Can you put the pot in the microwave? What dishes to choose for the microwave. food containers

Special dishes for the microwave are needed so as not to break new appliances or the dish being prepared. Do not rush to put inside the first plate that comes across. In this article, we will tell you what you can upload to the camera and what not. If you still have questions after reading the instructions for the microwave oven, you are waiting for detailed answers.

What utensils can be used


The best option - fireproof glass. The thick walls of plates and pans made of refractory glass do not absorb microwaves, they almost do not heat up. Heat-resistant glass is also suitable for the oven.

You can buy a regular pot, the lid of which will be used as a dish. Glasses, salad bowls and cups with strong walls are allowed if they are not cracked. In addition, glass containers have several significant advantages:

  • Resistant to dirt and odors.
  • They are quick and easy to clean both by hand and in the dishwasher.
  • Another plus is transparency. You can leave the oven door open to check the doneness of the dish.


The use of plastic containers and glasses is allowed. But you need to know that not all plastic is suitable for a microwave oven. You can check compatibility by marking (sticker). Products must withstand temperatures up to 140 degrees, otherwise they emit harmful fumes.

To be safe, avoid cheap plastic containers and plates. You need to trust only trusted brands and well-known brands that have quality certificates. Do not use Chinese plastic cups or plates. When heated, they can release toxic fumes that settle on food.

Important! Do not reheat food in PVC or polystyrene containers.

Note two more rules:

  1. Do not use plastic if your microwave oven has a grill setting.
  2. If you want to cook food in a plastic bowl or salad bowl, forget about butter and sugar. They are able to heat up to a temperature at which the plastic simply melts.


Ceramics are also suitable for heating and cooking dishes in the oven. It is only necessary to remember that it does not tolerate a sharp temperature drop. It is not recommended to put a cold ceramic plate in the microwave with the grill or convection turned on.


A microwave oven is a whole system that has its own characteristics. The degree of readiness of the dish directly depends on the chosen dishes. If everything is clear with the materials, then the form can confuse the user.


  1. If you are reheating or cooking in deep pans, it is recommended to increase the time.
  2. To heat the dish evenly, you can use round plates.
  3. For baking, you need a deep pan, because the dough in the microwave rises higher than in a conventional oven.
  4. If you want the food to warm up and bake evenly, do not use containers with slanted sides.

Which dishes are not suitable for the microwave

  1. Crystal. The composition of real crystal contains metals: silver and lead. Because of them, crystal heats up much faster than other materials. All that awaits you is a cracked salad bowl or bowl.

  1. Glassware with a pattern. Usually this applies to pictures with gold paint. Metal particles can spark or catch fire even if the paint is almost worn off. The composition of matte paint may include metal, so it is better to buy dishes without drawings.

  1. Metal. Metal does not transmit microwaves. Copper, steel and enamel containers often cause sparks or fires.

  1. Unfinished ceramic.

  1. Disposable. Cardboard, paper and plastic can catch fire or melt.

It is also forbidden to put food wrapped in foil or closed with a lid inside the oven. If we are talking about a film, then it must have small holes in it. If the steam does not come out, an explosion inside the microwave cannot be avoided.

Porcelain and faience should also not have chips or cracks. Do not forget that porcelain with thick walls does not transmit microwaves well.

  1. The best option for the stove is glass products without cracks.
  2. Look for a special sign on plastic containers. Products must withstand temperatures of 140 degrees.

  1. Buy pots, containers and cups only from specialty stores. Poor-quality products will cost more if the stove breaks because of them.
  2. If you want to turn on the grill or convection, choose a plastic container.
  3. Forget about fat and sugar if you use plastic.
  4. Do not forget to remove the film from the heated food.
  5. Tip for crunch lovers: Buy a glass-ceramic plate with a finished bottom.

Alena, Tomsk

Bought a microwaveSamsung, and to it a special set of glassware. The old stove burned down because of a plastic glass, so we decided not to risk it anymore. In glass, food warms up well and quickly. I recently purchased a pot with a lid for the set, you can heat and cook in it. We do not use ceramics, everything in it heats up much longer.

Olga, Liski

I have a microwaveLG. I recently bought a set of special ceramic pots and a glass dish. In pots, you can cook in the oven and in the oven. On a dish, the son usually makes hot sandwiches. Sometimes we use plastic plates, but they can get very hot. When I bought the first microwave, I didn’t know what to put in, and put an iron pan inside. She ran out of the room to the smell - she sparkled, miraculously everything inside did not catch fire. Now I mostly buy ceramics.

Dmitry, Moscow

Gift for the microwaveWhirlpool came with a set of plastic containers. I climbed the net, found an article about marking on plastic. The trays had a badge that indicated they could withstand temperatures up to 160 degrees. Put regular pasta without oil to bask. The result - melted sides of the container and spoiled dinner. Now I choose only ceramics.

Maria, Penza

I have a lot of containers that can be heated in the microwave. There are ceramic dishes for baking, it is deep enough and durable. There are plastic containers. I bought them in a special store, each product has the designation “for a microwave oven”. I advise you to buy only ceramic and glass microwave accessories in specialized stores.

When choosing a dish, cup or pot for a microwave oven, you can rely on the opinions of experts or users who have already evaluated dishes from different materials. Our review will definitely help you buy the right cookware. Never forget that any technique requires not only maintenance, but also compliance with the rules for its use.

You can hardly imagine a modern kitchen without a microwave.

Do you know that properly selected dishes will extend the life of your microwave oven, help you cook quickly? In addition, it is not microwaves that may be harmful to health, as many people think, but the “wrong” dishes.

Heating occurs due to electromagnetic waves. Food molecules move quickly, creating friction and therefore warming up the contents of the plate. What volume of dishes and materials are optimal for microwave? We tell in the article.

Heat and cook food faster in heat-resistant or heat-resistant cookware. A conventional microwave heats food to the boiling point of water (100°C). Heat-resistant materials withstand heating up to 140 ° C, refractory materials - up to 300 degrees.

Microwave utensils can be made from:

  • glass;
  • porcelain;
  • polystyrene;
  • paper;
  • waxed cardboard;
  • ceramics;
  • different types of plastic.

High-quality microwave dishes will increase safety when using this technique. A competent approach will reduce the cooking time, which will save a few kilowatts.

1. Plastic dishes

The designations "Thermoplast" and "Duroplast" mean that heating such a container is not terrible. In addition, the plastic withstands temperatures from -40 to +140°C. Lunch from the refrigerator in such dishes can be immediately sent to the microwave.

It should be noted that plastic is only suitable for heating in microwave mode at a power of up to 800 watts.

On plastic bowls, boxes suitable for a microwave oven, there are special marks.

Marking "microwave / not microwave" means whether or not the product can be placed in a microwave oven.

If you did not find such icons, pay attention to the following symbols.

This symbol means "polypropylene". You can heat up lunch in the microwave.

Pay close attention to this designation. It says it's polystyrene. It is unsuitable not only for the microwave. Only cold drinks, dishes, sandwiches can be stored in such dishes.

2. Disposable packaging

Today, our employment allows us to buy and heat up fast semi-finished products. Is it possible to cook your favorite cheburek without removing the packaging?

It is possible, but only with a microwave film: whether it is such, the manufacturer writes on the packaging.

For example, a baking sleeve. Such material can be used in any mode. Tip: Poke some steam vents. Otherwise, the package will explode, and instead of a delicious lunch, you will have to clean up.

Styrofoam containers can be heated together with food only if there are appropriate icons on the bottom, lid.

Paper packaging is suitable for cooking, heating dishes with a low content of oil, water, sugar.

Cardboard glasses, bowls coated with wax for strength, suitable only for heating and only in microwave mode, power up to 800 watts.

3. Ceramics, glass, porcelain

You can cook in ceramic pots in any oven, including a microwave. This is an environmentally friendly heat-resistant material suitable for baking, languishing, heating.

Remember: tableware can burst from temperature changes. Remove the dish from the refrigerator in advance or transfer the food to a suitable container at room temperature.

Make sure that there are no cracks, chips, scuffs on the glaze on the dishes.

Glass containers have a number of obvious advantages: they are easy to clean; they do not absorb odors. Through the transparent walls it is easy to determine whether the product is ready or not without opening the door.

The heat-resistant type of glass is applicable in the "microwave", "convection", "grill" modes.

Thin porcelain is not suitable for the microwave.

However, children's multi-colored porcelain items are usually made from high quality raw materials. Many items are shock-resistant, heat-resistant.

Products from official manufacturers must have a factory mark indicating whether or not these dishes can be heated or cooked in a microwave oven.


For connoisseurs of natural materials, the market offers microwave dishes made from eco-friendly raw materials. Dinner is safe from plastic toxins when reheated in a container made from wheat straw and sugar cane. Such boxes are suitable for warming up second courses and drinks. In addition, they are 100% biodegradable.

Reminder: what can not be put in the microwave?

  • Crystal. Brilliant grandmother's crystal contains particles of lead, silver. They will warm up faster than the glass part. Dishes just burst.
  • Glass, porcelain with print. Quality brands produce colored glassware labeled “microwave safe”. If you are not sure about the quality of the paint on the product, and there are no identification marks on the dishes, do not use them for the microwave.

  • Disposable tableware. Don't put a disposable plastic plate in the oven unless you know what it's made of.
  • Brilliant decor. Any metallic prints can cause cracking and even start a fire inside the microwave. Plates with metallized rims are not suitable for this type of stove.

  • Metal utensils. Metal plates, cups, even enameled ones, cannot be used when using a microwave oven. These cookware are microwave resistant. Moreover, the radiation can be reflected, damaging the furnace emitter.
  • Raw ceramics should also not be used in the microwave.
  • Also under the ban for microwave is foil.

Cooking in the microwave: how to choose dishes?

Many ovens have "grill" and "convection" modes. Cooking in these modes is possible only in dishes made of refractory (heat-resistant) glass, ceramics, silicone.

First courses and vegetables should be placed in a glass saucepan. Instead of a lid, it is better to use a film with holes for steam to escape.

Silicone molds were invented for baking. They are not afraid of temperatures, do not emit toxins when heated. Baking from them is easily laid out on a dish.

Cutlets, scrambled eggs will be evenly fried in a container two centimeters above the level of the product. Lumpy meat dishes are optimally cooked on a tempered glass tray. It will adequately withstand the “convection-grill” mode, which is optimal for baking.

When choosing dishes for the microwave, rely on the dimensions of the equipment. For a 15 liter oven, cookware must be up to 1500 ml (1.5 l).

The height of the sides of the container should be a centimeter and a half more than the height of the contents. For liquid dishes, the plate can be 2 cm higher. Too deep a container will increase the heating time, which will be reflected in the meter readings.

  1. Grill mode and plastic are not compatible.
  2. Plastic containers are suitable for cooking food without oil and sugar. These substances will quickly warm up to a temperature where the plastic can bend or melt.
  3. Avoid cellophane and plastic wrap for sandwiches. The thin cellophane will melt and stick to the product. A tight bag can release toxic substances and give your dinner an unpleasant odor.
  4. Do you like meat with an appetizing crust? Try the special glass-ceramic dish. The coating on the bottom of the mold heats up more than the sides. The meat laid out on a hot bottom will acquire an appetizing crust. When the product is fried to the desired color, just cover the dish and keep until done.
  5. Do not put a tightly closed container in the microwave. Slightly open the lid or pierce the sealed shell, whole peel.
  6. Food will heat up faster in round pots. Microwaves are better distributed in a circle.
  7. If you are using thermal wrap instead of a lid, push it down a little when adding raw food. To avoid being burned by the steam, lift the far side of the film or cover.
  8. Plates from old parent stocks should not be put in the microwave. Such dishes often have many microcracks. This will lead to cracking of dishes when heated, exposed to microwaves. The plate can simply fall apart, spoiling the microwave and your mood.
  9. A bun or hamburger can be reheated without dishes. Wrap the product with a linen napkin or parchment.
  10. Technology does not stand still. We have already come up with bags for the microwave. These materials are only suitable for the "microwave" option.

Remember, good dishes are the key to a long life of the microwave oven, saving you time and electricity.

The microwave appeared in the kitchen. Now for breakfast hot sandwiches, and ready-made meals are warmed up in a few minutes. No need to lay out the meat from the freezer in the morning so that it melts by the evening. To get the benefits, you need to choose the right dishes for microwaves. In addition to the material, you should also look at the markings.

The basic rule: the absence of metal in the material and finish. Plates, pots, baking containers and saucers should freely pass short waves through themselves and not get warm. When light passes through the glass of a window, it remains cold, while the window sill and other objects in the house are heated by the sun's rays.

Before use, test and check if the cookware is suitable for your microwave oven:

  • Pour water into a thick glass beaker.
  • Place it inside the dish to be tested.
  • Turn on maximum power for 1 minute.
  • Check the temperature of the water and dishes.

The water must be hot. The glass can get warm from it and be warm. The container to be tested must remain cold. If it is hot, it is not suitable for the microwave.

Refractory glassware can be used in any microwave. In addition to it in the microwave oven, you can heat:

  • faience,
  • porcelain,
  • ceramics,
  • bamboo,
  • parchment.

To heat up a bun and a sandwich, a linen napkin will do. Bamboo and paper are used for small dishes with a short cooking cycle.

Porcelain passes waves well through itself and can be used in any oven. The main material for making faience and ceramics is clay. When annealed, it acquires strength and thermal stability.

Which materials are best not to use?

Inside the microwave, short electromagnetic waves are emitted: they penetrate the entire thickness of the products, quickly heat them up and cook them. The heating rate depends on the electrical conductivity of the material. The metal conducts waves and heats up instantly to temperatures of several hundred degrees, it can break equipment. If you stick your hand with a wedding ring into the chamber of a working microwave, a burn will appear under it.

Dishes made from the following materials must not be used:

  • copper;
  • aluminum;
  • iron covered with enamel;
  • stainless steel;
  • ordinary plastic;
  • cobalt porcelain;
  • crystal;
  • painted with paints.

Do not use food foil in the microwave oven - these are thin sheets of aluminum alloys. If you really want to bake something in it, you need to carefully read the instructions for the oven and use special foil for microwave ovens, setting the mode recommended in the technical documentation and leaving holes.

Plastic utensils are allowed to be used only those that have a special marking.

You can not put ordinary disposable plates from:

  • PVC,
  • polyamide,
  • polypropylene.

In microwave ovens with a grill function, silicone molds or polypropylene and polyamide plastics must not be used. Such dishes are not suitable for cooking dishes containing a lot of fat and sugar.

Even a thin golden stripe on a ceramic plate will crackle and sparkle when the dishes are cold. Cobalt plates and cups are made of clay with a high metal content, cobalt porcelain is not suitable for microwave ovens. Usually these are expensive thin-walled services.

Crystal acquires its qualities through the addition of lead, zinc and silver to the glass. Its surface is all incised with a pattern. It can break into many small fragments under the influence of high frequency waves.

Not only gilding contains metal, but also paints of different colors have additives in their composition. Iron oxide imparts a red tint to dyes, chromium gives yellowness. Do not put dishes decorated with drawings in the oven.

Cookware requirements when using different modes

For microwaves, there are many glassware refractory and heat-resistant. Suitable for microwave with thick smooth walls. On the bottom on the outside, the manufacturer next to the brand name indicates the possibility of using the dishes in microwaves and ovens using a grill. Pots cook a variety of dishes and use the lid as a plate for cooking with a minimum amount of liquid.

For baking in the grill mode, special glass-ceramic dishes are sold: the coating on the bottom reflects heat, warming the chicken and meat from below.

A mold made of cheap plastic releases toxic substances when heated strongly. It can only heat food in wave mode. The grill cannot be used.

In any plastic utensils, you can not cook liquid dishes. A container marked with all signs will begin to melt if it is inserted into the oven and the grill is turned on or liquid is poured. The plastic components react with sugar. The material decomposes, chlorine, ammonia, dixogen and other toxic substances get into food.

Ceramic glazed dishes can be placed in the oven, after checking its integrity. The constant impact of waves contributes to the formation of microcracks. Together with porcelain, it is suitable for all cooking modes.

You should not save money by buying Chinese utensils - they are of poor quality. A similar problem occurs with cheap plastic.

The silicone mold is suitable for baking cookies, cakes and other small confectionery products in wave mode.

Deciphering the signs on the dishes

At the bottom, manufacturers of microwave utensils put different icons:

  • Rectangle with rounded edges, inside the image of the front panel of the microwave. Means that pots and salad bowls can be used for reheating and defrosting food.
  • A similar rectangle with an open stove door and waves in place of glass; the hand puts the cup inside the oven. The utensils can be used for cooking.
  • In the rectangle there are waves or tongues of flame and the inscription Micro. Mean that the containers are suitable for microwaves.
  • On multifunctional utensils, there are additional letters gr - grill. Suitable for all modes of cooking and baking products.

Similar markings are available on plastic plates and containers. The dishes can be used repeatedly in the wave mode, the use of the grill is excluded.

On disposable containers there is a different marking:

  • The colored triangle formed by arrows with a number inside is the type of material, the letters below it indicate the degree of safety. Food material is used with two markings.
  • The triangle at the bottom of the container and 5 inside and the letters PP below means food packaging. The container can be used once to heat the products packed in it. With strong prolonged heating and repeated wave treatment, formaldehyde can be released.
  • A similar sign with the number 6 and the letters PS is placed on a disposable plastic container with products. It cannot be heated in the microwave. Single use and recyclable. Releases styrene upon decomposition.

The presence of marks does not guarantee quality. It is necessary to choose utensils from well-known and trusted manufacturers, check before use.

Microwave utensils should be taller than conventional ovens and ovens. It must not be tightly covered. It is necessary to cook liquid food under a special lid with a valve or do not add to a third of the height of the container and leave it open.

For baking, it is better to use round and oval molds. In rectangular containers, the dough warms up unevenly, dries out in the corners. The size of plates and salad bowls for cooking vegetables should correspond to the volume of products. For baking, you need high sides, it rises during the manufacturing process.

Utensils are selected by size. Low plates and baking dishes should not be large. Glass and porcelain will pass through the rays intended for products.
The material should be refractory. It is suitable for all cooking modes, including grill and combination. Preference is given to glass, ceramics, porcelain.

Microwave utensils should not have cracks, chips or other defects. It is better to buy high-quality, expensive, proven manufacturers. The costs will justify themselves in the process of operation.

Do not want to throw away cracked plates, damaged containers? Then before cooking, find out that you can not heat in the microwave.

The technical characteristics of microwave ovens do not allow the use of any utensils indiscriminately, so you need to be careful before putting them in the chamber. In the article we will consider which dishes are suitable for the microwave, and which is better to put away.

How not to heat food in a microwave oven

If, then for some kitchen utensils it is the worst enemy. Without worrying about the “compatibility” of new technology and your favorite saucepans, you can spoil food, set fire to the stove, make an explosion. There are a few materials that should never be placed in a camera, and there are exceptions for others. How to distinguish them?


When a plastic container is labeled with a permission sticker, it's best to ignore (or check) the manufacturer's permission. By law, he is not required to test his products during production.

When heated, plastic releases special toxic substances that easily penetrate into food. By heating lunch in a low-quality plastic lunch box for a long time, you will get it melted out of the chamber. Heating with cling film has a similar effect: carcinogens from polymeric materials get inside the food.

Plates with gilding

The "gold-rimmed saucer" may sparkle when placed in the microwave. The direct danger is fire. Spare the electrical appliance, yourself and your home. Beautiful plates and dishes with gold patterns are not designed to be affected by waves.

Why you can not put gilding in the microwave

The electrical appliance is made of metal, and there is a mesh on the door - have you noticed? There are no exceptions in any model! Design features do not allow microwaves to go beyond the body, the metal serves as protection. Sparking, electric arc, fire will appear inside the microwave, in which, by mistake or for the sake of interest, there was an iron bowl.

But there are also specialized dishes created for the needs of users of microwave ovens. This includes the Aqua Cook Samsung set - the steaming kit has a metal cap that protects products from exposure to microwaves.

Combined ovens

If you got an appliance equipped with a grill or heater, there are loopholes. Often, a heating element or grill can be used independently, without radiation. Then cook in pots, pans, iron trays, salad bowls - the list goes on, but do not forget to turn off the microwave mode.


Porcelain utensils produced in the post-Soviet space contain lead. Heavy metals were mixed into raw materials for durability, excellent performance and elegance of products. Porcelain cups, glasses, bowls, salad bowls, soup bowls with an admixture of lead are very dangerous for microwaves.


“Can I put iron utensils in the microwave?” - you ask. "No!" - experts and manufacturers will answer.

The metal reflects waves that can lead to an explosion - at best, you will throw away the furnace, at worst, you can easily get injured. Do not collect such a "bomb" with your own hands. Iron, aluminum, enameled and other metal utensils should not be placed in the chamber, because they start to spark. As with gold plating, this is a fire hazard.

On a note! Avoid heating paper boxes, fast food foil or sushi bars. The best material for heating sandwiches and other similar foods is baking parchment paper.


If the crystal is not counterfeit, it contains lead, and the expensive one contains silver. In faceted products, the wall thickness is not the same, so the heating process will not be uniform. Metal impurities lead to a rapid rise in temperature - your favorite salad bowl or vase bursts. If crystal objects are dear to you, do without experiments.

How does the tree react?

We rarely use wooden utensils: the maximum is a cutting board, a hot stand or a container for storing cereals. Few people cook in wooden bowls, but there will always be enthusiasts.

Manufacturers (not all) warn against the use of wooden utensils, otherwise it may overheat, char. But you can try using it on short cycles - when warming up or preparing quick meals. The type of food also matters: avoid fatty and sugary foods.

Remember that wood may contain moisture, it is a living material, and the waves of the device do not affect objects, but water molecules. So products from "fresh" moisture wood are deformed.

paper items

There is no ban on the use of disposable paper or cardboard dishes in a microwave oven. But for long cooking (especially fatty foods), it is not suitable. Packaging containers coated with plastic or wax will definitely “leak” - the products that get the melted coating will deteriorate.

You can use ordinary paper towels for the kitchen, and cover the baking sheets with tracing paper as when baking in the oven. When baking cupcakes, you can use corrugated paper molds. Avoid paper made from recycled paper - it can contain toxins and metals.

To summarize: what can not be put in the oven

So, in the microwave for cooking or heating food, you should not put:

  • Thin-walled glass cups, wine glasses, shot glasses, etc.
  • Products with metal decor (gilding, silver-plated things).
  • Crystal.
  • Stainless steel, cast iron.
  • Aluminium, nickel-plated or enameled items.
  • Items and utensils with gold and silver handles/elements.
  • Porcelain, faience, ceramic objects with metal decor.
  • Wooden and straw items.
  • Disposable tableware (for long processing).
  • Recycled paper inventory.
  • Newspapers, dyed paper.
  • Silicone molds on a metal frame.
  • Temperature resistant plastic.

How to check that the plate is suitable

The most interesting thing is that most of your kitchen utensils can be safely put in the microwave. To understand if the container is suitable for microwave, check it with a simple test (you will find it in the instructions for the device). If the user manual is lost, follow our recommendations:

  • Take a glass, fill it with water.
  • Place the beaker in the chamber along with the container to be tested.
  • Run the machine at full power, set the timer for 1 minute.
  • Check: if after a minute the water from the glass is heated, and not everything else, the test results are excellent. You can use the tested plate. But if the water remains cold, but at the same time the cup you are checking is heated, it means that radiation is being absorbed. It is better to put such a thing away from the oven.

In the instructions for the technique of some brands, simpler test schemes are also given: it is enough to put the dishes in the chamber for 0.5-1 minute, start the maximum power and, at the end of the work, check the degree of heating. The temperature will remain the same, or rise, or even sparks will fall.

What alternative to use

“What to cook with so many restrictions?” - housewives will ask, sorting through in memory all the pans, baking sheets, pots, ladles, etc. available at home. The most ideal material is glass. Waves pass through it without problems, their effect is not diminished, cleaning and washing does not cause difficulties. In addition to the fact that you can cook in such containers, a nice bonus is that you can immediately serve it on the table without spoiling the serving.

Today, the choice of glass items, including glass ceramics, is so large that there will be no problems with selection: these are pans of various depths, pots with or without lids and handles, baking sheets, dishes, pots, etc. They are made from special heat-resistant glass. Permissible temperatures: from -40 to +1000 degrees Celsius.

For conventional stoves and ovens, in addition to induction, glass and glass-ceramic options are also suitable. Combo modes in the microwave with grill or convection are also well tolerated.

Important! Glass is not resistant to sudden temperature fluctuations. Do not place a hot baking sheet on a wet towel or heat the dish directly from the refrigerator in the microwave - cracks, or even complete deformation of the product are provided.

Can you cook in pots

Ceramics, porcelain and faience (different types of clay are used) are in principle suitable for microwaves, but with some caution. To calm down, it is better to conduct a test - today in clay there may be a lot of impurities that do not affect the throughput of materials for the better.

If you notice a crack, chip or other defect on the pot, set it aside: the pot may crack due to the boiling of moisture accumulated in them during washing.

In addition to pots, housewives put stewpans, terrines, tagines and other items in the chamber. Serving utensils (after the test) can also be used - it is desirable only that their forms are simple.

Silicone: yes or no

There is no ban on the use of silicone mats or molds. Cupcakes, rolls, casseroles, pies and other goodies can be easily cooked in the microwave using silicone without fear or risk. The only exceptions are options with a sticker prohibiting exposure to radiation.

Special utensils

We have already written about a special set from Samsung. Other brands are not far behind their Korean counterpart - Panasonic, LG, Whirlpool, Teka, Sharp and Rolsen offer their own specialty fry dishes. Material - glass ceramics with a special coating capable of absorbing wave energy. Such containers can be supplemented with a non-stick coating. As a result, heating occurs quickly.

For LG ovens, a combination cookware called "Talented Dish" is being created. This is a set for cooking in different modes to fully utilize the functionality. One of the Mulinex models is supplemented with a bread maker, in which you can bake a traditional brick according to your own or proposed recipe from simple ingredients. As in a conventional bread oven, kneading, steeping and baking are automatic.

Dishes are never enough, right? But you need to carefully choose what is suitable for the microwave, and what should not be brought close. Your attentiveness will protect the equipment from breakdowns, and you from other negative consequences.

The right choice of dishes for the microwave is a guarantee of safety. Today, the microwave oven is an essential household appliance and a reliable assistant in the kitchen. Cooking, defrosting, heating food with its help is significantly accelerated and saves time.

Although even today there are still some concerns about whether a specific stove harms human health.

Experts are sure that with proper operation of smart technology, it will not have a negative impact on a person. But only if the “right” dishes are chosen.

The requirements for it are simple: for safe and long-term use of the microwave and harmless cooking you need utensils designed specifically for microwave.

REFERENCE! The American scientist P. Spencer, the inventor of radar equipment, conducted experiments with a magnetron back in 1946 and found that the device melted a chocolate bar packed in foil in his pocket.

So the case determined the discovery, which to this day pleases the housewives.

What happens to dishes in the microwave

main function ovens - fast heating food. However, in some cases there is unexpected: loaded containers become hot.

Let's figure it out together Why does the microwave heat the dishes and not the food??

If you remember school physics lessons, we can easily explain everything.

In the oven, a process is different from the usual heating of food on an open fire. play a warming role here. microwave, which affect only water molecules. They move along a waveguide with metal walls that reflect magnetic radiation.

Moving inside the device, the waves randomly accelerate the movement of the liquid. The temperature extraction process starts. This heat is transferred to the container. A bowl that is not suitable for microwave use becomes warm.

IMPORTANT. If you find a hot plate instead of heated food in the microwave oven, then it is not suitable for the device.

Utensils that can be used in the microwave

Having created an oven with high-speed heating capabilities, scientists determined what the dishes for the unit should be.

The main advantage of suitable containers- heat resistance, the ability to maintain their qualities and not emit harmful substances under the influence of high temperatures.

Such containers can be safely loaded into the oven for cooking, heating, defrosting food.

The microwave brings food to the boiling point of water (100°C). Heat-resistant cookware withstands up to 140°C.

Given the above data, refractory packaging can also be used, as it easily tolerates heating up to 300 ° C.

Suitable is utensils made from these materials:

  • glass;
  • clay (faience, ceramics, porcelain);
  • plastic, which has a special marking "for cooking";
  • silicone.


This material is the best option use in a microwave oven. Glass walls do not get warm, as microwaves pass through. To heat food, you can take ordinary glassware. One condition - it must be durable, without drawings and patterns, otherwise the product will be heated unevenly.

It was a great option heat resistant glass.

Due to its qualities, it has a wide range of applications:

  • grill;
  • convection;
  • defrosting;
  • microwave cooking.

Advantages of glass containers:

  • Ease of care: the container is easy to clean.
  • Resistance to the absorption of odors that do not impregnate the structure.
  • Ease of use (you can see the cooking process) and serving. A beautiful sudok with a hot dish can be immediately brought to the festive table.

IMPORTANT! This material does not tolerate temperature fluctuations. Cold glassware should not be immediately put on the heating mode.

pay attention to LUMINARC.

This is a well-known manufacturer of quality dishes. It is famous for its impact-resistant glass, which is created using special melting technologies. As a result, the products are able to withstand greater loads than ordinary glass.

Hardened cookware easily tolerates temperatures up to 130°C, making it suitable for microwave use.

When purchasing Luminarc, pay attention to the marking or check with the seller whether a particular container is suitable for a microwave.

IMPORTANT! Crystalware, although glassware, is not suitable for microwave use.

The reason is the composition of the crystal, which contains metals: silver and lead. Such material heats up much faster and unevenly, so there is a high probability of a split.


Clay containers are refractory, so they suitable for microwave. An important condition: choose pots without drawings and varnish layer. During operation, they may ignite.

Ordinary handmade items are ideal.
Another condition is no chips.
There is also the only negative: the surface of such products heats up more than special containers designed specifically for microwaves.


The basis of this material is also clay; in terms of properties, faience is similar to the dishes mentioned above. The difference lies in processing and production technology.
Such products can be used for heating. Items without paint patterns are desirable, as it may contain metals that will harm the operation of the microwave.


Another kind of clay products. Perfect for crunchy lovers. For microwaves special glass ceramic containers. They have bottoms with a special layer that heats up under the influence of microwaves.

ADVICE. When using ceramic items, you must first heat the container without food, then make a bookmark and start cooking.

In this case, the food will acquire a golden crust. After that, the dish is covered and brought to readiness.


Another material that can be used in microwaves is porcelain. In this case, it should be borne in mind that this type of thin ceramic absorbs microwaves well, from which can get very hot.

You should be very careful with such items when loading into the microwave!
Be sure to pay attention to the coating of the glaze. It must be even. The quality of food heating will depend on this. Just like glass, porcelain does not like sudden changes in temperature.


Very convenient to use: containers are light, unbreakable, equipped with suitable lids.

However, you need to be careful. Plastic plastic strife. Not everyone is good for use in the oven, and indeed for eating from them.


in the microwave can not use plastic labeled:

  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride);
  • PS (polystyrene).

Can reheat and cook in a dish with the inscriptions:

  • P (polyamide);
  • PP (polypropylene);
  • Thermoplastic;
  • Duroplast.

The container, which has the last two names, does not deform when heated, withstands temperatures above 100°C. And another big plus of these things is that they are not afraid of temperature changes, unlike glass products.

IMPORTANT. In addition to indications of the type of plastic, microwave-safe items may have additional special markings.

Images that allow use in microwave:

  • First, there must be a sign fork spoon».

  • Second, the icon schematic diagram of a microwave oven.

plastic film

Very comfortable modern material. Can be used as a lid for any container, as well as for quickly heating small products: sandwiches, pieces of meat, etc.

  • Do not use containers for grilling and long cooking times.
  • Trust famous brands. Buy dishes in trusted stores. And feel free to ask for certificates of conformity and quality.
  • Poor-quality plastic releases harmful chemicals into food. Don't go cheap. These dishes may be counterfeit, and therefore hazardous to health.

Disposable Items

Another sign of today is a large number of products for 1 use. In modern microwaves allowed to put items made from different materials.

Thin plastic or aluminum containers and plates And.

An irreplaceable thing in some cases. They are very convenient to take homemade food to work, to nature, on the road. They are versatile and do not require washing.

REFERENCE. The very thin aluminum sheet used for heating is safe and approved for microwave use.

After heating, they are used as plates from which they are eaten. After that, they will only be disposed of.

Paper and cardboard dishes.

Covered with a wax film, which gives additional protection against leakage. However, as the temperature rises, this layer melts. Therefore, such a container is only suitable for heating, it is impossible to cook in it. Additional requirement: food must be low in fat and sugar.

Why you shouldn't put metal utensils in the microwave

For microwave not suitable and even prohibited the following items:

  • containers with any iron content;
  • container with a gold border.

Causes metal incompatibility with microwave

  • There is a possibility of static discharge, which will damage the instrument.
  • The paint may contain metal particles, which can cause an electrical discharge.
  • Microwaves do not pass through the metal, it acts as a reflective screen. In such a cup, food will not warm up. This utensil conducts electricity, and for waves, it is not permeable.
  • A cup containing metal may start to spark. This will cause an explosion inside the microwave oven!
  • Improper use of the microwave device can cause a fire, and subsequently a fire.

However, there are exceptions to the rules

  • aluminum foil sheets. It is allowed to be used to isolate products from burning.
  • Factory foil packaging. Such dishes should have a depth of no more than 2 centimeters. When using it, do not forget to remove the lid!