Discovered animals of the planet in a year. Recently discovered animal species. Snake Cryptelytrops Rubeus

10. Striped monitor lizards (Water Monitor Lizards)

Exploring the black market can be dangerous, especially in other countries where you stand out as a foreigner and don't have any acquaintances. But sometimes the risk is worth it. Rafe Brown, curator at the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute, recently visited the black market in Manila, Philippines with his friends and came across two new species of banded monitor lizards. The monitor lizards for sale were genetically exclusive species previously unknown in the world of science. Despite the fact that most of the characteristics of lizards, such as body shapes and sizes, were similar to others, they are endemic to a separate island and an isolated peninsula. Most likely, nothing was known about them for many years.

9. Jumper (Titi Monkey)

If you ask someone to describe the Amazonian rainforest, you'll likely hear a bunch of words like lush, green, huge ecosystem, cascading vegetation like a huge multi-level jadeite palace teeming with thousands of stunning animal species. While this description is certainly true, this wondrous jungle also includes white sandy forests. These forests, located on both banks of the Blanco River in Peru, are very rare and occupy only one percent of the entire Peruvian Amazon. Last year, a team from the Field Museum of Natural History documented an astounding 1,751 new species in the region in 17 days. Among these species is a new species of monkey. According to Corine Vriesendorp, environmentalist and conservationist, Jumper "Either a new species or a previously unknown color variant of the copper jumper (Callicebus cupreus). And you were only in the souvenir shop during your vacation!

8 The New Indochinese Worm

Source 7A bird species documented 15 years later

While the Amazon rainforest is a favorite pilgrimage destination for scientists, the Indonesian island of Sulawesi is largely underestimated in terms of its potential for finding new species, especially in the field of ornithology. The Sulawesian striped tyrant was first seen in 1997. However, a new species of this songbird was recognized as real only in 2014. In fact, the new species is only distantly related to the gray striped tyrant it was originally thought to be. The new species has shorter wings, a shorter tail, a more twisted beak and more subtle sounds than its closest relative.

6. Fororacos or terrible bird from ancient times is still frightening

We all admired in museums the skeletons of giant carnivorous birds that lived on Earth millions of years ago. They reached 3 meters in height and roamed the plains and mountains, untouched by smaller predators. Scientists recently finished assembling the skeleton, 90 percent of which they found in 2010 in Mar del Plata, Argentina. The aptly named dire bird had unique vocal and anatomical features. You can bet that dire birds will be in horror movies soon.

5. Tiny and adorable lizards found in the Andes

Three new species of lizards that look even more adorable than the dragons from the animated film How to Train Your Dragon have been discovered in the Andes of Peru and Ecuador. The body length of these lizards ranges from 5 to 10 centimeters, and their curious eyes, richly decorated skin and rows of colorful spikes make them simply irresistible. Before this discovery, only 12 species of this family were known, and five of them were discovered in the last seven years.

4. Miniature frog with changing skin surface

In a remote foggy forest in the Andes of Ecuador, a frog has been discovered that is no larger than the size of a human fingernail. The little amphibian, known as the mutable narrowmouth, can change its skin texture from scratchy to smooth right before your eyes, in just a few minutes. It was discovered in the Reserva Las Gralarias, a Mecca of biodiversity, where new species of butterflies and birds, as well as a species of unique glass frog, were discovered back in 2012.

3The prehistoric crocodile ate shellfish

The types of crocodiles known to science are certainly scary. Recently, however, the remains of a crocodile with cone-shaped teeth and a shovel-shaped mouth were found in the Amazon in the northeast of Peru. It is believed that this species of crocodiles lived on our planet about 13 million years ago in the primitive swamps of Peru. According to scientists, this crocodile used its unique mouth to scoop up the molluscs it ate. The mouth of this crocodile, pictured above, was flat and wide, while the crocodiles we are used to have narrow mouths.

2 Ancient Owl Was Unique

For many years, the beautiful species of owl remained included in a group of owls called the tawny owl. It fell victim to misidentification and was incorrectly included in the category of the Golden-eyed Desert Owl. Scientists rechecked the bird's feathers and body characteristics, as well as its DNA, and found that its DNA differs by about 10 percent from that of the tawny owl. Wow!

1. Replenishment in the group of twinkling oonopid spiders

Researchers in Madagascar recently celebrated the discovery of five new species of tiny twinkling spiders. The body length of these small shimmering arachnids ranges from 1 to 3 millimeters. They have even been separated into a separate genus called Volborattella based on their unique appearance, including genitalia that are unlike those of their closest relatives. Can you tell the difference between the sexes of the spiders in the photo?


1. Spider acrobat.

Cebrennus rechenbergi is called the "flick-flac spider" in English. The spider was found by Ingo Rechenberg, a German professor of bionics. The acrobat spider lives in the Irk asz-Szabbi desert in southeastern Morocco. It is nocturnal and feeds on moths. During the day, it hides from predators and the hot sun in special minks that look like long pipes in the sand. When he feels a blackout, he runs away. It's okay, you say. But the way he does it might surprise you. He uses the spectacular flick-flac method, that is, he makes a series of acrobatic flips, while developing speeds of up to two meters per second. (Photo: Ingo Rechenberg).

2. Antechinus arktos is a small marsupial found in Australia.

Antechinus Arktos is similar to small marsupial mice, it is nocturnal and feeds mainly on insects. It lives in the highlands in the northern part of the Springbrook National Park in the eastern regions of Australia. It has brown-orange fur, a long black tail, and black paws. It was discovered by Andrew Baker. (Photo: Gary Cranitch).

3. Jellyfish Pelagia benovici.

Last fall, fishermen off the coast of Venice began catching hundreds of an unusual species of jellyfish. They had never seen anything like this before. The jellyfish sparkled with a yellow-amber color, which attracted the attention of scientists, who soon classified them as a new species of jellyfish - Pelagia benovici. (Photo: Fabrizio Marcuzzo).

4. Marine organisms Dendrogramma.

This is probably the most important discovery of this year. We are dealing with completely new organisms, of which the only thing that can be said so far is that they are animals. They do not fit the description of any existing type of animal. Researchers point to the similarities of these marine organisms with organisms that existed… 600 million years ago. It is possible that the Dendrogramma are descendants of primitive animals belonging to the extinct phylum Trilobozoa. (Photo: Jean Just).

5. Spider, hypnotizing dance.

Maratus pardus - This cute little spider belongs to the jumping spider family. It is also called the peacock spider, because of the very colorful abdomen, which it bends so much that it can flatten it over its own head. These spiders were found in the swampy area of ​​the Cape Le Grand National Park, in the southwestern part of Australia. (Photo: Jurgen Otto).

6. Gramastacus lacus.

Gramastacus Lacus are also called eastern marsh crayfish, as they live in swamps and lakes on the coast of New South Wales, in the southeastern part of Australia. They were discovered by Robert McCormack. These are very small crayfish, weighing an average of 5 grams, and about 2 centimeters long. They differ from other species in that they have very large pointed genital warts. (Photo: Robert B McCormack).

7. Hesperochernes bradybaughi or false scorpions.

Pseudoscorpions resemble small scorpions, only without a tail segment with a poisonous needle. That is why they are called false scorpions. These miniature animals, measuring about 3 millimeters in length, are fully adapted to life in a dark cave - they do not have eyes. They were found in one of the caves in Arizona, in the protected area of ​​Parashant, on the northern edge of the Grand Canyon. (Photo: J. Judson Wynne, Northern Arizona University).

8. Rana kauffeldi frog.

Imagine that this new species of frog was discovered on Staten Island, New York, in a densely populated agglomeration of one of the largest cities in the world. The discovery was made by Jeremy Feinberg. (Photo: Brian R. Curry).

9. Asbestopluma Monticola - carnivorous sponges.

Carnivorous sponges were discovered by a team of researchers from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and the Canadian Research Institute. They grow on the ocean floor, close to energy sources such as hydrothermal vents and underwater volcanoes. In appearance, these are delicate creatures, however, they can absorb their prey in just a few hours and begin to digest it. And after a few days, only an empty shell remains from the victim. Carnivorous sponges were discovered at a depth of 1280 meters, on top of the underwater volcano Davidson, off the coast of California. (Photo: 2006 MBARI).

10. Macroscelides micus is a new species of jumpers from the genus short-eared jumpers.

They resemble mice with long noses, but are actually close relatives of…elephants. This new animal species was discovered and described by a group of scientists led by John Dumbacher.

Interestingly, in order to study this species, scientists had to travel nine times to the Namib Desert. Every night they set 50 to 200 traps and used peanut butter and oatmeal as bait. In total, they managed to catch 21 different jumping bugs, of which 15 turned out to be a new species of Macroscelides micus. (Photo: Jack Dumbacher).

11. Peruvian toad Rhinella yunga.

The new toad was discovered in the Peruvian rainforests by a Czech-Peruvian-American team of scientists led by Jiri Moravec of the National Museum in Prague. The toad was named Rhinella yunga, and the Quechua word yunga means "warm valley". The toad lives in central Peru, west of Lima, in the transitional forest zone separating the Yanachaga-Chemillén National Park and the Pui-Pui Protected Forest. These toads live under a layer of fallen leaves. (Photo: Jiri Moravec).

12. Fish Amblyopsis hoosieri.

This new species of cave fish was discovered in Indiana, USA. These pink blind fish have their anus at the back of the head. :-) Scientists still cannot explain such an unusual location, in the end, not without reason, the head and anus in animals, as a rule, are at a distance from each other. The researchers suggest that perhaps such a system helps these fish in reproduction (the female reproductive organs are located near the anus). Amblyopsis hoosieri inhabit shallow waters in karst caves. (Photo: M.L. Niemiller).

13. Pithecia pissinatti monkeys.

The discovery of new mammals is an extremely rare event. However, this year scientists have discovered five new monkeys in South America. They are called saki - these are small monkeys with long fluffy tails, with naked, black muzzles. They live in small groups consisting of 2-9 individuals: as a rule, this is a pair of adults with several young monkeys. (Photo: Ricardo Sampaio).

14. Gecko Paroedura hordiesi.

Madagascar is inhabited by dozens of gecko species. A German-French team of scientists found another species of this animal, named Paroedura hordiesi, after the German naturalist Freddi Hordiesa. Geckos are nocturnal, as evidenced by vertical pupils. And their distinctive feature is the square shape of the limbs. They were found in the ruins of a French fortress in the north of Madagascar, in the Montagne des Français reserve, and according to the description of scientists, the geckos there skillfully merge with the background of the ruins and rocky terrain. (Photo: Frank Glaw)

15. Electrotettix attenboroughi.

This is the only currently non-living species on our list of discoveries, but very interesting from an evolutionary point of view. Electrotettix attenboroughi is a grasshopper discovered by Sam Heads, Jared Thomas and Yinan Wang. Electrotettix attenboroughi lived 18 to 20 million years ago, feeding on moss, fungi and algae. (Photo: Illinois University).

16. Frog from the genus Micrixalus.

Frogs of the genus Micrixalus can only be found in the Western Ghats, mountains in southern India. They are called dancing frogs because of their unusual behavior during the mating season. Males, in addition to noisy sounds, in order to attract the attention of females, swing their legs very interestingly, while they also manage to drive away other males with their paws. Scientists believe that they appeared on Earth about ... 85 million years ago. Unfortunately, this species is in danger of extinction. (Photo: Sathyabhama Das Biju).

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Animals are the most sincere creatures on the planet. They will always be our inexhaustible source of positive, good mood and role model.

website collects touching, funny and kind stories about our smaller brothers, and these are the animals that, for various reasons, fascinated us this year.


We believe that love and care can transform anyone. Even the ones found in the trash or in the shoe box. All year long we have been collecting for you touching photos of animals that are alive thanks to human love.

A caring family from Florida, USA, found an unfortunate kitten on the side of the road. They took him home and diligently looked after him until he finally recovered. How surprised they were when, over time, he turned into an incredibly fluffy snow-white handsome man.

Strong friendship

This friendly golden retriever's name is Bob. He lives in São Paulo, Brazil, along with his owner, a hamster and 8 assorted birds. Bob is probably one of the most peaceful creatures in the world: he not only gets along well with all these guys, but also seems to get real pleasure posing for joint photos.

An unusual story happened in the Primorsky safari park, where a tiger named Amur coexists in an enclosure with a goat. The goat, destined for the tiger as live prey, unexpectedly for everyone was able to repulse the predator and for his courage received the nickname Timur. The story did not end there: two such completely different animals were soon able to make friends.


Every morning, a girl with her mother fills a bird drinker in the yard with fresh water and pours unshelled peanuts into a specially made tray. After a meal, shiny trinkets begin to appear in the tray - earrings, loops, glass, balls ... For a girl, this collection is more precious than gold. Every thing in it was brought by crows.

A young man from South Africa saved a wounded owl from death. In two months, she recovered and even became friends with a house cat. He could not even imagine that then every time, flying out of the house in the evenings, she would return to him with "gifts".

Sense of humor

An ordinary dentist from Alaska, Timothy, nicknamed the Tooth Ninja, became famous on the Internet for his instagram. In his profile you can see the life of his funniest dogs, which he simply adores. We enjoyed looking at the fun life of these guys.

Megan and Chris decided to do a beautiful pre-wedding photo shoot with their dog Louie. They hired professionals, prepared, but left out one thing: Louis had his own way of making their pictures really memorable. He frolicked as best he could, sparing no effort, and jumped right in front of the camera, each time trying to obscure the groom in the photo.

The size

Meet the Hulk, probably the biggest pit bull in the world. Despite its awesome size, it is a very kind and loyal dog. Many people are afraid of pit bulls, but the Hulk is a devoted friend who will never offend a person, and always greets guests with joy.

Whatever the dog, she needs only one thing - the love of the owner. And, even if the pet is not inferior in size to a well-fed pony, no one has canceled hugs, on-duty scratching of the tummy and everything else.

Maine Coon is one of the largest domesticated cat breeds. In 2010, the Guinness Book of Records, for example, got the cat Stewie, whose size was 123 cm from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. Maine Coons can weigh up to 16 kg. The origins of their breed are shrouded in mystery. But, despite its fantasticness, the most powerful myth is that it is a cross between a cat and a raccoon.

Acting talent

10. Striped monitor lizards (Water Monitor Lizards)

Exploring the black market can be dangerous, especially in other countries where you stand out as a foreigner and don't have any acquaintances. But sometimes the risk is worth it. Rafe Brown, curator at the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute, recently visited the black market in Manila, Philippines with his friends and came across two new species of banded monitor lizards. The monitor lizards for sale were genetically exclusive species previously unknown in the world of science. Despite the fact that most of the characteristics of lizards, such as body shapes and sizes, were similar to others, they are endemic to a separate island and an isolated peninsula. Most likely, nothing was known about them for many years.

9. Jumper (Titi Monkey)

If you ask someone to describe the Amazonian rainforest, you'll likely hear a bunch of words like lush, green, huge ecosystem, cascading vegetation like a huge multi-level jadeite palace teeming with thousands of stunning animal species. While this description is certainly true, this wondrous jungle also includes white sandy forests. These forests, located on both banks of the Blanco River in Peru, are very rare and occupy only one percent of the entire Peruvian Amazon. Last year, a team from the Field Museum of Natural History documented an astounding 1,751 new species in the region in 17 days. Among these species is a new species of monkey. According to Corine Vriesendorp, environmentalist and conservationist, Jumper "Either a new species or a previously unknown color variant of the copper jumper (Callicebus cupreus). And you were only in the souvenir shop during your vacation!

8 The New Indochinese Worm

Source 7A bird species documented 15 years later

While the Amazon rainforest is a favorite pilgrimage destination for scientists, the Indonesian island of Sulawesi is largely underestimated in terms of its potential for finding new species, especially in the field of ornithology. The Sulawesian striped tyrant was first seen in 1997. However, a new species of this songbird was recognized as real only in 2014. In fact, the new species is only distantly related to the gray striped tyrant it was originally thought to be. The new species has shorter wings, a shorter tail, a more twisted beak and more subtle sounds than its closest relative.

6. Fororacos or terrible bird from ancient times is still frightening

We all admired in museums the skeletons of giant carnivorous birds that lived on Earth millions of years ago. They reached 3 meters in height and roamed the plains and mountains, untouched by smaller predators. Scientists recently finished assembling the skeleton, 90 percent of which they found in 2010 in Mar del Plata, Argentina. The aptly named dire bird had unique vocal and anatomical features. You can bet that dire birds will be in horror movies soon.

5. Tiny and adorable lizards found in the Andes

Three new species of lizards that look even more adorable than the dragons from the animated film How to Train Your Dragon have been discovered in the Andes of Peru and Ecuador. The body length of these lizards ranges from 5 to 10 centimeters, and their curious eyes, richly decorated skin and rows of colorful spikes make them simply irresistible. Before this discovery, only 12 species of this family were known, and five of them were discovered in the last seven years.

4. Miniature frog with changing skin surface

In a remote foggy forest in the Andes of Ecuador, a frog has been discovered that is no larger than the size of a human fingernail. The little amphibian, known as the mutable narrowmouth, can change its skin texture from scratchy to smooth right before your eyes, in just a few minutes. It was discovered in the Reserva Las Gralarias, a Mecca of biodiversity, where new species of butterflies and birds, as well as a species of unique glass frog, were discovered back in 2012.

3The prehistoric crocodile ate shellfish

The types of crocodiles known to science are certainly scary. Recently, however, the remains of a crocodile with cone-shaped teeth and a shovel-shaped mouth were found in the Amazon in the northeast of Peru. It is believed that this species of crocodiles lived on our planet about 13 million years ago in the primitive swamps of Peru. According to scientists, this crocodile used its unique mouth to scoop up the molluscs it ate. The mouth of this crocodile, pictured above, was flat and wide, while the crocodiles we are used to have narrow mouths.

2 Ancient Owl Was Unique

For many years, the beautiful species of owl remained included in a group of owls called the tawny owl. It fell victim to misidentification and was incorrectly included in the category of the Golden-eyed Desert Owl. Scientists rechecked the bird's feathers and body characteristics, as well as its DNA, and found that its DNA differs by about 10 percent from that of the tawny owl. Wow!

1. Replenishment in the group of twinkling oonopid spiders

Researchers in Madagascar recently celebrated the discovery of five new species of tiny twinkling spiders. The body length of these small shimmering arachnids ranges from 1 to 3 millimeters. They have even been separated into a separate genus called Volborattella based on their unique appearance, including genitalia that are unlike those of their closest relatives. Can you tell the difference between the sexes of the spiders in the photo?

Nothing fills a movie theater faster than a film about the discovery of a new species. It doesn't even matter if this species is friendly or not, whether it jumps out of a person's stomach or remains forgotten by its spaceship (as in the movie "Alien"). People will enjoy watching the movie even if the new species looks scary instead of charming, or if he came to Earth to destroy it or to experiment on a couple of earthlings. If a new species doesn't look like a human, it's safe to say that people will want to look at it.

Despite our fascination with unusual animals born in the minds of writers, we often forget the new species that actually exist, the ones that scientists discover every year around the world. The voices against genetically engineered foods grow louder every year (do people really like watermelons with seeds more?) and drown out reports of the discovery of new species, with the result that Mother Nature does not receive any reverence for her merits in creating these new creatures.

None of the new species discovered in 2015 have been found in the US, yet US residents will be able to see them at nature science fairs across the country. At least on the Internet you can find hundreds of photos of these species and once again admire the most breathtaking natural wonders in the world.

10. Striped monitor lizards (Water Monitor Lizards)

Exploring the black market can be dangerous, especially in other countries where you stand out as a foreigner and don't have any acquaintances. But sometimes the risk is worth it. Rafe Brown, curator at the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute, recently visited the black market in Manila, Philippines with his friends and came across two new species of banded monitor lizards. The monitor lizards for sale were genetically exclusive species previously unknown in the world of science. Despite the fact that most of the characteristics of lizards, such as body shapes and sizes, were similar to others, they are endemic to a separate island and an isolated peninsula. Most likely, nothing was known about them for many years.

9. Jumper (Titi Monkey)

If you ask someone to describe the Amazonian rainforest, you'll likely hear a bunch of words like lush, green, huge ecosystem, cascading vegetation like a huge multi-level jadeite palace teeming with thousands of stunning animal species. While this description is certainly true, this wondrous jungle also includes white sandy forests. These forests, located on both banks of the Blanco River in Peru, are very rare and occupy only one percent of the entire Peruvian Amazon. Last year, a team from the Field Museum of Natural History documented an astounding 1,751 new species in the region in 17 days. Among these species is a new species of monkey. According to Corine Vriesendorp, environmentalist and conservationist, Jumper "Either a new species or a previously unknown color variant of the copper jumper (Callicebus cupreus). And you were only in the souvenir shop during your vacation!

Source 7A bird species documented 15 years later

While the Amazon rainforest is a favorite pilgrimage destination for scientists, the Indonesian island of Sulawesi is largely underestimated in terms of its potential for finding new species, especially in the field of ornithology. The Sulawesian striped tyrant was first seen in 1997. However, the new look of this chanter birds was recognized as real only in 2014. In fact, the new species is only distantly related to the gray striped tyrant it was originally thought to be. The new species has shorter wings, a shorter tail, a more twisted beak and more subtle sounds than its closest relative.

6. Fororacos or terrible bird from ancient times is still frightening

We all admired in museums the skeletons of giant carnivorous birds that lived on Earth millions of years ago. They reached 3 meters in height and roamed the plains and mountains, untouched by smaller predators. Scientists recently finished assembling the skeleton, 90 percent of which they found in 2010 in Mar del Plata, Argentina. The aptly named dire bird had unique vocal and anatomical features. You can bet that dire birds will be in horror movies soon.

5. Tiny and adorable lizards found in the Andes

Three new species of lizards that look even more adorable than the dragons from the animated film How to Train Your Dragon have been discovered in the Andes of Peru and Ecuador. The body length of these lizards ranges from 5 to 10 centimeters, and their curious eyes, richly decorated skin and rows of colorful spikes make them simply irresistible. Before this discovery, only 12 species of this family were known, and five of them were discovered in the last seven years.

4. Miniature frog with changing skin surface

In a remote foggy forest in the Andes of Ecuador, a frog has been discovered that is no larger than the size of a human fingernail. The little amphibian, known as the mutable narrowmouth, can change its skin texture from scratchy to smooth right before your eyes, in just a few minutes. It was discovered in the Reserva Las Gralarias, a Mecca of biodiversity, where new species of butterflies and birds, as well as a species of unique glass frog, were discovered back in 2012.

3The prehistoric crocodile ate shellfish

The types of crocodiles known to science are certainly scary. Recently, however, the remains of a crocodile with cone-shaped teeth and a shovel-shaped mouth were found in the Amazon in the northeast of Peru. It is believed that this species of crocodiles lived on our planet about 13 million years ago in the primitive swamps of Peru. According to scientists, this crocodile used its unique mouth to scoop up the molluscs it ate. The mouth of this crocodile, pictured above, was flat and wide, while the crocodiles we are used to have narrow mouths.

2 Ancient Owl Was Unique

For many years a beautiful view owls remained included in a group of owls called the tawny owl. It fell victim to misidentification and was incorrectly included in the category of the Golden-eyed Desert Owl. Scientists rechecked the bird's feathers and body characteristics, as well as its DNA, and found that its DNA differs by about 10 percent from that of the tawny owl. Wow!

1. Replenishment in the group of twinkling oonopid spiders

Researchers in Madagascar recently celebrated the discovery of five new species of tiny twinkling spiders. The body length of these small shimmering arachnids ranges from 1 to 3 millimeters. They have even been separated into a separate genus called Volborattella based on their unique appearance, including genitalia that are unlike those of their closest relatives. Can you tell the difference between the sexes of the spiders in the photo?

These scientists-researchers are just great!