On what day is learned material forgotten? Working with a list of exam questions. Rules for repeating material

If your memory is bad

Surely, you have noticed more than once that useful information, such as new English vocabulary, for example, quickly flies out of your head, while some simple song stays in it for a long time. The thing is that we hear this song several times a day, but we still need to force ourselves to repeat the material we have covered. Today we will look at how to quickly memorize text, words or grammar rules.

Today we offer you several life hacks that will help you repeat the material so that it remains in your memory for a long time.

Why do you need to repeat

Firstly, let's figure out why you need to repeat it at all, is it really not possible to just learn something so as not to forget? The fact is that our brain works in the same way as our muscles. When we try something for the first time, we may not succeed, but by practicing regularly, we will hone our skills. For example, a person who starts playing basketball may not throw the ball into the basket the first time. But with regular training, he will do better every time. It’s the same with English: every time you use a new word or a new construction, you will feel more confident and make fewer mistakes.

Often, even those who have reached a high level of English proficiency can catch themselves forgetting some basic things: words, rules, etc. And all because, moving forward, a person focuses on more complex structures and words, sometimes forgetting about the basics.

This is why it is important to review not only recently covered material, but also periodically set aside a few minutes to review material that was learned a long time ago, if you do not use it in everyday life.

How many times should you repeat the material?

According to scientists, within a day we forget 60% of the information we learn if we don’t repeat it. In order for a word to be fixed in memory, you need to repeat it several times at time intervals.

Repeat new words:

  • 15 minutes after I learned it;
  • then after 30 minutes;
  • the next day;
  • after 3 days;
  • in a week;
  • in a month;
  • in 3 months.

This number of repetitions may seem like a lot, but it's much simpler. It is worth considering that you can repeat learned words, using them during communication or while writing messages, letters, essays. You can keep a diary and try to use new words in it. In addition, you may hear new words in films or come across them while reading a book - this will also be considered repetition. You can also work with grammar: try to pause a movie or put down a book and explain why the actor or author used such a construction in a particular sentence.

A very useful exercise:

Write down the words first in English, and after a while write down their translation into your native language, trying not to use a dictionary. If you couldn’t remember a word, look up the first letter in the dictionary, maybe then it will pop up in your memory. If not, look at its translation again and repeat this word several times. Then, write the meaning of this word in your native language, and this time, after a while, translate it into English. Think of situations in which you could use it, and how you would do it: make sentences for real situations.

You can also repeat grammatical structures by doing various exercises or making sentences with them.

When is the best time to repeat?

Experts say that it is best to repeat the material 10-15 minutes before bedtime, since during the day you receive a huge amount of different information, which, as it were, displaces previously learned material from your head. This technique is called retroactive inhibition.

There is also a method of so-called projective inhibition, which consists of repeating the material covered or learning new material immediately after waking up. Proponents of this method argue that the information that we receive first after sleep is best remembered.

You can choose the method that is more convenient for you. If you are a night owl, then, most likely, it will not be very convenient for you to learn something in the morning, and for larks, on the contrary, it may be difficult to force yourself to study before going to bed. Alternatively, you can try both methods and see which works better.

Now you know how to quickly remember text or other important information. The main thing is, don’t be lazy to put the tips from the article into practice 😉

If your memory is bad

Surely, you have noticed more than once that useful information, such as new English vocabulary, for example, quickly flies out of your head, while some simple song stays in it for a long time. The thing is that we hear this song several times a day, but we still need to force ourselves to repeat the material we have covered. Today we will look at how to quickly memorize text, words or grammar rules.

Today we offer you several life hacks that will help you repeat the material so that it remains in your memory for a long time.

Why do you need to repeat

Firstly, let's figure out why you need to repeat it at all, is it really not possible to just learn something so as not to forget? The fact is that our brain works in the same way as our muscles. When we try something for the first time, we may not succeed, but by practicing regularly, we will hone our skills. For example, a person who starts playing basketball may not throw the ball into the basket the first time. But with regular training, he will do better every time. It’s the same with English: every time you use a new word or a new construction, you will feel more confident and make fewer mistakes.

Often, even those who have reached a high level of English proficiency can catch themselves forgetting some basic things: words, rules, etc. And all because, moving forward, a person focuses on more complex structures and words, sometimes forgetting about the basics.

This is why it is important to review not only recently covered material, but also periodically set aside a few minutes to review material that was learned a long time ago, if you do not use it in everyday life.

How many times should you repeat the material?

According to scientists, within a day we forget 60% of the information we learn if we don’t repeat it. In order for a word to be fixed in memory, you need to repeat it several times at time intervals.

Repeat new words:

  • 15 minutes after I learned it;
  • then after 30 minutes;
  • the next day;
  • after 3 days;
  • in a week;
  • in a month;
  • in 3 months.

This number of repetitions may seem like a lot, but it's much simpler. It is worth considering that you can repeat learned words, using them during communication or while writing messages, letters, essays. You can keep a diary and try to use new words in it. In addition, you may hear new words in films or come across them while reading a book - this will also be considered repetition. You can also work with grammar: try to pause a movie or put down a book and explain why the actor or author used such a construction in a particular sentence.

A very useful exercise:

Write down the words first in English, and after a while write down their translation into your native language, trying not to use a dictionary. If you couldn’t remember a word, look up the first letter in the dictionary, maybe then it will pop up in your memory. If not, look at its translation again and repeat this word several times. Then, write the meaning of this word in your native language, and this time, after a while, translate it into English. Think of situations in which you could use it, and how you would do it: make sentences for real situations.

You can also repeat grammatical structures by doing various exercises or making sentences with them.

When is the best time to repeat?

Experts say that it is best to repeat the material 10-15 minutes before bedtime, since during the day you receive a huge amount of different information, which, as it were, displaces previously learned material from your head. This technique is called retroactive inhibition.

There is also a method of so-called projective inhibition, which consists of repeating the material covered or learning new material immediately after waking up. Proponents of this method argue that the information that we receive first after sleep is best remembered.

You can choose the method that is more convenient for you. If you are a night owl, then, most likely, it will not be very convenient for you to learn something in the morning, and for larks, on the contrary, it may be difficult to force yourself to study before going to bed. Alternatively, you can try both methods and see which works better.

Now you know how to quickly remember text or other important information. The main thing is, don’t be lazy to put the tips from the article into practice 😉

The famous English writer, journalist and literary critic Evelyn Waugh once wrote:

One forgets words as one forgets names. One's vocabulary needs constant fertilizing or it will die.
Words are forgotten just like names. Your vocabulary needs to be constantly enriched, otherwise it will simply wither.

He said this about his native language - English. For us, English is not our native language, but the principle remains the same: if the language does not work, then it slowly fades away. However, from my own experience I can say that it does not die at all and, if necessary, comes to life and even blossoms with all its colors, but this only happens when you start using the language, that is, actively speaking it. This happened once with my German. But that's a completely different story...

Vocabulary can be imagined in the form of a sequence, at the beginning of which there are those words that we can at least somehow remember and understand, and at the end those that we freely use at will. As you understand, at the beginning there is a passive dictionary, which smoothly turns into an active one. However, usage is not something fossilized, since it includes the entire spectrum of word meanings and many phrases ( English collocations). And phrases are that priceless capital that we constantly talk about, and which you can get here completely free of charge.

And finally, the answer to the question posed in the title: Research conducted by the U.S. Department of Education has shown that in order for words or phrases to be recorded in our long-term memory, they must be repeated 17(!) times, and this must be done not in one approach, but within 6-7 days, evenly distributed over time. To repeat means to read, hear, say out loud. Draw your own conclusions!

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Have you noticed that very often useful material on the English language does not linger in memory for long, but some haunting song is remembered easily and for a long time? And all because we hear this very song several times a day. Repetition is the mother of learning, and our brain, fortunately, does not care at all what to teach. Well, let's make him remember not just another “super megahit”, but useful information.

The word “repetition” rarely evokes joy and inspiration, because not everyone knows interesting ways to absorb information. That's why we decided to give you some tips that will help make the revision process fun. In addition, we will try to explain to you how best to secure the material and why it is needed.

Why do you need to repeat material?

First, let's figure out why a person needs to repeat something. Can't you just learn and forget?! The fact of the matter is that it is possible, but it is more difficult to learn and, if necessary, remember.

Repetition is the best way to help your memory retain information reliably. Let's give an example. Imagine that you are not a student, but an athlete, and you want to become an archery champion. It is unlikely that you will be able to hit the bull's eye the first time; to do this you will have to shoot 100-200-300 times. Gradually, your hands will stop shaking, your movements will become confident, and the arrow will hit closer and closer to the coveted “ten”. It’s the same in learning: by constantly repeating the material, you will not be afraid to use different constructions, your speech will become confident, and you will gradually get closer to your cherished goal (for example, to the level).

Some will object: “What if I get it right the first time? Maybe I don’t need to bother myself?” It is necessary, a random shot can be accurate, but not frequent. At a competition (an exam or a business meeting), you may miss (fail), because without constant training you can forget about accurate shots and solid knowledge.

How many times should the material be repeated?

The answer is simple: until you commit it to memory. There is a certain memorization scheme developed by professional psychologists and teachers. It is presented in the article “Repetition of what has been covered - is it necessary and why? "

Scheme for repeating new material

When to repeatExample
0 Learned 10 new wordsOctober 1 at 16:00
1 15 minutes after introductionOctober 1 at 16:15
2 One hour after the last repetitionOctober 1 at 17:15
3 Three hours after the last repetitionOctober 1 at 20:15
4 The next dayOctober 2
5 Two days after the last repetitionOctober 4
6 Four days after the last repetitionOctober 8
7 One week after the last repetitionOctober 15
8 Two weeks after the last repetitionOctober 29
9 One month after the last repetitionNovember 29

It looks a little scary, thoughts arise: “To remember the word, I will need to repeat it 9 times! It’s not true, I’m learning much faster!” Many people do not believe this, but it has already been scientifically proven that knowledge is acquired and forgotten unevenly. The scientist Ebbinghaus even proposed the so-called forgetting curve (presented below). As a result of research, he found that we begin to forget information immediately after studying, and in the first day we lose up to 60% of knowledge! Further, the process of weathering the material from the head slows down. However, the graph shows that with periodic repetition of information, we come to reliably consolidate it in memory.

Yes, it is difficult to gnaw on the granite of science! But don’t rush to get upset, you can make this task easier for yourself; to do this, use different types of repetition and tricks that will help make it less boring.

Types of repetition to use

  • Active repetition. Indicates that autopilot is turned off. If you periodically skim through new vocabulary without thinking about what you are learning, then you are wasting your time. Get involved in learning, try not only to learn, but also to “feel” new words or grammatical constructions. Include imagination, associative thinking, attention. It is necessary to comprehend new material and pass it through yourself. Try to find new ways to use vocabulary or come up with a short story using the idiom you have learned. It’s best to make new material “your own,” that is, come up with a story about yourself.
  • Retelling. This is a type of active repetition. Retelling does not mean learning by heart. It is much more useful to try to express information from the text in your own words. This will force you to use new vocabulary, you will practice paraphrasing texts, and the grammar in context will be well remembered.

How to quickly and easily repeat material, non-trivial methods

1. Favorite books

Each author has his own style and a certain vocabulary. When reading a sufficiently long work, unfamiliar words will be repeated often. The first time you need the help of a dictionary. We recommend writing down a new word right away. The second time you will need to look at your notes, the third time you will remember it with difficulty, but still, on the 4-5th repetition, do not pay attention to it, since you will already remember it. This is convenient passive repetition: while you read the book, all the stages we indicated (those scary 9 times) will pass unnoticed.

2. Fascinating series

The characters in the series, as a rule, operate with a certain vocabulary, which rarely goes beyond the scope of general spoken English. When watching the first episode, you need to work hard, sit with a dictionary, understanding new vocabulary. In the second or third episode, you will already recognize familiar expressions without translation, and by the end of the series you will go through not 9, but all 39 repetition stages. A very nice way to make repetition unobtrusive. Fortunately, there are a lot of TV series now, you can find something to your liking.

However, we would like to warn you against choosing TV series with specific vocabulary. For example, the now popular “Doctor House” will replenish your vocabulary with not very useful words like the names of rare diseases and other medical terms. You will learn how to choose a series or film that is suitable for your level of knowledge and how to study from it in the article “”.

7. The law of vivid impressions

What do we remember best? Holidays, happy moments, significant events - everything associated with strong positive emotions and vivid impressions. This means that learning, including the stages of repetition, needs to be made vivid. We do not at all advise you to learn English at a festive dinner; sometimes you need to change not the environment around you, but yourself. Let repetition be a pleasant pastime for you. A positive attitude is an important component of success. Change the attitude of “how boring it is to repeat” to “hurray, I remembered new words.” Psychologists advise imagining a situation where this knowledge would benefit you and help you in a difficult situation. This approach will allow you to create a strong connection in your head between the material you have studied and positive emotions.

8. Laws of retroactive and projective inhibition

Despite the scary name, the laws are simple and important. The essence of retroactive inhibition: if, after studying some information, you move on to studying the next block, the first information block will quickly be erased from memory. Watching TV, surfing the Internet, reading a book, etc. can interfere with normal memorization. So we recommend learning and repeating something before going to bed. 10-15 minutes before bedtime, repeat the material you have covered, this will work better than studying during the day.

The essence of projective inhibition: if we have not received any information before learning, it will be easier to remember new material or repeat old material. In simple terms, try to repeat what you have learned in the morning, when your brain is rested and not overloaded with a variety of information.

To summarize, we want to say that without repeating the material covered, it will be difficult to retain it in memory for a long time. However, this important stage of assimilation of information can be made interesting and quick. To make the material even better memorized, use it in practice. We suggest doing this with a teacher on ours. The teacher will help you quickly remember new vocabulary and use it correctly in practice.

Alexey Bessonov - champion of Ukraine in memorizing large amounts of information, director and trainer of the Alexey Bessonov Memory Development Center, polyglot, author of the book “9 ½ weeks in a foreign language”, conducted a master class in Kyiv on techniques for memorizing foreign words.

Figurative link method

To remember a foreign word is to form a connection between the meaning of the word and its form. They used to teach how to pronounce table, Then a table, and then a connection was formed image of a table - table - a table. It's better to remember the connection image of a table - a table. The translation of the memorized word is superfluous.

The fact is that everything we do at the same time is connected in our minds. And if you learn words by pronouncing their translation, then this extra link will complicate the communication process later.

“Real knowledge of a language is knowledge without translation, when you think in a foreign language. This won’t happen right away, but we should strive for this from the first days of learning a foreign language.”

Card system for memorizing words

Take paper/cardboard slips. On one side write a whole expression in the language you are learning. On the other - translation with transcription. It is important that at the initial stage someone checks and checks your pronunciation.

It is important to remember that phrases must be written exactly as they appeared in the context - a textbook, a book in the original, a film. If the language you are learning has articles, write the article on the card. Alexey also recommends mastering the forms of conjugations and declensions, etc. through phrases.

Examples: to be hungry I’m hungry, see-saw-seen He has seen it already. She saw it yesterday. They see it every day. On Monday. In the morning. At 3 o'clock.

“Our memory tends to remember blocks of information. That is why we remember our phone number in parts - two or three digits. If you memorize 10 words or 10 expressions, then your memory will spend approximately the same amount of effort, but in the second case, you will eventually learn 20-30 words and get ready-made blocks for composing sentences.”

There are two types of vocabulary - active and passive. During communication, we use mainly active vocabulary. We can also get words out of a passive state, but not quickly.

Therefore, it is better to memorize phrases to the point of automatism, to form a reflexive connection between the image and the word - then they will become your active vocabulary. Then, in speech, you will not think about which preposition or article should be used. The period of formation of such a reflex is on average 1 month.

Features of working with cards

1. Take a card with a phrase, SPEAK the foreign word OUT LOUD (if this is not possible, then make minimal movements with your tongue/lips) and AT THE SAME TIME imagine an image of what you are saying.

Each word has a sound copy - when you understand the meaning of the word you hear, and a muscle copy when you pronounce the word yourself. For the latter to be “true”, you need to say the word.

2. Take the cards (as many as you plan to learn during this session) with one side up - foreign first - and present the meaning. If you forgot the meaning, look on the back side. And so the entire selected stack three times, mixing each time, at maximum speed. Then the other side and also three times quickly.

Mnemonic techniques

If a word is not remembered, come up with an association for it.

Example: remembering the Spanish el piso (apartment), you can imagine sand in the apartment.

But it is not worth performing such a manipulation with every complex word, since then, when reproducing it from memory, you will first have to remember the association, and this lengthens the communication process.

N.B.: if the association does not help, perhaps this word is rarely used. In this case, you shouldn't waste time on it.

If you are practicing spelling, write a difficult word several times. If you feel like you are “floating,” use a mnemonic technique.

Example: in order not to confuse the homonyms dear and deer, add horns to the second one by hand and this image will remain in memory; apply the graphic association WEEK to the homonyms week and weak - two identical letters in both English and Russian.

How, when and how much to repeat

Learning new words is unlikely to give you vivid impressions, and therefore they will be quickly forgotten.

According to the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, up to 60% of what has just been learned is forgotten within an hour. Then the forgetting process slows down somewhat. After 9 hours, we remember 35% of what we learned. Every other day - 33%. After three days - 20%. After a month - about 20%.

Therefore it is necessary to repeat:
1. Immediately after memorizing
2. Once again during the day - if you studied in the evening, repeat in the morning. If taught in the morning, repeat in the evening of the same day.
3. In a week.
4. At the end of the month (at this time the information moves into long-term memory)
5. As necessary - once every six months, for example.

“You need to learn a language quickly. Better 10 minutes a day, but every day. If you repeat what you have learned not the next day, but two days later, you will spend twice as much effort on it. A day missed in repetition is spent in forgetting.”

This repetition system applies to any skill you want to master. Anyone who plays music or sports knows how important regularity in exercise is.

The most important secret of learning foreign words

Prepare a box for your cards. Make sections Tomorrow/In a week/In a month/As needed.

When, going through the cards, you see a well-known word, move it to the Tomorrow section. Leave words you don't remember in the first cell. At the end of the week, review what you have learned. Then at the end of the month. Is the word already in your active vocabulary? Move to the “As needed” section.

Advantages of the box

  • You save time because you pay attention to words you haven't yet learned, rather than wasting time reviewing words you've already learned.
  • The cards can be carried with you and repeated at any free time in transport or while waiting for an appointment with a doctor.
  • You yourself regulate the intensity of word learning.

How many words should you learn per day/week?

To understand 90% of spoken language, you need to know from 500 to 1000 of the most commonly used words. Knowing the second thousand will improve your understanding by 2-3%. If you learn 10 words a day, you will learn 2000 words in less than a year, and this is a very good vocabulary.

If until now, while studying a language, you have put yourself in the category of people who find foreign languages ​​difficult, then just try the described system.

“If you can master your native language, then you can master a foreign one”