On what day should the deceased be buried? Funeral: Orthodox traditions, customs

Every person on this earth has the two most important events in life - this is birth and death. Between these two events is life.

For one person it is long, for another it is short, but in their lives people tend to drive away the thought of death, thinking that they will live forever. But then death comes, and with it the inevitable bitter chores about the burial of a person dear to you.

Not often, but it happens that a person thinks about his future death and prepares his coffin in advance. Such a product is usually stored in attics. But here there is a small, but very significant "but": the coffin is empty, and since it is made according to the standards of a person, he begins to "pull" him into himself. And a person, as a rule, passes away faster. Previously, to prevent this from happening, sawdust, shavings, grain were poured into an empty coffin. After the death of a person, sawdust, shavings, and grain were also buried in a pit. After all, if you feed a bird with such grain, it will get sick.

When a person has died and a measure is taken from him to make a coffin, in no case should the measure be placed on the bed. It is best to take it out of the house, and put it in a coffin during the funeral.

Be sure to remove all silver items from the deceased: after all, this is the metal that is used to fight "the unclean." Therefore, the latter can "disturb" the body of the deceased.

If there is a dead person in the house, do not start washing. This must be done after the funeral.

When a coffin is made, relatives and friends are forbidden to participate in this. The shavings formed during the manufacture of the coffin are best buried in the ground, in extreme cases, thrown into the water.

The bed on which a person died should not be thrown away, as many do. Take her and take her to the chicken coop, let her lie there for three nights, so that, as the legend says, the rooster will sing her three times.

When the time comes to put the deceased in the coffin, then the body of the deceased and his coffin are sprinkled with holy water outside and inside. You can also sprinkle with incense. Then the body is transferred to the coffin. A whisk is placed on the forehead of the deceased. It is given in the church when the deceased is brought to the funeral service. The mouth of the deceased must be closed, eyes closed, arms folded crosswise on the chest, right over left. The head of a Christian is covered with a large scarf that completely covers her hair, and its ends can not be tied, but simply folded crosswise. A tie should not be worn on a deceased Orthodox Christian. An icon or cross is placed in the left hand of the deceased; for men - the image of the savior, for women - the image of the Mother of God. And you can do this: in the left hand - a cross, and on the chest of the deceased - a Holy image. A pillow, which is usually made of cotton wool, is placed under the feet and head of the deceased. The body is covered with a sheet. The coffin is placed in the middle of the room in front of the icons, turning the face of the deceased with his head towards the icons.

When you see a dead person in a coffin, do not automatically touch your torso with your hands. This is due to the fact that in the place where you took it with your hand, various skin growths in the form of a tumor can grow.

If there is a dead person in the house, then, meeting your acquaintance or relatives there, you should greet with a bow of your head, and not with your voice.

While the deceased is in the house, the floor should not be swept. If you do not follow this advice, then members of your family may soon fall ill, or worse will happen.

During the funeral, you can not visit the graves of relatives and friends located in the same cemetery.

The ritual must be completed to the end for one person.

Do not listen to those people who advise to keep the body of the deceased from decomposition by putting two needles crosswise on his lips. This will not save the body of the deceased, but the needles that were on his lips will surely disappear, they are used to induce damage.

In order to prevent a heavy smell from the deceased, you can put a bunch of sage in his head, the people call it "cornflowers". It also serves another purpose - to drive away "evil spirits". For the same purposes, you can use willow branches, which are sanctified on Palm Sunday and are kept behind the images. These branches can be placed under the deceased.

A man died, his body was put in a coffin, and the bed on which he died has not yet been taken out. Friends or strangers may come up to you with a request to lie on this bed. The argument put forward is the following: so that their back and bones do not hurt. Don't listen to them. Don't harm yourself.

Do not put fresh flowers in the coffin of the dead. For this purpose, use artificial or, in extreme cases, dried.

A candle is lit near the coffin as a sign that the deceased has passed into the realm of light - a better afterlife.

A lamp or a candle is lit in the house, which burns as long as the dead person is in the house.

Instead of a candlestick for candles, glasses are often used, into which wheat is poured. Some people sprinkle others with this wheat and thereby cause damage. This wheat should also not be used for poultry or livestock feed.

Make sure that someone else's things are not placed under the deceased. If you notice this, then you need to pull them out of the coffin and burn them somewhere far away.

It happens when, out of ignorance, some compassionate mothers put photographs of their children in the coffin of their grandparents. After that, the child began to get sick, and if help was not provided in time, a fatal outcome could occur.

You can not give your things to dress the dead. The deceased is buried, and the one who gave his things begins to get sick.

A coffin with a dead person is taken out of the house, and someone is standing near the door and begins to tie knots on rags. He explains this operation to people by tying knots so that no more coffins are taken out of this house. Although the mind of such a person is completely different ...

If a pregnant woman goes to a funeral, she will do harm to herself. A sick child may be born. Therefore, try to stay at home at this time, and you need to say goodbye to your loved one in advance - before the funeral.

When a dead person is carried to a cemetery, in no case should you cross his path, as various tumors may form on your body. If this happened, then you should take the hand of the deceased, always the right one, and drive all the fingers over the tumor and read “Our Father”. This must be done three times, after each time spitting over the left shoulder.

When a dead person is carried down the street in a coffin, try not to look out the window of your apartment or house.

The ties that bind the hands and feet of the deceased must be untied and placed in the coffin with the deceased. Otherwise, as a rule, they are used to induce damage.

If you say goodbye to the deceased, try not to step on the towel that is placed in the cemetery near the coffin, so as not to incur damage to yourself.

If you are afraid of the dead, take hold of the legs of the deceased and hold on. This can be done before being placed in the grave.

Sometimes people can throw earth from the grave into their bosoms or by their collars, proving that in this way one can avoid the fear of the dead. Do not believe - this is done to induce damage.

Returning from the funeral, it is imperative to dust off your shoes before entering the house, and also hold your hands over the fire of a lit candle. This is done in order not to bring damage to the home.

The funeral is over, and according to the old Christian custom, water and some food are placed in a glass on the table to treat the soul of the deceased.

Make sure that young children or adults do not inadvertently drink from this glass or eat anything. After such a treat, both adults and children begin to get sick.

During the commemoration, the deceased, according to tradition, is poured a glass of vodka. Do not drink it if someone advises you.

There is a dead person on your street, and you urgently need to plant potatoes. Don't waste your time and effort. If you plant potatoes at a time when the deceased has not yet been buried, do not expect a good harvest.

If you come to the grave of a loved one to tear out grass, paint a fence or plant something, start digging and dig up things that should not be there. In this case, everything that you found must be taken out of the cemetery and burned. When it burns, try not to fall under the smoke, otherwise you can get sick yourself.

Burials on New Year's Eve are a very bad omen: in the coming year, they will bury at least once a month.

The funeral on Sunday predicts three more funerals during the week.

It is dangerous to delay a funeral, for whatever reason. Then one, two or three deaths in the family or in the nearest district will occur within a week or a month.

If the funeral is postponed until next week, then it is surely unfortunate, because the dead man will try his best to take someone with him.

After the funeral, do not go to any of your friends or relatives to visit.

In the heads of the graves of young men and women, viburnum is planted.

In the first seven days after the death of the deceased, do not take anything out of the house.

Until 40 days, do not distribute the things of the deceased to relatives, friends or acquaintances.

If one of you has died a close or dear person, and you often cry for him, then it is advised to start thistle grass in the house.

When someone dies, try to have only women present.

If the patient is dying hard, then for an easier death, remove a pillow of feathers from under his head. In the villages, the dying person is laid on straw.

To alleviate the death agony of the patient, it is necessary to cover with white material, which will later be used for upholstery of the coffin.

When there is a dead person in the house, in the neighboring houses one should not drink water in the morning, which was in buckets or pots. It must be poured out, and freshly poured.

It is desirable that the washing of the body of the deceased takes place during daylight hours - from sunrise to sunset. Water after ablution must be handled with great care. It is necessary to dig a hole far from the yard, garden and living quarters, where people do not go, and pour everything, to the last drop, into it and cover it with earth. The fact is that very strong damage is done on the water in which the deceased was washed. Therefore, do not give this water to anyone, no matter who turns to you with such a request.

Try not to spill this water around the apartment so that those living in it do not get sick.

Pregnant women should not wash the deceased in order to avoid the illness of the unborn child, as well as women who are menstruating.

As a rule, only elderly women prepare the deceased for their last journey.

The shroud must be sewn on a live thread and always with a needle away from you so that there are no more deaths in the house.

In Russia in the old days

In the house where the dying person lay, all the keys were taken out of the keyholes and the doors and windows were opened so that the human soul could leave the body without interference. When a person gave his soul to God, he was necessarily washed so that he appeared before the Lord clean in soul and body.

When washing the deceased, strict rules were observed. The deceased was laid with his feet to the stove and washed 2-3 times with warm water and soap from a new clay pot. The water with which the deceased was washed became "dead", and it was poured somewhere far away so that a healthy person would not step on this place, and also so that the sorcerer would not take it for himself to induce damage. They did the same with water, which was used to wash the dishes after the wake and the floors after the removal of the deceased from the house. They also tried to get rid of other attributes of ablution as soon as possible.

In the coffin of the deceased, they put his baptismal pectoral cross, a small icon, a halo on his forehead, candles and a "manuscript" - a written prayer that forgives sins. They give a towel (handkerchief) to the hands so that the deceased can wipe the sweat from his face during the Last Judgment. Who died on Easter - an egg in his hand.

The deceased is usually buried in white clothes, personifying the infantile purity of the Christian soul.

The sign was strictly observed: do not make the coffin larger than the deceased, otherwise there will be another deceased. In the house, as a sign of mourning, they curtain or turn the “face” to the wall of the mirror so that the human soul does not remain locked on the other side of the mirror. They also stop all clocks as a sign that a person's life path is completed. Before the funeral, his friends and relatives come to say goodbye to a person, but 20 minutes before the removal of the body, only the closest relatives should remain with the deceased.

Take out the rubbish in front of the dead person from the house - take everyone out of the house.

In preparation for the removal of the body, first the wreaths and the portrait of the deceased are taken out of the house, then the lid of the coffin (the narrow part forward), and only at the end the coffin itself (the deceased is carried forward with their feet). At the same time, thresholds and jambs should not be touched, so that the deceased would not be tempted to return home.

“The dead man is one of the houses out,” they say, taking him out and locking the tenants in the house for a while. According to the old tradition, it is impossible to take out the deceased before noon and after sunset, so that the setting sun could “capture” the deceased with it. Relatives should not carry a coffin, so that the deceased does not take a blood relative with him to the grave.

After taking the coffin out of the house, all the floors must be washed (previously, not only the floors, but the whole house were washed with water alone).

The path of the funeral procession to the cemetery is covered with spruce branches, which serve as a talisman, a guarantee that the deceased will not “walk”, will not return in his wake.

At funerals, it is customary to present cakes, sweets, and handkerchiefs to those present. This is nothing more than the distribution of alms, which obliges those who received it to pray for the deceased. At the same time, the worshipers take on some of the sins of the deceased.

Arriving home after the funeral, you need to warm your hands so as not to bring the grave cold into the house. After the commemoration, 40 days of intoxication are not taken into the mouth. At the commemoration, they drink only vodka, and those who come are sure to be fed pancakes and kutya.

For the soul of the deceased, a stack of vodka, covered with a slice of bread, is placed on the table. It must stand for 40 days, while the human soul has not completely left this world.

At the wake, they do not stay long. Six weeks after the funeral, a glass of water should be on the windowsill, and a towel should be hung on the corner of the house, outside by the window, so that the soul could bathe and dry off before the wake. On the fortieth day, the soul of the deceased comes to his house for a whole day and leaves only after the so-called farewell. If they are not arranged, the deceased will suffer. Six weeks after death, "ladders" of dough are baked to help the soul climb to heaven. According to Russian tradition, there are special days in the folk calendar on which the Orthodox commemorate those who have moved to another world.

We must always remember that at a funeral or with the help of funeral paraphernalia, the most severe damage is induced. Therefore, if something incomprehensible happened at the funeral or you suspect something in yourself, contact an experienced

master. In no case should you get rid of such damage on your own or using numerous and useless articles on the Internet.

Death is a natural process that every person has to go through. In all cultures, there are certain ritual actions aimed at seeing off the deceased. How is the funeral ceremony for Russians? Let's take a closer look at the procedure.

What it is

All peoples had certain traditions of farewell to a person. Burial differences are associated with religious and national customs. The body was given to one of the elements:

  • earth (burial in a crypt, grave);
  • fire (cremation);
  • air (hanging the remains);
  • water.

Now you can find combined rituals that combine several rituals. The deceased was buried in a natural state or the limbs were bent. Modern traditions favor earth burial.

In many cultures, death is a transition from one world to another. In order not to interfere with the deceased, certain ritual actions must be observed. Some peoples were forbidden to cry and grieve at parting. Others, on the contrary, needed to show their grief as much as possible.

Christianity has had a huge impact on many cultures. The peculiarity of religion is that it did not completely destroy the old customs, but imperceptibly adjusted itself. Funeral rites in Orthodoxy have preserved echoes of ancient pagan beliefs.

How has burial evolved?

The traditional ritual is much longer than what is happening now. It began from the moment the first signs of death appeared. Knowledge about the sacrament was lost, and the modern burial was reduced.

Back in the 19th century, Russian peasants were preparing to leave in advance. It was considered good form if a person made a coffin on his own. It is placed in the attic and filled with grain. On the day of the funeral, cereals were poured out to the birds.

The clothes for the last outfit were also sewn ahead of time. There was a special technique that made it possible to create decoration without a single knot and buttons. Women prepared a “dowry” for both themselves and their spouses. All the necessary attributes for death were tied into a knot.

In the 20th century, an active struggle with Orthodoxy begins, so the ritual lands and simplifies as much as possible. The destruction of faith in the afterlife made the ceremony boring and lean. The sacred meaning of all actions has disappeared, and the banal burial of a dead body remains.

Seeing off

A funeral is an event that will happen to every person. If you carry out all the actions according to the rules, then it will be easier for the deceased to leave the house. Let's analyze the main aspects.

At this stage, it is necessary to prepare the body for the sacrament. People who were not related by blood were invited to wash the remains. The deceased is washed with warm water, reading the prayers “Lord, have mercy” or “Trisagion”. Remember that only representatives of the gender of the deceased are suitable for the procedure.

It is customary for Russians to use clean, new clothes for funerals. You can not take other people's outfits, especially relatives. In this case, the deceased will "take" the person with him. Our ancestors were dressed in the best attire. It was customary for unmarried people to dress up as for a wedding.

The body was laid on the table and covered with a shroud - a white blanket. Before transferring the deceased to the coffin, the remains and the “wooden house” were sprinkled with consecrated water. A pillow was placed under the head, and a “corolla” was placed on the forehead. Remember that the eyes must be closed and the lips closed.

Hands folded crosswise - right over left. To fix the limbs, they were tied with special fetters, which were released before burial. Be sure to put on a cross, and put an icon on the chest: for men, the Savior, and for women, the Mother of God. While the deceased is in the room, a lamp or a candle at the head of the head is lit in the house.

Superstition while the dead man is at home

The funeral rites of Russians are densely overgrown with signs. What are the rules of conduct before the coffin is taken out of the room? There are many points that should not be forgotten.

There is a superstition that you should not leave the dead alone in the room. All items related to death are a desired artifact for sorcerers. Those nearby make sure that nothing is lost or planted in the coffin.

A dead man's open eyes were a bad omen. It is believed that the person on whom the eye falls will soon die. They carefully examine the body, not allowing even the slightest gap between the eyelids.

Old people say that if a dead person accidentally looks into a mirror, he will be captivated, and he will no longer be able to leave without the help of a knowledgeable person.

While the coffin is in the room, you can’t sweep it, otherwise you can “sweep out” everyone living in the house. After the remains were taken to the cemetery, there remains a person who cleans up. To expel death, they thoroughly wash the floor and throw away the broom, bucket and rag.

The pieces of furniture on which the sarcophagus stood with the deceased are then turned upside down. You can install it in a normal state only after forty days. So that the spirit would not disturb the residents, stools were broken in the villages and burned at the stake.


Traditions at Russian funerals required the coffin to be placed in the center of the room. The funeral is scheduled between noon and sunset. Any funeral events in the evening are prohibited for the Orthodox. Mirrors were closed in the dwelling and the clock was stopped. Often, towels were hung on the windows, on which the soul rested.

So that the deceased does not take anyone from relatives, it is necessary to take them out with their feet forward. Our ancestors believed that such manipulation would make the deceased forget the way home. When moving the coffin, you must try not to touch the door or walls with it. In the north of Russia, after the deceased left the house, a stone was placed under the corner of the building. Such a charm protected all loved ones from imminent death.

The removal of the deceased is an important procedure, accompanied by the emotional state of relatives. Society condemned those who did not cry at the funeral or did not grieve enough. At the same time, mothers were forbidden to shed tears for the dead children. It was believed that after death they turned into angels, so it was impossible to be sad.

Among the Slavic peoples, traditions forbade leaving the dead alone. There was always someone from friends, neighbors or acquaintances sitting nearby. It is believed that the soul is very vulnerable in the first three days, so they provided maximum support - they said prayers from the Psalter or invited special readers.


Orthodoxy treated funerals very reverently, so the procession was accompanied by the sobs of relatives. At the head was a man who carried a crucifix or an icon on a funeral towel. According to church rules, blood relatives and friends must carry the coffin with the remains. But the superstition that the action was trusted exclusively to strangers became stronger.

Since pagan times, fears of death remained, so they tried not to touch the funeral attributes with their hands. The lid and the sarcophagus were carried with gloves or on special cloths. In winter, they brought to the cemetery on a sleigh. Now this mission is carried out by hearses.

The first person the procession met along the way had to be given bread wrapped in a towel. This ancient ritual symbolized the rendezvous of the world of the living and the abode of the dead. The "traveler" was obliged to pray for the soul of the deceased.

It was forbidden for the procession to stop before the cemetery or church. The only exceptions could be only places dear to the deceased. It was believed that the more respected the deceased was, the longer the coffin was carried.

Signs of a funeral procession

After the coffin was taken out of the house, there were certain superstitions. If the funeral procession went past the windows, then our ancestors tried to wake up all the sleeping ones. It was believed that the deceased took with him any person who was in a slumber.

The Orthodox funeral rite forbade looking at the procession through glass. According to signs, the soul was nearby and could be offended by such uncultured behavior. Disease and quick death became the punishment for the insolent. The old people advised not to stare out the window and at the dead man, but to look away, to make the sign of the cross over oneself.

You can not cross the road before the funeral procession. If a person died from an accident or illness, then the trouble "jumped" to the violator of the taboo. It is better to wait out the procession on the sidelines than to receive a negative blow to the aura.

When a dead man is taken out of the house, the old people advised against looking in the windows. A careless movement of the head will attract death to these dwellings. So that the relatives of the deceased do not die, during the procession it is impossible to turn back.

memorial service

A church service for the deceased was held before burial. It can be done both in the temple and at home. The priest reads prayers and psalms to help calm the soul and adapt it to the new world. The texts figuratively tell about the earthly path of a person and his ordeals in life. At the end, they mention heavenly conduct and great love for people.

Why is a memorial service needed? When the spirit leaves the body, demons gather around it and try to drag it to hell. It is at this moment that the maximum help of the church is needed, and the action of the ritual facilitates the transition. For three days after death, the soul will be in places where they pray for it.

A secular memorial service is a farewell ceremony at the coffin that precedes burial. The civil ceremony does not carry any religious overtones, although it often takes place in the presence of a priest. There are no serious requirements for the ritual, so it is carried out according to established traditions or the will of the deceased.

Funeral signs - superstitions, traditions, rituals

Orthodox funeral. funeral rite



Christian funeral rites are performed until the sun begins to set below the horizon. There remains a pagan belief that the daylight takes with it the soul of the deceased. If relatives do not have time to bury the coffin before this period, then one of the relatives will leave after the deceased.

Saying goodbye to the deceased, it is necessary to kiss him on the halo on his forehead. You are allowed to cry and lament. The priest says prayers. The lid is nailed and the body is gently lowered into the pit. A sacred action is a handful of soil thrown into the grave with the words: "The earth rest in peace."

In the pit, the coffin is placed facing east. A cross is set at the feet, facing the west. According to beliefs, the "look" of the deceased should fall on the Christian symbol. Ancient traditions demanded that only a wooden monument, handmade by relatives, be on the grave. Modern stone slabs do not correspond to folk beliefs.

Sometimes a ritual of redemption of land was performed at the cemetery. Those present took small coins and threw them into the pit. These are fragments of pagan rites that have come down to our times. Orthodox traditions exclude any non-Christian practices.

Returning from the cemetery, it was important not to bring a particle of the world of the dead with you. The earth was carefully shaved off the shoes, and those in contact with the deceased were washed in the bath. It is impossible to invite an orchestra for the funeral of Russian Christians. It is forbidden to make a burial at Christmas or Easter.

Signs in the cemetery

An oversized grave is a sure sign of the death of one of the family members. A lid forgotten at home or mourning wreaths has the same meaning. Remember that you need to nail up the coffin only at the burial site. Death will take not only the person who violated the ban, but also the family of the deceased.

Children and pregnant women were forbidden to attend the funeral. Babies do not have natural energy protection, so a negative attack from evil forces is possible. Demolition women could get severe damage, which would be inherited by the crumbs. The first comer relied on food "for the mention."

Already at the cemetery they enter through the gate, and the deceased is transported through the main gate. On the way back, you can choose any path. Remember that they don’t go ahead of the dead either. First they carry the coffin, and then the living ones come up.

When nails are driven into the lid, care must be taken that the shadow of a person does not fall on the sarcophagus or grave. Old people paid attention to the fact that there were no rings on the dead man, and the buttons were unbuttoned. Before lowering into the pit, be sure to untie the knot that fastens the fetters. If you forget to do this, then someone close to you will die.

If the inner strength repels a person from the deceased, then you should not force yourself and kiss the deceased in the whisk. The living are often afraid of the dead, so they cannot overcome their fears. By the way, in ancient times it was possible to get rid of fear by simply touching the leg of the deceased.


According to the rites, after the burial, a modest table is organized for the diggers of the pit. Obligatory dishes are kutia, pancakes, and the rest is at the request of relatives. Alcohol was not a necessary product, so its availability was discussed in advance. On the mound they left bread or cookies for the birds, which were considered the souls of the dead.

A commemoration was held on the day of the funeral, 9 and 40 days after death. Our ancestors believed that angels brought the soul of the deceased to the house where they were waiting for it. During this period, one had to go to the cemetery to taste food with the deceased. A little was left on the grave, and also distributed to people.

The funeral rite gathered relatives, friends and the poor at the same table. It was believed that while the spirit travels the earth, he experiences the same needs as the living. For him, a special place was allocated under the images and a separate device was placed. A spoonful of kutya was placed on a plate, and a glass of drink was covered with a piece of bread.

Christian traditions forbade people from drinking alcohol. Intoxicated drink is a relic of pagan feasts. An excess of alcohol leads a person to sinful thoughts, preventing the soul of the deceased from moving to another world.

You can not hold a ceremony on the weekdays of Lent. The event has been rescheduled to next Saturday or Sunday. After the wake, it was customary to distribute alms. Now this procedure has been transformed into a ceremony of giving cookies and sweets.

Signs after the funeral

The rules say that after the cemetery it was impossible to visit. It was believed that a person carries a particle of death in himself, so a tragedy is possible in this house. Leaving the churchyard, the ancestors did not recommend looking back.

During the commemoration, they put the image of the departed, and next to it - a glass of drink and bread. Anyone who drinks or eats the food of the dead will soon die. The same applies to animals. To grant misfortune, the liquid was poured outside the home and the product buried or burned.

After they came from the cemetery, people always warmed their hands with live (open) fire or washed them in hot water. It was customary to light candles and hold limbs over them. The flame burns all the negative energy that is in the places of death.

At the wake, it is forbidden to grieve and cry a lot. Ancestors believed that a person goes to a better world, and in the tears of loved ones he can drown. You can't get drunk at a funeral dinner. Such a thoughtless act puts the curse of alcoholism on the family. The first pancake, a spoonful of kutya and jelly are given to the deceased.

Already at home, a glass of water is poured, which is covered with bread on top and sprinkled with salt. The object stands for forty days, after which everything is poured out and buried outside the house. Care must be taken to ensure that no one accidentally spills liquid or takes away food.

Meal on the ninth day

Orthodox traditions require relatives to gather at the same table 9 days after death. The ritual passed from pagan ancestors and was firmly entrenched in Orthodoxy. Why is this rite necessary?

It is believed that from the ninth to the fortieth day the soul wanders through ordeals - barriers in the form of sins. Helpers with evil are good angels. Only after passing the “examination” can a person appear before God for a final judgment.

Relatives of the deceased create an appropriate atmosphere in the room where the commemoration will take place. Allocate a separate place where you can put a glass of water, bread and light a candle. In the morning, a prayer service is ordered in the temple and alms are distributed for the repose.

Not only blood relatives, friends, but also colleagues gather at the table. The more people there are, the easier it is for the soul. According to tradition, no one is invited to the wake. Only those who consider it important to remember the deceased come. But if they are afraid that someone will forget about the date, then it is allowed to remind them a few days before the event.

Compulsory dishes are compote, kutya or any porridge. It is they who become the link that connects the lost loved one and those around them. Remember that you are not just going to eat. On this day, the best moments in the life of the deceased are remembered.

Features of forty days

An important ritual completes the funeral rites. According to beliefs, the soul is still on earth for 40 days after death. During this time, she goes through ordeals and prepares for the transition to another world. The last line after which a person goes to heaven or hell.

Christian customs recommend that loved ones come together at the same table on this day. The commemoration ritual is the farewell to the deceased, so it is important to properly prepare for action. A prayer service for the repose is ordered in advance and alms are given to the poor. In the morning they go to the cemetery with flowers: they light a consecrated candle on the grave and leave sweets on the mound.

Remember that an event is not a way to meet relatives or acquaintances. Songs, fun and the use of alcoholic beverages are prohibited at the meal. Kutya and pancakes are an obligatory dish on the table, vegetable salads and fish dishes are allowed. In the house, a place is allocated for the deceased, having a glass of water and a piece of bread.

The feast begins with a moment of silence. Each of those gathered utters a kind word about the deceased. It is important to restrain emotions and not cry: a loved one is on his last day on earth, so there is no need to overshadow his stay.

Important things for relatives

Death is grief for loved ones, which knocks them out of their usual lives. This is often used by sorcerers to perform magical rituals. To avoid such mistakes, we will analyze the most likely actions.

Nothing can be put in the coffin, especially other people's things, photographs, money. An object buried in the ground will “call” the owner behind him. This is a very terrible sorcery that hits both the owner and the final performer.

A towel is often spread around the sarcophagus. Remember that it is forbidden to step on it: everything related to the funeral ritual must be lowered into the grave or burned. The exception is consecrated icons. Orthodox traditions forbid the destruction of shrines, but they cannot be kept at home either. We recommend taking the images to the temple.

Fetters, washing water and hygiene items are the most powerful magical artifacts. Every sorcerer hunts for such things and tries to get it by any means. The ropes are buried along with the coffin, and the liquid is poured far from home. The comb and soap used to cleanse the body are left in the grave.

Features of life after the funeral

Orthodox rules required loved ones to adhere to mourning. During this period, any entertainment activities, including TV and social networks, are undesirable. Most often, a nine-day period is observed, and only then you can move on to your usual life.

Black clothing is optional. The church does not recommend puzzling over outfits. It is better to devote time to prayer and remembrance of the deceased. Our ancestors donated money to the bell, each sound of which repented of the sins of the deceased.

Is it possible to get married after a funeral? Often the preparations for the event take several months. If the emotional state of the couple allows the ceremony, then the event is not canceled. In Orthodoxy, weddings are allowed until the fortieth day after death.

There is a superstition that after the funeral you can not wash and cut your hair during the period of mourning. The sign is an echo of pagan beliefs, and the church does not consider it necessary to follow such a requirement. During this period, they put candles for the repose in the temple and distribute alms to the poor.

For 40 days you can not do anything with the things of the deceased. The exception is the bed on which the person died - it is thrown away or burned. At the end of mourning, clothes are distributed as a keepsake to loved ones or the poor. It is undesirable to sell or change to something else.

We figured out how Russian funerals go. Ancient pagan traditions are so closely intertwined with Orthodoxy that it is difficult to determine what is right and what is superstition. Our recommendations will help to observe the subtleties of the last ritual.

Sooner or later in people's lives such a sad event occurs as the death of loved ones. After the death of a person, he needs to be buried, but, like in any other business, funerals have their own traditions. Before death itself, if there is time, a priest should be invited to the dying person, who will confess and take communion. He will also conduct another rite, called unction. But this can be done if the person is conscious and more or less adequate. In the room where a person dies, you need to close all windows and doors, hang mirrors. If there are pets, then they should be given somewhere for a while at this time. If a person during his lifetime was a Christian and lived according to Christian laws, then according to them, burial after death should be on the third day. Previously, the body of the deceased is washed, which symbolizes the future Sunday of a person, during the washing, a prayer is read. You can not wash the body of young women, usually older people do it. And it is desirable that these were not relatives. After washing, the deceased is dressed in clean clothes, light shades. If there is no suitable clothing, then new ones are bought, in no case should you wear your own or relatives. Sometimes some people cover the deceased with a white cloth - a shroud - over their clothes.

Be sure to wear a pectoral cross on the deceased. The body is placed with the head to the east, and the hands are folded on the hood, the right over the left. A crucifix or an icon is placed in the hands of a deceased person. A special crown is placed on the forehead of the deceased, which symbolizes the kingdom of heaven, the body of the deceased is fumigated with incense or sprinkled with holy water. Relatives of the deceased must not take the body out of the house, let other people do it. You can not go before the dead, as this can bring misfortune and even death. After the removal of the body, it is necessary to wash the floor in the room where the person died, it is also advisable to wipe the furniture. The bed itself, where a person met death, is best thrown away, and even better, burned. When the body is placed in the coffin, a small pillow stuffed with twigs and leaves of willow and birch should be placed under the head. 4 candles are lit at the coffin, two at the head, two at the feet and one on each side of the coffin.

But due to Russian legislation, it is impossible to fully conduct the ceremony. Since if the body was not delivered to the morgue, then a death certificate cannot be obtained. After the body is handed over to relatives, you can go by specially prepared transport to the church where the funeral ceremony of the deceased is held. During the funeral, all relatives and friends of the deceased hold candles. After the funeral, the coffin with the deceased is taken to the cemetery, where the grave should already be dug in advance by agreement. Relatives of the deceased carry the coffin to the grave from the transport. The coffin is placed at the grave on stools or pre-prepared stands. All relatives and friends of the deceased person say goodbye to him, you can put a memorial dish near the coffin, kutya with a lit candle. If a person wore glasses or some kind of prosthesis during his lifetime, these things should be put in a coffin. It is not necessary to put anything else in the coffin, and it is even dangerous. After parting and after that, the coffin, previously closed, is lowered into the grave. According to Orthodox traditions, the deceased should lie with his head to the east, and his feet to the west. During the funeral, an angelic song, or as it is called the trisagion, is sung. When the coffin is completely lowered into the grave, all the relatives and friends of the deceased in turn, without fuss, scoop up a handful of earth and throw it on the coffin. After the grave is buried, forming a mound.

For a more correct and accurate burial rite, it is best to ask the advice of a priest or a specialized funeral home. The priest will give the correct instructions, and answer all the relatives' questions about this sad ceremony. After the funeral, it is customary to hold a commemoration of the deceased, or as the commemoration ceremony is called among the people. Moreover, the commemoration is held not only immediately after the funeral on the third day, but also on the third, ninth and fortieth day. Everyone who attended the funeral is invited to the first commemoration. It is customary to serve pancakes, jelly, fish, lean pies on the table. On all days, except for the days of fasting, meat food, borscht, and kulebyaka can be served on the table. If the relatives and family of the deceased adhere to the Christian tradition, then during the commemoration there is a recommendation not to drink alcohol. And if there is no way without them, then the way they will be weak, various liqueurs and light wines. It is not necessary to put an empty plate and a glass for the deceased, and his portrait on the table. On the ninth and fortieth day, only the closest relatives gather for a wake. At the commemoration, only good things are remembered and, of course, you can’t have fun and sing songs at them.

As much as we would not like it, but people are destined to die. Therefore, the chores with the funeral sooner or later affect everyone. It is important to know how to prepare for this day, and most importantly, when to send the deceased on his last journey.


Today's editorial "So simple!" will tell you why it is customary to bury the deceased on the 3rd day after death. And also about the other days that must be taken into account from the point of view of Christianity.


When people are buried

According to Orthodox canons bury the dead on the third day after death. Why the third day? Christ died on Friday and rose again on Sunday. Hence 3 days. Further, according to Christian teaching, until the third day the soul is on earth, but from the 3rd to the 9th day it is shown the afterlife.


According to the holy fathers, for 3 days the soul of the deceased is near his body. If we bury the body, she has nowhere to go. During this period, the relationship between the body and the soul is still preserved, which in no case should be broken off. The soul in the last three days should be at home, among loved ones.

But from the 9th day, the most difficult period begins for the soul of the deceased. She goes through ordeals, where she knows all her sins. In the period from the 9th to the 40th day, relatives are advised to pray for the deceased. On the 40th day, the soul appears before the Last Judgment, where it is determined where it will go. Preferably on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days order a memorial service.

After the death of a person and until the 9th day, the relatives of the deceased must refrain from fun. Even if a wedding or christening is planned during this period, it is better to postpone them.

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- Until the deceased is carried out, the household cannot see their reflection.

For some time after the death of a loved one, one should avoid saying their name aloud.

Relatives should not carry the deceased.

Before lowering the coffin into the grave, you need to throw a coin there (paying off the coffin) - this is the first thing that close blood relatives do, and then the earth is thrown.

If there is a dead person in the apartment, sharp metal objects (knives, needles, nails, blades, axes, etc.) must not be used before the funeral and kept in an open place.

While the deceased is in the house, a cup (a new white saucer) of water should be placed on the windowsill (for "washing the soul"). After the removal of the body, the bowl (glass) must be taken out of the house, the water should be poured out, the glass should be thrown into the river.

If the deceased is in the house, you can’t clean up and take out the garbage, otherwise the rest may die.

When the lid of the coffin is being clogged, care must be taken to ensure that the shadow of a living person does not "fall into the coffin." Similarly, care must be taken that the shadows of those present do not fall into the grave before lowering the coffin.

At the funeral, you need to make sure that there are no knots and rings on the deceased; buttons must be undone.

Do not forget to untie the deceased, otherwise someone else will die soon! If, by chance, the deceased was not untied, his relatives need to put scissors in someone's coffin as soon as possible. (how to do this if, after reading everything, they guard the coffin of the deceased like a chest with belongings, and it’s not even an hour they will be stoned thinking that witchcraft is being repaired, hmm ...)

Until the 9th day, it is necessary to wash and iron all his things, carefully fold them - how to cook everything. None of the things of the deceased are given away until the 40th day, no rearrangements are made in the house, etc.

It is necessary that relatives in the house do not stay overnight alone for 9 days. It is necessary that friends and relatives live this time. thus, the soul, staying at home for 9 days, calmed down that loved ones were not abandoned and he had someone to leave them to.

Things in which the deceased is buried should be new, if not possible, then clean, freshly washed, without traces of blood and dirt, carefully ironed. Buried in seasonal clothing. That is, in the winter to one shirt - they don’t bury! Shoes are very important. you need to buy soft, comfortable and, if possible, beautiful slippers. necessarily with a back (not flip-flops).

If a very young, fashionable person died, they bury them in comfortable soft shoes, women - always in soft shoes without heels, but then - all the same, these slippers are put into the coffin! The coffin must be cramped by all standards.

By the way, many, buying a place in the cemetery, try to grab a larger plot - this cannot be done. The site should be small, cramped - only the most necessary.

If the deceased is baptized, it is necessary to sing him in the church. It is better to buy new icons, placed on the chest during the funeral service.

Up to 40 days, nothing is given from the deceased's house - no chairs, no dishes, or anything else. They don't lend money either.

Even if the deceased was in the morgue, they bring him to the house before the funeral service and stop there for some time.

As soon as the car with the coffin drives off, the floor in the house must be thoroughly washed. Blood relatives cannot do this!

If you go to a funeral, take everything you bought for this occasion from home. Let's say they bought flowers - everything needs to be taken away (if a part is broken, damaged, etc., you can’t leave it - everything must be taken out.

Also, on the way, you can’t go into anyone’s house, and even more so from this house to ask for something (water for flowers, etc.). If they come to you with such a request, always refuse.

Everyone probably knows about the fact that they don’t go ahead of the coffin and you can’t even overtake funeral cars ...

Flowers scattered on the road of the deceased - do not pick up and do not store.

The cemetery is ALWAYS entered only through the gate, and the body is brought through the gate. Back - you can through the gate. The dead also do not go forward.

And at the funeral, relatives need to carefully monitor next to the coffin. But a lot of things are done at funerals. Make sure that nothing is placed in the coffin and nothing is taken from the coffin. (just talked about scissors) Leaving the funeral service, it is imperative to say goodbye to the deceased.
Touch his legs and arms. If something repels you, do not kiss him on the whisk. Hypocrisy is unacceptable here. After saying goodbye, they leave the coffin and leave the church without turning around. If there are suspicions or fears, having approached at parting, you need to hold on to your shoes and say to yourself - goodbye! we will come to you, but you do not go to us!

By the way, if the deceased did not see well in life, they put glasses with him, if he limped - a cane, etc.

If the deceased was married, they are not buried in a wedding ring. And it is better to bury without jewelry.

It is better to nail up the coffin in the temple, sprinkled with consecrated earth.

Relatives before lowering the coffin, it is better to silently ask for forgiveness from the "neighbors" that disturbed the earth, their peace!

Live flowers are removed from the coffin before nailing.

Icons are not buried, they must be removed from the coffin before the lid is clogged, they are taken to the temple and left there

You can’t have fun in the cemetery, laughing is a very bad omen. This is one of the reasons not to bring children with you!

Pregnant women are also not allowed to visit the cemetery - only until the funeral service.

When burying a dead person, they don’t drink at the cemetery.

After the funeral itself, you must definitely go in and commemorate the deceased.

At the commemoration should be present: kutya (rice with raisins) - it must be eaten. You need to put a little, because you can not leave half-eaten.
Compote or jelly (better), bread, something fish, hot - soup. It's good when pancakes are baked.

Commemorations are not satisfied in restaurants and pompously (whatever the status of the deceased). Traditionally, they get drunk. You can't do this! This is an insult to the dead. Moreover, there is a sign - who gets drunk drunk at a wake - there will be incurable alcoholics in the family! It is also a bad omen if the commemoration turns into fun and a farce. Relatives must take care of everything.

Handkerchiefs are distributed to all those present, the extra ones can be distributed in the yard to everyone.

At the wake, they always put a glass of water and bread. Now they often pour vodka, but this is wrong. After remembering the house, they also pour a glass of water (buy a new one), cover it with bread and pour a little salt into a small bowl. All this costs 40 days. It is necessary to remove all this so that no one spills or spills it, otherwise it's a disaster. So, be careful with kids.

They also commemorate on the 9th and 40th day.

After the funeral, they gather early the next day at a fresh grave. It is believed that the deceased is waiting for everyone.

Drinking at the cemetery in general (alcoholic drinks) is very bad, try to convince everyone to use jelly, compote. It is good to burn candles on the grave and leave food for people and animals.

Every time you leave the cemetery, you don't look back. You can say about yourself - We will come to you, but you don’t go to us!

Consider wishes - many elderly people prepare mortals in advance - it is better to fulfill their will.

About monuments. Now it is fashionable to install large, heavy monuments - this is also undesirable. Many of the dead can then complain in a dream that it is very difficult to lie down - the monument crushes, suffocates. That is, it is better not to overdo it.

After 40 days, at least some of the things of the deceased are given to friends, acquaintances - as a keepsake. It is undesirable to sell these things.

It is good to order a commemoration for several years at once in different churches.

Still - you can not visit a young grave very often.

It is very good to remember alms - a trifle and food. (it’s bad when alms are perceived as a handout of trifles, detachable) If the deceased is not buried, then this is the only way to remember him.

The widow must burn her mourning handkerchief on the 40th day if she does not expect to be left alone in the future. Often this scarf is begged for - it has power.