Writing adjectives with a hyphen. Combined, hyphenated and separate spellings of complex adjectives. Adjectives containing two equal concepts

Compound adjectives


The rules for continuous/separate/hyphenated spellings are based on several principles, so the spelling of a particular word may change over time (for more information, see our article “How will it be in Russian?..”). Regulatory dictionaries periodically record such changes, coordinating their recommendations, including with the practice of the press. Therefore, in doubtful cases of spelling complex words, you should refer to the latest edition of the academic spelling dictionary.


    compound nouns written with a hyphen: diesel engine, rear admiral, life guards, San Francisco, social democratic, southwestern, Alma-Ata, Issyk-Kul.

    Note 1. If there is a prefix, such adjectives are written together: anti social democratic, at Issykkul, about anarchosyndicalist(cf. anarcho-syndicalist).

    Note 2. The names of residents, formed from hyphenated geographical names, are written together.

    Compound adjectives formed from combinations of two or more surnames: Boyle-Marriott's law, Ilfo-Petrovsky satire; complex adjectives formed from a combination of first and last names are written together: Walterscott realism.

    Note 1. Complex adjectives like uncle-Vanina (things), aunt-Anina (shawl).

    Note 2. Complex adjectives formed from foreign-language surnames containing a service word are written together: Decoster style (Charles De Coster), Dacorton architecture (Domenico da Cartona), DeMille films (de Mille).

    Note 3. Adjectives formed from eastern compound proper names (Chinese, Korean, etc.) are written together: Songquan exploits (Song Quan), Weiyuan works (Wei Yuan).

    Compound adjectives formed with a hyphen are written from several stem adjectives naming different characteristics of an object, but equally equally related to the defined noun: protein-vitamin food, Russian-French dictionary, Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, educational process.
    The features called components of a complex adjective can be homogeneous, and in this case, when transforming it, a coordinating conjunction and can be placed between the component parts: commercial and industrial center (shopping center) And industrial), convex-concave lens (convex And concave), coffee table (coffee table) And newspaper); when naming heterogeneous features between parts of a complex adjective, you can put coordinating conjunctions but, not only... but also: interest-free winning loan (interest-free, But winning), electronic computer ( not only electronic, but also computational).

    Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen, the first part of which is represented by a noun(although the language has an adjective with the same root): analog-digital-physical(cf. analog-digital), iron- silicon (steel), cereal- legumes, cobalto-nickel(But: chrome-nickel alloy), meat-lactic(but: milk and meat), meat-vegetable, meat-woolen, shoulder-cervical, dishes-economic, accepted- delivery(such adjectives are of a terminological nature); compare: fruit and vegetable store (fruit and vegetable), admission and transfer exams (admission and transfer), steel-wire-rolling(although there is an adjective steel).

    Note 1. The ability to put a conjunction between the components of hyphenated adjectives allows us to distinguish them from adjectives written together, the components of which are also called heterogeneous features, such as Old Russian (language), compound (sentence), but between the parts of the latter it is impossible to formulate a union (cf.: d jealous Russian language - Ancient Rus'; complex sentence composition - complex essay).

    Note 2. Adverbs formed from adjectives written with a hyphen also have a hyphenated spelling: Prince frightened hastily turned away from them(L. T.); compare: frightened hasty sight.

    Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen. shades of colors: pale blue, yellowish brown, bluish white, black brown(but: silver fox), bright green; The same rule is used to write adjectives in which only one of the parts is represented by the base of the adjective naming the color: bottle green, ash grey, lemon yellow, copper red, as well as individual author’s formations: honest blue eyes, prominent gray buttons, dark hairy arms. The short forms of the analyzed adjectives retain the hyphenated spelling: And the white petals became like this bright white that the irregularities cast white shadows(Priv.).

    Note. The first part of such adjectives, which has the prefix iz- (is-), ends in -а(-я), i.e., is used in the form of a short adjective in the genitive case: from yellow A-grey, and with syn I-black, and with red A-brown(in this case, the emphasis always falls on the prefix).

Complex adjectives are written together:

1. Formed from compound nouns written together, for example: plumbing(plumbing), agricultural(farmer, agriculture), Novosibirsk(Novosibirsk).

2. Formed from combinations of words that are subordinate in meaning to one another, for example: railway(railway), national economic(national economy), natural science(natural sciences), complex(complex in the way of subordination), rail rolling(rolling rails), nationwide(common for the people), marshy scrub(forming protection for fields), metal-cutting(cutting metal); This also includes those denoting a single concept of formation (including terminological ones) from an adverb and an adjective (or participle), for example: rarely used, nearby,burning, dear, freshly baked, clairvoyant, potent,wild, evergreen, plain-painted.

Note. Complex adjectives, which include adverbs, should not be mixed with phrases consisting of an adverb and an adjective (or participle) and written separately, for example: diametrically opposed, exactly the opposite, purely Russian, childishly naive, poorly hidden, clearly expressed.

3. Used as terms and formed from two or three bases, regardless of the nature of the latter, for example: thoracoabdominal(block), Indo-European(languages), Old High German(language), bicarbonate(gas); Also - deaf-mute.

Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen:

1. Formed from nouns written with a hyphen, from personal names - combinations of first and last names, as well as from names of settlements, which are combinations of first and last names, first names and patronymics, for example: diesel engine, social democratic, Buryat-Mongolian, northeastern, Alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevsky,Nizhne-Maslovsky, Ust-Abakansky, Romain-Rolandovsky, Walter Scott, Leo Tolstoy, Erofey-Pavlovichsky.

Note 1. The adjective is written together Moskvoretsky.

Note 2. Adjectives formed from proper names, written with a hyphen, and having a prefix that is not present in the noun, are written together, for example: Priamudarya, Zaissyk-Kul.

2. Formed from two or more bases denoting equal concepts, for example: interest-free, convex-concave, party-komsomol, gardening,meat and dairy, English-Japanese, Russian-German-French(dictionary), blue-white-red(flag).

3. Formed from two bases and denoting: a) quality with an additional shade, for example: boomingly loud, bitter-salty; b) shades of colors, for example: pale pink, bright blue,dark blond, black-brown, slate blue, golden yellow, ash gray, bottle green, lemon yellow, yellow-red.

4. Included in geographical proper names and starting with eastern , western ,north- And north- , south And south- , For example: West Kazakhstan region, East China Sea, Union of South Africa.

Note 1. Adjectives formed from two or more stems that do not fit the listed rules are written with a hyphen, for example: literary and artistic(almanac), political-mass(Job), vocabulary-technical(department), podzolic-marsh, loose-lumpy-dusty, elongated-lanceolate.

Note 2. Words are also written with a hyphen, the first component of which is myself- , herself- , For example: self-friend, himself-third, on your own, she-heel.

§ 80. Complex adjectives are written together:

1. Formed from compound nouns written together, for example: plumbing(plumbing), agricultural(farmer, agriculture), Novosibirsk(Novosibirsk).

2. Formed from combinations of words that are subordinate in meaning to one another, for example: railway(railway), national economic(national economy), natural science(natural sciences), complex(complex in the way of subordination), rail rolling(rolling rails), nationwide(common for the people), marshy scrub(forming protection for fields), metal-cutting(cutting metal); This also includes those denoting a single concept of formation (including terminological ones) from an adverb and an adjective (or participle), for example: little-used, nearby, vital, deeply respected, freshly baked, clairvoyant, potent, wild-growing, evergreen, plain-colored.

Note. Complex adjectives, which include adverbs, should not be mixed with phrases consisting of an adverb and an adjective (or participle) and written separately, for example: diametrically opposed, directly opposite, purely Russian, childishly naive, poorly hidden, clearly expressed.

3. Used as terms and formed from two or three bases, regardless of the nature of the latter, for example: thoracoabdominal(block), Indo-European(languages), Old High German(language), bicarbonate(gas); Also - deaf-mute.

§ 81. Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen:

1. Formed from nouns written with a hyphen, from personal names - combinations of first and last names, as well as from names of settlements, which are combinations of first and last names, first names and patronymics, for example: diesel engine, social democratic, Buryat-Mongolian, North-Eastern, Alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Nizhne-Maslovsky, Ust-Abakansky, Romain-Rolandovsky, Walter-Scott, Lev-Tolstovsky, Erofei-Pavlovichsky.

Note 1. The adjective is written together Moskvoretsky.

Note 2. Adjectives formed from proper names, written with a hyphen, and having a prefix that is not present in the noun, are written together, for example: Priamudarya, Zaissykkul.

2. Formed from two or more bases denoting equal concepts, for example: interest-free, convex-concave, party-Komsomol, gardening, meat and dairy, English-Japanese, Russian-German-French(dictionary), blue-white-red(flag).

3. Formed from two bases and denoting: a) quality with an additional shade, for example: rolling-loud, bitter-salty; b) shades of colors, for example: pale pink, bright blue, dark brown, black-brown, bluish blue, golden yellow, ash gray, bottle green, lemon yellow, yellow-red.

4. Included in geographical proper names and starting with east, west, north And north, south And south-, For example: West Kazakhstan region, East China Sea, Union of South Africa.

Note 1. Adjectives formed from two or more stems that do not fit the listed rules are written with a hyphen, for example: literary and artistic(almanac), political-mass(Job), vocabulary-technical(department), podzolic-marsh, loose-lumpy-silty, elongated-lanceolate.

Note 2. Words are also written with a hyphen, the first component of which is myself-, myself- , For example: self-friend, self-third, self-heel, self-heel.

  • compound adjectives formed from compound nouns written together, for example: chronicle (chronicle), local history (local history);
  • complex adjectives formed from such combinations of words in which one word is subordinate in meaning to another (connected by means of coordination, control or adjacency), for example: widescreen (wide screen), cast iron (casting cast iron), precocious (which will soon ripen).


  1. Complex adjectives, the first part of which is formed from adverbs, should be distinguished from ordinary phrases consisting of an adverb and an adjective (or participle), written SEPARATELY, For example: diametrically opposite, purely Russian, Badly hidden, clearly expressed. In a sentence, the first part of the combination acts as a separate member of the sentence (answers questions How? to what extent? how?).

    The first part of such phrases is adverbs absolutely ( absolutely calm), immaculate ( impeccably honest), vital ( vital necessary), originally ( originally Russian), true ( true revolutionary), truly ( truly scientific), straight ( directly opposite), sharply ( sharp negative), fatal ( fatal poisonous, fatal pale), strictly ( strictly logical) and etc.

    SEPARATELY phrases are written that include adverbs in -ski , For example: historically important.

  2. A number of compound adjectives, the first part of which is formed from adverbs, is written FULL. Such adjectives are bookish in nature and are often terms, denoting a single, integral concept, for example: highly ideological(play), highly qualified(specialist), above(example), easily soluble(material), insignificant(fact), promising(experiment), following(review), visually impaired(Human), difficult to reach(rise). If dependent words are used with such adjectives, then the adverb and adjective are usually written separately (i.e., they become a phrase). Compare: promising student(= very talented, promising) - student, promising but not fulfilling his obligations; difficult to reach (= almost inaccessible) vertexdifficult to access even for experienced climbers the summit.

With a hyphen it is written:

  • compound adjectives formed from names, for example: northeastern (northeast), Orekhovo-Zuevo (Orekhovo-Zuevo);
  • complex adjectives formed from combinations of words that are equal in meaning and independent of each other (connected by the method of composition), for example: interest-free deposits(interest-free, but winning), scientific and technological progress(scientific and technical), spinning mill(spinning and weaving), blue-white-red flag(blue, white and red) (in these cases, a conjunction can be inserted between the words from which a complex adjective is formed And or But );
  • compound adjectives denoting shades of colors, for example: bright blue, silver gray, lemon yellow, dark brown, yellow red;
  • compound adjectives, the first part of which is formed from foreign words and ends in -iko , For example: chemical-technological, physical-mathematical, mechanical-mathematical(But: Great Russian, high society).


  1. With a hyphen compound adjectives denoting quality with an additional connotation are written, for example: bitter-salty(salty and bitter) respectfully polite(polite and respectful).
  2. With a hyphen a number of complex adjectives are written, parts of which denote heterogeneous characteristics, for example: military-revolutionary committee(military revolutionary), mass political Job(mass political), popular science magazine(scientific popular). It should be borne in mind that among complex adjectives there are many traditional spellings, for example: world historical(But: world famous), people's liberation(But: national economic). Therefore, if you have doubts about spelling, you should consult a spelling dictionary.

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Compound adjectives are parts of speech created by combining two words. They can be converted back into a phrase, the components of which will either have grammatical relationships or simply adjoin each other. In the latter case, words can be related to each other only by meaning.

Methods of education

In the Russian language there are complex adjectives consisting of two elements, which in their original form are words related to each other by grammatical agreement. For example:

  • Russian-speaking population (Russian language);
  • general historical method (general history);
  • comprehensive school (general education);
  • seriously ill patient (seriously ill patient);
  • one-way traffic (one side).

Adjectives can be formed from nouns that are related to each other by such a type of grammatical meaning as control. For example:

  • metalworking machine (metal processing);
  • forest protection sign (forest protection);
  • house-building company (house construction);
  • car rental company (car rental);
  • petty bourgeois thinking (petty bourgeoisie).

Compound adjectives can come from words that do not have any grammatical relationship and names of geographical objects. For example:

  • easily wounded person (easily wounded);
  • sharpened knife (sharpen sharply);
  • Nizhny Tagil plant (Nizhny Tagil);
  • North Ossetian branch (North Ossetia);
  • Bolshevyazemsky Museum (Bolshiye Vyazemy).

Integrated spelling of terms

The spelling of compound adjectives may vary. It depends on the method of formation and the area of ​​vocabulary to which these words relate. In the scientific, technical and medical literature there are often terms derived from two words. For example: oxygen-containing, ancient Slavic, spinal, thermal insulating, chromate, private, alkaline earth. Among these words there are also those that cannot be converted into a phrase. For example: equestrian; herbivorous. The continuous spelling of complex adjectives of this category cannot raise doubts, since they consist of elements, one of which (and in some cases both) cannot be used separately. It should also be remembered that adjectives are always written together, starting with elements such as general-, late-, upper-, ancient-, lower-. It is also impossible to write separately words on terminological topics that begin with high-, wide-, low-, deep-, small-, narrow-, many-, small-, strong-, acute-, steep-, dense- and so on. For example:

  • potent sleeping pills;
  • highly developed country;
  • large-scale actions;
  • highly specialized production;
  • densely populated area.

Separate writing of terms

The spelling of complex adjectives is influenced by the presence of explanatory words in the sentence. More precisely, if they are present, only the spelling of individual words can be correct. For example:

  • densely populated area (an area densely populated by foreigners);
  • little-studied problems (a problem little studied by science).

When spelling, you also need to pay attention to word order. Compound adjectives almost always precede the noun they refer to. And a free phrase, examples of which were discussed above, usually follows it. For example:

  • quick-drying paint (paint that dries quickly in the open air);
  • pungent (a solution that smells pungent at high air temperatures);
  • an easily achievable goal (a goal that is easily achievable for a person who has special knowledge);
  • perishable milk (milk that quickly spoils without prior pasteurization).

It should also be remembered that compound words, like all others, have only one stress. There are two of them in phrases.

Compound adjectives are also words whose first component is quarter-. For example: quarter-final, quarter-blood.

Hyphen in adjectives and nouns

Hyphenated and continuous spelling of complex adjectives is a section of spelling, ignorance of which often leads to spelling errors. In order to avoid them, you just need to remember a few simple rules.

You need to know that adjectives are always written with a hyphen if they are formed from nouns with a hyphen. For example:

  • social democratic party (social democracy);
  • south-eastern district (southeast);
  • Karachay-Cherkess population (Karachay-Cherkessia);
  • New York Park (New York);
  • prime ministerial corps (prime minister).

But if such complex adjectives have a prefix, they are written together. For example:

  • anti-social democratic views;
  • Syrdarya city.


Words created from proper names are always written with a hyphen. Whereas you need to know that in such cases there must certainly be a hyphen between the main elements of the adjective. For example:

  • Ilfo-Petrovsky characters;
  • Main-Read novel;
  • Robin Hood's exploits;
  • Potap-Potapychev portfolio;
  • Ivan-Groznovsky time.

Adjectives containing two equal concepts

The writing of complex adjectives depends on the semantic load carried by each of the components. And if one word contains elements that have equal concepts, they are written with a hyphen. For example:

  • cultural and entertainment center;
  • reporting and examination concert;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • propaganda event;
  • English-German dictionary;
  • workers' and peasants' movement;
  • Russian-Turkish war;
  • artistic and journalistic genre;
  • distillery;
  • electronic-automatic method.

Adjectives formed from parts with heterogeneous features

Hyphenation of compound adjectives is applicable when the word consists of elements that can be converted into nouns or other parts of speech that are not homogeneous parts of speech. The first part of such adjectives is often such bases as mass-, national-, military-, scientific-, educational-. For example:

  • research institute;
  • folk arts and crafts;
  • navy;
  • training and consulting center.

Adjectives denoting a connotation of quality

If an adjective means a property, and an additional element is added to give it some connotation, a hyphen is used. The same rule applies when writing complex adjectives denoting colors and shades. For example:

  • sweet and sour sauce;
  • masculine and stern appearance;
  • anxious and obsessive thoughts;
  • a good-natured, friendly smile;
  • pale pink lips;
  • bright red dress.

Spelling terms with a hyphen

Many terminological adjectives are written with a hyphen. For example:

  • cereals and legumes;
  • gastrohepatic collection;
  • magnetically soft materials;
  • stone-concrete foundation;
  • filling and drain valve.

Complex adjectives are not written together if their first part is borrowed from a foreign language with the suffix “-iko”. When writing words of this type, a hyphen is used. For example:

  • historical and ethnographic;
  • critical-journalistic;
  • medical and health;
  • political and legal;
  • chemical-technological.

Hyphenated and continuous spellings of compound adjectives are found in the same definitions. Spelling in such cases depends on the context. For example:

  • courageous-stern appearance (severe and courageous);
  • courageously stern appearance (masculine severity).

Adjectives often consist of elements that are individually synonymous. And their synonymy is a sure basis for hyphenated spelling. For example:

  • naive and childish reasoning;
  • solemnly sublime vocabulary;
  • arrogant and contemptuous attitude.