No words: how to expand your active vocabulary. Books for the development of intelligence and vocabulary


  1. Approbation
  2. Vernissage
  3. Devaluation
  4. Idiom
  5. Pun
  6. Cannonade
  8. Legion
  9. Marina
  10. Polysemy
  12. Reminiscence
  13. Sacramental
  14. Synecdoche
  15. Syntagma
  16. Sonorant consonants
  17. Toponym
  18. Phantasmagoria
  19. Pleonasm
  20. Allegory
  21. Nihilism
  22. Cacophony
  23. tower-
  24. Esperanto
  25. Idiosyncrasy
  26. Transcendental( transcendents)
  27. Metaphysical
  28. Scholasticism
  29. Esoterics
  30. Truism (true)
  31. Glossary
  32. Euphemism
  33. The cognitive dissonance
  34. Eclecticism
  35. Epistemology
  36. Invectives
  37. Binomial theorem
  38. Voluntarism
  39. Congruence
  40. Decadence
  41. addiction
  42. gender
  43. Homogeneous
  44. Ubiquists
  45. uence
  46. frustration
  47. Vanguard

Goal Accomplishment Criteria

2) Vernissage (fr. vernissage, literally - varnishing) - the opening of an art exhibition in a solemn atmosphere, which is attended by specially invited persons

3) Devaluation (lat. de - decrease; lat. valeo - to matter, cost) - a decrease in the gold content of the monetary unit under the gold standard

4) IDIOMA, -y, f. In linguistics: a turn of speech, the meaning of which is not determined by the individual meanings of the words included in it, for example. to beat the buckets, to sharpen the frills.

5) Pun - A joke based on the comical use of words that sound similar, but have different meanings, a play on words.

6) Cannonade - sounds of shots from artillery pieces

7) COHORT, 1. In ancient Rome: a detachment of troops, a tenth of a legion. 2. trans. Strongly united group of associates (high)

8) Legion (lat. legio, genus case legionis - military collection, call, from lego and legere - to collect) - the main organizational unit in the army of Ancient Rome.

The legion consisted of 5-6 thousand (in later periods 4320) foot soldiers and several hundred horsemen

9) Marina (fr. marine, ital. marina, from lat. marinus - sea) - a genre of fine art depicting a sea view

10) Polysemy (from the Greek πολυσημεία - “polysemy”) - polysemy, multivariance, that is, the presence of a word (language unit, term) of two or more meanings, historically determined or interconnected in meaning and origin.

11) RAVELIN m. 2) One of the ravelins of the Peter and Paul Fortress, turned by Peter I into a prison for his son Alexei and later used by the tsarist government to imprison political criminals; Alekseevsky ravelin.

12) Reminiscence (lat. reminiscentia, recollection) - an element of the artistic system, which consists in the use of the general structure, individual elements or motifs of previously known works of art on the same (or close) topic.

(Example of reminiscence)

13) Sacramental - religion. pertaining to a religious cult, ceremonial, ritual

14) Synecdoche (ancient Greek συνεκδοχή - ratio, literally - “comprehension”) - a trope, a kind of metonymy, based on the transfer of meaning from one phenomenon to another on the basis of a quantitative relationship between them. Usually used in synecdoche:

Singular instead of plural: "Everything is sleeping - both man, and beast, and bird." (Gogol);

Plural instead of singular: "We all look at Napoleons." (Pushkin);

A part instead of a whole: “Have you any need? “In the roof for my family.” (Herzen);

Whole instead of part: "Japan has opened in different directions." (Stock news); (instead of: shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange);

The generic name instead of the specific one: "Well, sit down, luminary." (Mayakovsky) (instead of: the sun);

The specific name instead of the generic one: "Better than all, take care of the penny." (Gogol) (instead of: money).

15) Syntagma (ancient Greek σύνταγμα, lit. “order”, from other Greek σύν “s” and other Greek τάγμα “order”) - a polysemantic term, translated as classification, systematization; arrangement, placement.

16) Sonorant consonants- Sonorants are distinguished from other voiced consonants by the fact that noise practically does not participate in their formation (l, m, n, p, j.)

17) Toponym - a proper name, which is the name of a separate geographical object

18) Phantasmagoria - bizarre, fantastic events, incidents

19) Pleonasm (other - Greek πλεονασμός - superfluous) is a turn of speech in which words partially or completely coinciding in meaning are repeated unnecessarily. Examples: "elderly old man", "young

young man", "see with my own eyes", "month of May"

20) Allegory - allegory, expression of an abstract concept through a specific image (Example: allegory "justice" - a woman with scales)

21) Nihilism (from lat. nihil - nothing) - a worldview position, expressed in the denial of the meaningfulness of human existence, the significance of generally accepted moral and cultural values, the non-recognition of any authorities.

22) Cacophony (ancient Greek κακός - bad and other Greek φωνή - sound) - combinations of sounds perceived as a chaotic and meaningless heap.

23) Kalancha - watch tower, fire station tower

24) Esperanto is an artificial (planned) international language, created mainly on the basis of the vocabulary and grammar of the most common European languages

25) Idiosyncrasy (idios) - intolerance. For example: I have an idiosyncrasy for fools!

26) Transcendental (transcendens) - abstract, academic, mental, speculative, mental, theoretical. Somewhere like that. In connection with the breadth of the concept, it is recommended that the term be widely used, where it is necessary and where it is not necessary.

27) Metaphysical - about the same as Transcendental. The term is good for answering a question, the essence of which you did not understand. For example, like this - "How do you feel about scholasticism? - In a metaphysical sense?"

28) Scholasticism is a medieval philosophical trend. I included scholasticism in my list of buzzwords solely because of the beautiful name.

29) Esotericism (from other Greek ἐσωτερικός - internal) - a set of special ways of perceiving reality that have a secret content and expression in "psycho-spiritual practices"

30) Truism (true) - a well-known opinion or statement. A typical example of a truism is "The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea."

31) Glossary - a dictionary of highly specialized terms in any branch of knowledge with an interpretation

32) Euphemism - replacing rude or harsh words and expressions with more

soft. Among the people, the phenomenon received a very biting and precise formulation.

33) Cognitive dissonance (from the Latin words: cognitio - “knowledge” and dissonantia - “dissonance, dissonance, lack of harmony”) - a state of mental discomfort of an individual caused by a collision in his mind of conflicting ideas: ideas, beliefs, values ​​or emotional reactions.

34) Eclecticism - a combination of heterogeneous views, ideas and theories.

35) Epistemology - the theory of knowledge, the main part of philosophy, considering the conditions and limits of the possibility of reliable knowledge.

36) Invectives - obscene, areal abuse, swearing. Often used in combination with invective vocabulary.

37) Newton's binomial - a formula for representing the degree of the sum of two numbers. It is used, as a rule, as an expression of something complex as opposed to something simple. For example: "I also need Newton's binomial!

38) Voluntarism is a doctrine that puts a strong-willed principle in the foundations of being. In our time, it is used as an evaluative term for the actions of a person that you personally do not like. Eg. : "Vanya drank all the tequila. This is pure voluntarism!"

39) Congruence is a very rich word. One of my favorites. Means a state of integrity and complete sincerity, when all parts

individuals work together towards the same goal. It is also often used with the prefix not. A very congruent word.

41) Addiction - dependence. Eg. Internet addiction. Like mine.

42) Gender - sexual. Intergender, respectively, - intergender.

43) Homogeneous - homogeneous. For example: "The homogeneity of this yogurt is beyond doubt."

44) Ubikvist - species of plants and animals that live everywhere. Do not get carried away with this term, anyway, no one knows it, except for you and me.

45) Cavalcade-a group of riding horsemen

46) Frustration - disappointment. our life is a chain of frus

47) Vanguard - Part of the troops (or fleet), located in front of the main forces. The leading, leading part of some social group. At the forefront of the democratic movement (in front, in the forefront).

The question is often asked how to increase vocabulary? How to increase vocabulary? What's the matter? Why do words end?

Below, the text will detail what needs to be done in order to increase vocabulary words.

First a background, and then - how to increase the vocabulary of colloquial words

How to increase vocabulary?

A high school girl was brought to me so that I could teach her how to perform well. My parents insisted that I teach her individually, and not in a group, paying the cost of expensive education.

The girl's vocabulary (colloquial) was almost zero.

But there were “Eh…” “Like…”, “In general…”, “You understand…”, “In short…”. With these words, she operated easily and naturally: "Listen to the joke ...", "I'll tell you right now ...".

I take out a collection of parables. I choose the shortest one. Please retell in your own words.

And here I had a culture shock.

The girl remembered all the words until the middle of the parable. And fired them with a machine gun. One to one to the text. Then she stumbled, forgot a word. And she reached out to look at the leaf.

I take the leaf: "Now - in my own words."

She was never able to fully tell the simplest parable from the collection. Was there no vocabulary? (There was a vocabulary, because she had just read these words.)

What book to read to increase vocabulary?

I give the following parable. The task is the same: to retell in your own words. But there was more to the story. The girl's "RAM" was overloaded. She couldn't tell halfway through. She fell silent. So I was able to find the right words to finish my story.

And it became clear what to work with first. Not with gestures and not with pauses. And teach a high school student to speak in your own words, but not memorize words from text.


Enrich not so much vocabulary as “colloquial vocabulary”.

By the way, it should be noted that the girl is not stupid, she studied well at school.

For the experiment, he gave the task to write a parable, which she read, but could not tell. The student coped with the task quickly, in a few minutes. And she wrote almost verbatim. Means - problem with speaking.(The problem is not with speech, and not with vocabulary, the problem is with CONVERSATION)

We started to work. After hundreds of parables… my student easily began to retell any parables. And other, even complex, texts. She began to philosophize easily on "free topics". The words "Eh ...", "Like ..." were no longer needed to express themselves. They disappeared.

Time has passed. The girl entered the institute and sent me a letter of thanks that here she is the best speaker at seminars.

Now let's move on to our topic:

How to increase vocabulary?

They even ask me what books to read to increase vocabulary?

First. Please note that we ourselves use small set of words. To convey and explain information in everyday life to us many words are not needed. And so we ourselves We don't speak all the words.

And besides, we don't say all combinations of words.

We manage with a small set of phrases, necessary for everyday communication.

Of which most falls into non-verbal speech (gestures, facial expressions, intonations).

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How to improve vocabulary. Second.

To enrich the set of phrases, it is necessary to speak them (but here it is not necessary out loud, it is possible in written speech, it is possible in thoughts, internal dialogue).


That is to say often. Remember often. enjoy.

One of the ways to improve the quality of speech is - written speech ( it's not the only way)

That is: write letters, chat, answer questions, explain something, prove something. And so on. This way you can improve your vocabulary.

It is useful to develop written language. But do not retell, but come up with your own thoughts. It checks and develops vocabulary well.

And the more new, unfamiliar topics (and words) for written communication, the better!

At the same time, it is useful to write beautifully and, most importantly, write colloquially .

Exactly as you say.

Think and write immediately. Right along the line of thought.

Here's how I do it now.

And this is not only my opinion, this is the opinion of many experts.

Everything that you come up with and write down in this way is your ready-made thoughts, ready-made phrases.

This expands our ability to look for the right words. This skill will be transferred to ordinary speech, because the process is the same.

But when you write - no one drives you in the neck, you can really look for right word for a while without worrying. And in written speech, well, no way, you can’t replace a word with a gesture or facial expressions.

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Written language does not replace oral speech!

One more time to remember forever:


Our vocabulary small and needs to be increased talking!

Even if you are not a speaker. And you are not going to become a speaker. Necessary develop conversation!

It is useful to retell interesting stories found on the Internet. And there are plenty of them out there. And it is not necessary to look for super-unusual news. For learning, a variety of stories that caught your eye, and from which your mood improved, are suitable.

Here is a video, a good example:

Yes. Good to read books!

Why? In addition to reading books, in fact, not than replenish vocabulary. The speech of the people who surround us is very, very poor in new words. Much poorer than a well-written text in a book.

Films also do not have a wide variety of words, especially Hollywood ones, in translation into Russian, only a passive.

To use new words - their useful first read from book. But this is not enough. They should be used in conversation. Use! To make the words read colloquial words. Rich speech is diversity words used.

It is important to translate words from passive to active stock!

The words you read are just passive margin words.

All this applies to both adults and children. Here is the performance of the girl with the parable.

A good effective practical exercise on how to increase vocabulary.

Tell your friends about the movie you watched (or the book you read). In detail, with emotions.

If you did it easily, and you talked about the film for more than 20 minutes, then you have a vocabulary. If you could only speak in general terms, using the words from the commercial, then you need to learn to speak aloud. You don't have to be a speaker to do this.

Best of all, start by describing movies or books you've read.

Set yourself a task - to retell every movie you watch aloud to your friends, in detail, with emotions ... So that it is a wonderful story, and not a statement of facts and listing scenes from the film. It's the best way to build, expand, and develop vocabulary.

Retell books, and not only impressions, but the whole plot.

Video example of book retelling

What else is useful?

No matter how much you want to quickly start telling everything in a row, it is useful to learn how to speak without junk words.
It's better to watch it right away than to relearn later.

The habit of using junk words instead of useful words can become a problem.


Gestures are also speech. non-verbal speech. Gestures need to be learned as well as the ability to speak.

And it is useful to watch the video:

So what book should you read to increase your vocabulary?

Every person who graduated from high school has already read all the possible words in textbooks. Several times. And do you think these students use all the words they read? No. They use only those words that they began to use in their speech. So retell books more often than you read them. And you can take almost any book. Every good book uses over 3,000 unique words. Is this not enough?

I made several good collections for retelling, there you will find both good stories and wonderful parables:

And in order to perform well, read these books:


To have a rich vocabulary of words.

1. It is not enough to read the words - they must be used. translate "read words" in “words used in speech”. Use these words in your speech and in your internal dialogue.

2. Write letters, articles using new words. Build passive vocabulary by reading books.

3. Do your homework. Speak their speeches aloud before performances. before important conversations.

4. Tell, retell parables, stories, news, books to your friends. Tell about the book you read or watched movie. This will increase your active vocabulary.

5. And, of course, it is necessary to master the techniques of speaking with a prepared speech, and techniques impromptu performances(not just read about it, but also master it)


I wish you success!

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Learning is a continuous process. You can become an erudite person both in your teens and in retirement, when you are already over eighty, simply by expanding your vocabulary. Develop habits that will help you remember and use the most accurate words in your language. And it will become easier for you to communicate, write and think. After you read more specific tips for expanding your vocabulary, read this article to the end.


Part 1

Learn new words

    Read avidly. When you leave school, you will no longer be given word exercises, and there will be no homework at all, which at one time forced you to learn new words. You can just stop reading. But if you want to expand your vocabulary, make yourself a reading plan and stick to it.

    • You can try reading one book a week, or just read the newspaper every morning. Choose a reading pace that suits you, and design a reading program that fits into your schedule.
    • Try to read at least one book and a couple of magazines every week. Be consistent. You will not only increase your vocabulary, but you will also be in the know, you will know what happened. You will expand your stock of general knowledge and be an educated, well-rounded person.
  1. Read serious literature. Set yourself the task of reading as many books as you have the time and desire to. Read the classics. Read old and new fiction. Read poetry. Read Herman Melville, William Faulkner and Virginia Woolf.

    Read also Internet sources and "low-brow tabloid" literature. Read online magazines, essays and blogs on various topics. Read music reviews and fashion blogs. True, this vocabulary does not apply to high style. But to have an extensive vocabulary, you need to know both the meaning of the word "inner monologue" and the meaning of the word "twerking." Being well-read means being familiar with both the work of Geoffrey Chaucer and the work of Lee Child.

    Look in the dictionary for every word you don't know. When you see an unfamiliar word, don't skip it with annoyance. Try to understand its meaning from the context of the sentence, and then look it up in a dictionary to clarify its meaning.

    • Get yourself a small notebook and immediately write down all the unfamiliar words that you will meet in it, so that later you can check their meaning. If you hear or see a word you don't know, be sure to look it up in a dictionary.
  2. Read a dictionary. Dive headfirst into it. Read dictionary entries about those words that you are still unfamiliar with. To make this process more fun, you need a very good dictionary. Therefore, look for a dictionary that gives detailed explanations of the origin and use of words, as this will help you not only remember the word, but also enjoy working with the dictionary.

    Read the dictionary of synonyms. Look for synonyms for words you use frequently and try to use them.

    Part 2

    Use new words
    1. Set yourself a goal. If you're determined to expand your vocabulary, set a goal for yourself. Try to learn three new words a week and use them in speech and writing. Through conscious effort, you will be able to learn several thousand new words that you will remember and use. If you can't use a particular word correctly in a sentence, then it's not part of your vocabulary.

      • If you can easily memorize three words a week, then raise the bar. Try to learn 10 words next week.
      • If you look up 20 new words a day in the dictionary, it will be difficult for you to use them correctly. Be realistic and develop a practical vocabulary that you can actually use.
    2. Use flashcards or sticky notes throughout your home. If you're going to make it a habit to learn new words, try some simple memory tricks as if you were studying for a test. Hang a sticker above the coffee maker with the definition of the word you hope to remember, so you can learn it while you make yourself a cup of coffee in the morning. Attach a new word to each houseplant so you'll learn as you water them.

      • Even when you're watching TV or doing other things, keep a few flashcards handy and learn new words. Expand your vocabulary under any circumstances.
    3. Write more. Start journaling if you haven't already, or start a virtual diary. Intense flexion of the muscles when writing will help you remember words better.

      • Write letters to old friends and describe everything to the smallest detail. If your letters tend to be short and simple, change that by writing longer letters or emails than you've ever written before. Spend more time writing letters as you would if you were writing a high school essay. Make thoughtful choices.
      • Do more writing assignments at work. If you usually avoid issuing orders, writing collective emails, or participating in group discussions, change your habits and write more. In addition, you may receive money for expanding your vocabulary.
    4. Use adjectives and nouns correctly and accurately. The best writers strive for brevity and precision. Get an explanatory dictionary and use the most accurate words in your sentences. Do not use three words where you can safely get by with only one. The word that reduces the total number of words in a sentence will be a very valuable addition to your vocabulary.

      • For example, the phrase "dolphins and whales" can be replaced with the single word "cetaceans". So "cetacean" is a useful word.
      • A word is also useful if it is more expressive than the phrase or word it replaces. For example, the voices of many people can be described as "pleasant". But if someone very a pleasant voice, then it is better to say that he has a voice that "caresses the ear."
    5. Don't show it off. Inexperienced writers think they can improve their writing by using the thesaurus function in Microsoft Word twice in every sentence. But actually it is not. The use of swear words and the correct spelling of words will make your written speech pompous. But what's even worse is that it will make your writing less accurate than more ordinary words. Proper use of words is a hallmark of a true writer and a sure sign of a large vocabulary.

      • You could say that "Iron Mike" is Mike Tyson's "nickname", but "nickname" would be more accurate and appropriate in this sentence. Therefore, the word "nickname" is less useful in your vocabulary.

    Part 3

    Improve your vocabulary
    1. Subscribe to the Word of the Day newsletter in one of the online dictionaries. You can also get yourself a Word of the Day calendar. Remember to read the words on that page every day, try to memorize the words of each day, and also use them in your speech throughout the day.

      • Check out word-building sites (like and expand your vocabulary while you satisfy your hunger or do something else useful.
      • There are so many online sites devoted to alphabetical listing of unusual, strange, obsolete, and difficult words. Use a search engine to find these sites and learn from them. This is a great way to pass the time while waiting for the bus or standing in line at the bank.
    2. Solve word puzzles and play word games. Word puzzles are a great source of new words because their creators often have to use a huge amount of underused words to make sure all the words fit in their puzzles and keep them interesting for those who solve them. There are many varieties of word puzzles, including crossword puzzles, word puzzles, and hidden word puzzles. Along with expanding your vocabulary, puzzles will also improve your critical thinking skills. As for word games, try games like Scrabble, Boggle, and Cranium to expand your vocabulary.

      Learn some Latin. Although it seems like a dead language, a little knowledge of Latin is a great way to learn about the origin of many English words, and it will also help you understand the meaning of those words that you do not already know without looking up in a dictionary. There are educational resources for Latin on the Internet, as well as a huge number of texts (check your favorite old bookshop).


    • Keep in mind that you may use words that other people may not know. This can create barriers to communication and understanding. So be prepared to use simpler synonyms in various contexts to mitigate this issue. In other words, don't be a bore.

Great Russian! Studies by modern linguists show that it contains about two hundred thousand words. However, the average Russian uses no more than three thousand lexical constructions in everyday life. There are many methods for replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian language. You can get acquainted with the most effective techniques for improving the culture of speech in the article.
Council number 1. Reading-learning The book is an endless source of knowledge.
Expanding vocabulary through reading, analyzing and memorizing information is one of the most effective methods of enriching speech. How to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language and what to read for this? It is necessary to study not only fiction, but also popular science, specialized literature of Russian and foreign authors, poetry. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • slow, thoughtful reading followed by text analysis;

  • concentration on new terms, turns, lexical constructions;

  • the practice of reading aloud, memorizing, or retelling a text.

Having stumbled upon an unfamiliar word, you need to write it out in a separate notebook / notebook, pick up synonyms, memorize the interpretation and try to apply it in everyday life.

Council number 5. Using dictionaries Specialized textbooks that study the etymology of words can open up new horizons in the native language. You can use both classic volumes from Dahl or Ozhegov, or use online services to learn new words. It is noteworthy that explanatory dictionaries, in addition to interpretation, also contain examples of the use of the term in context, which allows it to be included in the active lexicon.

An obligatory item in working with a dictionary is the transfer of unknown terms into a separate notebook. It is important to review your notes from time to time. Perfectly copes with the task of replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian language with a list of words located in a conspicuous place. Placing stickers with terms in the workplace, refrigerator or mirror involves visual memory in the process of learning new vocabulary. Do not neglect didactic cards: a word is written on one side, and its definition on the other.
Beginning linguists: tricks of learning your native language

  • Solving word puzzles. Crossword, scrabble, boggle or cranium - picking up a game to your liking, you can not only have great fun, but also expand your vocabulary, learn to think critically.

  • Regular training is the key to success. If the daily “load” is 3 words, then in a month the vocabulary will increase by 90, and in a year - by 1080 words!

  • The secret from the series on how to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language, which many people neglect, is listening to audiobooks, podcasts, lectures and public speeches by cultural and scientific figures. While cleaning or commuting, such activities contribute to the enrichment of lexical baggage.

How to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language for a student and a child?
Speech abilities in children are formed by the age of five: upon reaching this age, the baby should be able to use various constructions of complex sentences, master the skills of word formation and inflection, and have a sufficient vocabulary. Lack of communication, ignoring reading, violations in pronunciation are factors that lead to the fact that the child has a passive knowledge of speech.

The application of methods of expanding lexical baggage for adults to children is ineffective. The following rules from teachers, speech therapists and neuropsychologists will come to the rescue: they shared the secrets of how to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language in childhood.

  • No confusion! If a child calls mittens gloves and plates saucers, it makes sense to help the child see the differences between these items through visual analysis. For example, by drawing things that cause confusion, examine them in detail and highlight the differences.

  • Verbal connection. The game of association allows the child to develop abstract thinking. For example, the kid should pick up several nouns, adjectives and verbs (preferably synonymous) for the word “guitar”: “music” and “sound”, “voiced” and “loud”, “plays” and “strums”.

  • Hidden meaning. Concrete thinking is inherent in children up to 7 years old, later they begin to catch the "messages" of the author and learn to read "between the lines". The discussion of proverbs and sayings helps to develop the ability to understand figurative meaning.

  • Reading and communication. Important aspects in the question of how to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language for a baby are communication and reading skills. You should always listen to the child, and also do not forget to instill in him a love of literature.

How to quickly replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language? Use all of the above methods in a complex. It is important to remember that success is achieved only through hard work, and those who are ready to constantly work on themselves become erudite and developed individuals.

It is estimated that there are more than five hundred thousand words in the Russian language. On average, a person uses about four to five thousand in his life. It is easy to imagine how you could diversify your speech by increasing the number of words used in your vocabulary. How to do it right?

Types of vocabulary


Naturally, it is impossible to master all five hundred thousand words, and it is not necessary. But adding a thousand or two new words to your vocabulary will definitely make your speech more vivid and interesting.

Vocabulary can be:
Passive - these are the words that we know, but do not use. On average, the number of words is equal to four thousand.
Active - words that are used in everyday vocabulary. The average number of words used is not so often over three thousand.

Increasing vocabulary: retelling

At school, few people like to retell texts in literature lessons. However, those wishing to increase their vocabulary will have to return to this procedure at a more conscious age. To do this, read a short story or chapter of a book and retell it. Correct retelling must be done aloud. Only then will it make sense.


After retelling, return to the text again, underline the unused words and try again.

Building vocabulary: reading aloud

Can you read to yourself? Of course you can read. But do not be surprised that in this case you will not see much result. If reading occurs to oneself, then in memory, if some words are deposited in memory, then in a very small amount. Therefore, reading aloud fixes the words in memory much better.

We increase vocabulary: new words and verses by heart

The technique of memorizing new words has proven to be effective. To do this, stock up on an explanatory dictionary. In the evening, write down a few new words with their interpretation in a notebook specially designated for new words. Repeat in the morning. Use throughout the day at the earliest opportunity.
The more and more often you learn poetry, the richer your vocabulary will become. Words from poems pop up unexpectedly in everyday speech. In addition, this is a great way to train memory, so useful in life.

How to increase vocabulary. Effective methodology


Those who want to make their speech more vivid and expressive should understand that working on increasing vocabulary should become a habit and be practiced every day.

Vocabulary Technique