Write on the egg the name of the husband and mistress. Love rivalry. Love spell of a spouse and a lapel from a mistress on a rotten egg

How can I contact Ekaterina Abibulaeva. My husband was bewitched by a 19 year old, what should I do?


Hello Irina!
If your husband was bewitched by a rival, I recommend that you draw a lapel. You can do this simple ritual yourself, without resorting to the help of magicians or sorcerers.

Triple lapel from a rival.

This lapel has a triple action, it is easy to do, but the effect of it is very good. It is necessary to carry out this ceremony on a waning moon. On Saturday, go to church for the morning service. After the service, get two candles and holy water. You will also need a sheet of paper, a pen, a glass and an egg for the ceremony.

On the evening of the same day, proceed to the ritual. You must be alone. Wash yourself with holy water and sit down at the table. On the table, put a sheet of paper and a pen in front of you, put and light two candles on the sides. Pour holy water into a glass and place an egg next to it.

On a sheet of paper, write your husband's name in the middle, and your name and the name of your opponent on the sides.

And read the following:

“As on this sheet, so in her life (husband's name) is at a crossroads. On one side, a legitimate wife (name), on the other, a cursed lover (name). Let (husband's name) come to his senses and return to the bosom of the family to (your name), and forget his accursed mistress (name) and the road to her will be overgrown with weeds. May it be so. Amen!"

Then tear off the side with the name of the opponent from the sheet and burn it.
After that, place the egg in front of you, put your right hand on it and roll it clockwise, while reading the plot:

“Everything happens in life. The fate of people brings and breeds. Some are sent to us by fate, others by Satan. But the Lord God will put everything in its place. May the Servant of God (name) say goodbye to the Servant of God (name of the rival) forever. Just as this egg was whole, but broke and will never be whole again, so their union will fall apart for all eternity. Amen".

Break the egg and pour it into a glass of water, mix well and pour the ashes from the leaf into it.

Then put out one candle, imagining that this is the union of a husband and a mistress, and the second candle is your relationship with your husband. Let the candle burn to the end.
When the candle goes out, go outside and pour the contents of the glass at the crossroads.
Good luck to you, Irina!

committed by a person that you absolutely do not need, when under the influence of witchcraft you have a false feeling, spontaneous changes in moods and emotions constantly occur, when you either fall in love or hate a person, you feel that you cannot be with him for a long time, move away from him, but after a while you can’t do without him and at the same time you yourself understand that you don’t need all this at all, that in the end you get more unhappiness than satisfaction from such communication, then in this case you should apply love lapel. For this action, you will need black and white threads (the length of each thread is 15–20 cm), as well as a slingshot-shaped chicken bone. Begin your witchcraft on any day of the flawed moon. Light a candle. Soak both threads with St. John's wort. Wrap white thread on one of the arcs of the slingshot, black thread on the opposite part of the bone. Take the bone at both ends, with your right hand for the part around which the white thread is wrapped, and with your left hand hold the end of the bone with the black thread. Hold the bone so that its middle is above the flame of the candle and the cinder of the candle is deposited on the bone. Say:

I conjure with the Black Moon, I command with the Dead Bone

get away from me, everything alien and rotten, everything dark and deceitful!

Move to the left side all the sorrows and troubles,

and in the right all hopes and lusts.

With the last word, break the bone in half and continue the plot:

How can this dead bone never heal

so I can’t get along with (name).

Pay attention to exactly how the bone broke. If the upper part of the bone "got" a bow with a black thread, then you really had a love spell (or some other magical effect) on you, which you just got rid of. If the part of the bone with a white thread turned out to be larger than the other, then the witchcraft effect did not have the proper effect on you or it did not exist at all, and your depressed state was caused by your own impressionability and suggestibility. Bury the bone fragments in different places as far apart as possible and say:

How far apart these bones are

so we are far from each other.

All this will be quite enough to get rid of the uncertainty of feelings and spiritual tension.

Remove love spell

To remove a love spell or get rid of any other love witchcraft, perform a simple but very effective action. Retire in a sparsely populated place where no one can interfere with you. Dig a small hole. Take a handful of small needles in both hands (as many as you can take) and say:

Akel faas izes belo, nokta avi, abi ranos.

Imagine that all the sensuality you do not need and the negative energy associated with it has flowed into the needles. Continue the spell:

Zael kala, balle phos.

Unclench your fists and with a sharp movement throw all the needles into the hole. Bury it, and put a lit candle on top. Leave it to burn out, and return home yourself.

Opponent's lapel

If you know the name of your rival, to whom your loved one went, then to separate them, do the following. Light a black or blue candle. Write with a needle on the top of the candle the name of the man, and at the bottom - the name of the woman. Prick the candle flame with the same needle and say:

As this fire is split, so will they be split

slave (name) and slave (name), from time immemorial and forever.

Repeat this conspiracy until it becomes obvious and clear to you that your words have become a fait accompli. Then extinguish the candle. Cut it in half with a sharp knife, separating the two names. Throw these parts of the candle in different places, as far apart as possible.

Get your husband back

If a married man is bewitched by a young mistress and he decides to leave his family, then you need to remember the cherished words:

I will get up at an early dawn, I will wash myself in spring water,

I will go out into clean fields, into green meadows, straight to the ocean-sea.

And how the shores of that ocean-sea stand exactly,

They don’t push each other and they don’t come together,

So would the slave (name of the husband) with the slave (name of the mistress)

They would no longer agree, they would not push each other.

This lapel conspiracy should be pronounced when the man is sleeping, or recited to the water with which he will wash.

Lapel mistress

To return a loved one, light a black or purple candle. Write on a piece of paper his name and the name of his mistress. Cut the paper in half so that the names are separated. Burn them on different candles. Going outside or onto the balcony, put the ashes from one leaf on your left hand, and from the other on your right. After waiting for a gust of wind, blow the ashes from your palms in different directions.

Getting rid of lovesickness

When you want to get rid of the old feelings for the person who left you, sit down at the table, put a bread cutting board in front of you, take a raw egg. Hold it straight in front of you, imagining that all your sensuality and love in relation to the one who left you is concentrated in it. Hit the egg with force on the board and break it, realizing that with this action you break all your former relationships and feelings.

Return a loved one

If you want to return the husband of the person who left you for the sake of his mistress, then you should write the name of your beloved on one side of the egg, and the name of the rival on the other. Imagine that the egg symbolizes their relationship and feelings. Go outside and break the egg by throwing it on the rocky ground. This lapel will have a greater effect if the egg is rotten.


When you need to cool someone's love for you and make a lapel, pour sleepy poppy seed into a black bag. At midnight, go around the house of the one you want to turn three times around the house, pour the poppy seed directly on the ground and say the plot:

Love, fall asleep, don't wake up anymore.

Heart, shut up, don't open anymore.

How can this poppy not get together anymore,

so I and the slave (name) will never be together again.

As the poppy woke up, so love left,

how love left - the road grew overgrown,

from heart to heart, from soul to soul,

from you to me, from me to you.

Perform this sorcery on the flawed moon.

Lapel on a lemon

Cut a large lemon in half. Take one of the lemon halves, hold it in front of you and mentally imagine that this is the face of your former lover. Salt and pepper the lemon well. Say:

How sweet this taste is to me,

the slave (name) will not be nice to me either.

Bite off the flesh of the lemon. Fully feel disgust for what you eat, and for the one who was previously interesting to you.

Spruce branch lapel

When you need the annoying groom to forget the way to your house, take the spruce branch that was thrown in front of the coffin with the dead, divide it into three parts, throw them in front of the threshold of your house and say three times:

How the dead man moved through this tree

For the last time, so (name) will go for the last time

Through the threshold of this house.

So that he can live, live, make good,

And in these doors no longer walk.

All this must be done just before the arrival of the uninvited guest. If he still has intentions to disturb you even after that, then repeat this witchcraft again.


There's an old-fashioned way to make your ex-fiancé stop bothering you. Before he comes to you, hang scissors over the front door of your house so that their ends are slightly apart and pointing down. After he comes and undresses in the hallway, take a moment to drop one pinch of salt into his right and left shoes. When he leaves, remove the scissors and cut the air several times with them, imagining that you are cutting all the spiritual currents and threads connecting you.

Black lapel

Take a handful of earth and a leaf from a funeral wreath from a fresh grave. Put them in a black silk bag, which should already contain a rusty iron ring, three rusty nails, yours and his photograph. Wrap this bag seven times with black cord and seal the ends of the cord with red sealing wax. At midnight, go around the house of the one who has become unkind to you three times. At the same time, hold the bag with photographs in your left hand behind your back, and press your right hand to your heart. When making this detour, pronounce the plot:

Aspero laeto cafes labur, main pabo ami bur.

Kesto libos as vigor, ade lais atabor.

Toras kada ies kad, alu harva apirat.

And when you finish it, throw the bag into the river or lake. If you don't have the photos you want, use your hair and his hair. Or just write your names and patronymics on two separate pieces of paper. This is most effective during the period of lunar waning.

Cleansing ritual

If parting with your old feelings and dreams is very painful for you, then perform a special cleansing ritual. You will need a photo or any other personal item of your ex that can be destroyed by a fiery flame. Wait until the moon begins to wane. It is best that your actions coincide with the twenty-fifth or twenty-seventh day of the lunar cycle. When the due time comes, light a candle and go around with it in a circle the room where you will perform your witchcraft. Pour clean water into a small bowl or bucket. Partially or completely undress. Pick up a photograph and spit on it three times, saying the name of the person in it. Burn the photo over a candle flame. Gather the ash and rub it on the heart area and forehead. Moisten three fingers of the right hand in clean water and say:

Pure water,

Run through the sadness of my heart

Cleanse my thoughts and blood

From dead love longing

that lurks in my heart.

Wash me with a pure stream.

Clear your mind and feelings.

Save my heart

From this day and forever and ever.

After that, make the sign of the cross on the chest and forehead with your fingers dipped in water. Wash off all the blackness with water. Put on clean clothes. And pour out all the dirty water and the remains of the ash and throw it into the latrine.

Cooling feelings

Love spell on a chicken egg.

In the technique of love spells, there is a special section of love spells associated with chicken eggs. A lot of techniques, from white magic to black magic, are done on chicken eggs. Today I will tell you several options for love spells on a chicken egg using white magic.

Love spell on a chicken egg and water.

Take a chicken egg and a jar of water. Write the name of your lover on the egg. Then start twisting the egg in your hands and read the plot:

“Egg, egg come dear on the porch. As I twist an egg in my hands, in life I will come to a sweetheart. The egg is spinning, the egg is spinning, dear (name) has no rest, does not let sleep, everything about me will suggest. Just as a chicken cannot live without eggs, so a slave (name) cannot live without me, slaves (name), everyone wants to come to me. Word and deed. Deed and word. May it be so!"

Then, pierce the egg with a thin needle and lower it into the water. Leave the egg overnight. In the morning, when you wake up, look if the yolk has flowed out of the egg into the ode, then your love spell has worked and soon your loved one will be on your doorstep.

Love spell on a freshly laid chicken egg.

If you keep chickens, this love spell will suit you. Wait for the chicken to start laying and read the plot looking at the chicken:

“The hen lays eggs, and my darling comes to me. The hen gives birth to eggs, my dear does not know life without me. As a chicken laid an egg, so the slave (name) brought love to me. Amen Amen. Amen".

Then this egg should be eaten by your loved one.

Love spell on an egg from a photo.

Take a chicken egg and a photo of your loved one. Roll the egg over the photo and read the plot:

“I twist the egg, I make me longing, so that the slave (name) loves me, desires me, dries for me, yearns. The age of will did not see without me. Spin spin the egg, call the slave (name) to me on the porch. The egg is spinning on the photo, it is sliding, your body is tormenting me. He instills your soul in me. You are a yolk, I am a squirrel, we are connected with you. Tied to you forever. Language. Key. Lock".

After that, this egg must be thrown to the house where your loved one lives.

If your husband or lover left for another woman, and you want to return him with a love spell (you can see the options here on the astarta.pp.ru forum), first you need to get rid of your rival. To achieve this goal, it is ideal black lapel from a rival on a rotten egg which you can do yourself.

I want to immediately draw your attention to the fact that the conduct of any magical ritual implies that you have at least some knowledge and experience in practical magic. Nevertheless, if this is not the case, starting an independent practice, in fact, with black damage, is very risky and can lead to unpredictable consequences. Perhaps in such a situation, the best choice for you would be to contact a professional sorcerer or witch. Still, then you can be sure of a positive result and protection against rollback.

To hold a black lapel from a rival on a rotten egg on your own, you will need a joint photograph of your chosen one and his passion without strangers in the picture, a black wax candle and a rotten egg. You ask how to make an egg rotten? I'll tell you in detail. You take any raw egg, wash it under running water using a metal mesh for dishes and put it for three weeks in a warm place, optimally under or above the battery.

Immediately after midnight, on any day convenient for you, sit down at the table. Lay the picture face up in front of you. Light a black candle from a match and place it above the photo. Take a rotten egg in your right hand, and drive it counterclockwise around the photo for about ten minutes, saying these words:

“I will divorce you forever, I will poison your love. Together you will not be together, hatred for each other will not be hidden.

Now put three drops of wax on the face of your lover, then your rival. Blow out the candle. Fold the picture in half. Take any canvas bag, put an egg, a photo, a cinder there, tie it up and go outside. At any intersection, with all your might, throw the bag on the ground or asphalt so that the egg breaks and leave.

A black lapel from a rival on a rotten egg will work in a week. This does not mean that the couple will immediately disperse, but the relationship between them will begin to deteriorate sharply and sooner or later will lead to a break in all ties.

And since you have committed black damage, you need to balance this action with a good deed. This could be a significant donation to a charitable or church organization. Remember that small stingy amounts of ransom may not be counted. And it does not depend on your personal financial capabilities.

Here is such a work, an independent practice of black magic. Well, if it is not useful to you, and you can solve all the problems yourself, without magical intervention.

Let's take a closer look at the love spell on a chicken egg - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

In the technique of love spells, there is a special section of love spells associated with chicken eggs. A lot of techniques, from white magic to black magic, are done on chicken eggs. Today I will tell you several options for love spells on a chicken egg using white magic.

Love spell on a chicken egg and water.

Take a chicken egg and a jar of water. Write the name of your lover on the egg. Then start twisting the egg in your hands and read the plot:

“Egg, egg come dear on the porch. As I twist an egg in my hands, in life I will come to a sweetheart. The egg is spinning, the egg is spinning, dear (name) has no rest, does not let sleep, everything about me will suggest. Just as a chicken cannot live without eggs, so a slave (name) cannot live without me, slaves (name), everyone wants to come to me. Word and deed. Deed and word. May it be so!"

Then, pierce the egg with a thin needle and lower it into the water. Leave the egg overnight. In the morning, when you wake up, look if the yolk has flowed out of the egg into the ode, then your love spell has worked and soon your loved one will be on your doorstep.

Love spell on a freshly laid chicken egg.

If you keep chickens, this love spell will suit you. Wait for the chicken to start laying and read the plot looking at the chicken:

“The hen lays eggs, and my darling comes to me. The hen gives birth to eggs, my dear does not know life without me. As a chicken laid an egg, so the slave (name) brought love to me. Amen Amen. Amen".

Then this egg should be eaten by your loved one.

Take a chicken egg and a photo of your loved one. Roll the egg over the photo and read the plot:

“I twist the egg, I make me longing, so that the slave (name) loves me, desires me, dries for me, yearns. The age of will did not see without me. Spin spin the egg, call the slave (name) to me on the porch. The egg is spinning on the photo, it is sliding, your body is tormenting me. He instills your soul in me. You are a yolk, I am a squirrel, we are connected with you. Tied to you forever. Language. Key. Lock".

After that, this egg must be thrown to the house where your loved one lives.

Magic rituals and love spell with an egg

One of the most effective are rituals with an egg. There are many rituals performed with the egg. Sometimes they are carried out with an ordinary testicle, and for some, a rotten egg is required. Separately, it is worth talking about cemetery love spells, very strong and effective, but also dangerous for humans. You can remove the love spell with an egg.

Rites with an egg are considered very effective.

Love spells with an ordinary egg

A love spell with an egg has been known since ancient times. It is not difficult to make it, you can also remove it.

Plot with an egg and a red thread

To perform this rite, you need to get a fresh egg. Well, if it is demolished on the same day. You need to take the egg in your hands and gently punch it on both sides, pour out the yolk and protein from it. Take a needle with red thread and thread it into the egg. If it breaks, it will be possible to repeat the love spell only after 7 days. Pull the needle out of the thread, and make a knot at one of its ends.

Pour the infused water into the bucket (it's good if it comes from the lake) and release the shell there. Then say the words of the conspiracy 5 times (the thread from the shell should be in your hands):

“Come to me through the seas and mountains, Come back to me, stay with me. I conjure you, May our love be eternal.

In the infused water you need to lower the egg shell

Holding both hands above the water, slowly wind the thread around your finger, and until the thread is on your finger, you cannot remove the shell. After that, go outside, remove the red thread and bury it along with the shell next to your house. The very next day, a man should come to visit you or call

Conspiracy with a glass of water

This love spell should be done on the growing moon. First you need to light three candles. You need a thing that a loved one kept with him, in his hands. Take a white pen and draw it over the thing 30 times (in a circle, clockwise). Hold the blade of the knife in the flame of the candle until it is hot, and break the egg with it. Its contents must be poured into a prepared glass of consecrated water. At the same time, the conspiracy is read:

“Hurry, swan (name of the object of the love spell) to your swan (your name). Without her, you cannot see the white light, the red sun, the clear sky. Under one wing she hides the sun, under the other she hides the sky, and a solid light drowned in her eyes. My word is tied to a stone and thrown into the sea. Amen".

For the ceremony, you need to break an egg into a glass

Put the man's thing on a glass with an egg, cover it with a white cloth and leave it. Get up very early in the morning, at dawn, and pour this water near the house where the man lives, under the windows.

Rotten egg spells

Not always a fresh egg is used for rituals. A love spell can be effective if it is already rotten. With this rite, you can remove the love spell, make it cool.

A simple conspiracy to chill

If you want to make this simple love spell on the cold, take a rotten egg on the waning moon and speak the words of a conspiracy on it. Then put it in the snow near the house, marking this place so as not to forget. Can be kept in the freezer. When one day has passed after reading the plot, take it away from home.

“I will take the heart of a servant of God (name), I will carry it to the cold in the ice kingdom, in the cold state. So that the slave (name) did not love the slave (name of the rival), he cooled his heart, did not wear it in his heart. In the ice kingdom, in the cold state, there is an ice hut, in the hut there is an ice wall, an ice window, an ice furnace. The devil and the devil fight, swear, bleed, they don’t think, they don’t advise advice. So the servant of God (name) would fight and curse with the servant of God (name), curse and get angry, he would not think, he would not advise advice. From now on, forever and ever. Amen".

For a conspiracy to chill, you need to use rotten eggs

A conspiracy for an unmarried man

This rite can only attract a bachelor. To perform a love spell with an egg, you need to pick it up, bring it to your lips and say a conspiracy. Then put it in a warm place for 19 days. When the 20th day comes, your chosen one should be next to you. A rotten egg must be put in the freezer and kept there all the time. As soon as it unfreezes, the man's feelings will disappear. There are two plot options, choose the one you like:

“Bot-perebot, gut-peregut, as in the world do not wander, come to me. Attach the heart of the servant of God (name of the man) to mine. As an egg wanders, so its soul wanders;

“Come visit me, see me in your dreams, yearn for me. Tie the heart of a servant of God (name of a young man) to my heart. As an egg wanders, so its darling does not find peace, as an egg goes rotten, so its darling dries up to me.

For the ceremony, you need to take an egg and whisper a conspiracy on it

Love spells on an egg in a cemetery

Features of cemetery conspiracies

Before giving a description of the cemetery conspiracies, i.e. love spell in the cemetery, I would like to talk about its features and consequences.

  1. Cemetery rites, as well as conspiracies that are read against babies or pregnant women, have a powerful rollback, so you need to be prepared for trouble. It's not easy to take them off either.
  2. The impact of a love spell made in a cemetery does not begin immediately, somewhere in 3-9 days. It begins to enter into force from 9 to 40 days, and only then becomes active.
  3. After a love spell in the cemetery, the victim may get sick. She has apathy, lethargy, she is either cold or hot. Your kidneys or legs may hurt. These symptoms last for about a week and then go away.
  4. The bewitched has nightmares.
  5. The person himself, on whom they made a love spell in the cemetery, or other people, can see how a shadow flashed next to him.
  6. Since the rituals in the cemetery are dangerous magic, a ransom (some kind of sacrifice) is necessary. You can bring sweets, sugar and honey. We must put them on the grave and say:

“So accept, but do not reject, then delight, then be filled with power, but my work will come together, even words spoken are harder than flint. This ransom is for you, prepare what is indicated for me. Amen".

Remember that when performing rituals in a cemetery, you need to follow certain rules.

Rules of conduct in the cemetery

  1. It is better to choose clothes in white or black. If you do not have such dresses, then just stop at muted colors, nothing bright.
  2. You can not come to the cemetery in open shoes, i.e. sandals or slippers. If possible - only shoes, if not - do not forget about shoe covers. Dead earth, dust, settling on your feet, can attract dead energy. You cannot enter the house in the shoes that you were wearing at the cemetery. Remove it immediately and wash it as soon as you get home. Cemetery soil is a corruption.
  3. There must be a headscarf on the hair. Also, you can not spit in the cemetery or go to the toilet, even if this is a special place for defecation.
  4. Do not pick up change in the cemetery. Someone threw away this money on purpose to throw off their illnesses or poverty.
  5. Walk only along the paths, and not between the graves, otherwise you may disturb the dead.

Remember that when visiting the cemetery, a scarf must be worn on the head.

Cooling for an egg

If your loved one or husband is indifferent to you, because a rival appeared, you can conduct a ritual of cooling. It is necessary to find attachments to him and his mistress and make two dolls. Then take any egg, it doesn’t matter if it’s chicken or duck, but always homemade. It must be kept in a warm place until it rots. After waiting for the junction of 28 and 29 lunar days, we perform the ceremony. The egg must be rolled 28, and buried - 29.

Having gone to the cemetery on this day, you need to make a purchase. You can put some honeycomb and three bird feathers on an unmarked grave and say:

“I’m tearing out a purchase from the grave, I’m calling from the grave to the light of day, the spirit of the restless, my purchase to you, and your Silina to serve me. Amen".

For the rite of cooling, you need to make a ransom for honeycomb

You can use another purchase.

On the plate on the left and right you need to put the pupae. It is necessary to roll an egg on a plate, touching the volts, and say:

“As an egg is rotten, so love (names) is rotten. As there is no life in an egg, so there is no love between (names). Accept and cool, dead earth, love (whose? Names). May it be so".

On the path, you need to crush the egg, and bury the dolls along the edges of the path, with their backs to each other, and throw away the plate.

Love spell with colored egg

On the new moon, you need to boil an egg and paint it red or gold. Place it in your left hand and say it:

Power is strong, life is eternal! My family, my family! All my ancestors from the beginning of time! Help your daughter to be happy!”. The next day, visit the grave of a relative who was happily married, crumble an egg and say: “Heavenly birds, dear souls. Flock, gather to help your daughter (name). Help me to be happily married to (name)! Thank you family! Thank you family! My word was heard, the word is strong. So be it forever.”

For a love spell, you need to boil an egg and paint it red.

Spell for Easter

For Easter, take 7 consecrated painted eggs, kiss each one and say the words of the conspiracy on each egg:

“I will go, blessed, beyond the threshold, crossing myself. I will go to a far-off kingdom, in that kingdom the Most Holy Theotokos sits on a gilded throne, with her eyes she gazes at St. Joseph. So the servant of God (name) would have matured on me, the servant of God (name) could not stop admiring. As the Orthodox people are waiting for Bright Easter, so the slave (name) would have been waiting for me, yearned, did not sleep at night. Key to my words. Amen".

Find 7 graves with the same name as your loved one and bury the eggs there. Rewrite these names and surnames from the graves and order magpies for these people, light candles for the repose.

For Easter, take 7 consecrated painted eggs and perform the ceremony

How to remove a love spell with an egg

Purifying ourselves

With the help of an egg, you can not only bewitch, but also remove a love spell. If you are sure that someone has bewitched you, you can remove the consequences of the ritual with an egg. You need to get a homemade egg and roll it over your body, imagining how it absorbs all the negativity. Then the egg must be broken and thrown into spring water. It is better to use not one, but several eggs for cleansing, because. there can be many negatives. It is advisable to repeat this up to 7 times. If the egg became clean and whole, everything is in order, we managed to remove the love spell

We cleanse the husband

If the love spell was made on the husband, and you know the name of the rival, you can cool their relationship with an egg. It is necessary to take a raw egg and write the name of the man and the rival from different sides, put it in a warm place. When the egg is rotten, go away from the house and break it on the ground.

In Christian culture, an egg means new life. It is no coincidence that it has become one of the symbols of Easter - the holiday of rebirth and victory over death. The egg often becomes a mandatory attribute of magical rites.

Rules for a love spell using an egg

The result of a love spell depends on how correctly the egg was chosen for the ritual.

However, in the course of work it is necessary to observe some basic rules:

  • Material for work must be fresh. You need a recently laid egg. The earlier it was demolished, the more energy was lost. Some love spells use rotten material. However, if this requirement is not indicated among the mandatory ones, stale eggs cannot be allowed to work. It may offend the forces you are addressing;
  • The egg must be taken exactly from the chicken that is indicated in the instructions for the love spell. If the chicken should be black, not older than ten months, it is impossible to take working material from a white bird older than a year;
  • When working with a love spell, be careful not to damage the egg. It will probably need to be broken or crushed. But you need to do this only at some specific moment. The egg should not be cracked initially. It must not be damaged during operation.

How to choose an egg for the ceremony?

Is it possible to replace a chicken egg with a goose egg or some other?

An experienced magician would never ask such a question. It is impossible to replace anything with anything in a magical ritual. Some rites allow variations, for example, the feathers of one bird can be replaced with the feathers of another. But if the replacement is not specified, it is not worth doing it.

The ban can be explained as follows. The ritual you are about to use has a long history. Several generations of magicians worked with the rite according to a certain pattern. As a result, an egregor was formed, a kind of energy cloud that has a special power.

To connect to the egregor and get what you want, you must strictly follow the entire scheme of work.

Why can't you use a supermarket egg?

An egg from a store is certainly no different from an egg from a market. However, shopping in a supermarket is not recommended. You don't have all the information you need about which hen laid the selected egg. The healers living in the village keep pets not only for personal needs, but also in order to always receive all the necessary material for treatment, spells and spells.

People who use magic occasionally cannot afford to keep pets, especially if they live in city apartments. To get the material with the desired properties, it is best to buy on the market, preferably from familiar sellers who can supply you with everything you need.

Variants of strong love spells for a husband on an egg

A once loving husband may have another woman. If a man has changed dramatically in relation to you and your common children, it is worth assuming that the rival managed to bewitch her husband. Some women prefer to get ahead of possible competitors by making a love spell immediately after the wedding. Such a rite is not considered as the submission of someone else's will. The bewitched man has already made his choice. Extra precautions are needed just to save the family.

Using chicken egg

You need an egg from a red hen of any age. The ritual is performed on Friday, which does not coincide with a major church holiday. You only need to choose an even day. On odd days, the effect can be reversed.

Take something from your husband's clothes. The item must be in use for at least five to six months. It is unacceptable to take darned or patched clothes. Roll up the item and put it on the table.

Take an egg and roll around whatever you put in until you've cast the entire spell.:

The egg must be wrapped in clothes and hidden for a day. Then the thing can be used as usual. The egg should be boiled and given to the husband. Except your spouse, no one should eat it. Cooking scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs and other dishes is not allowed. Your husband must break the shell himself.

Black ritual in the cemetery

It is not recommended for non-professionals to conduct such rituals on their own. Think: are you ready to take responsibility even for an unsuccessful result?

To perform the ritual, you will need an egg from a black hen at least a year old. The ceremony takes place after sunset. The egg must be brought to the cemetery and left on the grave with the name of your spouse. The next day, you need to come to the churchyard just after sunset and lay the egg on the grave with your name. Graves can be located near or at different ends of the cemetery. It does not matter.

The next morning, you need to return to the grave and pick up the egg. Bring it home and cast the spell the same day. The day of reading the plot should not coincide with a major church holiday or Sunday. For the final stage, you will need a black candle (you can buy it in a special esoteric store). Place the candle on the table and light it.

Then you need to take the egg in your right hand and read the spell:

Place the egg next to the candle so that the wax does not drip onto it. Don't let the candle burn out completely. There should be a small stub left. Both items must be buried where no one walks. It is noted that for a man bewitched by this ritual, all women, except for his wife, really cease to exist. A husband can stop communicating even with those representatives of the opposite sex, with whom intimate relationships are impossible for him: with his mother, with sisters, with daughters.

A woman who has bewitched her husband with the help of the above ritual must remember that she will have to pay with the dark forces for the help provided. And they can take away the most precious thing, for example, a close relative. You can pay with your own health, luck, financial well-being.

To prevent this from happening, the payoff must be provided in a timely manner. Our ancestors paid off with blood, slaughtering cattle and sacrificing it. Human sacrifices were also frequent. At present, it is not always possible to make such a payoff. Killing people and illegal killing of animals is a criminal offense. You can do so. Prepare a gift for those who helped you in your cause. Expensive alcoholic drinks, fresh meat (meat dishes), gold jewelry with precious stones are well suited for ransom. Do not try to give something unnecessary to you personally. The dark forces cannot be deceived.

The gift must be smeared with chicken blood. For this, it is not necessary to kill the bird. You can just buy a frozen carcass in which there is enough blood. It is permissible to use this carcass itself as a payoff.

The gift must be taken to a deserted place and left there with the words:

Love spell of a spouse and a lapel from a mistress on a rotten egg

To perform the ceremony, you need a rotten egg. You can determine the spoilage of the product by the specific smell that comes from it. To many people, it resembles the smell of hydrogen sulfide. To make the egg rotten, it is enough to put it in a warm place.

The ritual is held on Wednesday. You must have no witnesses. The egg must be wrapped with a thread of any color.

Come to the rival's house and say:

Remove the thread, break the egg and leave. The thread needs to be sewn into the husband's trousers.

Possible consequences

The consequences of a love spell can appear at the most unexpected moment. The customer begins to notice that his life is changing for the worse. Any significant area can suffer. There are different interpretations of this phenomenon. Some magicians believe that in this way the customer is punished. Others claim that this is a retribution for personal happiness.

The victim of the spell also suffers. Otherworldly forces take energy from her so that she cannot leave her "master". In most cases, it is not love that keeps the bewitched, but the lack of will that would help get rid of an unpleasant person. On the physical plane, energy losses are expressed by the loss of health.

How to protect yourself from possible negativity?

Only a professional magician can truly protect himself from possible negativity. The amateur master can try to protect himself with any prayer known to him. Read it before you start the ceremony. Prayers should also be read after you perform the ritual. Go to church and light a candle for your health. Ask your patron saint for protection. Explain your act: you bewitched because you are madly in love, or because you want to protect your family.

Love spells on eggs are not recommended for beginners and those who use rituals only when necessary. The rites may seem quite simple. In this case, mistakes in work have tragic consequences. It is necessary to start with lighter rituals.

An egg is a unique natural material that is often used in magic. A love spell on an egg is a very affordable impact with which you can bewitch a man. Perhaps, for the success of such a rite, only sincere faith in one's own strengths and in magic is required. All rituals that use love spells on an egg should be performed exclusively during the growing moon.

Simple love spells

The simplest love spell on an egg does not require any special skills. It is important to use a fresh egg, and preferably directly from under the chicken.

Before the ritual, you need to do the following:

  • The egg must be pierced very carefully with a thick needle on both sides;
  • Let the white and yolk flow out;
  • With the help of a needle and a red thread threaded into it, the shell can be strung like beads.

It is this attribute that will be used in the ceremony. It should be remembered that if the egg breaks during the preparatory actions, then the ritual should be abandoned. And it should be repeated no earlier than a week later. In addition to such an attribute, it will be necessary to stock up with a bucket of water, which must be collected from a standing natural source, for example, from a lake. Immediately before the ceremony, you should pull the thread out of the eye of the needle and tie a knot at one end. After that, you need to take one end of the thread and lower the egg shell into a bucket of stagnant water.

In this case, you need to pronounce the following words:

Next, you need to start slowly winding the thread around your finger, bringing it closer to the water. Until the thread is completely wound around the finger, the shell cannot be removed from the water. In this case, you need to repeat the conspiracy words five times. After that, you need to pull out the shell and go outside. There, the thread from the egg must be pulled out and, together with the shell, without crushing it, buried not far from your own house. After that, the rite is considered completed. When you get home, you should immediately go to bed thinking about your loved one.

There is another simple rite in which you need to use:

  • Three church candles;
  • Fresh chicken egg;
  • A thing that the bewitched person held in his hands at least once;
  • White bird feather;
  • A piece of new white cloth;
  • Kitchen knife;
  • A glass filled with holy water.

The ceremony is performed in the evening in complete solitude. During the ritual, the following actions are performed:

  • Candles are set on the table;
  • A glass of water is placed next to the candles, and the cooked item is placed;
  • A bird's feather is drawn 30 times over a thing;
  • The blade of the knife is heated in the flame of one of the candles;
  • With the help of a knife, the egg is broken and its contents are poured into a glass of water.

Carrying out all the above actions, you need to pronounce the following magic words:

After that, the thing must be put on a glass with an egg and covered with a white piece of cloth. In this form, magical attributes must be left until the morning. The next day, early in the morning, you need to go to the house of your loved one and throw out the charmed water at the doorstep. The thing used in the ceremony must be hidden in a secluded place at home.

Quite simple are love spells on an egg, which are held on Easter. For this, as a rule, Easter eggs are used. On this day, the positive energy in the world around us is greatly increased. Therefore, the love spell always turns out to be powerful. To bewitch a loved one on Holy Sunday, you need to take 7 Easter eggs.

The next day, you need to go to the cemetery and bury the charmed eggs under the seven namesake graves. At the same time, it is necessary to rewrite the names and surnames on the graves and order magpies for these people, and also put candles for the dead.

Love spell on a single man

There is a love spell on an egg that can be used to attract an exclusively single man. To do this, you need to take a fresh egg in your hands and pronounce a conspiracy. After that, the charmed egg should be put in a warm place for 19 days. It is very important to make sure that your chosen one is next to you on the 20th day. This is precisely the difficulty of this rite. If this is arranged, then your loved one will be with you.

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