We will meet later where there is zero gravity. Lyrics - Everything will be fine. Translation of the song Dzhigan feat. Asti - Everything will be fine

Imagine that we are flying high on the Earth!
And somewhere there, in the clouds, we look down.
You hear the waves hitting the surf
Two dear hearts, two white birds!

We will forget about fear, we will forget about pain;
We will take off all masks, put aside all roles!
Let's fly high like birds in freedom;
And we will fill this post with love!


If you are in a mess, -
Pick up the phone, say: "I"m sorry..."
That is, forgive me; that is, understand me;
That is, love me - in joy and in sorrow!

Let children's laughter flow! Let Mom laugh!
And even if there are clouds, everything will be fine soon!
The Sun will come out again, but we must fight;
After all, the days fly away like marathon runners!

We run after them, abandoning all our strength;
Sometimes without noticing that we are running past
The hugs of the parents, the smiles of the beloved;
Those little things you can't live without!

This rain from your eyes - I want it to pass!
Smile right now - everything will be fine!
Let a new day begin; let it begin without tears!
Smile, believe in yourself, everything will be fine!
Imagine that we are flying high in the Earth!
And somewhere out there, in the clouds, we look down.
You hear the waves beating on the surf
Two relatives of the heart, two white birds!

We forget about the fear, forget the pain;
We will remove all the masks, put off all the roles!
Soar high like a bird into the wild;
And this postotu we will fill with love!

Let the rain stops and the tears are no longer necessary;
Let the rays of the sun will rise and the myriad
Illuminate our faces, your warm gaze.

I hear your voice. I know you"re around;
And feelings are not hidden, they beat like hail!
Love - this is what we all need now!
Smile, dry your tears, do not cry;
Don't Cry!


Smile, a trust - everyone will be well!

If you are in the litter -
Pick up the phone, say: "I"m sorry..."
That is, I"m sorry; that is, get me;
That is to say, love me - in joy and in sorrow!

Let the children's laughter pours! Let Mom laughs!
And even if the clouds - soon everything will cost!
Again, look out the sun, but we have to fight;
After days of escape if marathoners!

We run after them, leaving all the power;
Sometimes, not noticing that we passed by looping
Embrace the parents, favorite smile;
Those little things, without which it is unbearable!

I know you"re around; I hear your voice.
He will forever be warm, like a good news!
We fly over the Earth, picking up speed only;
We will meet later, where weightlessness!
Where weightlessness!

This rain from your eyes - I want him to come!
Smile right now - everything will be fine!
Let's begin a new day; let it begin without tears!
Smile, a trust - everyone will be well!

Imagine that we are flying high on the Earth!
And somewhere there, in the clouds, we look down.
You hear the waves hitting the surf
Two dear hearts, two white birds!

We will forget about fear, we will forget about pain;
We will take off all masks, put aside all roles!
Let's fly high like birds in freedom;
And we will fill this post with love!

If you are in a mess, -
Pick up the phone, say: "I"m sorry..."
That is, forgive me; that is, understand me;
That is, love me - in joy and in sorrow!

Let children's laughter flow! Let Mom laugh!
And even if there are clouds, everything will be fine soon!
The Sun will come out again, but we must fight;
After all, the days fly away like marathon runners!

We run after them, abandoning all our strength;
Sometimes without noticing that we are running past
Hugs from parents, smiles from a loved one;
Those little things you can't live without!

This rain from your eyes - I want it to pass!
Smile right now - everything will be fine!
Let a new day begin; let it begin without tears!
Smile, believe in yourself, everything will be fine!

Translation of the song Dzhigan feat. Asti - Everything will be fine

Imagine that we are flying high in the Earth!
And somewhere out there, in the clouds, we look down.
You hear the waves beating on the surf
Two relatives of the heart, two white birds!

We forget about the fear, forget the pain;
We will remove all the masks, put off all the roles!
Soar high like a bird into the wild;
And this postotu we will fill with love!

Let the rain stops and the tears are no longer necessary;
Let the rays of the sun will rise and the myriad
Illuminate our faces, your warm gaze.

I hear your voice. I know you"re around;
And feelings are not hidden, they beat like hail!
Love - this is what we all need now!
Smile, dry your tears, do not cry;
Don't Cry!

If you are in the litter -
Pick up the phone, say: "I"m sorry..."
That is, I"m sorry; that is, get me;
That is to say, love me - in joy and in sorrow!

Let the children's laughter pours! Let Mom laughs!
And even if the clouds - soon everything will cost!
Again, look out the sun, but we have to fight;
After days of escape if marathoners!

We run after them, leaving all the power;
Sometimes, not noticing that we passed by looping
Embrace the parents, favorite smile;
Those little things, without which it is unbearable!

I know you"re around; I hear your voice.
He will forever be warm, like a good news!
We fly over the Earth, picking up speed only;
We will meet later, where weightlessness!
Where weightlessness!

This rain from your eyes - I want him to come!
Smile right now - everything will be fine!
Let's begin a new day; let it begin without tears!
Smile, a trust - everyone will be well!

Dzhigan feat. Asti - Everything will be fine

Imagine that we are flying high on the Earth!
And somewhere there, in the clouds, we look down.
You hear the waves hitting the surf
Two dear hearts, two white birds!

We will forget about fear, we will forget about pain,
We will take off all masks, put aside all roles!
Let's fly high like birds in freedom,
And we will fill this emptiness with love!


If you are in a mess, -
Pick up the phone, say: "I"m sorry..."
That is, forgive me, that is, understand me,
That is, love me - in joy and in sorrow!

Let children's laughter flow! Let Mom laugh!
And even if there are clouds, everything will be fine soon!
The sun will come out again, but we have to fight,
After all, the days fly away like marathon runners!

We run after them, leaving all our strength,
Sometimes without noticing that we are running past
Hugs of parents, smiles of a loved one,
Those little things you can't live without!

This rain from your eyes - I want it to pass!
Smile right now - everything will be fine!
Let a new day begin, let it begin without tears!
Smile, believe in yourself, everything will be fine!

The lyrics of this song are the property of its author, taken from open sources and intended for informational purposes only.

Tell your friends

Predstav", what is my letim vysoko na Zemlyoj!
I somewhere there, v oblakax, my smotrim vniz.
Ty slyshish", kak b"yutsya volnami o priboj
Dva rodnyx serdca, dvux belyx ptic!

My zabudem o straxe, zabudem o boli,
My snimem vse maski, otlozhim vse roleli!
Vzletim v vysotu slovno pticy na volyu,
I e"tu pustotu my zapolnim lyubov"yu!

Pust" konchitsya dozhd" i slyoz bol"she ne nado,
Pust" Solnce vzojdyot i luchej miriady
Osvetyat nashi lica, tvoim tyoplym vzglyadom.

Ya slyshu tvoj golos. Ya know, ty ryadom,
I chuvstva ne skryt", oni b"yut budto gradom!
Lyubov" - e"to, what nam vsem sejchas nado!
Ulybnis", vytri slyozy, ne nado plakat",
No need to plakat"!


Esli ty v sore, -
Podnimi trubku, skazhi: "I"m sorry..."
To est", prosti menya, to est", pojmi menya,
To est", lyubi menya - v gladosti i v gore!

Pust" detskij smex l"yotsya! Pust" Mama smeyotsya!
I dazhe, esli tuchi - skoro vsyo obojdyotsya!
Snova vyglyanet Solnce, no nam nado borot"sya,
Ved" dni ubegayut budto by marafony!

My bezhim vsled za nimi, ostavlyaya vse sily,
Poroj ne zamechaya, chto probegaem my mimo
Ob"yatij roditelej, ulybki lyubimoj,
Tex melochej, bez kotoryx nevynosimo!

Ya znayu, ty ryadom, Ya slyshu tvoj golos.
On budet gret" Vechno, kak good news"!
Letaem po Zemle, nabiraya lish" skorost",
My vstretimsya pozzhe, there where nevesomost"!
There, where nevesomost"!

E"tot dozhd", iz tvoix glaz - ya xochu, chtoby on proshyol!
Ulybnis", pryamo sejchas, - vsyo budet xorosho!
Pust" nachnyotsya novyj den", pust" nachnyotsya on bez slyoz!
Ulybnis", v sebya pover", - vsyo budet xorosho!