Nastenka read the letter a second time. Letters from the Royal Martyrs from Captivity. a) by function

Letters from Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and their children from captivity to relatives and friends are a kind of diary of life, suffering, unshakable faith in the Providence of God, love for Russia and hope for its revival.

Tsarskoye Selo

From a letter from Tatyana Nikolaevna - M. S. Khitrovo (-former maid of honor of the Highest Court, sister of mercy of Her Majesty the infirmary in Tsarskoe Selo). March 17, 1917

“This morning Anastasia has 40.1, Maria has 38.7. Anastasia cannot eat anything, because everything goes back. But both are terribly patient and lie quietly. Anastasia is still deaf for now, so we have to yell so that she understands what we are saying. I already almost absolutely well hear, only on the right ear not absolutely. Remember that your and our letters are read.

From a letter from Tatyana Nikolaevna to V.I. Chebotareva (to Her Majesty's elder sister, the infirmary in Tsarskoye Selo). April 9, 1917

“Dear Valentina Ivanovna, Mom asks you to give this veil and two airs that she herself embroidered to our cave church. And say oh Andrew, so that he can use it for purple vestments ... It's sad that now, having recovered, you can't work in the infirmary again.. It's so strange to be at home in the morning, and not in dressings. Who is bandaging now? Are you on the material and big sister? And the doctors are all in place and the sisters of the soldier's department? Olga and Maria are still lying. And we walk with the Pope and work on the ice in front of the house, we used to be not far from the Sign, but now we are further away, so the church is not visible. Well, all the best, hearty greetings to everyone. From a letter from Alexandra Fedorovna to A. V. Syroboyarsky (in 1916, commander of the 15th armored division, colonel, wounded three times, was treated at Her Majesty's infirmary in Tsarskoye Selo). May 28, 1917 “Everything can be endured if you feel His (the Lord's) closeness and love and firmly believe in Him in everything. Serious trials are useful, they prepare us for another life, for a long journey.

I read a lot of the Gospel and the Bible, so we need to prepare for lessons with children, and it is a great consolation with them to read everything that makes up our spiritual food, and each time you find something new and understand better.

Tomorrow at 12 o'clock prayer service. Tatyana will be 20 years old already. They are all healthy, thank God. It is necessary to thank God forever for everything that he gave, and if he took it away, then, perhaps, if you endure it without grumbling, it will be even brighter. There is always hope. The Lord is so great, and you just need to pray, tirelessly ask Him to save our dear Motherland. It began to crumble quickly, terribly at such a short time.

You see, we have not lost faith, and I hope never to lose it, it gives strength alone, the strength of the spirit to endure everything. And you have to be thankful for everything, which could be much worse ... Isn't it? As long as we are alive and we are together - a small tightly connected family. And what did they want?.. May the Lord bless and keep you on all paths, and may He give you inner peace and silence.”

“How hard it is to read newspapers... Where are we? Where did they get to? But the Lord will save the Motherland. I strongly believe in this. But where is the discipline? How many nasty things they write about Him (the Sovereign) ... It gets worse and worse, I throw out the newspapers, it hurts, it hurts all the time. All good things are forgotten; it is hard to read curses about a loved one; the injustice of people and never a single good word .... Of course, they won’t allow you to print, but you understand what a pain. When they write nasty things about me - let them, they started poisoning it a long time ago. I don't care now, but that He was slandered, they throw dirt on the Anointed of God, it's too hard. Long-suffering Job. Only the Lord appreciates Him and will reward Him for meekness. How much it suffers inside, seeing the devastation. Nobody sees this.

Will it show others what is being done inside; after all, he loves his homeland terribly, how can you not get sick with your soul, seeing what is happening. I didn’t think that in three months you could see such anarchy, but you have to endure and pray to the end ... Pray that He saves everything. And the Army... you cry, I can’t read, I drop everything and remember the suffering of the Savior. He died for us sinners, maybe he will have mercy again. You can’t write all this, but it’s not by mail, and the new commandant (colonel Kobylinsky), the censor, will not scold me, I think, but you don’t lose faith, don’t, don’t, otherwise you won’t have enough strength to live .. If the reward is not here, then there, in another world, and for this we live. Everything passes here, there is Bright Eternity. Oh, believe it!

The kingdom of evil is now on earth. Whoever has a clear conscience can endure slander and injustice more easily. We do not live for ourselves, but for others, for the Motherland (as they understood it). More than He (the Sovereign) did is impossible. But since they said it for the common good... But I do not believe that the Lord will not reward for this. And those who acted so vilely, their eyes will be opened, many already have it.

The psychology of the masses is a terrible thing. Our people are already very uncultured - because, like a herd of sheep, they follow the wave. But to let them know that they are deceived - everything can go the other way. Capable people, but gray, do not understand anything. Since the bad everywhere work for destruction, let the good ones try to save the country. The bad ones will not get better, but there are good ones somewhere, but, of course, weak “drops in the ocean”, as you call them, but all together can be a stream of cleansing water over time and wash away all the dirt.

We must finish. I always pray for you. God bless you. Wishing you all the best, a speedy recovery and peace of mind."

From a letter from Alexandra Fedorovna to M. M. Syroboyarskaya (mother of A. V. Syroboyarsky). June 4, 1917
“The weather is very good. The children are already very tanned, especially Maria. Life is the same, they study every day, they need to catch up more, because in winter they were sick, and moreover, time passes faster. OH (the Sovereign) and Alexei walk for an hour in the morning. Everything is from two to five, and He is with girls from seven and a half to eight. Still, there is a lot in the air, and it is useful for everyone. Physical work is necessary for the Sovereign, I got used to it from childhood. Together with the late father (Alexander III), they sawed and cut down the forest, and so He still does with his people. Sometimes, if the soldiers are good, they help carry firewood.

Now He has a lot of time to read, which in recent years has rarely been possible.. He is terribly fond of historical and military literature, but after so many years it is difficult to be without papers, telegrams, letters ... With humility, without grumbling, he endures everything that concerns Him, but how he suffers for the Motherland ... for the Army - it's you and Alexander Vladimirovich you understand. It is unbearably hard to see this rapid devastation in everything ... it's a shame, it hurts - all the work is gone. The Lord alone can still save his beloved Motherland, and I do not lose this hope, although much hard work will still have to be endured.

There are good people (although they are few). In general, I have had little trust in people for a long time, I have seen too much evil in my life, but I believe in God, and this is the main thing. Everything is possible for him. But it's time to end. God bless you. Kiss you hard."

From a letter from Olga Nikolaevna - Z. S. Tolstoy (born Bekhteev - sister of the poet S. S. Bekhteev, wife of Colonel P. S. Tolstoy). June 6, 1917
“... now the cutting of dry trees has begun in the garden, we are sawing firewood, etc. The garden is flourishing. We ate our first radish yesterday. It is very red and very tasty.” From a letter from Tatyana Nikolaevna - Z. S. Tolstoy.

June 23, 1917 “We all work in the evenings in the afternoon, too, and Papa reads to us. We are now finishing the sixth volume of the book "Le comte Monte-Cristo", by Alexandre Dumas. Do you know it? Terribly interesting. And before they read about different detectives; interesting too." From a letter from Olga Nikolaevna - V. V. Komstadius (wife of Mayon General N. N. Komstadius. She kept a hospital for the wounded in Tsarskoe Selo). July 12, 1917 “Dear Vera Vladimirovna! I am deeply touched and thank you for your good wishes. All mine send you greetings. Our garden is flourishing. We also helped clear the hay and I learned how to mow a bit. All the best to you."

From a letter from Tatiana Nikolaevna to Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna. July 20, 1917
“Thank you very much, my dear Godmother, for the letter. I am glad that you are all, thank God, healthy, and for you that you can finally have all your boys at home. We are nothing here. Papa received your letter on the day of his departure, but no more. We all wanted to write - but did not know if it was possible and how. Since teachers are not allowed to visit us, the lessons are taught at home. Mom and Dad then give us. We read and play the piano with Nastenka.
We go to the forest, where Papa and our people are cutting dry trees and chopping them for firewood. We help and carry them, and put them in sazhens. This work has been around for about 2 months, and before that we dug the beds ourselves, and a very good garden came out, from which we eat. There were about 60 beds. In the evenings, Dad reads aloud to us every day, and we work or do something else.

The four of us now go to shave, because. her hair was terribly falling out after measles, and Maria had more than half of her head come out - horror, what is it, but now it’s so comfortable. We think a lot and often about you all. May the Lord keep you all."

From a letter from Tatiana Nikolaevna to Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna. July 1917
“It is sad that we will not be with you in August. We are all fine here, only Mom has not been feeling very well the last few days, as it was hot and her heart hurts because of this. We walk every morning and afternoon. Our people walk with us during the day, because look after order. And others help us cut old dry trees. And, of course, several shooters with rifles and a chief officer on duty. Everything is as it should be Ar (estants) ...
Goodbye, my dear, dear Aunt Xenia. Christ is with you all."

Entry in the diary of the Sovereign: Sunday, July 30, 1917
“Today, dear Alexei is 13 years old. May the Lord give him health, patience, strength of spirit and body in these difficult times! We went to mass, and after breakfast to a prayer service, to which they brought the icon of the Mother of God of the Sign. Somehow it was especially warm to pray to Her Holy Face with all our people. She was brought and carried away through the garden by the arrows of the 3rd regiment ... "

The departure of the Royal Family was scheduled for the night of Tuesday, August 1, 1917. By one in the morning everyone gathered in a semicircular hall. The night passed in agonizing expectation, only at five in the morning cars were brought, and the Royal Family, escorted by a detachment of cavalry, left the Alexander Palace. The train was brought to the little Alexandrovskaya station, three versts from Tsarskoye Selo. At ten minutes to six on August 1 (14), the train left the station.


August 6 (19), 1917 - May 7 (20), 1918 From a letter from Tatyana Nikolaevna - Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna. September 18, 1917

“It's terribly nice that we have a balcony on which the sun warms from morning to evening, it's fun to sit there and watch the street, how everyone drives and passes. Our only entertainment. From our windows there is a very beautiful view of the mountains and the upper city, where there is a large Cathedral.

On Sundays there is lunch in the hall, there were two times in the church. You can imagine what a joy it was for us after 6 months, since you remember how uncomfortable our field church was in Tsarskoe Selo. This is a good church. One large summer one in the middle, where they serve for the parish, and two winter ones on the sides. In the right aisle they served for us alone. It is not far from here, you have to go through the city and directly opposite, across the street. We carried my mother in a chair, otherwise it was still difficult for her to walk. It is sad that she has severe pains in her face all the time, it seems, from her teeth and sweat from dampness.

And everyone else is healthy. What do you do all day - how do you spend your time? We all sit together in the evenings, someone reads aloud. We also have breakfast together, and drink tea alone. I will be waiting for letters from you. All the best. God bless you all. We kiss everyone hard, hard; hard as we love. We pray for you. Loving you very much
your goddaughter Tatiana

From a letter from Alexandra Feodorovna - A. A. Vyrubova. December 20, 1917“Just promise me to burn all my letters, as this could harm you endlessly if they find out that you are in correspondence with us. People are still quite crazy. We were at church at 8 am. They don't always let us. Busy all day, lessons start at 9 o'clock.

Law of God with Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexei. German three times with Tatiana and 1 time with Marie and reading with Tatiana. Then I sew, embroider, draw all day with glasses, my eyes are weakened, I read good books, I love the Bible very much ...

I am sad that they can only walk in the yard, behind the boards ... He (the Sovereign) is directly amazing - such a fortress of spirit, although he endlessly suffers for the country, but I am amazed looking at Him. All other members of the family are so brave and good and never complain... Little (Aleksey) is an angel.

I have lunch with him, I also have breakfast, only sometimes I go downstairs. A priest is not allowed for lessons. During the services, the officers, the commandant and the commissar stand near us so that we do not dare to speak. The priest is very good, devoted.

Oh God save Russia! This is the cry of the soul day and night - everything is in it for me - only not this shameful, terrible world ... everyone must suffer for everything they have done, but no one understands this ... Now you are learning not to have any personal desires. The Lord is merciful and will not leave those who trust in Him. How old I have become, but I feel like the mother of this country and I suffer as if for my child, and I love my Motherland, despite all the horrors now and all the sins.
You know that it is impossible to tear out love from my heart and Russia too, despite the black ingratitude towards the Sovereign, which breaks my heart, but this is not the whole country. Illness after which she will get stronger

Lord, have mercy and save Russia!... Suffering from all sides. How long no news from my relatives. But an amazing peace of mind, infinite faith given by the Lord, and therefore I always hope. And we will meet too - with our love that breaks walls. I am impatient at times, angry when people are dishonest and offend those I love. Kiss, bless, pray without end.

From the letters of Nicholas II to his sister, Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna. September 23, 1917
“My dear Xenia, I recently received your letter dated March 23, written exactly six months ago. It contained two icons, one from you, the other from M. Trub. I thank him heartily and her too. We haven't seen each other for a long, long time. I also hoped that you would be able to visit us as far as the Crimea. And how we hoped that we would be sent there and locked up in Livadia, after all, closer to you. How many times have I asked Kerensky about this.
We constantly think about all of you and live with you with the same feelings and the same suffering.
May the Lord keep you all. I hug you tightly, my dear Xenia, Sandro and the children.
Your old Nicky."

November 5, 1917
My dear, dear Xenia. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind letter dated October 15, which brought me great joy. Everything you write about Mom's health has now reassured me. God grant that her strength is fully restored and that she takes care of her health.

We have just returned from mass, which for us begins at 8 o'clock in total darkness.. In order to get to our church, we need to go through the city garden and cross the street - only 555 steps from the house. The shooters stand in a sparse chain to the right and left, and when we return home, they gradually leave their places and go behind, while others are far off to the side, and all this reminds us of the end of the paddock, so that every time we enter our gate with a laugh. I am very glad that you have reduced security - "he is tired of" both you and them, of course. Poor, confused people."

January 24, 1918
“My dear sweet Xenia. Today is your name day, although I didn't find it on the calendar. I congratulate You from the bottom of my heart and send my wishes to You for health and all the best. In the morning I felt the need to speak with You in writing today. How often we spent this day together with the whole family and under other circumstances, happier than the present ones. God willing, these will pass. We still live quietly and constantly remember dear Mom and you dear ones. All the children have been ill with mild rubella since the New Year. Now they are healthy for a long time and continue to go out in any weather. The last days were very cold, a strong storm with 25-30-degree frosts. Winds penetrate even into the house, and the temperature of some rooms reached 7-8 degrees Celsius, for example, in the hall and in my office. But you get used to everything, we dress warmly and in the morning we sit in felt boots - until the stoves are kindled. Excellent.
The time from tea to dinner is usually occupied with rehearsals of different plays in different rooms, with which our whole circle is occupied. Time passes so imperceptibly. Until now we have been playing a French play, now we are learning Russian and English. I'm going to play with Olga and Marie in Chekhov's funny joke - "The Bear". I hope we make others laugh. Good memory exercise. Well, that's all for now. Christ is with you all. Loving you with all my heart. Your old Nicky.

From a letter from Olga Nikolaevna to Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna. February 6(19), 1918
“Aunt Xenia, dear, dear, I was so happy about your long letter. Thank God that everything is fine with you in Ai-Todor, and with us, too, so far you can’t complain. The sun shines almost always, and here it is somehow especially bright. It is already dark now, but the moon is shining strongly and there are a lot of bright stars. Very good sunsets. Snow has increased lately, and our mountain is flourishing. That is quite small, at the level of the fence, but this is good, because from above we see people passing and passing by. Sometimes some stop and stare, and if the sentry is angry, then he chases them with might and main.

We are now rolling down ourselves, firstly, so that the crowd does not gather, and then, so that they themselves do not ask us from there, which is rather boring, but so far everything is fine. Sometimes the boy Misha comes to us for a ride.
As you can see, there are few guests, but they are nice. I am writing to you, sitting in the corridor on the chest, it is somehow warmer and more comfortable.

It's time to go to everyone. I will play bridge with Trina, Valya and Evg. Serg. The rest play bezique or work. Dad read aloud Leskov.
Time to go to rehearsal. Hugs to all and best wishes. God bless you.
Your Olga.

From a letter from Alexandra Feodorovna - A. A. Vyrubova. March 13 (26), 1918
“The Lord God gave us unexpected joy and consolation, allowing us to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, for the cleansing of sins and eternal life. Light jubilation and love fill the soul.

Think I've been to church 3 times! Oh, how comforting that was. The choir sang wonderfully, and excellent female voices; “May it be corrected” we sang at home 8 times without a real rehearsal, but the Lord helped. It's such a pleasure to be a part of the service. Batiushka and the deacon begged us to continue singing, and we hope to arrange, if possible, or manage to invite a bassist. I read newspapers and telegrams and do not understand anything. Peace, and the Germans continue to go deep into the country - to their death. But is it possible to act so cruelly? My God! So heavy! One week we sat alone in the evening, embroidered, and He (the Sovereign) read to us about St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Do you remember when we read his life together? The Father is now reading the entire Old Testament for himself.

They confessed to another priest (Father Vladimir Khlynov), the one who now always serves; there was a common prayer with our people. I bless and gently kiss. Hi all".

From a letter from Tatyana Nikolaevna to Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna. 1(14) April 1918
Dushka, dear Aunt Xenia. We are happy about your letter. Thanks a lot. So much time there was no news from you, and there are so many rumors in the newspapers that - that's all.

At us while all thanks to the God, more or less safely. Of course, many dirty tricks, etc., came here in large numbers. Red Guards, etc., well, they keep us stricter again. Everyone was transferred from that house here, quite crowded, but nothing, God willing ... The weather is spring: the snow melts well and there is a lot of water everywhere. The sun is very warm, and we have already begun to sunbathe. Today it was 7 degrees in the shade and a strong wind. Yes, we are all terribly sorry for you and mentally say a lot of good things. I can imagine how hard it was to leave Ai Todor... And you can't even see T.O. and Irina. Such disgusting, but there's nothing you can do about it.

Was with us in the morning at 11:30. dinner, and yesterday vigil. Interesting news. You know, our people will no longer be released, so that it would be like in Tsarskoye Selo. I do not understand why; when we have been kept in exactly the same way since last year, and why others are so oppressed, I don’t understand at all, and, in my opinion, there’s no point.

How funny they are dressed, that is, they are armed with reds. - they are directly hung with weapons, something hangs or sticks out everywhere.
You, probably, also do things, so to speak, for your benefit, right? I hope you will be able to speak on Strastnaya? Now I'm finishing. Perhaps you will receive this letter. Everything is strong, we kiss and hug you tightly. God bless you.
Your Olga.«

From a letter from Alexandra Fedorovna -A.A. Vyrubova. April 8(21), 1918
"My dear! We warmly thank you for everything: testicles, postcards, the little one - for chocolate, a bird, for a wonderful image - stood at the table at the service. Thanks to my mother for poems, notes, a book. Thank you all. It was snowing again, but the sun was bright. Alexey's leg is slowly getting better, less suffering, the night was better at last. We are waiting for a search today; Nice.

I don’t know how the correspondence will continue, I hope it’s possible. Pray for your loved ones. The atmosphere is electric all around, a thunderstorm is felt, but the Lord is merciful and will protect from all evil. There will be lunch today, but it's still hard not to go to church. You know this better than anyone, my little martyr. I am not sending it through A., as she is waiting for the search. It's sad to burn your letters forever; everyone is so good from you, but what to do? Don't get attached to worldly things...

It's terribly sad that Osorgin died, but who else? How many unfortunate victims! Innocent, but they are happier in the next world. Although the storm is approaching - my heart is peaceful - everything is by the will of God. He does everything for the best. Trust only in Him. Thank Him that the little one is easier. God bless you Christ. I bless, hug, carry in my heart, wish you health, strength of mind. Greetings to all from your ever-loving old M.

From a letter from Maria Nikolaevna - Z. S. Tolstoy. May 4(17), 1918

“It was terribly sad that we never managed to be in the Cathedral and venerate the relics of St. John of Tobolsk.

From Olga Nikolaevna's letter:
“The Father asks to convey to all those who remained devoted to Him, and to those whom they can influence, so that they do not avenge Him, since He has forgiven everyone and prays for everyone, and that they do not avenge themselves and that they remember that the evil that is now in the world will be even stronger, but that it is not evil that will conquer evil, but only love.

Chronological list of events of the way of the cross of the Royal Martyrs:

February 22 (March 7 - new style), 1917 - the departure of the Sovereign Emperor to Headquarters, which served as a signal for the start of revolutionary actions.

February 27 (March 12), 1917 - formation of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma and the Council of Workers' (and Soldiers') Deputies and their seizure of power in Petrograd.

March 8 (21), 1917 - the arrest of the Sovereign Emperor in Mogilev. Arrest of the Empress and the August children
in Tsarskoye Selo.

April 13 (26), 1918 - Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna were taken away from Tobolsk.

April 17 (30), 1918 - the arrival of the Sovereign, Empress and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna in Yekaterinburg.

May 7 (20), 1918 - departure from Tobolsk of Tsesarevich Alexei, Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia on the ship "Rus".

For almost a year and four months, the Royal Family lived in custody:
- almost half a year in Tsarskoye Selo,
- over 8 months in Tobolsk,
- the last two and a half months - in Yekaterinburg.

night one

The hero of the work has been living in St. Petersburg for eight years, but at the same time he has not managed to make a single acquaintance. He knows almost the whole city: he knows many people by sight and sees them on the streets every day. One of these people is an old man whom the hero meets at a certain hour on the Fontanka. If they are both in a good mood, then they bow to each other. The dreamer is familiar at home. Sometimes he even imagines that they are talking to him, or that he himself communicates with them with pleasure: “I have favorites of them, there are short friends; one of them intends to be treated by an architect this summer. I’ll come in on purpose every day so that they don’t heal somehow, God save him! .. ”For three days the hero was tormented by anxiety, the cause of which was the fear of loneliness. The city was empty, as its inhabitants left for the country. The dreamer was ready to go with them, but no one invited him, as if everyone had forgotten him, as if he was a complete stranger to them.

Returning at a later time after a walk, the hero saw a girl on the embankment, staring intently into the water of the canal. The girl was crying, and while the hero was looking for polite words of comfort, she passed him on the sidewalk. He did not dare to follow her. Not far from the stranger, a drunken gentleman suddenly appeared and hurried after her. The hero rushed at the man with a gnarled stick, and only then did he leave the lady alone. The dreamer tells the girl that in his dreams he creates whole novels, but in fact he has never even met women because of his timidity. The girl says that she even likes such modesty. The hero hopes for the next meeting and asks the stranger to come to the embankment again the next night. The lady promises to be at nine, but begs not to fall in love with her and rely only on friendship. The girl has some secret that she does not want to talk about. The dreamer felt so happy that he wandered around the city all night, unable to return home.

Night two

Upon meeting, the lady asks the hero to tell her his story, to which he replies that he has no story. The girl has a blind grandmother who won't let her go anywhere. After the heroine messed up two years ago, the old woman pinned her dress to hers with a pin, and now the young lady is forced to sit at home and read aloud to her grandmother. The hero says that he is a dreamer, and only then remembers that he does not know the name of his companion. She introduces herself as Nastya. The hero tells the girl about who the dreamers are: “No, Nastenka, what does he care about all this trifle now! He is now already rich in his special life; he somehow suddenly became rich, and it was not in vain that the parting ray of the fading sun flashed before him so cheerfully and evoked a whole swarm of impressions from a warmed heart. Now he hardly notices the road on which before the smallest trifle could strike him. In his dreams, the hero lived to be twenty-six years old, he even celebrates the "anniversary of his sensations." The girl tells the dreamer her story.

Nastenka's mother and father died very early, and so she ended up with her grandmother. Once, when the old woman fell asleep, the girl persuaded the deaf worker Thekla to sit down in her place and went to her friend. When the grandmother woke up and asked about something, Thekla was frightened and ran away, because she could not understand what she was being asked about. Somehow, a new tenant of pleasant appearance moved into the mezzanine of my grandmother's house.

He gave Nastenka books, invited them with their grandmother to the theater at the Barber of Seville. After that, the three of them visit the theater several more times, and then the tenant reports that he is leaving for Moscow. Nastenka collects things secretly from her grandmother and wants to go with him. The man says that he cannot marry a girl yet, but in a year he will definitely come for her: “I swear to you that if someday I am able to marry, then you will certainly make up my happiness; I assure you, now you alone can make up my happiness. Listen: I'm going to Moscow and will stay there for exactly a year. I hope to arrange my affairs. When I toss and turn, and if you do not stop loving me, I swear to you, we will be happy. Now he has been in the city for three days, but does not come to Nastenka. The dreamer invites the girl to write a letter to her beloved and promises to send it through Nastenka's acquaintances. The heroine gives him a letter, already written and sealed a long time ago.

Night three

On a cloudy and rainy day, the hero realizes that Nastenka's love for him was only a joy about a quick meeting with another. The girl came on a date with the hero an hour earlier, because she really wanted to see her beloved and hoped that he would come. But the man didn't come. The dreamer reassures Nastenka: “Just think: he could hardly get a letter; suppose he cannot come, suppose he will answer, so the letter will not arrive until tomorrow. The girl hopes to see her beloved the next day, but the feeling of annoyance does not leave her. She laments that her lover is not like the dreamer who is so kind to her.

night fourmaterial from the site

The next day at nine o'clock the heroes were already on the embankment. However, the man did not appear. The dreamer confesses his love to Nastenka, but says that he understands her feelings for another person and treats them with respect. The girl says that that man betrayed her, and therefore she will try with all her might to stop loving him. When the heroes were about to leave the embankment, a young man approached them: “God, what a cry! How she shuddered! How she escaped from my hands and fluttered towards him! .. ”Nastenka left with her beloved, and the dreamer looked after them for a long time.


On a dull and rainy day, Matryona, a worker, brought a letter to the dreamer from Nastenka. The girl asked for forgiveness and thanked the hero for his love. She promises to keep the dreamer in her memory forever and asks not to forget her. Hero re-read the letter several times, and tears welled up in his eyes: “But so that I remember my offense, Nastenka! So that I catch up with a darker cloud on your clear, serene happiness, so that, bitterly reproaching, I catch melancholy on your heart, stab it with secret remorse and make it beat sadly in a moment of bliss, so that I crush at least one of these tender beautiful flowers that you wove into your black curls when you went with him to the altar ... Oh, never, never! The dreamer mentally thanks the girl for a moment of happiness, a minute of bliss that she gave him.

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June 19, 2015

The syntax of the Russian language considers the structure of phrases and sentences. At the same time, the construction and punctuation of various types of complex sentences usually cause particular difficulty, especially with three or more predicative parts. Let us consider, using specific examples, the types of NGN with several subordinate clauses, the ways of connecting the main and subordinate parts in them, the rules for putting punctuation marks in them.

Complex sentence: definition

To clearly express a thought, we use various syntactic constructions. A complex sentence is characterized by the fact that two or more predicative parts are distinguished in it. They can be equivalent in relation to each other or enter into a relationship of dependence. NGN is a sentence in which the subordinate clause is subordinate to the main clause and is joined to it with the help of subordinating conjunctions and / or allied words. For example, " [Styopka was very tired in the evening], (WHY?) (since he walked at least ten kilometers in a day)". Here and below, square brackets denote the main part, round brackets denote the dependent part. Accordingly, in NGN with several subordinate clauses, at least three predicative parts are distinguished, two of which will be dependent: “ [The area, (WHAT?) (which they were passing now), was well known to Andrei Petrovich], (WHY?) (since a good half of his childhood passed here)". At the same time, it is important to correctly determine the boundaries of simple sentences where commas should be placed.

NGN with multiple clauses

A table with examples will help determine what types of complex sentences with three or more predicative parts are divided into.

Type of subordination of the subordinate part of the main



The guys rushed into the river with a run, the water in which had already warmed up enough, because the last few days had been incredibly hot.

Parallel (non-uniform)

When the speaker finished speaking, there was silence in the hall, as the audience was shocked by what they heard.


Anton Pavlovich said that reinforcements would soon arrive and that you just need to be patient a little.

With different types of submission

Nastenka re-read the letter for the second time, which was trembling in her hands, and thought that now she would have to quit her studies, that her hopes for a new life had not come true.

Let's figure out how to correctly determine the type of subordination in NGN with several subordinate clauses. The examples above will help.

Sequential submission

In a sentence " [The guys ran into the river] 1 , (the water in which has already warmed up enough) 2 , (because the last few days have been incredibly hot) 3»First, we select three parts. Then, with the help of questions, we establish semantic relationships: [... X], (in which ... X), (because ...). We see that the second part has become the main one for the third.

Let's take another example. " [There was a vase with wild flowers on the table], (which the guys gathered), (when they went to the forest on an excursion)". The scheme of this NGN is similar to the first: [... X], (which ... X), (when ...).

Thus, with homogeneous subordination, each subsequent part depends on the previous one. Such NGN with several subordinate clauses - examples confirm this - resemble a chain, where each subsequent link joins the one in front.

Parallel (heterogeneous) subordination

In this case, all subordinate clauses refer to the main part (to the whole part or the word in it), but they answer different questions and differ in meaning. " (When the speaker finished speaking) 1 , [there was silence in the hall] 2 , (as the audience was shocked by what they heard) 3 » . Let's analyze this NGN with several clauses. Its scheme will look like this: (when ...), [... X], (since ...). We see that the first subordinate part (it stands before the main one) denotes time, and the second - the reason. Therefore, they will answer different questions. Second example: [Vladimir certainly needed to find out today] 1, (at what time the train from Tyumen arrives) 2, (in order to have time to meet a friend) 3". The first subordinate clause is explanatory, the second is purpose.

Homogeneous submission

This is the case when it is appropriate to draw an analogy with another well-known syntactic construction. For registration of PP with homogeneous members and such NGN with several subordinate clauses, the rules are the same. Indeed, in the sentence [Anton Pavlovich talked about] 1, (that reinforcements will arrive soon) 2 and (that you just need to be patient a little) 3» subordinate parts - 2nd and 3rd - refer to one word, answer the question "what?" and both are explanatory. In addition, they are interconnected with the help of the union and, which is not preceded by a comma. Imagine this in a diagram: [... X], (what ...) and (what ...).

In NGN with several subordinate clauses, with homogeneous subordination between the subordinate clauses, any coordinating conjunctions are sometimes used - the punctuation rules will be the same as when making homogeneous members - and the subordinating conjunction in the second part may be completely absent. For example, " [He stood at the window for a long time and looked] 1, (as cars drove up to the house one after another) 2 and (workers unloaded building materials) 3».

NGN with several subordinate clauses with different types of subordination

Very often, four or more parts are distinguished as part of a complex sentence. In this case, they can communicate with each other in different ways. Let's look at the example in the table: [Nastenka re-read the letter for the second time, (which was shaking in her hands) 2 , and thought] 1 , (that now she would have to quit her studies) 3 , (that her hopes for a new life were not justified) 4". This is a sentence with parallel (heterogeneous) (P 1,2,3-4) and homogeneous (P 2,3,4) subordination: [... X, (which ...), ... X], (what ...), (what ... ). Or another option: [Tatyana was silent all the way and only looked out the window] 1, (behind which small, closely located villages flickered) 2, (where people fussed) 3 and (work was in full swing) 4)". This is a complex sentence with sequential (P 1,2,3 and P 1,2,4) and homogeneous (P 2,3,4) subordination: [... X], (followed by ...), (where ...) and (... ).

Punctuation marks at the junction of conjunctions

To punctuate a complex sentence, it is usually enough to correctly determine the boundaries of the predicative parts. The complexity, as a rule, is the punctuation of NGN with several subordinate clauses - examples of schemes: [... X], (when, (which ...), ...) or [... X], [... X], (how (with whom ...), then ...) - when two subordinating unions (allied words) are nearby. This is characteristic of sequential submission. In such a case, you need to pay attention to the presence of the second part of the double union in the sentence. For example, " [An open book remained on the sofa] 1, (which, (if there was time) 3, Konstantin would certainly have read to the end) 2 ". Second option: " [I swear] 1 , (that (when I get back from my trip home) 3 , I will definitely visit you and tell you everything in detail) 2 ". When working with such NGN with several clauses, the rules are as follows. If the second clause can be excluded from the sentence without compromising the meaning, a comma is placed between unions (and / or allied words), if not, it is absent. Let's return to the first example: " [There was a book on the sofa] 1, (which had to be finished in time) 2 ". In the second case, if the second subordinate part is excluded, the grammatical structure of the sentence will be violated by the word "that".

Should be remembered

A good assistant in mastering the NGN with several subordinate clauses - exercises, the implementation of which will help consolidate the knowledge gained. In this case, it is better to act according to the algorithm.

  1. Read the sentence carefully, mark the grammatical foundations in it and indicate the boundaries of the predicative parts (simple sentences).
  2. Select all means of communication, not forgetting about compound or used conjunctions.
  3. Establish semantic connections between the parts: to do this, first find the main one, then ask a question (s) from it to the subordinate (s).
  4. Build a diagram, showing on it with arrows the dependence of parts on each other, put punctuation marks in it. Move commas into the written sentence.

Thus, attentiveness in the construction and analysis (including punctuation) of a complex sentence - NGN with several specific clauses - and reliance on the above features of this syntactic construction will ensure the correct execution of the proposed tasks.

Only in the third quarter, ninth-graders get acquainted with the topic “Types of subordination of subordinate parts in a complex sentence”, but they are preparing for the exam from the beginning of the school year.

Let's try to deal with task 13 in the test part of the OGE. For observation, let us turn to the story of A.P. Chekhov "Dear Lessons"

Recall the wording of this task: “Among the sentences ___ find a complex sentence cuniform submission. Write the number of this offer. Instead of words in bold style, there may be such words: " with heterogeneous (parallel) subordination" or " with sequential submission».

Let's define the conventions that will help us in the analysis of the structure of a complex sentence (abbreviated CSP). To highlight the main part, we use square brackets, for the subordinate clause - round brackets (). We will draw up both linear and vertical supply schemes.

First, let's practice drawing up NGN diagrams with one subordinate part. Please note that the position of the subordinate clause can be different: preposition, interposition and postposition. Prefixes in the word "position" already contain an indication of the place of the subordinate clause in the sentence.

Consider examples.

1. Preposition adverbial adverbial goal: (To breathe easier) 1, [he always works in a nightgown] 2.

2. Interposition of adverbial adverbial time: [The next day in the evening, (when the clock showed five minutes to seven) 2, Alisa Osipovna came] 1.

3. Postposition of the adverbial adverbial tense: [Vorotov felt this strongly] 1, (when, having left the university with a candidate's degree, he took up a small scientific work) 2.

In the first example, we found the clause at the beginning of the sentence, in the second - in the middle, in the third - at the end of the SPP.

Let us clarify that complex sentences in the text can have various complications, and if you do not recognize them, you can get confused, so we will explain these complications in each example. So, in the third sentence, the subordinate part is complicated by a separate circumstance, expressed by a participial turnover (abbreviated as DO).

Determine if there are any types of complications in the following three examples. What is the position of the adjective in them?

2) Her facial expression was cold, businesslike, like that of a person who came to talk about money.

3) If this strange proposal had been made by a minor, then, probably, she would have been angry and shouted.

You should have noticed that in the first two sentences the clause is in postposition, but in the last example it is in preposition.

So, let's check our observation.

2. [The expression on her face was cold business, like a person] 1 , (who came to talk about money) 2 .

3. (If this strange proposal was made by a minor) 1, [then, probably, she would be angry and shouted] 2 .

Line diagrams are very convenient.

Now let's find out what types of complications we encountered here. The first sentence has a separate application, expressed by a proper name, and homogeneous predicates. In the second, a separate circumstance expressed by a comparative turnover, and homogeneous definitions are in the main part. And, finally, in the third sentence there is an introductory word and homogeneous predicates in the main part.

We will not introduce all these complications into the schemes, since only homogeneous predicates play the main role in the structure of the NGN, and yet we will keep them in mind.

Now let's get acquainted with the types of subordination in NGN, which have several subordinate parts.

It is difficult to say exactly which type is more common, most likely, various combinations and mixed cases are possible, when several types of submission can be in one NGN. But you will not find such examples on the exam.

Let's analyze the proposal:

And he also asked her if she wanted tea or coffee, if the weather was good outside.

In this sentence, from the main part to two explanatory clauses, we ask the same question "about what?"

[And he also asked her] 1 , (does she want to tea or coffee) 2 , (is the weather good outside) 3 .

To compare the two types of schemes, we offer both: linear and vertical.

NGN SCHEMES with homogeneous subordination:

This way of submission is called homogeneous. If there were more than two subordinate parts with a similar structure, then one of the unions LI would be omitted to avoid repetition. But restoring it is very easy.

Consider another suggestion:

Now we find the main and subordinate parts, draw up diagrams.

[On one winter afternoon, (when Vorotov sat in my office and worked) 2 , the footman reported] 1 , (that some young lady asked him) 3 .

NGN SCHEMES with heterogeneous (parallel) subordination:

Here, from the main part, we ask two different questions: the lackey reported "when?" and "about what?". The subordinate parts are no longer homogeneous, they have different meanings: one of them is adverbial tense, the other is explanatory. This method is called parallel.

Now let's look at the last example.

Only once did a look of bewilderment flickered across her face when she learned that she had been invited to teach not children, but an adult, fat person.

We come to the conclusion that the adnexal parts also answer different questions: there was a flash of bewilderment "when?", she found out "about what?". We ask these questions not from the main part, but sequentially: from the first subordinate to the second subordinate part.

[Just once, a look of bewilderment flashed across her face] 1 , (when she found out) 2 , (that she was invited to teach not children, a adult, fat man) 3 .

NGN SCHEMES with serial subordination:

This way of subordination is called sequential.

For self-examination, we offer five suggestions. Please note that you may encounter a mixed type of submission if there are more than two subordinate parts.

Self test

1) Alisa Osipovna, with a cold, businesslike expression, answered him that she had completed her course at a private boarding school and had the rights of a home teacher, that her father had recently died of scarlet fever, her mother was alive and was making flowers ...

2) She apologized and said that she could only study for half an hour, as she would go straight to the ball from the lesson.

3) And Vorotov, looking at her embarrassment, realized how dear the ruble was for her and how hard it would be for her to lose this income.

4) She, apparently, did not want her gentlemen to know that she had students and that she gave lessons out of need.


Here, unions are highlighted in color, and all complications are in italics:

1. [Alisa Osipovna with cold business answered him with an expression] 1, (that she finished the course in a private boarding school) 2 and (has the rights of a home teacher) 3, (that her father had recently died of scarlet fever) 4, (mother is alive ) 5 and (makes flowers) 6...

2. [She apologized and said] 1 , (which can only be done for half an hour) 2 , (since the lesson will go straight to the ball) 3 .

3. [And Vorotov, looking at her embarrassment, understood] 1, (how dear the ruble was for her) 2 and (how hard it would be for her to lose this income) 3 .

4. [Hey, apparently, didn’t want] 1, (for her gentlemen to know) 2, (that she has students) 3 and (that she gives lessons out of need) 4 .

Now let's read the whole story in full.

A.P. Chekhov

Dear Lessons

For an educated person, ignorance of languages ​​is a great inconvenience. Vorotov felt this strongly when, having left the university with a Ph.D., he took up a small scientific work.

This is terrible! - he said breathlessly (despite his twenty-six years, he is plump, heavy and suffers from shortness of breath). - This is terrible! Without tongues I am like a bird without wings. Just quit your job.

And he decided at all costs to overcome his innate laziness and learn French and German, and began to look for teachers.

One winter afternoon, when Vorotov was sitting in his office and working, the footman reported that some young lady was asking him.

Ask, - said Vorotov.

And a young, in the latest fashion, elegantly dressed young lady entered the office. She introduced herself as a French teacher, Alisa Osipovna Anket, and said that one of his friends sent her to Vorotov.

Very nice! Sit down! - said Vorotov, panting and covering the collar of his nightgown with his palm. (To breathe easier, he always works in a nightgown.) - Pyotr Sergeyevich sent you to me? Yes, yes... I asked him... Very happy!

Negotiating with m-lle Annette, he looked at her shyly and with curiosity. She was a real, very elegant Frenchwoman, still very young. By her face, pale and languid, by her short curly hair and unnaturally thin waist, she could have been no more than 18 years old; glancing at her broad, well-developed shoulders, beautiful back and stern eyes, Vorotov thought that she must be at least 23 years old, perhaps even all 25; but then again it began to seem that she was only 18. Her expression was cold, business-like, like that of a person who came to talk about money. She never smiled, did not frown, and only once did a flash of bewilderment flash across her face when she learned that she had been invited to teach not children, but an adult, fat person.

So, Alisa Osipovna, - Vorotov told her, - we will study daily from seven to eight in the evening. As for your desire to receive a ruble per lesson, I have nothing to object to. For the ruble - so for the ruble ...

And he also asked her if she wanted tea or coffee, if the weather was good outside, and, smiling good-naturedly, stroking the cloth on the table with his palm, he amiably inquired who she was, where she finished her course and how she lives.

Alisa Osipovna, with a cold, business-like expression, answered him that she had completed her course at a private boarding school and had the rights of a home teacher, that her father had recently died of scarlet fever, that her mother was alive and making flowers, that she, m lle Anket, was engaged in a private school until lunchtime. boarding school, and after dinner, until the evening, he goes to good houses and gives lessons.

She left, leaving behind a light, very delicate smell of a woman's dress. Vorotov did not work for a long time afterwards, but sitting at the table, stroking the green cloth with his palms and meditating.

"It's very nice to see girls earning a piece of bread for themselves," he thought. - On the other hand, it is very unpleasant to see that need does not spare even such graceful and pretty girls as this Alisa Osipovna, and she also has to fight for existence. Trouble!.. "

He, who had never seen virtuous French women, also thought that this elegantly dressed Alisa Osipovna, with well-developed shoulders and an exaggeratedly thin waist, in all likelihood, was doing something else besides lessons.

The next day in the evening, when the clock showed five minutes to seven, Alisa Osipovna came in, pink from the cold; she opened the Margot she had brought with her and began without preamble:

French grammar has twenty-six letters. The first letter is A, the second B...

Guilty, ”Vorotov interrupted her, smiling. “I must warn you, mademoiselle, that for me personally you will have to change your method somewhat. The fact is that I know Russian, Latin and Greek well... I studied comparative linguistics, and it seems to me that we can, bypassing Margot, directly start reading some author.

And he explained to the Frenchwoman how adults learn languages.

One of my acquaintances, he said, wanting to learn new languages, put the French, German and Latin gospels in front of him, read them in parallel, and painstakingly analyzed each word, and so what? He achieved his goal in less than one year. We will do so too. Let's take some author and we will read.

The Frenchwoman looked at him in bewilderment. Apparently, Vorotov's proposal seemed to her very naive and absurd. If this strange proposal had been made by a minor, she would probably have been angry and shouted, but since there was a grown-up and very fat man here, at whom it was impossible to shout, she only shrugged her shoulders barely perceptibly and said:

As you wish.

Vorotov rummaged through his bookcase and pulled out a tattered French book.

Is it good? - he asked.

Does not matter.

In that case, let's get started. God bless. Let's start with the title... Memoires.

Memories, - m-lle Anket translated.

Memories... repeated Vorotov. Smiling good-naturedly and breathing heavily, he fiddled with the word memoires for a quarter of an hour and the same with the word de, and this tired Alisa Osipovna. She answered questions languidly, confused, and apparently did not understand her student well and did not try to understand. Vorotov offered her questions, while he himself looked at her blond head and thought: “Her hair is not naturally curly, it curls. Marvelous! He works from morning to night and still manages to curl.

Exactly at eight o'clock she got up and, saying a dry, cold "au revoir, monsieur" (goodbye, sir - fr.), went out of the office, and all that remained after her was that delicate, delicate, exciting smell. The student again did nothing for a long time, sat at the table and thought.

In the days that followed, he became convinced that his teacher, the young lady, was sweet, serious and tidy, but that she was very uneducated and did not know how to teach adults; and he decided not to waste time, to part with her and invite another teacher. When she came for the seventh time, he took out an envelope with seven rubles from his pocket and, holding it in his hands, became very embarrassed and began like this:

Excuse me, Alisa Osipovna, but I must tell you... I have been placed in a dire need...

Glancing at the envelope, the Frenchwoman guessed what was the matter, and for the first time in all the lessons her face trembled, and the cold, businesslike expression disappeared. She blushed slightly and, lowering her eyes, began to nervously finger her thin gold chain. And Vorotov, looking at her embarrassment, realized how dear the ruble was to her and how hard it would be for her to lose this income.

I have to tell you ... - he muttered, even more embarrassed, and something sank in his chest; he hurriedly thrust the envelope into his pocket and continued:

Excuse me, I... I'll leave you for ten minutes...

And pretending that he did not want to refuse her at all, but only asked permission to leave her for a while, he went into another room and sat there for ten minutes. And then came back even more confused; he realized that she could somehow explain this departure of his for a short time in her own way, and he was embarrassed.

The lessons started again.

Vorotov worked without any desire. Knowing that nothing would come of the lessons, he gave the Frenchwoman full rein, did not ask her about anything and did not interrupt. She translated as she wanted, ten pages in one lesson, but he did not listen, he breathed heavily, and, having nothing to do, looked at the curly head, then the neck, then the delicate white hands, inhaled the smell of her dress ...

He would catch himself thinking bad thoughts, and he would feel ashamed, or else he would be touched, and then he would feel chagrin and annoyance because she treated him so coldly, businesslike, as with a student, without smiling and as if afraid that he would touch her. to her by accident. He kept thinking: how to inspire confidence in her, get to know her better, then help her, let her know how badly she teaches, poor thing.

Alisa Osipovna once came to a lesson in a smart pink dress, with a small neckline, and such a fragrance came from her that it seemed as if she was shrouded in a cloud, as if one had only to blow on her, she would fly or dissipate like smoke. She apologized and said that she could only study for half an hour, as she would go straight from class to the ball.

He looked at her neck and at her back, bare near the neck, and seemed to understand why it was French women who enjoyed the reputation of frivolous and easily falling creatures; he was drowning in this cloud of aromas, beauty, nakedness, and she, not knowing his thoughts and probably not at all interested in them, quickly turned over the pages and translated at full speed:

- "He walked in the street and met the gentleman of his acquaintance and said:" Where are you rushing, seeing your face so pale, it hurts me.

The Memoires had long been finished, and now Alice was translating some other book. Once she came to the lesson an hour earlier, apologizing for the fact that at seven o'clock she had to go to the Maly Theater. After seeing her off after class, Vorotov got dressed and also went to the theatre. He went, as it seemed to him, only to rest, to have fun, and he had no thoughts about Alice. He could not allow a serious person, preparing for a scientific career, hard on his feet, to give up business and go to the theater only to meet there with an unfamiliar, not smart, little intelligent girl ...

But for some reason, during the intermissions, his heart was beating, he, without noticing it, how the boy ran along the foyer and along the corridors, impatiently looking for someone; and he grew bored when the intermission was over; and when he saw the familiar pink dress and beautiful shoulders under the tulle, his heart sank, as if from a premonition of happiness, he smiled joyfully and for the first time in his life experienced a jealous feeling.

Alice was walking with some two ugly students and an officer. She laughed, spoke loudly, evidently flirted; Vorotov had never seen her like this. Obviously, she was happy, satisfied, sincere, warm. From what? Why? Because, perhaps, these people were close to her, from the same circle as she... And Vorotov felt a terrible gulf between himself and this circle. He bowed to his teacher, but she nodded coldly to him and quickly passed by; she, apparently, did not want her gentlemen to know that she had students and that she gave lessons out of need.

After the meeting at the theater, Vorotov realized that he was in love... During the next lessons, devouring his graceful teacher with his eyes, he no longer struggled with himself, but gave full play to his pure and impure thoughts. Alisa Osipovna's face did not cease to be cold, at exactly eight o'clock every evening she calmly said "au revoir, monsieur", and he felt that she was indifferent to him and would be indifferent and that his position was hopeless.

Sometimes, in the middle of a lesson, he began to dream, hope, make plans, mentally compose a love explanation, recall that French women are frivolous and malleable, but all he had to do was look at the teacher’s face for his thoughts to instantly go out, like a candle goes out when it’s windy in the country house take it out to the terrace. Once he, drunk, forgetting, as if in delirium, could not stand it and, blocking her way, when she went out of the office into the hall after the lesson, gasping and stuttering, began to declare his love:

You are dear to me! I... I love you! Let me speak!

And Alice turned pale - probably from fear, realizing that after this explanation it would no longer be possible for her to come here and receive a ruble for a lesson; she made frightened eyes and whispered loudly:

Oh, it's impossible! Don't speak, please! It is forbidden!

And then Vorotov did not sleep all night, was tormented by shame, scolded himself, thought hard. It seemed to him that with his explanation he had offended the girl, that she would no longer come to him.

He decided to find out her address in the address table in the morning and write her an apology letter. But Alice came without a letter. For the first minute she felt awkward, but then she opened the book and began to translate quickly and glibly, as always:

"Oh, young master, don't tear those flowers in my garden that I want to give to my sick daughter..."

She walks until today. Four books have already been translated, but Vorotov knows nothing but the word "memoires", and when asked about his scientific work, he waves his hand and, without answering the question, starts talking about the weather.

Considers the structure of phrases and sentences. At the same time, the construction and punctuation of various types of complex sentences usually cause particular difficulty, especially with three or more predicative parts. Let us consider, using specific examples, the types of NGN with several subordinate clauses, the ways of connecting the main and subordinate parts in them, the rules for putting punctuation marks in them.

Complex sentence: definition

To clearly express a thought, we use a different sentence characterized by the fact that two or more predicative parts are distinguished in it. They can be equivalent in relation to each other or enter into a relationship of dependence. NGN is such a sentence in which the subordinate part is subordinate to the main part and joins it with the help of subordinating conjunctions and / or For example, " [Styopka was very tired in the evening], (WHY?) (since he walked at least ten kilometers in a day)". Hereinafter, the main part is denoted, round - dependent. Accordingly, in NGN with several subordinate clauses, at least three predicative parts are distinguished, two of which will be dependent: “ [The area, (WHAT?) (which they were passing now), was well known to Andrei Petrovich], (WHY?) (since a good half of his childhood passed here)". It is important to correctly determine the sentences where you need to put commas.

NGN with multiple clauses

A table with examples will help determine what types of complex sentences with three or more predicative parts are divided into.

Type of subordination of the subordinate part of the main



The guys rushed into the river with a run, the water in which had already warmed up enough, because the last few days had been incredibly hot.

Parallel (non-uniform)

When the speaker finished speaking, there was silence in the hall, as the audience was shocked by what they heard.


Anton Pavlovich said that reinforcements would soon arrive and that you just need to be patient a little.

With different types of submission

Nastenka re-read the letter for the second time, which was trembling in her hands, and thought that now she would have to quit her studies, that her hopes for a new life had not come true.

Let's figure out how to correctly determine the type of subordination in NGN with several subordinate clauses. The examples above will help.

Sequential submission

In a sentence " [The guys ran into the river] 1 , (the water in which has already warmed up enough) 2 , (because the last few days have been incredibly hot) 3»First, we select three parts. Then, with the help of questions, we establish semantic relationships: [... X], (in which ... X), (because ...). We see that the second part has become the main one for the third.

Let's take another example. " [There was a vase with wild flowers on the table], (which the guys gathered), (when they went to the forest on an excursion)". The scheme of this NGN is similar to the first: [... X], (which ... X), (when ...).

With homogeneous subordination, each subsequent part depends on the previous one. Such NGN with several subordinate clauses - examples confirm this - resemble a chain, where each subsequent link joins the one in front.

Parallel (heterogeneous) subordination

In this case, all subordinate clauses refer to the main part (to the whole part or the word in it), but they answer different questions and differ in meaning. " (When the speaker finished speaking) 1 , [there was silence in the hall] 2 , (as the audience was shocked by what they heard) 3 » . Let's analyze this NGN with several clauses. Its scheme will look like this: (when ...), [... X], (since ...). We see that the first subordinate part (it stands before the main one) denotes time, and the second - the reason. Therefore, they will answer different questions. Second example: [Vladimir certainly needed to find out today] 1, (at what time the train from Tyumen arrives) 2, (in order to have time to meet a friend) 3". The first subordinate clause is explanatory, the second is purpose.

Homogeneous submission

This is the case when it is appropriate to draw an analogy with another well-known syntactic construction. For registration of PP with homogeneous members and such NGN with several subordinate clauses, the rules are the same. Indeed, in the sentence [Anton Pavlovich talked about] 1, (that reinforcements will arrive soon) 2 and (that you just need to be patient a little) 3» subordinate parts - 2nd and 3rd - refer to one word, answer the question "what?" and both are explanatory. In addition, they are interconnected with the help of the union and, which is not preceded by a comma. Imagine this in a diagram: [... X], (what ...) and (what ...).

In NGN with several subordinate clauses, with homogeneous subordination between the subordinate clauses, any coordinating conjunctions are sometimes used - the punctuation rules will be the same as when making homogeneous members - and the subordinating conjunction in the second part may be completely absent. For example, " [He stood at the window for a long time and looked] 1, (as cars drove up to the house one after another) 2 and (workers unloaded building materials) 3».

NGN with several subordinate clauses with different types of subordination

Very often, four or more parts are distinguished as part of a complex sentence. In this case, they can communicate with each other in different ways. Let's look at the example in the table: [Nastenka re-read the letter for the second time, (which was shaking in her hands) 2 , and thought] 1 , (that now she would have to quit her studies) 3 , (that her hopes for a new life were not justified) 4". This is a sentence with parallel (heterogeneous) (P 1,2,3-4) and homogeneous (P 2,3,4) subordination: [... X, (which ...), ... X], (what ...), (what ... ). Or another option: [Tatyana was silent all the way and only looked out the window] 1, (behind which small, closely located villages flickered) 2, (where people fussed) 3 and (work was in full swing) 4)". This is a complex sentence with sequential (P 1,2,3 and P 1,2,4) and homogeneous (P 2,3,4) subordination: [... X], (followed by ...), (where ...) and (... ).

Punctuation marks at the junction of conjunctions

To arrange in a complex sentence, it is usually enough to correctly determine the boundaries of the predicative parts. The complexity, as a rule, is the punctuation of NGN with several subordinate clauses - examples of schemes: [... X], (when, (which ...), ...) or [... X], [... X], (how (with whom ...), then ...) - when two subordinating unions (allied words) are nearby. This is characteristic of sequential submission. In such a case, you need to pay attention to the presence of the second part of the double union in the sentence. For example, " [An open book remained on the sofa] 1, (which, (if there was time) 3, Konstantin would certainly have read to the end) 2 ". Second option: " [I swear] 1 , (that (when I get back from my trip home) 3 , I will definitely visit you and tell you everything in detail) 2 ". When working with such NGN with several clauses, the rules are as follows. If the second clause can be excluded from the sentence without compromising the meaning, a comma is placed between unions (and / or allied words), if not, it is absent. Let's return to the first example: " [There was a book on the sofa] 1, (which had to be finished in time) 2 ". In the second case, if the second subordinate part is excluded, the grammatical structure of the sentence will be violated by the word "that".

Should be remembered

A good assistant in mastering the NGN with several subordinate clauses - exercises, the implementation of which will help consolidate the knowledge gained. In this case, it is better to act according to the algorithm.

  1. Read the sentence carefully, mark the grammatical foundations in it and indicate the boundaries of the predicative parts (simple sentences).
  2. Select all means of communication, not forgetting about compound or used conjunctions.
  3. Establish semantic connections between the parts: to do this, first find the main one, then ask a question (s) from it to the subordinate (s).
  4. Build a diagram, showing on it with arrows the dependence of parts on each other, put punctuation marks in it. Move commas into the written sentence.

Thus, attentiveness in the construction and analysis (including punctuation) of a complex sentence - NGN with several specific clauses - and reliance on the above features of this syntactic construction will ensure the correct execution of the proposed tasks.