Describe the relationship between the concepts of enclave exclave territory of the state. What. Largest enclave entities

The state of Lesotho is completely surrounded by the territory of the Republic of South Africa.

Dwarf and the smallest officially recognized state in the world of Vatican City inside the territory of Rome, associated with Italy.
Llivia (cat. Llívia) is the territory of Spain surrounded on all sides by the territory of France.

The city is a commune and the Italian municipality of Campione d'Italia (Italian Campione d "Italia) in Switzerland. The Kaliningrad region is a subject of the Russian Federation, borders on Poland, Lithuania and is washed by the Baltic Sea to the west.

All these ex hawse eu words clave, an clave, the ex clave, have the same root and have almost the same meaning in translation. So what is the difference, how do they differ in their "legal status"?

Enclave (fr. enclave from lat. in clavatus - "closed, locked, prisoner") - part of the territory of the state, completely surrounded by the territory of another state.
Parts of a state completely surrounded by another (one) country are called complete enclaves. The concept of territory includes both land territory and territorial waters.
The concept of "enclave" applies to states only if they are completely surrounded by another (one) country and do not have access to the sea. In this case, the concept of "exclave" does not apply at all. There are three such states: the Vatican and San Marino inside Italy, Lesotho inside South Africa. A number of signs of statehood also has the Order of Malta, which owns an enclave within Italy.
The Kingdom of Lesotho is classified as an enclave state. Until independence in 1966, under the name of Basutoland, it was a British protectorate. But there is no information under whose protectorate the bowels of Lesotho are now .... (Two diamond pipes in Lesotho - Letseng-la-terae and Khao - are among the ten largest in the world, large gem diamonds of the highest quality were found in the first of them. A total of 17 kimberlite pipes were found in the country) Lesotho is a poor African country. She is saved by a happy neighborhood with South Africa, where the inhabitants of the Kingdom leave for seasonal earnings.

So, even if the country is classified as an “independent enclave”, additional information is needed from international treaties, which is usually not widely publicized.

Exclave (from Latin ex - from + clavis - "key") - "non-sovereign region", separated from the main territory of the country and surrounded by other states (one or more) . The same territory is an exclave for the country to which it belongs, and an enclave for the country to which it does not belong. The exception is a pure exclave - a non-sovereign region, separated from the main territory of the country and surrounded by more than one state.
In this way exclave - non-sovereign territory of a country outside its territories. it land "excluded" for some reason .

C is an exclave of country B in country A, surrounded by the territory of country A. It is also an enclave of country A.

Islands are not considered enclaves. Exceptions are rare cases where the islands are completely surrounded by the territorial waters of another state.

Pure enclaves-exclaves initially are territories without access to the sea!
An exclave that has access to the sea is called a semi-exclave. According to maritime law, blocking access to the semi-exclave by the fleet of other countries is not allowed. The latest UN Convention on the Law of the Sea was consolidated and formulated in 1982. Entered into force on November 16, 1994.

Dark green color - countries where it has been ratified; light green signed but not ratified; gray color is not signed.

More complex relationships between territorial units (countries, states, counties, municipalities, etc.) ...

Territory A: has 3 "excluded territories" that are in "territorial esclavitud - slavery" (A1, A2 and A3): it is impossible to pass-pass from the main part of A to any of these parts; but:
A1 and A2 are not enclaves: neither is surrounded by just one "foreign" territory;
A3 is an enclave: it is completely surrounded by B;
Territory A contains an enclave in its territory (E): it is a "foreign" territory, it is completely surrounded by territory A;
In turn, inside the territory (E) there are 2 counter-enclaves or enclaves of the second order (A4 and A5): these are territories that belong to territory A
In addition, territory A contains a third-order enclave (E1).

Territory B: contains 2 enclaves (A3 and D).
Territory C: contiguous territory.
Territory D: is an enclave territory: it is territorially continuous, but its territory is completely surrounded by one "foreign" territory (B).
Territory E: is an enclave territory: it is inside A; contains 2 enclaves (A4 and A5) which are counter-enclaves of A; has 1 counter-enclave (E1) located inside A5.

The word enclave is "French" and first appeared in legal treaties in the middle of the 15th century. It comes from the verb en claver - per turn on (contract-word).
Wikipedia indicates the French origin of the word, I think this word was understood without translation not only by the French.

Latin cognates:
clavator, clavatoris m. Chapter = rod-bearer, mace-bearer, also. carrying a fencing cane, stick or club.

clava, ae f.
club, mace, wand, staff, stick.
fencing cane

clavus, Im.
nail key
steering wheel, helm
purple stripe on tunic

If there is a clavus - a purple stripe on the tunic, is this the "leader"?

Liturgical vestments

Liturgical vestments include items of liturgical vestments that all clerics wear during worship, before the Second Vatican Council, subdeacons, acolytes, readers, exorcists and ostiarii, i.e. all small ranks also wore their vestments, in modern times they are worn by acolytes and readers , as well as ministers, that is, lay people who help for worship. The bishop wears the details of the vestments that are present in the priest and deacon. The term enclave-enclave in property law denoted the disadvantageous position of a certain land plot, surrounded by territory belonging to another owner. In this case, the exploitation and use of the enclave area could not be carried out without crossing foreign land. In legislative practice, this created the term servitude - slavery, service; which was received by the owner of the territory that surrounded the enclave-enclave.
The first diplomatic document containing the word enclave was the Treaty of Madrid, signed in 1526, an agreement between the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and King Francis I of France. (There were several Madrid treaties in 1526, 1750, 1880, 1891)

Later, the term enclave-enclave began to be used to refer to sections of countries, districts, feudal lords, communities, cities, parishes, etc., which were surrounded by foreign territory.
In English theology, subnational enclaves were known by the term peculiars (Royal Peculiar)
Royal Peculiar
Royal Peculier - a parish church exempt from the jurisdiction of the diocese in which it is located and subject to the direct jurisdiction of the monarch. Peculier "peculiar", cognate with the French peculier meaning personal guardianship - guardianship of the monarch .



Which is correct: Kaliningrad region - "enclave" or "exclave"?

Ankla/ in (enclave) (from French enclave, from late Latin inclavere - lock with a key; lat. clavis - key). In international law enclave- the territory or part of the territory of a state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state. For example, the Republic of San Marino in Italy. If the enclave has a seashore, then it is called semi-enclave. The semi-enclave was East Prussia in the period 1919-1939. The Kaliningrad region is also a semi-enclave, since the territory of this region is surrounded on all sides by the territory of other states and the region has a seashore (port). In non-professional speech, the Kaliningrad region is called an enclave.

Exkla/ in (from lat. ex - outside, clavis - key) - a part of the territory of the state, geographically distant from the main one and surrounded by the territory of other countries.

To be terminologically accurate, the Kaliningrad region for Russians is exclave, and for other countries (and as an object of international law) - enclave. But in everyday life it is correct to call the Kaliningrad region an enclave.

See on the Internet: “Kaliningrad exclave; Kaliningrad exclave and the European mainland(RG); To whom is an enclave, and to whom is an exclave (the title of the article by A. Privalov in the Expert magazine 21.08.2001);

“How long will our esteemed press call us exclave ! This, of course, is not a mate, but children read you! Yes, there is no such word in Russian! There is enclave ! Anyone who finds a word in any dictionary of the Russian language exclave - I'm putting down a restaurant! Journalists - keep the Russian language, and without you there is someone to distort it. Vasilich.

Vasilich, thanks for the restaurant, but you probably cut it in the heat of the moment, so I don’t insist. Both words " enclave " and " exclave "is in any good explanatory dictionary: exclave - a separate part of the territory, geographically isolated from the main part of its state and surrounded by foreign territory. Exclave lat. Ex - outside + Clavis - key Enclave - a part of the territory of a foreign state, surrounded by the territory of its own state. Enklave lat. En - inside + Clavis - key Accordingly, in relation to Russia, Kaliningrad - exactly exclave . And it was the journalists who finally helped the politicians to find the right definition for our area. On the contrary, I was always jarred when the respected Yu.S. Matochkin called Kaliningrad an enclave of Russia in Europe

Don't argue guys! As a geographer, I note: the main difference enclave from exclave is that exclave - not just a territory surrounded from its own state by the territories of other states, but also having access to the sea! That is, our area is exclave .

I think Julia enclave (exclave ), which has access to the sea, is called semi-enclave (semi-exclave ).

Interesting that the word enclave first recorded in the Dictionary of Foreign Words, ed. I. V. Lekhina and F. N. Petrov (Moscow, 1964). TSB (T. 2) also has an article enclave, and in volume 30 - a reference article enclave and here are the articles exclave Not even in this vast encyclopedia.

First time word exclave recorded in the "Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. S. A. Kuznetsova (St. Petersburg, 1998).


as an object of international law and in relation to other countries, the Kaliningrad region - enclave, or rather, semi-enclave. For the Russian side, the Kaliningrad region - exclave. In journalism, in everyday life correctly - an enclave.

Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language. Yu. A. Belchikov, O. I. Razheva. 2015 .


See what "enclave" is in other dictionaries:

    ENCLAVE- [fr. enclave Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    enclave- a, m. enclave f. 1. In international law, the territory or part of the territory of a state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of what l. another state and not having a seashore. ALS 2. He does not require the Austrian chancellor ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Enclave- the territory or part of the territory of the state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of any other state. If an enclave has a seashore, it is called a semi-enclave. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    ENCLAVE- (enclave) (French enclave from Latin inclavo I lock it with a key), the territory or part of the territory of one state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state (for example, Lesotho). If an enclave has access to the sea, it is called a semi-enclave... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Enclave- (enclave) (French enclave, from Latin inclavo I lock it with a key) the territory or part of the territory of one state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state (for example, Lesotho). If an enclave has access to the sea, it is called a semi-enclave ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    ENCLAVE- (French enclave, from Latin inclavo I lock it with a key) a part of the territory of one state, completely surrounded by the land territory of another or several states. The presence of A. entails certain international legal consequences related, for example ... Law Dictionary

    ENCLAVE- (enclave) (French enclave), a part of the territory of a state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state and not having access to the sea (sea coast). If there is a seashore, the territory is called a semi-enclave (for example, ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    ENCLAVE- the territory or part of the territory of the country, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state; is also used to refer to a business that destroys a monopoly, Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary ... Economic dictionary

    Enclave- an enclave (French enclave, from late Latin inclavo I lock it with a key: lat. clavis key), in international law, a territory or part of the territory of a state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of any other state (for example, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    ENCLAVE- ENCLAV, ah, husband. (specialist.). Part of the territory of the state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of other states and not having access to the sea. | adj. enclave, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


How to correctly: Kaliningrad region - enclave or exclave?

  • Ankla in (enclave) (from the French. enclave, from late lat. inclavere- I lock it with a key; lat. clavis- key). In international law enclave- the territory or part of the territory of a state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state. For example, the Republic of San Marino in Italy. If the enclave has a seashore, then it is called semi-enclave. The semi-enclave was East Prussia in the period 1919-1939. The Kaliningrad region is also a semi-enclave, since the territory of this region is surrounded on all sides by the territory of other states and the region has a seashore (port). In non-professional speech, the Kaliningrad region is called an enclave.
  • Exkla in (from lat. ex- out, clavis- key) - a part of the territory of the state, geographically distant from the main one and surrounded by the territory of other countries.

To be terminologically accurate, the Kaliningrad region for Russians is exclave, and for other countries (and as an object of international law) - enclave. But in everyday life it is correct to call the Kaliningrad region an enclave.
Cm . on the Internet: “Kaliningrad exclave; Kaliningrad exclave and the European mainland(RG) ; To whom is an enclave, and to whom is an exclave (the title of the article by A. Privalov in the journal "Expert" 21.08.2001);

See an interesting discussion on the forum (06/06/2002):

“How long will our esteemed press call us exclave ! This, of course, is not a mate, but children read you! Yes, there is no such word in Russian! There is enclave ! To the one who finds the word in any dictionary of the Russian language exclave - I'm putting down a restaurant! Journalists - keep the Russian language, and without you there is someone to distort it. Vasilich.
Vasilich, thanks for the restaurant, but you probably cut it in the heat of the moment, so I don’t insist. Both words " enclave " and " exclave "is in any good explanatory dictionary: exclave - a separate part of the territory, geographically isolated from the main part of its state and surrounded by foreign territory. Exclave lat. Ex- outside + Clavis- key Enclave - a part of the territory of a foreign state, surrounded by the territory of its own state. Enklave lat. En - inside + Clavis- key. Accordingly, in relation to Russia, Kaliningrad is precisely exclave . And it was the journalists who finally helped the politicians to find the right definition for our area. On the contrary, I was always jarred when the respected Yu.S. Matochkin called Kaliningrad an enclave of Russia in Europe.
Don't argue guys! As a geographer, I note: the main difference enclave from exclave is that exclave - not just a territory surrounded from its own state by the territories of other states, but also having access to the sea! That is, our area is exclave
In my opinion, this is from the "where to look" series. What is the difference between immigrants and emigrants? Some come, others leave ... Maybe it's the same here - for us it is enclave , and for them exclave
I think Julia enclave (exclave ), which has access to the sea, is called semi-enclave (semi-exclave )» .

Interesting that the word enclave first recorded in the Dictionary of Foreign Words, ed. I. V. Lekhina and F. N. Petrov (Moscow, 1964). TSB (T. 2) also has an article enclave, and in volume 30 - a reference article enclave and here are the articles exclave Not even in this vast encyclopedia.
First time word exclave recorded in the "Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. S. A. Kuznetsova (St. Petersburg, 1998).


as an object of international law and in relation to other countries, the Kaliningrad region - enclave, or rather, semi-enclave. For the Russian side, the Kaliningrad region - exclave. In journalism, in everyday life correctly - an enclave.


What is Enclave and Exclave

Enclave- This is a geographical term that refers to countries whose territory is completely surrounded by the borders of another state.

What is an enclave in geography in simple words with examples.

An enclave is a small country or territory that is completely within the territory of another country. The best example of an enclave is the Vatican. As you can see in the picture below, the Vatican is located almost in the center of Rome, Italy. However, this does not prevent him from remaining a separate administrative unit with its own rules and laws.

For reference: The Vatican is the smallest officially recognized state in the world.

What is the difference between enclave, exclave and semi-enclave?

Quite often, along with the term "enclave" you can hear two other terms - this is an exclave and a semi-enclave. All these terms are closely related to each other in the basic concept and differ only in the details of positioning and territory ownership. To make it easier for us to understand the meaning of these words, we should consider in more detail what an exclave is and what a semi-enclave is.

  • exclave- it is not independent ( country-owned) a region that for some reason is geographically distant from the parent state and is completely surrounded by one or more countries. An example is the Kaliningrad region of Russia. In fact, this territory is part of the Russian Federation, but it is located quite far from the main part of the territory of Russia. It should be noted that enclaves as a general concept are most often exclaves.
  • semi-enclave or semi-exclave- this is a part of the territory that is not completely surrounded by other states and has its own access to the sea. It follows from this that the Kaliningrad region of Russia, mentioned as an example, is actually a semi-exclave, since in the west it is washed by the Baltic Sea.

In cases where an enclave is an exclave, the parent state enters into agreements with the countries surrounding this outlying territory. Such agreements contain guarantees that the citizens of the exclave will not be isolated from the world and will have the possibility of movement and foreign trade. In addition, sometimes some military aspects are included in the agreements, such as the protection of airspace and the like.

Sometimes it happens that if the inhabitants of an enclave or exclave have adopted the culture and language of the country surrounding them, then they can lobby their interests to merge with this state into one.

How and why do enclaves appear?

There is simply no simple and unambiguous answer to this question. There can be hundreds of different reasons for the formation of enclaves, however, we will try to give an example of the most common ones.

Many enclaves were formed when official national boundaries were drawn up, sometimes resulting in people of a different nationality trapped within the borders of a foreign country. This often led to political upheaval, as the people in the enclave could be cut off from their parent nation. In such cases, decisions were made in favor of giving such people the opportunity to form their own dwarf state. This method of solving problems removed the tension between different cultures and peoples.

Enclaves exist in large numbers in many former colonies. In India, for example, there are more than 80 Bangladeshi enclaves. As can be seen from this example, the appearance of such formations was the colonial or aggressive wars of the past.

Sometimes there are cases of the formation of informal enclaves that arise due to the accumulation of emigrants of the same nationality in a section of the territory of a certain state. An example is San Francisco's Chinatown, known as Chinatown. In the full sense of the term, it cannot be called an enclave, but in rare cases this definition is applied to the designation of clustered religious or ethnic groups within a larger settlement.

Categories: , // from

Enclave(enclave) (fr. enclave - from lat. inclavare - to lock with a key) - a territory or part of a country's territory, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state. Enclave states include, for example, the Vatican and San Marino in Italy, Lesotho in South Africa.

In cases where the territory (part of the territory) of a state is not completely surrounded by the land territory of another state, since it has access to the sea, it is called a semi-enclave. Examples of semi-enclave states are Brunei, which is surrounded by Malaysia and the South China Sea, and Portugal, which is surrounded by Spain and the Atlantic Ocean.

C is an enclave of country A, surrounded by its territory. It is also an exclave of country B.

D - an exclave of country B, surrounded by the territory of countries A and C

exclave(from Latin ex - outside + clavis - key) - a part of the territory of the state that does not have common borders with its main part and is completely surrounded by foreign territory. At the same time, an exclave can have a border with both one and several states.

An exclave that is not completely surrounded by foreign territory, but has access to the sea, is called a semi-exclave.
An exclave (semi-exclave) can be simultaneously called an enclave (semi-enclave) only if we are talking about a part of the territory surrounded (in whole or in part) by the territory of only one state.
The Kaliningrad region of Russia is surrounded by the Baltic Sea, Poland and Lithuania, which means it is a Russian semi-exclave, but not a semi-enclave.

The state of Alaska is both a semi-exclave of the United States and an American semi-enclave in relation to Canada, as it borders only on it.

Ceuta and Melilla are Spanish semi-exclaves and semi-enclaves in relation to Morocco.
The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, which is part of Azerbaijan, is surrounded by Armenia, Iran and Turkey, and therefore Nakhichevan is an exclave of Azerbaijan, but not an enclave.

The Ukrainian city of Slavutych with adjacent territories belongs to the Kyiv region, being surrounded on all sides by the territory of the Chernihiv region; thus, Slavutych is an exclave of the Kyiv region and its enclave in the Chernihiv region.

The city of Zelenograd is administratively part of Moscow, but is surrounded on all sides by the territory of the Moscow region, which means that it is an exclave of Moscow and an enclave of Moscow in the Moscow region.
Moscow itself is an enclave on the territory of the Moscow region, but by no means an exclave.
The Republic of Adygea, surrounded on all sides by the Krasnodar Territory, is also only an enclave on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory.

Enclave states

Vatican (an enclave in Italy)
San Marino (enclave within Italy)
Lesotho (enclave within South Africa)
Brunei (semi-enclave with respect to Malaysia)
East Timor (semi-enclave with respect to Indonesia)
Gambia (semi-enclave with respect to Senegal)
Monaco (semi-enclave in relation to France)
Portugal (semi-enclave in relation to Spain)
Denmark (semi-enclave in relation to Germany, has a maritime border with Sweden)
Canada (semi-enclave in relation to the US, has a maritime border with the Danish territory of Greenland and the French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon)
Qatar (semi-enclave in relation to Saudi Arabia, has a maritime border with Bahrain and the UAE)
Republic of Korea (semi-enclave in relation to the DPRK, has a maritime border with Japan)
Papua New Guinea (semi-enclave in relation to Indonesia, has a maritime border with Australia and the Solomon Islands)
Dominican Republic - Haiti (mutual semi-enclaves)
Ireland - UK (mutual semi-enclaves, UK has a maritime border with France)


Azerbaijani exclaves
The villages of Kyarki, Upper Askipara, Lower Askipara, Barkhudarly, Sofulu and Kyzylkhadzhyly (enclaves in Armenia), as well as the village of Zyugyuloba (enclave in Russia).
The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic is an Azerbaijani autonomous republic bordering Armenia, Iran and Turkey.
Akrotiri and Dhekelia are territories in Cyprus under the actual jurisdiction of Great Britain and occupied by its military installations.
Alaska is an American semi-exclave, washed by the waters of the Arctic and Pacific oceans; borders Canada and is a semi-enclave.
Artsvashen is an Armenian village in Azerbaijan.
Bangladeshi exclaves - 92 Bangladeshi exclave villages in India.
Barak is a Kyrgyz village in Uzbekistan.
Büsingen am Upper Rhine is a German exclave (7.62 km²), completely surrounded by Swiss territory: on three sides by the Swiss canton of Schaffhausen and from the south by the cantons of Rhine-Zurich and Thurgau. It has a population of about 1450 inhabitants. The city is separated from Germany only by a narrow bridge, less than 1 km in its narrowest part, on which the Swiss village of Dorflingen is located. In 1918, a referendum was held in Büsingen, in which 96% of the votes were cast in favor of becoming part of Switzerland. However, this did not happen, as Switzerland could not offer anything suitable in return, so Büsingen has remained a German exclave ever since.
Gibraltar is a British semi-enclave on the Spanish coast. Separated from Spanish territory by a neutral zone.
Guantanamo is a territory on the coast of Cuba, over which US sovereignty is actually established.
Jaber (Jaber Kalesi) - Turkish castle in Syria; in accordance with the Turkish-French agreement of 1921, it is considered Turkish territory.
Dubrovnik - a city in the Croatian county of Dubrovnik-Neretva, bordering the Adriatic Sea; borders with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Indian enclaves - 106 Indian villages in Bangladesh.
Indonesian semi-exclaves: West New Guinea (Papua New Guinea), East Lesser Sunda Islands (East Timor), Kalimantan (Malaysia).
The Spanish semi-exclaves are the cities of Ceuta, Melilla, and the Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera peninsula in Morocco, washed by the Mediterranean Sea.
Cabinda is a semi-exclave of Angola bordering the Atlantic Ocean; borders with the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Campione d'Italia is an Italian town in Switzerland.
Musandam is an Omani semi-exclave in the UAE. By the end of the 13th century, the Omanites ruled a vast empire. At its height in the 19th century, during the reign of Sultan Said bin Sultan, Oman controlled Mombasa and Zanzibar and operated trading posts on the African coast. As a result of the collapse of the empire in the second half of the 19th century, Oman lost its former positions, but continued to control Musandam when the United Arab Emirates was formed there. See also: Possessions of Muscat and Oman.
Ocusi-Ambeno - a semi-exclave of East Timor, washed by the Savu Sea; borders only with Indonesia, which means it is a semi-enclave in relation to it.
Russian exclaves
The villages of Sankovo-Medvezhye in Belarus, as well as Khrakhuba and Uryanoba in Azerbaijan.
Dubki is a semi-exclave of Russia, separated by the territory of Estonia. It is in relation to it a semi-enclave.
The Kaliningrad region is a Russian semi-exclave that has access to the Baltic Sea and borders on Lithuania and Poland.
Sastavci - exlav of Bosnia and Heregovina in Serbia.
The Gaza Strip is a semi-exclave, a territory on the Mediterranean coast allocated by the UN for the Arab state of Palestine. It borders Israel and Egypt.
Saint-Martin is a semi-exclave of France in the northern part of the island of the same name, which is part of the Netherlands Antilles. It is also a semi-enclave.
Tajik exclaves are the villages of Vorukh (an enclave in Kyrgyzstan), as well as the villages of Kairagach and Sarvan (enclaves in Uzbekistan).
Temburong is a semi-exclave of Brunei bordering the South China Sea; borders only with Malaysia, that is, it is a semi-enclave in relation to it.
Chizumulu and Likoma are the islands of Malawi located in the territorial waters of Mozambique.
Uzbek exclaves are the village of Shakhimardan, as well as the villages of Sokh and Tul (enclaves in Kyrgyzstan).

Ethnic enclaves

An ethnic enclave is a place of compact residence of one people, completely surrounded by the territory of another people. Such enclaves are often sources of international tension. The most prominent ethnic enclaves are the Somali enclaves in Ethiopia.

Reservation or reserve(lat. reservo - I save, I save) - a territory-reserve to save indigenous peoples from extinction and assimilation, to preserve the identity of their ethnic group, language and culture. They have their own self-government, laws (independent of local authorities and consistent only with federal law), infrastructure, police, etc.

Reservations exist in the USA, Canada and Brazil for Indians, in Australia for Aborigines, in South Africa for Africans.