What do fat deposits on different parts of the body say. Why is belly fat dangerous?


Belly fat - we all wish it wasn't there. He hides even where he cannot be seen, and poses a great threat to health.

It is also found in thin people, who may also be unaware of the presence of harmful fat deposits in the waist area.

So where does belly fat come from and how do you get rid of it?

1. Belly fat is more dangerous than other body fat deposits.

Excessive deposition of fat in the abdomen is more dangerous than fat around the thighs and buttocks. The fact is that abdominal fat has been linked to serious health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke. Genetic predisposition can also contribute to the appearance of excess weight and where exactly it will be deposited, but the wrong lifestyle can exacerbate the situation.

2. A beer belly doesn't come from beer.

Many believe that the inevitable consequence of drinking beer is the so-called beer belly. However, studies have shown that there is no link between beer consumption and belly fat. But an excess of calories, whether from food, alcohol or large portions, can lead to the fact that you begin to accumulate fat in the abdomen.

Why do many people think that the stomach grows from beer? It's just that alcohol can increase appetite by affecting the hormones that regulate satiety, and people are used to eating alcohol with large meals, which adds extra calories. It is worth remembering that any products, including alcohol, that we consume immoderately can lead to weight gain.

3. The most dangerous for the stomach - trans fats

Although it is not the consumption of fatty foods, namely an excess of calories, that leads to an increase in the waist and the appearance of the tummy, some fats are still more harmful than others. So studies have found that trans fats can increase fat deposits in the abdomen. Trans fats are found in foods such as margarine, pastries, cookies and crackers, as well as in fast food.

4. Men are more prone to belly fat.

In general, men are more likely to accumulate fat in the abdomen than women due to hormonal differences. Until the age of 40, in women, most of the fat accumulates on the hips and buttocks. But after the age of 40, when estrogen levels drop, in women, fat also begins to accumulate in the abdomen.

5. Belly fat is no more difficult to lose than any other fat on the body.

When you lose weight, you will most likely begin to lose it in the middle part of the body. A balanced diet will help get rid of body fat, including belly fat. The best way to reduce your waistline is through a healthy diet and regular exercise.

6. Abs do not reduce belly fat

Squats, crunches, and other exercises strengthen the core abdominal muscles and help burn fat, but not necessarily just from the belly. In other words, targeted exercise will not reduce belly fat. The only way to get rid of belly fat and any other fat is to eat right and engage in physical activity such as aerobic exercise, swimming, running, cycling and tennis.

7. Thin people have it too

As a rule, if you are at a healthy weight, then you have a healthy level of abdominal fat. But in some people, despite thinness, there may be an increased content of visceral fat, or that which accumulates around important organs. People with this genetic predisposition may also have elevated cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Also, an inactive lifestyle can lead to the fact that a thin person will begin to accumulate fat on the abdomen.

8. The best way to get rid of belly fat

Much of the research shows that a calorie-restricted diet will help you lose excess body fat. You need to include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, low-fat dairy products, nuts, lean meats, fish, eggs, and poultry in your diet. It is this diet that is the basis of nutrition, which allows you to get all the necessary substances and reduce the waist size. Experts also recommend exercising for half an hour to an hour on a regular basis.

More and more people in the modern world are faced with the problem of excess weight. There are many ways to deal with it, but to achieve good results, you should understand the very concept of fat and the reasons for its appearance.

The problem of excess weight arises mainly due to excessive deposits of subcutaneous fat, which at first does not particularly affect the state of health, but rather causes discomfort.

However, there is another type of body fat that can not only spoil the mood with its appearance, but also bring a lot of health problems - visceral fat.

What is visceral fat

Visceral (deep, abdominal, visceral, or trunk) fat- this is one of the types of body fat that accumulates not in the subcutaneous layers of the body, but around the vital organs of the abdominal cavity. It is present in the body of every person and protects the organs from possible external damage, warms them, and in fact is a reserve source of nutrition, energy, which will be used in case of emergency.

Its presence in small quantities does not cause any harm to humans. This type of body fat becomes dangerous when there is an excess of it in the body. The blood supply to the internal organs is deteriorating. The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and oncological diseases increases.

Reasons for the formation of visceral fat

There are several reasons for the appearance of this type of fat:

  • 1. Heredity.

The tendency to develop deep fat can be passed from parent to child.

  • 2. Lack of physical activity.

People who lead an inactive lifestyle are at a higher risk of developing excess belly fat than those who are physically active.

  • 3. Improper nutrition.

The use of fatty, high-calorie foods, sweets, starchy foods, a violation of the diet - all this contributes to excessive accumulation of fat.

  • 4. Men are prone to the appearance of deep fat more than women - this is due to the work of hormones.

Drinking alcohol, which is somewhat more characteristic of the male half of the population, can cause a malfunction of hormones, which leads to excessive deposits of visceral fat. Women catch up with men in terms of belly size, when they enter menopause, the level of estrogen (female sex hormone) drops.

  • 5. Lack of sleep and stress.

Everyone knows that it is difficult to stop and not overeat, seizing stress, but not everyone knows that insomnia leads to the appearance of a tummy. Although this is also simply explained - the exhausted body begins to prepare for difficult times, putting aside more in reserve.

The norm of visceral fat in the human body

The presence of deep fat in the amount of 10-15% of the total body fat is considered the norm.

You can check the presence of excess internal fat in the body by measuring the waist.

For women, an indicator of 88-89 cm is considered the norm, for men 94-101 cm. It can also indicate possible problems, in which the mark of 25 is considered the norm.

It is worth remembering about the individual features of the human structure, it is possible to find out whether the amount of visceral fat is normal using the calculation according to the formula - “growth - 100”, if the indicator is significantly exceeded, an excess of visceral fat is present.

Now there are special scales on sale that can determine the percentage of body fat, so there indicators 1-12 are considered the norm, from 13 to 59 excess, respectively, the larger the number, the worse it is for your health.

Why is visceral fat dangerous?

The discomfort from the presence of visceral fat can be seen by the fact that it becomes difficult to breathe at times, the body sweats even with a slight load, there is a constant feeling of fatigue, weakness.

Excess internal fat can affect the functioning of vital organs and worsen the condition of the body as a whole:

  • The liver and kidneys can no longer cope with stress, which can lead to slagging.
  • Atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension occurs faster.
  • Confusion of the diaphragm, which in turn puts pressure on the heart and lungs, which can cause.
  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. risk of occurrence.
  • Interruptions in the work of the heart. Which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
  • There are problems with the spine, which can lead to the appearance of sciatica and hernia. Progressive osteoporosis.
  • Oxygen starvation of the body.
  • The emergence of cancer.
  • The risk of diabetes mellitus increases.
  • Violation and changes in the hormonal background of a person, infertility, in men there is a decrease in testosterone levels, potency decreases.
  • Varicose veins of the pelvic organs and lower extremities develop.

Another danger is that it is quite difficult to determine the excess of internal fat, in order to make sure that there is a problem, you will need to undergo an MRI and computed tomography study, and you will also have to pass a series of tests.

The next problematic moment is that quickly, with the help of liposuction and other methods, it is really possible to get rid of only subcutaneous fat, but it is impossible to remove visceral fat, tightly enveloping our intestines, liver, kidneys.

How to get rid of visceral fat

As well as from subcutaneous fat, while visceral fat is burned more easily.

The first assistant in the fight against abdominal fat will be diet and normalization of the diet. Meals should be rational and balanced: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Nutrition should be fractional, you need to eat often, but a little bit. Preference should be given to food baked, boiled or steamed.

You should not starve or limit yourself in food, you should eat food at the first request of the body (the body tends to accumulate fat for the future). Breakfast should not be skipped. Dinner should be light, preferably consisting of vegetables or fruits. It is better to replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones and combine foods correctly.

It is necessary to count calories, their number should not exceed 1200 kcal per day.

The basis of the daily diet should be fresh vegetables, their amount should be 70% of the food consumed. In fermented milk products, the percentage of fat content should not exceed 2.5% (ideally, dairy products with one percent fat content should be consumed).

The diet should consist of lean meat, egg whites, fish, porridge on the water, durum wheat, and cereals. Dried fruits are ideal for snacking throughout the day. Mandatory presence in the diet.

L-Carnitine, which is part of meat and fish, stimulates the burning of fats, for this it is worth eating lamb, young veal, rabbit, venison, crab and poultry meat. is a good fat burner, it can be added to tea (in terms of getting rid of fat, green is better) or salads. Useful celery, apples, blueberries, oranges and other citrus fruits.

Fast food, fatty meat, confectionery, oils and margarine, carbonated sweet water, juices in tetra packs should be excluded from the menu, the amount of consumption should be reduced, and if possible, alcohol should be completely excluded. Don't eat sandwiches.

The drinking regime is also important, 1.5 water should be consumed per day - it will help flush out toxins from the body. In order for the diet to give the desired effect, it must be used in combination with sports.

The main means in the fight against excessive accumulation of visceral fat are physical exercise. The fight should begin with getting rid of subcutaneous fat, then the body begins to use the body fat.

Particular attention should be paid to the accumulation of muscle mass, which will help increase the energy expenditure expended by the body.

In physical activity, preference should be given to running (here you should carefully monitor the pulse to avoid interruptions in the work of the heart), cycling.

Tennis, skating and snowboarding, walking, active outdoor sports (football, basketball, volleyball) will help.

At the same time, it is important to pay attention to proper breathing - the body should not experience oxygen starvation.

An ideal tool in the fight against visceral fat is cardio training. 10-20 minutes a day of intensive training on them will speed up the metabolic process, which will help drive the right amount of fat.

At home, aerobics will also help solve the problem with excessive body fat. Running in place will also come to the rescue in the fight against excess fat, it should be given from 20 minutes per approach 3-4 times a week.

Cardio loads include jumping in place or with a rope, 5-7 minutes a day is enough to achieve a good result.

Abdominal exercises can not only strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also get rid of internal fat, for a better effect, insulate the abdominal area (a warm sweater or belt made of natural wool will help with this) - this will speed up fat burning, while abdominal exercises should be varied :

  • - classic press.

Take a position lying on your back, bend your elbows behind your head. Bend your legs at the knees, feet pressed to the floor.

  • Press is the opposite.

Take a supine position, raise straightened legs until a right angle is formed.

  • - Lifting the body with twisting.

The principle is the same as with the classic press, only when lifting, the left elbow should touch the right knee and vice versa.

  • - Double press - is a more difficult exercise that requires a lot of power.
  • - Rotation of the legs in the prone position.

Press exercises can be done almost every day, but experienced trainers recommend doing this type of load 3-4 times a week.

It is worth remembering that the load should be increased gradually, alternating between power and aerobic. It is also worth gradually increasing the intensity of training. Sports should take place after 1.5-2 hours after eating. A weight loss of 0.5 kg per week is considered the norm.

Additional measures to remove visceral fat from the abdomen

  1. After exercise, massage is recommended, especially problem areas, as an alternative. You can try Ogulov's visceral abdominal massage, which is considered a powerful non-traditional healing procedure.
  2. Salt baths.
  3. Intense abdominal breathing - maximum inhalation and exhalation with tension of the abdominal wall. Repeat the exercises for 5 minutes 3-4 times a day.
  4. Women during fitness practice body wraps, although more subcutaneous fat is removed than abdominal fat.

I hope that you figured out what abdominal internal fat is, why it is dangerous for the body, the reasons for its formation and methods, and learned how to remove visceral fat from the waist for men and women.

It is important to know, with all your efforts, that the complete disposal of visceral fat threatens, which will cause great harm to health. And after 40 years, an increase in body fat is a normal process.

Everyone can lose weight Gennady Mikhailovich Kibardin

How fat is formed

How fat is formed

Fat is made from the carbohydrates and fats found in the foods we eat. Approximately 70% of carbohydrates enter the bloodstream and are used by the body for about six hours as a source of its vital energy. The remaining 30% of carbohydrates are converted into fat and stored for future use in the process of lipogenesis in fat cells. This is the body's energy reserve "just in case."

On the membranes of fat cells, there are alpha receptors that are "responsible" for maintaining fat reserves, and beta receptors that stimulate fat consumption.

Normally, our body maintains a balance between the number of alpha and beta receptors. Sometimes a person from birth has more alpha or beta receptors - such people tend to be overweight or, conversely, do not gain weight at all. The ratio of these receptors may change throughout life. There may be a shortage or loss of fat-secreting beta receptors in certain parts of the body, and then it is in these places that excessive body fat occurs.

Stress often leads to the death of beta receptors on the front of the abdomen, and then fat builds up over the abdominals.

A violation of the capillary and venous circulation destroys beta receptors on the thighs and upper arms, which is accompanied by increased obesity of these parts of the body.

It turns out that everything is not so simple in our body. Many interrelated factors. What to do to get rid of excess weight?

You already firmly know that the basis of any obesity is a violation of the energy balance in the body. Normally, all the energy coming from food should be spent without a trace. To lose weight, you need to establish a negative energy balance, that is, reduce calorie intake and increase energy expenditure (increase physical activity). However, this method works flawlessly only in a healthy body, in which the hormonal system is not confused by stress, unhealthy lifestyle and various diseases.

What do obese women usually eat at home? Their high-calorie diets are dominated by fatty foods and sweets, fatty dairy and sausage products, mayonnaise, pastry products, sweet soft drinks. Here is the answer to the question “how to get rid of excess weight?”.

The increase in overweight and the development of obesity is also facilitated by irregular meals, the consumption of the main amount of food in the afternoon and before bedtime, eating dry food while watching TV and working at a computer.

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Fat deposits on our body is a normal indicator of the protective reaction of the body. Not so much a defensive reaction as, more correctly, a natural survival mechanism. From time immemorial, it was fat that allowed a person, and indeed any living creature, to survive in severe cold, when it was necessary to wait out the time from harvest to the next. But today there is no such need, and fat still continues to accumulate. What is the mechanism of its deposition? How not to gain excess fat?

First of all, carbohydrates, especially simple sugars, are processed into fat cells. Of course, carbohydrates are necessary for the body, as well as many other substances. They are deposited in the muscles - and this is the main source of energy for strength work, and for any physical activity. But the most that can accumulate in muscle tissues is from 60 to 90 grams of carbohydrates, and another 70-80 grams can be deposited in the liver. There are no more "reservoirs" for their storage in our body. Therefore, if you consume carbohydrates in excess of the norm, they will be transformed into body fat and “settle” in the abdomen, thighs, upper arms and legs, and in women, also in the chest area.

And fat can also be scooped from fat itself. Yes, our body also needs fats, especially the female body for the normal functioning of the hormonal and cardiovascular systems. But 1 gram of pure fat contains about 10 kcal. That is, in 100 grams of fat - already 1000 kcal, and this figure is already very close to the daily calorie intake of a losing weight person. Calories from fat are deposited by our body even easier and faster than calories from carbohydrates, since fat is difficult to break down, and as energy it will be wasted last.

Where is fat stored?

Many are accustomed to believing that fat is deposited only under the skin, because it is these deposits that are visible to us with the naked eye. Yes, indeed, most of it will accumulate here, but dermal fat is not only immediately under the skin, but also inside, enveloping the internal organs - this is necessary to maintain them in the right place and protect them. Such fat is called visceral or abdominal - because the most important internal organs are located in the abdomen and sternum. But if visceral fat is more than the required norm, it is already fraught with obesity, problems with the cardiovascular system, including heart attacks and strokes, blood clots in the vessels and varicose veins, diabetes and other serious diseases.

How to determine if there is a lot of internal fat?

As we said above, everyone has it in the body, because it is a necessity. Visually, abdominal fat can be recognized when you fail to remove the stomach by any means - it still bulges forward, pushing the abdominal muscles with it. Measure the waist - for a woman from 20 to 40 years old, who has a normal height-to-weight ratio, the waist should be about 70-80 cm in circumference. For a man with the same indicators - about 80-90 cm. If the volumes are larger, then visceral fat accumulates in the abdomen. But it is better to make a diagnosis of the body, or at least stand on the analyzer scales - they can almost accurately measure the percentage of internal fat in the body.

How to remove fat?

If getting rid of subcutaneous fat is not so difficult, then visceral fat will go slower and harder. But it is necessary to deal with its excess in order to maintain a healthy state of the body and the normal operation of all its systems. The first commandment is proper nutrition, and by no means physical activity. It is believed that success in losing weight depends on 50% of training, and 50% of nutrition. But in the fight against internal fat deposits, nutrition plays a role by as much as 70, or even 80%.

Be sure to start by counting calories. You can eat well, eating both proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates, but at the same time you need to reduce the calorie content of your diet and consume about 1500-1800 kcal per day for women, and about 2000-2300 for men. Of course, first of all, you should give up a large amount of fatty foods. The norm of fat in the body can be replenished with natural unrefined vegetable oils (olive, linseed, etc.) and sea fish (red trout, salmon, salmon). Reduce to a minimum or completely abandon simple and unhealthy carbohydrates (white sugar, sweets, carbonated drinks, packaged juices, pastries and pastries made from white flour), replacing them with complex and healthy ones - cereals and cereals, cereals, whole grain bread, fruits and dried fruits.

Movement is also important, especially aerobic exercise (cardio exercise), as it is they who provide an adequate supply of oxygen to the body. And oxygen is the main assistant in burning fat in cells. Walk more, run in the morning, swim, do aerobics or dance, jump rope, ride a bike, ski, snowboard, rollerblade, etc. It is desirable that the aerobic exercise lasts less than 30-40 minutes, since the first 20 minutes our body draws carbohydrates from the muscles, and only then the fat itself.

Many are interested in the question of why fat can be deposited on the abdomen and sides. More often the reason lies in malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. In 80% of cases, this is a problem area for women with a bullseye type, but men are also prone to fat growth in this place. Consider the most popular causes and methods of struggle.

The most common causes of fat on the sides:

  1. Wrong nutrition. Fast food consumption, quick snacks, instead of full meals, an excess of carbohydrates contribute to the accumulation of abdominal fat on the body. As a result, the metabolism slows down, the stomach stretches, which leads to stagnation of excess weight. How to solve this problem? Studies by nutritionists have shown that fractional meals are considered the best method of losing weight. It is necessary to consume during the day 5-6 small portions, the size of a palm. Food should be healthy and low-calorie. It is recommended to eat carbohydrate foods in the morning, and proteins with fiber in the late afternoon.
  2. Excess waste and toxins. This is influenced by bad habits such as alcohol and smoking. And taking oral contraceptives and other hormonal drugs slows down the excretion of fats.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle. To get rid of body fat, you need to create a calorie deficit. Hiking, swimming pool, fitness and aerobics will help with this.
  4. Pregnancy and childbirth. During the period of bearing a child, a woman's hormonal background changes, as a result of which, after childbirth, fat appears on the abdomen, and the skin becomes loose. In the absence of complications, he leaves within six months.

Differences between procrastination in men and women

Men and women have their own anatomical features. It is easier for the representatives of the stronger half to gain muscle mass, and they have much less body fat. It is provided by nature. A woman is carrying a child, which means she needs a fat layer in order to protect herself and the fetus from the cold.

Deposits in the strong half almost never appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms, legs and hips, more often fat is deposited on the abdomen and in the chest area.

In women, the fat layer accumulates depending on the type of figure:

  1. "Bullseye" (no waist, narrow hips, neat and round buttocks) - deposits are visible on the abdomen and side.
  2. "Pear" (small chest, well-defined waist, the lower part significantly predominates over the upper) - fat occurs unevenly, more often in the thighs and buttocks.
  3. "Hourglass" (the upper body is proportional to the lower) - fat is deposited on the sides, hips, arms and tummy evenly. With this type, a woman may not notice extra pounds for a long time, up to a critical condition.

Fat in men is deposited only on the abdomen and above. If the waist circumference exceeds 95 cm, then 1 degree of obesity is diagnosed. Their adipose tissue is distributed in the form of a triangle on the upper body (in the chest, abdomen, sides, neck, chin).

It is more difficult for girls to lose weight and gain muscle mass due to the hormone estrogen, which is practically absent in the male body.

Features of abdominal fat

Abdominal fat is localized more often in the abdomen and sides. The layer accumulates around the internal organs, which makes it difficult to remove.

You can identify the formation of abdominal fat using the ratio of waist to hip circumference. In men, the OT / R ratio exceeds 1, and in women - 0.85 with excess accumulations.

Subcutaneous fat is dangerous because it causes serious complications. These include diabetes, slow metabolism, high blood pressure, dysfunction of lipid metabolism.

Rules that will reduce the waist

Remember that strict diets and fasting give only a temporary effect. After a while, the weight can return in double volume.

  1. Add some physical activity. The fastest way to burn fat is when you combine strength training with aerobic exercise. Also, any physical activity that will help burn calories and remove a soft belly will do. Try to walk up the stairs instead of the elevator, walk more in the fresh air and do breathing exercises. For weight loss, running, swimming and jumping rope are great.
  2. Do not neglect home wraps and massages. Against cellulite, a hot bath with sea salt and soda is perfect 2 times a week. After it, it is advisable to spread honey or homemade scrub on the stomach and wrap it with cling film for 20 minutes.
  3. Get a hoop. This is the best simulator for shaping the waist if there is little fat on the sides. The results are visible after a month of use. The main thing is to give it 15-20 minutes a day. Changes appear after 2 weeks.
  4. Do exercises at home. Any abdominal exercises will do if there are no diseases of the spine. To reduce body fat, you need to increase the number of repetitions in the approach and reduce the rest time. The break should not exceed 30-40 seconds. From the sides, tilts to the side and oblique twists are suitable.

Don't trust cheap glossy magazines. For 2-3 months it is impossible to find the perfect figure. To get a visible result, you need to adhere to a proper diet and training regimen for a year. In the future, you also need to try to lead a healthy lifestyle, if you want to save the result.