Palm shea. Shea butter: benefits, harms. Beneficial properties of shea butter

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African tallow tree or vitellaria amazing, shea tree, shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa or Butyrospermum parkii) is a plant that is named after Mungo Park, an explorer of West Africa. He first described it at the end of the 18th century. This is the only representative of the Sapotacea family, looks like an oak, and has a wide crown. Distribution area: African savannas. The shea tree is a long-liver, the flowering process occurs at the age of 12-20 years. The flowering period begins in December and coincides with the dry season. Blooms with brown fragrant flowers. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 30-50. The fruits of the shea tree ripen during the wet season (June-August) and have a small diameter - up to 4 cm, like a small avocado. Inside the fruit is a seed (nut), which looks like a horse chestnut. High yields are maintained for 100 years. Shea butter is used to make butter, which is practically the only type of vegetable fat in African countries. The main use in cooking is as a replacement for cocoa butter in the manufacture of confectionery products.

Composition and calorie content of shea fruit

The calorie content of shea fruits is 0.1 kcal per 100 grams of product. The most in demand are nuts (plant seeds), consisting of 45-48% fat, 25-30% carbohydrates, and 10% proteins.

The main components of the fruit are unsaponifiable fats and triglycerides. The first category includes caristerols and carbohydrates, the second - fatty acids (myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidonic).

The benefits of shea fruit are explained by the presence of many beneficial vitamins and minerals. The vitamin complex consists of compounds such as A, F and E, and the mineral complex consists of zinc, iron and calcium. Scientists believe that such a tandem of vitamins and minerals can slow down the aging process.

In addition, the following components were found in shea fruits:

  • Terpene alcohols (alpha- and beta-amyrin, parkol, lupeol, butyrospermol);
  • Phytosterols (alpha-spinasterol, delta-7-stigmasterol);
  • Natural latex - this compound can cause allergic reactions.

The benefits and harms of shea tree fruits

The benefit of shea fruits lies in their oil, which is extremely popular not only in the region where the plant grows, but throughout the world.

Nutritionists highly appreciate the fatty acid components in the product; they are very useful for a healthy diet. Their use helps strengthen the immune system, energy metabolism, and normalize hormonal balance.

Shea fruits contain latex, which is an allergen, so people who are prone to various types of allergies should use products based on them with caution.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are also better off avoiding their use, as to date there have been no studies on the dangers or benefits of shea butter for them.

How to eat shea fruits

The fruits can be eaten raw; they taste sweet. The taste of the oil depends on the type of production, as well as on the cleaning method.

In the countries of central and western Africa, shea butter replaces almost all fats, both animal and vegetable origin. It is used to fry and is added to already prepared food.

In addition, it is an excellent base for local sweets due to the smell of nuts and cocoa. The product can be used to make margarine and, in combination with cocoa butter, chocolate.

In the European region, shea butter is rarely used for cooking. Most often, national cuisine establishments prepare traditional dishes of African countries using this product.

How is shea butter produced? Ripe fruits crack, the contents of the nuts look like flour. Oil is made from nut kernels by first grinding them. It is the most valuable product from this plant.

Typically, the oil is white to beige in color, has a pleasant odor (resembling a nut), and has a creamy or solid consistency.

There are two ways to obtain shea butter:

  1. Traditional. The kernels of shea fruit are separated from the pulp, pounded in a mortar, ground into flour, water is added and they begin to cook. The cooking process continues until it reaches the consistency of liquid butter that comes together easily. The collected substance is poured into molds and left to harden. The frozen product resembles butter. This method produces unrefined oil that can be stored for more than 2 years in a dark and cool place.
  2. Industrial. To obtain a refined product, the seeds are dissolved with chemical compounds and several purification options are used.
The most valuable oil is made from the seeds of old trees that are 50 or more years old. Few plants can bear fruit for up to 300 years. From one tree you can collect about 20 kg of fruit. From this amount of raw materials you can get about 4-5 kg ​​of valuable product.

Yassa is the most common dish using shea butter. This recipe with shea fruits is the hallmark of all Senegalese restaurants in the world. The dish can be chicken or fish. Poultry or fish are very tender due to the use of a special marinade. The main ingredients of the marinade are shea butter, lemon juice, onion and mustard.

The product can be used in the preparation of spreads (a combination of vegetable fats) for vegetarians. However, due to the high cost, this happens extremely rarely.

In the countries of western and central Africa, sauces are prepared from baobab fruits or sorrel leaves, an essential component of which is shea butter.

The shea tree has several names in Africa. This is shea, kare, colo, si, amazing vitellaria.

The rainy season is harvest time. Traditionally, women collect the fruits. The main condition for this is accuracy. Damaged branches may no longer bear fruit. It is best to collect fallen fruits, from which you can get more oil.

During the day of harvesting, you can collect no more than 40-50 kg of fruits, since the plants grow at a considerable distance.

The largest number of fruits of the African tallow tree falls on Burkina Faso. Here this is the so-called “women's gold” - collecting and processing fruits provides the country's women with work.

There are many different ways to use shea butter or African tallow butter. Traditionally, food is cooked on it, but it also makes excellent building materials (earth mixed with oil). It is used to prepare products that are used to treat cracked skin. It is used in oil lamps; acidic soils are neutralized with the help of oil.

The ancient Egyptians stored the valuable product in clay vessels; when the dry season arrived, they lubricated their hair with it to protect it from sun rays and winds. Sarcophagi were made from the wood of the African tallow tree for the dead nobility.

Watch a video about shea fruit:

Palm oil began to be widely used in the food industry relatively recently, but debate about whether it is harmful or beneficial has not subsided since then. On TV screens they often talk about its harmful properties; the media unanimously claim that it is the main cause of obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

But what is the situation really like and is palm oil really so harmful or does it also have properties beneficial to human health? Let's look at this issue in detail.

How is palm oil made?

According to WWF (World Wildlife Fund), palm oil is found in more than 50% of food products. It is produced from the soft part of the oil palm fruit - this is what distinguishes it from flaxseed or sunflower oil, which are obtained from plant seeds. The product made from oil palm seeds is called palm kernel (it resembles coconut in its structural composition and properties).

The oil palm grows in Malaysia, Indonesia and African countries. Such localization of plantations, low labor costs and relatively cheap transportation significantly reduce the cost of finished products. In addition, one hectare of oil palm plantation can produce eight times more finished product than sunflower.

Raw butter is a very thick orange or red liquid with a pleasant nutty taste and smell, reminiscent of dairy cream; its chemical composition largely duplicates the usual butter.


Depending on the fraction (melting point), the product is used in various fields:

  1. Stearine is a solid substance with a melting point of approximately 47-52 degrees, similar in appearance to margarine;
  2. Actually, oil is a semi-liquid product that melts at 40-43 degrees Celsius;
  3. Palm olein is an oily liquid with a melting point of about 18-21 degrees Celsius, looks like a cosmetic hand cream.

Use in the food industry

The use of palm oil in the food industry began after American scientists studied the composition of the product in 1985. They also examined its properties in detail - up to this point it had been used exclusively for technical purposes.

Today, vegetable fat is used to make products with a long shelf life: confectionery, curd desserts, processed cheese, condensed milk, waffles, cakes and creams. In addition, it has the ability to improve the taste and appearance of products and reduce their cost.

Often it is used to replace milk fat, which is especially important for people who suffer from intolerance to certain components of milk.

There is no ban on the use of palm oil in any country in the world, but in the Russian Federation some time ago a bill appeared banning the use of the unrefined substance in the food industry. The ban was not adopted, but most manufacturers already “dilute” it with other vegetable fats, and on the product packaging they indicate that it contains a “milk fat substitute.”

Palm oil is also found in baked goods and confectionery products, sweet spreads, chocolate, processed meats, chips and French fries - this list is very extensive. Much controversy has flared up around the use of the product in nutritious milk formulas for infants, although its harm when used in baby food has not been proven.

Chemical industry, cosmetology and medicine

The ability to heal minor skin damage, moisturizing and nourishing properties allow the oil to be used in the production of creams for aging skin, healing ointments, and medications that are used to treat a wide range of cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal pathologies, and ophthalmological problems.

Palm oil, in addition to the food and pharmaceutical industries, is used by the chemical industry in the production of soap, detergents, decorative and ordinary white candles, and washing powders.

The effects of palm oil on the body

The benefits and harms of a product for humans depend on what type of product it is - red (unprocessed), refined and technical have different properties and are used in different areas of production.

It is important to take into account that the harm of palm oil to human health is often not determined by its composition, but rather by the chemical processing of raw materials in pursuit of reducing the cost of finished products.

Red oil

It is a natural plant product that is rich in natural red-orange pigment. It undergoes minimal processing, which allows it to retain many beneficial properties:

  • it contains vitamins E and A, which allows it to effectively fight free radicals that provoke cancer;
  • red palm oil has a positive effect on skin condition, nourishes hair, supports immunity, and also improves visual acuity.

But there are also a number of negative points:

  • its consumption in large quantities can provoke diseases of the cardiovascular system or increase the risk of cancer;
  • Palm oil (in large quantities) can cause significant weight gain. Due to its high melting point (40 degrees), it is digested somewhat worse than other products and, as a rule, is not completely eliminated from the body. When consumed excessively, most of it settles in the form of waste.

Vegetable fat does not accumulate in the body in such volumes that any special measures are required to remove it. Simply increasing the amount of natural foods in your diet is enough.

Refined and deodorized

In the food industry, as a rule, refined oil is used. It is an order of magnitude cheaper than unprocessed and can be stored longer, which can significantly reduce the cost of finished products and extend their shelf life, but in addition, it is practically devoid of all beneficial properties and is dangerous for the human body:

  • A source of large amounts of saturated fat can cause the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and worsen the condition of patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • Another negative impact is that by improving the taste of products, it provokes obesity;
  • The harm of palm oil to human health is not limited to the likelihood of weight gain, because In addition, it is a carcinogenic product.

Olein is also used in the production of baby food, but not at all to reduce the cost of the finished product, as is commonly believed.

The source of palimitic acid, which is necessary for a child to fully develop and is contained in the required amount in mother's milk, cannot be cow's or goat's milk and vegetable fats, but palm olein can be brought closer to this substance. It is introduced into infant formula precisely with the goal of bringing the nutritional composition as close as possible to breast milk.


Hydrogenation is the process of adding carbon to make an oil solid. Any hydrogenated fat loses almost all of its beneficial properties and becomes an unhealthy product.

The product is hydrogenated for use in margarines and margarine mixtures. In this case, the harm of palm oil to human health is enormous, while hydrogenated products (including hydrogenated olive or vegetable oils) contain very few beneficial substances.


Industrial palm oil is used in the production of cosmetics, medicines, soaps, candles and washing powders. Its use in the food industry is unacceptable due to the fact that:

  • the changed acid-base composition makes olein completely unsuitable for adding to food;
  • it significantly impairs digestibility, deprives absolutely all beneficial properties and often provokes the formation of cholesterol plaques or even malignant neoplasms.

Most myths about palm oil are based on the erroneous claim that the product is banned in many developed countries. In fact, for example, in the USA, the volume of its use is growing year by year, and in the countries of Africa and the Asian region it is used daily by the majority of the population for cooking.

If non-technical oil and edible oil are used in the production of products, then it will cause no more harm than any other.

One of the most popular products in cosmetology and the food industry all over the world is the oil of the fruit of the Vitellaria amazinga tree. This plant is endemic only to equatorial Africa, but its plantations are so large that they are enough to satisfy all the needs of people. Shea butter (karite) is a unique healthy product that can not only be applied to the skin and hair, but also used internally without fear. The product has found its use in people of any gender and age, even small children and pregnant women.

Shea butter composition

The main components of the finished product are fatty acids, which in excellent combination mutually potentiate the effects of the herbal remedy. Thanks to the long but gentle method of obtaining oil, all the active substances of vitellaria fruits are transferred to shea butter.

The composition of shea butter is multicomponent, it includes:

  • fatty acids, including polyunsaturated ones (oleic, linoleic, palmitic and linolenic);
  • tocopherol – vitamin E;
  • natural steroids (stigmasterol is especially important);
  • phenols;
  • some hydrocarbons;
  • terpene alcohol;
  • B vitamins.

Such a multi-component composition provides wide possibilities for using shea butter (karite). The combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids with active plant steroids, which contribute to a mutually powerful potentiation of effects, is especially important.

Properties of shea butter

The properties of shea butter depend on the method of application. It can be used externally in its pure form or in combinations, and also taken internally.

As a result of the complex effect on the body, as well as local effects, the following properties of shea butter quickly appear:

  • active moisturizing and softening of the skin;
  • anti-inflammatory effect for any method of application;
  • relieving itching and irritation;
  • vitaminization of skin and hair;
  • facilitating bowel function;
  • healing of minor abrasions and diaper rash;
  • powerful softening and protection of the skin from the effects of aggressive environmental factors.

Since the product is low-allergenic, the use of hair, etc. accessible to most people. The use of shea butter is allowed in children from the first days of life, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for any somatic diseases. The only exception is proven skin cancer.

Different states of shea butter

There are two types of ready-made product - liquid and solid. The last option is typical for the usual state of shea butter, since it melts only at temperatures above 36 degrees. Shea butter is actively used in both solid and liquid form.

How to use hard shea butter?

Freshly prepared product in solid state can be used in the following situations:

  • as well as use, it is permissible to use shea butter in food - for example, as a substitute for standard butter for sandwiches;
  • orally for medicinal purposes to cleanse the intestines - at least 50 grams once at night;
  • to facilitate emptying of the rectum by lubricating the anal ring and mucous membrane;
  • for healing small wounds for the purpose of disinfecting them, the oil is applied in a small layer under the plaster;
  • for the prevention of scar formation by local application;
  • for the base of ointments with other components - the softening and moisturizing effect is sharply enhanced.

But the use of solid shea butter is not basic. The main area of ​​use of the product is cosmetology, which implies the active distribution of shea butter over large surfaces. For this, liquid shea butter is used.

Application of vitellaria oil in liquid form

It is used in the following situations:

  • for intensive nutrition and moisturizing of the skin;
  • to stimulate the regeneration of the epidermis (especially effective);
  • to protect against dryness and irritation;
  • for strengthening and healing hair, including to combat split ends;
  • for the prevention of sunburn and chapping of the skin and lips.

Shea butter may have special indications for specific people. In particular, it can be used for intensive vitaminization and activation of subcutaneous blood flow. But only a specialist in the field of dermatology or cosmetology can determine the benefits for individual indications.

Most common way to use

How to use shea butter in the easiest way? In a standard situation, shea butter is applied externally in its pure form. The frequency of the procedure is at least 3 times a week, daily use is possible. The usual exposure time is 30 minutes, but to improve hair health, it can be left under a towel or cellophane even overnight.

After the procedure, the oil should be thoroughly washed off with neutral soap. If it thickens, the remaining product is difficult to remove from hair and skin. To make the task easier, use hot water - up to the temperature that a person can tolerate.

Shea butter can also be used as part of combination products. It combines well with other oils, as well as many natural and artificial ingredients. The product always potentiates the moisturizing and regenerative effects of any cosmetic products - ointments, creams, lotions or shampoos.

Particular uses of shea butter

Numerous beneficial properties predispose to the widespread use of shea butter. The low level of allergies, natural balanced composition and almost complete absence of adverse reactions allow the use of shea butter even by children and pregnant women. After a preliminary test, vitellaria can be applied even to people with polyvalent allergies.

Shea butter in cosmetology

Shea butter is most widely used in cosmetology. It is used in the following situations and forms:

  • on the skin of the body and limbs;
  • in pure form or as an active additive in creams, lotions or ointments;
  • on the head area for the purpose of healing and strengthening hair;
  • in the form of additives in shampoos;
  • on the lips to prevent chapping.

The main effect of shea butter in cosmetics is protective. It moisturizes the skin after application and forms a kind of film that has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. The effect of shea butter does not last long, but it can be used for many years without risk to health.

Shea butter during pregnancy

The product is approved for use by pregnant women. effective as a skin care product. In addition, it is used to prevent the formation of stretch marks. It is applied to the skin of the abdomen not only in liquid, but also in thick form in small layers. You can rub in a little to moisturize and deeply soften the surface.

Despite the absence of serious adverse reactions, it is better not to use the product to moisturize the nipples and prevent the formation of cracks.

Shea butter for children

Shea butter has been used in children since birth. Any diaper rash or irritation can be treated with a small amount of the product. After 3-4 daily procedures, the baby will recover quickly.

Oil can be added to diaper creams to reduce irritation and enhance emollient properties. After such procedures, the child sleeps more soundly at night.

Where is shea essential oil useful?

Shea essential oil is also used in cosmetology and folk medicine. A few drops of it are added to shampoos and creams to enhance the activity of other components in the composition of the products. In addition, aromatherapy with shea essential oil is effectively used to rejuvenate the body and combat persistent colds. When inhaling the vapors of shea essential oil, local bronchopulmonary protection is activated, which promotes a speedy recovery from respiratory ailments.

Thus, shea butter has many beneficial properties. Shea butter is effectively used in cosmetology; it is used in the food industry, as well as in folk medicine. In the vast majority of cases, using the product is completely safe. However, sensitive people should consult a specialist before using shea butter for the first time.

Traveling through African countries, many people simply admire the smooth skin and thick hair of local beauties. Achieving such an effect is very difficult, given the scorching heat and dry winds of the plains. The main secret of healthy skin and hair of these peoples is shea butter, extracted from its seeds. People here take it from a very young age. The shea tree, also called shea or colo, grows in many countries on the African continent and can reach 300 years of age. The fruits, which look like miniature avocados, are collected only from trees that are over 30 years old. The source of the oil itself is the seeds in the pit; they need to be dried, fried or boiled, and then crushed.

Obtaining oil

Now there are only 2 ways to prepare cabbage soup:

  • The manual method, which is undoubtedly more labor-intensive. The seeds are crushed in mortars, after which a little water is added and the mass is ground until a brown pulp is obtained. Then it is rinsed to form foam, which is collected in a separate container and boiled. After this, the upper part of this decoction is removed and cooled. This is butter, it looks like baked milk.
  • A production method in which the final product goes through several stages of filtration, purification and deodorization. The resulting korite oil is snow-white in color and has no specific odor.

Ingredients: shea butter

The extract consists of many elements, such as:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids
  • Vitamins A, E, D
  • Triglycerides
  • Phenols
  • Steroids
  • Hydrocarbon

All these components allow the use of shea butter in various fields.

Benefits - shea butter

For a very long time, the indigenous population of Africa has been accustomed to eating shea tree products. They use it as a substitute for butter and vegetable oil, which are ubiquitous in Europe. Colo oil contains a huge amount of unsaturated fatty acids (mono and poly), which affect most processes in the body:

  • Strengthening cellular structures, including muscles and bone tissue
  • Hormonal regulation
  • Release a large amount of energy

Colo extract is very popular among women of all ages.

In developed countries, shea butter is rarely used as a food, but it is very often used in food production, for example, it perfectly replaces cocoa butter (which is necessary to create chocolate). Margarine is also made from it.

Shea butter - properties

Shea butter is most widely used in the production of cosmetology and medicinal balms. Oil is an integral component of masks, balms, gels, creams and scrubs. All thanks to the excellent combination with other ingredients and essential oils. Shea has healing properties such as:

  • Supplying the skin with essential fat-soluble vitamins, including A, E and D, which contribute to its elasticity and health
  • Increased collagen production, which prevents aging and the formation of stretch marks (this phenomenon is often found in pregnant women)
  • Reduction of swelling and inflammation (minor injuries, bruises or sprains; oil is applied locally, rubbed into the affected area)
  • Bactericidal effect
  • Local increase in blood circulation (therefore used for massage)
  • Healing of burns, cracks and other injuries.
  • Protecting the skin from dryness, flaking and harmful environmental influences (sun, wind, cold, etc.)
  • Strengthening hair and nails

What reviews does people have of shea butter? In fact, there are not so many people who have tried this remedy, since people are not particularly aware of its healing properties, but those housewives who took a risk were very satisfied.

Harm - shea butter

The main problem of rare and exotic plants for our regions is an allergic reaction to them. To prevent such a nuisance, you must first test the oil on a small area of ​​the body. You can apply a little on the back of your wrist and see if there is any redness.

However, the biggest drawback of shea butter is the lack of thorough medical studies of this product that could clearly confirm its beneficial properties.

Shea butter - application

Colo seed oil or products in which it is one of the components can be purchased at pharmacies or specialized cosmetics stores. Shea butter in the pharmacy has a composition close to medical drugs, so it is used more for medicinal purposes. Before you buy anything, you need to carefully study the composition, since the method of making the oil affects not only the price.

Remember that if shea butter is refined, it will not give the desired healing effect.

Natural handmade shea butter has many more nutrients because it has not been refined. The natural product has a greenish or cream color and a nutty odor. You should also pay attention to the labeling. The highest quality oil is assigned class A, and the lowest grade F. The latter has only a moisturizing effect. In its natural form, shea butter is stored in a cool place in the form of bars. It begins to melt at the temperature of the human body. Unrefined, natural oil retains its properties for 2 years. The safety of shea butter in various products depends on its variety and other components in the composition.

Many women are well aware of the bark cream-balm with shea butter for the eyelids. It is designed specifically for the care of delicate skin.

Shea butter for massage

The product is used for various types of massage; it perfectly moisturizes the skin and saturates it with nutrients, in addition, it improves blood circulation in a certain area. The extract will not only cure the epithelium, but also get rid of cellulite, while the upper layers of the skin are filled with microelements and vitamins. Having a tonic and soothing property, the oil can be used to eliminate “orange peel” and facial massage to get rid of scars and flaking.

You can even buy shea butter for massage at a pharmacy.

Colo oil in aromatherapy

Shea extract is actively used in aromatherapy; it has an excellent effect on sleep and relaxation. Therefore, to get the effect, it can be used not only for massage. Active ingredients and a pleasant smell will help you cope even with a runny nose. To achieve the effect, you just need to heat the ingredient and it will ignite throughout the house. In many professional beauty salons, shea butter is used to create a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere, and its use in massage provides double benefits for the skin.

Oil in soap making

In addition to containing a large number of useful microelements and vitamins, the oil perfectly moisturizes the skin. It is for this reason that African shea tree extract is added to soap. Even a small amount of content is enough to provide the necessary qualities. The fat-free composition allows the oil to lather well and be absorbed into the pores.

Shea butter for hands

Colo extract wonderfully softens hands and is perfectly absorbed without leaving a greasy residue. You can simply use it like a regular cream - take a small amount of oil and rub it into your hands. It perfectly heals wounds, cracks and even helps bruises resolve, as it has a healing effect.

Shea butter for body

By applying oil to the body, you can get rid of acne, pimples, peeling, redness and bruises. In addition, the extract is widely used as a massage product because it increases blood circulation in the treated area.

Shea butter, the price of which is quite high, is nevertheless capable of having a beneficial effect on many processes in the human body.

Summing up

When you decide to try this method of caring for yourself or your loved ones, remember that the beneficial properties are preserved only if the shea butter is unrefined and produced by hand. It is identified by smell and color. However, do not forget that the natural product does not last very long, so do not stock it up for future use.

Today, there is a huge variety of personal care products on the cosmetics market. Hand cream with aloe vera, face milk with shea butter, body mousse with sea buckthorn extract. How to figure out which additive is for what? This article will tell you about shea butter, what kind of thing it is, how to use it and what benefits it has for the skin.

Benefits of shea butter

This oil is extracted from the fruits of the shea tree, which grows in Africa. The tree looks like an oak - thick bark, powerful trunk, long-lived tree. By the way, this plant has many different names. One of them is shea butter. Thus, shea butter and shea butter are the same thing. Please note that shea is a nut tree. This information is important for those with nut allergies.

Shea butter has a very rich composition; it contains all the essential vitamins and microelements that our skin and hair need so much. Specifically:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • tocopherol, also known as vitamin E;
  • protein;
  • alcohol;
  • fatty acids - linoleic, stearic, oleic, palmitic.

Shea butter is used:

  1. For the care of very dry or inflamed skin.
  2. Ideal as a gentle moisturizer for caring for the delicate skin of a newborn.
  3. Well restores fading, thin and aging skin.

That is, shea butter can be used at any age and with any skin condition. Why is it so useful?

Beneficial properties of shea butter:

  • a powerful natural antioxidant, which means this product slows down skin aging;
  • contains the main beauty vitamins - A and, and thanks to them, is able to smooth out wrinkles;
  • the retinol in this oil has a good effect on the complexion, evens it out and makes it look fresher;
  • makes you wake up and start producing collagen on your own;
  • makes the skin smooth and velvety;
  • cares for hair, gives ;
  • perfectly softens particularly dry and rough areas of the skin - elbows, knees;
  • improves metabolism between cells;
  • can be used while waiting and feeding a baby;
  • promotes rapid recovery of the skin;
  • protects skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Shea butter has an excellent track record. What are its indications for use?

In what cases is shea butter used:

  1. Stretch marks.
  2. Children's skin inflammations from diapers.
  3. Eczema.
  4. Increased hair growth with increased fragility and dryness of hair.
  5. Teenage acne and oily problem skin.
  6. Skin with age-related changes. For example, loss of elasticity on.
  7. Sun protection on the beach.
  8. Skin restoration after sunburn.
  9. Irritated scalp, itching, dandruff.
  10. Split ends and more.
  11. Irritation and itching from insect bites.
  12. For minor wounds and cuts, used as an anti-inflammatory and decongestant.

Harm of shea butter

In general, this product is considered absolutely harmless. Since it is approved for use in infants. Nevertheless, this miraculous remedy has its own contraindications and features:

  • an individual allergic reaction to the components of the oil is possible;
  • insufficient clinical research, not all properties of the oil have been fully studied;
  • Do not leave the oil in the sun or store it in a room - it will spoil;
  • It is not recommended to use a product that has expired.

Since the substance is quite strong, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test before using the pure product. Apply a small amount of oil to the inside of your wrist. If within 30 minutes no unpleasant sensations arise in the form of burning, tingling or redness of the skin, you can safely use it.

Pure shea butter has a shelf life of about 2 years. But if the product is added to masks and creams, then the lifespan of its beneficial substances is sharply reduced to 3 months.

Shea butter: application

Shea butter or cosmetic products that contain it can be purchased at any cosmetics store or pharmacy. When purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of the oil. A valuable product is extracted in 2 ways:

  1. Manual. Allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients. It is characterized by high cost.
  2. Industrial. It has a fairly low cost and a minimal set of useful properties.

Shea butter has its own classification. Class A is considered the best. This is hand-extracted oil. Usually unrefined and stored in bars. It looks like a bar of soap with a greenish, grayish, beige or yellow tint. It has a slightly noticeable nutty scent and creamy texture. Be sure to store it in the refrigerator, since at a temperature close to body temperature it begins to melt.

Class F is considered the lowest. This is definitely an industrial oil, even more likely a waste product from shea butter. As a rule, it only has a moisturizing effect. The color is as close to white as possible.

This product can be included in any homemade skin or hair care product. When using a pure natural product, in combination with other high-quality ingredients, it can give a positive effect after just a couple of uses. Can also be used to further enrich purchased cosmetics.

Remember that a high-quality natural product is distinguished by a high price, storage in a bar in a cold room and a weak nutty aroma. You can buy pure shea butter in organic stores or online stores. Do not forget to make sure that the seller has permission to trade and read the documents confirming the right to sell the African product.

Shea butter for hair

Beneficial properties of shea butter for hair:

  • restoration of hair damaged after frequent dyeing, perm or weakened by the summer period;
  • giving hair natural shine and silkiness;
  • moisturizing for dry and brittle ends;
  • protection against split ends, fragility and the harmful effects of high temperatures;
  • nourishing weakened hair, solving the problem of excessive hair loss.

Remember that shea butter is not a panacea; you cannot continue to ruin your hair and believe that a wonderful cream will fix everything. Shea helps restore, but does not heal.

The easiest way to use high-quality shea butter is to apply it to your hair in its pure form. To do this, cut off a little butter and melt it in a water bath. You should not boil the oil - vitamins are destroyed when heated. Apply warm oil to your scalp and hair and massage gently. Then evenly distribute the oil throughout your hair using a wide-toothed comb. To enhance the warming effect, you should wrap your hair in polyethylene and wrap it in a towel. You need to keep this mask on your hair for at least 30 minutes. Then wash your hair as usual.

Shea butter for face

  1. Should not be used regularly on oily skin.
  2. Do not use shea butter in its pure form every day - it can clog your pores.

It is good to use shea butter as an alternative to night face cream. Take some oil, melt it in your palms and apply a thin layer on your face. In the morning, wash your face as usual.

For oily skin, it is good to mix shea with tea tree oil - this will improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands and will not cause clogging of pores.

For dry skin, you can try mixing shea butter and olive extract. Or avocado oil and sandalwood. It's good to add natural ground cinnamon for a soft, natural scrub.

You can make your own lip balm from shea butter. To do this:

  • Take the liquid shea butter extract and blend it with a regular blender.
  • You can add a couple of drops of peach, grape seed or jojoba oil. It is also good to add liquid vitamin A. If desired, you can use essential oil to give the balm a pleasant aroma - lavender, orange, cinnamon, rosewood.
  • Pour the mixture into a prepared clean and dry jar and put it in the refrigerator.

This homemade balm will not only save you from chapping, but will also help soften your elbows, knees, or flaky skin. Suitable for caring for the skin around the eyes.

Shea butter for body

In addition to the obvious advantages of using this body oil, there is another, undoubtedly significant one - shea butter helps make stretch marks less noticeable. It is quite difficult to completely remove stretch marks, but making them less bright and intense is quite possible. It is best to start treatment immediately as soon as they appear. Fresh stretch marks are easier to remove than old scars.

Before applying the oil, the skin needs to be prepared. Take a warm shower; if conditions allow, it’s better to sit in the bathhouse. In this case, you need to warm up the application area well with a rough washcloth. After these procedures, feel free to apply shea butter in a thick layer to problem areas of the body. It is good to stimulate the absorption of oil with an additional simple massage - pinching and patting particularly problem areas. Wait a bit for the oil to be absorbed. Or lay down an unnecessary sheet and go to bed.

You can combine this substance with the following oils:

  1. Olive.
  2. Almond.
  3. Apricot or peach.
  4. Orange.
  5. Roses.
  6. Juniper.
  7. Tea tree.
  8. Anise.

Using this substance for stretch marks, you can make oil compresses. Dilute the oil in warm water, moisten a napkin and place it on your chest. After half an hour, remove the napkin. You can wipe the breasts with another clean napkin to remove excess oil. There is no need to rinse off.

It is good to use this product to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. In this case, it is recommended to apply it to the stomach, butt, thighs and chest 3 times a day in a thin layer. Be sure to do an allergy test, even if you have previously used this oil. A pregnant woman’s body can “throw out” a surprise.

Shea butter cream

We invite you to familiarize yourself with simple and effective recipes for creating with shea butter at home.

Nourishing night cream:

  • 30 ml rose water;
  • 50 g shea butter;
  • 50 g almond, peach or olive oil of your choice;
  • a couple of capsules of liquid retinol;
  • 5 g lecithin;
  • a few drops of chamomile or lavender essential oil;
  • a little wax.

Melt the wax and shea butter a little, then add the remaining oils one by one. Finally add rose water. Mix everything thoroughly. Store the cream strictly in the refrigerator.

Nourishing anti-aging cream:

  • 50 g shea butter;
  • 30 g each of wax and cinnamon tincture;
  • 10 g avocado oil;
  • 15 ml orange.

Melt the wax and oils, add the rest of the products. Mix thoroughly and pour into a jar. Store in the refrigerator.

Shea butter masks

  1. To save brittle and burning hair, mix shea, sandalwood oil, liquid vitamins A and E. Keep this mask on your hair for at least 3 hours.
  2. To speed up growth, mix shea butter with rosemary oil and castor oil. You can enhance the effect by using plastic film, cover your hair with it and wrap it with a towel. This mask must be done once a week for 3 months.
  3. Face mask. Used to combat wrinkles. Mix a teaspoon each of shea butter, olive oil and almond butter. Apply to face. After 20-30 minutes, wash your face as usual.
  4. Mask against dry and flaky skin. Mix shea butter with egg yolk. Add a spoonful of olive oil. Keep this mask on your face for at least 25 minutes. Then wash your face.

Shea butter: reviews

Girls who used a high-quality natural product are completely satisfied with their purchase. The oil really moisturizes well, removes fine wrinkles, nourishes hair and makes stretch marks less noticeable.

It is worth noting that reviews from girls with oily skin are divided. Some noted a deterioration in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Others have noticed the positive effects of the oil.

Everyone who was dissatisfied with the use of shea butter purchased the product for pennies. This means they used low quality oil. As they say, what you paid is what you got.