Organization of project activities for schoolchildren. Project technology in the course of the surrounding world of primary school: structure, functional categories and principles. Classification of projects. Key competencies of project activities Organization of project activities

During their time at school, children should not only gain knowledge, but also develop their abilities to the maximum. The formation of abilities is impossible without the active, interested activities of students. As a teacher, I am sure that any one method does not make it possible to use the entire range of students’ abilities. But, in my opinion, it is the research method, like no other, that makes it possible to turn a child into an active subject of joint activity. Remembering the rule: “There are no untalented people, but there are those who are busy with other things,” the use of the research method makes it possible not only for successful students, but also for weak students to use their strengths. Confucius also said: I hear and forget,
I see and I remember
I do it and I understand.”
Research activity is an independent activity, but the teacher can control the process of manifestation and overcoming difficulties, predict their occurrence, and, therefore, activate ideological positions in the educational process.
To explore means to see what everyone has seen, but to think what no one has thought. A school graduate must adapt to changing life situations, think critically independently, be sociable, and communicative in various social groups. The school must create conditions for the formation of modern key competencies in students: general scientific, informational, cognitive, and communicative. Among the various areas of modern methods and technologies, the most adequate to the goals set, from my point of view, is the project method. I received additional professional training as a school learning site tutor through Intel's 21st Century Learning program.
The project method is based on the development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate the information space, and the development of creative thinking. The student becomes an active, interested, equal participant in learning. He experiences a departure from standard thinking and stereotypes of action, which allows him to develop a desire to learn. Such work in class and outside of class time has great educational, educational, and developmental significance. The project method provides the teacher with the broadest opportunities for changing traditional approaches to the content, forms and methods of educational activities, bringing the entire system of organizing the learning process to a qualitatively new level. It can be used at any stage of learning, in working with students of different ages, abilities and when studying material of varying degrees of complexity.
Chemistry is one of the complex sciences. Studying chemistry at school helps shape students' worldviews. However, in conditions of reducing the time allotted to studying chemistry while maintaining the volume of its content, it reduces students’ interest in the subject.
I believe it is necessary to create conditions for the development of the student’s cognitive activity and his self-realization through the accumulation of his own experience.

The project method, as a technology for organizing educational activities, was developed in the first half of the 20th century. However, in Russia it has gained popularity precisely in our days.
PROJECT- from lat. projectus - “thrown forward.” The formation of this category is associated with the development of the so-called “project culture”. In a general context, a project can be defined as an idea for a new object, phenomenon, process, expressed in diagrams, drawings or other descriptions. However, a project is often referred to as any student’s independent work, such as a report, message or essay. The problem of confusion with terms is quite serious, and modern media actively contribute to this, which by projects means show programs, sporting events, and charity events. As a result, teachers do not have a clear idea of ​​the project as a teaching method.
Meanwhile, completing projects by students of all grades is an integral attribute of modern school life. Even from elementary school, children are involved in the development, implementation, and presentation of projects. School projects can be classified by type, type, duration, conditions, results, etc. However, the lion's share of primary school teachers and parents of schoolchildren consider students' project activities to be a waste of their time and their time, considering it something of little significance. In this case, teachers fulfill their duties in organizing the project activities of children as the next event for a report, a tick, and parents, sighing, in the evenings carry out the project assigned by the teacher to their child. Nevertheless, a thoughtful and well-prepared educational project carries enormous developmental potential.
Of course, the younger the children, the easier the option for project work should be offered. At the same time, the basis of any project is the idea of ​​​​developing the child’s subjectivity while ensuring maximum independence of his productive activities. Let's explain what was said.
IN design technology Two ideas can be considered leading:
1) the pragmatic focus of schoolchildren’s educational and cognitive activity on the result” which is achieved by solving a practical or theoretical, but necessarily personally significant and socially determined problem. Or, in other words, the technology for organizing schoolchildren’s project activities includes a set of research, search, problem-based methods, creative in their very essence, instrumentally aimed at the student’s independent implementation of the intended result. This result is called “project”, which in translation means a plan, a plan;
2) the nature of interaction between the subjects of project activity - student and teacher - is fundamentally different compared to traditional teaching.
Teacher's actions when implementing the design method can be characterized as follows:
. helps the student determine the purpose of the activity;
. recommends sources of information;
. reveals possible forms of activity;
. facilitates forecasting of project results;
. creates conditions for the student to be active;
. is a partner;
. helps the student evaluate the result obtained.
Student actions carrying out the project can be characterized as follows:
. determines the purpose of its activities;
. gains new knowledge;
. experiments;
. chooses ways to resolve emerging problems;
. bears responsibility for its activities, etc.

Thus, a student’s educational project is a special type of educational activity that has a beginning and an end, aimed at achieving a predetermined result, creating a product.

You can go the opposite way and identify signs that the work being done by a student is not a project. These signs are as follows:
. hidden purpose. The purpose of the activity for the student is initially not defined or specific: students complete a series of tasks from the teacher, without realizing why they are doing it;
. restrictions on initiative. Students are placed in harsh conditions, limited in time and materials, their initiative is not encouraged or welcomed;
. work according to the model. The teacher shows students a certain product created by other students and invites them to repeat it;
. standard result. The result of project activity should always be unique and involve the creativity of the child himself.
Project activities of schoolchildren implies the presence of qualities, skills and competencies:
. quality— independence, initiative, goal setting, creativity, etc.;
. skills and competencies:
- research— generate ideas, choose the best solution;
- social interaction - cooperate in the process of educational activities, provide assistance to comrades and accept their help, monitor the progress of joint work and direct it in the right direction;
- evaluative- evaluate the progress and results of your activities and the activities of others;
- informational- independently search for the necessary information, identify what information or skills are missing;
- presentational- speak in front of an audience, demonstrate artistic capabilities, answer unplanned questions, use various visual aids;
- reflexive - answer questions (What have I learned? What do I need to learn?); adequately choose your role in a collective matter;
- managerial - design a process, plan activities (time, resources), make decisions, distribute responsibilities when implementing a collective project.
A reasonable question arises: are schoolchildren ready for such activities, are their necessary qualities and skills sufficiently developed? The answer is of course not! But the dialectic of training, education and development lies precisely in the fact that the student, not possessing the necessary skills and qualities, is involved in performing any activity that requires the presence of these skills and qualities. Participation in project activities is both a condition and a result of the development of the skills and qualities necessary to perform this activity, since the formation of the necessary qualities and skills arises only in the process of this activity and cannot occur outside of it.
For example, independence as a personality quality cannot develop without the student’s independent activity. A person's research skills cannot emerge without the student's participation in research. The ability to speak in front of an audience, to answer unplanned questions, as we well know, is formed in the process of the speeches themselves, etc.
Moreover, no school age (junior, teenage) can be considered as insignificant or passing for the implementation of the project method. Otherwise, we may find ourselves in a situation where a significant number of schoolchildren will not be able to subsequently develop the necessary qualities and skills at the proper level.
Summarizing what has been said, we come to the following conclusion: it is necessary to involve schoolchildren in project activities, and this should begin as early as possible, of course, at a level accessible to their age, taking into account the characteristics of each person’s personal development. When organizing project activities, it is important to notice the manifestations of the necessary qualities and skills of students, cultivate them, and create conditions for their development.

Organization of project activities at school

At the present stage of school life in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard, the emphasis is shifted to the education of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge, carefully consider decisions made and clearly plan actions, effectively collaborate in groups of diverse composition and profile, and be open to new contacts and cultural connections. This requires widespread introduction into the educational process of alternative forms and methods of conducting educational activities. This determines the introduction of methods and technologies into the educational context of educational institutions based on the project activities of students.

Technology of project activities in a secondary school

The basis for organizing student project activities is the educational project method - this is one of the personally oriented technologies, a way of organizing independent activities of schoolchildren, aimed at solving the problem of an educational project, integrating a problem-based approach, group methods, reflective, presentational, research, search and other approaches .

An educational project, from the student’s point of view, is an opportunity to do something interesting independently, in a group or by yourself, making the most of your capabilities.

An educational project, from a teacher’s point of view, is an integrative didactic means of development, training and education, which allows students to develop and develop the following competencies:

Analysis of the problem field, identification of subproblems, formulation of the leading problem, setting tasks;

Goal setting and activity planning;

Self-analysis and reflection;

Presentations of activities and their results;

Prepare material for a presentation in a visual form, using a specially prepared design product for this purpose;

Searching for the necessary information, its systematization and structuring;

Application of knowledge, skills and abilities in various, including non-standard situations;

Selection, development and use of technology adequate to the problem situation and the final design product;

Conducting research.

Basic requirements for the project

Working using the project method is a relatively high level of complexity of pedagogical activity, requiring serious qualifications of the teacher, and the requirements for an educational project are completely special.

1. Finding a socially significant problem is one of the most difficult organizational tasks that the teacher-project leader has to solve together with student project designers.

2. Project implementation begins with planning actions to resolve the problem (with defining the product and presentation form). The most important part of the plan is the operational development of the project, which contains a list of specific actions indicating outputs, deadlines and responsibilities. But some projects (creative, role-playing) cannot be clearly planned from beginning to end.

3. Each project necessarily requires student research.

4. The result of work on the project is a product. In general terms, this is a tool that the project team members developed to solve the problem.

Age-related psychological and physiological characteristics of children of primary school age

When working using the project method, it is necessary to take into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of younger schoolchildren.

Themes projects of students of this age should be closely related to the subject content, since visual-figurative thinking characteristic of this age, curiosity, interest in the world around them push students to choose a topic based on the specific content of the subject, and not on the basis of an analysis of their experience and their problems . Therefore, a significant part of the educational time allocated for repetition and consolidation of the studied material can be used to organize project activities.

Problem a project or research that provides motivation to engage in independent work must be in the area of ​​the child’s cognitive interests and located in the zone of proximal development.

Duration It is advisable to limit the implementation of a project or research to 1-2 weeks in the mode of in-class and extracurricular activities or 1-2 double lessons.

The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of age do not allow one to practice abstract methods of activity in isolation from the specific content of the project. However, in traditional classes, starting from grade 1, the teacher must gradually develop in younger schoolchildren skills in individual elements of project and research activities (goal setting, formulating questions, reflection, action planning, working with various sources of information, and so on).

At this stage of training, group projects play a special role. Individual projects can also be brought together under the umbrella of a common theme or form of product presentation (for example, a book, an exhibition, a quiz, a panel, etc.).

How to ensure the effectiveness of students' project activities?

In order to create conditions for effective independent creative project activities, students need to:

1. Carry out preparatory work.

When starting work, the student must possess the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities (starting knowledge) in the content area of ​​the project. The teacher can provide new knowledge to students during the project, but in a very small amount and only at the moment it is in demand by students. The student will need to a certain extent developed specific skills and design skills for independent work.

It is advisable to develop specific skills in independent project activities not only in the process of working on a project, but also within the framework of traditional classes, when they are mastered step by step as school-wide (supra-subject) ones.

Within the framework of traditional classes, special organizational forms and methods are used, and special attention is paid to the outline of the lesson. For example, a problematic introduction to the topic of the lesson, setting the goal of the lesson together with students, joint or independent planning of a practical task, group work in the lesson, including with role distribution of work in the group, self-analysis and self-assessment, reflection.

The following project skills and abilities need to be developed while working on a project or outside of it:

a) mental activity: putting forward an idea (brainstorming), problematizing, goal setting and formulating a problem, putting forward a hypothesis, asking a question (searching for a hypothesis), formulating an assumption (hypothesis), a reasonable choice of method or method, paths in activity, planning one’s activities, introspection and reflection;

b) presentational: constructing an oral report (message) about the work done, choosing methods and forms of visual presentation (product) of the results of the activity, producing visual items, preparing a written report on the work done;

c) communicative: listen and understand others, express oneself, find a compromise, interact within a group, find consensus;

d) search engines: find information in catalogues, contextual search, in hypertext, on the Internet, formulating keywords;

e) informational: structuring information, highlighting the main thing, receiving and transmitting information, presenting it in various forms, orderly storage and retrieval;

f) conducting an instrumental experiment: organizing a workplace, selecting the necessary equipment, selecting and preparing materials (reagents), conducting the experiment itself, observing the progress of the experiment, measuring parameters, understanding the results obtained.

Each project must be provided with everything necessary:

Material, technical, educational and methodological equipment,

Staffing (additionally recruited participants, specialists),

Information resources (library collections and catalogues, Internet, CD-Rom audio and video materials, etc.).

Information technology resources (computers and other equipment with software),

Organizational support (special schedule of classes, classrooms, library work, Internet access),

A place separate from class lessons (a room with the necessary resources and equipment that does not limit free activity - a media library).

At the same time, different projects will require different collateral. All required collateral must be in place before work on the project begins. Otherwise, there is no need to take on the project, or it needs to be redone and adapted to the available resources. Insufficient support for project activities can negate all expected positive results.

1. Ensure children are interested in working on the project - motivated.

Motivation is an undying source of energy for independent activity and creative activity. To do this, you need to immerse yourself in the project in a pedagogically competent manner at the start, to interest you in the problem, the prospect of practical and social benefits. In the course of work, the motivational mechanisms inherent in the project are activated.

2. Be careful when choosing the fundamental issue of the project.

The entire project has some underlying question. If this question is interesting to students, then the project will be successful. In other words, this is where the significance of the problem for students comes from. If necessary, it must be adjusted.

3. Create a group of no more than 5 people.

To work on the project, the class is divided into groups. It is optimal to create a group of no more than 5 people. Each of these groups will work on one of the sub-issues, the so-called “problem issue”.

4. Take into account and avoid pitfalls.

The first danger is to replace activities with completing tasks, do a lot for the children, and delegate them to parents. To prevent this from happening, the teacher needs to work in a pedagogical support style.








Organization of project activities

in an educational institution

teacher of biology, ecology LG MAOU "Secondary School No. 5"


Vermenko Galina Evgenievna

1. Introduction. Key competencies as a result of education____ page 2

2. Project method: principles, characteristics characteristics_______p.4

3. Integration of project activities into the educational process___p.8

4. School environmental monitoring - a toolkit for developing students’ research behavior __________________________________________ p. 17

5. Productivity. Prospects for the development and use of experience___p.20

6. Bibliography __________________ page 23

7.Appendix to experience_________________________ page 24

Vermenko Galina Evgenievna

    Introduction. Key competencies as a result of education.

The concept of “core competencies” became firmly established at the end of the 20th century. It appeared not as a result of theoretical research within the framework of pedagogical science, but as a formulation of a social order for the education system. The task of the education system has always been to form in a generation the knowledge, behavioral models, and values ​​that allow it to be successful outside the walls of school. Not only to generate a certain amount of knowledge on ecology, but also to contribute to the acquisition of skills in scientific analysis of natural phenomena, understanding the interaction between society and nature, and awareness of the significance of one’s practical assistance to nature. In the conditions of high dynamics of social processes and the huge information flow of recent decades, the task of developing student activity and independence has become urgent. A renewing school requires teaching methods that:

We would form an active, independent and proactive position of students in learning.

First of all, we would develop general academic skills and abilities: research, reflective, self-evaluation.

They would form not just skills, but competencies, that is, skills directly related to the experience of their application in practical activities.

The leading place among such methods in pedagogical practice belongs to the project method. The method of educational projects acts as a possible means of solving current problems. Among the various innovative directions, the project method stands out. For several reasons. Firstly, because in a classroom-lesson system it easily fits into the educational process. This technology makes it possible to achieve educational standards in any academic subject, while preserving the achievements of domestic didactics and educational psychology.

Secondly, this method ensures successful learning of the material and promotes the intellectual and moral development of children.

Thirdly, because projects bring students together, develop: communication skills, the desire to help others, and the ability to work in a team.

The formation of such qualities in schoolchildren occurs especially effectively in the process of independent search and research activities. The research nature of the activity helps to instill in schoolchildren initiative, an active, conscientious attitude towards scientific experiments, and increases interest in the ecological state of their area and the environmental problems of their native land. Environmental research work should become one of the most widespread and promising forms of practical activity for schoolchildren within the framework of the educational process.

For successful existence in a dynamic environment, nature has endowed humans with the ability to conduct exploratory behavior. Preparing a child for research activities, teaching him the skills of research, becomes the most important task of modern education. This is also important because we obtain the most valuable and lasting knowledge independently, in the course of our own creative research. The main tool for the development of research behavior in education is research teaching methods. The current situation requires their dominance in educational practice over reproductive methods.

We are in a hurry to teach the child what we consider important, often without paying attention to his own research impulses, trying to guide

cognitive activity in the direction that we ourselves consider the most important. As a result, educational activities are gradually automated from cognitive ones, turning into a boring chore. The development of the theory and methodology for applying inquiry-based learning in school has a long history.

From the accumulated history and practice, I drew a conclusion. In modern conditions, those organizational and methodological solutions that were found before are no longer enough. What are the specific features, content and organization of research teaching in a modern school? What is the essence of developing the basic skills of independent research behavior in schoolchildren? This behavior requires a special approach. It involves a serious reorganization of school educational programs, which must be carried out while maintaining the unshakable requirements of educational standards and curricula. Such activities can be carried out as part of a regular lesson, but the following can also be provided:

1. Special seminars for teachers on the history of theory and methods of using research teaching methods in educational practice.

2. Training sessions to develop schoolchildren’s research skills and abilities: the ability to see problems; to ask questions; put forward hypotheses; define concepts; classify; observe; draw conclusions and conclusions; structure the material; explain; prove and defend your ideas, etc. Such activities are necessary for every age group.

3. For the successful work of research education, it is desirable to create a center (several centers) in the school for enriching the content of education (library, instruments, laboratories, mechanisms, etc.).

4. In the system of extracurricular and extracurricular work, plan clubs, non-governmental educational institutions, scientific and practical conferences, competitions, seminars, where students could publicly present and defend the results of projects.

The main tool for developing students' research behavior is the project-based teaching method. It is part of the arsenal of teaching methods I use.

Analyzing my work experience and the results obtained, I came to a conclusion. The modern situation requires not a simple fragmentary use of this method, but its predominance in educational practice over reproductive methods. A topic on which I have been working for several years and have had positive results. Development of basic skills of research behavior in schoolchildren as a condition for the formation of an ecological culture of the individual. The search elements are presented in a more complete manner in the project method. I consider it as one of the ways of knowledge that most fully corresponds to the nature of the child and modern learning tasks. The project method is based on one’s own research search, and not on children’s assimilation of ready-made knowledge.

The main components of the design method are identifying problems, developing and setting a hypothesis, observation, experiments, experiments, judgments and inferences. I use the project method in and outside of class. I focus on the intellectual and creative development of each child and especially pay attention to gifted children. I carry out educational tasks by creating a special developmental environment in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Basic requirements serving as guidelines;

    rely on the child’s own experience;

    teach by doing;

    encourage observation and experimentation;

    alternate individual and team work.

2. Project method: principles, characteristics.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the project method has been widely used all over the world as the most effective way to involve students in creative creative activities. In our country, the inclusion of students in project activities for both teachers and students is a new phenomenon. And introducing something new is always accompanied by difficulties. Including the emergence of psychological barriers. And at the same time, Russian researchers believe that the distinctive feature of the new century is its “all-pervasive design”. Project culture is a general form of implementation of the art of planning, forecasting, creation, execution and design. Projectivity is the educational trend of the future

A project is literally “thrown forward,” a prototype of some object or type of activity. A project is understood as an independent, creative, completed work completed by students or a group of students under the guidance or consultation of a teacher. The process of creating a project is called design. Recently, this word has firmly entered our lives and is most often associated with bold and original undertakings in the field of intellectual and practical human activity, symbolizing novelty and a non-standard approach to solving problems. Famous teachers explain the meaning of the “project method” in different ways. J. Dune interprets the project method “as a way of learning through doing.” E. Karpov defines the project method as an educational technology.A. S. Sidenko considers the project method as a training system. The project method according to I. Chechel is a pedagogical technology focused on the application and acquisition of new knowledge through self-education. All these opinions are united by the fact that the project method is a means that allows you to move away from traditional teaching. For which the student's passivity and the teacher's desire to stuff him with ready-made knowledge are typical. The project method is a didactic tool that creates

unique prerequisites for the development of determination and independence of the student in comprehending new things.

The project method has a number of important characteristics. Conceptuality, consistency, reproducibility and universality. Conceptuality is a reliance on a system of philosophical psychological and pedagogical views and justifications. According to this characteristic, the project method is rooted in the foundations of humanistic pedagogy, where the main thing is the need for the versatile, free and creative development of the child. Systematicity is a holistic sequence of didactic techniques and operations determined by a triple logical scheme. The method describes the stages of performing educational research. The roles assigned to the student and the teacher. Ways of their interaction. Work evaluation criteria. Another important characteristic of the project method is its reproducibility. It can be used at any stage of learning. The method adapts to the characteristics of all academic disciplines and in this sense carries the features of universality.

The goals of project-based learning are the following. Help increase personal confidence in each participant in project-based learning. Develop awareness of the importance of teamwork to obtain results, the role of cooperation, and joint activities. Develop research skills. In this regard, it is necessary to highlight the characteristic features of different educational models and determine their characteristic features that can be taken into account when designing.

Table No. 1

Comparative features of the traditional and project-based education models.

Comparison options

"Knowledge Pedagogy"

Traditional training

"Ability Pedagogy"

Project-based learning


Formation of knowledge, skills, abilities.

Personal development, the ability to independently pose and find solutions to new, non-standard problems.

Integral characteristic.

"School of Memory"

"School of Development"

The predominant type and nature of relationships.


The subject is subjective.

Teacher's motto

"Do as I do"

“I’m with you”, “Do no harm”

Character and style of interaction.

Democratic, dialogical, open, reflexive.

Forms of organization

Frontal, individual.

Group, collective.

Teaching methods

Illustrative and explanatory, informational

Problem-based, partially exploratory, heuristic, exploratory, reflective.

Guiding Principle


The leading type of activity mastered by the student

Reproductive, reproducing.

Productive, creative, challenging.

"Training Formula"

Knowledge - reproductive activity

Problem-based activity and reflection – knowledge.

Methods of absorption

Memorization. Algorithm activity.

Search-mental activity, reflection.

Functions of the teacher

A carrier of information, a keeper of norms and traditions, a promoter of subject-disciplinary knowledge.

Organizer of cooperation, consultant, manager of search work.

Student position

Passivity, lack of interest, lack of motivation to learn.

Activity, the presence of a motive for self-improvement, the presence of interest in activities.

From the above, we can highlight the methodological principles of project-based learning:

The process of work is no less important than its results;

The educational process is built not on the logic of the subjects being studied, but on the logic of activity;

The experience of solving a problem fosters the habit of seeing things through to completion;

Permissibility of completing the project at an individual pace;

The complex nature of project-based learning creates conditions for the balanced development of physiological and mental functions of students;

The project-based learning system influences the motivational sphere, increasing interest in learning activities;

There is every reason to talk about a harmonious classification of projects depending on a number of typological principles. The project can be individual or group, single-subject or interdisciplinary, short-term or long-term. The predominant type of activity is informational, research, applied. We can highlight the basic requirements for using the project method. The presence of a problem that is significant in research and creative terms, requiring integrated knowledge of the research search for a solution. Practical significance of the expected results. Independent activity of students in and outside of class. Structuring the content of the project. Use of research methods.

Organizing projects requires special and fairly thorough training for teachers and students. The teacher is required to be able to see and select the most interesting and practically significant project topics. Possession of the entire arsenal of research and search methods, the ability to organize independent work of students. It is necessary to reorient all educational work in your subject. Use various types of independent activities for students - individual, group, pair. This does not mean that we should abandon traditional types of work. This is about

setting priorities, shifting emphasis. The teacher's mastery of the art of communication, the ability to generate ideas, the ability to establish and maintain a stable emotional mood. Computer literacy is required. Be able to integrate knowledge from various scientific fields. Students are required to have knowledge and proficiency in research methods and computer skills. Be communicative and be able to independently integrate previously acquired knowledge in various academic disciplines. It is clear from what has been said. The requirements for project participants are quite high. The results of completed projects must be tangible and documented. For example, the results are made in the form of a film, an album, a computer newspaper. The result of the project is presented in the form of a report, abstract, poster, collection, drawing, presentation, etc. These are the principles and features of the project method. The student provides the teacher with the broadest opportunities for changing traditional approaches to the content, forms and methods of educational activities. It takes the entire system of organizing the learning process to a completely new qualitative level.

3. Integration of project activities into the educational process.

Based on the social order of society, the requirements of modernization of education and the tasks of the experimental work of the school, we were faced with the question: “How to organize the activities of all participants in the educational process in the mode of a school experiment?”

The innovative search for new means has led teachers to the understanding that in order to build an educational process based on the needs, abilities and capabilities of all subjects, we need real, group, game, role-playing, practice-oriented, reflective and other forms and methods of teaching. Among the various areas of modern methods and technologies, the most adequate to the goals set, from our point of view, is the project method.

What are the advantages of the project method? It makes it possible to organize educational activities, maintaining a reasonable balance between theory and

practice; successfully integrates into the educational process; ensures not only the intellectual, but also the moral development of children, their independence and activity; allows students to gain experience in social interaction, unites children, develops communication skills, etc.

As part of the experimental work carried out at school, much attention is paid to the organization of independent activities of students and group forms of training.

A distinctive feature of our school is that the operating mode, along with traditional forms of the educational process (lessons), includes: free independent activity and reflective circles. The project method is always focused on the independent activity of students, but this method is organically combined with a group approach to learning. Therefore, students’ project activities are realized in the experience of autonomous behavior (autonomy) and the experience of intersubjective interaction (collaboration).

At the same time, significant, in our opinion, design skills are formed:

Project activities



Goal alignment;

Individual reflective-evaluative activities.

One of several educational projects carried out at school, or even an event in the form of a school-wide project with a large number of participants, does not yet give the right to say that project-based learning has been introduced at school.

In order to develop a student’s ability to design and solve problems that arise before him, a holistic system is needed. Organizing students’ project activities requires a competent, scientifically based approach and solving a set of problems.

Project activities should cover all levels of education at school and are carried out in stages.

The functions of the participants must be clearly defined and delineated. To ensure project activities, specially created, optimal conditions, etc. are required.

Taking into account the above, we can rightfully say that our school has created a comprehensive system for organizing project activities. The experience of the teaching staff allows us to make some generalizations and build a structural and logical diagram that reflects the main stages and logic of the development of students’ design skills.

Structural and logical diagram of the organization of project activities

Target: through project activities, develop independence and the ability to work in a group.

Social order: development of design abilities

Conditions: organizational and managerial, educational and methodological, personnel, material and technical, information.

Participants: students, teachers, administration, heads of educational institutions, librarian, class teachers

Stages of work:




  1. Reflection



Extracurricular activities

Result: a graduate with developed design abilities, motivated for independent work and group activities.


Selecting a problem through agreement for a joint solution;

Goal alignment;

Planning joint activities based on the distribution of functions between students;

Achieving results in joint activities;

Individual reflective-evaluative activities


Selecting a problem for an individual solution;

Setting individual goals;

Planning your own activities;

Implementation of individual activities to achieve results;

Individual reflective-evaluative activity.

Participants in the project process are: students, teachers, administration, heads of educational institutions, librarians, class teachers, psychologists. All participants are in interaction, their functional responsibilities are delineated.

The functions of the school administration, in particular, include:

    Development of normative methodological documents defining the requirements for carrying out design work;

    Determining the schedule for medium-term and long-term projects, including approval of the deadlines allocated for each stage of project activity;

    Carrying out general control over project activities.

Functions of heads of non-state educational institutions:

    Determination of subject thematic blocks within which project activities could be carried out;

    Development of an approximate list of topics for design work;

    Coordination of interdisciplinary connections within the framework of project activities;

Teachers are project managers, Being the figures who directly organize and control the implementation of project activities by students, they perform the following functions:

    Conducting consultations with project participants;

    Management of project activities within the agreed object of study;

    Providing methodological support for project activities;

    Planning work together with students throughout the entire project period;

    Step-by-step tracking of the results of project activities;

    Coordination of intragroup work of students.

It is important to note that when conducting interdisciplinary project work, it is advisable to appoint two leaders who coordinate the research of project groups within different fields of knowledge. It is quite clear that when implementing projects, the role of the teacher changes qualitatively. It varies at different stages of design.

The diagram highlights the stages of the project. The significance of the teacher and student in the activity on each of them is shown by the size of the symbolic figures, and the degree of interaction between the subjects of “teaching and learning” is indicated by the proximity of the image of the symbols. A graphical representation of the interaction between teacher and students shows that the teacher at all stages acts as a consultant and assistant, and the emphasis of teaching is not on the content of the teaching, but on the process of applying existing knowledge.

Changes and role of students : they act as active participants in the process, rather than passive extras. Work group activities help them learn to work as a “team”. Schoolchildren are free to choose methods and types of activities, as and what is necessary. The most interesting thing is that even an unsuccessfully completed project also has great positive pedagogical significance.

Understanding errors creates motivation for repeated activity and creates personal interest in new knowledge, since it was unsuccessfully selected information that created the situation of “failure.” Such reflection allows you to form an adequate assessment (self-esteem) of the world around you and yourself in this micro- and macro-society. Important functions are assigned to class teachers :

    informing students about the requirements for completing project work, the procedure and timing of work on projects;

    formation of project groups and monitoring of implementation
    initial period of project preparation;

    organizational support for resource provision of projects;

    control over extracurricular project activities;

    preparation for the school-wide “Project Week”;

    preparation for the school-wide presentation “Festival of Projects”.

    Responsible tasks throughout the entire project period are assigned to librarian schools:

    resource support for projects;

    planning the library's work taking into account projects to work with various sources of information;

    providing project participants with video and media library capabilities.

Functions of psychologists:

    diagnosing difficulties in project implementation;

    conducting consultations on requests from students and teachers;

    diagnostics of the formation of students’ design skills;

    survey of participants in project activities.

To support educational projects, the school has created optimalconditions:

    organizational and managerial,


    educational and methodological, personnel,


Organizational and methodological support includes:

    development of normative methodological documents regulating the implementation of project activities;

    drawing up plans, schedules of project work, approving the deadlines allocated for each stage of project activity;

    providing a place to work on projects (library, classrooms, school laboratories, computer lab, etc.);

    development of an approximate list of topics for design work;

    coordination of interdisciplinary connections within the framework of project activities, etc.

Logistics support includes includes a set of all materials and equipment (including computers) necessary to complete projects. Different types of projects require different logistics.

Educational and methodological support primarily includes educational and methodological literature, reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, manuals and manuals, electronic manuals, as well as materials developed to help those starting to work on projects, collected in a folder (requirements for projects, types of projects, project protection sheet, sheet project presentations, etc.).

To successfully work on the project, students have a sufficient choice of sources of information (information support): the school library, the Internet, video and media library, etc.

Work on projects includes several stages. The content of the work and activities of students and teachers at various stages is presented in the table.

table 2

Stages of work on projects



Student activities

Activities of a teacher

1. Beginning

Defining the topic, clarifying the goals, starting position. Selecting a working group.

Clarify the information. Discussing the task

Motivates students. Explains the goals of the project. Watching.

2. Planning

Problem analysis. Identification of information sources. Setting objectives and choosing criteria for evaluating results. Distribution of roles in the team.

Forms tasks. Clarify information (sources). Select and justify their success criteria.

Assists with analysis and synthesis (as requested). Watching.

3. Research

Collection and clarification of information. Discussion of alternatives (“brainstorming”). Choosing the optimal option. Clarification of activity plans. Project implementation.

They work with information. Conduct synthesis and analysis of ideas. Do research and work on a project. They draw up the project.

Watching. Consults. Advises (on request).

4. Project protection

Preparation of the report; justification of the design process, explanation of the results obtained. Collective defense of the project. Grade.

Protect the project. Participate in collective assessment of project results.

Participates in collective analysis and evaluation of project results.

5. Reflection

Analysis of project implementation, achieved results (successes and failures) and the reasons for this. Analysis of achieving the set goal.

Participate in collective project introspection and self-evaluation.

Watching. Directs the analysis process (if necessary).

6. Presentation

A story about the understanding of the project, about the chosen path to solve it. Demonstration of the result of the project work.

Choose the type and form of presentation of the project. Briefly, but quite fully, they talk about setting and solving the problems of the project.

Observes, generalizes, summarizes.

The project work system covers both classroom and extracurricular activities.

4. School environmental monitoring - a tool for developing students’ research behavior.

School environmental monitoring is an integral part of the comprehensive monitoring program for the region. In 1996, within the framework of the Unified State Environmental Monitoring System (USEMS), a regional program for comprehensive environmental monitoring was developed. This program is based on the concept of creating a regional environmental monitoring subsystem (RGSEM), which should function as an integrated environment of network information resources. The integrated environmental monitoring program includes 14 projects. One project is educational, including school environmental monitoring, the participants of which are teams of educational institutions. Involving students in research work within the framework of school environmental monitoring makes it possible to ensure a massive recording of indicators of the ecological state of territories that are not monitored by departmental observation networks within the framework of the regional state environmental monitoring program. Conducting research according to a unified program makes it possible to establish the dynamics of changes in indicators in the study area of ​​the school microdistrict and assess the ecological state of the study area.

General provisions of school environmental monitoring.

School environmental monitoring (SEM) is a part of the environmental education system, designed to develop environmental knowledge, abilities, skills and worldview on the basis of practical activities, including program observations of the state of the environment in their area.

The goals of SHEM are:

Formation of environmental knowledge and culture of the younger generation in the course of practical activities;

Ensuring mass recording of indicators of the ecological state of territories at the level of biogeocenoses, including parameters not monitored by departmental observation networks.

Main tasks of school environmental monitoring

Organization of systematic observations of natural phenomena, the state of the environment in their area, collection of information based on the results of monitoring studies, primary processing of materials in the form of an environmental passport of the school district, which is a unified research program for all educational institutions in the region.

The reference environmental schools are the methodological centers for organizing school environmental monitoring in each district. Coordination of the activities of educational institutions for monitoring research in the region is carried out on the basis of flagship environmental schools in the following forms:

Training of school leaders, teachers and leaders of methodological associations of natural science subjects, methodologists of additional education institutions and teachers of preschool institutions;

Conducting regional environmental camps, workshops on mastering methods for studying natural environments and objects;

Studying, summarizing and disseminating the experience of school teaching staff in organizing and conducting school environmental monitoring;

Cooperation with science and special public environmental organizations in conducting school environmental monitoring.

Creation of a unified network of school environmental monitoring in the district, region, organization of computer support.

Organization and content of school environmental monitoring.

The organization of school environmental monitoring is carried out according to a unified regional program. Environmental studies are carried out in key areas using uniform methods. The content of the research includes:

Physico-geographical characteristics of the school microdistrict;

Mapping the territory of the school microdistrict;

Characteristics of key areas;

Assessment of the purity of air, soil, water, and the state of biota;

Assessment of physical development of schoolchildren.

The central link of school environmental monitoring should be biological objects that can be studied using simple methods accessible to schoolchildren that do not require special instruments, reagents and equipment. At the same time, they can serve as good indicators of changes in the natural environment caused by various pollution of water, air and soil. The information received at the regional ecological and biological center for schoolchildren is entered into a computer and, under the guidance of specialists (teachers from university ecology departments, employees of problem environmental laboratories), is summarized and analyzed. Based on research materials, thematic and complex maps, graphs, charts, diagrams are constructed; An assessment is made of the ecological state of the region's natural environment. The information obtained as a result of monitoring studies is supplied to the Internet, the media, including in the region, and is also sent to the district (city) education departments, which deliver it to each school in the district for use in the educational process of educational institutions.

Result. Ecological culture of personality. The long-term activities of teaching staff of educational institutions under the school environmental monitoring program will make it possible to attract wide sections of the population to this work, increase environmental literacy, culture of behavior in nature, and mass participation in environmental activities. It is necessary to study all existing connections in the surrounding nature, develop an active life position and a sense of personal responsibility for

the state of the environment, for the quality of life of society as a whole and each individual . The goal and expected results of such education should be the ecological culture of the individual. The unity of a culture of knowledge and understanding of environmental processes, a culture of responsible human activity in the environment, culture as a system of norms, values, and human qualities that are expressed in a new quality of life. The totality of practical and spiritual experience, interaction (unity) of humanity with nature. Formation of environmental responsibility based on noospheric thinking.

    Knowledge of environmental laws, rules, theories, scientific facts: awareness of unity in the “nature-man” system.

    Emotional - aesthetic and moral perception of nature, artistic images of its expression and human attitude towards it;

    Activities in real socio-natural situations related to solving environmental problems.

Based on the school environmental monitoring program, I developed a summer field practice program for the ECO research team. This program was carried out under the scientific supervision of Nizhnevartovsk Humanitarian University. This program prepares university students for teaching practice. They undergo practical training in the summer at the summer recreation camp at school No. 1 in the city of Langepas. The ECO squad consists of 30 guys. The squad is of different ages. This detachment operates both in the summer and throughout the year. During the year, children enter the school non-profit educational institution “Knowledge +”, which consists of several subject sections. The ecology, chemistry and biology section includes guys from the ECO squad. The work of the NOU is planned. Research supervisors, psychologists, and librarians work with children. Classes are conducted in sections,

individually and collectively. In the summer, children study the plant world, the animal world, and study soil and water. They work through the collected material in the laboratory and decide on a topic. During the school year they work on a chosen topic and complete projects. Then they defend the projects at educational events at school, where they are reviewed, corrected and finalized. After this, the most successful works are submitted to competitions and conferences at higher levels.

5. Effectiveness. Prospects for the development and use of experience.

The productivity of teachers conducting innovative searches is determined by many factors. Analyzing our experience in organizing project activities, we tried to bring into the system the accumulated factors that clearly indicate the advantages of using the project method in the educational process of the school.


    Working on projects stimulates internal cognitive motivation and helps to increase interest in subjects. This is confirmed by the following factors:

    lessons have become more lively, students are looking forward to both the moment they start working on projects and the final stage - the presentation;

    the applied nature of project activities, the practical orientation of the chosen research, attract and make projects personally significant for students (as the guys note: “they will be useful in life”);

    The guys had an incentive not only to get a good grade, but also to get good results from the work done.

    Working on projects increases the activity and independence of students of different levels of development and abilities. It has the greatest effect on the development of personal qualities in three categories of schoolchildren.

First group- These are problem students who learn without interest and with difficulty. At school they don’t study so much as they simply have to spend time. By becoming interested in a problem and completing a project, even if only in a supporting role in a group, they often increase their self-esteem and gain confidence in their abilities. Even if the project was not completed brilliantly, for such children it is a huge personal leap, concrete individual advancement and success.

Second group- these are those who achieve something through hard work and diligent, step-by-step organized acquisition of knowledge, under the guidance of a teacher. They are not able to acquire systemic knowledge; they need to be guided, supported, and helped. When carrying out projects, the guys in the group assign them the role of “performer” - collecting information, typing text on a computer, formatting the results. But this is also a unique result of their work.

Third group– these are gifted, very successful children, working with whom for the teacher is a joint creativity. As a rule, such children require help only in the form of counseling.

    The humanistic meaning of project-based learning is to develop the creative potential of students at different levels of development, capabilities and individual characteristics.

    Undoubtedly, the result of working on environmental projects is involvement in school-wide joint activities, and students’ awareness of the values ​​of teamwork. Students strive to prove themselves through project activities, which are widely covered at school: the progress of the “Project Week”, selection for a school-wide presentation, and for the district festival of projects.

    Students completing projects have developed project skills to work autonomously (autonomy):

    independently identify problems;

    independently set research-type goals and objectives;

    specify the topic of the project;

    plan independent work;

    choose rational and optimal ways to achieve the goal;

    formulate conclusions, evaluate the results of your activities, reflect.

Communication skills (collaboration):

    organize intra-group cooperation and business communication;

    agree on a joint action plan;

    jointly develop solutions;

    speak publicly, present the results of joint work, discuss;

    resolve conflict situations democratically, etc.

    The level of activity of schoolchildren and the quality of knowledge in subject areas increases.

    Students participate with projects in various district, city, regional festivals and competitions, where they win prizes:

    Working as a teacher project coordinator is important and rewarding. The ability to use the project method is an indicator of the improvement and development of school teachers. Creatively working teachers who organize the implementation of projects by students themselves participate in various projects and competitions. The project method is used in the methodological work of the school during seminars, teacher councils, creative reports, and exhibitions. Thus, as practice shows, educational and project activities really contribute to the formation of a new type of student who has a set of skills and abilities for independent constructive work, knows the methods of purposeful activity, is ready for cooperation and interaction, and is endowed with the experience of self-education.

But every medal has its other side. There is such a side to our work, there are difficulties:

    The work on the project is voluminous and painstaking. Especially if it is searching for information, reading scientific literature, writing abstracts, doing research. There is a danger of overloading students. Therefore, teachers try to avoid large amounts of time, carry out projects in lessons infrequently, in no case “put pressure” on the student, and build cooperative relationships;

    Sometimes students begin work with desire and interest, but gradually, when faced with difficulties, they abandon the project. Therefore, there is a need to analyze the causes of failures;

    There is absolutely not enough modern scientific literature in the school library collection, which entails difficulties in preparing for projects;

    insufficient computer literacy;

    the capabilities of modern computer technologies in project activities are not sufficiently used;

    The most difficult thing for a teacher is to play the role of an independent consultant; it is very difficult to resist giving advice even if the students “go in the wrong direction.” However, it must be remembered that projects must be completed by students independently.

However, despite the difficulties, there is something to work on in the future.

5. Development prospects And use experience

    increasing the share of research projects;

    further use of the capabilities of modern information technologies to create projects;

    mastering by teachers and students the technology of creating multimedia projects;

    participation in telecommunications projects and their organization;

    guidance of high school students, with developed design skills, work on projects for younger students;

    conducting workshops on organizing project activities for teachers in the district, sharing work experience;

    participation of school teachers in organizing and conducting a regional competition of educational projects;

    development of elective courses of subject and interdisciplinary content for specialized training, the form of reporting of which will be the defense of design work;

    creation of large-scale interdisciplinary projects through the efforts of the school’s experimental laboratories;

    participation in competitions for innovative projects.

This experience in organizing project activities at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, which indicates the undoubted advantages of using the project method, can be used in the practice of other educational institutions.

It is addressed to teaching staff planning and organizing project activities - subject teachers, heads of school educational institutions, heads of district methodological offices, deputy director for scientific, methodological, educational and educational work.

6. Bibliography

    Arshansky E.A. Methods of teaching chemistry in humanities classes. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2002.

    Guzeev V.V. “Project method” as a special case of integral teaching technology // School Director. – 1995. No. 6.

    Guzeev V.V. Educational technology: from reception to philosophy. – M., 1996.

    Demidova M.Yu. Natural science projects 10 – 11 grades // Natural science at school. Journal library. Issue 3, 2004.

    Karpov E. Educational and research activities at school. In search of a new pedagogical alternative // ​​Economics at school. 2001. No. 2.

    Kochneva G.I. Organization of a project-based and creative form of education // Chemistry at school. 1995. No. 3.

    Morozov V.E., Rozhdestvenskaya N.N. Design technologies in lyceum and gymnasium education // Academic year. 2002. No. 4.

    Novikova T. Design technologies in lessons and extracurricular activities // Public education. 2000. No. 7.

    Polat E.S. and others. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: A textbook for students of pedagogical universities and systems for advanced training of teaching staff. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 1999.

    Pakhomova N.Yu. Project-based learning – what is it? // Methodist. 2004. No. 1.

    Pakhomova N.Yu. Project-based learning in the educational process of school. // Methodist. 2004. No. 3.

    Pakhomova N.Yu. Method of educational project in an educational institution. – M., 2003.

    Sidenko A.S. Project method: history and practice of application // Head teacher. 2003. No. 6.

    Federal component of the state standard of general education // Bulletin of Education. 2004. No. 13, 15.

    Chechel I.D. The project method or an attempt to relieve the teacher from the duties of an all-knowing oracle. // Head teacher. 1998. No. 3.

    Chechel I.D. Project method: subjective and objective assessment of results // School Director. 1998. No. 4.

7. Application to experience

Appendix No. 1.

Memo. Project topic

A condensed (abbreviated) description of the studied property of an object or phenomenon.

For example. Topic: “Dependence of respiratory morbidity on the concentration of harmful substances in the air”

The object is the respiratory organs, or the morbidity of the respiratory organs.

The subject of the study is (the property of the object being studied) the reaction of the respiratory organs to harmful substances contained in the air.

Relevance. An important element of any research, showing the importance and significance (social or personal) of studying this particular environmental object or phenomenon for fundamental science or for solving very specific environmental problems.

To substantiate the significance of the study, references to the works or statements of well-known people in society are used.

Purpose of the study. A condensed (abbreviated, condensed) description of the intended (planned) result of studying an environmental object (phenomenon) and a generalized description of the activity aimed at the object (obtaining new information about the object, changing the properties of the object, transferring information to interested parties).

For example. Target. “Identify the dependence of the level of respiratory tract diseases on the amount of harmful substances contained in the air and propose a system of measures aimed at reducing the level of diseases”

Research objectives. A brief description of the actions that must be performed to achieve the intended result.

For example. Tasks.

1. Identify harmful substances contained in vehicle exhaust gases.

3. Establish the effect on human organs of harmful substances contained in vehicle exhaust gases.

4. Identify the connection between respiratory diseases and the amount of harmful substances contained in the air.

Goals and objectives must be formulated clearly, concisely, specifically and understandably. The number of tasks depends on the content of the simulated study and, as a rule, does not exceed five.

Project hypothesis. Assumption of a cause-and-effect relationship between the properties of an environmental object studied in the study and certain environmental factors.

The hypothesis reveals the possible nature of the connection (relationship) between the object and the environmental factor. The hypothesis determines the approach to studying the object and is tested empirically during the study. The hypothesis is expressed by a formula that includes two parts: “If (followed by a description of the factor and or the state of the object), then (followed by a description of the nature of the relationship between the object and the factor).”

For example. Hypothesis. If the concentration of harmful substances, the source of which are exhaust gases, in the atmospheric air increases, then the number and degree of respiratory diseases will increase.

Conclusions. Describe the main results of the study. The number of conclusions should approximately correspond to the number of research tasks and show the results of their implementation. Conclusions should be concise, clear, specific and consistent with the purpose and objectives of the study.

Appendix No. 2.

Memo. List of possible topics for student projects.


    Waste-free chemical production.

    Birch Grove. SOS.

    Bioindication of natural reservoirs.

    Diseases of civilization.

    The important thing is the pipe.

    Water on Earth.

    The future of biotechnology.

    Probability is all around us.

    Raising a person in the city of the future.

    Genetics and human health problems.

    How is the health of my apartment?

    The health of our city.

    Environmental company TRES.

    Ecopark creation project.

    Fauna of the forest park.

    Flora of the forest park.

    Methods of soil bioindication.

    Homeless animals in our city.

    Our house. Our yard.

    Ecology in works of literature, art and architecture.

    My mom's necklace.

    Tea as a source of vitamins.

    Shampoos - benefits, harm and safety.

    Plants are the most alive of all living things.

    Heavy metals and human health.

    Pesticides and human health.

    The name of the problem is AIDS.

    Ecology of megacities and chemistry.

    Ecological clean food.

    My future environmentally friendly home.

    Ecological monitoring of the city’s natural environments.

    Ecological passport of the school yard.

    Ecological trail project.

Appendix No. 3.

Memo. List of possible project products.

Website (subject, thematic)

Video clip. Travel diary.

Electronic presentation. Environmental programs.

Newspaper. Environmental actions.

Play. Environmental manifesto.

Directory. Ecological marathon.

Tutorial. Ecological ABC.

Drawing, poster.

Lesson. Herbarium of plants.

A game. Environmental benefit.

Publication. Rules of behavior in nature.

Exhibition. Plant map.

Magazine. Ecological forum.

Holiday. Intellectual marathon.

Promotion. Soil map.

Scenario. Business plan.

Sociological survey. Bill.

Collection. Information sheet.

Map. Photo exhibition.

Costume. Project budget.

Layout. Electronic reference book.

Appendix No. 4. Information certificates contain information from projects of school students, which describe the relevance of the problem being studied.

Project. Ecological company "TREH"

Information sheet.

I was interested in the problem of the condition of garbage containers in the city of Langepas. I turned to this topic when I listened to lectures in an ecology lesson on the topics “Waste-free technologies and waste disposal” and “Production and the environment.” In many countries around the world, residents themselves sort garbage, and this has become part of their lives as something natural. Garbage in my city is not sorted and nothing has been done for this. The residents of the city are not educated; there are no special containers for waste containing toxic substances. I was struck by some facts. One person in Russia creates 225-250 kg of household waste per year. Every year this figure increases. I believe that this problem requires not only an economic approach, but also an environmental one. For example. From the point of view of environmental pollution. For paper to decompose in the natural environment, it takes from 2 to 10 years, a cigarette filter takes 100 years to decompose, a plastic bag takes more than 200 years, a tin can takes 90 years. Of course, I won’t be able to solve global problems now, but I can try to deal with the problems of garbage in my yard. I visually examined the condition of the garbage in the containers. The results of the study were presented in a table.

City zone name

Types of garbage waste

How waste is collected


Children's playground on the street. Parkovaya. 1

Glass. Bottles, cans.

Food waste.

Chipboard. Old furniture. Lamps. Lamps. Batteries. Plastic panels Detergent cans. Garbage after animals.

Waste lies openly on the surface. There is still a lot of space in the containers, but the garbage is dumped nearby.

Microdistrict shopping area.

Paper waste: boxes, bundles, wrappers, bags, notebooks, books, magazines, packaging.

Plastic waste. Bottles, packages.

Metal waste. Cans, scrap metal.

Glass. Bottles, cans.

Food waste.

Chipboard. Old furniture

Hazardous waste. Old lamps. Old TVs. Old washing machines. Batteries. Detergent packaging.

Waste lies openly on the surface. There is still a lot of space in the containers, but the garbage is dumped nearby

Metal, gray, small in size, all standard size, made in the shape of a square.

Food service area.

Food waste, packaging, boxes.

Paper waste predominates, lies in overflowing trash cans, is carried by the wind, and is taken away by animals.

Containers have a large open surface.

Recreation area, city center.

Plastic waste and metal drink cans predominate, with some glass.

Waste lies in and around overflowing trash cans.

The containers are small in size, the garbage is easily pulled out by animals and scattered by the wind.

There are enough containers in our city, and garbage is thrown away more often than not. Externally, the containers are not attractive. They have a large open surface. Many containers contain hazardous waste.

I conducted research through surveys of classmates and some adults. I asked them to answer questions in the questionnaire. Why doesn't the garbage flow exactly into the container? Why does it often end up next to each other? What kind of garbage containers should there be in the city? Are you ready to sort your garbage?

Project. Ecological hunting.

Information sheet.

Today, there are more and more people who prefer hunting with a camera to bloody hunting. Hunting with a camera is an even stronger hobby than hunting with a gun. She is much more humane and meaningful. This is the hunt of the future. Hunting with a camera and hunting with a gun have certain similarities. The whole hunting situation: searching for places abounding in game, tracking, laying down, stalking, ambushes. Hiding, camouflage, bait, deceptive attraction with stuffed animals. Hunting with a camera is more difficult than regular hunting. It requires a lot of endurance, patience and training. Its main difficulty is that the fatal shot can be taken at a much greater distance than a successful shot. Therefore, approaching the prey at a short distance complicates hunting techniques with a camera. For a successful photo, you also need to choose the appropriate lighting and setting. But this makes hunting with a camera even more exciting. Animal photography is useful not only for the amateur. Specialists cannot do without it. An ornithologist will spend a lot of time illustrating his book or magazine. For an entomologist, photography is an activity that has no limits. After all, there are so many insects, their world is so diverse, and so many extraordinary stories of their lives can be captured. Much, for example, the flight of birds or insects, the perfection of which still occupies the minds of scientists, can only be studied with the help of photography. It is an indispensable auxiliary means of studying and penetrating the secrets of nature. A scientist can hunt, and not only as a specialist, but also as an amateur, for any living creature that goes beyond the scope of his narrow profession. A hunter with a camera is not just a photographer. He is, first of all, an observer, naturalist, amateur, artist and even scientist. And these qualities are involuntarily developed in every person who wants to take a successful and beautiful photograph, “to take with him,” as Timiryazev said, a work of art of nature. While hunting for animals, the photographer unwittingly becomes a witness to the most diverse secrets of life, lifts the curtain on many phenomena hidden even from professional zoologists, if only because in order to take pictures, you need to quietly and secretly approach and look. And this already means a lot. He inevitably watches his prey, unravels the secrets of its life, and the nature of the organism in all its beauty and immeasurable complexity is more fully revealed to him. Hunting with a camera develops a sense of love for nature, makes a person a champion of the idea of ​​protecting it, and cultivates aesthetic feelings in him. You can hunt with a gun only during a certain season, in strictly defined places and territories designated for this purpose. There are no restrictions for hunting with a camera. In spring, summer, autumn, winter, in any area: be it arable land or a strictly protected reserve - you can wander everywhere with a photo gun in search of prey. The photo hunter is free in his search, since he does not harm anyone. Hunting with a camera is worth doing and loving; it is the most interesting work and the best relaxation. A hunter-shooter does not need magpies, crows, owls, or eagles. He doesn’t need small songbirds either. He will indifferently pass by mouse-like rodents, will not pay attention to lizards, frogs, toads, snakes and, of course, will not look at the most diverse insects. They won't attract him. Its prey is that which can be eaten or from which standing fur can be removed. I, a hunter with a camera, have much more game. My task is the artistic reproduction of all living things in various states. If a hunter with a gun is a breadwinner, then I am a hunter with a camera - a naturalist, an observer standing on the threshold of science. My interests are much broader. The abilities that I must develop in order to combine relaxation and entertainment with creativity are more multifaceted. And since my prey is many times more diverse, my hunting methods are also different. It can generally be divided into two markedly different hunts: hunting for small game - insects and spiders, and hunting for large game - birds and mammals, reptiles and amphibians.

Educational project method This is one of the student-oriented technologies, a way of organizing independent activities of students, aimed at solving the problem of an educational project, integrating a problem-based approach, group methods, reflective, presentational, research, search and other techniques.

The educational project method is characterized as: student-oriented; active; teaching group interaction and group activities; built on the principles of problem-based learning; developing skills of self-expression, self-display, self-presentation and reflection; developing skills of independence in the mental, practical and volitional spheres; fostering determination, tolerance, individualism and collectivism, responsibility, initiative and a creative attitude to business; health-saving.

Project activity As a pedagogical idea, technology and practice, the project (problem) method arose in the 20s of the twentieth century in the USA (J. Dewey and W.H. Kilpatrick). In Russia, the ideas of project-based learning arose in 1905 (S.T. Shatsky). In 1931, the project method was condemned and was not used. Abroad (USA, England, Germany, Denmark, Italy, etc.) the design method has been developing and improving all these years.

Five “Ps” of the project That is, the project is “five Ps”: Problem Design (planning) Information search Product Presentation. The sixth “P” of the project is its Portfolio, i.e. a folder in which all the working materials of the project are collected, including drafts, daily plans and reports, etc. An important rule: each stage of work on the project must have its own specific product!

A practice-oriented project is aimed at the social interests of the project participants themselves or the external customer. The product is predetermined and can be used in the life of a class, school, neighborhood, city, state. The palette is varied, from a textbook for a physics classroom to a package of recommendations for restoring the Russian economy. It is important to evaluate the reality of using the product in practice and its ability to solve the problem.

A research project is structured like a truly scientific study. It includes justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, identification of research objectives, mandatory formulation of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, and discussion of the results obtained. In this case, methods of modern science are used: laboratory experiment, modeling, sociological survey and others.

An information project is aimed at collecting information about some object or phenomenon for the purpose of analyzing, summarizing and presenting it to a wide audience. The output of such a project is often publication in the media, including on the Internet. The result of such a project may be the creation of an information environment for a class or school.

Role-playing project. The development and implementation of such a project is the most difficult. By participating in it, designers take on the roles of literary or historical characters, fictional heroes, etc. The result of the project remains open until the very end. How will the trial end? Will the conflict be resolved and an agreement concluded?

Classification of projects by complexity (subject-content area): Mono-projects are carried out, as a rule, within the framework of one subject or one area of ​​knowledge, although they can use information from other areas of knowledge and activity. The leader of such a project is a subject teacher, and a teacher of another discipline acts as a consultant. Interdisciplinary projects are carried out exclusively outside of class hours and under the guidance of several specialists in various fields of knowledge. They require deep meaningful integration already at the stage of problem formulation.

Classification of projects by the nature of contacts: Intraclass Intraschool Regional (All-Russian) International The last two types of projects are telecommunications, they require coordination of the activities of participants, their interaction on the Internet, and the use of modern computer technologies.

Personal or group projects? Advantages of personal projects: Advantages of group projects: the work plan for the project can be built and tracked with maximum accuracy in the project group, cooperation skills are formed in the student, a sense of responsibility is formed, the project can be carried out in the most profound and versatile way, the student gains experience at all stages of the project without exception. Each stage of work, as a rule, has its own situational leader; everyone, depending on their strengths, is involved in the work at a certain stage; the formation of the student’s most important OUN (research, presentation, evaluation) - a completely manageable process within the project group, subgroups can be formed that offer different ways to solve the problem, ideas, hypotheses, points of view; the element of competition increases motivation.

Stages of organizing student project work 1. Preliminary stage: involving students in project work; acquaintance with the goals and structure of a new type of work. 2. Determination of the topic of a specific project; dividing students into groups. 3.Identification of the problem and goals of this project. 4. Discussion of the project structure, drawing up a rough work plan, defining research methods (in a research project). 5. Work in groups, coordinated by the project leader: Collection of information, work with sources of information, setting up an experiment, obtaining and primary processing of data; Analysis of collected information, drawing conclusions, coordinating the actions of different groups; Preparing a project presentation. 6. Presentation; 7. Project evaluation; reflection on the results of the project.

Program Stages and tasks of work Form of classes Activities of the leader Student activities 1. Preliminary. Determining readiness for project work. Various forms of work: from informal communication to school subject Olympiad Selection of written and oral research tasks, questions to identify knowledge, abilities and interests. Determining the range of problems in studying the topic in which students expressed their interest. Carrying out research tasks, gaining skills in independent analysis of material. Reflection on the topic of personal interests and inclinations (hobbies, reading range, favorite subjects and activities) Formation of general ideas about project work Lecture, conversation The manager's story about the features of studying the subject through project work Obtaining basic ideas about project work. Formation of a positive attitude towards new types of work Systematization, expansion and deepening of knowledge. Achievements in the field of study Seminar classes, independent extracurricular work Selection of popular scientific literature on the problems of study, the use of research methods. Discussion of these works Reading and discussion of popular science literature. Systematization of theoretical knowledge

Development of reflection Independent extracurricular work (taking notes), seminar classes Involvement in project activities through tasks that direct students to independently select material, reflection Independent observations, selection of material on a specific problem from different sources, its written recording 2. Selection of a research problem. Formation of groups (for group projects) Collective, group, individual discussion of the topic (consultation) with a supervisor Organization of discussion of possible research problems, assistance in formulating a topic and forming groups Orientation in choosing a research problem, formulating a topic, grouping (for group projects) 3. Studying literature on the topic. Formation of practical skills in working with reference and scientific literature Practical lesson, independent work in the library with paper or electronic media Demonstration of basic techniques for searching for information on a topic of interest, organization of a practical lesson; assistance in selecting scientific and popular science literature on the research topic Compiling a bibliography on the topic, highlighting the main idea, taking notes 4. Goal setting. Formation of research skills to formulate a topic, hypothesis, set goals, objectives, determine a method depending on the object of research Individual or group (for group projects) consultation with a supervisor Consultation on issues. formulating the topic, hypothesis, understanding the goals and objectives of the work, choosing a research method based on the studied literature. Clarifying the formulation of the topic, setting the goals and objectives of the work, defining the method depending on the object of research based on the studied literature, preparing for the experiment.

5. Collecting material or setting up an experiment. Mastering methods of collecting material Independent group work (in a group project) or individual work of students (possibly on an excursion, on an expedition) Consulting students on methods of collecting material Collecting material or conducting an experiment, recording the data obtained 6. Analysis and processing of the received material. Training in research methods Independent group (in a group project) or individual work of students Consulting students on the analysis of the received material Analysis and statistical processing of the received material, work on creating a project product 7. Summarizing the results of the analysis of the collected material, developing the ability to draw conclusions based on the results obtained Independent group (in a group project) or individual work of students Consulting, assistance to students in summarizing and choosing ways to present research results Systematization and generalization of work results; work on creating a project product 8. Creating text. Practical mastery of educational and scientific style of speech Independent group (in a group project) or individual work of students Consulting, assistance in the design of work, compositional, stylistic editing of the text Writing the text of educational research work and work on creating a project product

9. Editing text. Development of editing skills Independent group (in a group project) or individual work of students Consulting, assistance in editing the abstract and thesis plan of the study. Organizational work (submitting an application, organizing a trip to a conference or participating in a school event) Editing and designing the work, drawing up a thesis plan 10. Preparing for presentation and presenting the results of the work. Training in creating and conducting a presentation. Consulting on the selection of material and oral defense of the work, organization of a trial presentation with a discussion of the presented work. Organizing a trip to a conference or presenting work at school Selection of material and preparation for an oral public defense of the project, speaking at a conference; communication on the topic of the project (in the form of a monologue, dialogue, debate) 11. Evaluation and self-assessment of work. Reflection on the product and result of project work Group discussion, exchange of opinions on the work done, impressions received and experience gained. Questioning Encouraging students to reflect on the work done through discussion or questioning. Discussion of long-term plans. Pedagogical reflection Reflection on the product and the result of the work performed

The project work passport is used twice, and sometimes three times. Initially, as a methodological development of the project, which the head of the project team approves with the deputy director of the school before starting work on the project. Then the updated project passport becomes a necessary introduction to the project folder (project portfolio), presented at the project defense. Finally, an expanded version of the project work passport can become a description of the project, prepared for publication or for storage in the school media library.

Contents of the project work passport Name of the project. Project Manager. Project consultant(s). The academic subject within which the project work is carried out. Academic disciplines close to the topic of the project. Age of students for which the project is designed. Composition of the project group (names of students, class). Type of project (abstract, informational, research, creative, practice-oriented, role-playing). Project customer. Goal of the project (practical and pedagogical goals).. Project objectives (24 tasks, emphasis on developmental tasks!). Project questions (3-4 most important problematic questions on the project topic that participants need to answer during its implementation). Necessary equipment. Abstract (relevance of the project, significance at the level of school and society, personal orientation, educational aspect, brief content). Intended product(s) of the project. Stages of work on the project (for each stage, indicate the form, duration and place of work of students, content of work, output of the stage). Estimated distribution of roles in the project team.

Project portfolio The project folder (project portfolio) is one of the mandatory project outputs presented at the defense (presentation) of the project. The purpose of the protected folder is to show the progress of the project team’s work. In addition, a well-designed project folder allows you to: clearly organize the work of each member of the project team; become a convenient collector of information and reference throughout the work on the project; objectively evaluate the progress of work on the completed project; judge the personal achievements and growth of each project participant throughout its implementation; save time for searching for information when carrying out other projects related to the topic in the future.

Contents of the project folder: project passport; plans for the implementation of the project and its individual stages; interim group reports; all collected information on the project topic, including the necessary photocopies and printouts from the Internet; research and analysis results; recording all ideas, hypotheses and solutions; reports on group meetings, discussions, brainstorming sessions, etc.; a brief description of all the problems that designers have to face and how to overcome them; sketches, drawings, product sketches; materials for the presentation (script); other working materials and group drafts. All group members take part in filling out the project folder. Student entries should be as brief as possible, in the form of small sketches and annotations. On the day of presentation of projects, the completed folder is handed over to the jury.

Forms of project activity products Types of project presentations Website, presentation in electronic form (Power Point) Analysis of sociological survey data Comparative analysis Abstract Atlas, map, textbook Video film, photo, audio, video report Exhibition, video clip Newspaper, magazine, album, reference book, brochure, catalog Diary, series of illustrations Collage, comic strip Costume, layout, model, collection Game, multimedia product Musical or artistic work Office decoration Staging, holiday Program Guide (for tourists) Review Dictionary Script, article, description Excursion, hike , expedition Poster Business game Demonstration of a product made on the basis of information technology Drama-dialogue of literary or historical characters Interview with famous people Game with the audience Scientific conference Scientific report Research expedition report Press conference Travel Advertising Role-playing play Performance Competition TV show Excursion