Description of Selena Gomez. Biography and interesting facts about the personal life of Selena Gomez. Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire

Selena Gomez is a talented actress and singer. She never tried to be like anyone. Both adults and children listen to her songs. She loves dogs and often messes with children. Free time, which in recent years, due to numerous filming and performances, is becoming less and less, Selena spends with her friends and relatives. “Without a doubt, I think that friendship is one of the best moments in life,” says Selena.

Selena and her family

Selena was born on July 22, 1992 in a small town called Grand Prairie (Texas, USA). According to the horoscope, she is a cancer, and she is also half Italian and half Mexican.


Selena's mother's name is Mandy Cornet - she is a theater actress. Selena is often seen with her. And they constantly share shoes among themselves, “...because you always want to wear the same thing, but we find a compromise,” says Selena.

Selena and her mom

Mendy and Selena did not live richly, like ordinary Americans, sometimes the car ran out of gas and there was no money to refuel “I remember about seven times when we stood on the side of the car with the car, because we ran out of gas and there was no money. My mom saved money to take me to concerts. She took me to museums, aqua-zoos, to tell me more about the world,” Selena said in an interview for Elle magazine.


Her father, Ricardo Gomez, is a musician. When Selena was 5 years old, her parents divorced and mother and daughter left for Los Angeles. Now Selena has a stepfather - Brian Tifi, he often accompanies her.

Selena's dad

In her spare time, Selena enjoys driving home to Texas to her grandparents and her cousins. And Selena says that she is not recognized on the hot streets, small towns in Texas and she can live a normal life.

Selena with her parents, grandparents

Selena with cousins

Selena has two little sisters Gracie and Victoria, Selena loves to spend time with them and constantly invites them to her concerts and performances.

Selena with sister Gracie

Selena with her father and sister Victoria

Selena loves animals and is crazy about dogs, she has 6 of them - she adopted all of them from a shelter. A few years ago, when Selena went to Canada, she took a Baylor - it's a Husky mix. “We went to the animal shelter just because… and we saw this cute puppy, it seemed to me like he said my name and I knew that I should take him,” said Selena.


After the divorce, mom and Selena moved to Los Angeles, where little Selena constantly went to shoot with her mother. Many employees from the set often noticed a little girl who tried to attract attention by impersonating the actors. One day, around the age of 6, Selena told her mother that she also wanted to be an actress. After that, the mother began to go to auditions with her daughter. Selena came to the next screen test with her mother on her birthday - they took the girl, highlighting her from a huge number of other guys. At the same casting, Selena met her best friend, Demi Lovato. The little actress began to play the role of Gianna in the series "

Series Barney and Friends. Selena Gomez on the yellow ball, Demi Lovato on the blue

First roles

Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire

In 2005, Selena participated in the filming of the film "" starring with Chuck Norris. 2006 gave Selena the role of a villain named Mikayla in the popular TV series "". During filming, she became friends with Miley Cyrus. Then she played Emily Grace Garcia (Emily Grace Garcia) in the short film "", where she sang for the first time on the screen.

Disney Girl

At the age of eleven, Selena participated in the casting of the Disney Channel for the main role in the series. The casting director immediately noticed the girl with an unforgettable smile and a sparkle in the eyes of thousands of applicants, but Selena was not immediately given the main role in her own show. And a few years later, having starred with Miley Cyrus in several episodes of "", Selena won the second largest casting on the Disney Channel (the first was Lizzy Maguire), and fulfilled her dream by getting the main role of the sorceress Alex Russo in the TV series "".

This role brought Selena great fame. Now she has become the leading actress of the Disney studio and starred in so many more films, such as: "", "", "". After the end of the series "", Selena continued her film career and starred in more serious and dramatic films, for example: "" or "", thereby showing that she is a real actress of a big movie and is not afraid of new roles and images.

Selena rock star

Selena has always had a passion for music, she plays the electric guitar and piano, she always sings the soundtracks for her movies and TV shows herself. Since childhood, she wanted to be a rock star and have her own gang.

And finally, in 2008, after signing a contract with Hollywood Records, the dream of a musical career began to come true. Selena formed her own band, named it Selena Gomez & The Scene, and began recording her first album.

Selena with her band The Scene

The first album was a pop-rock style. "I want to make fun, energetic music that makes my fans feel great, that you can dance to with your girlfriends." - Selena. In the first week of sales, the album sold 66,000 copies, everyone just fell in love with Selena's music and voice.

Selena performing at her first concert at the Roxy Theater in 2009.

In December 2009 Selena released the second single from her debut album . It was a song. The song was produced by Rock Mafia and the song itself was very different from what was on the album. As a result, after the release of the song was a dizzying success. In the first week of release, they added it to almost all US stations, and a little later they put it in Russia, for example, on Bridge TV. became a breakthrough and reached number one on the Billboard Dance Play Songs Chart.

Celebrity biographies


22.07.16 10:00

She had 43 million followers on her Instagram last fall and has now hit an insane 90 million – wow popularity spike! Selena Gomez's early biography is filming in Disney series, and now she is a famous actress, singer and UNICEF ambassador.

Biography of Selena Gomez

In honor of the Latin American star

Colleague Gomez, actress and singer Jennifer Lopez, became famous for her title role in the biopic "Selena" about a young Latin American star. Apparently, having named her daughter Selena (just in honor of this performer), the mother of our heroine Mandy Cornette prophesied a stellar future for the baby.

Selena was born in the town of Grand Prairie, Texas on July 22, 1992 in an international family: her mother's roots are in Italy and England, and her father Gomez Ricardo is from Mexico. True, their union did not last long - the daughter was barely five years old, when Mandy and Gomez divorced. Both of them remarried, so Selena has two younger sisters - Gracie, whom Mandy gave birth to in marriage to Brian Teefy in 2013, and half-blooded Tori Gomez, who is now two years old.

Selena's first film appearance was in the action comedy Spy Kids 3: Game Over, where she only got an episode. The girl was more fortunate with television - at the age of 12 she began acting in shows - these were the Disney children's series “Everything is Tip-Top, or the Life of Zack and Cody” and “Hannah Montana”.

Young Enchantress

In 2007, in the biography of Selena Gomez, there was already the first major role, Alex from the telefantasy "Wizards of Waverly Place". Due to the total employment on the set (the series about two brothers and sister Russo, who know how to conjure, came out for four seasons), Selena switched to home schooling and in the spring of 2010 she passed the exams for the high school course and received a diploma.

The television show about teen wizards has won several awards for the aspiring actress, including four Teen Choice Awards. In less than sixteen years, Gomez already had a record deal with Hollywood Records, and songs performed by Selena sounded in many films and TV shows with her participation.

Musical career: with a band and solo

In 2009, the band's first album "Selena Gomez & the Scene" (Joey Clement, Dan Forrest, Ethan Roberts, Greg German and lead singer Selena Gomez) was released, which was called "Kiss and Tell". The second CD went on sale a year later, but the third, "When the Sun Goes Down", released in 2011, was the most successful. The composition from this album "Love You Like a Love Song" became a platinum single - four times platinum! On this, the collaboration between Selena and the musicians ended - she decided that she wanted to devote more time to cinema.

In the fall of 2012, Selena announced that she was working on a solo disc. A few months later, the single "Come & Get It" was released, which received double platinum certification. The CD "Stars Dans" Gomez presented in the summer of 2013. A year and a half later, the singer's album of hits "For You" was released, after which Gomez began to collaborate with another label - "Interscope Records". Selena released several singles and videos (material for the second album), and at the end of June 2016 she told reporters that the new solo disc was almost ready.

Settlements, the rich woman and her double

As for Gomez's acting career, "Wizards of Waverly Place" received its own film version, and the Disney film "Another Cinderella Story" was released on television. And in 2009, Selena entered into a long-term project - she became an actress voicing the main female character in a series of animated feature films by Besson (based on his own fairy tales) about the boy Arthur. The Princess of Selenia, almost the namesake of Gomez, is a very fighting girl, the daughter of the King of the Invisibles. Seleniya falls in love with Arthur and appears in all the tapes of the cycle: "Arthur and the Invisibles", "Arthur and the Revenge of Urdalak", "Arthur and the War of Two Worlds". True, Selena joined the work on the franchise from the second picture (in the first, the princess spoke in the voice of Madonna).

In 2011, the romantic comedy Monte Carlo was released, in which Gomez played two roles at once: a rich English woman and an American girl very similar to her.

Infernal Mavis and new film works

Further in the biography of Selena Gomez, several unsuccessful low-rated films appeared, including the tapes Spring Breakers and Let's Go (for which the actress was nominated for the Golden Raspberry). But Gomez gave the voice to another cartoon heroine - Mavis from the feature film "Monsters on Vacation", released in 2012. Mavis returned in a sequel to the cartoon in 2015, and a triquel is also planned.

2016 brought two film premieres with the participation of Gomez - at the beginning of the year, the drama "Basic Principles of Good" was released with Paul Rudd, which was well received by critics, and in the summer - the comedy "Neighbours. On the Warpath 2 with Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne and Zac Efron. This tape was much weaker than the prequel.

Designer and philanthropist

In addition to music and cinema, Selena is engaged in design - in the fall of 2009, her clothing line for teenagers was released, she was also the face of the Adidas NEO brand.

Gomez became the youngest UNICEF Ambassador in history and has taken part in several charity events, concerts and trips. The actress has an award from Glamour: Gomez became the "Woman of the Year" according to the magazine. A memorial sign was awarded to her in the fall of 2012.

Selena Gomez's personal life

Nick and Taylor

Selena's first serious passion is singer Nick Jonas, with whom she was together from 2008 to 2010.

In 2009, during a spat with Nick, Gomez dated Twilight star Taylor Lautner, although both claim they are just friends since childhood.

Will they get back together?

Selena Gomez's personal life received a lot of publicity after Justin Bieber became her boyfriend.

Since 2011, the singer and actress have been bombarded with threats - Bieber's fans began to attack his girlfriend through social networks. At the end of 2012, the couple broke up, Selena went through a breakup quite hard. Then the two reconciled and said that they were no longer a romantic couple, but good friends. True, in 2016, there were rumors that Justin wants to renew relations with Selena.

Selena Gomez is a very popular artist not only in America but all over the world. This girl is a very talented and very versatile person. First of all, it should be said that she is not only an actress and singer, but also a guitarist. Her non-musical activities include the fact that she is a goodwill ambassador for the charitable organization UNICEF.

It should also be noted that during her career, Selena has released two brands of women's perfumes and two fashion lines. The girl's career began in 2002 and she is still popular.

Height, weight, age. How old is Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez is a very beautiful and talented young girl. Therefore, it is not surprising that from the very beginning of her career, the army of fans has only been growing. And most fans from all over the world are even interested in such simple parameters as her height, weight, age. How old is Selena Gomez - the question is the simplest. The artist was born in July 1992, which means that this year she will be 25 years old.

The girl's height is 1m 69 cm, but even so, she loves to wear shoes with heels. Which, however, only makes it even more refined. And Selena weighs only 52 kilograms.

Biography of Selena Gomez

Selena Maria Gomez is a popular American actress who started her career at the age of ten. The peak of the popularity of a teenage girl was the Disney Channel series “Wizards of Waverly Place”. But her development did not end with acting. She later became a singer, guitarist, songwriter, model, and designer of her own clothing line. In addition, from the age of seventeen, Selena became the ambassador of the UNICEF charity.

By the way, the girl was named after the famous singer Selena in the nineties. At the age of five, after her parents divorced, Selena and her mother moved from their native Texas town to Los Angeles. Her mother, Mandy Cornette, was a theater actress and the girl followed her everywhere. Already at the age of six, little Selena decided on the choice of profession. Then my mother began to take her to various auditions. At the age of nine, she was approved as the new character of the children's TV show Barney and Friends - Gianna. This transfer was truly fateful for the girl. She also gave her best friend for later years - Demi Lovato.

She and her mother did not show off, but Mendy spent all the money she had on raising her daughter. And only a few years later the girl had a stepfather. And after - and half-sister named Gracie Elliot.

The biography of Selena Gomez is very rich. At the age of eleven, she made a cameo appearance in the third Spy Kids film. And two years later - a short role in one of the episodes of "Cool Walker". In the future, there was the role of a girl named Gwen in the TV series The Life of Zack and Cody. In addition, Selena performed one of the soundtracks for this show.

At 14, Selena was approved for a role in the acclaimed Hannah Montana project, which was broadcast by Disney. And while Selena's character was a fierce opponent of Hannah, she struck up a good friendship with Miley Cyrus in the process.

The real popularity of the girl was brought by the sitcom "Wizards of Waverly Place", in which she and several other talented teenage actors played the roles of children of wizards. The series ran for six years. Selena grew up and became a luxurious girl. And her latest work was so relished by the audience that Selena often began to participate in new Disney shows.

But the young artist earned her popularity not only thanks to her acting talent. She also sings amazingly. In 2008, she starred in the video of the group Jona s Brothers, she was noticed and often invited to voice cartoons. For example, Princess Settlement ("Arthur and the Invisibles") and Mavis ("Monsters on Vacation - 1, 2") speak in her voice. Just a year later, her solo album went on sale, which was highly appreciated by the audience. In the same year, the girl became the youngest goodwill ambassador in the history of Unicef. And in 2010, the girl graduated from high school. True, due to tight filming schedules, it had to be completed externally.

Selena Gomez personal life

It is noteworthy that at the age of twelve, Selena put on a "purity ring." This is a fairly common practice in America. A girl who wears such a ring takes an oath to preserve her virginity until marriage.

Selena Gomez's personal life is filled with both pleasant and negative moments. Already at eighteen, she began an affair with sixteen-year-old Justin Bieber, a real idol of millions of teenagers around the world. In a way, Selena, already more experienced in the musical field, took Justin under her wing. This caused a real storm of emotions among Justin's fans and at first the girl received a record number of all kinds of threats on social networks. The novel turned out to be so stormy that a year later the purity ring disappeared from Selena's hand.

Bieber soon rose to the peak of his popularity and did not even think about giving up the attentions of his fans. In addition, he began to flirt with other girls. Selena's relatives said that Justin's frequent flirting was the reason for their separation.

At the beginning of the 16th year, Selena was seen with a guy named Samuel Krost. He is a musician and advertising face of the Onia brand.

Recently, in search engines, it is increasingly possible to meet requests in the manner of “Selena Gomez is pregnant 2017”. But it's not. Of course, not so long ago, the girl was hospitalized with severe nausea and headache, but the cause of the malaise turned out to be malnutrition and exhaustion.

Selena Gomez family

The family of Selena Gomez consists of four people - father, mother, stepfather and intrauterine sister. The girl's father is an American of Latin origin - Ricardo Gomez. Mom - Mandy Cornette - Anglo-Italian by origin. Selena's parents divorced when the girl was only five. After moving to Los Angeles, Mendy threw all her strength into raising her daughter. In 2006, when Selena was fourteen, the woman remarried a man named Brian Teefee. And seven years later, Selena had a sister, who was named Gracie Elliot.

Selena Gomez children

Selena Gomez's children are perhaps the most discussed topic regarding this girl. Selena is almost twenty-five, but she did not have and does not have her own children. In 2012, almost the entire Internet discussed the news that Selena Gomez had a miscarriage. She was pregnant by her then-boyfriend Justin Bieber. The girl turned out to be happy with this news, but her boyfriend did not show his best side, arguing that he was not yet ready for the role of a father, and his career is now much more important. And in the end - from experiences or something else, but Selena Gomez's child died before being born.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez latest news 2017

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have a rather complicated relationship. The couple then converged, then diverged, the girl even lost a common child a few years ago. Therefore, it is not surprising that search engine queries like “Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez latest news 2017” from fans of these artists are not uncommon. Meanwhile, the latest news suggests that Bieber accuses the former girlfriend of allegedly using the relationship with her current boyfriend The Weeknd solely for PR purposes. Whether there is truth in his words or is it banal jealousy is not known for certain.

Selena Gomez hacker photo, all photos

Recall that about three years ago, a very delicate incident happened to the singer. The Internet got personal photos of a girl of a rather intimate nature, stolen by some unknown hacker from iCloud cloud storage.

They mainly showcase Selena's bare breasts. Fans of the artist made the assumption that such personal photos were taken personally for the then lover of Selena - Justin Bieber. Thus, Selena Gomez photo hacker all photos so far can be easily found on the Internet.

Instagram and Wikipedia Selena Gomez

Instagram and Wikipedia Selena Gomez is also public information on the Internet. On Wikipedia, you can find basic generalized information about this girl, her film and discography, as well as a list of all available awards.

Meanwhile, the artist uses her Instagram not only to share fresh photos, videos and the latest news from her life with fans, but also for quite a lucrative income. It is known that for one advertising post in her account, Selena can be paid up to about five hundred thousand dollars.

With her charming appearance, the girl is completely obliged to her parents. However, with mixed marriages, very beautiful babies are often born. That is what happened this time as well. Selena's father is Mexican, and her mother is of mixed blood, including British and Italian. It is not surprising that in terms of temperament, Selena is an explosive mixture.

Until the age of five, the girl was an absolutely happy child. The family owned a large farm, and the baby grew up in freedom. She spent a lot of time outdoors, playing with friends and animals, and did not even imagine that there was another life.

But then she suddenly finds out that her parents decided to leave. The mother, not wanting to stay close to her ex-husband, takes her daughter and goes with her to Los Angeles in the hope of completely changing her life. For the baby, this was a real tragedy - the familiar world collapsed overnight.

In childhood

Selena did not like the metropolis at all - the huge stone jungle seemed hostile to her. Now she could not play alone in the yard. And my mother was always busy. Mandy at one time abandoned her acting career for the sake of her husband and daughter, but now she has begun to act in commercials again and play in small theaters.

There was no one to leave Selena with, and at a young age she almost always had to accompany her mother to the shooting or sit backstage while the performance was on. Out of boredom, the girl began to mimic the actors, and they began to draw her mother's attention to how accurately Selena copies other people's habits.

Mandy was not at all surprised when, at six, Selena told her that she wanted to act in films. Then she began to take the girl to auditions and showed her theatrical agent. At first, the little girl got only small videos or photography, but at the age of nine, Selena was lucky - she was included in the main cast of the popular children's show about Barney the Bear.


Selena considers this show the beginning of her professional acting career. Moreover, for the work that brought the girl great pleasure, she was also paid a modest fee. The mother spent all this money on her daughter's education and various excursions. Therefore, although they lived rather poorly, the girl never felt deprived of something.

At the age of 11, the girl made her debut in a big movie, however, so far only in an episode. She played a random girl in the family comedy Spy Kids. But during the filming, the girl was able to meet and chat with such stars as Antonio Banderas.

The debut was followed by several more minor roles. And Selena considers one of the heroines of the youth series "Hannah Montana" by Makeyla to be her first serious work. And although she did not appear on the screens in every series, Selena was busy filming for almost three years and during this time she managed to become recognizable. However, during this period she did not refuse other offers.

And finally, the finest hour of the young actress has come - she is approved for the main role in the Disney series "Wizards of Waverly Place", where she plays a magical girl. The first seasons were so successful that the producers decided to make a feature film, which was released on the big screens in 2009. It was then that young Selena woke up a real celebrity.

However, she managed to win the audience's sympathy a year before, when she played the role that all girls dream of - Cinderella in a full-length Disney story. The film is mediocre. But in it, Selena sang for the first time - she recorded several soundtracks and showed very good vocal abilities.

In the wake of the popularity of the young actress, the producers helped her create her own group and record her debut album Kiss and Say, which quickly sold out in decent circulation. Because of the sonorous voice, the girl was often invited to dub cartoons. And in 2009, the young star became the official ambassador of UNICEF, and the youngest in the history of the organization - she was then only 17 years old.

Selena's popularity grew rapidly along with herself. And by 2010, she turned from a young charmer into a real beauty, who was vied with each other to offer very lucrative contracts to the best modeling agencies. And although her height is only 169 cm, Selena quickly made a successful career in this field.

Selena's musical career is also not over. After releasing three full-length albums as part of the group, Selena decided to break the contract and start a solo career in the summer of 2009. To date, she already has two of her own discs and several super-popular singles.

But still, her main occupation is cinema and animation. There are already about 30 works in various genres in her film library, and the girl is absolutely not going to stop there. Now this is one of the most promising and sought-after actresses, who is simultaneously filming for brands such as Coca-Cola, Louis Vuitton, etc.

Personal life

Giving her daughter to acting, the mother was very worried that the world of show business would not corrupt the baby, in whose upbringing she had invested so much money and effort. The mother even married a second time only when she was convinced that her daughter was confidently moving up the career ladder in the right direction.

Selena herself was only passionate about her career and was in her dreamy-romantic world, in which everything should be beautiful and correct. In confirmation of this, she put on a chastity ring. This tradition is common among American girls and means that the first sex of its owner will be only after marriage.

But the young pop star made it so that these dreams were not destined to come true. They crossed paths at one of the concerts when he was 16 and she was already 18. He had just appeared on the stage, and she was already a real star. She was ready to help and patronize, but he took it quite differently.

An affair broke out between them, which at first both the guys and their producers tried to hide from the public. But real passion is difficult to keep within the bounds of decency. Less than a year later, the virginity ring disappeared from Selena's finger, and soon rather bold photos appeared on the network, in which the couple were together.

With Justin Bieber

But very soon quarrels began between them. Their reason was the growing popularity of Justin, who was constantly surrounded by crowds of fans. And he did not disregard some of them, believing that there was nothing special about it. Selena failed to catch him cheating, but the constant scenes of jealousy did their job - in 2013 they broke up.

However, this was again only the official version. For another two years, their joint photos periodically appeared on the network, in which it was clear that they had met by no means by chance. Although now they both categorically denied that the relationship between them continues. Apparently, it was more convenient for them.

But in 2016, unexpectedly for everyone, Selena appeared in public with a new gentleman. Musician and model, Samuel Krost, turned out to be just handsome. And everyone froze in anticipation of a new passionate romance. But ... it did not follow. Now Selena's boyfriend is considered to be a Canadian musician and producer Weekend. Who knows, maybe for a long time?

With Weekend

The mother of Selena Gomess at an early age tried to introduce her daughter to the world of theater and cinema, inspiring the girl by personal example. Thanks to this, Selena participated in various castings and first appeared on the screen in the television series Barney and Friends at the age of 9.

Biography of Mandy Cornette

Selena's mother was born on April 16, 1976. Her parents are David Michael Cornett (born 1947) and Debbie Jean Gibson (born 1952). At the age of 16, the girl married Ricardo Gomez - a Mexican by birth - and gave birth to a daughter, who was named after the soloist of the musical group Selena y Los Dinos, who tragically died at the age of 23.

For 5 years, the young couple lived in a small Texas town called Grand Prairie. However, in 1997, Amanda (Mandy) Cornett separated from her husband, leaving her alone with her child.

But the woman did not grieve, but having packed her things with her daughter, she left for Los Angeles. Selena had to say goodbye to her friends and the usual life of a Texas town, going to a crowded bustling city.

Mandy's creative path

In Los Angeles, mother and daughter did not live well. At the age of 28, the woman served as the coordinator of animation projects. There was a time when the family did not have enough money even for gasoline. Selena Gomez's mother invested all the available money in the upbringing and development of her daughter. But after a while, their lives improved. Due to the fact that there have been changes in the composition of the Selena Gomez family.

In 2006, Mandy got married and began working for her own production company, July Moon Production, which was opened together with her second husband (Selena's stepfather) Brian Teefy.

In 2010, she had a cameo role in the television series called Piper's Quick Pick, and in 2017 she became an executive producer in the TV series 13 Reasons Why.

Selena has repeatedly stated that she is proud of her mother and rightfully considers her her best friend. Giving an interview, the girl said more than once that she is grateful to her for everything that she has. Since if it were not for Mandy Cornette, who was able to teach her independence and determination, Selena would not have become a popular singer and idol of youth.


But, as it turned out, not everything was so rosy in the new family of Mandy Tifi. Before giving birth to Selena's younger sister, the woman experienced a severe shock - she had a miscarriage.

Shortly before the misfortune, in November 2011, Selena talked about the fact that her young mother and stepfather would soon have a child. The artist was very happy with this news and was in high spirits the day before.

However, on the eve of Christmas, it became known that the mother of Selena Gomez had lost her child. The young singer had to cancel several concerts in order to be next to her parent at that time.

Selena could have had a sister who they wanted to call Scarlett, but she died, having been born 5 months prematurely. And only a few years later, Mandy was able to give birth to a girl, who was named Gracie Elliot Tifi.

Influence on Selena Gomez's career

The choice of her daughter's creative career has always been influenced by Mandy. Selena Gomez's mother tried to devote as much time as possible to her eldest daughter. She took her to interesting places, tried to introduce her to the world of theater and cinema. As a child, Selena was often with her mother on the set, so from an early age she decided that when she grew up, she would become an actress or singer.

After filming in the children's television series about Barney, Mandy Cornette's daughter - Selena Gomez - received a small role in the film Spy Kids 3. Over the next few years, Selena took part in films and television series, acting in minor roles. A little later, having played in the movie Brain Zapped, in addition to the new experience gained during the filming, she recorded a single that provided her daughter Mandy with a breakthrough not only in her acting career, but also in her singing. This proves that Mandy raised a truly talented daughter.

Selena Gomez's personal life

It is known that when Mandy's daughter was 12 years old, following the customs of the state in which they lived, the girl put on herself a "purity ring", the presence of which indicated that she wanted to remain innocent until the relationship was formalized. However, after 7 years, Selena decided to take it off.

At the age of 16, Selena had an affair with a singer and actor named Nick Jonas. But the relationship did not last long, and already in 2010 the star couple announced a breakup. After that, American actor Taylor Lautner appeared in Selena Gomez's personal life. But the romantic relationship with him also did not last long. Daughter Mandy split from the Twilight star a year later.

The next choice of the daughter of our heroine was an American singer with a scandalous reputation Justin Bieber. For 7 years, their relationship was not ideal: there were both meetings and partings.

Mandy's commotion

From January to November 2017, Selena had an affair with Canadian singer Ebel Tesfaye. Young people attended social events and showed their feelings to the paparazzi. The only one who was worried about the girl was Mandy. She was wary of her daughter's mental balance, which she acquired after treatment in rehab.

Selena Gomez's mother did not like that, instead of devoting time to her health, her daughter, meeting with The Weeknd, began to lead an overly active lifestyle, not thinking about possible relapses and consequences after therapy. Recall that about 6 years ago, Selena started having health problems. Doctors diagnosed lupus.

A little later, the woman changed her anger to mercy and approved of her daughter's choice. However, after some time, for unknown reasons, Selena and Ebel stopped dating. The young star has rekindled her relationship with her former boyfriend, Justin Bieber.