical practice proves that the combination of alcohol with hormonal drugs can lead to complications of varying degrees, however, the compatibility of the drug Escapel and alcohol causes controversy among doctors. This is the only one of the universally recognized and favorite drugs of emergency contraception, which, according to some experts, allows you to take alcohol in moderate doses. And yet, Escapelle after alcohol can lose its power of the active substance. After all, the manufacturer does not guarantee 100% contraception from pregnancy and does not talk about the safety of taking the medicine at the same time as alcohol.

    Characteristics of the drug

    The drug can be used for:

    1. an act of violence that has taken place;
    2. unwanted pregnancy;
    3. accidental or unprotected act of other types of contraception;
    4. doubts about the effectiveness of similar contraceptives.

    The medicine is used strictly according to the prescription of a specialist or pharmacist. Improper use can cause all sorts of side effects.

    • hormonal imbalance;
    • allergies of various forms and severity;
    • gagging;
    • diarrhea;
    • feelings of nausea;
    • malfunction of the digestive system;
    • in some cases migraine;
    • feeling tired;
    • disruption of the liver and reproductive system.

    The thing is that Escapelle is mostly required to be consumed unplanned, so the topic of whether it is allowed to drink a product with alcohol-containing drinks is very relevant. Scientific and in-depth studies of the interaction of the drug and alcohol have not been conducted. However, experts and professional doctors say that this medicine is a strong remedy and alcohol-containing drinks, when used simultaneously, can lead to sad consequences.


    The drug has not been tested for compatibility with alcohol products, but this drug is known to be hormonal.

    There is no ban on the use of the drug and alcohol-containing products. Theoretically, you can drink a small amount of alcohol during treatment. However, doctors recommend refraining from alcohol in any form during the stages of health recovery, since the compatibility of Escapelle and alcohol has not been scientifically proven.

    Time interval

    The manufacturer did not leave any data on when you can drink alcohol after taking the drug. Some experts, based on their own medical practice, argue that you can drink a few hours or days after taking the drug inside. Alcohol after taking Escapelle may cause side effects or reduce the main effect of the medication.

    Possible side effects:

    • sudden bleeding due to a sharp increase in female hormones in the patient's body;
    • alcohol can neutralize the active substance of the drug, increasing the chance of an unwanted pregnancy.

    All these nuances are not very pleasant. The logical conclusion is that it is worth using the drug for its intended purpose only after the complete withdrawal of alcohol from the body. The absence of alcohol particles in the blood will increase the effectiveness of the drug and avoid negative effects on the patient's body as a whole.

    The instruction of the drug does not contain information prohibiting the intake of alcohol, but this does not mean that by mixing alcohol and medicines, health will not be at risk. The reaction of the organism can be unpredictable, since each organism is individual.

    The use of the drug is required only strictly according to the instructions or as directed by a specialist.

    1. The first pill is taken within the first two days after sexual intercourse, the next after twelve hours.
    2. In some cases, after taking the pill, vomiting begins within three hours. It is recommended to take another pill.
    3. If you have problems in the liver, then you should stop using the medication. The drug has a number of side effects and increases the load on this organ.
    4. Doctors are advised not to combine alcohol and Escapelle. Scientific institutes did not conduct chemical tests. The manufacturer also did not provide any data. However, the use of alcohol at the time of contraception can adversely affect the effect of the drug. In order to protect yourself from possible side effects, it is better not to combine alcohol with the drug.


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