Queen Elizabeth's attitude towards Kate Middleton. Kate Middleton spoke about the special relationship between George, Charlotte and Queen Elizabeth II. Elizabeth II thinks Kate has bad taste

The Royal Windsor family has always been distinguished by a sense of humor - subtle, sometimes incomprehensible, and sometimes downright strange. In a word, typical British. The ability to make a witty joke is valued here as highly as the ability to gracefully curtsy or talk casually about horses and the weather in London. We have collected 20 of the most interesting and non-trivial jokes of the British royal family, proving that the Windsors are real masters of trolling.

#1 Before Kate Middleton's first birth in 2013, when the Duchess was about to give birth, Queen Elizabeth joked that she was giving her eight more days. “It depends on whether I go on vacation!”

#2 Prince William tried to relieve tension during his wedding ceremony and joked constantly. For example, he told his future father-in-law and fiancee that it was “a small family affair, that’s all.”

#3 After the wedding of William and Kate, Queen Elizabeth was invited to once again admire the bride’s outfit at a special exhibition. However, Her Majesty, looking at the dress, unexpectedly said to everyone: “It’s creepy, isn’t it? Creepy and terrifying! The point was that the outfit was put on a mannequin without a head, and everything said, naturally, did not relate to the outfit, but to the resulting image of a headless bride. And the Queen, obviously, simply decided to reduce the degree of solemnity of the moment.

#4 At a reception at an Australian university, Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip were introduced to a couple - Mister and Doctor Robinson. The man noticed that his wife is a Ph.D. and that her person is much more important than him. To which Prince Philip replied: “Oh yes. Our family has exactly the same problem.”

#5 At the 2012 London Marathon, Prince Harry promised that William and Kate would run the marathon next year. When Harry was asked the following year where his brother and his wife were, he replied: “He’s old and she’s pregnant.”

#6 After the birth of his first grandchild, Prince Charles was asked if he was happy to finally become a grandfather. The prince replied: “Very! It’s also great that you can always give your grandchildren back to their parents.”

#7 At the opening of the Royal Navy Center after Prince George's birth in 2013, his uncle was asked how Prince Charles reacted to the news. After Harry had said a few formal phrases, he suddenly noted: “He already has one grandchild - so no pressure on me.”

#9 During one of the gala banquets on the occasion of Her Majesty's 90th birthday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau noted in his speech that he is the 12th leader of his country to change during the reign of Elizabeth II. The monarch began her response speech with gratitude: “Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister of Canada, for making me feel so old.”

Trudeau later tweeted that in his eyes, the Queen is "always young."

#10 In 2016, at a charity gala, the Duchess of Cambridge praised the menu on offer, saying: “William constantly has to put up with my cooking.” “That’s why I’m so skinny,” the Duke of Cambridge joked in response.

#11 Before his trip to the United States for the next Invictus Games, Prince Harry admitted that children rarely believe that he is a real prince because he does not wear a crown. "I'm afraid that American children, especially those who grew up watching Disney cartoons, will tell me: 'You're not a prince, you're not even dressed like a prince.' I think I'll have to bring the crown, the robe, and the old pointy shoes this time."

#12 “The biggest lesson I learned as a child was never make your grandmother angry,” Prince William.

#13 During the traditional flower show in Chelsea, one of the participants told Her Majesty how in ancient times people considered lilies of the valley to be a poisonous plant. “I was given two bouquets this week,” replied the Queen. “They probably want me to die quickly.”

#14 The Windsor family loves to make fun of one of their hereditary features: many men in the royal family, as a rule, go bald very early. The favorite object of jokes is Prince William, whom every family member without exception seems to make fun of. For example, during one visit, when he and his wife were being shown the process of shearing a sheep, Catherine looked at the remains of wool, then looked at William's bald head and said: “Yes, you need this more than I do.”

#15 However, the Duke of Cambridge is also characterized by self-irony. During one visit, William met a barber named Taz Cabria, remarking, "Oh, I wouldn't give you too much trouble."

#16 During the filming of a documentary about herself, Elizabeth II was giving an interview to the presenter, when suddenly their conversation was interrupted by the roar of a flying helicopter. “And why do they fly by precisely when you are having a conversation? This helicopter makes just as much noise as President Trump or President Obama,” the Queen noted.

#17 When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Poland, they were given a children's toy that was designed for an age that George and Charlotte had long outgrown. Looking at the gift, Katherine said: “Now we will have to have more children.” Who would have thought that the joke would become prophetic?

#18 When Prince William was asked to comment on his younger brother's engagement to Meghan Markle, the Duke of Cambridge responded: “Catherine and I are very happy for them both and wish them every happiness. I personally hope that Harry will now stay away from my refrigerator and stop stealing my food like he has been doing for the last few years.”

#19 But the Duchess of Cornwall commented on the engagement of Harry and Meghan like this: “I’m very happy for them. As they say, America's loss is our gain."

#20 When Prince Harry was asked how he asked his brother to be his best man at his wedding, the future Duke of Sussex replied: “I got down on one knee.” "This is amazing. “I’m excited and happy,” added Prince William and did not miss the opportunity to joke. ─ My revenge will be sweet" (

Lovers and mistresses, illegitimate children and contract killings... We understand the most notorious scandals associated with the heirs of the British crown.

Queen Elizabeth was given birth to by a cook

February 6, 2017 marked 55 years since Elizabeth II became Queen of Great Britain. Of course, for such a long period of time, ill-wishers and envious people spread all sorts of gossip about her. But writer Colin Campbell, having published the biographical book “The Queen Mother,” went further than anyone else. She released information that Elizabeth II actually cannot boast of the purity of royal blood. According to Campbell, her grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, was born as a result of a vicious relationship between Claude Bowes-Lyon (14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne) and a cook. The writer says that the count confessed to his sins on his deathbed, explaining that necessity pushed him into such a relationship.

Future Queen Mother Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon in her youth

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Queen Mother Elizabeth celebrating her 50th birthday, 1950

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The fact is that Claude's wife Lady Cecilia, having lost one of her beloved eldest daughters, Violet, who died of defteritis, fell into deep despair, which affected her health. She could no longer have children, so her husband decided to “give” her a new daughter, whose care, in the opinion of the resourceful count, was supposed to ease Cecilia’s suffering. He called the cook to help. Apparently, to consolidate the result, through joint efforts the couple also produced a son, David, to the delight of the count’s wife. It must be said that in those days such “surrogate mothers” were not uncommon. Noble men, whose wives for some reason could not give birth, resorted to their services.

Moreover, society did not condemn this fact at all - if the bastard was accepted by his father, he had all the rights and privileges befitting an heir. Two facts speak in favor of the reliability of this version. Firstly, Elizabeth herself, talking about the circumstances and place of her birth, was constantly confused, putting forward different versions. Secondly, after the publication of this information, there were no denials from the royal court. Moreover, it is known that the illustrations for this book were provided by members of the royal family.

Actress Evelyn Lay - mistress of King George VI, 1922

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George VI was cured of his stutter by his mistress

Continuing the theme of the difficult fate of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (mother of the now reigning Elizabeth II), it is worth telling one interesting detail that perfectly illustrates the duplicity of the relationship between the royals. Having married Prince Albert, Elizabeth became his wonderful wife. Let's ignore the fact that initially Liz did not want to make him happy at all, since she was in love with his much more attractive brother David. But he did not react to Elizabeth in any way, and therefore, on the third attempt, she finally decided to become Albert’s wife. He was not so attractive, since he had a completely unforgivable vice for a monarch - he stuttered terribly. To overcome this problem, Liz decided to join forces with... her husband's mistress! She was a lady nicknamed Boo - actress Evelyn Lei. It was she who, at the request of Elizabeth, who, of course, knew about the nature of her husband’s relationship with this young lady, found for Albert a talented stage speech teacher and speech therapist, Lionel Logue. On his instructions, Boo studied singing with King Albert (after the coronation of George VI), and his wife Elizabeth did breathing exercises.

Princess Elizabeth (Elizabeth II), 1926

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Elizabeth II was born from a test tube

In general, according to numerous evidence, it is known that the father of Elizabeth II had many mistresses in addition to the actress Evelyn Lay. Elizabeth, who did not burn with passion for her husband, was not particularly worried about Albert’s affairs. She was even friends with his passions. However, according to the writer Colleen Campbell, this family idyll was still destined to collapse, as the prince’s parents wanted to have heirs. True, according to Colin, the couple got out of this situation without violating the established distance. They resorted to artificial insemination. This process was supervised by the famous doctor Walter Jagger. Also, according to the book, Margaret, the younger sister of Elizabeth II, was born from a test tube.

King George VI with his wife Queen Elizabeth and daughters Elizabeth and Margaret, 1931

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Why Edward VIII was not allowed to marry for love

No matter how much the British crown wanted to disown this fact, sending the culprits away, it was not possible to hide the greatest love story between the heir to the throne Edward and a simple American divorcee Wallis Simpson. On December 10, 1936, Edward VIII, having been king for ten months, abdicated the throne. In a speech he gave over the radio the next day, the former king confessed to his people: “I have found it impossible... to perform the duties of a king without the help and support of the woman I love.” And he loved a simple American woman, Wallis Simpson. She was not young, not pretty, was married at the time of the affair with the king, and did not have the graceful manners necessary to stay at court. Elizabeth immediately hated this woman. Edward was the brother of her husband Prince Albert. And, as we mentioned above, initially Liz was determined to marry him, and chose her younger brother because she had nowhere to go. Of course, she was irritated by the fact that a simple American woman with no special abilities could turn Edward’s head.

Wallis and Edward, 1940

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Elizabeth decided to prevent their happiness at all costs. It was at her instigation that Wallis was tried on a ridiculous charge. She was charged with the fact that she, supposedly possessing some outlandish sexual techniques that she learned in China, subjugated the will of the king and was able to blackmail him. Of course, no one found evidence, and the charges were dropped. But this fact greatly influenced the cabinet ministers when they decided the fate of this connection. Edward was not allowed to marry a woman with such a vicious reputation. Of course, Wallis's background and her status as a divorced woman played a role, but Elizabeth's hatred seriously aggravated the problem. In the end, she was the one who won. No one expected such a turn, but Edward chose love between love and the throne. Elizabeth's husband, Prince Albert, became king.

How Prince Charles waited 35 years to be reunited with his beloved

At the time of the wedding of the century - Charles and Diana Spencer, the prince's romance with Camilla Parker had already lasted nine years. The young people loved each other, but the Queen Mother did not give Charles permission for this marriage. Camilla was known for her novels and did not seem to Elizabeth II a worthy candidate. The fact is that the royal family was always afraid that former lovers would begin to wash dirty linen in public, which would damage the prince’s reputation.

Princess Diana and her rival Camilla, 1980

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As a result, the queen chose Diana for Charles as his wife, which doomed her, her son, and Camilla to misfortune. Parker specifically married the womanizer and rake Andrew Parker-Bowles, who, with his constant affairs, opened the way for her to retaliate. She cheated on her husband, of course, with Charles. Diana knew about this whole story, but could not force Camilla out of her husband’s heart. It is unknown how long all this would have lasted if one day a recording of a telephone conversation between Charles and his mistress, where the couple communicated more than frivolously, had not accidentally leaked to the press. It was a terrible blow to the reputation, after which it was pointless to maintain the appearance of an idyll between the prince and his wife Diana. The prince wanted a divorce to reunite with his beloved, but Diana's death in 1997 pushed them away again, as people perceived Camilla as a destroyer of the family. Only in 2000 did Charles officially introduce his beloved to his mother, and in 2005, after a 35-year romance, the couple got married.

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The vicious affairs of the “saint” Diana

In the 2013 biopic Diana: A Love Story, the director showed us one of Diana's romances - with heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. In the film, the story looks very romantic, and an uninformed viewer may get the impression that this man was the princess’s only passion. Who knows, perhaps this novel differed from others in its depth of feeling, but it was certainly not the only one. When marrying the Prince of Wales, Diana, of course, knew about his love affair, but apparently hoped to oust Camilla from her husband’s heart. When the princess realized that this was impossible, she began to desperately take revenge.

Diana with her bodyguard Barry Mannaki

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In total, according to Lady Di's biographers, she had five official lovers and about eight unofficial ones. Apparently, in order to prick her husband more painfully, Diana chose the most unexpected candidates as partners. In 1985-1986, she was in a close relationship with her bodyguard Barry Mannaki. At the same time, for a long time no one knew how serious the feelings that the princess had for her subordinate were. In 1991, when a fragment of a frank interview was leaked to the press, the whole world learned that she was seriously considering leaving everything (including her sons) in order to run away with her lover.

Heart surgeon Hasnat Khan - Diana's lover

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Who is Prince Harry's father?

The royal court hid Diana's adventures as best they could as long as possible. But everything secret becomes clear. So, for example, Diana did not make any special efforts to veil one of her most scandalous novels - with riding instructor James Hewitt. This novel also became scandalous because Diana’s second son, Prince Harry, was born painfully similar to the red-haired James. Butler Paula Burrell added fuel to the fire, who wrote in his memoirs that during her intimate relationships Diana preferred not to use protection... It would seem that all these speculations could have been stopped by a simple DNA test. But this procedure was never officially done. Why is unknown. Perhaps the court simply does not want to stoop to refuting rumors that discredit the reputation of the crown. Or maybe Elizabeth II has reason to fear that the DNA of her grandson and son may not match.

Prince Harry

36-year-old Kate Middleton and 37-year-old are both duchesses of Great Britain. The former actress became the Duchess of Sussex, and the “simpleton” became the Duchess of Cambridge. Both are related to their grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, but are they really close?

Elizabeth II's relationship with her daughters-in-law

An insider close to the royal family told InTouc that the queen is "trying not to play favorites." However, if you compare how both girls entered the royal family, it becomes clear that Megan was made, and not alone.

Catherine Middleton had to wait almost ten years to marry the prince and sit at the same table with Her Majesty at Christmas. The American actress only needed six months to do this. At the beginning of 2017, she began a relationship with Harry, and already in December she was invited to Sandringham, where the queen celebrates the New Year holidays every year.

It is interesting that they did not want to see Catherine in the ranks of royalty because of her relatives, and in the case of Megan, they turned a blind eye to many things - she is an American, a divorcee, dark-skinned, and even three years older than Prince Harry.

In any case, apparently, the queen has a good relationship with the beauty. When the couple made their first public appearance together, they "chatted about everything from how Meghan is adapting to royal life to her charitable plans."

Just a month after the wedding, Elizabeth II and Meghan went to an event in Cheshire. It took Kate a whole year to go out with the queen for the first time.

As soon as the star moved to Kensington Palace, many were concerned about how they were shaping up. The body language expert answered this question, noting that there was an absolute understanding between the monarch and the Suits star. The actress shows love to the queen, whom she likes very much.

The Royal Windsor family has always been distinguished by a sense of humor - subtle, sometimes incomprehensible, and sometimes downright strange. In a word, typical British. The ability to make a witty joke is valued here as highly as the ability to gracefully curtsy or talk casually about horses and the weather in London. We have collected 20 of the most interesting and non-trivial jokes of the British royal family, proving that the Windsors are real masters of trolling.

#1 Before Kate Middleton's first birth in 2013, when the Duchess was about to give birth, Queen Elizabeth joked that she was giving her eight more days. “It depends on whether I go on vacation!”

#2 Prince William tried to relieve tension during his wedding ceremony and joked constantly. For example, he told his future father-in-law and fiancee that it was “a small family affair, that’s all.”

#3 After the wedding of William and Kate, Queen Elizabeth was invited to once again admire the bride’s outfit at a special exhibition. However, Her Majesty, looking at the dress, unexpectedly said to everyone: “It’s creepy, isn’t it? Creepy and terrifying! The point was that the outfit was put on a mannequin without a head, and everything said, naturally, did not relate to the outfit, but to the resulting image of a headless bride. And the Queen, obviously, simply decided to reduce the degree of solemnity of the moment.

#4 At a reception at an Australian university, Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip were introduced to a couple - Mister and Doctor Robinson. The man noticed that his wife is a Ph.D. and that her person is much more important than him. To which Prince Philip replied: “Oh yes. Our family has exactly the same problem.”

#5 At the 2012 London Marathon, Prince Harry promised that William and Kate would run the marathon next year. When Harry was asked the following year where his brother and his wife were, he replied: “He’s old and she’s pregnant.”

#6 After the birth of his first grandchild, Prince Charles was asked if he was happy to finally become a grandfather. The prince replied: “Very! It’s also great that you can always give your grandchildren back to their parents.”

#7 At the opening of the Royal Navy Center after Prince George's birth in 2013, his uncle was asked how Prince Charles reacted to the news. After Harry had said a few formal phrases, he suddenly noted: “He already has one grandchild - so no pressure on me.”

#9 During one of the gala banquets on the occasion of Her Majesty's 90th birthday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau noted in his speech that he is the 12th leader of his country to change during the reign of Elizabeth II. The monarch began her response speech with gratitude: “Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister of Canada, for making me feel so old.”

Trudeau later tweeted that in his eyes, the Queen is "always young."

#10 In 2016, at a charity gala, the Duchess of Cambridge praised the menu on offer, saying: “William constantly has to put up with my cooking.” “That’s why I’m so skinny,” the Duke of Cambridge joked in response.

#11 Before his trip to the United States for the next Invictus Games, Prince Harry admitted that children rarely believe that he is a real prince because he does not wear a crown. "I'm afraid that American children, especially those who grew up watching Disney cartoons, will tell me: 'You're not a prince, you're not even dressed like a prince.' I think I'll have to bring the crown, the robe, and the old pointy shoes this time."

#12 “The biggest lesson I learned as a child was never make your grandmother angry,” Prince William.

#13 During the traditional flower show in Chelsea, one of the participants told Her Majesty how in ancient times people considered lilies of the valley to be a poisonous plant. “I was given two bouquets this week,” replied the Queen. “They probably want me to die quickly.”

#14 The Windsor family loves to make fun of one of their hereditary features: many men in the royal family, as a rule, go bald very early. The favorite object of jokes is Prince William, whom every family member without exception seems to make fun of. For example, during one visit, when he and his wife were being shown the process of shearing a sheep, Catherine looked at the remains of wool, then looked at William's bald head and said: “Yes, you need this more than I do.”

#15 However, the Duke of Cambridge is also characterized by self-irony. During one visit, William met a barber named Taz Cabria, remarking, "Oh, I wouldn't give you too much trouble."

#16 During the filming of a documentary about herself, Elizabeth II was giving an interview to the presenter, when suddenly their conversation was interrupted by the roar of a flying helicopter. “And why do they fly by precisely when you are having a conversation? This helicopter makes just as much noise as President Trump or President Obama,” the Queen noted.

#17 When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Poland, they were given a children's toy that was designed for an age that George and Charlotte had long outgrown. Looking at the gift, Katherine said: “Now we will have to have more children.” Who would have thought that the joke would become prophetic?

#18 When Prince William was asked to comment on his younger brother's engagement to Meghan Markle, the Duke of Cambridge responded: “Catherine and I are very happy for them both and wish them every happiness. I personally hope that Harry will now stay away from my refrigerator and stop stealing my food like he has been doing for the last few years.”

#19 But the Duchess of Cornwall commented on the engagement of Harry and Meghan like this: “I’m very happy for them. As they say, America's loss is our gain."

#20 When Prince Harry was asked how he asked his brother to be his best man at his wedding, the future Duke of Sussex replied: “I got down on one knee.” "This is amazing. “I’m excited and happy,” added Prince William and did not miss the opportunity to joke. ─ My revenge will be sweet" (

There is an opinion that the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, quarreled with a relative of her own husband William, Queen Elizabeth II.

As many people know, it is not customary to make family problems public; because of this, you should not count on any statements from the British Crown. Journalists will have to get down to business.

Middleton wears wedges

This is exactly what Elizabeth II does not welcome. Surely she had already definitely thought that representatives of the famous family had never worn such shoes. Nevertheless, I would like to note that Kate is holding up well because she knows about the Queen’s contempt. She constantly appears at public events in such fashionable shoes.

Almost naked duchess on the cover of a magazine

Just five years ago, photographs appeared in a French publication showing the Duchess naked with her husband. The photos were taken during a joint vacation in a neighboring state. Of course, it is reasonable that the heirs to the throne went to court with the photographer’s statement. As it became known, Elizabeth II is outraged by Kate's nudity while on vacation.

In the fall of 2017, the court made a decision according to which the French publishing house was obliged to pay the Royal Family 100,000 euros. Agree, the amount is quite substantial.

Middleton's hairstyle

It is believed that the queen turned to her grandson with a request to cut his wife's hair. Why would that be? It turned out that Elizabeth II was against the fact that the girl’s hair looked disheveled and not neat. Because of this, gusts of wind can scatter the styling in all directions. Most recently, Kate, who is conservative in this matter, appeared with a long bob hairstyle. It is currently worn by many Hollywood superstars.

Kate doesn't work

According to available information, the queen is indignant because of the unsuccessful career of her grandson's chosen one. The most interesting thing is that not a single duchess could boast of this.

Elizabeth II does not approve of the Duchess's wardrobe

Some fashion lovers may claim that this skirt length is quite acceptable. And you must admit that Kate’s clothing style suits her very well, at least she looks feminine. But this could not have happened without the participation of the Queen of Great Britain, who persuaded Middleton to wear more modest outfits. Today, she does not appear in dresses that leave her knees exposed.

The Duchess is a real spender

Many people in the UK don't like Kate's big spending habits, not to mention Elizabeth II. Most recently, Middleton ordered a helicopter for herself, with a pilot costing about $4,000. Elizabeth travels constantly using trains, which cost her no more than $100. As soon as the media found out about the helicopter, the inhabitants of the kingdom were outraged. Kate’s press service immediately published an explanation: “A representative of the royal family can use VIP transport, but only when he has a serious event coming up that requires a person to quickly appear at a certain place.”

Kate abuses her position for profit

Elizabeth II suggests that Pippa Middleton began working at the British Printing House exactly four years ago thanks to her sister. It is believed that Kate helped her find a job.

She does not fulfill her royal obligations

Elizabeth II does not like the fact that her grandson’s wife spends her personal time on her own family. According to the Queen, it is not working properly. Kate must be at all social events, exhibitions, and charity evenings.

Children are not Kate's element

Most likely, some grandmothers believe that young people are not capable of anything. So, Elizabeth II did not like the fact that Middleton ignored family principles. Recently, she sent her child George to a regular school. According to royal tradition, all heirs were trained individually in their own home.

She was on the set of her favorite TV series

As it became known, Kate is simply crazy about Downton Abbey. As soon as the creators of the series received several prestigious awards in the field of cinema, the Duchess decided to personally congratulate them on this event. She came to the shooting of the series and expressed her opinion. The Queen did not like this incident.

Grandson spends more time with Kate

It is unlikely that the grandmother will like the fact that her own beloved grandson began to pay less attention to her. Prince William is constantly with his significant other.

She was with her husband at the final of the world tennis tournament

Also present at the tournament were: model Irina Shayk, actor Benedict Cumberbatch and his wife, actor Jude Law, Middleton’s relatives and many others. The Queen is outraged that Kate went to a not very serious event.

Children were involved in her sister's wedding

Many people know that William's son and daughter were considered the nicest guests at the wedding of Pippa Middleton and James Matthews. Elizabeth II wanted her relatives not to attend this wedding. As it turns out, there were two reasons for this. The Queen did not want the public to see her great-grandchildren at the ceremony. She was also afraid that photographs of little George would remain with Matthews, whom Elizabeth II greatly despises.

Middleton's mother drank alcohol in public

Well, like, what's the big deal? But Elizabeth II doesn't think so. Once there was a rugby match in Great Britain, where the Middleton family and Prince William gathered. Kate's mom decided to pour some wine and drink it. The country has a law that prohibits drinking strong alcoholic beverages on the mast. As soon as the security service noticed this, she was asked to leave the stadium.

Elizabeth II thinks Kate has bad taste

It became known that the Duchess used to seriously study Pole Dance. Ten years ago she had to give up her favorite pastime. When Kate married William, she decided to resume her career as a dancer. She was going to create a special hall for classes at her residence. The queen was so outraged by this that they quarreled and did not communicate for several days.