Do we need poets? Does modern man need poetry? The meaning of children's fairy tales. Why does the world need poets Is poetry needed in the modern world

Composition: “Is poetry necessary in the 21st century?” You can write using the presented option.

“Does modern man need poetry” essay

Poetry… Such a seemingly simple word in the modern world. But this is a whole engine that can kindle more than one icy heart. And why is poetry important in human life and is poetry generally needed in the modern world?

We have crossed the border of the new millennium — the time of powerful information resources and technological progress. Today, television and the Internet have entered almost all spheres of life. And people began to forget about aesthetic values ​​and spiritual development. Books are no longer needed, writers are no longer needed. Unfortunately, one often hears: why these verses?

Poetry is an important part of my life for me. It's not just a word. This is what kindles a fire in my soul, makes me laugh, cry, enjoy the beautiful. Just think how many aesthetic lines have been given to us by unsurpassed poets. Pushkin, Nekrasov, Lermontov are real titans who, in word, as if in deed, knocked on every door, on every soul. It is their poetry that teaches me from childhood to love the Motherland, my family, to be a good friend and a strong personality. Every word they say sounds like a sweet song to me.

It hurts my heart when you realize that now poetry has lost its value. That now it is only the material of textbooks at school. They learn verses by heart, and in the morning they forget. And this is wrong. Because with them the history and culture of the people are forgotten. Loss of confidence in the future.

What is poetry for? than poetry enriches mankind. The main tasks of poetry that she performs in society. A poet should not limit himself to only writing poetry. Svetlana Skorik

What is poetry for?

In principle, for those who simply cannot help but write, for whom writing poetry is a way of thinking and existing, the only thing that causes great positive emotions, for such people this question itself sounds ridiculous. For them, poetry is needed in itself, as such, so that they can continue to live. Just like that, no less!

But still - if you are asked to formulate in general terms why poetry is needed not only for authors, but also for ordinary people, and for the whole people, and the language, how does it help them, what does it serve in life, how would you answer?

You can talk about this a lot and at length, or you can speak clearly and briefly. I was asked to think about this question, and I tried to answer briefly, with theses, since such a topic, if taken for real, requires a whole detailed study. But should I take on such a block?! If we try to make some generalization, then we can, I think, formulate it this way.

– To educate human feelings – compassion, sympathy, mercy, spiritual kindness, the ability to love faithfully, cherish family values ​​and friendship. To educate the character and spirit of patriotism and strengthen faith in God, as well as to formulate certain patterns of behavior of a heroic person or a righteous person, i.e. real life version of the ideal. In fact, to lay the foundations of a socially oriented personality in a person, capable of organizing his own small or large cell - a strong family, a friendly team, a soldered organization.

It is very important to teach a person to think from an early age not only about himself, but also about his loved ones, and in the future - about those whom fate entrusts him, and about the state as a whole. Any personal development begins with children's poetry and songs, and in youth, an authoritative poetic word is very necessary, on which one can test one's feelings.

- For the development of the literary language, running in new words and even creating successful author's neologisms, testing certain lexical and grammatical norms and choosing for approval in the language as the basis of a more optimal option from several available ones (after all, there are often more outdated, generally accepted moment and already emerging new norms – three in one). Those. in fact, to continue the work of Pushkin and Dahl.

A poet should not limit himself only to the creation of poems. If he is a sufficiently sensitive and literate person, he is able to contribute to the expansion and renewal of the vocabulary of his language, to the instillation of the norms of literary speech and, at the same time, to the fixation in poetic works of successful words spontaneously born among the people. Very often, it was precisely being fixed in works of poetry that new words for it were introduced into the literary language and became official - former dialectisms, terms, necessary borrowings and authorial, poetic word formations.

- To summarize the wisdom and experience of many generations in the form of short and expressive poetic aphorisms, catchphrases, without which no important decision is made either in the family or in the state. In fact, these are poetically designed author's proverbs.

It is well known that what is said not only successfully, but also in rhyme, is remembered on the fly and is often used. Poetic aphorisms in the form of one or two lines are the treasury of folk culture, a person relies on them in his virility and the acquisition of mature personality traits.

– For the internal cultural and spiritual development of the author himself, since poems are very often dictated, as it were, inspired from above, and it is necessary to accumulate enough experience and knowledge in oneself in order to learn not to rush to publish them, to let them lie down, and over time not to be afraid to look on them with new eyes, from the outside and carefully correct, improve, without violating the plan.

The more harmoniously and figuratively the thought that was sent to us not literally, in a general form, is revealed, relying on our poetic skill, the more successfully we will fulfill our duty. Resting each time on what was dictated to us in this way and we must not interfere means only one thing - that the author is limited, internally unfree, constrained and unable to develop and improve what he has caught. After all, a thought is inspired, not certain words, and it is suggested not literally, but figuratively. We only catch according to our own level of development. Poetry for the author is the way to the present self, the development of the best qualities in oneself, opposite to narcissism and selfishness, inner deafness to others.

- To reflect everyday reality, since real, talented prose is created for a long time and thoroughly, already on the generalization of experience. Those. to quickly respond to the situation with a literary word.

Far from always, such works then remain for centuries, although, of course, this happens. But the main thing in them is to successfully capture the essence of what is happening and convey it to the people without distorting it. Those. it is here that the point is no longer in poetic imagery, the beauty of turns, the correctness of word usage, but in the ability to penetrate into the essence, to see the depth of a new phenomenon or fact, to reflect not the external (this can be done by a newspaperman), but the internal, a secret spring or an emerging trend. For this the author must be able not only to rhyme, but also to think philosophically.

– To develop the ability to see the world more figuratively, brighter, deeper, from all sides, to understand its complexity and be able to compare, form chains of associations. This is what helps develop thinking. (Hence the emergence of such a phenomenon as a whole generation of so-called physicists-lyricists.)

Probably, there are many more wise thoughts about how poetry enriches mankind, - thoughts spoken more poetically and reflecting the features of poetry in comparison with other types of literary creativity. I have outlined only the very essence, the most, in my opinion, the most important thing in this huge, majestic iceberg of the human spirit and talent, which is called Poetry. "Iceberg", of course, not because of coldness and detachment, but because of their ability, equal to poetry, to pass off only the surface part as real.

Poetry. Even the word is somehow too refined to seem masculine. When someone mentions poetry, the imagination immediately draws languid freshmen with pimples on their foreheads, desperately composing another masterpiece. Or spiritually rich girls with volumes of Mandelstam who love to drink their stupid latte and talk about “high” - and usually in such primitive categories that it turns out and the thought comes to mind that it would be better to cook borscht in the kitchen. Poetry for teenagers, youths and women is a kind of antithesis of masculinity.

It wasn't always like that. Poems, as a rule, are written and read by men - this has been the case for centuries, starting from ancient Greece: in all these Homer, Archilochus, Hesiod, Pindar and others there was only one Sappho - and that lesbian. Poetry was both art and entertainment.

In the past, poetry was one of the indispensable components of the education of any man. Today we only learn poetry in schools, because… but who knows why. We are used to the idea that poetry is not for men, because it is lyrical, emotional, and boys are taught to control emotions from an early age. Therefore, it is difficult for poetry to find its way into the men's library. In addition, we have other, more acceptable ways to express emotions.

Our society has changed, probably in the last century, and television seems to have taken the place that once belonged to poetry. Our society no longer needs poets to fill life with lyrics and entertain us. We have television and movies, and when we want to read, novels, short stories, magazines, newspapers, and entertainment websites are at our disposal. Poetry no longer has a place in our world, and therefore we forget about it. Maybe the people of the past knew something that we do not know? Maybe they read poetry not only because they did not have a TV? Maybe poetry is not only aahs, sighs, flowers and rainbows? There are poems about war, about friendship, about nature, philosophical lyrics - all this is much richer than the usual ideas about poetry.

Why should I read this?

It so happened that the present is built on the basis of the past. The traditions of our daily life are carried on from the past, even if we do not realize it. Reading poetry, especially old poetry, can give us the key to a better understanding of the world. Modern culture is not called postmodernist for nothing, one of its characteristic features is ubiquitous quotation, ubiquitous references to past cultural facts, which we simply cannot understand if we do not have certain cultural baggage. I'll bet you haven't cut a lot of references even in popular movies because you haven't read enough poetry.

Reading poetry allows you to see the connection between the present and the past and get acquainted with the traditions that our ancestors had. For example, reading Pushkin can tell a lot about the life of the nobility in the 19th century.

Poetry is a fascinating story; sometimes a breathtaking plot unfolds in one poem of a hundred lines.

Sometimes poets create their own words that capture the essence of things very accurately, and this is also quite interesting. They can express great and even universal, seemingly inexpressible, in a couple of lines.

But reading poetry is necessary not only for entertainment or understanding of allusions. Joseph Brodsky said that poetry is the highest form of speech, and by reading poets, a person begins to understand the language better. He even put the question of the mass publication of poets on a par with the question of universal medical care.

Reading poetry is hard and tiring. The language and structure are different from our usual speech, it is difficult to perceive rhythm and rhyme. If the poem is long, it is sometimes difficult to understand it, it is difficult to interpret the images and it constantly worries whether you have understood the author's thought correctly. But if you take your time and give yourself time to reflect on the poem you read, you will begin to grow quickly and noticeably. Reading poetry requires a pumped up brain.

Where to begin

In no case should you turn reading poetry into a boring duty and routine. You can read one poem a day or a week. Make reading poetry a little ritual. For example, this can be done on a Sunday morning: read a poem over your first cup of coffee before you start doing other things. Read for fun or just to prove to yourself that you can. If you liked the process, then it’s good, but if not, it’s not scary: try reading another author. Even if everyone calls this poem one of the best, and you don't like it, just move on. There is no need to torture yourself and instill in yourself that “you don’t understand anything in poetry, because you don’t like this poem, although it is considered objectively good.” Poetry is art. It can be judged subjectively, but still operate with more sane arguments than "boring".

Poets worth reading

To begin with, let's turn to the classics, although I would not advise reading it at the very beginning. Why? When I list the names, you will understand. The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Odyssey, the Iliad, the Aeneid, Paradise Lost - it's a shame not to read. But it makes no sense to start with such complex works: you will not get involved, you will not understand and quit. Start with something simpler, and then come back here.

Required reading: Homer, Shakespeare, Poe, Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Blok, Mandelstam, Yesenin, Mayakovsky, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Brodsky, Apollinaire, Baudelaire, Rimbaud.

Now for the optional: Kipling, Blake, Pope, Frost, Auden, Cavafy, Kogan, Simonov, Prigov, Huberman, Tennyson.

Does a modern person devote much free time to poetry? Classical poetry or modern - it doesn't really matter. It is important that this poetry elevate and ennoble his Soul! Do not compare classical poetry and modern poetry. After all, we are all unique! And comparisons give rise only to disputes in which there are no winners and losers, but there is senseless time spent that could be devoted to something elevating the Soul. All poems are beautiful in their own way. It depends on WHO reading them and HOW the Reader is configured. If your mind intends to compare and criticize, then believe me: it will not see anything but mistakes and shortcomings. For in our minds there cannot be two ideas at once. You can spend a lot of time comparing and criticizing, but WHY DO YOU DO THIS? Don't like it - move on! But I got off topic...

Many will say: "Why should I waste time on poetry? All this is for romantics and dreamers ..." Not only, my dears, not only. Poetry has many different directions. You just have to search and you will certainly find what you like. But the Power of the Word should not be underestimated! Poems make us FEEL, EMPIRE. They teach us empathy! Because a part of the poet's Soul is invested in them! I once wrote about the impact of poetry on the souls of people. Classical poetry is therefore immortal, just as classical prose is immortal. People who lived before us put parts of their immortal Soul into their works:

Poetry really elevates the Soul and instills a craving for beauty. It is unlikely that our favorite TV, which takes pride of place in every home, is capable of this. But is he able to give the Soul to drink what it needs so much? Life-giving Nectar of appeasement and a diverse spectrum of FEELINGS? The time of modern man is absorbed by what gives him food only for the mind, but not for his immortal Soul. Yes, and the information is illusory importance. This is how our days pass in vanity, and we do not even have time to look back at the Beauty of this World. Or at least sit in an armchair with your favorite book, wrapped in a warm blanket and watching the plot develop... In silence, we comprehend peace; in reading the poems of a beloved poet, we learn to empathize with his heroes. Open the Heart, see the feelings of others. The ability to see the World with different eyes is given to us by poetry, including modern poetry. Where else will we get such a chance? Who will tell us about their experiences, ideas, revelations?

We have a lot of talented authors on the portal "", whose poems elevate and inspire. But finding them is your way, because everyone's worldview is different. I found poems that inspire me. I am sure that if you have a strong desire, you will find it too.

Everything written by me is the Call of the Soul! How nice it would be if you were imbued with these words and would devote at least a little time to poetry. It is possible that after that you will want to write something. Poems teach to FEEL and EXPRESS your inner world on a snow-white sheet of paper. At least for himself, and this is not enough. And maybe the gift of a poet will wake up in you too - it's wonderful! These lines are for Unknown Readers, in which, I am sure, the latent potential of the creator lies dormant. You just need to believe in yourself and wake up this dormant potential!
Listen to your Soul. What is she whispering to you? What is it drawn to? It is not necessarily a penchant for poetry. But the inclination to CREATE is in each of us.

For those who are already a well-known poet or prose master, this is an opportunity to grow and improve their skills. Grow above yourself! Not over others! Competition drags down our creativity. And this is not only in poetry, but in any field of activity. Learn, take the best from the classics, from your favorite contemporary poets, from your friends on this site. And just enjoy the beauty of the style of your favorite poets...

Reading poetry is not a luxury, but the Soul's need for beauty, like the need for any sublime art. Take care of your Soul, read at your leisure what is closer to your heart. It will not take much time, but it will give you unforgettable moments of aesthetic pleasure...

I wish you creative success and inspiration!

I really love poetry very much, so my appeal to EVERYONE who reads this article, whether it be the author or an unknown reader, is the same. Enjoy the beauty of poetry, find in it something that will captivate your Soul. And be happy!)

We all learned poems at school and recited. We didn’t like everything, but already as adults we somehow feel that it was good, but for what, it’s hard to answer right off the bat. For memory? But, to be honest, I rarely remember what, although my memory is good and I could teach whole poems. However, memory still develops, even if the poem is forgotten over time. And speaking to the audience is also an early test of oratory.

Poetry occupies a very honorable place in the method. Why? Let's give the floor to her.

  1. Poetry is the highest form of literature. If we read literature to a child to develop and enrich the language, in order to instill a love for the beautiful and noble, this applies doubly to poetry.
  2. Reading good poetry at a child's interest level teaches to love the best and to some extent serves as an inoculation against cheap and vulgar. This is culture education. (I'm afraid that in a school where one joke or an outburst of a witty schoolboy could mean more to the class than a teacher's lesson, the atmosphere was not conducive to a love of poetry. annoying interference to convey love for poetic lines is better.What do you think?)
  3. Poetry is fine combined with the study of nature and serves as an excellent accompaniment.
  4. Despite the fact that poetry is mostly fiction, there are enough valuable, truthful and noble thoughts in it that are useful for character formation child.
  5. Poetry can educate patriotism(if it is for your purposes).
  6. Some poems and poems perfectly illustrate the study stories("Borodino" by Lermontov, "Macbeth" by Shakespeare). Poetry is extremely emotional and leaves a deep imprint.

How, according to Charlotte Mason, should poetry be presented?

If children study in Russian or Ukrainian, then Pushkin and Shevchenko can become next to Shakespeare. The stock of words in their works is about 20,000. The content, of course. completely different. But in this matter, I am not only not an expert, but no one at all. Count, think aloud.

Although I don't need to be strongly convinced of the usefulness of poetry, I have not used it as actively as Charlotte Mason suggests. For preschool children, I had a lot of poems in Russian, which were all read and read to school, and then there was nothing and somehow they went into the background. Several collections of children's English poetry were just as quickly read and put aside. Reading poetry for beginners is really easy and enjoyable. Children loved Pushkin's fairy tales very much. He has such a light style that they effortlessly memorized large passages. With the elders, I recently read Nekrasov's "Who Lives Well in Russia" and Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin". Appreciated. Now I'm making a program for next year and I want to introduce a little more poetry.

I liked this idea. A poem is chosen, read on Monday to children (younger or middle age). Children listen, then they are explained incomprehensible words, after which the children retell the meaning of the poem. It takes five minutes. On other days they reread and memorize it. If the poem is small (and you need to start with small ones so that the children do not lose heart), then by Sunday the child can already tell it to his family. It would be even better to record the performance on video!

Hopefully, over time, I will compile a selection of poems. Share ideas!