Nod middle group autumn. Abstract of the educational activity “Journey to an autumn fairy tale.” Middle group. The teacher praises the children

Activity: cognitive, communicative.

Form: problematic situation.

NGO "Poznanie"

  • Expand children's understanding of the characteristic signs of autumn, teach them independently, and find them.
  • Clarify children's ideas about the changes that occur in the life of plants in autumn.

NGO "Communication"

  • Develop the ability to write a descriptive story based on a diagram.

NGO "Socialization"

  • Foster a caring attitude towards nature through resolving problem situations.

Materials for GCD: autumn leaves of birch, poplar, rowan. Tree fruits: birch catkins, rowan berries, fir cone. Pictures of a forest in autumn. Squirrel toy.

Vocabulary work:

(The children notice an autumn leaf on the window in the group.)

I’m going to kindergarten today and I hear something rustling under my feet. Like this (rustle the candy wrapper). She stopped, looked around - silence. I went further, and again there was some rustling noise. And then I realized: it’s the leaves rustling under my feet! I go and listen to the song of autumn leaves. (Rustle candy wrappers with the children, listen to the “song.”) One leaf rustled the best. I picked it up from the ground and brought it to you. And the leaf came to life and spoke: “I lived on my mother tree with my leaf brothers. We were all green. It began to get colder outside, we changed the leaves, our outfit, became multi-colored and began to fly away from the tree in different directions. Why did this happen? What happened in nature? Let us help the leaf explain what autumn is?

  1. "Weather in autumn"

Working with the weather calendar.

Choose a picture that suits autumn. Why did you choose this one? (The sky is gloomy, it often rains and sometimes snows.)

2. “Autumn tree.” (Circles of different colors are laid out on the table - red, yellow, orange, green, silhouette of a tree.)

Take those leaf circles that come in the fall and decorate the tree.

Physical exercise.

Guys, let's turn into autumn leaves. (I hand out pieces of paper to each child.)

We are the leaves

We are leaves. (Children stand freely, hands up.)

We are autumn leaves.

We were sitting on branches , (Sway.)

The wind blew and they flew. (They run away.)

We flew, we flew,

And then we got tired of flying. (They run and spin.)

The breeze has stopped blowing

We all sat down in a circle. (They squat.)

The wind suddenly blew again

And he quickly blew away the leaves.

All the leaves have flown

And they sat down quietly on the ground. (They run away again, waving their arms.)

3. "Birds" (phonogram: “Cries of birds”).

Who screams like that? (birds). (Illustration: “Flocks of birds fly away to warmer climes.”)

Guys, why are the birds so excited, where are they going? (To warm regions.)

What are the birds that fly away called? (Migratory.)

What are the names of birds that stay for the winter? (Wintering.)

  1. "Animals"

The leaf wants to invite us to take a walk in the autumn forest. To go there, you need to remember the rules of behavior in the forest. (See modeling: “Rules of conduct in the forest.”)

Listen to the riddle and find out who was hiding under the bush:

What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a column

Under the pine tree.

And stands among the grass,

Are your ears bigger than your head? ( Hare.)

Who is this?

That's where the bunny hid. Let's watch him quietly so as not to scare him. The hare is preparing for winter. I wonder how he does it?

In autumn the hare molts.

What kind of fur does he grow? (White, warm.)

Why does a hare have white fur in winter? Warm?

The bunny was scared of someone, who is it?

Someone is clubfooted

Walking through the forest.

And a furry paw

He's tearing off the bark. Who is this? (Bear.)

How does a bear prepare for winter? What does he do in winter? (Asleep, hibernates.)

How does he sleep all winter and eat nothing? He will die of hunger.

(That’s right, fat accumulates under his skin. A bear eats well in the fall. That’s how fat he is, look.)

Where does a bear sleep in winter? (In the den.)

Goodbye, bear, see you spring!

Look at the picture we got. Tell a leaf what autumn is? (The child lays out the pictures one by one and makes up a story.)

Reflection: - Who did we help today?

What did the leaf ask us?

Organization: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 43

Locality: Chuvash Republic, Novocheboksarsk

Goal: to summarize children’s knowledge on the topic “Autumn.”

Objectives: clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the autumn season;

activate children's vocabulary on the topic of the lesson; improve the ability to listen carefully and answer questions; to form in children an idea of ​​how wild animals prepare for winter.

Develop children's cognitive interest, attention and memory; develop interest in completing tasks.

To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature; develop a culture of verbal communication between children and each other and the teacher, creating emotional comfort and psychological safety.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive, speech, social and communicative.

Equipment: presentation “Autumn”, 3 autumn dolls, leaves for physical exercises, teaching material for each child, baskets and items for educational games.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, let's sit down on the chairs now. I suggest you listen to the riddle and say what time of year it says:

Leaves are falling from the trees

The birds are flying away again

The rain is knocking on the window again

When does this happen?

Children answer - Autumn.

That's right guys, it's autumn. Look, a new doll has come to visit us. Her name is Noyabrinka. Why do you think she is called that? (Children's answers)

Let's remember what other dolls came to visit us? (Children's answers)

Here they are, our autumn dolls - September, Oktyabrinka and Noyabrinka.

So, what are the autumn months? (Answers)

Now let's look at the screen. Let's see how different autumn can be. This, guys, is early autumn - it’s still warm, the leaves are just starting to turn yellow, the harvest is ripening. What does harvest mean? That's right, guys, these are vegetables and fruits. What vegetables do we know? Where do they grow? Where do fruits grow?

Well done, guys! And here comes the golden autumn - the leaves have turned yellow and are already falling to the ground. What do you guys think, why is this time called golden autumn?

That's right, of course, because the leaves are yellow, like gold, they fall to the ground, forming a golden carpet. The time when leaves fall is called leaf fall. Guys, what a beautiful word - leaf fall. Let's repeat this word. Look, guys, Oktyabrinka brought us golden leaves, let's play with them. Let's take two branches and stand in a circle.

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind blew and we flew

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

The wind came again

And I picked up all the leaves

Spun and flew

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

(Collect leaves in a basket)

Thanks to Oktyabrinka for the fun game. Let's look at the screen again.

And this, guys, is late autumn - it has become cold, it is raining and even snowing, maybe freezing rain, and cloudy. What does cloudy mean? This word means “dark, gloomy, gloomy, with clouds.”

Guys, late autumn has come and the life of forest animals has changed - they are preparing for winter. How they do it, what they eat - let's find out about this today.

Please guess the riddle:

Small, white, jumping across the field, hiding his ears.

Children answer - bunny.

(I show two slides - a gray hare and a white hare)

What do you guys think, why did the hare change his gray coat to a white one for winter? (Answers)

What does a hare eat in winter? (Answers)

Hares do not prepare their homes for winter, they do not dig minks, but simply burrow deeper into the snow and sleep.

Guys, what do we call a baby hare?

What do we call a hedgehog's baby? What about the fox? Of course, guys!

Listen guys, someone is growling. Who is this? Yes, it's a bear.

He sleeps in a den in winter, under a huge pine tree, and when spring comes, he wakes up from sleep. (Showing a slide about a bear)

What do you guys think, is the bear preparing for winter? (Children answer)

Yes, that's right. All summer and autumn the bear eats a lot of berries, catches fish in the river, eats honey and accumulates fat for the winter. At the end of autumn, he finds a place under a pine tree, where leaves and branches lie, and goes to sleep until spring. Snow in winter covers the bear's den and keeps him warm there.

Let's listen to another riddle: He lives in a hollow tree and gnaws nuts. (Children answer)

(Showing a slide about a squirrel)

Yes, of course, it's a squirrel. Do you know the name of the squirrel's house? (Children's answers)

What does a squirrel like to eat? (Answers)

You know, guys, it turns out that the squirrel always makes provisions for the winter in different places throughout the forest and remembers these places. She has such a good memory. Another interesting thing to learn about the squirrel is that with its large fluffy tail, the squirrel closes the entrance to the hollow, and it and the children in the hollow are warm and cozy.

Guys, we said that the animals are cold now, let's help them, let's find a home for each animal. Shall we help?

Game "Find the mink"

Well done guys, you found a home for the forest animals.

And we also said that the animals became hungry, they have nothing to eat. Let's help our animals find their favorite food. Here we have cards with animals on one side and their favorite food on the other. Let's draw a line with a pencil from the animal to the treat that animals love.

(Children's work)

Well done guys. Just let's see if we fed all the animals? It seems to me that we forgot about someone. Who haven't we fed? (Children's answers)

Of course, a squirrel. Shall we help the squirrel? What does the squirrel like, guys?

(Children's answers)

Come on guys, sit down at the table and turn over the cards. What's on them? Yes, these are spruce branches.

One branch is long, the other is short. Let's hang the big mushrooms on a large branch, and the small ones on a small one.

The children are working.

How well done you guys are! Helped the squirrel and baby squirrels.

Guys, who did we help today? (Children's answers).

Yes, and we will help other animals in the next classes.

Job description: I offer you a summary of the integrated lesson “Hello, Golden Autumn” for children of middle preschool age. This summary will be of interest to educators and music directors working with the age category of 4-5 years

Target: Expand children's understanding of the characteristic signs of autumn; Clarify and expand children’s active vocabulary on the topic “Autumn.”
Educational objectives:
1. Form an idea of ​​the signs of Autumn;
2. To develop the ability to write a story about Autumn.
Developmental tasks:
1. Development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, and speech in preschoolers.
2. Developing children's interest in seasonal changes in the world around them.
Educational tasks:
1. Foster a desire to explore nature.
2. Foster a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to admire its beauty.
Equipment: Autumn painting, letter, pictures of animals, ball
Current heroes: Old Man-Lesovichok
Venue: group room

Abstract of the educational activity “Hello, Golden Autumn” for middle preschool age

Progress of the lesson:
If in the trees
the leaves have turned yellow,
If to a distant land
the birds have flown away
If the sky is gloomy,
If it rains,
Guys, what time of year is this?
Children: Autumn
(There is a knock on the door. A sad old man, Lesovichok, appears.)
Educator: Oh, guys, look, who came to visit us so upset!
Lesovichok: Hello, kids, girls and boys! Where did I end up? (confused)?
Children: To kindergarten.
Lesovichok: So, I need to come to you! I am the Old Man - Lesovichok, I am the guardian of the forest! Oh, oh, oh, guys, something incomprehensible is happening in our forest! It was supposed to snow, but it’s raining in our forest; trees are in leaves, but should be covered with snow; the bear should be hibernating, but he is digging a den; everything is so bright, colorful, beautiful! Guys, can you tell me what time of year it is now? Because I’ve become quite old and don’t remember anything!
Children: Let's tell you, it's Autumn now!
Lesovichok: That's right, Autumn - I remembered! Where's the snow? Where's the ice? Icicles?
Children: No, Lesovichok, you got it mixed up, snow, ice and icicles happen in Winter, but now it’s Autumn!

Lesovichok: Yes, that's right. And now I remember! Guys, can you help me remember about Autumn, what is it like?
Educator: Of course, Lesovichok, the guys will tell you everything about the beautiful Autumn! Guys, let us now all stand in a big, big round dance and play a wonderful game! To begin with, we will choose a driver using a counting rhyme! (counting is done and a driver is selected). And now Polinochka (driver) throws a ball to each of you, and you answer the question “What is Autumn?” For example: Autumn is golden! Let's begin!
Children: Warm, cold, golden, rainy, gloomy, beautiful, sad, sad, bright, colorful, amazing, etc.
Lesovichok: You guys are great, you know so many adjectives about Autumn! (Lesovichka’s letter falls out of his pocket)
Lesovichok: Oh, what do I have? Letter? (surprised) That's right, I remembered the letter! The forest dwellers gave it to me for you! To find out what kind of animals these are, guess riddles about them!
Gray coat, silver fur,
Very beautiful, fluffy tail,
If you're a little lucky,
He will take the nut from your hand.
And it flies from you like an arrow,
Well of course it is...
Children: Squirrel
Lesovichok: Well, of course, it's Belka!
Lesovichok: And now we’ll find out who wants to ask you another question!
He sleeps in a den in winter,
Little by little he snores,
And he wakes up, well, roar,
What's his name...
Children: Bear
Lesovichok: Oh, who's the next question from?
Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk!
Children: Hedgehog
Lesovichok: That's right, Hedgehog.
Lesovichok: Guys, do you want to know what questions the squirrel, the bear and the hedgehog asked you in this letter?
Children: Yes
Lesovichok: In order to help our squirrel, bear and hedgehog, we need to divide into three subgroups. (Division into subgroups).
Since the squirrel is completely unprepared for winter, for the first subgroup of children, she asked the question that interested her: “What reserves should she make for the winter?” On the table in front of you are pictures depicting cones, sausages, nuts, cheese, berries, mushrooms and milk. You choose only those pictures that show what the squirrel collects for the winter!
Our forgetful Mishka, for the second subgroup, asks the following question: “What does he do in winter?” In front of you are pictures depicting sleep, walking, eating, bathing. Guys, do you need to choose a picture that shows what Mishka does in winter?
And for you guys, the hedgehog asked this interesting and very important question for him: “What does he need to hide in his hole for the winter?” Here are pictures depicting mushrooms, bread, pies, fruits, cutlets and berries. You choose what the hedgehog needs!
The first subgroup of children: The squirrel puts cones, nuts, berries and mushrooms into the hollow.
Second subgroup of children: The bear sleeps in winter.
Third subgroup of children: The hedgehog hides mushrooms, fruits and berries in his hole.
Lesovichok: Guys, I also have questions for you!
- Why do animals store supplies for the winter?
Children: So as not to remain hungry, since in winter there will be no mushrooms, berries, or spikelets under the snow.
Lesovichok: Okay, what color is the grass and leaves in autumn?
Children: The leaves are multi-colored: orange, yellow, red, brown;
The grass is yellow, brown.
Educator: Lesovichok, they say you’re a bit of a wizard?
Lesovichok: Yes, guys, I love magic and I do a little magic!
Educator: Can you do something magical for us now?
Lesovichok: Guys, I’ve become quite old, but I still remember the magic spells. Now I will say the magic words and all the guys will turn into autumn leaves. Do you want it?
Children: Yes
Lesovichok: Can you help me say the magic words?
Children: Yes
Lesovichok: Repeat after me: One, Two, Three, we spun and turned into leaves!
We are autumn leaves. (We move our heads left and right.)
We sat on branches. (Slowly raise our hands up, then smoothly lower them down.)
The wind blew - we were in a chain
They flew off one after another. (We run on our toes.)
Let's fly, fly,
And they sat down on the ground. (We squat down.)
The wind came again (We stand on our toes, stretch our arms up.)
And I picked up all the leaves,
Twisted them, twisted them, (We spin around ourselves in place.)
And he lowered it to the ground. (We squat down again.)
Lesovichok: Well done, guys! And now: One, Two, Three, we started spinning and we turned into guys! Oh - yo - oh, guys, I got into trouble on my magic tree (the tree is depicted on whatman paper), the leaves have lost color. What should I do?
Educator: Lesovichok, don’t be upset, the guys and I will help you!
Guys, let's help Lesovich and color the leaves on his magic tree?
Children: Let's!
Educator: There are leaves in front of you, choose the one you like, take a brush in your hand and choose your paint: red, yellow or golden! Now let's color our leaves (Paint the leaves with gouache). And now we will use glue to glue our colorful, beautiful leaves onto the magical Lesovichka tree! (Glue the leaves)
Lesovichok: Guys, how smart and smart you are! Now my magic tree has come to life with colorful leaves!
Lesovichok: I invite you to stand in a big, beautiful round dance and sing the song “Autumn has come.” (Sing a song and perform the appropriate movements)
Lesovichok: Well done, guys! I really liked how well you answer questions, play with interest and cheerfully, and sing cheerfully! Thank you for helping me and the forest dwellers remember what time of year it is! It's time for me to return to my forest, to my forest inhabitants! Goodbye, see you again!
Children: Goodbye!
Educator: You guys are so grown up and smart, you helped Lesovich remember everything, answered all his questions! Did you enjoy helping Lesovich?
Children: Yes
Educator: What did you like most?
Educator: What were we doing?
Children: we talked about Autumn, solved riddles, played, drew and glued leaves.

Educator: Doing good things is always nice!

Name: Abstract of the educational activity “Journey to an autumn fairy tale.” Middle group.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, game activities, Middle group

Position: teacher of the first first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 88, Penza “Firefly”
Location: Penza, Penza region

"Journey to an autumn fairytale"
(Synopsis of GCD with children 4-5 years old)

Target: consolidate children's ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena.


Cognitive development

  • to develop children’s ability to see seasonal changes in nature, to consolidate in the speech of preschoolers the rules of behavior in nature, the names of trees;

Speech development

  • activate children's vocabulary with the help of new words, improve independent decision-making skills, and help relieve psychomotor stress in preschoolers;


  • develop the ability to independently draw conclusions, draw conclusions, and, with the help of game situations, bring joy and pleasure from joint activities;
  • to cultivate a consciously correct attitude towards nature, through awareness of its beauty, a caring attitude towards animals;
  • continue to develop memory, attention, thinking through games and gaming exercises.

Artistic and aesthetic development

. continue to develop children’s visual and drawing skills using the non-traditional “compressed paper imprint” technique.

. fasten the instructions to squeeze the paper correctly, pick up paint and leave an impression. - secure the instructions to squeeze the paper correctly, pick up paint and leave an impression.

Equipment and materials:

Envelope; leaves of various trees and cards with pictures of trees; casket; ball; illustration of the paintings “Early Autumn”, “Late Autumn”; tape recorder, audio recording “Sounds of the awakening forest”; a sheet of paper with a picture of a gray hare for each child; white gouache; napkins for each child; paper for each child; easel; oilcloths.

Vocabulary work

  • Thermometer, golden, charming, colorful, early, late.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, reading poetry, asking riddles, conversations, reading stories about plants and wild animals, memorizing poems.

Progress of continuous educational activities

The teacher tells the children: that the postman brought a letter to the kindergarten this morning. But she put it somewhere and can’t find it. And I didn’t even look at who it was from. Can you help me find him?

Children search and find a letter. The teacher praises the children and draws attention to the envelope. And the envelope is unusual, decorated with autumn leaves. This means that the letter is not simple. (Reads the address).

To: Kindergarten No. 88. Children of the middle group.

From whom: From the hare from the forest.

Return address: Hare glade in a suburban forest.

Hello! A meeting of hares took place in the hare clearing. We wanted to make a decision: is it time for us to change our gray fur coats to white ones? It turned out that one half thought it was time, and the other hares said it was too early.

Some said that autumn was ending, others said that winter had already arrived. We don't know what to do. Please advise. We cannot understand whether autumn is ending or not? They say that winter is coming to us through your city. Tell me, when will she be in the forest?

All we ask is that you provide convincing evidence. After all, changing coats is not an easy task for hares.

The teacher turns to the children and offers go on a trip. Where do you need to solve the riddle?

Walked through the meadows

Through the forests, through the fields.

She prepared supplies for us,

She hid them in cellars, in bins,

She said: Winter will come for me.

But first you need to find out whether you know the rules of behavior in nature?

Game "Listen carefully".

If it is correct, then you will clap, and if it is incorrect, then you will stomp.

— Take an ax with you to the forest, you can light a fire there.

- Sing, shout, coo, lull the forest with a loud song.

- Birds, frogs and snakes must be driven out of the forest.

- Don't talk loudly in the forest.

- Don’t destroy anthills.

- Don’t take the chicks home.

- Walk through the forest carefully, don’t break branches.

— Take a basket with you into the forest, you’ll collect a few fly agarics.

: Well done, you were not mistaken, and therefore it’s time for us to hit the road. The path is not easy. Stand behind each other and move forward! Children, the hares are lucky, now we will really take a trip to autumn and will be able to help the bunnies make the right decision.

Educator: You are watching the weather forecast on TV, the announcer talks about air temperature, wind direction, precipitation. Precipitation? What is it? (rain, snow, fog). The teacher writes it down.

Educator: Children, how can you find out what the weather will be like? (watch TV, listen to the radio, read the thermometer).

Game "Weather in autumn"

I have a multi-colored ball: an autumn and magical ball,

He will jump into your arms and ask questions.

Questions for children: Children, what is the weather like in autumn?

  • When it rains, it's rainy.
  • When the wind blows - windy
  • Cold - cold
  • Cloudy - cloudy
  • Damp - raw
  • Gloomy - gloomy
  • Clear - clear

The teacher praises the children: Great. You are right about the weather. I would like to praise you for speaking clearly, distinctly and interestingly.

The teacher addresses the children: Is all autumn the same? What periods of autumn do you know?

The teacher draws the children's attention to paintings depicting autumn. What kind of autumn they depict. (Children point and name)

The teacher encourages the children and asks the question: What happens to nature in autumn?

The teacher tells the children about autumn: Autumn can be beautiful. Since ancient times, people have composed poems, songs, riddles and proverbs. Listen to the signs of autumn.

Signs of autumn

Autumn will approach silently,

He will stand quietly at the gate.

There is a cherry leaf in the garden,

It will fall on the road.

This is the first sign

That summer is leaving us.

And the second raspberry bush,

In the threads of the white web.

The day will become a little shorter,

The clouds will darken

As if a shadow will cover them,

The river will become cloudy.

The third true sign:

Autumn is wandering nearby somewhere

Early in the morning in the clearings,

White fogs will fall.

And then wait, don't wait


The veil will cover your blues

So, autumn has come.

The teacher offers the children: In our kindergarten we have a piggy bank of folk wisdom; children put proverbs and signs of the seasons into it. Do you want to put your signs and proverbs there?

Guys, stand in a circle,

Hold your hands tightly.

I'll take the box

And I’ll collect signs.

The teacher opens the lid, and the children name signs and proverbs.


  1. If it’s clear, then autumn is beautiful.
  2. Autumn is coming, and the rain is coming with it.
  3. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.
  4. From autumn to summer, there is no turn.
  5. Summer with sheaves, autumn with pies.
  6. Fungus in the box - there will be a pie in winter.


  1. In autumn, cobwebs on clear weather.
  2. Thunder in September - warm autumn.
  3. If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  4. Large ant heaps mean a mild winter.
  5. When the goose flies away, snow falls.

The teacher praises the children.

(Children sit on chairs)

And now Nastya will recite the poem “Autumn.”

The yellow maples cried at night,

We remembered the maples that were green.

The yellow birch tree was also dripping,

This means that the birch tree was also crying.

The teacher talks with the children:

- Why do you think the birch tree cried?

Why do the leaves of trees fall?

Children, is it possible to do anything to keep the leaves on the tree?

Will such leaves stick?

Imagine that you are leaves, the wind blew and you swayed (music plays, children dance).

Physical exercise "Leaves".

Autumn leaves began to spin.

A cheerful wind rustled above them,

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

The wind came quietly again,

Suddenly I picked up beautiful leaves.

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

The teacher offers to play.

Game “Guess which tree the leaf is from”

The teacher admires the children’s answers: What beautiful words could you say about autumn?

Autumn words game

The teacher addresses the children: Our journey has come to an end. As we say goodbye to autumn, let's play with the forest echo.

Forest echo, may I ask?

Where have the forest leaves gone?

They fell, they fell, they fell:

Little singing birds, how long have they been making noise?

They flew, they flew, they flew south:

Squirrels and hares, don’t we know about you?

Shed, shed, shed:

So what's going on in the forest? - we’ll ask.

Autumn, autumn, autumn.

The teacher asks the children to think: What shall we answer to the bunnies?

Children offer to paint gray bunnies with white fur coats.

The teacher agrees with the children and asks what they want to do. Children suggest coloring the bunnies with crumpled paper.

The teacher offers to take the necessary materials for work. They sit down at the tables. They remember the rules for working with crumpled paper and start coloring.

The teacher sums it up and says: then she is very glad that the children themselves found convincing evidence that autumn has passed through the city and headed into the forest. Today after our walk we will send the answer to the bunnies.

Who was the most active in class today?

Whose answers did you like?

Who liked their answers and why?

Educator: I have a little secret for you: autumn sent us a package. Accept a message from her. She sent you some leaves that you can color after bed.