What determines the growth of the child and can it be influenced? What foods are needed for the growth of a child? What foods help baby grow

Friends! Hi all! I wrote about various general points of increasing people's height, and today I want to talk in more detail about how to increase the height of a teenager. After all, as you know, it is during adolescence that the main increase in growth occurs, but what to do if a teenager has a small stature for a long time, the body grows slowly or growth has stopped altogether?

Sometimes being tall is so important to teenagers that they go to great lengths to get what they want. Now injections of somatotropin are actively promoted among adolescents in order to accelerate growth. They are mainly promoted by manufacturers and doctors themselves (some of these doctors will say anything for a green paper), and parents and children willingly agree to these risks. Why risks? Read my article about . Some girls are ready to undergo leg lengthening surgery at the age of 14, and some do. This can all help, but I still advise you to increase height safely. Ditch health - the mind does not need much. But to develop SMARTLY ... You can accelerate the growth of a teenager naturally and without harmful consequences using the 15 tips below. Try them out before trying to grow with hormone injections, surgery, and the like.

1. Ride a bike. It would seem, what does the bike have to do with it? However, it has long been noticed that riding it is extremely useful for increasing height (I recommend reading an article on this topic), as well as swimming, volleyball, basketball.

2. Work out on the horizontal bar. Exercises on the horizontal bar are considered to be universal exercises for the health and physical development of the human body. Regardless of your age, you can use this method freely and easily. All you need to do is hang on the horizontal bar, stretching out with your whole body. Stay in this position for about 10 seconds and repeat this exercise 6-10 times a day or more.

3. Perform kicks. From the name it is clear what needs to be done. Standing on the floor, hit with the lower part of the leg, for example, on a punching bag. This will help the cartilage to grow and the bones to lengthen. Such exercises are regularly performed by athletes in martial arts.

4. Do stretching exercises. When you wake up in the morning, do stretching exercises. Such exercises are incredibly useful and effective in the morning, since only in the morning the body has its maximum growth. It is a fact that during the day people lose several centimeters of height due to the effects of gravity. If you do the exercises in the evening, then you will have to spend 20-30 minutes of stretching time just to return the body to its natural height, and only then begin to work on increasing your height. This can be avoided and go straight to stimulating growth lengthening by stretching in the morning.

I won’t write stretching exercises here, just visit the “Form” section of the site and choose what you like.

5. Maintain correct posture. You must always maintain a straight posture. Poor posture can affect your height in an unfavorable way.

Follow simple rules: sit up straight, do not stoop when walking, do not let your shoulders slouch, and so on. By doing this, you are taking an important step to maintain a healthy spine and strengthen your back muscles. Another key factor to consider is having a good pillow and mattress that is comfortable for you to support your spine while you sleep.

6. Control your breathing. Breathing exercises are best done in the morning. This is good both for your health and for effectively stimulating growth. Learn to completely fill your lungs with oxygen.

7. Get out in the sun more often. For the active growth of adolescents and children, a lot of sunlight is needed (I know that in our Russian conditions this thing is problematic, so look for the sun in the warm parts of the country or abroad if you have a shortage of it). Get out in the sun in the morning and sunbathe in the early morning sunlight. Early in the morning, sunlight is more actively converted into, which is necessary for the human body in order to grow and develop. And also the warm morning sun will keep you in good health and mood throughout the day.

8. Do self-massage. After daily activities, you will feel better at the end of the day if you massage special points on the body, which will also have a good effect on the production of growth hormone. Most of these points are located in the neck and head of a person. In the future I will try to write about acupressure separately, so subscribe to updates so as not to miss it!

9. Get enough calcium and zinc. Get enough calcium in your diet. In addition to foods rich in calcium (greens, milk, etc.), it is advisable to additionally take mineral complexes with calcium to stimulate bone growth in adolescents.

In regards to zinc, research published in the journal Age & Aging in 2013 shows a possible link between zinc deficiency and short stature and stunting in children, especially boys. For normal development, you need a sufficient amount of zinc, which is found in pumpkin, zucchini seeds, oysters, crabs, peanuts, and wheat.

10. Eat carbohydrate grains. They will provide you with energy, fiber, vitamin B, iron. Grains also contain high-quality calories that will be useful to a teenager during intensive growth. During puberty, all adolescents must go through a dramatic linear growth spurt. They should consume more grain at this point. Good for the diet of oats, brown rice, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta and so on.

My advice to you: anything you can cook yourself, cook it yourself. I have seen many times how teenagers and children who come to their beloved grandmother in the village for the summer, and eat their own bread, milk, and so on, leave there, having a height of 10-20 cm higher than they were. I experienced it firsthand. At the age of 15, he came to the village to visit relatives, lived there for 3 months, ate village food, grown and cooked with love, and after that he became 10 cm taller. Before that, he didn’t grow at all for 3 years, he sat in the city and ate dead food. Is it about food? Yes, for the most part + the peak of puberty. In general, it is also quite possible to learn how to bake bread yourself (here is a website for you - learn) and cook other similar products. And most importantly, it will be of great help to you on the path to higher growth.

11. Eat fruits and vegetables. We continue to talk about how to increase the growth of a teenager and next in turn is another important nutritional tip - include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. You've probably heard from doctors that fruits and vegetables should make up a significant part of a healthy diet. They provide the body with vitamin C, A, E, folic acid, potassium and so on. Deserves special attention, which in the form of beta-carotene is found in many fresh plant foods, such as carrots, pumpkins, melons, and so on.

12. Avoid saturated fats, alcohol, drugs and the like. Saturated fatty acids can cause excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the blood and problems with insulin. Obviously, this can lead to a deterioration in the health of the growing organism.

You also need to avoid alcohol, drugs, and anything that is sure to be bad for your body. If you want to add a few centimeters to your height, then do what will help your body in this and avoid those habits that will be harmful to your health.

13. Drink water. No one will deny the important role of water for human health. Drinking enough water and staying hydrated is another key tip for your growth. Water is rarely talked about and often forgotten about. At the same time, if the body is 20% dehydrated, you will also get 20% less benefit from exercise and nutrition. When your body is 100% hydrated, you will also benefit 100% from exercise and nutrition. To illustrate the importance of water, remember that when someone is admitted to the hospital, for example after an accident, the first thing doctors do is give the patient water. Why? They just know that for successful treatment, the patient must receive enough water.

Many people exercise, eat well, eat vitamins, but drink almost no water and do not understand why they do not see any positive results. The reason may be just the lack of water in the body. Multiply body weight by 35 and divide the result in half- it is by this formula that you can calculate how many milliliters of water a person needs per day. If your weight is 60 kg, then at least 1050 ml (60x35/2) of water you need to drink daily. If you train and lead an active life, then you need more.

14. Use fractional meals. To speed up the metabolism in the body, some sports doctors recommend six meals a day instead of three meals a day. The result of such a diet will be an increase in the production of growth hormone, but on the condition that you do not overeat.

15. Get enough rest. The body rests, regenerates, rejuvenates and grows best during sleep, as growth hormone is actively produced during sleep. Plus, when you sleep, your body naturally stretches without any active movement on your part.

Take this advice seriously, because once you stop giving your body enough rest, you will no longer get the full benefit of the other recommendations above. Children and teens need 8-10 hours of sleep each night.

That's all I wanted to write to you about how to increase the height of a teenager. Here is a collection of tips for stimulating the growth of a young body from people who have tried these recommendations on themselves and have achieved positive results. It is possible to accelerate the slow growth of an 11-16-year-old teenager in a relatively short time. And the sooner a person begins to make efforts in this direction, the more chances he has for success. After the age of 18, it is more difficult for people to gain height, however, for them, the above tips will also benefit.

I will be glad if this information turned out to be necessary for you. Bye everyone!

Sincerely, Vadim Dmitriev

1. Oatmeal

A plate of oatmeal for breakfast will "toss" the body with useful trace elements: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, zinc, iron, chromium, as well as vitamins "A", "B", "E" and "K". All these substances maximize the development of bone and muscle tissue.

2. Bananas

Banana is one of the best dietary sources of potassium, which means that eating bananas daily will help your child grow well. Moreover, they can be eaten in their pure form or added to milk porridge or cereal.

3. Legumes

A source of vegetable protein and B vitamins, as well as a complex of vitamins and microelements that contribute to the active growth of muscles and bones.

4. Chicken eggs

Eggs are a quality protein and a source of vitamin D. Children should get them on a regular basis if you want them to develop normally. Boiled eggs are completely absorbed by the children's body.

5. Beef

It contains much more proteins, iron and zinc than other types of meat. All this plays an important role in the growth of the child. Beef is also rich in vitamin B12.

6. Seafood (salmon, herring, crabs, oysters, shellfish). Another source of high quality protein. Plus a record amount of vitamin B12, which, among other things, stimulates the brain. It is recommended to eat any seafood in the evening, as they contain a lot of proteins and few carbohydrates, which means that the child will produce growth hormone during sleep.

7. Walnuts

The benefits of walnuts, and in particular, their beneficial effect on the growth and development of the body, have been known since the time of Hippocrates, who pointed out this in his treatises. For example, boys and young men were advised to drink nut milk every morning, which was prepared according to the following recipe: chop the kernels of 10 walnuts, pour 100 g of cold boiled water and leave for at least 2 hours. Then strain and add 2 teaspoons of honey. Little has changed since the time of Hippocrates.

8. Curd

Cottage cheese is the undisputed leader in the ease of assimilation of proteins by the body, so it must be present in the diet of children. Under the influence of sunlight from provitamins, which are rich in cottage cheese, the human body produces vitamin D. This vitamin is actively involved in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, which has a positive effect on the condition of the bones and teeth of the child.

9. Honey

Bee honey supplies the child's body with a complex of mineral elements that are necessary for its growth and development. Honey in a child's diet allows calcium and magnesium to be better absorbed, which contributes to the normal development of bones and teeth. Honey can be given to a child instead of sugar by adding it to tea, milk or yogurt. Babies under one year old should not be given honey - it is difficult for the baby's digestion and can cause severe allergies.

10. Apples

Children need apples for normal growth and development. They are rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, beta-carotene, B vitamins and many other useful substances that can significantly increase bone density. In addition, unlike other fruits, only apples contain boron and the flavonoid phloridzin, which are the best for strengthening bones. Therefore, it is simply necessary to give these fruits to children during a period of rapid growth.

Growth is one of the indicators of the physical development of the child, which is carefully monitored by moms and dads. The increase in body length delights parents. But if the baby has not grown up, then mom and dad start to worry. How can you increase the growth rate than feed a child? This article is about this.

All parents dream that their child would grow up strong and healthy, keep up with their peers in physical development. The main thing in this phrase is the word "growing". Through active growth, children gradually turn into adults. Boys want to be tall, while girls tend to be average. Nevertheless, there are undersized boys and girls.

But many parents believe that their children will be taller than them. Of course, it is difficult to fight heredity, but still it is possible. If you use the right foods during periods of intensive growth, then the length of the body will increase. In such a simple way, a short child can become a child with average or above average height.

Changes in growth rates in different age periods in children

Growth is a physiological process characterized by elongation of the body and a change in its proportions.

All children go through stages of physical development starting from the earliest period - conception. During a woman's belly grows intensively, especially for a long time. This is due to the increase in the size of the fetus. A full-fledged child 46-56 cm long is formed from a small embryo (2.5 mm).

After birth, the baby also continues to grow actively. This is more pronounced in the first year of life. Growth is halved. If at birth the body length of a newborn was 50 cm, then by the year it approaches 75 cm. At 4 years old, children double their height (on average it is 100 cm), and by the age of 12 they triple (about 150 cm).

The length of the body from 2 to 15 years can be determined based on the formula, where the height of an eight-year-old child (130 cm) is known. For each missing year, 7 cm is subtracted from 130 cm, and 5 cm is added to 130 cm for each subsequent year.

Also, the average height of a child can be calculated if you know the height of both parents. To do this, the height of mom and dad in centimeters must be folded and divided in half. Add 6.5 cm to the result obtained if the child is a boy, or subtract 6.5 cm if the family has a girl.

In the process of lengthening the body, the proportions also change. In a newborn, the ratio of the length of the head and body is 1:4, and in an adult it is 1:7–1:8. As a result, when visiting a pediatrician, nurses often have to measure the proportions of the body. The expression is true: "A child is not an adult in miniature." More about the average indicators of normative height and weight in children.

The influence of the skeletal system on the growth of the child

The growth of the child directly depends on the degree of development of the skeleton. In children, the end sections of the tubular bones - the epiphyses, spongy bones of the hand and foot consist of cartilaginous tissue. Gradually, in the process of skeletal formation, ossification zones appear. Based on them, you can determine the bone age of the child and make a forecast regarding further growth. To do this, it is necessary to make an x-ray examination of both hands. Each age period corresponds to the appearance of a certain bone (in girls, the last bone appears at 11 years old, in boys - at 13.5 years old). As soon as the ossification points cover all growth zones, the elongation of the skeleton will stop.

After ossification of the last bone of the wrist joint, the growth of the child will stop, regardless of age.

To avoid low growth in their baby, parents need to pay attention to indicators of physical development. The exception is hereditary short stature. Before the closure of the growth plates, good lengths can be achieved with the right therapy.

Vitamins and minerals for children's growth

In order for the body to grow and develop according to age, the child's diet must contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, micro-, macroelements and other substances.

Children have a fast metabolism. This is due to the development of various organs and systems of the body, as well as active growth. The child consumes a large amount of energy, which must be constantly replenished. This requires quality food. Products in the diet of the baby should be not only varied, but also useful. Especially the children's body needs fortified nutrition during periods of viral epidemics, stressful situations and intensive growth. A highly nutritious menu will also help support immune defenses.

Among all vitamins and minerals, the most important can be distinguished. They help the baby grow due to the increased production of endogenous somatotropin - growth hormone:

  1. - helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, participates in the synthesis - building material for the formation of bones and cartilage, as well as teeth, affects the growth of all tissues, strengthens the immune system.

Features: vitamin A can be stored (deposited) in the body for a long time, it is better absorbed with vitamins E and C. Retinol is resistant to temperature, is destroyed in the presence of light and air.

Foods rich in vitamin A (animal origin) and carotene, a precursor to retinol (vegetable origin):

  • meat and offal (liver), ;
  • milk, eggs (yolk), cheese (hard varieties);
  • orange and red vegetables and fruits (, apricots, mangoes);
  • , greens (spinach, parsley, dill).
  1. - favorably affects the formation of collagen - a protein necessary for the growth and restoration (regeneration) of the musculoskeletal framework, various tissues and blood vessels, promotes the absorption of many vitamins, removes harmful substances from the body, being an antioxidant.

Features: vitamin C is easily destroyed in the presence of light, as a result of the action of oxygen (oxidation), when heated. Vegetables and fruits, which are the main sources of ascorbic acid, should be eaten immediately after cutting with a knife. About 25% of ascorbic acid is lost in the process of boiling or steaming food. Heat treatment of the product for more than 20 minutes leads to a loss of 50% of vitamin C.

Foods rich in vitamin C (plant-based):

  • almost all fresh vegetables (high concentration of ascorbic acid in bell peppers, green peas and various types of cabbage: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, red cabbage) and fruits (highest content in citrus);
  • berries (, black currant, strawberry, sea buckthorn, kiwi);
  • greens (parsley, sorrel, spinach).
  1. - participate in metabolism, promote the absorption of the main nutrients of the body - proteins, fats, and regulate the functioning of the brain and nervous apparatus, activate appetite and are growth stimulants, protect bone and muscle tissue from various damages.

Features: vitamin B 1 (thiamine) is destroyed during heat treatment and long-term storage of food in the refrigerator; vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) is lost under the influence of temperature, atmospheric oxygen and light; vitamin B 3 (nicotinic acid) is destroyed during the mechanical cleaning of products; vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid) is lost during boiling and freezing; vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) is better absorbed in the presence of calcium and copper and is destroyed during long-term storage of products (60–80% is lost during canning, 15% when frozen); vitamin B 7 (biotin) is lost under the action of high temperature, can be bound by the yolks of a chicken egg (raw) and not absorbed by the body; vitamin B 9 (folic acid) is resistant to heat treatment in animal products, in vegetable products it is destroyed by boiling and exposure to light; vitamin B 12 (cobalamin) is lost when exposed to light, water and heat.

For lunch it is better to use:

  • salads from fresh vegetables and herbs (spinach, parsley, lettuce, celery);
  • soups and broths (they stimulate metabolism);
  • meat (beef, lean pork, chicken breast) - 1-2 times a week;
  • offal (liver, kidneys) - 1-2 times a week;
  • fish - 1-2 times a week;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • natural juice about 300-500 ml per day or every other day (carrot and orange juices are useful), tea.

afternoon tea

After lunch, the body is enriched with nutritious and healthy food. But for the normal functioning of the digestive system, it is necessary, especially after daytime sleep (relevant for).

For an afternoon snack it is better to use:

  • dairy products (, cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, cheese);
  • fresh fruits (bananas, oranges are useful).

You can eat up to 2 kg of fresh vegetables and fruits per day.


The last meal should be light. Heavy meals, especially shortly before bedtime, disrupt normal metabolism and reduce growth hormone production at night.

For dinner, it is better to use:

  • boiled eggs;
  • seafood (squid, shrimp, crabs, mussels, seaweed);
  • fresh vegetables, perhaps a combination with chicken breast in the form of a salad;
  • nuts (about 50 g);
  • tea or kefir.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for the harmonious growth of children

With vitamin deficiency, children are inactive (physical inactivity), suffer from frequent infectious diseases, and lag behind their peers in physical development. As a result of taking vitamins for growth, additional energy and activity appear. The bones become strong, the ligamentous apparatus is mobile, and the muscles become resistant to stress. In addition, immunity increases.

During periods of active growth (1–3 years, 3–7 years and 7–11 years), the child's body needs not only good nutrition, but also additional intake of vitamin and mineral complexes. , associated with the hormonal revolution, requires the right lifestyle. This is mainly physical activity and the absence of bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and energy drinks, smoking, drug addiction. Taking multivitamin complexes will add immune protection, endurance and resistance to stress.

The main vitamin and mineral complexes for the growth of children:

No. in order Name Age period
1. Series "Alphabet":
  • "Our Baby";
  • "Kindergarten";
  • "Schoolboy";
  • "Teenager".
  • 1–3 years;
  • 3–7 years;
  • 7–14 years old;
  • 14–18 years old.
2. Series "Vitrum":
  • "Baby";
  • "Kids";
  • "Junior";
  • "Teenager".
  • 3–5 years;
  • 5–7 years;
  • 7–14 years old;
  • 14–18 years old.
3. Series "Multi-tabs":
  • "Baby";
  • "Baby";
  • "Junior";
  • "Teenager";
  • "Calcium D 3 forte".
  • 0-12 months;
  • 1–4 years;
  • 4–11 years;
  • 11–17 years old;
  • from 12 years old.
4. "Duovit"From 10 years old
5. "Biovital gel"From infancy to the end of adolescence
6. Series "Pikovit":
  • "1+";
  • "3+";
  • "4+";
  • "5+";
  • "7+ forte".
  • from 1 year;
  • from 3 years;
  • from 4 years;
  • from 5 years;
  • from 7 years and older.
7. Series "Supradin":
  • "Kids gel";
  • "Kids Junior";
  • "Kids bears".
  • from 3 years;
  • from 5 years;
  • from 3 years old.
8. "Vita Mishki Calcium + Vitamin D"From 3 years old
9. Series "Complivit":
  • "Calcium D 3";
  • "Active chewing";
  • "Assets".
  • since birth;
  • 3–10 years;
  • 7–12 years old.
10. "Calcemin" "Calcemin advance"From 5 years old From 12 years old
11. "Calcium D 3 nycomed" "Calcium D 3 nycomed forte"From 5 years old From 12 years old


Human growth is genetically programmed. But according to medical research, only 2% reach hereditary body length. The remaining 98% do not grow by 5–10 cm. This is due to poor nutrition, reduced immunity, psychological stress and an unhealthy lifestyle in childhood. Teenagers drink beer, smoke cigarettes, and kids spend more and more time at the computer. All these factors lead to metabolic disorders, hormonal dysfunction and muscle weakness. Hypodynamia often contributes to the appearance of excess weight -.

In order for a child to be able to achieve decent results in growth, the following conditions must be observed: children must eat properly and efficiently (running, swimming, gymnastics, exercises on the horizontal bar - stretching the spine), get enough sleep and not have bad habits.

About whether it is worth worrying about the growth of children, what are the age norms for weight and height, the program "School of Dr. Komarovsky" tells:

Did you know that according to medical data, about 3% of children have a delay in physiological growth and development. At the same time, there is a lag in a number of average indicators in comparison with peers. As a rule, the cause of the pathology is a metabolic disorder, congenital genetic abnormalities, diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems. If you miss this moment, then the baby may experience dwarfism, disruption of the musculoskeletal system, and an increase in the risk of injury.

Nutrition for the full growth of children under 13 plays a key role, because their bodies require more vitamins, antioxidants and minerals for their development. Also in the diet, there must be foods that contribute to the production of growth hormone by the endocrine glands.

We offer you 10 important foods that will help restore the full growth of the child and eliminate a number of metabolic problems.

10. Oatmeal

It's no secret that this healthy porridge made from "extra" grains (only non-flake and non-instant options) has a unique amount of dietary fiber. This helps to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from toxins and toxins, more thorough absorption of useful components, which are also not few in Hercules. Fluorine, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, chromium, iodine, as well as a number of vitamins of various groups (K, A, E, B) will be on guard of your child's health. All of them have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, contribute to the development of bone and muscle tissue. To enhance the beneficial properties of oatmeal, we recommend adding low-fat homemade milk (cow) to it, as well as fresh berries, nuts (walnuts), bananas and dried fruits.

9. Beef

Even if you adhere to vegetarianism or fasting in the family, remember that lean red meat is very important for a child with growth retardation. It contains an abundance of B vitamins, proteins, iron and zinc. Proteins are the main "building" component for the formation of the muscular corset and skeleton. Of course, you can replace it with vegetable proteins (soy, tofu, coconut milk, beans, lentils, etc.), but the “dosage” of such food will have to be significantly increased, and a small person simply cannot physically eat so much. We recommend choosing veal and serving it boiled, stewed or steamed in order to preserve valuable proteins as much as possible. It is enough to eat beef twice a week.

8. Milk

Few kids will refuse a sweet tropical fruit, so the “treatment” will be observed with pleasure. Bananas contain slow carbohydrates that provide intensive physical development and growth with the necessary energy. Also, the exotic fruit contains magnesium, fluorine, calcium, iron and potassium - components that are extremely important for proper blood flow and blood structure, the formation of muscle and bone tissue. In addition, a banana has a positive effect on brain activity, improving the concentration of the baby, his memory and attention, and cognitive activity.

6. Chicken eggs

In addition to milk, the baby needs to be given homemade cottage cheese, since the body perfectly absorbs milk proteins. Enzymes and trace elements in the composition of cottage cheese improve metabolic processes, and calcium and phosphorus strengthen the child's bone tissue, his teeth and muscles. Rare amino acids in the composition of the fermented milk product have a positive effect on digestion and absorption of other important components, and also strengthen the central nervous system, which is important for the formation of healthy connections between nerve endings, joints, muscles and other parts of the musculoskeletal system.

4. Beans

As we mentioned above, vegetable proteins are almost as effective for nutritional therapy for lack of growth as animals. In excess, they are found in chickpeas, peas, mung beans, lentils, beans and beans. You won’t have to force a child to eat these foods, because they are quite tasty, especially if you cook them in sour cream or tomato sauce. It is also effective to make mouth-watering puree soups and cream soups based on them with the addition of calcium-rich cream, walnuts and herbs.

3. Leafy greens

As an additive to soups and salads, be sure to use leafy greens that contain vitamin C, valuable esters, tannins, chlorophylls, minerals and phytoncides. A rare composition has a positive effect on metabolism, strengthens bone and muscle tissue, and promotes the production of growth hormone. Vegetable smoothies made from leafy greens (spinach, fresh celery, parsley, cilantro, basil, etc.) are very useful for the baby. And a little whim can be persuaded to eat pizza, generously flavored with freshly cut greens.

2. Walnuts

These nuts are a storehouse of Omega fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the brain, peripheral and central nervous systems. But they are responsible for the signals sent to the main glands to produce growth hormone. Nuts also contain phosphorus, vegetable proteins, calcium and vitamins for full development. We recommend adding nuts to any desserts, homemade cottage cheese and yogurt, vegetable salads, oatmeal and other cereals.

1. Berries

3 0

It is very important to provide the body with the necessary substances during the period of active growth - from 7 to 17 years. Why is it so important and which vitamins are needed?

What determines the growth of the child

The correct development of the child's body and the formation of its skeleton and internal organs directly depends on nutrition and the environment. Of course, heredity is important - it is in the genetic code that the parameters of growth are laid down and usually the parameters of the parents are passed on to children by inheritance.

However, 3 important factors directly affect how quickly and efficiently a child grows:

  1. Food. The diet of the child should be designed so that his body receives enough nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Separate products and ready-made meals must be included in accordance with the age and development of the baby;
  2. Activity. Timely and proper physical activity stimulates the growth of the baby and strengthens his bones.
  3. Rest and proper sleep. It is during the period of deep sleep that growth hormone is released, so the baby must sleep and rest for a sufficient amount of time.

Parents must provide their child with these three important conditions for the normal development of the body.

Essential Vitamins for Children's Growth

Of the whole set, only 4 vitamins directly ensure the growth and strengthening of the child's skeleton. They also coordinate the work of internal organs with accelerated growth, so it is important to ensure their regular intake from the outside. So, what vitamins are needed for the growth of children:

  • vitamin A - takes part in protein synthesis, i.e. helps to produce protein, which is the main substance for the formation of teeth, cartilage and bones;
  • vitamin B - the entire group of this vitamin (B1, B2, B3, etc.) is involved in metabolism and metabolism;
  • vitamin C - it is ascorbic acid that helps the body absorb all other vitamins and quickly transport them from food to muscles and bones;
  • vitamin E - plays a role in strengthening the immune system, hormone production and the functioning of muscle tissue;
  • Vitamin D is the most important vitamin for growth, whose job is to saturate the skeleton with calcium. Thanks to calcium, bones become stronger and grow faster.

According to scientific research, only 2% of people in the world grow up in accordance with the genetic code, while others cannot do this due to a lack of substances necessary for growth in their bodies.

Vitamins for hair growth in children

Hair growth in children is also an important indicator that all the processes in his body are going correctly and the overall development is not complicated by any negative factors.

On average, the hair of children under seven years of age grows by 0.6 cm per month, if this trend is not observed in a child or the hair is too dry and brittle, then you should make sure that a sufficient amount of the necessary vitamins enters the body.

Vitamins are essential for hair growth:

  • B (B3, B9, B10, B2 and B5);
  • A (retinol);

These substances are contained in sufficient quantities in the usual foods (meat, fish, vegetable and dairy products). Sometimes it is worth adding special complexes to even out the balance of useful microelements in the body.

The norm of vitamins for growth, depending on age

The amount of necessary trace elements in each period of life is different. It is very important to know the rate of vitamins for growth at a certain age, since a glut of even useful substances can lead to serious problems.

The required number of them according to each age period is given below. These data refer to natural vitamins that come naturally. In cases of using special pharmaceutical complexes, it is necessary to follow the doctor's prescriptions.

All data are in micrograms (mcg).

0-3 months 4-6 months 7-12 months 1-3 years. 4 - 6 years 7-10 years old 11-13 years old 14-17 years old 19-24 years old
BUT 400 500 700 1000 - boys

800 - girls

D 10 2500 - both sexes
E 3000 4000 5000 7000 10000 12000-15000 - boys

10000-12000 - girls

IN 1 300 400 500 800 900 1200 1400-1700 - boys

1100-1300 - girls

IN 2 400 500 600 900 1000 1400 1700-1800 - boys

1300-1500 - girls

AT 6 400 500 600 900 1300 1600 1800-2000 - boys

1600 - girls

AT 12 0,3 0,4 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2-3 - boys

2.0 - girls

FROM 30000 40000 45000 50000 60000 70000 - both sexes 60000 - both sexes

Knowing the required daily intake of nutrients, it is very easy to make the right diet for a child and provide his body with all the vitamins and minerals.

How to get vitamins for growth from food

All the substances the body needs can be easily obtained from simple foods. Vitamins necessary for growth contain:

  • A - liver, fish and fish oil, dairy products, eggs, carrots, pumpkin and spinach;
  • group B - meat products (pork, beef, poultry), legumes, cabbage and any nuts;
  • C - found in large quantities in citrus fruits (lemons, oranges), rose hips, sea buckthorn, herbs and bell peppers;
  • E - a large amount of this vitamin is found in almonds and hazelnuts, dried fruits, in any kind of oil and cereals;
  • D - any dairy products (especially cottage cheese and milk), fish and products of marine origin.

The diet of any baby should contain all these products in different combinations and variations.

Overview of pharmacy vitamins for children's growth

Even with all the conditions for the full development of the child and providing him with a correct and balanced diet, there is a high probability that nutrients will still be lacking. Therefore, doctors recommend the use of additional pharmacological complexes:

These are the most modern and best complexes for children and teenagers.


There are no special contraindications to taking any vitamin complexes and nutritional supplements. However, with certain diseases, you should not use certain drugs:

  • hyperavitaminosis;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • allergies;
  • individual intolerance to individual components.

In any case, before taking vitamin complexes and active supplements, you must always consult with your doctor!

Opinion of doctors and reviews of parents about vitamin complexes

We bring to your attention reviews by which you can understand which vitamins are better to choose for the growth of a child, that is, what our readers prefer.

Today, most people on Earth are diagnosed with vitamin deficiencies. Residents of the northern regions especially suffer from this, where fresh fruits and vegetables are very expensive. That is why every child and adult needs to take vitamin supplements! "Pikovit", "Big Big", "Multitabs" and some simple vitamins must be drunk. This is especially important during adolescence, when the skeleton is just being formed and it needs support. Of course, you also need a daily routine, a balanced diet and proper rest. Only a set of measures will help the child grow and develop healthy!

Pediatrician, Olkova Anna, Moscow

The son at the age of 6-11 years was the last in the line in physical education for a long time - he was very small in stature, even smaller than some girls. He and we, the parents, were very worried. Still, height is very important for a boy. We consulted with the pediatrician, and he said not to worry too much, because usually at 13-15 the boys are very drawn out, but he prescribed Multitabs Junior for prevention. My son took vitamins daily and began to grow slowly. Today he is 15 years old and already 1.70 cm!

Maria, Moscow

My daughter grew up very weak, did not want to drink milk and eat cottage cheese - she probably got it from me. The doctors reassured me, they said it would pass with age. My requests to write out nutritional supplements were laughed off. But when she fell and broke the handle, that was the last straw. I asked the pediatrician to prescribe a vitamin complex, and so we began to drink "Big Big". After the plaster was removed, I see significant improvements, my daughter got better, got stronger, her appetite increased. But "Big Big" we will still accept!

Alla, Rostov

Additional information about vitamins for children is in the next video.