Fire rat and earth rabbit. Love compatibility of male rat and female cat. Mutual understanding in love

What does March 2017 have in store for the Woman under the sign of Cancer?

In March, Cancer women will have financial success in investments and at work, of course, they will have to work hard for this, study new material and even stay several times after work. Your senior colleagues will be set up for conflict, but you will not react to their attacks, because nerves are dearer to you and rightly so. In terms of love, Cancers without a partner will have a rethinking of the character of a person who suits them for life, and family representatives will come closer to their lover.

Love horoscope for Cancer Woman

Single Cancer women should take a closer look at their old admirer, perhaps what did not suit you earlier in his appearance and character will now seem attractive to you and this particular person will be the ideal spouse for you. This month, it is important to understand exactly what kind of man you need in order to go through life with him.

Married representatives of this sign should devote more time to a loved one. Share your feelings with him, show care, discuss all the accumulated grievances - this will make you closer to each other. Spending time together with your children will make you feel how important the family is to you and give you the wisdom and strength to understand your husband, because he is also not easy.

Love horoscope for March 2017: Cancer A woman will feel that she has let go of old love grudges.

Finance and work

In March, you will have good financial intuition, it will help you profitably invest your savings, which will bring you no small profit. People around you will ask you for financial advice, after your success with investing money. At work, you will have many big and difficult tasks, even have to stay overtime several times, you should sacrifice your time, otherwise you will fail and regret. Elderly colleagues will not be happy with you, it is better for you not to get involved in conflicts with them and they will calm down.

Health and recreation

You will have a weakened immune system, vitamins, herbal teas, combined aerobics and water sports, and do not forget to air the room before going to bed will help to boost it. Spring hormonal disruptions will affect your mood, so you need to prepare in advance - get sedatives and communicate more with loved ones.

For Cancers, March 2017 will pass like a boring short film, in which there is only one plus (its short duration). At the moment when the world is slowly awakening from its winter sleep, you, on the contrary, will plunge into a kind of slumber, more typical for late autumn. You will no longer be interested in the affairs of close friends, you will rarely get out of the house, finding an outlet in reading books and in your long reflections. No, your life will not get off the track that it entered a couple of months ago. Life will continue its unhurried run, and personally you will slightly reduce your “speed”. Well... This is more of a positive than a negative point, because the period when you want to dream about something, think about something, is very good for your mental health.

Just please try not to go too deep into your inner world! Reflecting and analyzing everything that happened to you before, do not forget to live here and now. Moreover, in March 2017 you will be very needed by your family members. They will need your care and attention, as a real drama will happen in the life of someone you love. It is possible that an older member of your family will fall ill and trouble will happen in the professional fate of your relative. One way or another, you and all other members of your family "clan" should merge in a common effort to help a loved one.

Your marriage at this point will be completely insured against dramas and worries. Moreover, by helping relatives, you and your significant other will forget about your personal dramas and quarrels. The philosophical attitude with which you will relate to what is happening in March will also contribute to this. You will take a fresh look at your marriage partner and understand that next to you is really the person with whom the joy is much stronger, and the trouble does not frighten with its scale.

Cancerians who have not yet married will not change their single status in March 2017. You will withdraw into yourself, and people of the opposite sex who want to get to know you a little closer will be ignored by your indifferent silence. True, at the end of March, one of them will still slightly stir up your cold heart. There is no talk of a new novel yet. Before you get close to your new acquaintance, you decide to explore his inner world from and to. This aspect will be much more important to you than the income, social prestige and social status of your potential soulmate.

In March 2017 you will think a lot about life, your place in it and what is really valuable. In the course of these reflections, it will become clear to you that there is no equal sign between the concepts of happiness and a multi-million dollar bank account. Realizing that money will give you nothing but financial independence, you will somewhat reduce your professional zeal. If a month ago you dreamed of a rapid career growth, in March you will consider this dream empty, artificially created under the yoke of social stereotypes. It is possible that right now, during this philosophical March, you will take a fresh look at your professional role. If, after such an analysis, it becomes clear to you that the current position does not give you much pleasure, and you are doing far from what you would really like, it is likely that you will start choosing a new profession. No, the change of your professional role will not take place in March, but much later (in March you will deal only with theory, slowly putting into practice all the results of your leisurely thoughts about life).

Attention, the horoscope of Cancer for the month of March 2017 is published in an abbreviated form. To have a complete picture of the upcoming 2017 year of the red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart that is unique for each person.

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The first month of spring promises to be more practical than romantic time for Cancer. In general, March 2017 will be relatively calm for love and relationships. Circumstances are developing slowly, mainly you and your soulmate are busy with daily activities.

On March 5, 2017, the period of retrograde (reverse) Venus begins, which can bring forgotten situations to life. Venus retro gives hope to those who cannot forget their lost love. There are chances to meet again with a former lover and reconsider the past. If the broken relationship is resumed, then it will be at a new level.

Since the planet of love Venus is located in the house of Cancer's career, amorous affairs are interconnected with professional pursuits. Perhaps you and your loved one will work on some kind of joint business project. Or personal sympathies will support your career advancement. Moreover, thanks to the charm, you will be able to attract people with high social status and a good reputation to your side, so that personal life is intertwined with public life.

This month, Cancer's priorities are family matters. Perhaps there will be a need to solve the material problems of the family, or relatives will require more than usual attention.

Cancer career and finance horoscope for March 2017

This is a very productive month in terms of work and business. Planetary influences are in your favor, there are opportunities to stand out at work, to express yourself, to increase authority in the team.

Many planets pass through the Cancer career house in March 2017 - here Venus, Mars, Mercury, the Sun. This combination of planetary energies does not happen often, so you should definitely take advantage of the chances that the stars offer. Set high goals and persistently pursue them. Remember that water does not flow under a lying stone, you yourself need to be active, then all your plans will come true.

Your potential grows through cooperation and participation in social activities, in these areas you can expect good luck. In some cases, it is useful to keep business plans secret in order to avoid the opposition of some individuals who want to stop your career development.

Financially, the month is quite generous. In the first two decades, the Sun, the ruler of the money house of Cancer, passes through your house of travel and long-distance connections. This means that it will be profitable to interact with those partners and organizations that are far away from you - in other cities or even countries. Traveling for business purposes will bring good financial results. March 20, 2017 The sun moves into the house of a career, in the subsequent period you can count on a decent income.


In March 2017, Cancerians are very busy and constantly on the move. When you are busy, you are prone to anxiety. Try to minimize the impact of stress - take time to relax and take care of yourself. Otherwise, unexpected health problems may arise. Get plenty of rest and pay attention to a balanced diet.

Be more careful on transport and in contacts with strangers!

A pair of Rat and Rabbit always experience mutual attraction. However, passion is unlikely to be present in their union, but they will always feel respect and friendliness for their partner. The Rabbit rarely goes into conflict, so relationships will always be based on compromise. And the Rat likes such complaisance, which allows her to show her talents without restrictions. Usually in this pair, the Rat becomes the leader.

Male Rabbit (Cat) and female Rat compatibility = 50%!

In love = 50%: Much in this pair depends on the balance of the Rat woman. If she has an even and calm character, then love relationships will be full of harmony and tranquility. Otherwise, her character can in many ways prevent them from expressing their feelings. The Rat woman is too mobile, and the Rabbit man loves calmness. But at the same time, they can agree on a compromise. To do this, they just need to communicate.

Married = 55%: When creating a family, the Rat woman does not even suspect how difficult it will be for her to lead a life and household. The Rabbit man, without a twinge of conscience, takes all the worries about the family, duties on his other half, and the Rat woman calmly performs her duties. However, this position is maintained until she gets tired. She should immediately distribute chores around the house, so that later she does not work for wear and tear, not be disappointed in her partner.

In bed = 55%: She likes everything unusual, unique. She does not accept repetition, she wants something new all the time. And for the Rabbit man, this situation is extra fussiness and a problem, so he always wants to besiege his partner. Occupying a passive position, the Rat woman will not be able to achieve satisfaction, and the Rabbit man will be quite pleased with such a position. Again, for harmony, they should negotiate, seek harmony.

Male Rat and female Rabbit (Cat) compatibility = 58%!

In love = 60%: In combination, a Rabbit woman and a Rat man can develop relationships very productively. He is active, active, and she is more focused on creating comfort, raising children and so on. Passion and desire will not spark between them, but in a relationship it will always be cozy, calm and just fine. He will be able to surround her with comfort, love, care and tenderness. And she will be able to beautifully accept his gifts, in return giving him peace of mind.

Married = 50%: The Rabbit woman and the Rat man can create a very strong family. Between them, the romance does not last long. At the same time, the Rabbit woman and the Rat man equally understand the feelings of “love and happiness”. They are realists, so they will be sure to be happy with simple feelings. She will always support him, give him enough freedom to meet friends and hobbies. The Rabbit woman herself can realize her dreams by being with him.

In bed = 65%: If they come to an understanding in ordinary life, then the intimacy between them will be full of harmony and simplicity. They are ready to meet the desires of a partner, realizing all the fantasies and desires of each other. Although most often they are limited to quite simple caresses and actions. They do not need to prove their feelings again and again, as they are full of them. This couple is ready even for abstinence, since intimacy is not a means for greater understanding.

Relationship Forecast!

Rat and Rabbit may well be together. Their relationship is productive, but in combination with a Rabbit woman and a Rat man, the union has more prospects than in combination vice versa. However, in the second case, it is quite possible to achieve harmony, but this will require a lot of effort. Relationships need to be worked on, but the stars will give them the opportunity to achieve harmony. The chances of Rabbit and Rat are high under certain conditions.