Australian aboriginal musical instrument. Didgeridoo is an Australian Aboriginal wind instrument. History of the didgeridoo instrument

Didgeridoo(English didjeridoo or English didgeridoo, original name "yidaki") is a musical wind instrument of the Australian Aboriginal people. One of the oldest wind instruments in the world.

Device and sound extraction

It is made from the trunks of eucalyptus trees, which are eaten away by termites from the inside. Idaki-like instruments are also made from bamboo, reed and plastic (modern version). But the sound timbre of such instruments differs from the "voice" of the Australian "brothers". To play the didgeridoo, the technique of the so-called "circular breathing" is used, due to which it is possible to inhale without interrupting the sound. Lips, tongue, larynx, jaw, diaphragm and voice of the performer are actively involved in the formation of sound. This explains the individuality of the sound of the didgeridoo in each individual case.
The uniqueness of the didgeridoo as a musical instrument is that it usually sounds on one note (the so-called "drone", or buzz). At the same time, the instrument has a very large range of timbre. Only a human voice, a jew's harp, and, in part, an organ can compare with it.
Despite the fact that this is a single-tone instrument, by adding a voice to the main tone, due to sound interference, you can get various options for melodic sound: from roar to imitation of the voices of animals and birds. Actively using the tongue, lips, oral space and varying the force of exhalation, one can significantly change the timbre coloration of the sound. The musical genres of music performed on idaki can be roughly divided into two varieties: the meditative-trance genre and rhythmic action. The first one speaks for itself. The second one is interesting because, in fact, it is the practice of rhythmic breathing, because. forced breath should be organically built into the "body" of a continuous rhythmic pattern. Those. the result is a kind of breathing technique like some well-known breathing techniques.
Thus, the overall ideology of the didgeridoo can be expressed by the following combination of words: "breath+sound+rhythm".


The didgeridoo is closely woven into the mythology of the Australian aborigines, symbolizing the image of the rainbow snake Yurlungur. Playing it accompanies the rituals of the corroboree and promotes entry into a trance.
Since the end of the 20th century, Western musicians have been experimenting with didgeridoo (for example, Sophie Lacaze, Jamiroquai).


This instrument, having a very specific and low-pitched sound, is traditionally used by the Aborigines of Australia to perform the Korabori (corroboree) ritual.
Didgeridoo has been widely used in electronic and ambient music. Steve Roach was an early adopter of the ambient didgeridoo and learned to play it during his many trips to Australia in the 1980s. In 1992, Aphex Twin used the sound of the didgeridoo in the dance composition "Didgeridoo", which became a hit on the British dance floors.

(English didjeridoo)- the oldest natives of northern Australia. One of the most ancient musical instruments on Earth.

- European-American name for the oldest musical instrument of the Australian aborigines. In the north of Australia, where the didgeridoo appeared, it is called yedaki (yidaki).

The uniqueness of the didgeridoo is that it usually sounds on one note (the so-called " drone”), but at the same time the tool has a very large tone range. Only a human voice can compare with it, and in part organ.

When playing the didgeridoo, use continuous breathing technique.

Playing the didgeridoo accompanies the rituals and promotes entry into a trance.

Since the end of the 20th century, Western musicians have been experimenting with didgeridoo (for example, Sophie Lacaze, Jamiroquai).

The device and manufacture of the didgeridoo

Didgeridoo is not man-made, it is created by nature itself: from a piece of eucalyptus trunk 1-3 meters long, the core of which is eaten away by termites. You just need to find these "blanks" and the didgeridoo is almost ready. But not every aborigine succeeds in doing this, since in order to search one must have a special state of consciousness.

After a suitable trunk is found, its end is treated with beeswax.

Didgeridoo is also made from bamboo. The Aztec and Mayan variants were made from a giant cactus.

Many instruments are decorated with traditional paintings, images of animal totems.

Origin and spiritual meaning of the didgeridoo

In those times when there was nothing and even time itself, divine beings lived vanjina. They dreamed of this world (thus it was created) - the time of dreams. When the world was created, the Wanjina left Earth and moved into the spirit world. But as a gift to people they left didgeridoo.

The hum of the didgeridoo creates a special space, a kind of window or corridor through which the Wanjina can visit the human world and vice versa.

dream time- this is both an aboriginal myth about the creation of the world, and a special altered state of consciousness that occurs in the player who plays and listens to the game.

The natives of Australia gave us the didgeridoo, because they are very supportive of the spread of the didgeridoo. They believe that the didgeridoo will help bridge the gap between our worlds.

Two of the many sayings of Aboriginal elders about the didgeridoo:

“The didgeridoo is a magician with his own power. When the didgeridoo speaks to you, listen.”

"The magical sound of the didgeridoo touches people's hearts and calls us to remember our common earthly and spiritual heritage."

Video: Didgeridoo on video + sound

Thanks to these videos, you can get acquainted with the instrument, watch the real game on it, listen to its sound, feel the specifics of the technique:

Sale of tools: where to buy/order?

The encyclopedia does not yet contain information on where to buy or order this instrument. You can change it!

One of the most ancient musical instruments, according to the method of sound reproduction, belongs to the group of wooden aerophones - wind instruments. Due to its exotic appearance and unusual timbre, similar to the throat singing of the peoples of Altai and the murmur of water, it has become quite widespread in modern music.

History of the didgeridoo instrument

Didgeridoo is an Australian wind musical instrument (Didgeridoo) used in the practice of totem religious rites to enter a state of trance. This name was artificially assigned to it by Europeans and presumably means "black", or "local trumpeter". Different tribes of the indigenous inhabitants of the mainland call the instrument differently, for example: “yolngu”, “jinan”, “kakutyu”, “meyalai”, etc. The most common ethnic name is "yedaki".

Since the XX century. Western musicians began to actively use the didgeridoo in their work, but Aphex Twin, who created the British dance hit "Didgeridoo", played a special place in its distribution. At the same time, many Australian publications began to write about the instrument.

The device and manufacture of the didgeridoo

The Australian didgeridoo pipe is made of wood. To create an instrument, the natives use a eucalyptus trunk eaten away by termites, from which they shake out the dust and attach a mouthpiece prepared from beeswax. Then they are covered with patterns and tribal symbols. The length of the classic didgeridoo reaches 1-3 m, and modern European and American performers can see specimens up to 7 m long. The body can be flat, expanding towards the bell and spiral.

Currently, there are "budget" options made of plastic.

Tool varieties

Didgeribone - has some similarities with the trombone - consists of two tubes nested one inside the other. Thus, by pushing or pushing one of them, the performer can change the pitch directly during the game. Inventor - C. McMahon.
Keyed - has a valve system, invented by G. Wiggins.

Multidrone - distinguished by a long thin bell and mouthpiece, thanks to the oval shape of which the musician has the opportunity to play several sounds at the same time. Inventor W. Thoren.

Didjflute - equipped with flute-like holes. It can play quite complex melodies, but the timbre of the instrument is inexpressive.

How to play the didgeridoo: How to play

Like playing music on other wind instruments, playing the didgeridoo trumpet requires a lot of breathing. Therefore, it will not be easy for beginners in the “spiritual business” at first, it may even feel dizzy or get a little dark in the eyes. To avoid such "troubles", those who want to seriously learn how to play the instrument should master the technique of diaphragmatic breathing. Professional performers use a complex technique of cyclic (continuous) breathing, which consists in drawing "reserve" air into swollen cheeks - when the breath ends, the sound is extracted by supplying this air, and at this time a deep breath is taken through the nose.

The sound extraction here is similar to the technique used when playing brass instruments, the so-called "basing" - vibrating lips, as when pronouncing the sounds "fr" or "tpruu". This is quite difficult, so those who want to learn should have a lot of patience.

This instrument, if we are talking about the classic didgeridoo, recreates one tone, which is called the “drone”. During the game, the "trumpeter" can raise or lower the sound by clamping or relaxing his lips and regulating the air supply - "overblowing".
At the same time, when playing the yedaki, you can pronounce different syllables and individual sounds, which will make the sound more diverse and interesting.

It is also possible to perform a double staccato stroke - the rapid pronunciation of the syllables “ta-ka, ta-ka”.

Didgeridoo in the modern world

The instrument is played by many modern musicians, mostly electronic music performers. Beatbox music lovers choose the didgeridoo. With it, you can change and enhance the sound of your voice, creating richer sounds.

Physicians, representatives of the University of Zurich, also paid attention to this instrument, they claim that playing the didgeridoo is good for health: it trains the upper respiratory tract, strengthens the heart, nervous system and eliminates snoring.

Based on all of the above, we can say with confidence that the didgeridoo is one of the brightest and most unusual ethnic instruments, which is not without reason popular with exotic lovers.

Didgeridoo video game

Watch the video below to listen and enjoy the sound of the instrument.

There is such a musical instrument as the Didgeridoo, it is believed that it is one of the oldest and comes from Australia, where it was used by the natives for ritual purposes. Whether it is necessary for modern man is a moot point. The tribes themselves used it to enter a state of trance, where they communicated with spirits and contemplated various visions sent to them. The instrument has only one note (the so-called “drone”, or buzz), that is, it will not work to play “Vladimir central” or “cranes over the camp” on it, a variety of sounds can be obtained by articulation, overblowing and other special techniques for playing wind instruments. The instrument has a very wide timbre range. Only a human voice, a jew's harp, and partly an organ can compare with it. One of the interesting moments when playing this instrument is the so-called "continuous breathing", which, in addition to the shamanic trance state, gives a good exercise effect for the lungs. The instrument itself is often painted or decorated with tribal totems. My version is painted in the form of such a psychedelic lizard.
This is what it looks like with and without the case.

The part to which the breath is directed.

Back side.
How the tool is seen "from the eyes":

More drawing:

Size length 119 cm, diameter 6 cm, bamboo material, my note is C#. The quality is good, varnished, it is believed that the sound of bamboo is more interesting and deeper than that of wood.

A great tool for practice and entertainment, can be used for decoration. The sound can be recorded, but due to the unknown nature of your acoustics, most likely it will not look like a real sound. And in connection with the "change in the state of consciousness" during the game, it does not seem even more so.
Take unequivocally for those who are interested in ethnic or ambient sound, it will also be useful for those who practice trance states, meditation, yogic pranayama or holotropic breathing.

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Original, mysterious, harmonizing, overtone musical instrument of the natives of northern Australia.
Approximately 40 years ago, the natives gave their mysterious instrument to the Western world. Since then, didgeridoo conquers, surprises, inspires, harmonizes people living in the tense world of civilization.
Australian Aboriginal legends say:
"When there was nothing, not even time, Vanzhin's creative Essences dreamed
our world:
When the first Man was created, the Vanjina left the Earth, but in order to communicate with themselves, they left Didgerida to people. The sound of the didgeridoo creates a special space, a special corridor through which Vanjina can descend into the world of People, and People can ascend into the Spiritual world.

Didgeridoo not made by hands, it is created by nature itself. Australian termites eat tree trunks and branches from the inside. It remains only to find these "blanks" and the didgeridoo is almost ready. Not every aborigine manages to do this, since to search you need to have a special state of consciousness ... Didgeridoo is also made from bamboo. Many instruments are decorated with traditional paintings, images of animal totems.
Here are two (of the many) sayings of Aboriginal elders:
"Didgeridoo - the magician has his own power, when the didgeridoo speaks to you - listen"
"The magical sound of the didgeridoo touches people's hearts and calls us to remember our common earthly and spiritual heritage"

In the book "Healing Sounds" Jonathan Goldman writes that in those times when there was nothing, not even time itself, the divine essences of the vanjina lived. They dreamed of this world (thus it was created) - the time of dreams ...
And when the world was created, the vanjina left the Earth and moved to the spiritual world. But as a gift to people, they left the didgeridoo. The hum of the didgeridoo creates a special space, a kind of window or corridor through which the Wanjina can visit the human world and vice versa.
When I first heard the sound of the didgeridoo, and, of course, was shocked, I realized that this is the miracle that I have always dreamed of. Thus began my new life already with the didgeridoo, which I never cease to rejoice at.
The Aborigines of Australia gave us the didgeridoo. They are very supportive of the spread of the didgeridoo. They believe that the didgeridoo will help bridge the gap between our worlds.
Aborigines believe that the world is a single, fragile organism in which all parts are connected in the subtlest way ...
The time of dreams is both an aboriginal myth about the creation of the world and a special altered state of consciousness that occurs in the player who plays and listens to the game. The time of dreams is also a sacred space - the time of myth here and now ...
Our life is the time of dreams...
The didgeridoo is also the flute of the Rainbow Serpent Yurlunggur, the main divine essence of the creation myth. The didgeridoo has its own life-giving power.
One day, Yurlunggur swallowed the air essences of the Vavilak sisters and their two sons. Then she spat out their lifeless bodies onto the shore of the pond. But Didgeridoo's flute saw all this. She raised her power from the bottom of the pond and breathed life into the Vavilak sisters and their sons.
This is the vitalizing power of the Didgeridoo. And this saving action symbolizes the eternal uninterrupted breath of the creativity of life. And you can play the didgeridoo by mastering the technique of continuous (circulating) breathing.

More recently, scientists have completed a study on the incredible vitality of cats. They came to the conclusion that cats have a healing device - it's their ability to purr. These low frequency vibrations reproduced by the cat are very useful for her and for us.
When I heard this message, I was extremely delighted: it's just a didgeridoo inside a cat!
The didgeridoo hums, the cat purrs, and all these are low frequency vibrations. Against the background of the low frequency of the main sound, higher, but quieter frequencies are heard - these are overtones. The overtones are always higher by 2, 3, 4, etc. times the fundamental tone, they always form a harmonious series of sounds, a kind of single-tone chord and create a kind of didgeridoo (and cat) timbre.
At my concerts, which I call meditation concerts, I and the audience are actually the body of some kind of mystical cat. I liked this image so much that I decided to call the concerts “Mystical Cat”, a meditation concert for the didgeridoo and listeners.
At a concert at the East Tea Club in Moscow in October 2004, I talked about how Aboriginal shamans heal the sick by laying them on the ground and playing the didgeridoo over them. Some experimenters immediately lay down. They liked this experiment very much, and they recommended me to give an opportunity at concerts to those who wish to listen lying down ...
What we do in the cultural center "Another world".


The didgeridoo is played with a jet of air coming out through relaxed, vibrating lips. This jet brings the didgeridoo into resonance. And the magical, sacred singing of this mighty flute begins.

Cheeks, diaphragm, larynx, tongue, lungs are involved in playing the didgeridoo. Your whole body becomes an instrument. Training allows you to learn how to control all the muscles.
Aborigines say that usually the muscles of the cheeks are needed only so that food does not fall out of the mouth during meals. But if you train them...

In this section, I will give two introductory exercises, since I will conduct the “School of the game” section when students appear.

Exercise 1.

What does the phrase "exhale through relaxed, vibrating lips" mean?
Probably everyone can say "Whoa" to an imaginary horse. At the same time, your lips will be relaxed, they will vibrate, and a stream of air will come out through them. It remains only to bring the didgeridoo to the lips and, without interrupting this “whoa”, send air into it. This should be done until the didgeridoo resonates with its vibration and makes a magical sound. This will be the main tone.
Experience shows that almost no one manages to get a strong, even, correct tone right away. But this should only console beginners. Only constant exercises, only the search for your “kiss”, which will wake up the sleeping beauty Didgeridoo…
The number of approaches will never be in vain, as your muscles will imperceptibly strengthen, and then they will gratefully help you when you play.

Exercise 2.

Fill your cheeks with air, inflate them. With these cheeks, breathe through your nose. You will find that it is absolutely easy to do.
Now imagine that the air accumulated in the cheeks is pushed out of the mouth only by your trained cheek muscles. In this case, you can quickly inhale through your nose. This is the principle of continuous breathing.

Three basic requirements.

1. The main tone should be strong and stable (achieved by training).
2. The muscles of the cheeks should easily squeeze out the air accumulated in the cheeks (achieved by training).
3. With any movement of the cheeks, tongue, lips, etc., the main tone of the didgeridoo should not be interrupted (achieved by training).

The didgeridoo can be played sitting, standing or walking.
… And enjoy the flow of the amazing music of nature itself.

I'm doing a kind of experiment by playing the didgeridoo. I observe myself, my new experiences, sensations and possibilities.
I can say for sure - there is much more energy and health.
I have already tried to combine, intertwine the sound of the didgeridoo with a female voice. Well done.
And there are no limits to the experiments of musicians with the didgeridoo and other instruments.

An overtone, wind, unusual musical instrument with the beautiful name Didgeridoo gives a wonderful state of joy of creativity.

Specifications, care tips, etc.

Didgeridoo - Didgeridoo is the European-American name for an overtone wind instrument.
Australian Aboriginal musical instrument. In northern Australia, where the didgeridoo originated, it is called Yedaki. The largest didgeridoo reaches a length of 2.5 meters.
It is intended for sacred ceremonies of the Dream Time holiday dedicated to
The myth and time of the creation of the world, it symbolizes the rainbow-snake Yurlunggur. Only dedicated men play and see it.
In different regions, sacred didgeridoos (in sacred ceremonies) were played more often by men, but women prepared ceremonies and played the didgeridoo too.

Didgeridoos are a variety of forms, because it depends on the shape of the branches and trunks.
The voice of the didgeridoo is never repeated, each has its own special timbre and beauty.
It is best to start learning on an instrument with a length of 1m or more. up to 1m. 30 cm
The inner diameter of the hole on the side of the mouthpiece should be approximately 3 cm.
The inner diameter of the end of the didgeridoo would be ideal at 10 cm, but 5-8 is enough.
The walls of the didgeridoo should not be too thick, as the resonance will be dampened and there is a risk of cracking.

The inner surface of the didgeridoo should be treated with linseed oil, but so that the oil does not show through and does not spoil the pattern, if any.

The mouthpiece is made from beeswax.
I make a mouthpiece like this: I buy wax plates in the Beekeeping store. I warm up the upper end of the didgeridoo a little with a hair dryer. Wax pads, approx.
I warm up 1-1.5 by 2-3 cm and put it on the didgeridoo so that a little wax captures the inner wall and a little the upper surface. I crush, compact and line the upper end of the didgeridoo with such plates, forming a mouthpiece.

It is good to start learning on the bamboo didgeridoo.
You can make a tube from a dried hogweed trunk, or from something suitable, even their cardboard.

Cracks, which, unfortunately, are almost inevitable, can be “sealed” with wax. You need to knead a piece of wax and rub it into the crack. Wax holds well, only it must always be pressed down and crushed if the vibrations are damped.

My first didgeridoo was made of bamboo, 1m 15cm long.
The second didgeridoo is very beautiful, it is more souvenir, but it also sounds beautiful. It has a picture of a kangaroo. The length of this didgeridoo is 1m 20cm.

And the biggest didgeridoo, my "concert" mighty eucalyptus tube 1m 40cm long. The main tone is D, a very beautiful timbre, a lot of overtones. Unpainted, pure warm eucalyptus color.

We don't have any stores that sell didgeridoos yet. But in ethnic shops, shops of spiritual literature, bamboo tubes from Indonesia, India and other countries are sometimes sold, which are suitable for a start.

If you want to read the continuation of this lesson, then you are here.There is enough material in Russian that will interest those who like to withdraw into themselves.