The real name of Julia Wang is the exposure of the clairvoyant. Julia Wang: what she looks like now, what she does, not a psychic - true or not What Julia Wang says

Famous people who are popular on the Internet and media heroes often shock their fans with unusual actions or changes in appearance, behavior and addictions. The most mysterious participant in the Battle of Psychics project, the dark magician and psychic Julia Wang, as he calls himself the Daughter of Chaos, was no exception.

Julia Wang seriously changed after the end of the project

It would seem that the girl has already surprised the audience and fans with everything that is possible. But even here, Julia managed to shock with rapid changes in appearance, forcing everyone not to forget about her for a minute and again talk about her mysterious transformations. But as it turned out, this time not everything is so rosy. The magical diva surprised us not with new jewelry, hairstyle or new tattoos. This time, the changes, and not positive ones, affected the entire appearance of Julia.

Julia Wang's life before drastic changes

Such an unusual girl as Julia Wang does not like to talk too much about herself and prefers to remain mysterious. Therefore, there are several options for her biography, and which one to trust is a personal matter for everyone.

According to one version, the girl was born in the Latvian capital Riga in 1981, where she lived with her mother and grandmother. Julia was an unusual and closed child, she loved to be alone and read various occult books. The father, who was in the military, left the family shortly after the birth of the girl.

Some time later, her mother met another man, who became a stepfather to Julia. He often drank, beat his mother, molested the maid, and soon the girl could not stand it and broke his head with a brick. This incident, which became fatal for Julia, forced her to run away from home and leave to conquer Moscow. There, the girl began her modeling career, starring for popular glossy publications. Soon her photograph even graced the covers of fashion magazines in Paris and New York.

Where is the truth and where is the lie in the past Wang

Julia's acquaintances support the second version of the biography. He assumes that her name is actually Gavrikova Yulia Vladimirovna and she is the most ordinary person without any abilities, who simply needs attention to her person. Yes, she really worked as a model, starring in candid photoshoots for MAXIM, PlayBoy publications. And stories about New York, Milan are considered nothing more than fiction, because her career took place in Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow.

What Julia Wang says about herself

Julia herself claims that she was born in Germany in the city of Furstenberg and is not a person at all, but a so-called. Spirit of Chaos, daughter of the Morning Star or Lucifer. She remembers all her past lives, of which there were at least 150.

From an early age, she was interested in esotericism and philosophy, drew strange pictures and wrote unusual philosophical poems. People were afraid and tried not to offend her once again, so as not to experience anger on her part in the form of all sorts of supposedly “accidental” troubles.

Julia Wang has always believed that her abilities are limitless and therefore tried herself in many areas and professions, including the following:

As a child, Julia Wang tried herself as a perfumer

  • photographer;
  • model;
  • actress;
  • poet;
  • philosopher;
  • vocalist;
  • perfumer etc.

But such mediocre earthly hobbies, according to Wang, are not something significant for the Spirit of Chaos. She boldly stated that the so-called. a matter of life and death, in this incarnation of her there is participation in the TV show "Battle of Psychics" and she is obliged to take a prize there.

Julia in the Battle of Psychics project

On the project, the girl immediately showed herself to be a strong psychic and gathered around herself both an army of fans and people who were skeptical against her. But with each issue, Julia became more and more convinced of the veracity of her abilities, easily resolving tasks. It is no wonder that she won, fighting in the final with no less powerful magician Tatyana Larina.

There are also people who claim that the project is nothing more than a production, where, before the start of the release, "fake" psychics are told more information.

The dark magician Julia Wang also received a sharp comment from journalist Katya Gordon, who said that the girl was just a charlatan. A well-known presenter said that Wang worked as a hairdresser at one time, tinting her hair.

But it may be that Gordon simply did not cease to be jealous of her already ex-husband Sergei Zhorin for the blonde seductress. And Julia responded to this provocative statement by saying that she was completely unfamiliar with the scandalous presenter and suspected she had a mental illness. Well, it remains for us to decide for ourselves what is true and what is fiction.

Unexpected reincarnations in appearance

Extravagant Julia Wang all the time surprised people with her unusual appearance, which clearly distinguished her from the crowd. And this is not surprising, because over the years of experience as a model and actress, the girl has created her own unique and memorable style, the components of which are:

  • bright and original make-up;
  • original outfits and accessories;
  • slenderness by nature and height of almost 180 cm;
  • mystery and frightening appeal both in appearance and in behavior.

Julia Wang impresses with her bright make-up and uses high-quality cosmetics

But apparently, such a vivid image ceased to attract a celebrity, and some time after the “Battle of Psychics”, she decided to change something in herself.

And so, in December 2016, Julia Wang was shocked by her unhealthy thinness and lack of makeup in a photo on the social network Instagram. Fans were perplexed and put forward their own versions of what happened to her. It was even rumored that the girl had obvious anorexia, and if she continued to lose weight, then irreversible consequences could occur with her health. And they also blamed numerous plastic surgeries for changing her appearance, which “helped” grow old ahead of time.

Even the most devoted fans stressed that 35-year-old Julia Wang has aged dramatically and has a sickly appearance. Already in 2017, the psychic did not stop criticizing and leaving caustic comments, to which Wang responded no less harshly.

January also became rich in unexpected events that happened to the winner of the project. Not only did Julia Wang lose weight, she also completely stopped using makeup, which allowed her to acquire a visually aged look.

Some people do not recognize the once long-haired blonde in the new pictures and note that she has become more like a man. Although, despite all the changes, the attractiveness of the girl still does not hold. Faithful to her fans continue to admire the subtle, expressive features and aristocracy of the girl's face.

Although a lot of time has passed since the stunning victory of the clairvoyant at the “Battle of Psychics”, there are still a lot of people who are interested in what Julia Wang is now and what she does.

Recently, everyone has been discussing how Julia Wang has dramatically grown ugly, grown old and lost weight. However, do not forget about the remarkable talents of the girl in creativity.

So, not so long ago, the former model tried herself as a writer by publishing the book “No way. Nowhere. Never”, in the description of which she admitted that her vocation is to destroy illusions, and also wished all readers the love that always accompanies them. The book with poems, essays and reflections of the writer is still called unique and really changing the thoughts and consciousness of people with words that have power and love from Julia.

The talented celebrity also showed herself in painting, having painted the painting “Two Angels Will Come”, which has already been bought. The girl said that she had been drawing rather strange pictures since childhood, surprising her mother and grandmother. And also Julia Wang admitted that she likes to make music and she writes songs herself.

In addition, since childhood, having a love for fragrances, this very creative girl has released a line of perfumes "Alchemy" for men and women. Perfumery gives her a lot of pleasure, because Julia loves to combine different smells and dreams of one day opening her own laboratory somewhere in France or New York. The latest news suggests that the girl is moving towards her intended goal.

The present of this mysterious psychic excites fans and enemies of this girl no less. Now Julia Wang stunned everyone by the fact that she is no longer engaged in extrasensory perception and will no longer predict anything. Until that time, it was only known that the former clairvoyant was not going to earn money with her gift, but uses it only for herself and her loved ones.

Needless to say, some fans were disappointed that Julia Wang was not a psychic at all, but turned out to be quite earthly. Like all girls, he has his little weaknesses: he loves sweets and succumbs to laziness.

And yet, no matter how the celebrity looks and what she does, she will be interesting to people for a long time and will not let herself be forgotten.

Knowing the real name of Julia Wang, you can guess who is hiding under the guise of a freak. We will reveal the facts from the real life of the winner of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics show, which she hid before.

In the article:

The real name of Julia Wang and other facts

Julia Wang, or as she prefers to call herself - the Spirit of Chaos, caused a real stir, becoming the winner of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics. The outrageous look made an impression on the audience, presenters and participants even during the casting. Some facts from the biography of Julia, her appearance caused doubts about the honesty of the project. In addition, Julia Wang, as many fans of the project say, passed the tests too well.

Julia Wang

Many fan pages on the Internet discuss events and facts related to Julia. It is known that she does not conduct receptions, does not answer questions about fate and the future.

Julia (Thomas) carefully hides her age. Grimoire managed to find out the real date of her birth - October 29, 1981.

In addition, the real name and surname of Julia Wang (Thomas Winsor) is known. Actually her name is Yulia Vladimirovna Gavrikova.

Yulia Vladimirovna Gavrikova - psychic or fake

Yulia Vladimirovna Gavrikova

Most of the viewers of the show "The Battle of Psychics" were haunted by the model appearance of the clairvoyant. Before that, she had never declared psychic abilities: she rotated in the modeling business and. First of all, Julia Wang built a career as a model and actress, and the presence of professional actors in this kind of show reduces the confidence of the audience. Many questioned the veracity of the project.

But famous actors, models, former participants in other projects have already participated in the Battle of Psychics. For example, her protege was a model for about six years, and Vlad Kadoni, Georgy Malinovsky and Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky participated in Dom-2. Alexander Sheps is a leading, well-known DJ and model.

Julia Wang is not the first celebrity on the Battle of Psychics project. But she stood out in appearance and amazing test results. Therefore, her abilities were called into question and the project was accused of being a fake, and real psychics were not present on it.

Julia Wang is the man Thomas?

In the fall of 2019, Julia Wang stated that the image of a sexy blonde was only created by the producers of the Battle of Psychics, but in fact she is genetically a man named Thomas Winsor.

This was preceded by intrigue, created in 2018, when Wang showed pictures on Instagram in menswear and with a short haircut, imitating idol David Bowie. The apotheosis was the scandalous photo of a half-naked, emaciated Julia, who really looked like a man or even a hermaphrodite.

Around this time, an interview with the famous Cosmopolitan was published, where Wang noted that she was suffering from Morris syndrome. But fans after this news were looking for the most interesting thing in her - the physical masculinity.

We analyzed her public behavior, that is, what Julia herself wants to flaunt. And all statements, interviews and even actions as a psychic, rather, resemble a spectacular show, the purpose of which is to be in the public eye, which attracts interest and good earnings.

According to the editors, Julia has a typical female figure even after the removal of breast implants. The tubercle in shorts in the scandalous photo is refuted by the early ones. In many of her "male" photos, edits in Photoshop for chin augmentation and breast reduction are noticeable.

But Julia Wang herself continues to introduce herself as Thomas and denies rumors about a sex change: “I don’t need to change anything in appearance, I am a man inside myself. I didn’t plan to be a girl and I’m not transgender, but I respect such people for the courage to be themselves.”

By the way, studying the subject, it turned out that all this is no longer entirely news. The first rumors that Wang was not just a guy at heart, but Julia with a male body, began to appear when Gavrikova mentioned that in 2005 she lived with a homosexual.

Exposing Julia Wang - who she really is

According to Julia, she was born in the German town of Furstenberg. Prior to that, she "lived 150 lives, each of which remembers." In fact, she comes from a small village called Neklyudovo, Borsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Julia Gavrikova - this is the real name of Julia Wang - lived with her mother and grandmother. The family did not maintain a relationship with the father of the child.

The society lady says that her dad was a military man. This is not true. Her biological father is from the city of Bora, but the famous model does not want to hear about him, she calls her stepfather. Julia considers the real father to be the spirit that initiated her into the secrets of life. She mentioned that at the age of 12 she broke the head of the family with a brick due to domestic violence.

Yulia Gavrikova began her modeling career at a young age, from the Nizhny Novgorod House of Models. In the 90s, when she turned 17, she left with her mother to conquer Moscow. Takes more suitable for a model who wants to achieve a lot, the pseudonym is Julia Wang. In addition, she entered GITIS and received a diploma as an actress.

At the same time, she studied vocals. During a fleeting singing career, another pseudonym appeared - Flora. She achieved a certain popularity by performing in the capital's nightclubs until 2005. A voice of 4 octaves could not go unnoticed by the public.

In Moscow she worked as a stylist and costume designer.

Around 2009, Yulia's grandmother died, and she and her mother went to Neklyudovo for a funeral and to sell the house that belonged to the family. Julia lives there with her mother, their relationship can be called friendly.

Allegedly, she studied at the French school of perfumery, and she received the gift of mixing aromas in one of her past lives, when she was a priestess of Ra. These announcements coincided with the start of sales of their fragrances.

Psychic abilities

Before participating in the Battle of the Psychics, Julia Wang led an unusual life for a psychic. In addition, in those times there is not a word about the fact that she considers herself a spirit of chaos and has paranormal abilities.

Wang at the battle of psychics

Numerous photos and videos from entertainment places and events that have been preserved on the Internet confirm her lifestyle. Now she calls herself a sociopath. He says that he does not need to communicate with people and has no friends, preferring a working relationship. It is hard to imagine that a girl who spent time in nightclubs and at secular parties has changed so much in a short period of time. Until participating in the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics, Julia led a secular life.

Many were influenced by and. It's not just the signs that forbid taking pictures on the churchyard. An erotic photo shoot at the place of mourning is unethical in relation to the deceased and their relatives. A real clairvoyant should not show disrespect for the departed. On the other hand, not only Wang takes a photo in a cemetery and does not follow signs. There are many such photo shoots, but a psychic is expected to have more respect for the dead.

Julia Wang is a singer-songwriter, model, actress, photographer, perfumer. Engaged in tailoring, organizes fashion shows. For a long time, the modeling business was the main focus of her activity. And the hobbies that helped Wang become famous have not disappeared.

Julia took into account that her biography may seem unsuitable for the image of a strong psychic, so she brought a breakthrough in her worldview to the public. He was allegedly provoked by the work of Eddie Eriksson, the author of the book "Tao of Chaos", a philosopher and poet.

Julia claims that her opinion coincided in almost everything with that stated in The Tao of Chaos, but it was formed long before she became acquainted with the works of Eriksson. However, Wang's terms are often found in Wang's vocabulary, and she uses the author's concepts. Claimed several times that he stole her ideas.

Eddie himself says that she has nothing to do with him, except for plagiarism of his ideas and quotes. Julia has already had to apologize to the author for this. Ericsson calls her a fraud and a thief. Perhaps if his interview on the topic of plagiarism happened after the presentation, he would have told a lot more. Most likely, her brainchild is the same plagiarism as in the case of Eriksson. And not only with him: Julia often uses quotes from famous VKontakte publics and books of famous writers, passing them off as her own.

Julia Wang does not accept people who need magical help. She considers herself above this, and her abilities too serious to deal with such trifles. Verbatim quote from the winner of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics:

It's the same as frying scrambled eggs in a supernova or, to put it more simply, hammering nails with a microscope.

She is sure that people are able to cope with problems on their own. Perhaps Julia, or Yulia Gavrikova, needs such a move, so as not to reveal the fact that she really does not have psychic abilities.

Julia Wang offers to buy tilde dolls supposedly charged for good luck - the twins of the participant in the Battle of Psychics. Their price reaches 55 thousand rubles, and buyers hope to get a thing made and "charged" by an idol. But in an interview with a women's magazine, Julia admitted that she does not have time for all her hobbies. Therefore, he only draws sketches and sews clothes for dolls, and other people are engaged in manufacturing.

Some oddities of Yulia Gavrikova deserve special attention. Her obsession with David Bowie has been going on since the age of six. She believes that his texts are dedicated to her, he comes to her in dreams and the astral from childhood. I'm sure there is true love between them. Recently, screenshots of her correspondence with a person who wished to remain anonymous were made public. On them you can read about her fanaticism regarding Bowie. An interesting fact - he beats the model in the astral plane. Relations with the "husband" Wang calls torment. Perhaps these stories are a way to attract attention, because not only Julia Wang used such tricks. For example, Zhanna Aguzarova described emigration to America as an attempt to marry David.

The opinions of famous people about Julia Wang are often negative. Her ex-boyfriend, singer Danko, says that she is not a psychic, but an ordinary glamorous party girl, of which there are many. Alexander Gradsky forbade his son to communicate with her. TV presenter Ekaterina Gordon claims that she is going to sue the "Battle of Psychics" as a project in which her former hairdresser Yulia Gavrikova is passed off as a clairvoyant.

These words aroused great interest of the public. Julia had to answer numerous questions about working as a hairdresser and Catherine. She claims that they are unfamiliar: it's all about jealousy for her ex-husband, friend Wang. And she was never interested in a career as a hairdresser.

Interestingly, Ekaterina Gordon had conflicts with psychics more than once, for example, Fatima Khadueva. She does not hide that she has a negative attitude towards the show and considers its participants to be charlatans.

Julia Wang before plastic surgery

Those who want to know the whole truth about Julia Wang are most often interested in her plastic surgery. Looking at photos and videos with a famous lady, it's hard not to guess what they were. She herself claims that she turned to plastic surgeons only once to reduce her lips.

Some girls would give a lot to look like Julia Wang, and men often look at her with lust. But if you look at candid photos of the model from different decades, it is easy to guess that her luxurious forms are the product of plastic surgeons, not nature.

At the beginning of her career, Julia Wang starred several times for PlayBoy, XXLady, MAXIM. There are later candid photo shoots of the model. If you compare them, it is noticeable that the lips and chest have grown. It is impossible to do this naturally. They do not increase with age. The only option to give volume to some parts of the body is surgery. An increase in bust volume is possible after weight gain or childbirth. But the popular model has no children and a tendency to be overweight.

In general, it is up to everyone to decide whether psychic Julia Wang or an ordinary socialite is on their own, since the facts about her are varied.

In contact with

The girl was born on October 29, 1981 in Germany. The real name and surname of the winner is Yulia Gavrikova.

From the very birth, the mother knew that her child was different from everyone else. The girl was not interested in ordinary toys, she did not like communication with her peers. Julia preferred to bypass everyone and is alone.

Julia grew up in Latvia with her mother and stepfather. She never saw her father. I went to school like all children.

Even as a child, the girl easily manipulated people and always achieved the desired result. However, Julia prefers not to talk about her distant childhood.

Father Information

Julia's mother, Tatyana Vladimirovna, held the position of a nuclear physicist and therefore is a very serious, calm and balanced woman. It has absolutely nothing to do with magic. She fully supports her daughter in all her hobbies and endeavors. Julia claims that her father is a messenger from another world, and he loved her very much. Tatyana Vladimirovna does not deny this. She says that in 1980 she had a connection with an extraterrestrial being who moved into the image of a man and came to her.

Society reacts ambiguously to such statements. Someone is ready to believe in this, someone advises a woman to turn to a psychologist. However, fans claim that Julia Wang came up with this version herself and asked her mother to tell her about it for even more mystery.

Relationship with stepfather

Julia was raised by her stepfather from an early age. Relations between them have always been very strained. The girl with an obstinate character clearly did not want to accept him.

As soon as the girl was 12 years old, her stepfather began to harass her. Julia told her mother about these situations, but she refused to believe and was completely on the side of her husband. During another harassment to Julia, she broke the man's head.

At the age of 16, she left home as a young girl, Julia began to live with her friend, and her mother, secretly from her stepfather, came to feed her daughter.

Julia Wang's appearance

As already mentioned above, the girl has a peculiar appearance. Someone considers her a strange, and someone an attractive girl. Julia with a height of 178 cm weighs only 52 kg. Excellent data for the modeling business. Many are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of such an appearance.

Julia Wang has chameleon eyes. In different lighting conditions, they are either green or gray or even blue. However, when Wang gets angry, his eyes immediately turn black.

Julia Wang's early career

At the age of 17, Julia came to Moscow and entered GITIS. After 5 years, she had a higher acting education. However, the girl still wanted to achieve success in the art of perfumery and enrolled in a French school.

Julia Wang received her peak of popularity after the fifteenth season of the TV show "The Battle of Psychics". The latest news says that Julia Wang has aged dramatically. This is confirmed by repeated photos, and the reason, which has become obvious to everyone, is considered to be repeated plastic surgery. They have already helped more than one girl grow old quickly. How did Julia come to all this and become so famous? What secret of her popularity can she not reveal to anyone? It all started from early childhood, which deserves special attention.

Julia Wang is the pseudonym of a girl, under her real name Yulia Vladimirovna Gavrikova

Julia Wang: The Early Years

Julia Wang is the pseudonym of a girl, under her real name Yulia Vladimirovna Gavrikova. Now this person refers to himself as the "Spirit of Chaos". There is no reliable data about her field, the girl carefully misled all her fans. However, there are at least three most common biographies. According to the actress and model, she was born in Germany, in the glorious town of Förstenberg. But, it is difficult to believe the words of a person who claims to have lived one hundred and fifty (150) lives and remembers everything to the smallest detail. There were other data in which the city of Riga is indicated as the homeland, and the date of birth is October 29, 1981. However, there are several versions about her date of birth:

  • October 29, 1981;
  • October 19, 1988;
  • October 29, 1978;
  • October 29, 1979.

Yes, it is not only Yulia who is misleading us, but also other sources that pop up on the Internet. Wang went to a regular school, but from childhood she was a withdrawn child. Despite the surrounding fuss, no one approached her and she never made friends. She was not attracted to socializing with peers and was not drawn to the opposite sex, as is often the case with people in adolescence. From childhood, she seemed like an adult - toys, dolls did not attract her. At the age of three, Julia already knew how to read, and not just read children's fairy tales, but complex occult literature, and it was really interesting for her.

There is one interesting fact that Julia Wang told the public. It happened to her mother, an alien creature came to earth in the form of a man, after contact with which this wonderful girl was born. This story is confirmed by Yulia's mother, and therefore was not surprised by her extraordinary abilities.

In the early days of her life, Julia had a stepfather who only did what he did in the evenings in the company of alcohol, beat his mother and molested the maid. Not quite suitable for the German mentality. From this follows the third version of the biography, which says that the girl was born in the village of Neklyudovo. Everything went on until Julia, in a fit of anger at her stepfather, gathered courage and decided to take a responsible step. This painful incident was the reason to leave her home and engage in progress towards the success that the girl has now achieved.

In the thirteenth year of her life, the girl became completely independent and learned business in the market. Communication with local businessmen allowed her to open up, to believe in herself and her abilities. She was captured in several domestic films, tried herself as a model, although she constantly listened to dissatisfaction from employers, due to her informal, gothic appearance.

Julia Wang's victory at the "Battle of Psychics" made a splash

From an early age, Julia found her calling, became what Julia Wang is now, and managed to take the right positions in life. Modeling career came in handy for her. Appearance has always been attractive, and the ideal height of 180 cm for the model was another reason to start a career. At the age of 17, Julia ended up with her mother in the capital, starred for fashion magazines and said that her photos were seen on the covers of the most fashionable magazines in Paris. But stories about Milan, New York and other large-scale cities turned out to be only a figment of the girl's imagination. Her old acquaintances knew the truth, in which she really was a brilliant model. It was in the city of Near Novgorod, and she starred in the following magazines:

  • playboy;
  • XXlady;
  • MAXIM.

Why mislead your audience, what could have happened and what is the girl really doing? That's right, nothing could happen, and these stories are needed only in order to attract even sharper attention to themselves. Although the photographs were really good, this success did not suit Julia, and she decided to try herself as an actress, acted in films, and also passed auditions for the large-scale project “The Battle of Psychics”, where she was constantly discussed as the winner of the project.

Julia Wang's victory made a splash, because her attractive appearance in conjunction with such amazing abilities make her a superhuman. But in 2016, Julia Wang shocked with unhealthy thinness. According to the winner of the project, this is not anorexia, but she began to lose weight so as not to discredit her stunning appearance in any way. Julia Wang has lost weight and remains a slim and sexy girl even in 2017.

January has become too much of a surprise for all fans of Yulia. Julia Wang, 35, has aged rapidly and people do not understand the reasons for this incident. Maybe the plastic surgery is to blame for everything, which the actress resorted to more than once to maintain her appearance, or maybe the diets she was on helped her grow old so as not to gain a couple of extra pounds. One way or another, the aged actress has not lost a single one of her fans, because this can be called her personal, adult and established image, which adds another mystery to Julia Wang.