Set up voice input. Voice input: how to use the feature on different devices. What settings are available with Android voice recognition

Communication with your device is no longer a dream or a fragment of a science fiction movie. Every year, Android voice control expands its capabilities. But this trend also extends to gadgets with other operating systems, such as iOS. Thanks to voice commands, you can find out the location of the nearest cinema, public transport schedules, weather forecasts, exchange rates and many other useful information. In addition, they help the user manage the device. Already today, with the help of speech on many modern devices, you can activate an alarm clock, turn on Wi-Fi, play audio and video, send a text message,. On Apple devices, voice control is carried out using the well-known question-answer system Siri. There are several ways to voice control on Android devices.

Technologies do not stand still, and today they give us the opportunity to control gadgets through voice commands.

Voice control applications are not yet fully integrated with the Russian language. For devices operating on the Android platform, the most popular and easiest way to control a smartphone using speech is the “OK, Google” command. But, unfortunately, it does not always meet the needs, since it was originally developed for English-speaking users. Compared to the English version, the team has fewer options.

In addition, the Russian-language “OK, Google” is not so effective due to the insufficient penetration of modern technologies into various areas of life. For example, a search might not find the schedule of movies that are shown in a movie theater in a small town, or information about the closest pizzeria to your home.

Similar difficulties with the integration of the Russian language are also observed on Apple devices, where Siri is widely used. However, if you do not plan to look for something familiar, for example, interregional train schedules, information about a famous hotel, an apple pie recipe, then voice control can make the task much easier. Users face difficulties if they need to leave “smart queries”, which require logic and a comprehensive approach.

How to set up the "OK Google" command

The "OK Google" command is active when the Google app or Google Chrome browser is running. For correct operation, you need to check. This can be done in the open Google app. In the upper left corner there is an icon that will allow you to go to the settings. It consists of three parallel horizontal lines and is probably familiar to all fans of Google products. After that, you should execute a simple command: Settings - Voice search - Recognition "Ok, Google". Next, you should activate the "From the Google app" option.

Thanks to this setting, the command can be used in any mode of the gadget, for example, in active mode or battery charge mode. After that, the system will fix your voice, after which there should be no problems with recognizing requests.

If the "OK Google" command does not activate on your smartphone, then you are using an outdated version of Android. You need to update the software version of your smartphone. Before activation, make sure that the latest version of the Google app is installed on the device. Make sure that the installed version of Android is at least 4.4 and the Google app is at least version 3.5.

After all the settings are configured, you can test the voice control. It is necessary to say: “OK, Google” and formulate your question or task for the mobile device. Active users of such a service can easily find the necessary information. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full list of voice commands that this voice control method supports.

Overview of the application "Assistant in Russian"

The disadvantage of the voice control program for Android called "Assistant in Russian" is the presence of a paid version. Many consider such an application a worthy answer to "Siri". It can be installed without problems from the store. Users are given seven days during which all the functions of the application will be available. Thanks to the trial period, everyone will be able to evaluate the merits of the program in order to decide how important it is to have it on their smartphone.

The application communicates with you in a female voice. It will fulfill any request, whether it is searching for the necessary information or activating the built-in functions of the phone, such as an alarm clock, a translator, and reminders. Such a program can open other installed applications at your request. The software can be installed on a variety of Android versions, starting from 2.3.

Many users highly appreciate the capabilities of the "Assistant in Russian". You can verify this by looking at the rating and the number of downloads of such software. Before you can start using it, you need to install Google Voice Search/Typing. If you are looking for a convenient assistant, we advise you to test the "Assistant in Russian".

Popular assistant app

If you want to find a voice assistant that can support multiple languages, then you need "Assistant". You will be able to use German, English, Spanish, Portuguese along with Russian. The developers promise to integrate new languages ​​into the Assistant. The program has been highly rated by experts. The New York Times ranked it in the top ten. "Forbes" included her in the top ten in terms of performance.

In addition to searching for information by voice queries, Assistant remembers important information, such as the name of frequently used applications or frequently visited places. The advantage will be that the program takes into account information about your location to display relevant search results. The application can be customized to suit individual needs, for example, to set special voice commands.

An uninterrupted Internet connection is required for the application to perform its functions. An offline voice control technology is expected soon, which will completely enable the activation of phone functions with a single phrase without an Internet connection. It is important to note that "Assistant" today is a convenient paid application.

Voice control is a technology of the future that is evolving every day. The era of voice commands began with Siri, which can be installed on iPhone 4S and later. Today, applications for using voice allow not only to quickly search the Internet, but also to control phone features, such as making calls, sending messages, activating an alarm clock. Many users will benefit from such features. In addition, such artificial intelligence is of genuine interest to the layman. Many perceive such communication with a smartphone as entertainment.

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Voice control capabilities in the Android operating system have been present for a very long time. Back in version 2.3 of Gingerbread (2010), users could perform search queries or any functional actions using their voice. Only then it looked very strange and worked similarly. What is Android voice control now and what features can it offer to millions of users? You will find answers to all questions in this article.

Voice search

Voice search is the ability to search for information on the Internet using voice commands rather than traditional text queries. It can be used on a computer in the Chrome browser, and on an Android smartphone and tablet in the Google app. Starting the system is available in two ways - using the Ok Google command or by clicking on the microphone logo.

Modern voice search has become one of the foundations of the Android operating system. It is now compatible with dozens of the company's products and applications. Google places great emphasis on the ability to search for any information on the Internet, simply by saying the desired query with your voice. Today, 7 years later, Google voice search can do almost everything and can fully satisfy the average user of the OS.

  • Reference.
  • People.
  • Time and calendar.
  • Weather.
  • Markets and exchanges.
  • Converter and calculator.
  • Navigation.
  • Calls and SMS.
  • Dictionary and translation.
  • The control.
The functionality of each of these commands will be discussed below.


Google Search provides a wide range of background information for almost any kind of query, based on semantic search and the RankBrain machine learning system. The capital of the country, the creator of famous architecture, the author of a popular painting, the heights of the greatest towers and mountains of the world, the status of flights and packages, the time of dawn and sunset, the depths of rivers and lakes, and so on. The list could go on and on - it's actually quite long. In short - if you need to quickly find out something or about someone, then Google voice search will always help out.


  1. The capital of Great Britain.
  2. The height of the Shanghai Tower.
  3. Who Invented Android.
  4. The length of the Titanic.
  5. Calorie content of walnuts.


The Google search engine will help you find a famous person on the web and all available information about him. The main data is taken from popular sources - social networks or Wikipedia pages. The user can find out a variety of facts about the person he is looking for: real name, where and by whom he works, place and dates of birth and death, marriage, who the parents are, whether there are children, nominations, what kind of education. On top of that, the app shows related queries. They are based on human activities and sorted into categories: musicians, writers, bloggers, presidents, and so on.


  1. Superman Girl.
  2. Where did Lenin die?
  3. Who drew the Scream.
  4. How old is Donald Trump.
  5. Who is Pavel Durov.

Time and calendar

Google search is synchronized with the calendar, so a topical query may return results related to scheduled meetings or notes. Also, right inside the application, with one voice, you can set an alarm clock, a timer, add a meeting, remind you to buy bread or ask to wake up tomorrow at 9 am. There are many options for working with time and calendar in the search - from typical queries about the time of sunrise to setting full-fledged reminders.


  1. What time is sunrise in Tolyatti.
  2. What is the time zone in New York.
  3. Wake me up tomorrow at 11 am.
  4. Set a timer for 5 minutes.
  5. Add an appointment/reminder.


One of the most used queries in Google voice search is weather information. In addition to standard commands for opening weather data for the current day or week, the user can find out the weather anywhere in the world - in a neighboring city or in a country on the other side of the planet. It's also notable that Google search understands various queries regarding the weather, such as what's wrong with the weather or whether it's going to rain today.


  1. What about the weather.
  2. Will it rain today.
  3. Weather in Kyiv.
  4. Wind speed.
  5. What rainfall tomorrow.

Markets and exchanges

With the help of Google voice search, you can instantly find out the current value of securities or the current exchange rate. The system features a large number of international corporations whose stock quotes are updated every second. In addition to technology giants Microsoft, Apple, Google, Samsung, Nokia, LG, Lenovo and others, there are also companies from other areas: Gazprom, Sberbank, Yandex, VimpelCom, Aeroflot and others. You can view not only stock prices, but also other important vectors of development: market capitalization, profitability or dividend income.


  1. Nokia stock price.
  2. How much is a dollar.
  3. The exchange rate of bitcoin to the ruble.
  4. Capitalization of Sberbank.
  5. Dow Jones index.

Conversion and calculator

The Google search engine supports various mathematical operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, root and percentage. Thus, you can perform not only the simplest calculations, but also learn the roots and percentages of complex numbers. You can also convert currencies right inside the application - count the number of rubles in dollars, dollars in rubles, euros in rubles or dollars in euros. The function is convenient for its speed - you just have to say the command, and the result will appear on the screen in a matter of seconds. There is no need to search through the wilds of the menu for a calculator application and do everything yourself, wasting extra time.


  1. How many centimeters in a kilometer.
  2. 850 rubles in tenge.
  3. The square root of 200.
  4. 10 186 divided by 4.
  5. 30% off 35,000.


With the help of voice commands through Google search, you can fully navigate the area and even more. Getting directions from point to point (on foot, by car or public transport), showing nearby public places, as well as viewing city maps and searching for points of interest are all searchable via voice commands.


  1. Map of Belgorod.
  2. The route to the Kremlin (you can add "on foot" or "by car").
  3. Where is Mongora located?
  4. Cafe nearby.
  5. nearest pharmacy.

Calls and SMS

It would be strange if you couldn't make calls or send text messages through Google voice search. These are some of the most frequently used features on your phone, so you can't do without easy access to them. The search giant understands this, so using special voice commands through Google search, you can quickly make a call or write a message - without hands, only with your voice. The same goes for emails through Gmail. This will come in handy when your hands are full or you are using a headset.


  1. Call your sister.
  2. Call the nearest pizzeria.
  3. Write to Sasha "I'm already in the office."
  4. Write to Nastya "Meet me at the metro."
  5. To send a letter.

Dictionary and translation

The company's proprietary translation service is built into the Google search engine. You can translate words or whole phrases into all languages ​​available in Google Translate by simply saying the appropriate voice command. In addition to the translator, the application has dictionary support - finding words and their meanings has never been so easy.


  1. What is misanthropy.
  2. Composition definition.
  3. How to translate Believe.
  4. How to say bus in Spanish.
  5. Translation from Russian into Turkish.

The control

In addition to all of the above, Google voice search allows you to control individual settings of the operating system and at the same time run installed applications. By default, few functions are supported (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, flashlight, brightness), but in reality they are quite enough. You can change the brightness of the screen, turn Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on or off, activate the flashlight, or even control the audio player without unnecessary movements. It all works, and it's great - thanks to the programmed voice commands.

Android also has features for people with disabilities. In addition to TalkBack (voicing what is happening on the screen), there is another service with additional functionality. It's called Voice Access and it allows you to activate system-wide voice command control. The app is experimental and was released in 2016. Currently, Voice Access is still in beta, but this does not prevent the assistant from performing its functions stably.

Voice Access is based on the same technologies that Google uses for voice search. When the service is activated, each element on the screen is assigned a specific number. It serves as a command to launch applications or work with a particular function. In this case, no physical interaction is required - you just need to name the number of the element that needs to be opened.

The functionality of Voice Access does not end there. Also, with the help of this application, voice commands become available within the entire operating system. For example, commands such as "open browser", "go to home page" or "scroll down" are supported among other commands. Everything is replaced by voice - basic functions, navigation, gestures (pressing, scrolling, back action) and working with text (typing, editing, formatting).

Despite its beta status, the Voice Access app takes Android voice control to the next level. Together with Google search, these are two of the best voice assistants to offer an even simpler interaction with the device.

Google Corporation began its activity as a search engine, and at the moment the search for information using mobile devices remains one of the main directions of development. With each update of the phone / tablet system, Google Play Services and individual programs, there are more and more new features designed to make life easier for the user. In this article, I will talk about the most useful voice commands, Now on Tap contextual search, and also show you how to set up your phone to perform any voice commands, including using Tasker. After all, this is what we so dreamed of when reading the works of science fiction in childhood.

Traditionally, all the latest developments from the "corporation of goodness" are implemented on the devices of the Nexus line. So it was with voice control, and with Google Now, a system for presenting information in the form of a set of cards. There is one application behind Google Now, simple Google search and voice search, and that is Google. It is included in the set of standard applications from Google and is available on any certified Android smartphone.

Previously, voice control was activated only when clicking on the microphone icon while the search program was open (or on widgets on the desktop). Then came the Google Start launcher, which allowed you to execute voice commands directly from the desktop (using the phrase "Ok, Google"). Since Android 4.4, the same feature has become available in other launchers, but only if the launcher explicitly supports this feature (almost all popular launchers do).

There are also several smartphones with an advanced voice control feature that is activated even when the smartphone's screen is turned off. For example, the MOTO X contains a separate, very low power processor that does nothing but listen in the background to all surrounding sounds for a catchphrase.

Desktop search widget

Voice control

A simple search for information is, of course, the most important function of Google Now. Moreover, it is intelligent enough to understand the context, which means that commands can be combined into chains. For example, if you say “OK Google, who is the president of Nicaragua?”, then the search will return the answer “Daniel Ortega”. And if you further ask "How old is he?", then the answer will be "Seventy years old." Google Now understands a lot of commands, here are ten of the most useful ones.

  • Maps and navigation- "let's go/navigation #name street #number Houses". Launches Google Maps in navigator mode at the specified address. You can also specify the city, store, organization, and so on.
  • Calculator- "thirteen percent of five thousand." Will give the answer and the form of the calculator in the search box. Voice can dictate addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, the root of a number. You can also translate measures of weights, lengths and other things.
  • Sending SMS/messages- "Send Oleg text I'm driving, I'll call you later." You can also send messages via WhatsApp, Viber and several other popular instant messengers. According to a simplified scheme, you can dictate "message # program # contact # text". For example: "Whatsapp message Oleg I'm driving." After that, you can also confirm the sending with the “send” command by voice.
  • Dialing a number- "to call Mom". You can also dictate an arbitrary number that is not in the address book. With the command “call sister / brother”, you can specify the number from the contacts (if written differently), then the next time the dialing will be automatic.
  • Reminders and alarms- "wake me up on Saturday at eight in the morning" or "remind me to turn off the stove in ten minutes." You can also add events to the Google calendar. Events can be tied not only to time, but also to place. If you add “remind me to print the text at work”, then with geolocation enabled and the specified work address (places on the map), a reminder on the phone will pop up automatically. The regular timer built into the Clock app is just as easy to start.
  • Guess the melody- What song is this? Starts recognition of playing music.
  • Music Video- "listen to (music) #group #song". Plays the specified music in Play Music or YouTube clip. It works fine with Russian names, but since it determines English words and performers, sometimes incorrectly interpreting it for Russian, it does not always work.
  • Photo/video- "take a photo / record a video". Launches the camera in the selected mode.
  • Settings management- “turn off the wifi”, “turn on the flashlight”.
  • Notes- "note to self test password for service one two three four". Add a note to Google Keep.

Now on Tap

The description of this service was given special close attention at the presentation of Android 6.0 Marshmallow. And it was presented as one of the main features of the new firmware. But we got more or less normal functionality in Russia only in December. In the official Russian translation it is called context from Now.

How it works? "When you launch a context from Now, Google analyzes everything you see on the screen and looks for information according to this data" - here is the official description from the support page. In practice, this means that instead of highlighting and copying the phrases of interest on the screen, then opening the search and pasting the phrase, you can simply press and hold the Home button. After that, Google will offer suggestions for the found keywords. It can be pictures, videos, a proposal to open this place on maps, news. May offer to open an organization's website or make a call, open a Facebook profile or look at a celebrity's Twitter account, add a note. If there are appropriate applications on the device, after tapping on the icon, the page will open immediately inside the application. When listening to music from different applications, you can call up about artists, albums, YouTube clips and more with one click.

Easter eggs in Google search

Just like in the desktop version of the search, there are easter eggs in the voice search. I will give only a few commands, the rest can be found at this link. Unfortunately, almost all of them work only in English and with an English interface or with only English selected in the settings.

Do a barrel roll.
Make me a sandwich!
Sudo make me a sandwich!
"When am I?"
"Beam me up, Scotty!"
"Up up down down left right left right".
What does the fox say?


If, after reading everything, you still don’t have enough commands to fulfill your fantasies, then with a little time, you can configure Google Now to execute almost any command. To do this, we will need, first of all, the AutoVoice plugin.

With Tasker, you can perform many actions: launch applications, control sound, run scripts, control the screen, manipulate files, press buttons on the screen, control media, make HTTP Get and Post requests and respond to them, manage advanced phone settings. And all this can be done by giving voice commands. And with the help of many plugins, the functionality expands even more.

To get started, you need to enable the Google Now Integration item inside AutoVoice. In Tasker, you need to create a separate profile for each team or group of teams. As usual, for compiling profiles, I recommend including English in the Tasker settings. For the test profile, let's make a voice command to turn off the sound. To do this, let's create a new profile with the parameters Event → Plugin → AutoVoice Recognized. Fill in the following fields:

  • Command Filter- here we enter the necessary voice command, in our example: "turn off the sound." If you click on the Speak Filter line, then the command can be dictated.
  • Exact Command- if you check the box, it will only work on the exact command, otherwise it can work on every single word or word form.
  • Use Regex- use regular expressions. Allows you to configure the recognition of multiple words in one profile. If you enter "(mute|turn off) (sound|volume)" without quotes in the first field, then the profile will respond to the commands "mute", "mute volume", "mute" and "mute volume".

For the action, we use Audio → Ringer Volume and Audio → Notification Volume. To control the operation, you can add a pop-up notification through Alert → Flash and enter “Turned off” in the Text field.

The “turn off wifi” commands work immediately in Google Now, and “turn off the sound” prompts you to open the settings. And after intercepting the command through Tasker and executing it, it still remains on the current screen with a request. Therefore, we will additionally add App → Go Home to the actions. Well, to amuse your friends, in all profiles for voice control, you can put Alert → Say as the first action and enter the phrase “I obey, master.” Then the phone will respond to commands with a voice.

With the help of additional plugins, such as AutoRemote , you can control other Android devices. And if you put EventGhost on your computer, then with the help of numerous plugins you can do a lot of interesting things. One of the most useful applications will be setting up a smart home, but that's a separate big story. Joao Dias, the developer of all Auto* plugins, also has an add-on for PC that allows you to integrate mobile device management through the Cortana voice assistant on the desktop.

Some tricks

Tasker is hardcore. You can do amazing things, but for this you need to master a lot of information, understand variables, regular expressions and so on. For those who do not want to mess with Tasker, there are a large number of programs that use voice control capabilities, but have a more understandable and accessible interface and are easy to use. I'll stick with three.

The program allows you to change the key phrase from "Ok, Google" to any other. Unfortunately, after one of the service updates and a request from Google, it stopped working with Google Engine, leaving only PocketSphinx. In this regard, only English phrases are suitable for the key phrase, but earlier it was possible to surprise those present by calling the phone “hey, you” or “listen to the command”.

Nevertheless, the developer promises to fix everything in the next updates. Other functions include the launch of recognition by the proximity sensor (two waves of the hand) and by shaking the phone. Like MOTO X, it supports recognition when the screen is off, but, unfortunately, this has a very strong effect on the battery, so it is relevant for a phone on charge or Android car media centers with constant power. Works with a Bluetooth headset, has integration with Tasker, can read text messages.

Another program from the developer Open Mic+. Integrates with Google Now and allows you to use an extended set of commands. The supported list includes the following: turn on / off the wireless hotspot, pause / resume music, next / previous song, unread SMS / gmail (voice them out), volume, phone lock, take a picture, take a selfie. You can also turn on the voice recorder, control the backlight, auto-rotate the screen. With root, you can turn off/restart your phone, clear notifications, turn on airplane mode. For supported functions, you can change the commands to your own. It also has integration with Tasker, allowing you to enable triggering for each task by the name Task. There is a module for Xposed that allows you to use Commandr with Android Wear.

Assistant Dusya

And finally, the brainchild of Russian developers is the Russian-speaking voice assistant Dusya, which combines all the advantages of the described applications and utilities. Like Tasker, Dusya allows you to create your own voice functions (they are called "scripts"), and in a much more understandable and simple form (there is help in Russian, video tutorials) and with more powerful functions for working with speech commands. In addition, there is also an online catalog of ready-made scripts created by other users. At the time of writing, there were about a hundred of them.

Just like Commandr, Dusya can integrate with Google Now, and also has many types of other contactless activations - shaking, waving, headset, bringing to your ear, including your activation phrase in Russian. And if you want to use the interface, then it is there, very simple, fast and functional. Among the functions, there are 25 most frequently requested functions, there is even control of smart homes and home theaters.


Today, the voice search functions in smartphones are very developed, and, as you can see, the developers offer us not just a set of commands for searching for information, but a complete smartphone control system that, with some effort, can be integrated with a home computer and even a smart home. So, if you are more comfortable managing all this with your voice, you have everything you need for this.

Last updated by at November 18, 2016 .

- we bring to your attention a very practical and convenient application from the developer Hakuna_Matata, which will be appreciated by transport drivers, since using voice commands in this application you can dial a number, call, search for the necessary contact, get directions, open programs, as well as VoiceButton will sound incoming calls and automatically turn on the speakerphone and much, much more. The program is activated using Bluetooth and a wired headset.

More about the program:

The application can work in two modes:
Normal - the mode in which the program will not talk to you. When determining a contact with high accuracy, automatic dialing can be performed after a time specified in the settings. This mode can be used when a headset is not available.
Behind the wheel - the mode in which the program will synthesize voice messages. This mode is useful when using a headset or when your hands are full.

Modes can automatically switch when you connect and disconnect the headset. Each mode can use personal settings that you specify. You can run the program using Bluetooth or a wired headset. Usually, to start from a Bluetooth headset, you need to press and hold the call button. Please refer to the instructions for the specific model for details. In some cases, launching the program from the headset does not work. The reason can be both in the headset and in the phone itself. To start from a wired headset, press and hold the headset button. To make the launch when blocked, activate the item in the settings. For all commands, you can use aliases (words for automatic replacement). The program uses voice input and a speech synthesizer built into the system. To search for places and navigate by voice, the program supports Yandex navigator and Google maps. Provides backup and restore settings, a list of aliases.

Work with contacts
To search for a contact, you need to start the program recognition and, after a beep, say the search text.
Contact search works by name, number or part of it, type, organization name
Example: Alexey Ivanov, Anton 911, Home mom, Anton worker. You can use an alias to accurately identify a contact. This feature is available online and offline.

Work with programs
To start the program, you need to say the command "open application" + "program name".
For example: open the gallery app.
If you use an alias, you can run programs using simpler words. For example, instead of "Open the gallery app", you can say "show pictures", if of course you create such an alias. Aliases can be used to open programs with complex names. This feature is available online and offline.

Working with the Yandex navigator
To find the nearest place, you need to say the command "navigator" + "place name or address". For the search, the Yandex people's map service is used. If you have Yandex navigator installed and a place is found, the navigator will be launched and the route will be plotted. This feature is only available online.

Working with Google Maps
To find the nearest place, you need to say the command "map" + "place name or address". Google is used for searching. If you have Google maps installed and the location is found, a program will be launched with a route suggestion. This feature is only available online.

current time
To find out the current time just say the command "time" and the program will tell you it.
This feature is available online and offline.

The voice dialing feature allows you to make a call by saying the voice tag you have recorded for a contact.
Voice tags allow you to make calls without dialing. Voice tags can be any words,
for example names.

You can store a certain number of voice tags in the phone's memory.

The name should be pronounced exactly as it was pronounced when it was written.

Background noise interferes with normal operation of the voice recognition system, so it is recommended that you record and

Labels that are too short are not accepted by the phone; use sufficiently long voice tags and do not

write down similar labels for different numbers.

You can record a voice tag for any contact that is saved in the phone memory. Save or
copy the contacts for which you want to record voice tags to the phone memory. Voice tags can
add also for the numbers stored on the SIM card, however, in this case, when replacing the SIM card, you will first need to
delete old voice tags and then add new ones.

1. In idle mode, press

and highlight the contact for which you want to record a voice tag.

2. Click


Google Corporation began its activity as a search engine, and at the moment the search for information using mobile devices remains one of the main directions of development. With every...

Now it is simply unrealistic to do without a computer in the modern world. You are not required to be a Photoshop master or professionally edit video (unless it is related to work, of course). But being able to type some text is a necessary minimum.

No. 2. Web Speech API

The Web Speech API online program is absolutely identical in functionality to the previous ones.

This service, like the ones listed above, was also created by Google.

The main page looks like this:

In a simple interface, it is immediately obvious that to start recording you need to select a language, and then click on the microphone.

After you click on the icon on the right, the system will make a request for access.

After you "give the go-ahead", you can immediately get to work. Type text by voice, and its printed version will appear in the window.

After finishing the work, the text can be copied to where you need (again, ctrl + C, ctrl + V).

No. 3. talktyper

An equally simple program is Talktyper.

To get started, go to the site:

To get started, just click on the microphone icon on the right.

Unlike those described above, this typist can be opened using any browser. Although the site was created in the USA, the application easily recognizes the most popular languages ​​in the world, including Russian.

Talktyper is multifunctional: it not only types text, but also puts punctuation marks, corrects errors on its own. If the system cannot recognize some word you have read as correct, then it will definitely be highlighted.

In addition, Talktyper has a translation function, as well as its voiceover.

Note! After you finish voice typing, be sure to click on the arrow so that the typed document is transferred to another field. After that, it can be sent by e-mail or copied to the desired file.

Possible problems when working with voice dialing programs

When you start using these programs, you will definitely think about how the computer recognizes our voice, and then translates it into living text.

The speech recognition scheme of the device looks like this:

The whole process can be divided into 3 main steps:

    Acoustic recognizer.

    It is important to speak clearly, loudly, the microphone must transmit the voice without interruption.

    linguistic processing.

    The more words there are in the dictionary of the program, the better the typed text will be. That is, everything you say will be recognized and transmitted in text form without distortion.

    Recognized spelling text.

    The program automatically displays a spelling version of the dictated speech, based on pauses, word clarity, tokens found in the dictionary, etc.

When working with computer typesetters, 2 problems most often arise:

  1. The acoustic recognizer “picks up” your speech intermittently.
  2. There aren't enough words in the system's vocabulary to recognize everything you've said.

To solve the first problem, you need to speak clearly and loudly. But for the second problem, there is practically no solution, at least a free one.

Versions of speech recognition programs that are distributed freely have very limited vocabulary.

To provide the program with an extensive vocabulary, developers need to invest a lot of money, so many recognizers show a poor level of speech-to-text translation.

The furthest in this business has advanced Google, because. has enough funds to invest. This company, among other things, has created the largest online dictionary that helps to recognize the voice and translate it into a graphic version.

See this video for a detailed guide:

  1. When you give a speech, the room should be quiet. The sounds of nature, music, the crying of a child are perceived by the system as noise. Because of this, the text will be typed with large errors.
  2. Do not speak if you are eating something. This will not only affect the quality of the set, but it is also life threatening.
  3. Before starting work, you need to choose the right volume for your voice, as well as understand what sensitivity your microphone has.

    To do this, try to write down a few sentences in a familiar tone. If there are interruptions in the recording, refer to the microphone settings.

  4. Take small pauses between words.
  5. Avoid long phrases.

Someone will say that voice dialing software- this is a wonderful assistant who freed their hands and made life easier in general. Others will decide that "the game is not worth the candle." Therefore, it is up to you to choose whether to use them.

And you already know which services to choose from ...

How to install Russian keyboard?

To set up a Russian keyboard, open the Market and find the GO Keyboard program. After installing it, go to settings. First, select Language and input. In the menu, check the box next to GO Keyboard, and select GO Keyboard Settings. In the new menu, look at the following:

  • Enable GO Keyboard turn on this keyboard in two steps (we completed the first one, in the second one just select it from the list)
  • Sound and Viberate adjust the effect of sound and vibration feedback when pressed and the strength / volume.
  • input settings let's dwell here in more detail.

In this menu, select the work of the dictionary and autocomplete

  • Auto Capitalization will put a capital letter after the dot automatically
  • Display Suggestions will suggest search options (taking into account T9 dictionary)
  • Auto Space will put a space automatically after selecting a word
  • Key Correction will automatically guess if you miss a button

How to install T9 dictionary support

To section input language You select the language settings for the XT9 dictionary. If you select a language whose dictionary is not installed, you will be automatically redirected to the Market to install a keyboard dictionary. For the Russian language, the installation of a dictionary is required. Lexicon Management The catches will be automatically recognized from the address book or SMS.

Dictionary T9 It will guess and guess the words you are typing by displaying them at the bottom of the input to speed up typing on the touch keyboard. All languages ​​supported by GO Keyboard are supported

The keyboard has one feature that distinguishes it from others. It has voice search.

How to install Russian hardware keyboard?

This keyboard will be more convenient and customizable, you can download it from the link Download Russian Keyboard for Android

It has different settings for different types of hard keyboards and can be very useful.

To install go to Settings - Applications

Let's get back to the GO Keyboard. It has that mysterious microphone button that stubbornly doesn't work. To enable it, you will need to install voice search. Just follow the link from your mobile browser in this topic:

Why is it not in the Market? It's just that for some reason Google excluded it from our region of Ukraine, and it's not available for download here. Therefore, download here and before installing go to me Settings - Applications, and check the box next to Third party installation permissions

After installation, you will have such an application, the browser and search bar will change.

How it works?

The program uses an internet connection to work. This is not a voice dialing program, this is a rather different type of service. When pressed, it invites you to speak (Illustration "Speak"). You say a phrase, for example "motorola", the white level determines the volume of your voice and the noise level.

It is better to speak loudly and clearly in silence.

After pronouncing the phrase, a short fragment is sent over the Internet connection to the server, where it is processed and returned as text. And the text is automatically entered into the search, and if you wrote through the GO Keyboard, it is offered at the bottom of the keyboard as a message. Click on it with your finger - and it will automatically be added there as typed text.