For a week my lower abdomen has been aching like before my period. The stomach feels tight, as if before menstruation. Causes of nagging pain in women

Many girls and women of reproductive age experience unpleasant pulling sensations in the lower abdomen before menstruation. Is this normal or should I be worried?

A healthy woman, from the point of view of a gynecologist, should not experience premenstrual pain at all. But there are not many such cases. Most often, nagging pain before menstruation is felt by those who do not complain of gynecological problems. Why?

Today, the human body is negatively affected by many factors, as a result of which health and well-being may deteriorate.

Therefore, the causes of premenstrual pain can be:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • frequent stress;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • unbalanced diet, etc.

If the reason that the lower abdomen feels tight before menstruation is one or more of these points, the problem can be solved by adjusting your lifestyle.

There are times when the stomach hurts before menstruation for more serious reasons. Then you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

For example, painful sensations just before menstruation or a few days before its onset can cause hormonal surges. A large percentage of those who suffer from premenstrual pain for this reason are teenage girls whose cycle is just establishing itself.

Also, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system cause pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, not only does the lower abdomen pull, but complaints such as:

  • increased body temperature;
  • bloody, curdled or greenish vaginal discharge;
  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • pain when urinating;
  • sharp or nagging pain in the lower back;
  • presence of blood in the urine;
  • general malaise and weakness.

What is algomenorrhea (algomenorrhea)?

Algodysmenorrhea is a common disease in which the lower abdomen begins to pull a few days or hours before menstruation. At the same time, the pain affects the lower back and does not go away with the onset of menstruation. The abdomen can be very tight until the end of menstruation, and periodically the pain becomes cramping in nature.

Some people confuse this painful condition with periodic premenstrual pain. But it's not safe. Algodismenorrhea requires careful diagnosis and qualified treatment. This disease can be either independent or indicate other problems. For example, this is often a symptom of endometriosis.

My stomach hurts, but I don’t have my period. What to do?

A situation may arise when the stomach feels tight as before menstruation, but for some reason it does not come. This may indicate the following reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • ovulation;
  • incomplete removal of the fertilized egg (after abortion);
  • tumor formation in the uterus.

During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, many women feel that their stomach is tight, like before their period. But, if there is a delay, and the pain does not stop, why not take a pregnancy test?

Pregnancy may be:

  • uterine;
  • ectopic.

If the test shows a positive result, immediately consult a doctor to find out where the fertilized egg is located. You should not hesitate to go to the hospital, since an ectopic pregnancy may cause internal bleeding.

If the pregnancy is normal, do not be afraid of what is pulling in the lower abdomen. This means that the uterus has become toned. Timely seeking medical help will enable the doctor to assess the situation and prescribe medications to the patient that will prevent miscarriage.

Ovulatory pain does not pose any threat to health. About 80% of the fairer sex who experience aching and nagging pain before menstruation also experience pain during ovulation. This is a feature of their body.

It is clear why menstruation does not occur after ovulatory pain. Although the sensations are the same, the cycle does not break down. Menstruation, as expected, will begin in two weeks.

If a woman who has terminated a pregnancy notices after a short time that her stomach hurts like before her period, this may indicate an incomplete abortion. This means that the fertilized egg was not completely removed, resulting in infection. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman needs to complete the procedure with surgery.

The lower abdomen feels tight as before menstruation due to the formation of uterine fibroids. Your stomach may hurt for a few days and then stop. But, if your period does not come, and the test is negative, it is better to go to the doctor to make sure that there are no (or presence) tumor processes.

For whatever reason the lower abdomen is tight, it is recommended to visit a specialist. An examination using a gynecological examination, ultrasound diagnostics and tests will help to identify the true reason why your stomach hurts and find an effective solution to this problem.

Quite often, representatives of the fairer sex learn about the approach of critical days without looking at the calendar, and accurately determine this date.

But if the lower abdomen hurts, as during menstruation, but there is no menstruation, this is the first signal that you should not put off going to the doctor.

The nature of such pain is not always pathological.

If the lower abdomen produces a slightly aching pain and it is short-lived, then the fairer sex has absolutely no reason to fear.

But when the pain becomes more frequent and becomes cramping, sometimes unbearable, this indicates signs of other pathologies.

Pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation, has various sources of origin. They come in both organic and functional varieties.

The organic origin of pain includes:

  • Inflammation in the ovary;
  • Benign tumors in the uterus;
  • Neoplasms: cysts;
  • Prolonged stay of the IUD in the uterus;
  • Surgical pathologies;
  • Disorders of the urinary system;
  • Diseases occurring in the gallbladder;
  • Pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy;
  • Low placenta previa;
  • Placental abruption occurs prematurely;
  • Abortion and the condition after it.

Pain of functional origin occurs when:

The pain varies from aching to cramping.

Often the cause of their appearance is a disruption of the hormonal cycle. Pain that occurs after menstruation indicates the presence of endometriosis. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pain radiates to the lower abdomen.

In exceptional cases, pain begins as a response from the female body.

Why does my stomach hurt during menstruation?

Menstruation in a woman or girl is characterized by certain signs:

The duration of these pains is from 3 to 7 days.

Why does pain occur? Pain syndrome is present in functional states during menstruation. But it is also pathological in nature.

Important to know! These pains, as during menstruation, in the lower abdomen are characteristic of inflammation occurring in the pelvic organs.

In gynecology, there is a name that characterizes the pain felt during menstruation. This physiological condition is called dysmenorrhea.

Dysmenorrhea occurs:

  • Primary;
  • Secondary.

With primary dysmenorrhea, pain appears before menstruation. They last up to 4 days. This type of pathology is typical for girls from adolescence to 25 years.

These pains are accompanied by various dyspeptic disorders. Over time, the pain subsides after the baby is born.

During secondary dysmenorrhea, pain occurs only as a result of pathological changes in the area of ​​the pelvic organs. This is observed in middle age categories (after 30 years).

The following factors are related to such pathologies:

  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • inflammation occurring in the pelvis;
  • endometriosis.

Sometimes severe pain in the lower abdomen in women is a harbinger of cancer.

Pain in the left lower abdomen in women

The lower abdomen hurts, as during menstruation, on the left side, not always with gynecological pathologies, sometimes this also happens with other diseases localized in this area.

In such situations we are talking about radiating pain:

  • Section of the small intestine;
  • Ureter and left kidney;
  • Spleen;

Also, similar pain occurs due to:

A woman has pain in the right side of her lower abdomen

Pain located in the right side of the abdomen indicates various diseases. They are often present when diagnosing appendicitis.

Appendicitis is swelling of the large intestine. Its main symptom is pain around the navel. It increases gradually, with nausea and an increase in temperature. Sometimes there may be flatulence.

The following causes contribute to intestinal upset:

  • stress;
  • fast food;
  • poor digestion.

It begins with a slight and infrequent tingling in the abdomen, often accompanied by flatulence and pain in the liver.

The second cause is stomach ulcer and duodenal disease. It begins with a burning sensation in the stomach and turns into pain, like during menstruation, which women feel in the lower abdomen.

Also, such a signal can indicate kidney disease and inflammation of the bladder. They are infectious in nature, but may also be due to hypothermia. The pain radiates to the right side of the lower abdomen.

ICD or pyelonephritis of the kidney on the right side - with such a disease the pain radiates to the right side of the back and down the abdomen.

Often, with diseases of the uterus, there is pain felt in the abdomen.

With cystic neoplasms, girls experience pain, like during menstruation, on the right side of the lower abdomen.

Pain occurs with benign ovarian tumors.

Often, girls make an appointment with a gynecologist when they feel pain in the lower abdomen and in the middle. They are felt in moments, but their character is constant.

To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor needs to examine the patient.

The examination includes:

  • Gynecological examination;
  • Taking a smear;
  • Carrying out ultrasound diagnostics.

Upon completion of the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment:

The main causes and symptoms of pain that occurs in the lower abdomen:

  • Various inflammations occurring in the intestines are characterized by constipation or loose stools. Occur due to malnutrition and various intestinal inflammations;
  • During pregnancy, when the egg is fertilized, but not in all cases;
  • Pain during menstruation is not uncommon. This is due to various physiological individual characteristics.

Women usually suffer from pain with:

  • low pain threshold;
  • fertilization of the egg;
  • inflammation of the lining of the uterus inside.

In women, the lower abdomen hurts in the middle, as during menstruation. Reasons

Pain in the lower abdomen in women, as during menstruation in the middle, occurs due to hormonal imbalance. This leads to the development of endometriosis.

The pain appears during menstruation and subsides only in the middle of menstruation. Treatment can be either medication or surgery.

Often pain in the lower abdomen in the middle appears with cystitis. First, a burning sensation begins, which is accompanied by itching, and then the pain in the lower abdomen sharply worsens and urination occurs.

The nature of this disease is infectious, and therefore it is required to undergo tests and take antimicrobial agents.

Pain may indicate inflammation in the organs that are present in the pelvis. They are typical for untreated infectious diseases acquired through sexual contact.

In the advanced form, pain occurs during sexual intercourse, as well as discharge in the form of mucus that has an unpleasant odor. Drug treatment is indicated.

These pains have two causes:

  • Organic failures;
  • Functional disorders.

The first reason includes:

Sharp and acute pain in the lower abdomen in women

Various reasons influence the acute pain that appears in the abdomen. You need to react to pain immediately and consult a doctor quickly. Self-medication is not recommended.

The main causes of acute pain in the lower abdomen:

  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • cystitis;
  • renal colic;
  • appendicitis;
  • algodismenorrhea;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

For these reasons, the following occurs:

Such pain occurs both against a functional background and in the presence of pathology. A lot depends on the symptoms.

These pathologies include:

  • diseases of organs located in the pelvis, use of an intrauterine device;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • acute inflammation of the urinary system;
  • disorders during pregnancy;
  • presence of abortions.

Functional reasons include:

  • disruptions in menstruation and ovulation process;
  • bleeding from the uterus;
  • stagnation of menstrual blood.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen in women. Reasons

With inflammation in the pelvis, the temperature rises, aching pain is felt in the lower abdomen, and when adnexitis occurs, it is localized in the side.

With endometritis, the pain is located closer to the middle of the abdomen and is constant. If there is disease of the ovaries or appendages, sharp pain will occur during palpation.

With endometritis, the pain can be aching and prolonged, the uterus is elevated.

To fight inflammation, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Cholecystitis is often accompanied by persistent mild pain.

Cramping pain in the lower abdomen in women

Pain in the lower abdomen in the form of contractions indicates a serious illness. Young girls often experience pain during menstruation. They feel discomfort and pain during their first menstruation.

This condition is considered functional, and it is associated with increased sensitivity of the nerve endings of the uterus.

Sometimes such pain syndrome can manifest itself as a result of various congenital pathologies. Then the pain is cramping. They are characteristic of the complete absence of the menstrual cycle.

Basically, the pain is antispasmodic and very strong, lasting. In this condition, you need to immediately contact a specialist.

Cramping pain often occurs with an ectopic pregnancy. It begins with a deterioration in general condition and is recognized at a late stage. If you ignore this condition, death will occur.

When the fallopian tube ruptures, cramping pain is also present, which is subsequently accompanied by heavy bleeding. This condition is also life-threatening.

Cramping pain occurs due to acute inflammatory diseases of many pelvic organs.

It is necessary to pay attention to the course of menstruation. If they become painful, cramping in nature, then you should go to the gynecologist.

Among the secondary diseases, various inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract can be noted, especially acute intestinal conditions. For example, this may indicate intestinal obstruction, when urgent surgery will be needed.

The disease is characterized by high fever and attacks of severe pain. If help is not provided in time, the person will die. These pains often come at night.

Pain in early pregnancy - positive test: when it’s not dangerous

If a pregnant woman experiences painful sensations at the beginning of her pregnancy, the test is positive; it is not dangerous when they pass quickly, but this happens because the woman’s body prepares in advance for the development of the child in the womb.

Women feel pain:

  • in the chest;
  • lower abdomen;
  • in the ovaries.

Sometimes a pregnant girl at the beginning of conception experiences nagging pains that occur in the lower abdomen. Often, they can be tolerated, as they are mild and often permanent.

Such pain is associated with pregnancy, when the uterus begins to grow and pregnancy hormones appear. These hormones are designed to soften the muscles and ligaments that are located in the pelvis.

Aching pain occurs because the corpus luteum grows in the pregnant woman’s body. When the egg gets rid of the follicle, a cyst immediately appears there, producing a hormone called progesterone.

This hormone is needed for pregnancy to proceed normally. The cyst increases every day, and when it reaches a large size, it stretches the ovarian capsule, and therefore pain occurs.

In the early stages of pregnancy, these pains will not harm the baby.

Threat of miscarriage - how to identify and what to do

This terrible diagnosis made by doctors does not mean that the pregnant woman will eventually have a spontaneous miscarriage.

Doctors make a lot of efforts to maintain a pregnancy after a woman is diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage.

This diagnosis in a pregnant girl is accompanied by some symptoms: vaginal discharge– from pale pink to dark brown.

These discharges can be both scanty and abundant. At first they are insignificant, and then more frequent. The discharge is insignificant, but lasts for a long time. Severe spasmodic pain occurs in the lower abdomen.

When there is a threat of miscarriage, the pain is similar to that which happens during menstruation. It happens that bleeding occurs without pain.

If you have pain in your lower abdomen, as if you're on your period, even though you're not expecting it, it's worth checking with your doctor. It may be a serious illness.

If a pregnant woman notices that she has similar symptoms that indicate that she is at risk of miscarriage, she needs to lie down and first take the phone to immediately call a doctor at home. You need to lie down with your legs slightly elevated.

After receiving advice from a specialist, the pregnant woman, with the help of friends or relatives, should immediately go to the hospital to receive urgent medical care.

When she has severe bleeding, it is necessary to call an ambulance at home to provide initial assistance, and then take the pregnant woman to the gynecology.

Doctors pay attention to the fact that the woman does not get nervous while waiting for the doctor., for this she needs to drink a small dose of drops of motherwort or valerian tincture.

If the threat of miscarriage is real, then the woman is placed in an inpatient gynecological department, where she is treated.

What does it mean if there is white discharge?

If there is white discharge, this means that the fairer sex may be healthy or sick. It all depends on their color, smell and quantity.

Doctors consider the following to be completely healthy discharge from a woman’s vagina:

  • White, almost transparent;
  • Odorless;
  • Watery consistency;
  • With an amount per day from 2 to 5 mg.

Don't worry if they have a yellowish tint. He indicates that the girl has some deviations from the existing norm.

The fairer sex has significant white discharge, this indicates that they will soon begin their periods.

White discharge, indicating a woman’s illness, has the following distinctive properties:

  • Curdled;
  • With an unpleasant odor;
  • Foamy;
  • Accompanied by burning and itching.

These discharges indicate a disorder present in the body, as they are considered the body’s response to infection.

Lower abdomen hurts after intercourse

The lower abdomen hurts, as during menstruation after sexual intercourse in such cases as:

What if the ovary hurts before menstruation?

Experts advise women to make an appointment with a specialist at the slightest discomfort, especially if the lower abdomen hurts, as during menstruation. Only he has the right to diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Often, pain in the ovaries appears in females before menstruation. Doctors call this pain ovulatory syndrome.

The occurrence of such a syndrome is not dangerous, but doctors recommend that if it is present, you should see a specialist in order to rule out any diseases.

A woman's lower abdomen can hurt for many reasons, but not all of them pose a danger to a woman. It is still impossible not to react to them.

For any pain that occurs in the lower abdomen, it is best to consult a doctor and prevent the disease in time.

This video will tell you why the lower abdomen sometimes hurts, like during menstruation, and what diseases this symptom is a symptom of:

From this video you will learn how to cope with pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation:

A large number of girls experience tension in their lower abdomen before menstruation. This scares some, because not everyone knows whether this is a normal phenomenon or not.

It is worth understanding why such symptoms occur and how to deal with them.

Cause for concern may already appear in the case when the lower abdomen pulls every month, before the onset of menstruation.

During the normal course of the menstrual cycle, there should not be any unpleasant sensations, so any unusual symptom should be discussed with a gynecologist.

But don’t panic, because pain before menstruation does not always indicate any pathological conditions in a woman’s body.

But even the most harmless pain should not be very intense and cause the lady a lot of discomfort.

Endorphin, which is considered an endrogenic opiate, gives a woman joyful sensations. Estrogen and progesterone are responsible for the production of this hormone.

A few days before menstruation, the amount of progesterone begins to go off scale, which leads to a sharp decrease in estrogen levels in the woman’s body.

But just before your period, levels of both estrogen and progesterone fall, so the level of endorphin, the hormone of joy, also decreases.

This phenomenon affects the woman’s condition and can provoke pain in the abdominal area.

If a girl experiences aching, nagging or cramping pain, then there are certain reasons for this, which will be indicated below.

Factors that provoke nagging pain in the abdomen

Almost every woman has experienced a feeling of tightness in her lower abdomen a few days before her period.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon, and only a qualified specialist can identify the true one.

Abdominal pain, which manifests itself a couple of weeks before menstrual bleeding, is called algomenorrhea among specialists.

During this period, the girl may experience various unpleasant sensations, which often indicate some pathology in her body.

Currently, doctors consider such complaints with all seriousness, because they may indicate quite serious illnesses.

The stomach can begin to hurt either a week or a couple of hours before your period. Most often, the discomfort lasts no longer than two days, then disappears completely.

The nature of the pain varies, often radiating to the back or anus.

Algomenorrhea is accompanied by certain symptoms: increased appetite, tearful mood, severe irritability, slight nausea, sleep disturbances.

Doctors distinguish several degrees of algomenorrhea:

  1. The mild form is manifested by slight abdominal pain just before menstruation and mild malaise.
  2. The average form is characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, chills, nausea and headaches.
    In exceptional cases, depression and loss of performance may occur. Therefore, the woman needs medical help.
  3. The severe form is characterized by unbearable pain before menstruation, which can radiate to the back. Girls suffer from fatigue, rising temperature, headaches, and tachycardia. Nausea with vomiting and loss of consciousness may occur.

Most often, such algomenorrhea is associated with some congenital disease of the genitourinary system.

Primary algomenorrhea occurs in girls before the very first menstruation and can continue for several more years.

The secondary form of the pathology occurs after 30 years and is characterized by severe bleeding from the uterus.

Several other reasons

Doctors identify a number of reasons that provoke painful periods. They are:

  1. Regular stress.
  2. Inadequate sleep.
  3. Poor nutrition.
  4. Severe diets.
  5. Lack of vitamins in the body.
  6. Excessive production of progesterone, leading to uterine enlargement.
  7. An infection occurring in the genitals.
  8. Abnormal structure of the uterus.
  9. The presence of myomatous nodes in a woman.
  10. Endometriosis.

In addition, the lower abdomen often feels tight in the early stages of pregnancy. Why is this happening? An already fertilized cell moves through the fallopian tubes and attaches to the uterine wall.

This process often provokes bloody and spotting discharge, which can be perceived by a woman as scanty menstruation.

The stomach can also hurt during an ectopic pregnancy, which is very dangerous for a girl, as it can be fatal.

This condition is characterized by abdominal cramps on one side, nausea, loss of consciousness and bleeding from the vagina.

If you provide the patient with timely medical care, you can preserve her reproductive function.

When should you go to the hospital immediately?

The end of ovulation often leads to a woman's lower abdomen tightening. For many women, the pain is so strong that it can only be relieved with antispasmodics.

Such pain should not occur, so if it occurs, you should contact a gynecologist.

Smoking or drinking alcohol can cause severe pain. In addition, the matter may involve diseases of the central nervous system, the presence of an infection in the body, or injuries to the genital organs.

If a woman has a stomach ache before each period, then only a doctor will help her figure out why such symptoms occur and get rid of them.

But we should not forget that the lower abdomen can also be pulled due to the physiology of a particular girl.

There are several factors, when they appear, you need to immediately see a gynecologist. They are:

  1. Increased body temperature before menstruation.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Urine mixed with blood.
  4. Pain during urination.
  5. Discharge of a cheesy or purulent nature.

In the case when a few days before menstrual bleeding your stomach begins to hurt and increased gas formation appears, there is no need to panic.

It is better to carefully study the nature and intensity of the symptoms and tell your doctor about them.

How to treat stomach pain

Medications can help relieve pain. But if a girl doesn’t want to poison herself with chemicals, then doctors advise doing the following if her stomach is very tight:

  1. Apply a heating pad to your stomach, as the heat will help relax the uterus.
  2. Take a warm shower, which will calm your nerves and relax your muscular system.
  3. Drink valerian tincture.
  4. Take a birth control pill, which will quickly relieve discomfort.

But before using such products, you should consult a gynecologist.

How to avoid stomach pain

If your stomach constantly hurts before menstruation, then experts advise girls to follow several recommendations. They are:

  1. Do exercises regularly, visit the pool or do lower back massages.
  2. Watch your weight, as excess body weight often contributes to the appearance of pain.
  3. Reconsider your lifestyle, stop smoking and alcohol, spend more time in the fresh air and eat right.
  4. If your stomach hurts too much, don’t tolerate it – take a pill. If it does not help, then call an ambulance.

Many girls wonder why abdominal discomfort occurs before menstruation. As stated above, a large number of factors contribute to this phenomenon.

If the pathology is severely neglected, then there is a risk of developing dangerous complications that can pose a threat to the patient’s life.

Therefore, every woman should closely monitor her health and do not hesitate to consult a gynecologist on any issue that arises.

Only a doctor will help you figure out why your stomach hurts and give recommendations on how to cope with the problem and prevent its development in the future.

Useful video

A tugging sensation in the stomach, as if before menstruation, is a fairly common complaint from obstetrician-gynecologist patients. The occurrence of this pain syndrome can be associated with various conditions.

What can cause pain in the lower abdomen? The list of main reasons is as follows:

    an inflammatory process that affects a woman’s reproductive system;

    endometriosis is a disease that is characterized by the appearance of tissue similar in structure to the tissue of the inner layer of the uterus, but outside this layer (for example, in the muscular layer of the uterus, ovaries, etc.);

    imbalance in sex hormones (their level and ratio);

    adhesive process;

    ovarian cyst and various tumor-like formations that are associated with the uterus and its appendages;

    symptoms of abortion (miscarriage);

    inflammation of the bladder;

    intestinal spasms (intestinal colic).

If your stomach feels tight before your period, you should seek help from a specialist (obstetrician-gynecologist). Self-medication is generally unacceptable. It is often ineffective, but only leads to loss of time and contributes to the progression of the pathological process, significantly aggravating existing disorders.

The complaint that the stomach is pulling, as before menstruation, forces the specialist to prescribe additional examination methods. However, of course, at the first stage the doctor will conduct an objective examination, which includes a vaginal examination. Additional diagnostic methods include the following:

    ultrasound examination;

    hormonal tests;


    examination for urogenital infections;

    colposcopy, etc.

After conducting the necessary examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes appropriate treatment. It can be represented by the following types:

    antibacterial treatment;

    antiviral therapy;

    immunostimulating treatment;

    taking hormonal medications to correct existing disorders;

    surgical treatment if there are certain indications;

    For the treatment of threatened miscarriage, antispasmodic drugs and progestin drugs are used (according to indications).

When the stomach feels tight, as before menstruation, it is imperative to exclude the most serious pathological processes. You should think about the possible formation of tubo-ovarian tumors (the formation of a purulent focus that includes the ovary, fallopian tube and underlying tissues). To exclude purulent contents in the abdominal cavity, it may be necessary to perform a puncture of the abdominal cavity, performed through a protruding point at the border of the transition between the cervix and the body of the uterus. If pus is obtained, then surgical treatment is indicated, the purpose of which is to remove the purulent focus from the body and carry out sanitizing measures.

In addition to all of the above conditions, the cause of pain in the lower abdomen can be idiopathic algomenorrhea, that is, painful menstruation. It is not possible to establish the reason using modern research methods. Therefore, pain requires the use of only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Thus, if your stomach feels tight, like before your period, you should consult a doctor. It includes an objective examination, additional research methods, as well as the prescription of appropriate treatment.

Every woman is familiar with periodic pain in the lower abdomen. Appear before menstruation or during menstruation. Women often complain that their stomach hurts in the middle of their cycle. Nagging pain occurs for a number of reasons, the main one being the onset of ovulation.

Ovulation occurs every month. At this moment, the egg is released from the ovary. The period of egg maturation is considered a favorable moment for conceiving a child. A regular menstrual cycle depends on the timing and presence of ovulation.

Statistics show that most of the fair sex do not know when the egg is released. For a healthy woman, this is usually the middle of the cycle. During this period, basal body temperature rises. Minor pain in the lower abdomen and swelling of the mammary glands appear. To clarify the onset of ovulation, it is recommended to do a special test (sold at the pharmacy).

Pain during ovulation

Pain in the abdomen during ovulation occurs due to rupture of the ovarian follicle, a mature egg is released. The release process lasts several minutes. But the sensations can last up to several days. The reason for this is rupture of blood vessels and minor bleeding.

The location of the pain depends on the location of the ovary, where the egg came from. It has a varied character: it can be tugging or sharp. The duration of pain is affected by:

  • The presence of adhesions of the fallopian tubes;
  • Scarring;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Inflammation in the pelvic organs.

Only a gynecologist can identify the cause of pain in the middle of the cycle.

Diagnosis of pain

It is difficult to determine the exact moment when the egg leaves the ovary. A woman will need to observe her own body for some time and measure her basal temperature.

It is measured immediately after waking up. A mercury thermometer is inserted into the anus. Before ovulation, the normal temperature is 36.4-36.7. At the moment the egg is released, the temperature will rise to 37-37.3 degrees and will last until the start of the next menstruation. The method allows you to accurately determine the day of ovulation. To be on the safe side, it is recommended to do a test.

It is important to establish the duration of the menstrual cycle. It is counted from the first day of menstruation until the onset of the next one. The length of each woman's cycle is individual. The normal duration is 28–35 days.

Ovulation is accompanied by symptoms:

  • Mood swings;
  • Increased sexual desire;
  • Copious clear vaginal discharge;
  • Heaviness in the mammary glands.

Ovulation does not require drug treatment. A slight sensation of pain is a normal process. During this period, it is recommended to drink more fluids, walk in the fresh air, eat vegetables and fruits more often, and avoid stress and strong emotional stress.

Possible reasons

Absence or skipping of ovulation affects menstruation. Missing two to three times a year is considered normal. From birth, a woman has a certain number of eggs. As reproductive function declines, the number decreases. My periods are coming, but sparingly.

If ovulation is absent during a woman’s fertile age, this indicates that the reproductive system is impaired. The consequence may be infertility or the inability to bear a child. If the release of the egg does not occur for two to three months in a row, you should consult a doctor. After conducting research, the gynecologist will identify the causes of ovulatory dysfunction.

Increased estrogen levels

A tightening of the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle can be due to low estrogen levels. The activity of the uterus and the sensitivity of a woman directly depend on hormones. The maximum increase in estrogen is observed in women closer to 40 years of age. During this period, menstruation is accompanied by especially severe pain.

Changes in hormonal levels cause PMS and algodismenorrhea (lower back pain, sharp pain in the lower abdomen). Dizziness, nausea, and weakness begin. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to take analgesics.

Elevated prostaglandin levels

The appearance of pain is the main sign of high levels of prostaglandins. Due to their increase, a hormonal imbalance occurs. Accompanied by pain in the back and lower back during menstruation.

The purpose of prostaglandins is to cause uterine contractions during childbirth. Enzymes are produced in the uterus. When the follicle matures, the pressure increases and it ruptures. Therefore, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, cramping pain occurs.

Gynecologists call the process ovulatory syndrome. Often accompanied by headache, rapid heartbeat, nausea, chills and vomiting.

The cause of the syndrome can be an infectious disease, which causes an inflammatory process in the ovary. Its walls become denser, and the release of the egg is difficult. In order for the egg to be released, a lot of pressure is required on the follicle. This is how vascular injury occurs.

Thyroid enlargement

The thyroid gland is responsible for the work and creation of hormones in the human body. When it increases, hormonal levels are disrupted. During menstruation, a woman experiences pain syndromes and insomnia.

An enlarged thyroid gland disrupts the functioning of the entire body. Pathological inflammatory processes occur in the uterus and vagina. Infectious and bacterial diseases, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis occur.

Use of intrauterine contraceptives

Intrauterine contraceptives can cause pain in the middle of the cycle. Painful sensations are caused by the presence of a foreign body. Also, the syndrome is sometimes triggered by the synthesis of prostaglandins.

If pain occurs frequently, it is better to abandon the intrauterine device. You need to see a doctor if:

  1. Throughout menstruation there are sharp nagging pains in the abdomen and lower back.
  2. The pain intensifies and does not go away for more than 2 days.
  3. The syndrome is accompanied by discomfort, itching, burning of the genitals. Urination is accompanied by sharp pain. Vaginal discharge has a pungent odor.
  4. Heavy bleeding occurred during menstruation (the pad fills completely within an hour).
  5. Increased temperature due to an inflammatory process.

Possible pregnancy

The cause of nagging pain after ovulation is pregnancy. After fertilization, the egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. During this period, pain appears in the lower abdomen, which resembles the pain syndrome in the days before menstruation. In the early stages of pregnancy, the side where the egg came out hurts.

  1. The syndrome appears due to increased blood circulation in the uterus. Oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the embryo with blood. But increased blood circulation increases the tone of the uterus, the consequence will be spontaneous miscarriage or its threat.
  2. Nagging pain appears due to softening and stretching of the tissues and ligaments of the uterus. It increases and shifts. Rapid growth occurs in the first months of pregnancy. As a rule, by the second trimester the syndrome disappears.
  3. The cause of pain is increased levels of progesterone. In this case, the sensation spreads to the legs, back, and lower back.

In order not to confuse pregnancy with illness, a woman should listen to her own body. As soon as conception occurs, the expectant mother’s body prepares for the birth of a child. The breast begins to enlarge and hurt when any touch is made to it.

Visit to the doctor

Consultation with a doctor is necessary if pain continues for a long time. The difficulty lies not only in ovulation and pathology of the pelvic organs. The stomach hurts due to gastrointestinal diseases, appendicitis and a number of other diseases.

When treating pain in the middle of the cycle, you should not rely on analgesic drugs. Their action is aimed at relieving the symptom. If pain persists for two or three cycles, it’s time to see a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and studies.

An immediate visit will be required if a woman has discovered one or more symptoms accompanying pain: nausea, vomiting, weakness, a sharp increase in temperature, itching and burning of the genitals.

Why is my stomach churning?

The stomach feels tight as before menstruation, but it’s not time for it to come yet, or vice versa - it’s already a long time ago, that is, the delay has begun, what does this mean? For what reason can a woman have a ache in her lower abdomen outside of menstruation?

The most common reason why the stomach feels tight before menstruation is the accumulation of gases in the intestines. He (the intestines) begins to squeeze the uterus, and she, in turn, reacts to this pressure with spasms that the woman feels. But, naturally, flatulence occurs not only in premenstrual days, but also in any phase of the cycle, and therefore mild cramps can sometimes occur normally in a woman. But the painful sensations should not be strong, regular, or last long. It is also normal for a healthy woman to feel tightness in the lower abdomen before menstruation.

Often the cause of uterine spasms is sexual intercourse, namely, an experienced orgasm. That is why expectant mothers may not be recommended to have sex if they often experience uterine hypertonicity. But outside of pregnancy, if your stomach feels tight, like during your period after sex, you can just try to relax. For example, lie on your stomach with your knees slightly bent, or take a warm bath. Use a Papaverine rectal suppository or No-shpa tablet.

But the stomach can hurt without, it would seem, a reason for it. Although in fact there is a pathology. This is a submucous uterine fibroid - that is, submucosal fibroid that grows directly into the uterine cavity. Its main symptom is heavy menstruation and intermenstrual bleeding. But there may also be pain. To diagnose this gynecological disease, an ultrasound is performed. Submucous fibroids are removed using hysteroresectoscopy if they are less than 5 cm, and most of the fibroids are located in the uterine cavity and not in the muscle layer. If it is more than 5 cm, and the location is not so favorable, doctors prescribe drugs that cause temporary menopause by stopping the production of sex hormones, and the fibroids decrease. And then it is removed without any problems.

Please note that such painful sensations can be caused not only by uterine fibroids, and not only by gynecological diseases, but also by various surgical pathologies. For example, appendicitis.

The danger is the situation when the stomach pulls during pregnancy in the early stages, such as before menstruation. This may indicate a threat of interruption. Especially if there is bloody discharge from the genital tract. Indeed, with regular and prolonged contractions of the uterus, its cervix begins to slowly open, and the endometrium exfoliates along with the fertilized egg. Prevention of miscarriage in the first and second trimester of pregnancy is taking medications containing progesterone.