Write an introduction on the topic of mind and feelings. What controls a person more: mind or feelings

An example of an essay in the direction of "Mind and Feeling"

What rules the world: reason or feeling?

Intelligence. Are we always guided by considerations of expediency and rationality in life? What about feelings? Can they be in harmony with the mind? What rules the world? Many thinking people, including authors of works of art, are looking for answers to these questions.

I think that reason and feeling, like two components, should go hand in hand through life. Let us recall the protagonist of the story by I.A. Bunin “The Gentleman from San Francisco”. The author does not even call him by name, since there were many such people. The prudent hero devotes his whole life to earning money. Wanting to see the world, he and his family embark on a long-awaited journey by ship. I.A. It is no coincidence that Bunin does not say anything about the feelings of the hero, probably because the gentleman is guided by calculation, common sense. The desire to be a rich, wealthy person does not make the main character happy. He remains a slave to money, which has become the meaning, the main value of life.

Are there any heroes in the story of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin who are guided in life by feelings? Yes, these are the Abruzzo highlanders who are happy that they live in the world, trying to spend every minute with benefit, feeling amazing harmony with nature. They live with feelings, enjoying freedom. This, it seems to me, is the true meaning of life - to be yourself, trusting your own heart, not to feel dependent on anything. I.A. Bunin believes that one who is free from material values, who cherishes sincere feelings, does not know what falsehood and hypocrisy are truly happy.

In Russian literature, there are many works whose heroes live in the heart. In the story "Garnet Bracelet" A.I. Kuprin focuses on the story of a modest telegraph operator Zheltkov, capable of a strong and deep feeling, which becomes the only meaning of his life. Love for the married princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina is admiration for a woman without any hope of reciprocity. The hero feels happy at the mere thought that his beloved lives somewhere nearby. It is important for him that she knows about his feelings and at the same time is not at all burdened by them. Only after the death of Zheltkov, the princess realizes that that amazing love that every woman dreams of has passed her by.

E.M. Remarque argued: “Reason is given to man so that he understands: one cannot live by reason alone. People live by feelings ... ”It is difficult to disagree with this. What rules the world? Many people follow the voice of reason. There are many who listen to the call of the heart. I believe that one should live by both feelings and reason. Only then can one achieve that harmony that makes a person truly happy, and fills his life with deep content.

Throughout life there is a constant confrontation between the mind and feelings. Since ancient times, there have been disputes about what is more important, but it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. People who constantly listen to their mind are more prudent, thoughtful and sometimes selfish. They are not able to dream, to remain children at heart. If a person relies on feelings alone, he cannot be serious and often commits rash acts, it is impossible to predict his actions and thoughts. Feelings and reason must exist in unity and harmony. Choosing one of these concepts, a person makes mistakes that bring pain to him and others.

Some people deny the need for feelings in their lives, proclaiming reason as the highest value, which does not lead to anything good. Grigory Pechorin, the protagonist of the works "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov, often faced misunderstanding and rejection, because of which he began to treat others coldly and cynically.

Pechorin plunged headlong into mental activity: he read books, talked with interesting personalities, studied society. But over time, Grigory Alexandrovich forgot how to love and be friends. When feelings arose in his soul, he suppressed them by force, not allowing himself to be happy, and as a result, he lost all desire to live. Without emotions, any activity did not bring him any pleasure. Life becomes empty and meaningless if you are not surrounded by close people with whom you feel happy.

You can't rely on feelings alone. Sometimes in our life there are situations that cannot be resolved without the participation of the mind. This is not the end, continue below.

Useful material on the topic

Pyotr Grinev, the protagonist of the work "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin, experienced a lot in a short period of time, and most often he had to rely on his mind. Military service, participation in a duel, the siege of a fortress, the fight against the rebellious peasants, arrest - all this Peter was able to endure, thanks to his mind. He always acted boldly and courageously, not allowing himself to relax, in any situation he controlled himself, making decisions with a cool head. The mind helps to find a way out of any situation and achieve what you want.

Reason and feelings are two inextricably linked concepts, which are important components of the human personality, which cannot exist separately from each other. As V.G. Belinsky, "reason and feeling are two forces that equally need each other, they are dead and insignificant one without the other."

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An essay on the topic “What controls a person more: mind or feelings?”

What controls a person more: mind or feelings? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to define its main components. Reason is the ability of a person to think logically: analyze, establish cause-and-effect relationships, find meanings, draw conclusions, formulate principles. And feelings are the emotional experiences of a person that arise in the process of his relationship with the outside world. Feelings are formed and developed in the course of development and upbringing of a person.

It seems to many that you need to live only by reason, and they are somewhat right. Reason is given to man so that he thinks everything over and makes the right decisions. But man is also given feelings. They always fight with reason, showing that it is worth paying more attention to them. Feelings are important for each of us: they help to make ours more rich and interesting. Sometimes the heart tells us one thing, but the brain tells us quite the opposite. How to be? I would like them to live in peace and not argue with each other, but this is unattainable. The soul desires freedom, celebration, fun ... And the mind tells us that we need to work, work, take care of everyday little things so that they do not accumulate into insoluble everyday problems. Two opposing forces are pulling the reins of government each for themselves, so in different situations we are controlled by different motives.

Many writers and poets raised the topic of the struggle between reason and feelings. So, for example, in W. Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" the main characters belong to the warring clans of Montague and Capulet. Everything is against the feelings of young people, and the voice of reason advises everyone not to succumb to the outbreak of love. But emotions are stronger, and even in death, Romeo and Juliet did not want to leave. We never know for sure what will happen if feelings take precedence over reason, but Shakespeare showed us the tragic development of events. And we willingly believe him, because a similar story has been repeated more than once both in world culture and in life. Heroes - just teenagers who probably fell in love for the first time. If they had even tried to calm the ardor and try to negotiate with their parents, I doubt that the Montechis or the Capulets would have preferred the death of their children. They would most likely compromise. However, teenagers in this situation did not have enough wisdom and worldly experience to achieve their goal in other, reasonable ways. Sometimes feelings act as our inner intuition, but it also happens that this is just a momentary impulse that is better to contain. I think Romeo and Juliet succumbed to the impulse inherent in their age, and not intuitively established an unbreakable bond. Love would push them to solve the problem, not to commit suicide. Such a sacrifice is only the command of capricious passion.

In the story "The Captain's Daughter" we also observe a clash between reason and feeling. Pyotr Grinev, having learned that his beloved Masha Mironova is forcibly held by Shvabrin, who wants to force the girl to marry him, contrary to the voice of reason, turns to Pugachev for help. The hero knows that this can threaten him with death, because the connection with the state criminal was severely punished, but he does not deviate from his plan and ultimately saves his own life and honor, and later gets Masha as his legal wife. This example is an illustration of the fact that the voice of feeling is necessary for a person in making a final decision. He helped save the girl from unjust oppression. If the young man only thought and thought, he would not be able to love to the point of self-sacrifice. But Grinev did not neglect his mind: he made a mental plan on how to help his beloved as efficiently as possible. He did not register as a traitor, but took advantage of the location of Pugachev, who appreciated the courageous and strong character of the officer.

Thus, I can conclude that both reason and feelings must be strong in a person. You can not give preference to extremes, you must always find a compromise solution. What choice to make in this or that situation: to submit to feelings or to listen to the voice of reason? How to avoid internal conflict between these two "elements"? Everyone must answer these questions for himself. And a person also makes a choice on his own, a choice on which not only the future, but life itself can sometimes depend.

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It is good that modern schoolchildren still write compositions, although I see from young relatives that this is not so easy for them. I studied at a rural school, but I remember that we wrote compositions quite often. I have a feeling that almost every week we wrote something either on the basis of the studied works, or on a free topic according to the works recommended (or chosen to your taste) for independent reading.

Themes "Mind and Feelings", we also touched, and not even once, since there are plenty of examples in the literature, considering which you can try to understand - which of them is more important. Mind or feelings? Naturally, on many examples it has been proven that only the harmony of the heart and head gives a person both a sense of inner freedom and a sense of happiness. Passions are blind, reason is too cold.

But just as theory without practice, reason without feelings cannot exist. After all, it often happens that feelings push for actions, from actions (whatever they are), “experience is born - the son of difficult mistakes”, experience, in turn, again goes to the aid of the mind in a difficult situation. It's kind of a vicious circle. Although separate, especially intelligent individuals are even able to adopt someone else's experience. But there are not many such unique ones, and even if we are ready to rely on someone else's experience, then this does not apply to all issues and problems in a row.

I remember that one of the discussions in our class (and this was a favorite subject for many) was just developed on an interesting topic. Usually, after all, it is believed that mind and reason, a certain practicality, pragmatism - this is more characteristic of men. Women, on the contrary, are more emotional, more prone to feelings. But is it really so? We were asked to find an example in literature, where a man just turned out to be completely immersed in feelings. And in principle, it was possible to do this quite easily - Yolks from the Pomegranate Bracelet just turned out to be the person for whom feelings (love for Vera Nikolaevna) turned out to be much more important than rumors and ridicule. He perfectly understood his social inequality, and realized that “you won’t be forced to be nice,” but at the same time he couldn’t do anything with his feelings. That's why the ending in "Garnet Bracelet" is so sad.

Now I don’t remember exactly how the topic of my essay sounded, especially since it was so many years ago, but at one time I chose to consider this topic, what hooked me the most. It’s not that the rest of the works were rated somehow wrong, it just happens that something directly evokes very strong emotions. Therefore, I wrote on this topic using the example of the work N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa". After all, if we consider the behavior of the heroes, it turns out that each of them acted in accordance with what had great power over him.

Erast turned out to be more susceptible to reason, although base passions (to lose the estate in cards - you can’t call such a person reasonable) also won over him at some point. But he tried to rectify the situation by pure calculation - he married a rich widow. The act is not plausible, but very pragmatic and logical in such a situation. Of course, he did not like the widow, but for the sake of money and position in society, you can endure.

Lisa, in turn, was so immersed in feelings that the mind, under their pressure, simply did not dare to "say" a word. Liza rejected a profitable match for herself, Liza completely forgot that, according to her social status, she could not be with this person - she did not care. And finally, in her desperation, Lisa committed suicide, while also not thinking about anyone. Especially about the old mother, whom, as it seems throughout this short work, Lisa loves with all her heart. What happened in the end? Which of the characters became happy? Everything is clear with Lisa, but Erast, having chosen reason and a profitable marriage, also turned out to be deeply unhappy, since he "considered himself a murderer" when he learned about Lisa's death.

That is, Erast still had a conscience, and conscience is also a feeling. So it turns out that only harmony between feelings and reason can help a person in difficult situations, and when he tries to choose just one thing, he has a high chance of making a fatal mistake.

Material to direction "MIND AND FEELINGS"

Feelings and mind

There are no feelings without reason, and reason without feelings.
How many colors, tones, shades.
"I love you" - breaks out of the mouth,
And the mind with feelings go wall to wall.

Are they enemies, friends, antibodies?
What do they have in common, and what distinguishes them?
For the mind, the most important thing is
And feelings of love only think ...

When they are united, it is an explosion.
An explosion of happiness that illuminates everything around,
And if apart - a painful abscess,
Which, inflamed, interferes with life.

All knowledge without feelings is, alas, dead.
We cannot build happiness on knowledge.

What good is it that we are so intelligent?
Our mind without love is worth so little!

Feelings whisper to us: “Give everything to love ...”,
And the mind says: "Actually
You're making a mistake, don't rush!
Wait a little, at least a week ... "

So what's more important? Almighty, tell me...
Perhaps the mind that works miracles,
Or our feelings, because without them, alas,
We do not know true love?

There are no feelings without reason and no reason without feelings.
White helps to see black.
A world without love is so uncomfortable empty
In it, our rebellious mind is lonely.

Alexander Evgenievich Gavryushkin

Interpretation of concepts according to the Ozhegov dictionary


The highest stage of human cognitive activity, the ability to think logically and creatively, to generalize the results of knowledge.


1. A state in which a person is able to realize, perceive the environment.
2. Emotion, experience.

Interpretation of concepts according to Ushakov's dictionary

Intelligence - the ability to think logically, comprehending the meaning ( meaning for oneself, someone or something) and the connection of phenomena, to understand the laws of development of the world, society and consciously find appropriate ways to transform them. || Consciousness of something, views, as a result of a certain worldview.

The senses - the ability to perceive external impressions, to feel, to experience something. sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste. || A state in which a person is able to be aware of his surroundings, owns his spiritual and mental abilities. || The inner, mental state of a person, that which is included in the content of his spiritual life "It can be simpler:" Feelings are the attitudes of a person experienced in various forms to objects and phenomena of reality.

Essay abstracts

Mind and feelings.

Can be distinguished two directions on which to discuss this topic.

1. The struggle in a person of reason and feelings, requiring a mandatory choice: act in obedience to surging emotions, or still not lose your head, weigh your actions, be aware of their consequences both for yourself and for others.

2. Reason and feelings can be allies, blend harmoniously in a person, making him strong, self-confident, able to emotionally respond to everything that happens around.

Reflections on the topic: "Mind and feelings"

· It is human nature to choose: to act wisely, considering each step, weighing your words, planning actions, or obey your feelings. These feelings can be very different: from love to hate, from malice to kindness, from rejection to acceptance. Feelings are very strong in a person. They can easily take possession of his soul and consciousness.

· What choice to make in this or that situation: to submit to feelings, which are often selfish, or to listen to the voice of reason? How to avoid internal conflict between these two "elements"? Everyone must answer these questions for himself. And a person also makes a choice on his own, a choice on which not only the future, but life itself can sometimes depend.

· Yes, mind and feelings often oppose each other. Whether a person can bring them into harmony, make sure that the mind is supported by feelings and vice versa - it depends on the will of the person, on the degree of responsibility, on the moral guidelines that he follows.

· Nature has rewarded people with the greatest wealth - the mind, gave them the opportunity to experience feelings. Now they themselves must learn to live, being aware of all their actions, but at the same time remaining sensitive, able to feel joy, love, kindness, attention, not to succumb to anger, enmity, envy and other negative feelings.

· One more thing is important: a person who lives only by feelings is, in fact, not free. He subordinated himself to them, to these emotions and feelings, whatever they may be: love, envy, anger, greed, fear, and others. He is weak and even easily controlled by others, those who want to take advantage of this human dependence on feelings for their own selfish and selfish purposes. Therefore, feelings and mind must exist in harmony, so that feelings help a person to see the whole gamut of shades in everything, and the mind - to respond correctly, adequately to this, not to drown in the abyss of feelings.

· Learning to live in harmony between your feelings and your mind is very important. A strong personality, living according to the laws of morality and morality, is capable of this. And there is no need to listen to the opinion of some people that the world of the mind is boring, monotonous, uninteresting, and the world of feelings is comprehensive, beautiful, bright. The harmony of mind and feelings will give a person immeasurably more in the knowledge of the world, in self-awareness, in the perception of life in general.

· Reason sometimes contradicts the dictates of the heart. And the task of a person is to find the right path, not to embark on the wrong path. How often a person commits cruel and vile deeds, obeying the dictates of reason. At the same time, if you listen to the dictates of your heart, you will never commit a wrong deed.



F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Rodion Raskolnikov kills an old pawnbroker and her sister Lizaveta solely in order to test his theory. And his theory is the result of long painful reflections. The work of the mind in this case can be considered be attributed as the cause of the mistake. Raskolnikov ranks himself among the "strong" personalities. In his opinion, it is these individuals who have the right to cross any line that separates the crime from the norm. However, having committed a crime, having “crossed over” this very line, Raskolnikov begins to realize that he does not belong to the circle of the “chosen ones”. Punishment follows crime. Raskolnikov experiences the strongest mental anguish. It becomes clear that if he had acted not at the behest of his mind, but had listened to the voice of his heart, then the crime would not have been committed. Raskolnikov puts himself above other people. Only the human mind, divorced from feeling, can "suggest" such a decision. People who consider it important to follow the dictates of the heart are not able to put themselves above others.

Raskolnikov takes as a basis only the result of mental reflections. And he seems to completely forget that in addition to the mind, a person has a soul, a conscience. After all, the voice of the heart is the voice of conscience. Raskolnikov only later realized how wrong he was. The voice of his heart was suppressed by a cold mind obsessed with a cruel idea. Raskolnikov goes against his conscience, thereby drawing a line between himself and those around him. Now he no longer has a place in the world of normal people who have not committed a crime. Such punishment clearly proves how important it is to listen to your soul, to your conscience.

From the point of view of the writer himself, one cannot live by reason, one must live as the soul commands. After all, the mind in a person is only twenty percent, and the rest is the soul. Therefore, the mind must obey the soul, and not vice versa. In this case, a person will be able to observe Christian laws, to measure each of his actions with them.

In Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" we see the spiritual revival of Raskolnikov. He realizes how wrong and misanthropic his theory was. This means that the heart triumphs over the mind. Raskolnikov completely changes, he acquires the meaning of life.

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

The protagonist of "Words ..." is Prince Igor Novgorod-Seversky. This is a brave, brave warrior, a patriot of his country.

Brothers and squad!
Better to be killed by swords.
Than from the hands of the filthy people!

His cousin Svyatoslav, who ruled in Kyiv, in 1184 defeated the Polovtsy - the enemies of Russia, the nomads. Igor could not participate in the campaign. He decided to undertake a new campaign - in 1185. There was no need for it, the Polovtsy did not attack Russia after the victory of Svyatoslav. However, the desire for glory, selfishness led to the fact that Igor spoke out against the Polovtsy. Nature seemed to warn the hero about the failures that would haunt the prince - a solar eclipse occurred. But Igor was adamant.

And he said, full of military thoughts,

Ignoring the sign of heaven:

"I want to break the spear

In an unfamiliar Polovtsian field

Reason receded into the background. Feelings, moreover, of an egoistic nature, took possession of the prince. After the defeat and escape from captivity, Igor realized the mistake, realized it. That is why the author sings glory to the prince at the end of the work.

This is an example of the fact that a person endowed with power must always weigh everything, it is the mind, and not feelings, even if they are positive, that should determine the behavior of a person on which the lives of many people depend.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

The heroine Tatyana Larina has strong, deep feelings for Eugene Onegin. She fell in love with him as soon as she saw him in her estate.

My whole life has been a pledge
Faithful goodbye to you;
I know you were sent to me by God
Until the grave you are my keeper ...

About Onegin:

He no longer fell in love with beauties,
And dragged somehow;
Refuse - instantly comforted;
Will change - I was glad to have a rest.

However, Eugene realized how beautiful Tatyana is, that she is worthy of love, and he fell in love with her much later. A lot has happened over the years, and most importantly, Tatyana was already married.

And happiness was so possible
So close!.. But my fate
Already decided. (Words by Tatyana Onegin)

The meeting after a long separation at the ball showed how strong Tatyana's feelings are. However, she is a highly moral woman. She respects her husband, understands that she must be faithful to him.

I love you (why lie?),
But I am given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever..

In the struggle of feelings and reason, win the mind. The heroine did not tarnish her honor, did not inflict a spiritual wound on her husband, although she deeply loved Onegin. She refused love, realizing that, having tied the knot of her life with a man, she simply must be faithful to him.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

How beautiful is the image of Natasha Rostova in the novel! As the heroine is spontaneous, open, how she longs for true love.

(“Catch moments of happiness, force yourself to love, fall in love yourself! Only this one is real in the world - the rest is all nonsense” - the words of the author)

She sincerely fell in love with Andrei Bolkonsky, she is waiting for the year to pass, after which their wedding should take place.

However, fate has prepared a serious test for Natasha - a meeting with the handsome Anatole Kuragin. He simply charmed her, feelings flooded over the heroine, and she forgot about everything. She is ready to flee into the unknown, just to be close to Anatole. How Natasha blamed Sonya, who told her family about the upcoming escape! Feelings were stronger than Natasha. The mind just went silent. Yes, the heroine will repent later, we feel sorry for her, we understand her desire to love.

However, how cruelly Natasha punished herself: Andrey released her from all obligations. (And of all the people I loved and hated no one more than her.)

Reading these pages of the novel, you think about many things. It is easy to say what is good and what is bad. Sometimes feelings are so strong that a person simply does not notice how he is rolling into the abyss, succumbing to them. But still, it is very important to learn to subordinate feelings to reason, but not to subordinate, but simply to coordinate, to live in such a way that they are in harmony. Then many mistakes in life can be avoided.

I.S. Turgenev "Asya"

25-year-old N.N. travels carelessly, however, without a goal and a plan, meets new people, and almost never visits sights. This is how I. Turgenev's story "Asya" begins. The hero will have to endure a difficult test - a test of love. This feeling arose in him for the girl Asya. It combined cheerfulness and eccentricity, openness and isolation. But the main thing is being different from the rest. Perhaps this is due to her former life: she lost her parents early, lived at first almost in poverty, and then, when Gagin took her to be raised, in luxury. Experiencing certain feelings for Gagin, Asya realized that she really fell in love with N.N., and therefore behaved unusually: either closing herself, trying to retire, or wanting to draw attention to herself. Mind and feeling seem to be fighting in her, understanding that she owes a lot to Gagin, but at the same time, the inability to drown out her love for N.N.

Unfortunately, the hero turned out to be not as decisive as Asya, who confessed her love to him in a note. N.N. also experienced strong feelings for Asya: “I felt some kind of sweetness - it was sweetness in my heart: it was as if they poured me honey there.” But for too long he thought about the future with the heroine, postponing the decision for tomorrow. And there is no tomorrow for love. Asya and Gagin left, but the hero could not find a woman in his life with whom he would connect his fate. The memories of the ace were too strong, and only a note reminded of her. So the mind became the reason for the separation, and the feelings were not able to lead the hero to decisive actions.

“Happiness has no tomorrow, it does not have yesterday, it does not remember the past, does not think about the future. He only has the present. - And it's not a day. And a moment. »

A.N. Ostrovsky "Dowry"

The heroine of the play Larisa Ogudalova. She is a dowry, that is, when she gets married, her mother is not able to prepare a dowry, which was customary for a bride. Larisa's family is of average income, so she does not have to hope for a good match. So she agreed to marry Karandyshev - the only one who offered her to marry. She does not feel any love for her future husband. But a young girl wants to love! And this feeling was already born in her heart - love for Paratov, who once charmed her, and then just left. Larisa will have to experience the strongest internal struggle - between feeling and reason, duty to the person she marries. Paratov seemed to bewitch her, she admires him, gives in to a feeling of love, a desire to be with her beloved. She is naive, believes the words, thinks that Paratov loves her just as much. But what a bitter disappointment she had to experience. It is in the hands of Paratov - just a "thing". Reason still wins, insight comes. True, later. " A thing... yes, a thing! They are right, I am a thing, not a person ... Finally, a word has been found for me, you have found it ... Every thing must have an owner, I will go to the owner.
And I no longer want to live, to live in a world of lies and deceit, to live without being truly loved (what a shame that she is chosen - heads or tails). Death for the heroine is a relief. How tragic her words sound: I was looking for love and didn't find it. They looked at me and look at me as if they were fun.

I.A. Bunin "Dark alleys"

Sometimes relationships between people are complicated. Especially when it comes to such a strong feeling as love. What to give preference to: the strength of feelings that have gripped a person, or listen to the voice of reason, which suggests that the chosen one is from another circle, that she is not a couple, which means that there can be no love. So the hero of I. Bunin's short story "Dark Alleys" Nikolai in his youth experienced a great feeling of love for Nadezhda, who was from a completely different environment, a simple peasant woman. The hero could not connect his life with his beloved: the laws of the society to which he belonged too dominated him. Yes, and how many more in life there will be, these Hopes! ( ... it always seems that somewhere there will be something especially happy, some kind of meeting ...)

In the end - life with an unloved woman. Gray days. And only many years later, when he saw Nadezhda again, Nikolai realized that such love was given to him by fate, and he passed her by, past his happiness. And Nadezhda was able to carry through her whole life this great feeling - love. .(Youth passes for everyone, but love is another matter.)

So sometimes fate, the whole life of a person, depends on the choice between reason and feeling.

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Love. It's an amazing feeling. It makes a person happy, life takes on new shades. For the sake of love, real, all-encompassing, a person sacrifices everything. So the heroine of the novel by M. Bulgakov, Margarita, for the sake of love, left her outwardly prosperous life. Everything seemed to be fine with her: a husband holding a prestigious position, a large apartment, at a time when many people huddled in communal apartments. (Margarita Nikolaevna did not need money. Margarita Nikolaevna could buy anything she liked. Among her husband's acquaintances there were interesting people. Margarita Nikolaevna never touched the stove. Margarita Nikolaevna did not know the horrors of living in a joint apartment. In a word ... was she happy? Not one minute! )

But there was no main thing - love .. there was only loneliness (And I was struck not so much by her beauty as by the extraordinary, unseen loneliness in her eyes! - the words of the Master). because her life is empty.)

And when love came, Margarita went to her beloved .(She looked at me in surprise, and I suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, realized that I had loved this particular woman all my life! - the master will say ) What played a major role here? The senses? Of course yes. Intelligence? Probably he, too, because Margarita deliberately abandoned a prosperous outwardly life. And she no longer cares that she lives in a small apartment. The main thing is that he is nearby - her Master. She helps him finish the novel. She is even ready to become a queen at Woland's ball - all this for the sake of love. So both reason and feelings were in harmony in Margarita's soul. (Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? May the liar be cut off his vile tongue!)

Do we condemn the heroine? Here everyone will answer in their own way. But still, life with an unloved person is also wrong. So the heroine made a choice, choosing the path of love, the strongest feeling that a person can experience.

  • I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
  • I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday"
  • A.M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"

literary works

1. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Compare reasonable Sonya and Natasha living with feelings. The first of them did not make a single fatal mistake in her life, but she could not keep her happiness either. Natasha was wrong, but her heart always showed her the way.

2. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

The people and their feelings, insensitive heroes (Anatole, Helen, Napoleon)

3. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

"Sharp, chilled mind and the inability to strong Onegin's feelings. Onegin- a cold, rational person. Tatyana Larina with a delicate sensitive soul. This spiritual disharmony became the cause of the drama of failed love.

4. M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri" (The mind and feeling of love for the homeland of poor Mtsyri)

5. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" Reason and feelings of Evgeny Bazarov.

6. A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" (everything in the Prince - both mind and feelings);

7. F. Iskander “The Dream of God and the Devil” “I wanted to understand,” God sighed, “whether the mind itself can develop conscience. I put only a spark of reason into you. But it did not develop conscience. a mind not washed by conscience becomes malignant. That's how you appeared. You are an unsuccessful project of man." (Fazil Iskander "Dream of God and the Devil")

8. M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" (insensitive Grigory Pechorin and philanthropic Maxim Maksimych)