Familiarization with the world around the theme of wild animals. Lesson on acquaintance with the surrounding world in the senior group "wild animals of our region". Animals of our Kemerovo region

Summary of GCD on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group

on the topic: "Wild animals of our forests"


clarify and expand children's knowledge about the life of wild animals, their cubs (when the offspring of a bear appears; why hares are called "nastoviks";

consolidate knowledge about animal dwellings; habits; nutrition; How are they different from pets?

develop attention; the ability to talk about a wild animal expressively and emotionally;

enrich active and passive vocabulary: the name of wild animals; coordinate the noun with the adjective: “bear”, “hare”, “badger”, “wolf”;

cultivate a benevolent and careful attitude towards nature and its inhabitants.

move .

    Today we are talking about wild animals.

(we look at the illustrations).

verbalgame: "The animals went to the watering place"

On a hot day, along the forest path, the animals went to the watering hole, they go in a circle

For mom moose - stomped calf stomp their feet

For mom fox - sneaking fox sneaks

A hedgehog rolled behind mom hedgehog to sit down

A bear cub was walking behind the mother bear

Behind the mother squirrel - the squirrels galloped left and right on 2 legs

Behind the mother hare - oblique hares on straight 2 legs

The she-wolf led the cubs to put their hands forward

All the animals and children want to get drunk lean forward

    Today our children have prepared short stories about wild animals.

Mystery. "Angry touchy lives in the wilderness of the forest,

There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread ”(hedgehog)

(Children put on animal masks and go out to talk)

In winter, I sleep soundly, buried in a warm hole,

I have been preparing a stock since autumn: I have stocked mushrooms and berries.

Work hard, don't be lazy!

They woke me up and invited me to you guys

To tell you everything about yourself.

I would call a bear here, but he sleeps soundly in the den,

And you can't wake him up.

He has been saving his fat since autumn,

He ate a lot and drank a lot.

The bear and I have one job in winter -

Sleep tight and wait for spring.

caregiver . The hedgehog hedgehog boys are born immediately with needles, but they are soft and white.

“He sleeps in a den in winter, quietly snores,

And he wakes up, well, roars, what is his name ... (bear)

The bear arranges a lair in the thicket of the forest. The lair is a deep hole in the ground, it is warm in the lair. In February, the she-bear has cubs.

The teddy bear is covered with wool. Paws are strong, five-fingered, with large claws, and also dig the ground. Bears are omnivores.

caregiver . Guys, do you know why bear cubs are born in winter?

Bear cubs are born in winter, since only in winter does a bear have its own "home" - a lair. A bear that was awakened in winter is very dangerous not only for animals, but also for humans, since in winter it cannot find food for itself.

“Who threw a bump at the kids from high pines” (squirrel)

I am a squirrel, a cheerful animal, hopping and hopping through the trees.

But in winter I change, I change into a gray fur coat.

All autumn she insulated the hollow, fluff, dragged straws.

I was preparing a supply for the winter: mushrooms, berries, nuts ...

To not starve in winter. Where can I get food in the cold?

It is difficult for a squirrel to winter ...

White in winter, gray in summer. (hare)

I'm a hare, I'll tell you how I live in the forest.

By the winter, guys, turned white, put on a new coat.

I'll sit down under a bush, hide under a pine tree.

The forest beast will not see, will not recognize me!

Although I am not a coward, I am afraid of everything, everything.

It is very difficult in winter when it is very cold.

And there is not enough food, but I eat bark, frozen berries.

What he finds under the snow - everything will suit him for the future.

You do not offend the rabbits, you better help them.

Educator. The hare wears a white fur coat, only the ears remain black.

And hares are born in winter and they are called "nastoviks".

Why? Little hares appear when a crust forms on the snow. (this is a crust of ice on the snow).

A red-haired cheat with a fluffy tail lives in the forest under a bush. (a fox)

I am not afraid of winter, I dress myself in a warm fur coat.

The tail is beautiful, what - I like it myself!

I live in a hole, I sleep there, I rest,

And then I start hunting.

I am looking for a field mouse or some kind of living creature.

It's hard for me in winter.

Educator. The fox tracks its prey by footprints and scent. She has a very good sense of smell. The fox hunts mainly for hares and mice. She carefully sniffs out tracks in the snow, looks for mink mice under the snow and catches them. The fox has a hole in which it sleeps. The fox covers its tracks with its fluffy tail. A fox can also eat hedgehogs, ground squirrels, ferrets.

He makes friends with the fox,

This beast is angry, angry

He clicks his teeth, clicks,

Very scary gray ... (wolf)

The wolf is a very cunning and intelligent animal. He quickly realizes that he is being hunted, and leaves the dangerous place for a long time. The wolf's instinct is excellent, it smells of a metal trap even under the snow, it has excellent eyesight, it sees well even at dusk.

He lives wherever he can get his own food - meat.

Sometimes it settles next to human habitation, near pastures.

3. Fizminutka.

Like on a hill - snow, and under a hill - snow,

And on the Christmas tree - snow, and under the Christmas tree - snow, (they rise on their toes; squat)

And under the snow the bear sleeps

Hush, hush, don't make noise. (finger to lips).

4. Presentation "Wild animals of our forests »

(structure, nutrition of animals).

5. Finger gymnastics "Everyone has their own home"

The fox in the deaf forest has a hole - a reliable home,

Snowstorms are not terrible in winter - a squirrel in a hollow on a spruce,

Under the bushes, the prickly hedgehog gathers castings in a heap,

From branches, roots, bark - beavers make huts,

The clubfoot sleeps in a den, until spring he sucks his paw.

(bendfingers on both hands at the same time

Everyone has their own home, everyone is warmly comfortable in it.

They hit with fists and palms).

6. Word game "Whose, whose, whose?"

Bunny ears - whose ears? hare;

Bear muzzle - whose muzzle? bearish.

Fox tail - whose tail? fox

Deer antlers - whose antlers? reindeer

Wolf paws - whose paws? wolf

Hedgehog tail - whose tail? hedgehog

Moose hooves - whose hooves? moose

Wolf's lair - whose lair? wolf

7. The game "Who lives where?"

Squirrel - in the hollow; the wolf is in the lair; the bear is in the den;

Fox in - a hole; beavers in huts; etc.

8. The game "Name the cub"

the fox has a fox cub; the wolf has a wolf cub; the she-bear has a cub; at

moose - calf; the badger has a badger.

GCD lesson on familiarization with the natural world in the senior group

Topic: "Indoor plants".

Program content :

To consolidate knowledge of the names of plants familiar to children; clarify the idea of ​​​​the significance of the root in plant life (absorbs moisture and nutrients from the soil, helps to gain a foothold in the soil, the plant lives while the root is alive);

to form the ability to notice the beauty of indoor plants;

Introduce a new houseplant - violet; with methods of plant propagation using the example of a houseplant - balsam.

to teach to distinguish it by external signs (size, shape, color, density, surface: to give children new knowledge about the medicinal properties of indoor plants; to expand vocabulary, the ability to answer questions, express one's thoughts clearly and distinctly.

Lesson progress:

caregiver : Guys, look how many plants are in our group. They grow indoors, in our group, which is why they are called "house plants". Let's say it all together: "houseplants".

And now let's go through the group room and get acquainted with indoor plants (the teacher introduces the children to indoor plants, calls their names, the children repeat in chorus, the children examine the leaves with the help of the teacher and say what the leaves look like).

Look, guys, each plant has its own leaves, flowers.

caregiver : Guys, there are unkempt plants in our room: not watered, dusty, with dry leaves. To prevent this from happening, what should we do? How to properly care for indoor plants? (children's answers)

That's right, guys, and now look at the diagram "Living conditions for a plant."

If we follow all these rules for the care of indoor plants, then our plants will delight us with their beauty and will be our best friends.

Children: Flower. Oh guys, we're in for another surprise. What is hidden here? Let's see what it is?

Educator: Beautiful flower, do you like it?

Children: Yes.

caregiver : It's called Balsam. Repeat in chorus. For those who find it difficult to pronounce "balsam", you can call it "light" in another way.

    And why is it called "light", what do you think?

Because its flowers are like lights.

    Guys, let's remember what parts the plant consists of?

    who will show and name the parts of plants.

Educator: Where do you think this plant has its root?

Yes, they are in the ground.

And now let's look at the scheme: stem, leaves, flowers, root.

Guys, look what I have? This is a branch of balsam. Before planting the sprout in a pot of earth, we must put it in a vase of water and wait for the sprout to give roots, after that we will plant the sprout in a pot of earth.

I suggest that everything that will happen to the cutting be sketched in a notebook of observations, and in two weeks we will see what changes have occurred to it. Here is our stalk gave roots. Now we will plant it in a pot of earth and water it and continue to observe.

Let's take a break and have some exercise

"The seeds have sprouted."

Already you, seed-grain,

Lie down in the furrow at the bottom (children squat down)

Don't be afraid, gold.

Nothing dark in there.

To the light, to the sun from the earth

You sprout quickly went! (slowly get up grow up)

Here in the spring, at an early hour,

Our seeds have sprouted

We went out to the sun from the darkness (stretch).

Hello sun, it's us! (raise arms above head, wave hands)

The sprout is still small - a child (lower hands down)

He just grew out of diapers (in turn, they tilt their heads in different directions).

Now let's play a game

« Find the same plant

(I show photos of indoor plants, children find them in a group.

Guys, I want to introduce you to a houseplant - violet.

This plant does not like abundant moisture, direct sunlight.

Propagated by leaf, wipe the leaves carefully with a soft brush.

Now we will plant it in a pot of earth and water it and continue to observe.

This is what our cutting looks like a month after planting in the ground.

Balsam - loves abundant watering, direct sunlight.

Educator: well, now you guys know how to care for indoor plants,

know their names.

Synopsis of GCD artistic creativity application in the preparatory group


Conducted by educator: L.A. Mineev.

Program content .

The development in children of a cognitive interest in nature, ideas about the dependence of the existence of a particular animal on environmental conditions.

To expand and enrich children's knowledge about nature, wild animals. To improve the skills of children: in silhouette carving of animal figures, to create an expressive image, complementing the images with details (eyes, nose, ears); make the spines of the hedgehog more voluminous by folding a square of paper diagonally.

Improve skills in working with scissors, glue, brush.


Activate the speech of children on this topic. Develop fine motor skills.


To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards nature, the animal world.

View presentation "In the world of animals ".

Practical: Fold the square diagonally and stick on top close to each other, in several rows.

Material for the lesson:

Finished hedgehog silhouette

Black paper strips

Black markers

oval white

scissors, glue, glue brushes.

GCD progress:

organizational part.

The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle:

He lives in the dense forest,

He himself is round and prickly.

Guess who is this?

Well, of course it is...

Educator: Let's see what a hedgehog looks like.

Children: He is prickly, he has small paws,

there is a muzzle with eyes, a nose and a small mouth.

Educator: The muzzle of the hedgehog is small with an elongated nose,

all covered with short gray hairs.

Beady black eyes seem intelligent

but the hedgehog sees badly, but he has a wonderful scent.

The hedgehog's legs are short with small claws.

What else have I forgotten?


Well, of course, thorns! Why does he need them?

Children: So that the hedgehog is not eaten by the wolf and the fox.

caregiver : Right. How can I eat without needles? It is a defense against enemies. The hedgehog will curl up into a prickly ball, bristle its sharp needles - try it, eat it! How else does he use them?
D. He wears mushrooms and berries on them.

caregiver Correctly. The spines help the hedgehog carry things on its back. After all, his paws are short, he can’t take anything with them, with the help of their hedgehog only moves. The hedgehog has sharp teeth, but you can’t take much in your mouth, so the needles help him out. With their help. He equips his dwelling for the winter. Here's how he does it:

Lit up like a fire on a mountain ash brush,

A ball of autumn leaves rolls towards the meeting.

Do not you recognize him? Look closely - it's a hedgehog!

A cunning hedgehog has become a golden ball,

He strung maple leaves on his needles.

He carries them to his home, lays them on the bed,

To sleep sweetly under the Christmas tree for a long winter.

Let him dream of snow blizzards

Let him sleep until spring in a warm cradle .

In order not to sleep hungry during the long winter, he tries to accumulate fat in the summer. Do you know what a hedgehog likes to eat?

D. He loves mushrooms, apples, catches mice.

AT. You're right. And the hedgehog catches various bugs, worms, lizards, frogs and even poisonous snakes. The hedgehog is a very useful animal: it rids the forest of many pests

AT. Tell me, what are the names of the hedgehog cubs?

D. Ezhata.
AT. In the spring, in the hedgehog's nest, which he arranges somewhere under a bush or in some hole, babies appear. They are born blind and have no needles at first. Then the needles appear: white and soft, then darken and become hard and strong.

Mom - a hedgehog loves her children very much, feeds them with milk. And if he feels danger, he drags his cubs to another place, safer. When hedgehogs grow up, hedgehog parents teach their kids to look for and catch different insects. Do you want to visit the forest where hedgehogs live?

Practical part:

Educator: Today I invite you to do the Hedgehog craft using the appliqué technique. To create an expressive image, we will complement our image with details - eyes, nose, ears.

The spines that we made in advance will allow us to reflect the natural qualities of the hedgehog and give our work volume.

Stages of work:

Children cut squares and fold diagonally opposite sides. Fill the body of the hedgehog with needles: we will glue the triangles side by side in rows in a checkerboard pattern.

Final part:

Educator: Today you got to know the forest animal better - the hedgehog, learned a lot about it. And also you did a good job: the hedgehogs turned out wonderful, they are very similar to their forest brothers, just as funny and prickly. I think that with such needles your hedgehogs are not afraid of either the wolf or the fox.

Guys, do you know that the hedgehog did not always like his thorns. Do you want to know what could happen so that the hedgehog understands how much he needs them?

Reading a poem by a teacher

P. Voronko "Hedgehog"

“The little hedgehog is angry, it is covered with thorns:

-Others have fluff and fur, and not prickly, and not hard.

Why did I get a hundred thorns on my back?

The gray wolf crept up behind

But he could not cope with the ball:

He pricked his nose and lips and went hungry into the forest.

The hedgehog has a happy look: it is covered with thorns.

. Equipment for a speech therapy corner in kindergarten.

    Pictures on lexical topics

    Catalog of speech games

    Articulation gymnastics exercises

    Breathing exercises

    Finger gymnastics exercises

    Games for the development of phonemic hearing (color symbols for sounds)

    Artistic works according to the program

    Word didactic games

    Cleanliness, nursery rhymes, sayings, subject plot pictures, a series of plot pictures for compiling stories

    Pictures depicting natural phenomena


    Special Purpose Techniques

    With the image of signs of objects (light, dark, clean, dirty)

    With the image of the actions of objects (goes to bed, runs)

    With a picture of synonyms


« When you sit in a fragrant draft in the summer in a pine forest,

Take a close look around - you will notice a lot, friend

An ant drags the larva, hurries somewhere between the roots.

A golden beetle perched on a thick branch of a large pine tree. .

With these words, the journey into the forest began. On the forest paths, the guys met many insects: a spider, a butterfly, a grasshopper, a ladybug, etc. D. got acquainted with insects that you will not see on the site and in the forest.

The guys learned that insects are not only useful and harmful,

but also predatory: dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug, etc.

But the insect turned out to be the most unpleasant, from which there is not only a lot of trouble, but also harm - this is a fly that spreads various diseases. We considered the scheme for turning a caterpillar into a butterfly. They painted and sculpted insects.

Direct educational activities

Artistic creativity - modeling

preparatory group

"Dragonfly and Ant"

The purpose of the classes

Enriching children's knowledge about dragonflies and ants

Tasks of the GCD:

Enrich knowledge about dragonflies and ants.

develop coherent and expressive speech;

Develop sculpting skills:

From a whole piece of plasticine;

Figures from component parts using lubrication.


- create a single composition;

- use additional junk material to complement the composition with bright details


to cultivate friendly relations between children, the habit of working together; develop a desire to help others who find themselves in a difficult situation; to form the ability to behave correctly, not to interrupt others, to listen to the end, creating a positive atmosphere in the group;

to form in children the need for active motor activity

preliminary work

Acquaintance with the fable of I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant", examining the illustration.


Demonstration material for the lesson

GCD presentation, computer, insect toys.

Materials, tools

Plasticine, stacks, beads, pieces of tracing paper, toothpicks, work boards, paper and cloth napkins.

GCD progress

caregiver : Guys, I will now read you an excerpt from the work, and you try

guess from which work these lines are and who is the author of this work.

Jumper Dragonfly
Summer sang red;
Didn't have time to look back
As winter rolls in the eyes.
A blank field has died:
There are no more bright days,
As under each leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.
Everything is gone: with a cold winter
Need, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings:
And who will mind
On the stomach to sing hungry!

Children :

This is an excerpt from Ivan Andreevich Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant

Educator: The remarkable writer fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov wrote the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant". Now tell me, please, the main characters of this fable.


Dragonfly and ant.


Yes! These characters grab our attention. The ant symbolizes industriousness and it is not surprising, because this genus is famous for its efficiency, at any time of the year they work hard. Dragonfly, on the contrary, is associated with frivolity. The ant symbolizes industriousness and it is not surprising, because this genus is famous for its efficiency, at any time of the year they work hard. Dragonfly, on the contrary, is associated with frivolity.

Educator: What is the moral of this fable?


The moral of the fable is simple: if you don’t want to freeze and starve in the winter, work in the summer.


The fable of Ivan Andreevich Krylov teaches us to be hardworking, fair, honest. Although insects act in the fable, we understand that we are talking about people here. The author helps us evaluate their actions.

Let's get a look. (The teacher shows an illustration from the book)


Please note that these illustrations were drawn by artists so that we can not only listen to the text of the fable itself, but also have a good idea of ​​​​what the heroes of the fable look like (how they are dressed, facial features), what character they have

You can not only draw any characters, but also make them voluminous - sculpt, cut, cast into various shapes ... This work is done by sculptors. And their works are called sculptures. These sculptures are large in size.

And today I propose to you to play the role of sculptors and mold the heroes of our fable Dragonfly and Ant from plasticine.


Let's remember what parts the body of a dragonfly consists of (the body is elongated,

the head is large, round; eyes - bulging; wings - transparent, oval.),

what parts does the body of an ant consist of (the body of an ant consists of three parts - the head, chest and large abdomen. It is necessary to sculpt the abdomen, chest and head in the form of cones.

Then we add six legs, they can be molded from plasticine, or from twigs. Then we "animate" the head. We sculpt the antennae from plasticine or turn it from wire).

Using the lubrication method, it is necessary to connect all these details in order for the sculpture to turn out to be integral and stable.

There is a lot of work to be done, I suggest that you agree on which of you will sculpt a dragonfly and who will sculpt an ant.

(Children choose their own material)

Before starting work, we need to warm up our hands.

(hand massage)

Independent activity of children.

Physical education minute

(children perform actions)

An ant walked on a branch
And the kids followed him.

Rain from the sky suddenly poured,
(Hands down, perform a shaking motion)

Washed the ant to the ground.
(Clap hands on knees.)

The sun began to warm
The palms are pressed to each other, the fingers are spread out, we shake our hands)

The ant is crawling again
And all the children crawl after him,
To walk on a branch.
(Arms crossed; fingers of each hand "run" along the forearm, and then along the shoulder of the second hand.)


Well, guys, did you have a good rest? Let's continue our work. Kids, you can use stacks while you work. The work ahead is difficult and painstaking. You need to imagine your hero well in advance, and then pick up the plasticine of the desired color, give it the intended shape. Please don't forget to share plasticine of the right color with each other, learn to help each other.

Summary of the lesson:

At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of children's works and a discussion are held, the children express their opinion about each work, advise what else could be done. The teacher notes successful work or individual elements.

After class theatrical performance

"Dragonfly and Ant"


White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falls down.

And in the morning the field turned white with snow,

Like a veil

All dressed him up.


So recently to us in the window Every day the sun looked And now the time has come - In the field a blizzard took a walk. She fled with a ringing song, She covered everything like a diaper, She fluffed it with snow fluff - It became empty everywhere, deaf.


Evil melancholy dejected. She crawls to the ant.


Do not leave me, dear godfather, Give me the strength to gather. And until spring only days. Feed and warm.


Gossip, this is strange to me, Did you work during the summer?


Ant tells her.


Before that, my dear, it was In our soft ants Songs, playfulness every hour So that, my head turned.

Ant :

Have you been singing? This case: So go and dance!


I’ll stop being lazy (strokes the ants) I’ll babysit the kids, and I’ll become your assistant, Only, brother, warm up.


So be it, neighbor neighbor, I will not remember evil

Dressing algorithm

What can not be done in nature


Lesson-journey to get acquainted with the outside world 2nd junior group

Topic: "Wild and Domestic Animals"

Lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the 2nd junior group on the topic "Wild and domestic animals"

Theme: Wild and domestic animals.

Section: Development of ideas about the surrounding world and about oneself.

Group: Second junior.

Form of carrying out: Travel.

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge of children of primary preschool age about wild and domestic animals.

  • 1. Cognitive. Strengthen children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals. To form the ability to distinguish between animals and their cubs, to correctly correlate their names. Expand children's horizons by introducing children to new animals.
  • 2. Developing. To develop the mental processes of children: attention, memory, thinking. To promote the development of coherent speech, articulatory apparatus when pronouncing vowels by onomatopoeia.
  • 3. Nurturing. Cultivate a sense of love for the world around, respect for the inhabitants of wildlife.

Previous work:

Didactic game "Who is screaming?"

Drawing animals on stencils.

Games-reincarnations in animals.

Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Modeling animals from plasticine.

Reading fairy tales: "Gingerbread Man", "Three Bears", "Wolf and Seven Kids", "Fox, Hare and Rooster".

Memorizing poems about animals.

Russian folk rhymes and riddles about animals.

Lesson plan:

  • 1. Introductory part (conversation) - 3 min.
  • 2. Main part (journey) - 12 min.
  • 3. Final part (conversation, game) - 5 min.

Lesson progress

I. Introduction (conversation)

The children enter the room.

  • - Guys, do you like to walk?
  • - Where can I go for a walk?
  • (Children's answers.)
  • - When people go for a walk to distant places - this is called travel.
  • - How do you think, on what you can go on a trip? (Children's answers.)
  • - You can travel not only on foot, but also by plane, ship, train. And today we will go on a trip in a hot air balloon.

II. Main part (journey)

A balloon filled with helium is brought into the hall.

Take hold of the rope and let's begin our journey.

Children, holding the rope of the balloon, sing:

We're flying in a balloon

In a balloon we fly like birds.

Here is the house seen there in the distance,

Let's get down to earth as soon as possible.

The song ends, the children stop near the house.

  • - This is our first stop. I wonder who lives in the house? How to find out? (Children's answers.)
  • - That's right, we'll knock and ask who lives in the house. Children knock on the door and ask:
  • Hello, who lives here?

It purrs, it plays

It's escaping somewhere

Runs away.

And when he comes back

That meows from the saucer

Drinks raw milk.

  • - Did you solve the riddle? Who is this?
  • - Cat.
  • - Tell me, guys, is the cat a domestic or wild animal?
  • - Homemade.
  • - Why do you think that a cat is a pet? (Children's answers.)
  • - What other pets do you know? (Children's answers.)
  • - Pick up a picture with an animal that you like and find a cub for it.
  • (Pictures are placed on strings with clothespins. Children take pictures and match pictures of adult animals with their cubs.)
  • - Now name the animal and its cub.

Children's answers:

  • - The dog has a puppy.
  • - The cat has a kitten.
  • - A hen has a chick.
  • - A cow has a calf, etc.
  • - Well done. Pets came to visit us. Did you recognize them? And if you find out, tell me how they scream.

We show pictures of domestic animals and their cubs. Children pronounce how these animals scream.

Well, let's continue our journey. Hold the balloon by the string.

The journey continues with the song.

Here it is again at a height, the sun is shining in the distance.

We are pulling the handles to the clouds all the higher.

We hurry to the green forest,

We will go down to the clearing more quietly.

Near the forest, the song ends.

  • - This is our second stop. Where did we get to? (In the forest.)
  • What animals live in the forest? (Children's answers.)
  • What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (Wild.)
  • - Look at the screen. Wild animals include: hare, fox, wolf, hedgehog, squirrel, bear.

Children look at the animals that appear on the screen.

  • - And now let's play a game that you already know: select a picture with an animal and find its cub.
  • (Pictures with animals are placed on tree branches. Children take pictures and match pictures of adult animals with their cubs.)
  • - Name the animal and its cub.

Children's answers:

  • - The hare has a hare.
  • - The wolf has a cub.
  • - A squirrel has a squirrel, etc.
  • - Our walk through the forest is over, it's time to return to kindergarten.

Children take the balloon by the rope and move around the room.

Our journey ends

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

We do not say goodbye to our animals,

Everyone will be glad to see them.

III. Final part (conversation, game)

  • This is where our journey ends. We returned to kindergarten. Look, these animals are lost and can't remember who lives where. They ask you to help them figure it out. All animals need to be settled in two clearings. On one "clearing" there is a symbol of the house, on the other - forests. Children lay out pictures depicting wild and domestic animals on two "clearings".
  • - Well done, helped the animals to understand.
  • - Did you like our walk? (Yes.)
  • - Where were we? (In the forest and at the house.)
  • What animals are we talking about? (About wild and domestic.)
  • - You did very well today, so at the end of the lesson I want to play with you.

A game is being played: children put on hats with animals and turn into them. They play to the music, run around the clearing. On a signal, they hide in houses: wild animals - to the symbol of the forest, domestic animals - to the symbol of the house.

Technical teaching aids: tape recorder with music recording.

Didactic materials:

  • 1. Sets of pictures depicting wild and domestic animals and their cubs.
  • 2. Cards with the symbol of the forest and the house.
  • 3. Layout of the house.
  • 4. Models of trees.
  • 5. Hats with animals.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, I'm going to give you a riddle. When you guess it, you will know who will come to your lesson.

"Who jumps deftly on the trees

And climbs the oaks?

Who hides the nuts in the hollow?

Does it dry mushrooms in the winter?

That's right, it's a squirrel. And here she is. What's in her paws? Some kind of letter (the teacher reads it).

“Come quickly, help urgently!

The wizard scared us.

He bewitched us all.

We have forgotten who we are.

Rescue, help.

And you urgently reconcile us!” (inhabitants of the forest)

2. Conversation.

Guys, tell me, who are the inhabitants of the forest? Name them. (Children list wild animals). What is the name of the animals that live in the forest? (wild, forest). And why are they called that? (They live in the forest, get their own food, build dwellings, take care of their cubs). What happened to the flattering inhabitants? Can we help them? Then let's say the magic words to be in the forest:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we go to the forest to save the animals. (Music sounds, children enter the group). Here we are in the forest.

3. D / and "Guess by the description."

Guys, look! There are many trees in the forest, but the animals are not visible at all. What are those white cards that lie under the trees? To find out, you need to listen carefully to what the squirrel will say. As soon as you guess who it is, the card can be turned over. (Look for traces).

Angry, hungry, gray (wolf)

Small, long-eared, gray or white (hare)

Red, dexterous, cunning, fluffy (fox)

Big, clumsy, clumsy (bear)

Small, prickly, gray (hedgehog)

Touching the grass with hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest, walks boldly and easily, his horns spread wide (elk)

A small, red animal, jumping along the branches (squirrel)

(As you name, subject cards open and animals appear).

Here, squirrel, the children named forest animals. And now we will sit down on forest stumps and name the cubs of animals.

4. Finger gymnastics.

This is a bunny

This is a squirrel

This is a fox

This is a wolf

And it's in a hurry, hobbles awake

Brown, furry, funny teddy bear.

And which of the forest animals did we not name? (hedgehog).

5 . The poem "Everyone has his own house."

Squirrel, and Adeline wants to tell you a poem:

"At the fox in the deaf forest

There is a hole - a reliable home.

Under the bushes prickly hedgehog

Heaps up the leaves.

Sleeping in a lair clubfoot,

Until spring, he sucks his paw.

Everyone has their own home.

Everyone is warm and comfortable in it.”

6.D / and "Who lives where?".

The squirrel wants to know, do you know where wild animals live? What are the names of their dwellings?

Children's answers. (Children take the animal and put it in their homes).

The fox lives in a hole, the bear sleeps in a den, the wolf lives in a den. Does the rabbit have a home? (He hides under the bushes). Where do I live? Do you know? the squirrel asks. (In the hollow).

Everyone has dwellings, which are called differently. So we reminded them.

7.D / and "Who loves what?".

Guys, in the squirrel's letter it was written that the animals forgot what they eat and what they drink. Let's help them. Do you know what wild animals eat?

On the board are subject cards (raspberries, honey, cones, mushrooms, apple, cabbage, carrots, nuts, grass, mouse, hare).

Guys, choose a card. Tell me which of the animals likes to eat.

Hare - carrots, cabbage,

Squirrel - nuts, mushrooms,

Hedgehog - mushrooms, apple,

Bear - mushrooms, berries,

The wolf loves rabbits

The fox hunts for mice, hares, chickens.

And now we will show how someone moves.

8. Physical education minute “Who moves how?”.

On a hot day through a forest path

The animals went to the watering place.

A fox cub followed the mother fox.

A hedgehog was sneaking behind mum.

A bear cub followed the mother bear.

The squirrels galloped after the mother squirrel.

Behind the mother hare are oblique hares.

The she-wolf led the cubs

All mothers and children want to get drunk.

9.D / and "Finish the sentence."

The squirrel turns to you with a request. She has the beginning of a sentence, you need to finish the sentence by naming the word opposite in meaning.

The hare is white in winter, and in summer - ...

The hare has a short tail, and the ears are ...

The squirrel is gray in winter, and in summer - ...

The squirrel has a long tail, and the hare has ...

The squirrel lives in a hollow, and the fox in ...

The fox is cunning, and the hare is ...

The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog is ...

10.D / and "The fourth extra."

The evil wizard confused all the animals. Help me find out who's out there?

Fox, bear, hare, woodpecker

Wolf, hedgehog, fox

Hare, elephant, bear, squirrel

Hedgehog, bear, hare, fox

Chicken, squirrel, hedgehog, fox

The squirrel thanks for the help and offers a treat - mushrooms.

The children thank the squirrel for the treat.

And it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's say the magic words.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we came to the group again

Educational areas:

1. Socio-communicative.
2. Cognitive development.
3. Speech development.
4. Physical development.

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about domestic and wild animals.


1. Educational: Teach children to compare domestic and wild animals. Find similarities and differences. Give an idea of ​​​​the appearance. Teach children to look at a picture, answer questions.
2. Developing: To develop the ability of children to distinguish animals by size (large-small). Develop connected speech, thinking, attention, observation.
3. Educational: Raise children to care for animals.

Vocabulary work: memorization of verses.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of domestic and wild animals.

Equipment: Animal models, farm, wild and domestic animal pictures, animal cards.

The course of educational activities:

Educator:"Children, let's remember and name what animals we know."
Children:“A fox, a hare, a cow, a horse, a wolf ......” (list).
Play:"Children, name the pets first."
Children:“cow, horse…….”
Play:"Where do they live?"
Play:"Now name the wild animals."
Children: Fox, hare, wolf…..
Play:"Where do they live?"
Children:"In the woods".
Play:“That's right guys. Now tell me, who takes care of the pets?”
Children:“They are looked after and cared for by a person.”
Play:“Tell me guys, what do wild animals eat?”
Children:“Hares eat cabbage, grass. The fox and the wolf feed on small animals.
Play:“Guys, let’s close our eyes with you and say: “One, two, three, get into the Land of Animals.””

Children close their eyes and repeat the words.

Play:“Well, here we are in the Land of Animals. Look how many different animals are here.

The children look around. They see different animals (soft toys, models of wild and domestic animals, a farm).

Play:"Children, let's help the animals: we'll send the wild ones to the forest, and the domestic ones to the farm."

Children divide animals into wild and domestic.

Play:“Well done kids. And now let's play a game: "Who screams like that?"

Play:“Now let’s play a game: “Who lives where?”

Pictures with animals are shown, children guess.

Physical education minute "Fun in the forest."

The hares got up early in the morning,
They had fun playing in the forest. (jumping in place)
On the tracks jump-jump-jump
Who is not used to charging? (walking in place)
Here is a fox walking through the forest,
Who jumps there interesting? (jumping in place)
To answer the question
The fox is pulling its nose. (sipping on toes)
But hares jump fast
How could it be otherwise. (walking in place)
Workouts help!
And the hares run away. (Running in place)
Here is a hungry fox
Looks sadly at the sky, (pull hands up)
Take a deep breath (inhale and exhale)
Sits down, rests. (Children sit down)

Play:“Well done guys, sit on the chairs. What poems about animals do you know?
Children:"Bears", "Lion", "Monkey", "Brown Bear".
Play:"Guys listen to a new poem"

Who does the tiger cub look like?
Tiger dad, mom tigress
And their kids are tiger cubs.
Resting in the meadow
And they play like kittens.
Just a little tiger
Twice the size of an adult cat
He doesn't mess around with balls
And he doesn't eat from a bowl.
The tiger growls already from the cradle,
He has big paws...
Wants a little tiger cub
Become a hunter like dad

T. Almazova (poems about animals)

Play:"Now guys, let's do the following task:
You have pictures on the tables.
You must find a cub for every adult animal
(independent work)
Play:“Well done guys, you have completed all the tasks. Now tell me: where can animals live?
Children:“In the forest and at home with a person. Animals that live in the forest are called wild, and those that are cared for by a person are domestic.
Play:"Children, let's close our eyes and Say: One, two, three, bring us back to kindergarten."

Children close their eyes and say the words.

Methodical literature:

1. Ushakova O.S. "Theory and practice of the development of speech of preschoolers."
2. Sfera 2008. V.V. Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten."
Synopsis of a lesson on the development of speech in the younger group of V.V. Gerbov.
3. E.A. Savelyeva "Finger games in verse for preschoolers."
4. E.V. Muradova "Introduction to the world around preschoolers."