The hunter is rimmed. The most amazing spiders in Australia

Scientists have announced that they have discovered a new species of giant tarantula, whose leg span reaches 20 cm. In other words, the size of this spider reaches the size of an average human face.

And if that didn't scare you enough, it's worth noting the fact that this representative lives in trees. Now imagine that you are walking in the woods and a spider the size of a volleyball dangles from a cobweb and lands on your face.

However, as the scientists explained, due to deforestation and the lack of a suitable habitat, they also settle in old buildings.

A new species was found in the north of Sri Lanka and named Poecilotheria rajaei.

It belongs to the tiger spiders with a beautiful colorful pattern, being also fast and poisonous.

Scientists say that the bite of this tarantula is not fatal to humans, but it is capable of killing animals such as mice, lizards, small birds and snakes.

The biggest spider in the world

The discovered spider belongs to the South American tarantulas, to which it also belongs Goliath tarantula (Theraphosa Blonda)- the largest spider in the world, whose leg span reaches up to 28 cm and weighs 170 grams. It lives in the rainforests of Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana, as well as Venezuela and Brazil.

Despite the intimidating appearance and the telling name, it is relatively harmless, and does not eat birds, but prefers insects, as well as frogs and lizards.

Photo of the largest spider

The world's largest spiders

Giant Hunter Spider ( Heteropoda maxima)

The leg span of this spider reaches 30 cm, but they do not have a very large body, and these are not the largest spiders in terms of weight. They live in caves in Laos.

Brazilian tarantula ( Lasiodora parahybana)

This spider lives in the northeastern part of Brazil. The size of the legs reaches 20 cm, and sometimes 25 cm, and the weight of the spider is more than 100 grams. They are quite popular pets among spider lovers.

Colombian tarantula ( Xenesthis immanis) and ( Xenesthis monstrosa)

Both of these species have the same size, and their leg span reaches 23 cm.

Spider "Hercules baboon" ( Hysterocrates Hercules)

This is certainly not a baboon, but it also boasts a large leg span - 20.3 cm.

Australia is famous for being home to some of the deadliest creatures on the planet. The sea is full of man-eating sharks, there are many poisonous snakes on land, and there is even a bird that can kill a person, of course, it cannot fly, but you can guess who it is. However, Australia is famous for its diversity of our friends, the eight-legged spiders. If you are an arachnophobe, then Australia, with its 10,000 species of spiders, may create some discomfort for you.

In reality, not all poisonous spiders are able to bite a person and even cause at least some potential risk. In fact, statistically, Australian spiders are not that dangerous, the last recorded death from a spider bite occurred in 1981. Now compare the mortality from attacks, such as wombats!

Now, armed with facts, you understand that you should not be afraid of spiders at all. But, nevertheless, let us introduce you to the ten not so deadly spiders of Australia.

10 Common Orb Weaving Spiders

A photo. Orb weaving spider

The very name of the spider says quite a lot about this spider. It is very common in the gardens of Australia, where it weaves intricate webs, the word "orbweavers" suggests that these spiders weave their webs in a circle. They differ from other spiders in their bulky belly and meticulousness in weaving webs, there are about 100 varieties of them. Unlike the common cross, the overseas eriophora (Eriophora transmarina) is nocturnal, often making its nets near night lights that attract insects.

Orb weaving spiders are often referred to as garden spiders because they are the most common in the garden, spinning a new web every night, often where we can least expect. They will hunt until the morning, after which they rise and hide under the foliage or in other places that provide them with temporary shelter, like the eaves of your house. If you find their large and empty web during the day, then you can easily find the place where the spider is hiding, along the thread leading from the middle of the web to a secluded place.

These spiders are large, hairy, and harmless, although the bite can sometimes be painful. They are mostly gray or brown, but can also be orange, black and white, or white. Since they make a new web every night, you can get a good chance to watch them weave it.

Although it is nocturnal, it is one of the most commonly seen spiders in Australia. He is not aggressive at all and will retreat or play dead if he feels threatened. However, this large spider is able to attack and bite a person. In fact, Eriophora overseas has more spider bites than any other species. Fortunately, the bite is rather mild and as a result, local pain, numbness and swelling at the bite site may appear for a while.

9. Spider-hunter

A photo. hunter spider

The Huntsman spider is a typical large, hairy, fast-moving spider (it can travel 1 meter in a second), which can really frighten arachnophobes. About 155 species of hunter spiders live in Australia. They can be up to 15 cm (6 inches) in diameter with legs and can usually be seen running up walls. As the name "hunter" suggests, they don't use tarantulas to ambush their prey, but use speed.

The spider usually lives under the lagging bark of trees, under rocks, in crevices, and under foliage. These spiders can be social animals, sometimes seen in dozens sitting next to each other on dead trees or stumps.

These spiders are active at night and are found all over Australia and generally don't bother anyone except people who are afraid of spiders! Although they may bite, they are not usually aggressive except when the female is guarding her eggs.

Video. Spider hunter running towards the camera

The bite is quite painful, but not dangerous. It may cause some systemic effects such as nausea, headache and palpitations, but obviously not tissue necrosis.

Perhaps the greatest danger posed by hunter spiders is their habit of climbing into cars. The sudden appearance of a large spider behind the sun visor or a running spider across the dashboard has allegedly led to several car accidents.

Also, this spider distinguished itself by its incredibly huge size. The chilling image, which shows the largest hunter spider perched on a broomstick, was taken at an animal rescue farm in the Brisbane Valley in Queensland.

A photo. Huge hunter spider crawls on a broomstick in Queensland

A photo. Selfie with a large hunter spider in Australia

Rescuers have named this spider Charlotte, and for some people, it really can seem like a nightmare that they see in their dreams. Pictures of this spider were taken in October 2015 but only surfaced on social media in early November 2016, where they spread like wildfire.

Some commenters got scared by the size of this spider and left disturbing responses under the photos, here is one of them: “100% approve and respect what you are doing here, but please, for God's sake, keep this thing and all his family and friends, damn it away from me."

Others were surprised at the clumsy-looking arachnid, suggesting that it was rare for them to grow to such a large size: "Here he is huge, how did he become so ... in fact, it is not at all normal for hunter spiders to grow so big."

A photo. Man drowns car after hunter spider falls on his lap

These spiders are notorious for popping up from under the dashboard of a car at the wrong time, sometimes with disastrous results. Specifically, on November 1, 2016, a hunter spider fell into a driver's lap, causing the man to accidentally step on the gas with his foot and drive the car into Lake Katy in New South Wales.

These spiders never cease to amaze with their hunting abilities. In the summer of 2019, photos of a hunter spider that caught a possum appeared on the network.

South Tasmanian Justine Lutton shared photos taken by her husband in a Facebook group on June 14, 2019 Tasmanian Insects and Spiders. Lutton stated in a radio program Tasmania Talks that her husband took pictures of a cabin in Mount Field National Park in Tasmania during light renovation work.

Members of a Facebook group have identified the arachnid as a hunter spider (also known as a giant crab spider). In the photo, a hunter spider hangs upside down from a door hinge and holds its prey by the neck. A dead marsupial (possum) dangles listlessly in the mandibles of a hunting spider.

A photo. Spider hunter caught a possum

The animal commonly known as the possum in North America (actually, the "possum" belongs to a different order) can grow to the size of a cat. But the small dwarf possum (lat. Cercartetus lepidus) is the world's smallest possum, measuring 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7 centimeters) in length and weighing about 0.2 ounces (7 grams), according to the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service.

Husband Justin was doing renovations when he spotted a spider lurking on a door just above his colleague's head. They caught the spider with an empty ice cream container and released the spider from the lodge, the spider skipped and left its possum behind, Lutton said.

8 Mygalomorph Spiders

A photo. Representative of migalomorphic spiders

These ambush spiders (often referred to as traps) from the Misgolas family have the ability to attack those who unwittingly disturb them. Although rather scary in appearance, this spider is often confused with the infamous and very dangerous Sydney leucoweb spider. Fortunately, mygalomorph spiders are not as venomous as the Sydney leucoweb spider. The bite is undoubtedly painful, but nothing will happen, the usual swelling and small systemic symptoms characteristic of spider bites will appear.

This is usually a shy spider, but sometimes, if someone wanders near his hole, he will stand up on his hind legs and show his fangs. They spend most of their time in their burrows. At night, they wait for their prey at the entrance to the burrow. Spiders dig holes, lining them with silk from the inside. Burrows can be up to 25 centimeters deep and about 2 centimeters wide.

These spiders feed on various pests and other arthropods. If someone runs near his burrow, he jumps on the prey, neutralizes it with a fast-acting poison and then pulls the prey into the burrow. They help control insect numbers, killing insects and other arthropods like beetles, cockroaches, crickets, wood lice, spiders and even butterflies that get too close to the burrow entrance.

In wet weather, adult males wander in search of a mate. Mating takes place in the female's burrow. Usually the male escapes the female in order not to be eaten; before death, the males may have time to mate with several females. The eggs are stored in the female's burrow in a cocoon. After hatching, the spiderlings remain in the hole for some time, after which they disperse.

7. Black house spider

A photo. Black house spider

The black house spider (lat. Badumna insignis), as its name suggests, often lives indoors. It is found throughout Australia and reaches a maximum size of 30 mm.

They build an intricate funnel-shaped web in which they spend most of their time waiting for their lunch. The female spider never leaves the web unless forced to do so. They are very territorial animals in location, they rarely change the position of their webs, due to which old webs can be quite dirty, often with small objects and dust stuck in them, and it is for this reason that they often come into contact with people, i. e. when you pass with a rag through dusty places. At night, the spider goes out to "repair" the web and often simply adds new strands on top of the old ones.

Black house spiders are not usually aggressive and will not bite unless they are annoyed. Although they are not considered dangerous spiders, the bite of a black house spider will appear as a groove. The bite itself is described as quite painful, followed by swelling at the site of the bite. Systemic symptoms may then follow, such as general nausea, sweating, vomiting, breathing problems, muscle pain, etc., but these symptoms are only temporary. In rare cases, mild necrosis causes damage to the skin, but this is only after a few bites.

6. White-tailed spider

A photo. white tail spider

The two most common white-tailed spiders in Australia are Lampona cylindrata and Lampona murina. The two species are not easily distinguished from each other without microscopic examination. They are slender, dark red spiders with a cigar-shaped body and darkish orange-brown legs. There are two faint white spots on the belly and a pronounced white spot at the very tip of the belly.

The similarity has led people to believe that there is only one species of white-tailed spider. It is possible that not all white-tailed species have been identified. The description, white-tailed, applies to various species of spiders that have a white mark on their abdomen as a distinguishing feature, other marks disappear with age, but the white-tail remains when the spiders become adults.

You know, the white-tailed spider can be very tough, even capable of preying on some of the spiders on this list. They do not weave webs but instead stalk their prey at night, their favorite at this favorite time of day is the black house spider.

White-tailed spiders are quite common and can be found almost everywhere in Australia. They have a habit of traveling and often hide in folds of clothing, towels and shoes. This inevitably increases the amount of human contact and explains why they are included in the spider bite statistics.

The bite itself is the subject of discussion. Previously, it was massively reported that the bite of these spiders causes necrosis, i.e. necrosis of surrounding tissues, leading to large open sores. But it is now reported that a white-tailed spider bite can lead to localized pain and swelling, possibly with some mild systemic effects, as reported in the latest case in which a man was bitten by a white-tailed spider and had two of his legs amputated. But experts assure that it is not the spider bite that is to blame, but the Bairnsdale ulcer (Buruli ulcer).

5. Australian tarantulas (Selenocosmia, Selenotholus, Selenotypus and Phlogiellus)

A photo. Australian tarantula representative

No wonder Australian tarantulas are the largest spiders in Australia. With limbs reaching over 22 cm (9 in) and intimidating fangs up to 1 cm, these spiders are adapted to hunt fairly large prey. They also have the longest lifespan of any spider in Australia, with some females living up to 30 years (unfortunately males only up to 8 years).

There are several groups of spiders here called tarantulas: Selenocosmia, Selenotholus, Selenotypus, and Phlogiellus. Selenocosmia (as pictured above), also known as the "Queensland whistling tarantula" or "barking spider", it makes a hissing noise, which is why it is so called.

Only for one kind of tarantula deserve to be in the TOP-10. But as we all know, these big spiders have a strong bite. Given their large fangs, like some snakes, this is going to hurt. The venom is not as strong as some of the spiders on this list, but it can result in some severe systemic effects such as vomiting for up to 6 hours. Spiders pose a great danger to animals and have been reported to be fatal to cats and dogs.

4. Loxosceles (hermit spiders)

A photo. recluse spider

The recluse spider (Loxosceles) is quickly becoming one of the most feared arachnids on the planet. There are numerous images as well as the effects of the bite circulating on the internet, but this is one of the fairly harmless spider species. The carnivorous properties of its venom have attracted attention. Bites resulting in large areas of skin and flesh being destroyed are not uncommon. These injuries are known for their slow healing and may require skin grafts. In the worst cases, the limb is amputated and many deaths around the world are attributed to recluse spiders.

There are even reports that some insecticides do not take them, which only makes them more poisonous and aggressive!

Okay, is this bad news? Fortunately, recluse spiders are not known to be aggressive and their bites are rare. Small fangs also limit their ability as a venomous species. In addition, most bites are fairly inconspicuous and result in only minor symptoms.

The really good news for Australians is that many species of recluse spiders are quite small and not as common as reported. Over the past 20 years, there have been no reports of a bite in Australia.

3. Mouse spider

Photo Red-headed mouse spider

The photo above will be enough to convince you that these spiders are really serious guys. The red-headed mouse spider is the most common of the ten Missulena species. Hiding, the mouse spider creates two moves to provide itself with a safe exit if something threatens it. Males are known to roam throughout the summer and fall, especially after rain. Females tend to stay within or near their burrows throughout their lives. Being slow-moving spiders, they are rarely aggressive.

Mouse spiders can be found in open forest in semi-arid areas where shrubs grow. They are quite common throughout Australia and live in burrows in the ground as trap spiders, often on the banks of rivers, streams and other water sources, and are sometimes found in suburban gardens. The spider's strong jaws and venom allow them to kill prey larger than themselves, such as small lizards, mammals, and frogs.

Therefore, it is not surprising, but mouse spiders are capable of causing unpleasant pain when bitten. The toxicity of the venom varies between species, but there are reports that the strongest of them is as dangerous as the venom of the Sydney funnel-web spider. So you can rest assured that the antidote used for Sydney funnel-web spider bites is also effective for mouse spider bites.

2. Redback spider (Latrodectus hasselti)

A photo. redback spider

The redback spider is one of Australia's most iconic venomous spiders. Instantly recognizable by the stripe of red on its abdomen, you cannot mistake it for other spiders. This spider is a member of the Latrodectus family, along with the equally infamous black widows, and are very similar in appearance. Most deserving of your attention is the strength of the poison - this is the most powerful poison among Australian spiders. The effects of this powerful poison range from localized pain to a systemic condition known as latrodectism. Symptoms: pain and swelling spreading from the affected area, abdominal pain, nausea and sweating, etc. This condition occurs in about half of bites and can be fatal in the elderly and very young. Within an hour, the victim usually develops more severe local pain with focal swelling.

The redback spider is one of the few arachnids that commonly exhibits sexual cannibalism during mating. In about two out of three cases, the female completely eats the male during mating. Males that have not been eaten completely die of their wounds shortly after mating. Sacrifice during mating is believed to confer two benefits on males. First, the process of eating allows them to copulate over a longer period and thus fertilize more eggs. Secondly, the female who ate the male is more likely to refuse the next suitors. While this is a major handicap for the male as he will no longer be able to mate, this is not a major disadvantage as these spiders are rare enough that only 20% of males will ever find a potential mate in their lifetime, in any case the male is functionally sterile if he is in during the first mating, he used the contents of his two paired palps.

Unlike many of the other spiders on this list, the bite of the redback spider is quite common. It is estimated that between 2,000 and 10,000 people are bitten by these spiders every year. Even more alarming is the large number of bites in the genitals, which is why in Australia the court buildings of the toilets are being replaced by indoor toilets.

Fortunately, there is an effective antidote for redback spider bites. When it was developed in the 1950s, there has not been a single bite since then that has resulted in human death. However, it should be avoided!

1. Sydney leukopautinous (funnel) spider

A photo. Sydney funnel spider

The Sydney funnel-web spider (Atrax robustus) is arguably the most dangerous spider in the world. Aggressiveness and its ability to terrify in some cases, led to death. There are several factors that make the funnel spider worthy of its place in the hall of fame. First, they are aggressive. Although the vast majority of spiders will try to avoid confrontation, the Sydney funnel web spider will attack and attempt to bite no matter who threatens it. When attacking, the spider will cling to its prey, biting repeatedly to make sure it has injected the full dose of venom.

Aside from this willingness to bite, the Sydney funnel-web spider has an amazing set of fangs. Pointing straight down, these hollow fangs are larger than those of some snakes and are capable of slamming into prey with considerable force. The fangs of the Sydney funnel-web spider have been reported to be able to penetrate shoe leather and nails. Through this destructive venom delivery mechanism, the spider injects an appropriate dose of a powerful atracotoxin, a small dose can kill anything that flies, crawls, and threatens it.

It is also unusual that the males of this spider have a more deadly bite, about 6 times stronger. This neurotoxin is especially toxic to primates, attacking the nervous system in minutes. Only 20% of bites cause severe reactions like muscle spasms, heart palpitations, vomiting, head confusion and cerebral edema. One study reports that death occurs within 28 minutes of being bitten. There is at least one recorded case of one young child dying within 15 minutes of being bitten by a Sydney funnel-web spider, although this tragedy happened before antivenom was available.

Video. What is the danger of the Sydney leukocobweb spider for people

These spiders are primarily active at night, as typical daytime conditions dehydrate them. During the day, they seek shelter in cool, damp shelters. After heavy rain, the activity of the spider increases, as their burrows can be flooded. When threatened or annoyed, funnel-web spiders will exhibit aggressive behavior by rearing up on their hind legs and displaying fangs. When a funnel spider bites, it has tight control over its prey, often repeatedly biting.

Reports state that the Sydney funnel-web spider was responsible for 13 deaths in the reporting years, all of which were attributed to males of this spider. However, since the invention of an antivenom for this spider species in 1981, no deaths have been reported.

If you are going on vacation or a business trip to Australia, then you should watch the following documentary about the most dangerous animals in Australia. In addition, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with, there are also videos for each continent.

Video. The most dangerous animals in the world. Australia

Other interesting facts about Australian spiders

In 2012, Australian spiders spun huge webs that covered an entire region.

In early March 2012, flood-damaged fields in New South Wales were covered in a web of wolf spiders. In an attempt to avoid rising water, the spiders climbed the grass and released hundreds of meters of silk in the hope of flying to a safe place with a gust of wind. The locals called them the flying spiders (on the web) of Australia.

"Everything you see is the result of all their failed attempts to escape." Evolutionary geneticist and spider expert, Amber Beavis, said it was unusual to see adult spiders trying to escape in a balloon.

A photo. Australian fields strewn with cobwebs

A photo. dog under the cobweb

A photo. Everything is strewn with cobwebs

Usually young spiders use this method of travel, said Dr. Beavis from the Australian National University. She said that wolf spiders are not social spiders. “They are loners, but in such extreme conditions, they clearly do not mind being near each other.”

Spiders do not pose any harm to humans. They are not aggressive and do not bite unless they are facing a serious threat or if their life is not in danger. They have a mild venom, so if they bite you, you may get a mild headache and local pain.

Video. In Australia, millions of spiders wove a huge web

Because of the water, the number of mosquitoes was unbelievable, but these spiders grabbed all these insects and bugs. They are beneficial. They actually helped people, experts said.

wrapping spider
A photo of a spider in disguise will make arachnophobes shudder, as you can see that this spider is flexible enough to be found in Australia.

The pictured spider, Dolophones turrigera, or wrap-around spider, was found in the Rotary Park Rainforest Reserve, in Lismore, New South Wales. They can easily camouflage even on a regular branch.

Its general appearance is typical of all types of Australian dolophones, where the upper surface of the abdomen resembles a cone-shaped shield. The adult female is about 8 mm long, and the male is slightly smaller, usually 4-5 mm. Other types of dolophones, such as Dolophones conifera, are very similar.

A photo. Wrap spider camouflaged on a branch

A photo. The wrapper spider has a cone-shaped abdomen

A photo. Wrap spider in the shade of foliage

Wrap spiders have a concave underside, allowing them to wrap around small branches during the day to camouflage themselves from birds, wasps, and other predators, and at night they build large webs between trees.

New species of spider named after singer Bob Marley
It was two o'clock in the morning on January 11, 2009. The tide on the coast of Queensland, Australia, has receded significantly and revealed for the first time a group of sea spiders unknown to date. This peculiar scene reminded scientists of a popular 1973 Bob Marley song called "High Tide or Low Tide", which means "ebb or flow".

The researchers described it as a new kind of spider. Now a team consisting of Dr. Barbara Bahra, Robert Voron and Danilo Kharms, affiliated with the Queensland Museum and the University of Hamburg in Germany, has published this study revealing details about the arachnid and providing information on two of its relatives (previously known but not studied) from Samoa and Western Australia.

A photo. Spider Desis bobmarleyi

The new species was given a scientific name Desis bobmarleyi. And unlike other spiders with which people are widely familiar, this species is truly marine.

These animals have adapted to underwater life, at high tide they hide in the shells of empty shells, corals and algae. In order to breathe, they build air chambers built from silk. However, once the sea water is gone, they prey on small invertebrates that walk on the surface of rocks, coral, and nearby plants.

The study was aimed at examining female and male samples collected from where they were found. Both sexes are predominantly characterized by reddish and brown colors and their limbs are orange-brown and covered with a dense layer of thin, long and dark gray structures. Females are larger than males at almost 9 millimeters, while males are about 6 millimeters long.

The distribution range of this species is still too abstract to define a precise region. However, they can currently be tracked in the tidal zones of the Great Barrier Reef, which is located on the northeast coast of Australia.

The scientists are also using their work to honor the memory of a late 19th-century German naturalist: Amalia Dietrich, also known as a Jamaican singer and songwriter.

"The song High Tide or Low Tide is the perfect reference for this spider because it speaks of love and friendship in all of life's battles," explains the writers who gave the spider the curious name. Both personalities, although they represent very different areas, are perceived by researchers as examples of human nature, "enterprising and persistent at heart" in search of freedom and independence.

The hunter spider belongs to the species Dolomedes fimbriatus L. Belongs to the family, lives in the water, near water bodies. Distributed throughout the world, the brightest representatives live in tropical countries. Large specimens are poisonous to humans, but do not pose a mortal threat.

Appearance description - general features

Hunter spiders live on almost all continents, differ in size, color, lifestyle, reproduction. The most famous 3 species are inhabitants of tropical countries.

Australian hunter spider (lat. Heteropoda)

Leg span is 30 cm, body length is 46 mm. The biggest . The color is varied. Brown, gray, green shades predominate. Females are always more than males by almost 2 times. The abdomen is convex, 4 pairs of powerful, long limbs are attached to the cephalothorax. There are 8 eyes on the head, 2 of them are main, the rest are auxiliary.

On a note!

The Australian giant spider is nocturnal, ambush hunting or stalking prey. It does not weave trapping nets, but envelops the entrance to its own shelter. An adult lives up to 3 years.

Banded hunter spider

Representative of the Eurasian continent. The body size of the female is 2 cm, the male is 1.3 cm. The color is yellow-brown, black-brown. Bright yellow stripes on the sides. In young spiders, the body is uniformly colored yellow, there are no stripes or spots. Settles along the banks of reservoirs in moist soil. It does not form trapping nets. It hunts aquatic, land insects, fish, fry, frogs. Runs fast, dives.

On a note!

The life expectancy of sexually mature females is 1.5 years. Males die much earlier - almost immediately after fertilization, very often they are eaten by the female.

Lives in European countries, occurs. In total, about 1 thousand varieties are known. Differs in bright color, large size. The body length of females reaches 2 cm, excluding legs, males are half as much. The cephalothorax is brown, there are longitudinal yellow stripes on the abdomen. The limbs are 6 cm long and covered with hairs and spines. A photo of a hunter spider with a bright color is presented below. Hunting leads from an ambush, settles near water bodies. Runs fast, builds a raft of plants to move through the water. The female lives up to 2 years.


Because of their large size, bright colors, hunter spiders are often kept as a pet. In an artificial environment, they grow, mate, and reproduce.

Behavior, lifestyle

All hunters live near water bodies, they are often caught together with duckweed with a net, net. They live on water or in close proximity. Trapping nets for catching prey are not weaved, they hunt actively. Once on the water, they quickly form a raft from improvised materials - dry grass, leaves, bark. They entangle several parts with a cobweb, sit on a raft, calmly swim in a swamp, a deep puddle.

The basis of the diet are insects. As well as fry, crustaceans, snails, caterpillars. Large specimens prey on fish, frogs, newts, snakes, snakes. They attack from a hidden place. Inject poison, saliva. The first substance paralyzes the victim, the second - liquefies the insides to the state of broth. After a few minutes, the predator starts the meal.

They come together in pairs only during the mating season. After fertilization, a hungry female can safely eat her "boyfriend". For laying eggs, it forms a cocoon of cobwebs. At one time, it fits from 500 to 1000 pieces. The female attaches them to plants near the reservoir or carries them on herself. The incubation period is 3 weeks. Young spiders almost immediately start an independent life.

Human danger

Hunters are nocturnal, in search of food they can crawl into a person's house. They hide under furniture, in shoes, among clothes, cabinets with dishes.

On a note!

At the site there is swelling, swelling, redness. In people with weak immunity, allergic people, young children, there is often a deterioration in well-being - weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting. The condition returns to normal in a few days. To speed up the effect, antihistamines are taken. The hunter is not included.

Of all the continents in the world, Australia is perhaps the most amazing and mysterious. Due to its remoteness from other continents, a peculiar animal and plant world has formed in Australia. Of the diversity of the Australian fauna, today we will consider spiders, of which there are more than 10,000 species on the Green Continent. Not all spiders in Australia are poisonous and pose a mortal danger to humans, but meeting them always causes anxiety and alertness even among those who do not suffer from arachnophobia.

hunter spider

This type of spider is quite widespread throughout the Australian continent, and they can be found everywhere. Sometimes they climb into the houses of Australians, which cause a lot of trouble for the owners.

A typical large Huntsman spider moves fast enough to cover a distance of one meter in one second. Its size, together with its paws, reaches a diameter of 15 cm, but, despite its awesome size, they are practically harmless.

They prefer to openly hunt their victims, and not from ambush, as many of their brethren do. They differ in non-aggressive behavior, and are mainly nocturnal. Note that in 2016, the largest spider in the world was discovered in Australia, belonging to this particular type of spider.

Nephilic Circumspins

Spiders, collected under the general name Nephila, which is translated from Latin as "loving to weave", are known in Australia under various names. They are called both Banana spiders and golden spiders, and because of their large size, you can often hear the name - a large tree spider.

Relatively small in size, spiders growing from 2 to 4 cm skillfully weave a web, into which even small birds sometimes fall. Their venom is strong enough to kill prey, but is completely harmless to humans.

Interestingly, fishermen weave nets from representatives of the genus Nephila, and thus fish on the ocean coast.

Black house spider

Already the name of this spider indicates that they can often be found in residential premises. Badumna insignis is distributed throughout Australia and spends most of its time in its funnel-shaped web.

They usually live on tree trunks, under stones or on the walls of housing constructions. In houses, they equip their web traps near windows or doorways. But you can meet the web in the corners of the room.

It will never attack a person first, but after a bite, a groove remains, and the bite site is accompanied by painful swelling.

mouse spider

One appearance of this spider can cause awe, and most importantly, scare even the most courageous daredevil. This is one of the large Missulena species, and these spiders are distributed throughout Australia.

They live in the ground, digging small holes for themselves, but, interestingly, they make two entrances, thus ensuring their safety. The strong jaws and strong paws of mouse spiders allow them to hunt representatives of the fauna much larger than themselves.

Their bite is painful, let in poison can harm human health, but pharmacists have long come up with a successful antidote.

wolf spider

A spider lives in the vastness of Australia with such an exotic name, although it is known to science as Lycosidae, which literally means “wolf” from ancient Greek.

The length of the calf does not exceed 30 mm, and you can meet this amazing spider with long legs in any corner of Australia. They feed on beetles, but are not averse to feasting on flies if caught.

Calm, non-aggressive predators living in holes rarely attack people. But in moments of danger, they can bite painfully, although the poison released during a bite is not dangerous to human life.

spider mason

They are also called digger spiders, as they pull out minks in the ground, and, disguising them, wait for the victim to be ambushed. They belong to atypical tarantulas, and have a rather toxic poison.

They grow from 1.5 to 3 cm and lead a measured lifestyle, rarely attacking a person. Males can show some aggression, but only in moments of danger. When bitten, a local swelling occurs, and sometimes the poison, if it enters the human body, can cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

They are social animals and live mostly in colonies.

white tail spider

This amazing spider has a white spot on a reddish-brown abdomen. In Australia, there are two species of similar spiders, which are scientifically named Lampona cylindrata and Lampona murina.

It is quite difficult to distinguish them without special training, and it is possible that many of the species are simply not identified. White-tailed spiders do not weave webs, but pursue prey at night.

One of the few Australian spiders that eat their own kind, and the list of their victims is headed by the black house spider.

jumping spiders

Unusual animals from a huge family of araneomorphic spiders have adapted to live in any natural zones and climatic conditions. For this reason, they literally occupied the entire country.

They are distinguished by good eyesight, which helps them hunt, looking for prey. Of course, how bad it can be to see if you have 8 eyes, moreover, arranged in three rows.

The eyes also serve to navigate the habitats. Jumping spiders are diverse in body color, and adults do not grow more than 4 centimeters in diameter.

Australian tarantulas

Tarantulas are found on many continents of the planet, but it is in Australia that these spiders are the largest. Together with the paws, some species reach 23 cm in length, and their fangs grow up to 1 cm and have a rather formidable and intimidating appearance.

Most unique is the Selenocosmia species, locally referred to as the "Queensland whistling tarantula" because it makes unusual hissing sounds.

As you can see in the photo, this type of hairy spider, like all tarantulas, grows to an impressive size, and their bite, although not fatal to humans, is quite painful and causes discomfort.


The intimidating appearance of this hermit spider and its photographs on the Internet have given rise to the stereotype about the danger of the Loxosceles species. But, as scientists assure, this creature with long legs and a small body is not so dangerous.

True, after his bite, the wounds heal for a long time, and the poison is toxic and leads to allergies. But these spiders rarely attack humans, and so far no Loxosceles bite victims have been recorded in Australia.

In addition, this species is not numerous, hermit spiders live only in certain areas of the mainland, far from settlements, so meeting them is very difficult.

More recently, a new species of spider was discovered in Australia, which received the Latin name Dolomedes briangreenei. This is so far the only known spider in Australia that can swim and skillfully hunt fish.

Scientists have found that he prefers to live on the coasts of freshwater reservoirs and streams near Brisbane. In the same Australian city, a new spider was introduced to the world.

With the help of the back pair of paws, he quickly moves on the surface of the water, and when he sees the prey, he instantly dives and captures his prey. Then he pulls the fish ashore, and only, already on the ground, eats the prey.

redback spider

Among the poisonous spiders, a special place on the Australian continent is occupied by the red-backed spider, known to science under the Latin name Latrodectus hasselti.

It can be easily distinguished by the characteristic red stripe running along the upper surface of the body. It has the strongest venom of all Australian spiders. The bite leads to systemic disorders, and in some cases can lead to death.

This beautiful but dangerous spider is on the list of animals that exhibit sexual cannibalism. The female after mating eats her partner in order to restore energy for carrying eggs.

tree funnel spider

This species of spiders, having the Latin name Hadronyche formidabilis, lives in the northern regions of the continent, and is characterized by rather impressive sizes up to 5 cm and toxic poison.

After a bite, severe intoxication of the human body occurs, and statistics show that every year 30-40 people are attacked by this aggressive spider.

The spider feeds on everything that lives near its habitat, and can even eat frogs. But the main diet is made up of beetles and other small insects.

Sydney leucoweb spider

One of the most dangerous spiders on the planet, the Sydney leukocobweb is the only representative of the Atrax genus. the site does not want you to accidentally be in proximity with such a "handsome".

It has a very aggressive disposition, and unlike relatives who prefer to avoid confrontation, this spider will attack and seek to bite. In addition, he has fangs that bite into his prey.

There have been several cases in history when, after being bitten by this spider, a person died within 30 minutes. But, today there is an antidote that has reduced the risk of death.


Truly Australia is an amazing country, and, as you can see, is home to many different species of spiders. They can be found in the most unusual places. So on the Youtube network you can find a video in which an unkillable spider was found in the toilet in Australia, which remained alive even after several flushes of water.

The purpose of our review was to show that Australian spiders are not as dangerous as they are sometimes represented, because the last death from a spider bite on the continent was officially registered back in 1981.

Many have probably seen photos or videos on the Internet or in the media with huge spiders the size of a plate, or even more. Such giants do exist, and they are not as ferocious as they seem at first glance. In this article, we will get acquainted with some varieties of one of the largest representatives of arachnids - the hunter spider, and also find out if they pose a threat to humans and what the consequences may be when meeting with him.

Characteristics of the hunter spider

Hunter spiders can be found on different continents. These creatures have different appearance, lifestyle and methods of reproduction. To get acquainted, consider the 3 most common and well-known varieties of hunters in the world:

  • Australian(lat. Heteropoda);
  • bordered(lat. Dolomedes fimbriatus);
  • striped(lat. Dolomedes plantarius).
  • Australian

    Appearance It reaches a length of up to 4.6 cm. The span of the legs is 30 cm. There are 8 eyes in 2 rows on the sides of the cephalothorax. The color of the body, depending on the species, varies from dark green to light gray.
    Spreading In Australia, there are several species of the genus Heteropoda: Heteropoda sartrix, Heteropoda renibulbis, Heteropoda kalbarri.
    Lifestyle Leads a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. Runs fast. It can sit in ambush for a long time, stalking the victim, or chasing it for short distances.
    Food Insects.
    reproduction After mating, the female may eat the male. She constructs a cocoon to bear her eggs.
    Lifespan Up to 3 years.

    Did you know? Among the phobias identified by psychologists, the most common is the fear of spiders, scientifically - arachnophobia. It affects about 6% of people in the world. Celebrity arachnophobes include actor Johnny Depp, tennis player Martina Navratilova, US President Ronald Reagan, singer Samantha Fox, singer Justin Timberlake.


    Appearance The length of the female reaches 1.2–2 cm, the male - 1–1.3 cm. The color can be in several variations - from yellow-brown to black-brown. The sides of the cephalothorax are bordered by a bright yellow or white stripe. Juveniles may have no stripes, and the body is colored yellow-brown.
    Spreading It lives along the banks of reservoirs with stagnant water, is found on the Eurasian continent in wet meadows, swamps, wetlands, and gardens.
    Lifestyle He does not equip himself with dwellings, he does not build cobwebs. Hunts prey by chasing and jumping out of an ambush. Runs fast, can move through the water and dive. After catching the victim, it kills it by injecting poison, dilutes and absorbs it for several hours.
    Food Insects like themselves, tadpoles, small fish.
    reproduction Mating occurs in May-June. After that, the female builds a cocoon with a diameter of 1 cm and lays about 1000 eggs there. During the incubation process, which lasts approximately 3 weeks, the female carries a cocoon on her body. Immediately before hatching, the spider prepares a net in the form of a dome with a diameter of 25 cm, which it hangs on plants growing near water at a height of 10–100 cm. After the birth, the spiders remain in this net for about 7 days. The mother also does not leave her during this time.
    Lifespan 1–1.5 years.

    Important! When a spider bites, you need to call an ambulance, rinse the wound with water and an antiseptic, fix the limb to prevent the poison from spreading quickly throughout the body, give the person an antihistamine, apply a cold compress to the bite site and provide the bitten person with plenty of drink.


    Appearance The body length of males reaches 1–1.2 cm, females - 2 cm. The cephalothorax is colored brown. A wide yellow stripe runs along its sides. The eyes are located on the sides in 2 rows of 4 pieces. The abdomen has an oval shape, it has 2 yellowish longitudinal lines below and on the sides. The body is covered with hydrophobic hairs that prevent it from getting wet. The legs are long, about 6 cm thick, covered with spines. At the ends there are scopulae - pads, consisting of hairs, designed to move along smooth surfaces.
    Spreading Lives in European countries. Most often comes across in Lithuania. In Belarus and Lithuania, it is listed in the Red Book. There are about 100 varieties.
    Lifestyle Prefers to live near water. It can completely immerse itself in open water sources, and also move through the water, sliding along the surface with its paws. Often hunts from the water, being the front part of the body in the reservoir, and the back on the vegetation. The victim is ambushed. Does not use a web to catch prey. The victim is killed by injecting poison, which acts almost instantly. For movement on water and hunting, it can build a "raft" of vegetation and dry foliage that float on the surface of the reservoir. On land, the spider moves at high speed.
    Food Insects: mosquitoes and their larvae, water striders, dragonflies, flies; small fish, frogs, tadpoles; other types of spiders.
    reproduction Mating takes place twice a year. The female lays 500–600 eggs in a cocoon. The process of carrying babies and caring for them is the same as that of a border spider.
    Lifespan Up to 2 years.

    Did you know? BUT Australia is famous for its population of the most unusual and largest spiders in the world. One of them is a pelican spider, interesting in that it has a long neck and a beak similar to pelicans. He preys on small relatives, deceiving them into his nets.

    Is there a danger and what could be the consequences of the bite of these spiders

    Arachnologists explain that, as a rule, spider bites do not pose a serious danger to human life, since the dose of poison that it can release into a person is calculated on the death of a much smaller victim.
    The body of an adult can successfully cope with the penetration of poison and neutralize toxins. You can often find the statement that there are much more deaths from bee stings than from spiders. Bites can be dangerous only for certain categories of people:

    • little children;
    • allergic to substances contained in the poison;
    • having a fear of spiders.

    Australia is home to most of the world's poisonous spiders. However, the hunter spider that lives on its territory is not included in the list of threats to humans, its poison does not provoke serious intoxication of the human body. In addition, most often these arthropods do not show aggression towards people, but prefer to move away when they appear. Aggression can only be shown by the female during the period of gestation.
    The consequences of the bites of Australian hunting spiders can be as follows:

    • redness in the bite area;
    • nervous shock, stress from a meeting with a giant.
    The poison of the banded and striped hunter spiders also does not pose a threat to human life. A bite can cause redness on the body, swelling, pain at the bite site, itching. If a person is allergic, then headache, convulsions, shortness of breath, chills, runny nose, fatigue, drowsiness, fever and blood pressure may develop.

    Important! When bitten by a spider, it is forbidden to apply a tourniquet to the limb, make incisions and cauterize the bite site. All these activities provoke a deterioration in the condition of the bitten.

    Hunter spiders are found in many parts of the world. They have a large size, interesting appearance, lead an active lifestyle. They are poisonous, but do not pose a serious danger to humans. They can only pose a threat to small children and people with allergies. Also, these giants can be dangerous for people with arachnophobia due to nervous shocks and their health consequences.