Omar Khayyam sayings about love to read. Wise sayings of Omar Khayyam, tested by time. The appearance of wise sayings of Omar Khayyam in Russia

Always be brief - just the point. This is the conversation of a real man. A pair of ears is a lonely tongue. Listen twice and listen - open your mouth only once.

Man is the truth of the world, the crown, not everyone knows this, but only the sage.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He reaches with his nose where his soul has not matured.

The source of joy and the sea of ​​sorrow are people. As well as a container of filth, and a transparent spring. A person is reflected in a thousand mirrors - he changes his disguise like a chameleon, being at the same time insignificant and immensely great.

You don’t even notice that your dreams come true, everything is always not enough for you!

A fool seeks happiness far away, a wise one grows it next to him.

The drop began to cry that it had parted with the sea, the sea laughed at the naive grief.

When you throw dirt at a person, remember that it may not reach him, but it will remain on your hands.

It is better to gnaw bones than to be seduced by sweets at the table of bastards who have power.

If a vile medicine pours you - pour it out! If a wise man pours you poison, take it!

In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved person, even virtues annoy.

Love can do without reciprocity, but friendship never.

You'd rather starve than eat anything, and it's better to be alone than with just anyone.

I have never been repelled by the poverty of a person, it is another matter if his soul and thoughts are poor.

In this perishable Universe, in due time, a person and a flower turn into dust, if the dust evaporated from under our feet - a bloody stream would pour from the sky to the earth.

Passion cannot be friends with deep love, if it can, then they will not be together for long.

Do not be sad about the future and the past, Know the price of today's happiness.

"Omar Khayyam"

Khayyam's quotes in verse:

In this unfaithful world, don't be a fool:
Do not rely on those who are around.
Take a hard look at your closest friend
A friend may turn out to be the worst enemy.

Communicating with a fool, you will not end up with shame.
Therefore, listen to Khayyam's advice:
Poison, offered to you by the sage, take it,
Do not take balm from the hands of a fool.

One does not understand what roses smell like.
Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey.
Give bread to one - he will remember forever.
Donate your life to another - he will not understand.

Some people are deceived by earthly life,
Part - in dreams refers to another life.
Death is a wall. And in life no one will know
The highest truth hidden behind this wall.

That the Creator once measured us, friends,
You can't increase it and you can't decrease it.
Let's try to make the best of it all
Don’t worry about someone else’s, don’t ask for a loan.

Nobility through suffering, friend, is born,
To become a pearl - is every drop given?
You can lose everything, save only your soul,
The cup will be filled again, it would be wine.

I am an atheist. This is how God made me.

Sinners would be glad to go to paradise - but they do not know the roads.

God gives, God takes - that's the whole story for you!
What's what - remains a mystery to us.
How much to live, how much to drink - measured by eye,
And even then they strive to underfill every time.

It is better to drink and caress cheerful beauties,
Than to look for salvation in fasting and prayers.
If a place in hell is for lovers and drunkards,
Then who will you order to admit to paradise?

In God's temple, do not let me on the threshold.
I am an atheist. This is how God created me.
I am like a harlot whose faith is a vice.
Sinners would be glad to heaven, but they do not know the roads.

And today we have the wise sayings of Omar Khayyam, tested by time.

The era of Omar Khayyam, which gave rise to his wise sayings.

Omar Khayyam (18.5.1048 - 4.12.1131) lived in the era of the Eastern Middle Ages. Born in Persia (Iran) in the city of Nishapur. There he received a good education.

The outstanding abilities of Omar Khayyam led him to continue his education in the largest centers of science - the cities of Balkh and Samarkand.

Already at the age of 21, he became a prominent scientist - mathematician, astrologer. Omar Khayyam wrote mathematical works so outstanding that some of them have survived to our time. Some of his books have come down to us.

He left a major scientific legacy, including the calendar by which the entire East lived from 1079 until the middle of the 19th century. The calendar is still called so: the Calendar of Omar Khayyam. This calendar is better, more accurate, than the later introduced Gregorian calendar, according to which we now live.

Omar Khayyam was the wisest and most educated person. An astronomer, an astrologer, a mathematician, a specialist in horoscopes - everywhere he was an advanced, leading scientist.

And yet, Omar Khayyam was especially famous for his wise sayings, which he rhymed in quatrains - rubaiyat. They have come down to our time, there are many hundreds of them on various topics: about life, about love, about God, about wine and women.

We will get acquainted with some of the wise sayings of Omar Khayyam, dear readers, here.

Wise sayings of Omar Khayyam about life.

Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday's losses,
Don't measure today by tomorrow's yardstick,
Do not believe in the past or the future,
Believe the current minute - be happy now!

Silence is a shield from many troubles,
And chatter is always harmful.
Human tongue is small
But how many lives did he break!

In this dark world
only consider it true
spiritual wealth,
Because it will never depreciate.

Kohl, you can, do not grieve about the running time,
Do not burden your soul with either the past or the future,
Spend your treasures while you're alive
After all, all the same, in that world you will appear poor.

To live life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Two important rules to remember to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it's better to be alone than with just anyone.
Omar Khayyam

If you have nooks and crannies for living,
In our mean time, and a piece of bread,
If you are not a servant to anyone, not a master,
You are happy and truly high in spirit.

Nobility and meanness, courage and fear -
Everything is built into our bodies from birth.
We will not get better or worse until death -
We are who God made us!

The wind of life is sometimes fierce.
On the whole life, however, is good.
And it's not scary when black bread
It's scary when a black soul...

Don't piss off others and don't piss yourself off
We are guests in this mortal world.
And, if something is wrong - humble yourself!
Be smart and smile.

Think with a cold head.
After all, everything in the world is natural:
The evil you radiated
Will definitely come back to you!

I know the world: in it a thief sits on a thief,
A wise man always loses in an argument with a fool,
The dishonest shames the honest,
And a drop of happiness sinks in a sea of ​​grief...

Wise sayings of Omar Khayyam about love.

Beware of inflicting wounds
The soul that keeps and loves you.
She hurts a lot more.
And, having forgiven everything, he will understand and not condemn.

Taking all the pain and bitterness from you,
Will resignedly remain in torment.
You will not hear insolence in words.
You will not see the evil tear of sparkling.

Beware of inflicting wounds
To those who will not answer with brute force.
And who can't heal the scars.
Who will dutifully meet your blow.

Beware of cruel wounds yourself,
that inflicts on your soul
The one who keeps you as a talisman,
But whoever in his soul does not carry you.

We are so cruel to those who are vulnerable.
Helpless for those we love.
We keep traces of countless wounds,
Which we will forgive ... but we will not forget !!!

It can only be shown to the sighted.
Sing a song - only to those who hear.
Give yourself to someone who will be grateful
Who understands, loves and appreciates you.

Into this world we will hardly get again,
We won't find our friends again.
Seize the moment! 'Cause it won't happen again
How do you not repeat yourself in it.

In this world, love is the adornment of people;
To be deprived of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart did not cling to the drink of love,
He is an ass, even though he does not wear donkey ears!

Woe to the heart that is colder than ice
Does not burn with love, does not know about it,
And for the heart of a lover - a day spent
Without a lover - the most lost of days!

Don't count your friends!
Not the friend of yours who is driven by curiosity,
and the one who will gladly share the takeoff with you ...
And who is in trouble... your quiet cry... will hear...
Omar Khayyam

Yes, a woman is like wine
Where is the wine
It's important for a man
Know a sense of proportion.
Don't look for reasons
In wine, if drunk -
It is not guilty.

Yes, in a woman, as in a book, there is wisdom.
Can understand the meaning of its great
Only literate.
And don't get mad at the book
Kohl, ignorant, could not read it.

Omar Khayyam

Wise sayings of Omar Khayyam about God and religion.

God exists, and everything is God! Here is the center of knowledge
Drawn by me from the Book of the Universe.
I saw the radiance of Truth with my heart,
And the darkness of godlessness burned to the ground.

Raging in cells, mosques and churches,
Hope to enter heaven and fear of hell.
Only in the soul who understood the secret of the world,
The juice of these weeds is all dried up and withered.

In the Book of Fates, not a word can be changed.
Those who suffer forever cannot be forgiven.
You can drink your bile to the end of your life:
Life cannot be shortened and cannot be lengthened. Omar Khayyam

The goal of the creator and the pinnacle of creation is us.
Wisdom, reason, the source of insight - we are.
This circle of the universe is like a ring.
It has a faceted diamond, no doubt we are!

What did a contemporary say about the wisdom of Omar Khayyam, about his life and death.

Omar Khayyam had many students who left memories of him.
Here are the memories of one of them:

“Once in the city of Bali, on the street of slave traders, in the palace of the emir, at a feast for a cheerful conversation, our teacher Omar Khayyam said: “I will be buried in a place where, always on the days of the spring equinox, a fresh wind will shower flowers of fruit branches.” Twenty-four years later I visited Nishapur, where this great man was buried, and asked him to show me his grave. I was taken to the Khaira cemetery, and I saw a grave at the foot of the garden wall, overshadowed by pear and apricot trees and showered with flower petals so that it was completely hidden under them. I remembered the words spoken in Balkh and began to cry. Nowhere in the whole world, up to its inhabited borders, has there been a man like him.

Grave monument to Omar Khayyam

If a stranger is faithful to me, he is my brother.
The unfaithful brother is my enemy, damn him a hundredfold.
Medicines are sometimes more dangerous than poison.
Diseases sometimes cure poison.

I enter the mosque humbly, with bowed head,
As if for prayer ... but the plan is different:
Here I stole the rug imperceptibly the last time;
And he's already worn out, I want to pull off another one.

Responsive people I will compare with mirrors.
What a pity that mirrors do not see themselves!
To see yourself clearly in your friends,
First, stand in front of your friends as a mirror.

To be beautiful does not mean they are born,
After all, we can learn beauty.
When a person is beautiful in soul -
What looks can match her?

Remember the talk of the crowd - the wind, it only makes noise!
Those who continuously give joy to the soul,
Do not ever destroy, heeding empty slander, -
The world, like us, keeps a lot in its memory!

Khayyam is reproached with the number of sprees
And as an example, he is given non-drinking husbands.
Other vices would be just as noticeable -
Who would look sober among these hypocrites?!

The Creator created two Kaabas for faith for us -
Being and hearts, this is the crown of faith.
Worship the Kaaba of Hearts while you can
Above thousands of Kaaba - and one of the hearts!

You are an atheist in soul with Scripture in your hand,
Though memorized letters in each line.
To no avail you hit the ground with your head,
Better hit the ground with everything that's in your head.

Do not be afraid, friend, today's adversity!
Rest assured, time will erase them.
There is a minute, give it to fun,
And what comes next, let it come!

You will be in the company of proud learned donkeys,
Try to pretend to be a donkey without words,
For everyone who is not an ass, these fools
Accused immediately of undermining the foundations.

Torments age beauties. Get rid of trouble
The one whose eyelids are transparent and lips are firm.
Be with your beloved tenderness: beauty slips away,
On the face leaving traces of suffering.

Having endured hardships, you will become a free bird.
And the drop will become a pearl in the pearl-dungeon.
Give away your wealth and it will come back to you.
If the cup is empty, they will give you a drink.

They say that drunkards will go to hell.
All nonsense! If the drinkers were sent to hell
Yes, all women lovers go there after them,
Empty as a palm, your garden of paradise would become.

We will never be in this world again
We will never meet friends at the table.
Catch every flying moment -
Never to wait for him later.

Of those that have passed the world up and down,
Of those whom the Creator doomed to search,
Has anyone found anything like this?
What did we not know and what benefited us?

Well, if your dress is without holes.
And it is not a sin to think about daily bread.
And everything else is not necessary for nothing -
Life is more precious than wealth and honors of all.

Your being is a moment of higher life, different,
Your drunkenness is from an unearthly vine,
Plunge headlong into the collar of reflection!
Your hand is an extension of the hand of the other.

They say there is hell.
It contains resin and flame, they say.
But since all lovers are in hell,
So heaven is pretty empty.

Do not grow a sprout in the heart of sadness,
Learn the book of joys by heart,
Drink, friend, live according to the dictates of the heart:
The time limit for death is unknown.

Be careful - the villainous fate is near!
The sword of time is sharp - do not be a skygazer!
When fate puts halva in your mouth,
Beware - do not eat: it contains sugar mixed with poison!

Nobility through suffering, friend, is born,
Is it possible for every drop to become a pearl?
You can lose everything, save only your soul, -
The cup will be filled again, it would be wine.

Having become a poor dervish, you will reach heights.
Having torn your heart into blood, you will reach heights.
Away, empty dreams of great accomplishments!
Only by coping with yourself - you will reach heights!

I only talk about mine:
That there are many different things in life, and in it
We must see all the colors of life and life,
So as not to be left with nothing.

A heart! Let the cunning, conspiring at the same time,
Wine is condemned, they say, it is harmful.
If you want to wash your soul and body -
Listen to poetry more often while drinking wine.

How complete darkness is needed for a pearl -
So suffering is necessary for the soul and mind.
Have you lost everything, and the soul is empty? —
This cup will fill up again by itself!

Who we are are puppets on strings, and our puppeteer is the firmament.
He leads his performance in a big booth.
He is now on the carpet of life will make us jump,
And then he will remove one by one into his chest.

Wealth, no words, do not replace the mind,
But to the poor, even heaven on earth is a prison.
The beggar violet bows her face, and the rose
Laughs: her bag is full of gold.

Have smaller friends, do not expand their circle.
And remember: it is better to have a close, distant friend.
Take a calm look at everyone who sits around.
In whom you saw support, you will suddenly see the enemy.

How full of love I am, how wonderful is my sweet face,
How much I would say and how dumb my language is!
Isn't it strange, Lord? I'm thirsty,
And right in front of me flows a living spring.

My idol, the potter fashioned you like this,
That before you the moon is ashamed of its charms.
Let others decorate themselves for the holiday,
You have a gift to decorate a holiday with yourself.

At least a hundred live, at least ten hundred years,
You still have to leave this world.
Whether you are a padishah or a beggar in the market,
There is only one price for you: there are no ranks for death.

Do not envy the one who is strong and rich,
Dawn is always followed by sunset.
With this life short, equal to a breath,
Treat as with this one for rent.

You can't look into tomorrow today,
Just the thought of him makes my chest ache.
Who knows how many days you have left to live?
Don't waste them, be smart.

It's not the souls that burn in hell, but the bodies,
Not we, but our sinful deeds;
I soaked and put my hand into the flame:
The water burned down, but the hand ... is intact.

Great victory that mankind knows
Victory is not over death, and believe me, not over fate.
You were given a point by the judge that judges the court of heaven,
Only one victory - victory over yourself.

To love and be loved is happiness
You protect from simple bad weather.
And taking the reins of love jointly greedily in hand,
Never let go, even living apart...

They promise me: you will find delight in Eden.
For me, grape juice is good.
Take the cash, but do not believe in the word:
Only from afar the thunder of the drum is good.

Only the essence, how worthy of men, say
Only answering - the words of the lord - speak.
There are two ears, and one language is given not by chance -
Listen twice and speak only once!

I asked the wisest: "What did you extract
From your manuscripts? Wise saying:
“Happy is he who is in the arms of a tender beauty
At night, far from the wisdom of the book!

There will be no us, but the world will exist, as always.
We will leave no mark or trace in it.
We did not exist before, but the world existed,
There will be no us in the future - and it does not matter!

Do not look that another is above all in the mind,
And see if he is true to his word.
If he does not throw his words to the wind -
There is no price, as you yourself understand, to him.

Everything is bought and sold
And life openly laughs at us.
We are angry, we are angry
But we sell and buy.

That potter who molded the cups of our heads,
He surpassed any masters in his work.
He overturned the cup over the table of life
And filled it with passion to the brim.

Life will always give us a chance:
Whom to love, whom we hate together.
And, most importantly, believe me - do not confuse the curtsy,
To not bow to those who do not need.

Do you see this boy, old sage?
He amuses himself with sand - he builds a palace.
Give him advice: "Be careful, young man,
With the ashes of wise heads and loving hearts!

Foolish people from the beginning of time
Instead of truth, they were amused by a rainbow of words;
Although Jesus and Mohammed came to their aid,
They did not penetrate into the secrecy of the foundations.

The fish asked the duck: “Will the water return,
What leaked yesterday? If yes, then when?"
The duck answered her: “When we are fried -
The frying pan will solve all the questions!”

Do not be afraid to give warming words,
And do good deeds.
The more wood you put on the fire,
The more heat will return.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Why do you expect benefit from your wisdom?
You will soon wait for milk from the goat.
Pretend to be a fool - and it will be more useful,
And wisdom these days is cheaper than leeks.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Noble people, loving each other,
They see the grief of others, they forget themselves.
If you desire the honor and brilliance of mirrors, -
Do not envy others, and they will love you.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Nobility and meanness, courage and fear -
Everything is built into our bodies from birth.
We will not get better or worse until we die.
We are who God made us!

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Brother, do not demand riches - they are not enough for everyone.
Do not look with the gloating of a saint on sin.
There is a God over mortals. What's up with the neighbor
Then there are even more holes in your dressing gown.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Don't look to the future
Be glad for a moment of happiness today.
After all, tomorrow, friend, we will be considered death
With the departed seven thousand years ago.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

You will be in the company of proud learned donkeys,
Try to pretend to be a donkey without words,
For everyone who is not an ass, these fools
Accused immediately of undermining the foundations.

Giyasaddin Abu-l-Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam Nishapuri is the full name of the person who is better known to us as Omar Khayyam.
This Persian poet, mathematician, philosopher, astrologer, astronomer is known all over the world for his quatrains "rubai", which delight with their wisdom, cunning, audacity and humor. His poems are simply a storehouse of the eternal wisdom of life, which were relevant during the life of the poet (1048 - 1131), and have not lost their relevance today. We invite you to read poetry and Omar Khayyam quotes and enjoy their content.

Having endured hardships, you will become a free bird.
And the drop will become a pearl in the pearl-dungeon.
Give away your wealth and it will come back to you.
If the cup is empty, they will give you a drink.

Only those who are worse than us think badly of us,
and those who are better than us ... They are simply not up to us

Hell and heaven in heaven claim bigots;
I looked into myself - I was convinced of a lie.
Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe;
Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul.

If you become a slave to base lust, -
You will be empty in old age, like an abandoned house.
Look at yourself and think about
Who are you, where are you and - where then?

We are a source of fun - and a mine of sorrow,
We are a reservoir of filth - and a pure spring.
Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces.
He is insignificant - and he is immensely great!

Life is forced upon us; her whirlpool
Stuns us, but one moment - and now
It's time to leave, not knowing the purpose of life ...
The arrival is meaningless, the meaningless departure!

Dawn is always followed by sunset.
With this life short, equal to a sigh,
Treat as with this one for rent.

Who was beaten by life, he will achieve more,
Having eaten a pood of salt, he appreciates honey more.
Who shed tears, he sincerely laughs,
Who died, he knows that he lives.

Everything is bought and sold
And life openly laughs at us.
We are angry, we are angry
But we sell and buy.

If you can, do not worry about the running time,
Do not burden your soul with the past or the future.
Spend your treasures while you are alive;
After all, all the same, in that world you will appear poor.

Omar Khayyam was a great man! Always admired his deep knowledge of the human soul! His words are relevant to this day! Looks like people haven't changed much since that time!

The scientist wrote his rubai all his life. He drank little wine, but describes his great wisdom. We do not know anything about his personal life either, but he subtly describes love.

The wise sayings of Omar Khayyam make us forget about all the fuss and at least for a moment think about great values. We offer you the best Omar Khayyam quotes about love and life:

About life

1. One does not understand what roses smell like. Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey. Give someone a trifle, forever remember. You will give your life to someone, but he will not understand.

2. Whoever is beaten by life will achieve more. A pood of salt who has eaten appreciates honey more. Who sheds tears, he sincerely laughs. Who died, he knows that he lives!

3. The lower the soul of a person, the higher the nose turns up. He reaches with his nose where his soul has not matured.

4. Two people were looking at the same window. One saw rain and mud. The other is green foliage, spring and blue sky.

5. How often, making mistakes in life, we lose those we value. Trying to please strangers, sometimes we run from our neighbor.

We lift up those who are not worth us, but we betray the most faithful. Who loves us so much, we offend, and we ourselves are waiting for an apology.

6. We are a mine of joy and sorrow. We are a reservoir of filth and a pure spring. Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces. He is insignificant and he is immensely great!

7. We will never get into this world again, we will never meet friends at the table. Catch every flying moment - you can never lie in wait for it later.

8. With this short life, equal to a breath. Treat as with this one for rent.

9. Do not envy the one who is strong and rich, sunset always follows the dawn.

About love

10. Giving yourself does not mean selling. And next to sleep - does not mean to sleep. Not to take revenge does not mean to forgive everything. Not to be near does not mean not to love!

11. Woe, woe to the heart, where there is no burning passion. Where there is no love of torment, where there are no dreams of happiness. A day without love is lost: dimmer and grayer than this barren day, and there are no days of bad weather.

12. In order to live life wisely, you need to know a lot. Remember two important rules to start with: you'd rather starve than eat anything, and it's better to be alone than with anyone.

13. In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved person, even virtues annoy.

14. You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.

15. A plucked flower should be presented, a poem begun should be completed, and the beloved woman should be happy, otherwise it was not worth taking on something that is beyond your power.

Life will fly by like one moment
Appreciate her, take pleasure in her.
How you spend it - so it will pass,
Don't forget: she is your creation.

Do not forget that you are not alone: ​​in the most difficult moments, God is with you

The fact that God once measured us, friends,
You can't increase it and you can't decrease it.
Trying to make the most of the cash
Don’t worry about someone else’s, don’t ask for a loan.

You don’t even notice that your dreams come true, everything is always not enough for you!

Life is a desert, we wander naked through it.
Mortal, full of pride, you are simply ridiculous!
You find a reason for every step -
Meanwhile, it has long been predetermined in heaven.

I would blind my life from the smartest deeds
There he did not think of it, here he did not succeed at all.
But Time - here we have a quick teacher!
As a cuff will give you a little wiser.

I have absolutely nothing upsets and surprises.
Everything is fine in any case.

Know that the main source of being is love.

It is difficult to comprehend the plans of God, old man.
This sky has no top or bottom.
Sit in a secluded corner and be content with little:
If only the scene was at least a little visible!

Those who did not seek the path are unlikely to be shown the path -
Knock and the door to destiny will open!

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The drop began to cry that it parted with the sea,
The sea laughed at the naive grief.

We are a source of fun - and a mine of sorrow.
We are a reservoir of filth - and a pure spring.
Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces.
He is insignificant - and he is immensely great!

When you throw dirt at a person, remember that it may not reach him, but it will remain on your hands.

How complete darkness is needed for a pearl
So suffering is necessary for the soul and mind.
Have you lost everything, and the soul is empty?
This cup will fill up again by itself!

Silence is a shield from many troubles, and chatter is always harmful.
A man's tongue is small, but how many lives he has broken.

If you have a nook for living -
In our vile time - and a piece of bread,
If you are not a servant to anyone, not a master -
You are happy and truly high in spirit.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He reaches with his nose where his soul has not matured.

Since your mind has not comprehended the eternal laws
It's funny to worry about petty intrigues.
Since the god in heaven is unfailingly great -
Be calm and cheerful, appreciate this moment.

You give someone a change and he will remember forever, you give your life to someone, but he will not remember.

Isn't it funny to save a penny for a whole century,
If you can't buy eternal life anyway?
This life was given to you, my dear, for a while, -
Try not to miss the time!

The downtrodden die prematurely

We are with God - all the toys of creation,
In the universe, His only possessions are everything.
And why our competition in wealth -
We're all in the same prison, aren't we?

To live life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Two important rules to remember to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it's better to be alone than with just anyone.

Who is beaten by life, he will achieve more.
A pood of salt who has eaten appreciates honey more.
Who sheds tears, he sincerely laughs.
Who died, he knows that he lives!

The wind of life is sometimes fierce.
On the whole life is good though...
And it's not scary when black bread
It's scary when a black soul...

Why is the almighty creator of our bodies
Didn't want to give us immortality?
If we are perfect, why do we die?
If they are not perfect, then who is the spoiler?

If I was given omnipotence
- I would have lowered the sky a long time ago
And would erect another, reasonable sky
To only the worthy loved it.

Let's get up in the morning and shake hands with each other,
Let's forget about our grief for a moment,
Let's enjoy this morning air
With full breasts, while we are still breathing, we will inhale.

Before you were born, you didn't need anything
And having been born, you are doomed to need everything.
Just throw off the oppression of a shameful body,
You will again become free, like God, a rich man.

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Aphorisms of Omar Khayyam occupies an important place in world literature not by accident.

After all, everyone knows this outstanding sage of antiquity. However, not everyone realizes that Omar Khayyam was, among other things, an outstanding mathematician who made a serious contribution to algebra, a writer, philosopher and musician.

He was born on May 18, 1048 and lived for a long 83 years. His whole life was spent in Persia (modern Iran).

Of course, most of all this genius became famous for his quatrains, which are called the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. They contain deep meaning, subtle irony, exquisite humor and amazing sense of being.

There are many different translations of the rubaiyat of the great Persian. We bring to your attention the best sayings and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam.

It is better to fall into poverty, starve or steal,
Than to get into the number of despicable dishes.
It is better to gnaw bones than to be seduced by sweets
At the table of the bastards who have power.
The wind of life is sometimes fierce.
On the whole life is good though
And it's not scary when black bread
It's scary when a black soul...

I am a student in this best of the best worlds.
My work is hard: the teacher is painfully harsh!
Until gray hair, I go to life as apprentices,
Still not enrolled in the category of masters ...

Isn't it funny to save a penny for a whole century,
If you can't buy eternal life anyway?
This life was given to you, my dear, for a while, -
Try not to miss the time!

And with a friend and an enemy, you must be good!
Who by nature is kind, you will not find malice in him.
Hurt a friend - you make an enemy,
Embrace the enemy - you will find a friend.

If you have a nook for housing -
In our vile time - and a piece of bread,
If you are not a servant to anyone, not a master -
You are happy and truly high in spirit.

The ocean of drops is great.
The mainland is made up of dust particles.
Your arrival and departure - do not matter.
Just a fly flew in the window for a moment ...

From godlessness to God - one moment!
From zero to total - one moment.
Take care of this precious moment:
Life - neither less nor more - one moment!

Wine is forbidden, but there are four "buts":
It depends on who, with whom, when and in moderation, or drinks wine.
If these four conditions are met
All sane wine is allowed.

Two people were looking out the same window.
One saw rain and mud.
The other is green foliage,
Spring and the sky is blue.

We are a source of fun and sorrow mine.
We are a reservoir of filth and a pure spring.
Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces.
He is insignificant and he is immensely great!

Who is beaten by life, he will achieve more.
A pood of salt who has eaten appreciates honey more.
Who sheds tears, he sincerely laughs.
Who died, he knows that he lives!

How often, in life, making mistakes,
We lose those we love.
Trying to please strangers
sometimes we run from our neighbor.
We lift those who are not worth us,
but we betray the most faithful.
Who loves us so much, we offend,
and we are waiting for an apology.

Do not envy the one who is strong and rich,
Sunrise is always followed by sunset.
With this life short, equal to a breath.
Treat as with this one for rent.

And a speck of dust was a living particle.
A black curl, a long eyelash was.
Wipe the dust from your face gently and gently:
Dust, perhaps Zukhra was a clairvoyant!

I once bought a talking pitcher.
“I was a check! - the jug screamed inconsolably -
I became dust. The potter summoned me from the dust
He made the former Shah a pleasure to revel.

This old jug is on the poor man's table
He was an all-powerful vizier in the past centuries.
This cup, which is held by the hand, -
The breast of a dead beauty or the cheek...

Did the world have a source in the very beginning?
Here is the riddle that God gave us,
The sages talked about it as they wanted, -
None of them could figure it out.

He is too zealous, shouting: "It's me!"
In a wallet with a golden strumming: "It's me!"
But as soon as he manages to set things up -
death knocks on the window to the braggart: "It's me!"

Do you see this boy, old sage?
He amuses himself with sand - he builds a palace.
Give him advice: "Be careful, young man,
With the ashes of wise heads and loving hearts!

In the cradle - the baby, the dead - in the coffin:
That's all that is known about our fate.
Drink the cup to the bottom - and do not ask much:
The master will not reveal a secret to a slave.

Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday's losses,
Do not measure today's affairs by tomorrow's measure,
Do not believe in the past or the future,
Believe the current minute - be happy now!

Months followed months before us,
Wise men were replaced by wise men before us.
These dead stones are under our feet
Before they were the pupils of captivating eyes.

I see a troubled land - the abode of sorrows,
I see mortals hurrying to their grave,
I see glorious kings, moon-faced beauties,
Shining and becoming prey to worms.

There is no heaven or hell, O my heart!
There is no return from the darkness, O my heart!
And do not hope, O my heart!
And there is no need to be afraid, O my heart!

We are obedient dolls in the hands of the Creator!
This is not said by me for the sake of words.
The Almighty leads us on the stage on strings
And shoves it into the chest, bringing it to the end.

Well, if your dress is without holes.
And it is not a sin to think about daily bread.
And everything else is not necessary for nothing -
Life is more precious than wealth and honors of all.

Having become a poor dervish, you will reach heights.
Having torn your heart into blood, you will reach heights.
Away, empty dreams of great accomplishments!
Only by coping with yourself - you will reach heights.

Surely you liked aphorisms of Omar Khayyam. Reading the rubaiyat of this great man is interesting and useful.

Pay also attention to - get a lot of intellectual pleasure!

And, of course, read to get to know the geniuses of mankind.

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