Names of months in English with transcription. Months in English: name, pronunciation and translation

In the article, the audio material is British and American accents - audio versions:

And here I posted information, as it will be in English

seasons in english

  • Winter - Winter - [ˈwintəɹ]
  • Spring - Spring -
  • Summer - [ˈsʌməɹ]
  • Autumn - Autumn / Brit / - [ˈɔːtəm]
  • Autumn - Fall - /amer/ -

Pronunciation of the Seasons - British Accent

Month pronunciation - British accent

Pronunciation of the names of the months - American accent

It will not be superfluous to listen to how to pronounce the word Months - months. The pronunciation of this word sometimes causes difficulties, because. in the composition of this word there is a hard-to-pronounce sound for Russians, the sound ‘th’.
And also, below, I posted sentences with translation using the months of the year in English.

How to pronounce Months in English

Fasten the material.
Answer the questions in English.

1. What season is now? What season is it now?
2. When is New Year? When is the New Year?
3. When is your birthday? When's your birthday?

Answer examples:

1. It's Summer. It's Spring. Now it's summer, spring.
2. In Winter. New Year in winter.
3. In Fall. My birthday is in the fall.

Offers with months of the year in English with translation

1. I'll see you in January. See you in January.
2. In February it snows a lot. There is a lot of snow in February.
3. In March it seems like it's always raining. It always seems to rain in March.
4. Last April we went to Europe. Last April we went to Europe.
5. My birthday is May 5th. My birthday is May 5th.
6. In June Summer begins. Summer begins in June.
7. In July we celebrate the birthday of America. In July we celebrate the birthday of America.
8. In August it's always so hot. August is always so hot.
9. In September we begin our school year. Our school year starts in September.
10. October is the beginning of Fall. October is the beginning of autumn.
11. November is my favorite month. November is my favorite month.
12. In December we have Christmas. We have Christmas in December.

Learning the months in English is as easy as shelling pears, because their names come from the Latin language and, to some extent, resemble their Russian counterparts. It will be more interesting to learn a little about the history of these "names", as well as some grammatical rules associated with their use in speech. So go ahead!

Months in English: writing, transcription, use

We write and pronounce correctly!

“And how to list the English months in order?” - ask those who are just starting to learn the wisdom of a foreign language. Greet them, one by one!

NB! And remember that their names (as well as the names of the days of the week and seasons) should be capitalized!

In this table, we have indicated the months in English with transcription so that their pronunciation does not cause you any difficulties. To create a “complete picture of the year”, get acquainted with the seasons:

Winter ["wɪntə] Winter
Spring Spring
Summer ["sʌmə] Summer
Autumn ["ɔːtəm] Autumn

NB! The American version of the word "Autumn" - Fall.

Suggestion examples:

My favorite month is June. – My favorite month is June.

I arrived in Saint-Petersburg last September. – I arrived in St. Petersburg last September.

Name all the seasons and months

Learning to use in speech!

To correctly use the months of the year in English in speech, both written and oral, you need to learn the following rules.

  1. On the letter, you should separate the day and month from the year with a comma:

    The house was built in October, 2003. - The house was built in October 2003.

  2. When specifying dates in full (including the day, month, year), ordinal numbers must be used to indicate the number and quantitative numbers for the year:

    on 23 February, 1478 = on the twenty third of February, fourteen seventy eight (23 February 1478)

    NB! In such cases, we omit the "year" in speech.

Prepositions with months in English

As for grammatical points, it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • Prepositions are not used in expressions like "*** + name of the month" with the words one, next, last, this/that, every, all, any.

    I was in Moscow last June. – I was in Moscow last June.

    I'm going to my cousin this March. I am going to visit my cousin this March.

  • The preposition IN is used with the name of the month in the circumstances of time.

    In May - in May, late in August - at the end of August.

  • The preposition ON is necessary when, in addition to the month, there is an indication of a date or a day.

    On January 2, 1389 - January 2, 1389, on a warm September day - a warm September day.

  • The preposition OF is needed if the attributive function of the month is meant.

Let's get acquainted with abbreviations!

The information will be incomplete if we do not talk about the reduction of months in English. Such abbreviations are often found in various forms, travel tickets and, of course, in calendars.

NB! Short forms contain, basically, only three letters. The exceptions are June, July (where you can keep the word unchanged) and September (2 options are allowed here: Sept and Sep).

Abbreviations, like long forms, are always written with a capital letter. The abbreviation ends with a period in American English, or the punctuation mark is omitted if it is a British version of the language.

Short Writing Example

From the history of the names of the months

Surely, you will be interested to know why the months sound so similar in English and in Russian. The reason is that they all came from Latin and have ancient Roman roots.

January, January - on behalf of the ancient Roman god Janus (Janus).

February, February - from the name of the Roman holiday of purification Februa.

March, March - on behalf of the ancient Roman god Mars (Martius / Mars).

April, April - on behalf of the ancient Greek goddess Aphrodite (Aphrilis).

May, May - on behalf of the ancient Greek nymph, one of the beloved Zeus, Maya (Maius).

June, June - on behalf of the ancient Roman goddess Juno (Juno).

July, July - on behalf of the famous Julius Caesar (Julius). It was he who began to reform the Roman calendar.

August, August - on behalf of the no less famous Octavian Augustus (Augustus). And he completed the reform of the calendar.

September, September - from septem (seven, seventh month).

October, October - from octo (eight, eighth month).

November, November - from novem (nine, ninth month).

December, December - from decem (ten, tenth month).

12 months in English: for children and not only

With the help of various pictures-schemes, you can start studying the months and seasons even with preschoolers, bright colors and funny drawings will be of interest to them:

Learning with children

To remember the number of days in each month, you can use an interesting poem:

Another interesting exercise that will be interesting for both children and adults is “Name of the months in English: name, write, draw.” Make 12 abbreviation cards with either only the first letters or numbers from 1 to 12. Flip them face down. Pulling out one at a time, say the name of the corresponding month, write its name on a piece of paper and draw an association picture with this month next to it.

Thus, with various exercises and workouts, you will achieve a brilliant result in a short time and learn the names of all the months in English.

Mini-lesson for memorizing the names of the months:

The more you study English and learn, the more confidence you have.

How are the months written and spoken in English? The English names of the months are mostly consonant with the Russian sound. But there are, of course, exceptions.

So, as in Russian, in English there are 12 months a year.

From the article you will learn:

Names of months with translation into Russian with transcription

How not only to write correctly, but also how to correctly list the English months in order? Very simple.

It is worth noting that in English, all months, when used anywhere in a sentence, are capitalized.

Sentence examples

My favorite month is December. — My favorite month is December.

I arrived in Ufa last July. — I arrived in Ufa last July.

Using prepositions with months

  1. With the word month (month), use the prepositions “in, for, by.
    For a month, in a month, by th month.
  2. Pretext In used in the context of time.
    In February - in February.
    Late in October - at the end of October.
  3. Combined with expressions like last, all, one, every, next, this/that, any, every, the preposition is not used.
    Every August— every August.
  4. Pretext On used when there is a day or specific date specified.
    On February 28, 1968 - January 28, 1968
    On a cold January evening - cold January evening.
  5. Pretext Of used in the following case.
    A magazine of April the 1st st— April 1st magazine.

Month abbreviations

In written speech in English, abbreviations are often used, this also applies to months. These abbreviations are always written with a capital letter, and in British English there are no periods.

How to remember months easier

The easiest way to remember a month is with reference to the seasons - winter, spring, summer and autumn.

For example.

December, January and February are winter months. December, January and February are the winter months.

March, April and May are spring months. March, April and May are the spring months.

June, July and August are summer months. June, July and August are the summer months.

September, October and November are autumn months

Below is a video in which you can learn all the names of the months in English in a visual associative form.

Before we, dear readers, start talking about the names of the months in English, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the word “month” in the plural has the form “months”, and not “months”. Please remember this! “Months” (with an emphasis on “e”) is a form of the word in the genitive case, answering the questions “who?”, “What?”. It's scary to see how many results Google comes up with when searching for "month of the year" for example.

The theme of all months in English is very entertaining and informative. We will tell you how the calendar appeared, how the 12 months are called in English, be sure to consider how the months are written in English and learn about their abbreviated forms.

History of calendars

The question of what a calendar is does not arise, right? But who came up with it, why there are 365 days in a year, what does the Sun and the Moon have to do with it, how did it happen to divide the year into months ...

Actually, the Romans created their solar calendar based on the lunar Greek. In those days, there were 304 days in a year, divided into 10 months. True, then the first month of the year was not January, but March. Where did the rest of the days come from? One of the rulers of Rome, Numa Pompilius, decided to add 2 more months to reduce discrepancies in time and days. But even then, the lunar phase calendar of 355 days did not coincide with the solar year. And subsequently, to correct this discrepancy, one more month was added every few years - mercedonium. Can you imagine?!

Julius Caesar brought the calendar to a single form, not without the help of astronomers. He then introduced such a thing as a leap year with 366 days.

Of course, after that, the calendar changed and improved more than once, discrepancies in hours and actual dates, moon phases were corrected. And only Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 streamlined the calendar, which we use to this day. We call it Gregorian.

Name of the months in English with transcription

Since the names of the months were formed in antiquity, they were based on the names of Roman gods, emperors, great people, just numbers, holidays. Immediately note that the names of the months, since these are proper names, are capitalized.

In general, the word month - month in English, comes from the word moon - moon, month.

Let's finally analyze the list of months in English and find out where they got such names from:


  • The month is named after the two-faced Roman god of entrances and exits, as well as beginning and end. Initially, the month had 29 days, and then Caesar decided to add 2 more days. And so it turned out the 31st day of January.


  • This month is named after the Roman holiday of cleansing from sins Februa.


  • The most "strong" month is named after the Roman god of war Mars - Martius, Mars.


  • The spring month was named so in honor of the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite - Aphrilis.


  • The last month of spring is named after Maya (Maius), the Greek goddess of fertility.

June – June[dʒu:n]

  • The wonderful summer day is patronized by the Roman goddess of marriage, and in general the intercessor of women, Juno - Juno.


  • Whose name does the name of the month look like? Of course, Julius Caesar! It was in this month that the great commander, a politician, was born, who decided to immortalize himself in this way. But earlier, July was simply called Quintilis, which meant "fifth".

August – August[ˈɔːɡəst]

  • The ancient Roman politician and founder of the Roman Empire, Octavian Augustus (Augustus), who completed the laborious work on correcting the calendar, also decided to leave a memory in the name of one of the months of the year.


  • Previously, this was the name of the seventh month - septem. Remember, yes, that the year began in March?!


  • This, respectively, is the eighth month - octo. Apparently, the fantasy of the Roman and Greek figures ended J


  • The ninth month is novem.

December – December[di'sembə]

  • And the tenth, the last month in the ancient calendar, is decem.

Months in English with prepositions

There are only two prepositions that are used with months in English. it in and on: in January- in January, in February- in February, etc.

But when talking about past or future, remember that in is released: March this March- this March next Arpil- next April last May- in the past maya.

The difference in these prepositions is that in is attached more to the month itself than to the date. For example: My birthday is in November. – My birthday is in November.

But the preposition on makes an integer with a date, not a month. For example: I will celebrate my birthday on November 13 th . I will celebrate my birthday on November 13th.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple!

Abbreviation of months in English

Why are abbreviations needed and what is difficult about them? Difficult - nothing, but short forms are very much needed. Most of all, probably, for official correspondence.

Just remember that the months in English, even when abbreviated, are capitalized. There is!

Another nuance: the names are reduced to only three letters. That is, Apr, Oct, Nov. June and July can be left unchanged and written in full. So you are using the British version. And if you shorten the names to Jun and Jul, you get the American version. Although September is always abbreviated to four letters - Sept.

As for the dots at the end of the abbreviation, there is a division into British and American versions: put a dot - Amer., do not put - Brit.

Now you know not just how October is written in English, but also how March will be in English and other months of the year. Remember, we hope, the abbreviated names of the months in English, which will be useful for writing business letters.

    january in english January, transcription: dnju()ri ;

    february in english February, transcription: febru()ri ;

    March in English march, transcription; m:t ;

    april in english April, transcription: eipr()l ;

    may in english May, transcription: mei;

    june in english June, transcription: du:n;

    july in english July, transcription: dulai ;

    august in english august, transcription: gst ;

    september in english September, transcription septemb;

    october in english October, transcription ktub ;

    november in english november, transcription nuvemb ;

    december in english December, transcription disemb .

    Winter months - December/January/February

    Spring 3 months - March/April/May

    3 months of hot summer - June/July/August

    Cold fall - September/October/November

    This is how the months are written in English

    So you need to learn them and remember them as a counting rhyme

    12 months in English and Russian in order:

    January - January 1.

    February - February 2.

    March - March 3.

    April - April 4.

    June - June 6.

    July - July 7.

    August - August 8.

    September - September 9.

    October - October 10.

    November - November 11.

    December - December 12.

    This is how the names of all twelve months of the year are spelled in English.

    January we will write January.

    February we will write February.

    March we will write March.

    April we will write April.

    May write May.

    June we will write June.

    July is written as July.

    August will be written as August.

    September is spelled September.

    October we will write October.

    November in English is written as November.

    And December is spelled December.

    By the way, some English names, both female and male, are taken from the names of the months and sound quite beautiful: March, August April, June.

    If you have any problems how to write the twelve months of the year, then you can use this tablet. This table contains all twelve months and is very easy to understand even for a beginner in language learning:

    per year 12 months. Let's write to English language all twelve months:

    First month of the year: January in English: January

    Second month: February in English will be - February

    Third month (beginning of spring): March in English - March

    Fourth month: April in English: April

    Fifth month: May in English: May

    The sixth month (already summer, holidays): June in English will be - June

    Seventh month: July in English: July

    Eighth month: August in English: August

    Ninth month (time to school, autumn): September in English will be - September

    Tenth month: October in English - October

    Eleventh month: November in English will be - November

    Twelfth month (winter, soon New Year): December in English: December

    January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. In English, unlike Russian, the names of the months are capitalized. You can listen to the pronunciation of these words in the Abby Lingvo dictionary. Enjoy your study!

    Writing the names of the months in English is definitely not a Chinese letter, they are well known:

    • First line: January - February
    • Second line: March - April
    • Third stripe: May - June
    • Fourth strip: July - August
    • Fifth line: September - October
    • Last line: November - December

    The pronunciation of the months is a much more complex topic. The difference between the American and British versions is insignificant, if you do not know which one to follow, proceed from what is convenient for you, because any of the pronunciation options is better than Tambov.

    To help those who want to put the correct pronunciation, I offer several videos, one of which offers the British version:

    Even individual sounds are explained here.

    Here they dwell on the difference in stressed and unstressed syllables on the example of the names of the months.

    Just listing in the correct order with a British accent.

    Here they are, all 12 months:

    January - January.

    February - February.

    March - March.

    April - April.

    June - June.

    July - July.

    August - August.

    September - September.

    October - October.

    November - November.

    December - December.

    Learning the names of the months is quite simple, the names (by pronunciation) are easy to guess. Even while reading, pay attention to how similar Russian and English names are. I think that after reading a couple of times you can learn them without any problems.

    With the advent of the school year, this question is gaining popularity among schoolchildren.

    Despite the fact that English and Russian are absolutely different languages, the names of the months in these languages ​​have a similar pronunciation. For example, May and May (mei).

    To find out the name of the months, as well as their spelling and transcription, you can refer to this table.

    In the diagram above, the names of the months of the year are given according to the seasons, but the first month of the year is January *January*, followed by *February* - *February*, then *March* - *March*, followed by March *April* - *April* , *May* - *May*.

    This is where the spring months end and the summer months begin: *June* - *June*, *July* - *July*, *August* - *August*, then the autumn months: *September* - *September*, *October* - * October*, *November* - *November*.

    And the last month of the year is winter - *December* - *December*.

    Not only children at school, but everyone else, it would not hurt to know how all twelve months of the year will be in English. Often calendars have months in this language, so it's better to remember these English words.

    In order to remember better, of course, it is better to have visual pictures in front of your eyes.

    with the designations of the seasons:

    The year starts from January or in English January, then the second month is February or February, etc. The calendar year ends in December or, in English, December.

    You just need to remember that in English the names of all months of the year should be written with a capital letter, that is, a capital letter.

    The months in English are:

    January - January


    March - March

    Ahuil - April

    august - august

    September - september

    October - October

    november - november