Homemade white currant marshmallow. Homemade currant marshmallow: recipes for delicious currant marshmallow in the oven or dehydrator. Red currant pastille

step by step recipe with photo

Sweet pita bread or blackcurrant pastille can be prepared in the summer and enjoy the taste of your favorite berries throughout the year. To prepare, you only need the currants themselves and a little sugar. It is best to dry marshmallows outdoors. This is the longest, but also the cheapest method. However, it is not available to everyone. Residents of the metropolis are unlikely to be able to afford such a luxury, primarily due to air pollution. Fruit pita bread cannot be dried under such conditions. However, this does not mean that city residents cannot prepare blackcurrant marshmallows at home. There are other drying technologies for them: in the oven or in an electric dryer. The air drying process takes 3-4 days, in the oven at a temperature of 80-100 degrees - 3-4 hours, and in an electric dryer - up to 35 hours.


  • black currant – 500 g
  • granulated sugar – 250 g


1. Sort the blackcurrants, remove the stems and rinse. This is the longest and most tedious stage and requires patience. The berries for berry pita bread may differ in size, this is not important. It is important that they are ripe and healthy, have a rich dark purple color and exude a pleasant aroma. The berries can simply be pureed and dried. In this case, the marshmallow will retain all the beneficial properties of fresh currants, but will be sour and brittle. If you boil it with sugar, it will lose all the vitamins, but it will turn out elastic, sweet and more tender.

2. Pour boiling water over the currants and blanch (boil) for 3-5 minutes. Then drain the water. This is done to make the skin of the berries softer.

3. Pour blackcurrants into a blender and chop.

4. Berry puree turns out uneven. It preserves pieces of skin and small seeds. If desired, the puree can be rubbed through a sieve.

5. Transfer the berry mass to a saucepan and mix with sugar. Its quantity can be changed to your own taste. However, you should be aware that if there is too much sugar, the marshmallow will not dry well and will remain sticky.

6. Stirring continuously, boil the berry puree until thickened.


You and your family will surely enjoy making your own blackcurrant pastille, as the taste of such a treat is brighter and richer than the one you buy in the store.
To make marshmallows, you only need two ingredients: blackcurrants and sugar. However, if the currants are sweet enough, sugar may not even be needed.
The big advantage of this homemade marshmallow is that the currants do not need to be cooked for a long time to prepare it. Thanks to this, the berries retain most microelements and vitamins, and the taste of fresh currants is not lost. Thus, having prepared the marshmallow correctly, you can store it almost all winter. As for drying, you can dry the delicacy both in an electric dryer and in the oven, however, if you decide to dry the marshmallow in the oven, you risk losing some taste qualities. That is why it is better to give preference to a dryer. If you don't have one kitchen gadget, it would be advisable to purchase it, because it will be useful to you more than once in everyday life.
At home, you can make blackcurrant marshmallow even without sugar, but the berries should be chosen so that they are ripe and sweet, otherwise the delicacy will turn out to be slightly sour. We offer you our step-by-step recipe with photos to make this treat yourself. If you have never tried churchkhella or pastila, now is the time to fix that! Arm yourself with our recipe, stock up on ingredients and enjoy making sweets!


Blackcurrant marshmallow - recipe

As already mentioned, if you want to make sweet marshmallow without sugar, then black currants need to be collected so that they are ripe and their fruits have a dark blue color. If the berries are large, that’s great, since such currants are more aromatic and tasty. Just do not pick unripe and too hard berries, so as not to spoil the delicacy.

Having collected the required amount of currants, they must be thoroughly washed to remove dust and dirt, as well as to get rid of stalks and other debris. Immediately after this, the currants should be placed in a blender bowl and crushed to a puree, then pour the mixture into a saucepan and put on fire. Blackcurrant puree must be brought to a boil and boiled for no more than five minutes. Due to the fact that currants need to be cooked for a relatively short time, they retain most of their taste and beneficial properties. You can also add sugar at this stage if the situation requires it.

After the blackcurrant puree has boiled, take out the electric dryer, as well as parchment paper, carefully spread the currant mixture over it and place it on the dryer tray. Dry the marshmallow in this way for about three hours, plus or minus twenty minutes. When ready, carefully separate the dry layer of delicacy from the parchment, cut into strips and roll into rolls. This will make it more convenient to store blackcurrant marshmallows in a container.

Currant pastille is a soft, aromatic delicacy prepared by spreading currant puree on parchment or a tray and drying it to a plastic state. Many generations remember pastila as a favorite sweet from childhood, which their parents and grandparents treated them to. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is traditionally a homemade delicacy, not a store-bought one, so every housewife should know how to prepare marshmallow.

Currant pastille looks very appetizing. Externally, the sweetness attracts attention with its rich, bright purple, sometimes with a pink tint. Its smell is simply mind-blowing! And the taste is memorable with its rich sourness. Even people with a sweet tooth sometimes like to treat themselves to something sour, and currant pastille will completely satisfy this craving. The cooking process includes a stage where you can control the taste of your dish and add as much malt as your heart desires. In marshmallow, currants reveal all their qualities, which makes the delicacy worthy of the gods.

How to combine currants with other products in marshmallows?

As already mentioned, currant pastille has a rich taste with a predominance of sour. If you play this correctly, you can create a wonderful delicacy in which sourness will be the final note of the game of tastes, or in tandem with other favorite products it will turn a well-known sweetness into something new and special. You can also experiment with colors and shades. To do this, just mix two types of ground products on one tray and make beautiful stains.

Summer abundance of fruits and berries - bright winter delicacies

Traditionally, if you want to get a soft, tender marshmallow, banana is added to the main product in a 1:1 ratio, you can do the same with currants. The banana will make the final product less sour and add more sweetness. There are no seeds or coarse fibers in it, so the marshmallow will be more uniform.

If you dream of such a sweet that is rich not only in vitamins and useful substances, but also combines a whole bouquet of shades of tastes and smells, then mix currants with crushed grapes and finely chopped apple in equal parts. Everyone will like this marshmallow, because it contains a mixture of well-known and beloved ones from the very beginning. early childhood products. In this case, the layers turn out to be homogeneous, do not tear or stick to your hands, which makes the sweetness perfect.

Let's look at the recipe for making currant marshmallows on 15 trays in the Ezidri Ultra dryer. This dryer, although small in size, is quite spacious. To fill all the trays, you will need 8 kg of currant berries and 1.5 liters of flower honey, provided that you need sour marshmallow. From this amount of workpiece you will get more than 3.6 kg of finished product. If you want to make it sweet, then prepare more honey or sugar accordingly.

The drying period depends on the amount of sweet products you added to the pastille. The sweeter the treat, the longer it will take to cook. It will take 2 times less time to prepare sour marshmallow without sugar or honey than with their addition.

If you don't cook large number marshmallows, using only up to 7 pallets, the product dries evenly on all pallets. But if you need a large amount of treats and you have used 8-15 trays, then halfway through the drying process you will need to swap trays by moving the top trays down.

Dry the currants with honey. This process is long, takes 35 hours at a temperature of + 55˚ C. About 5 hours before the end of the process, remove the layers of marshmallow and place them directly on trays, without using pallets, so that the bottom of the layers dries faster.

How to properly organize marshmallow storage?

Once you remove the marshmallows from the pallets, they need to be folded properly so they can be stored long time. To do this, you need to cut each layer into 4 parts and twist them into tubes. Now wrap each tube separately with cling film so that the pieces do not stick together and are easy to take out, and put everything in three liter jar. This process takes about one hour. If you simply close the jar with a lid, the marshmallow will not change its properties whole year, and if you store the delicacy under vacuum lids, even for two years!

Unlimited possibilities for using marshmallows

Pastila is traditionally cut into slices and eaten as a delicacy for tea, but currant pastila is special. If you make it sweeter, it will be perfect as a layer in your favorite cake, you can add it instead of jam to homemade ice cream or yogurt, or decorate your favorite dessert with it. If the marshmallow turns out to be more sour, then you can use it in other dishes, for example, prepare a sweet and sour sauce for pork or beef, soak it in warm water and use it as a marinade for medallions. Therefore, you can make part of the marshmallow sweeter and the rest sour enough to spice up your homemade dishes with haute cuisine recipes.

You can make your favorite drinks from marshmallows: teas, compotes, tinctures. Dried currants in crushed form are no worse than freshly frozen or prepared as jam. The Isidri dryer is a machine for creating a universal product.

Currant marshmallow is a delicacy with its own character. The specific sourness makes the product special, unlike other types. But don’t be upset for those with a sweet tooth: just add more honey or roll the finished marshmallow in sugar, and it will become so tasty that you can swallow your tongue! Don’t be afraid to experiment, because marshmallows were created for this purpose so that you can enjoy its unusual taste and beneficial properties whole year.

Dry and enjoy!

Usually marshmallow is made from the fruits of apples, pears, or quinces, but when it comes to the berry version of the famous sweet, black and red currants are beyond competition. If you have collected a decent harvest over the summer and don’t know what to do with the remaining berries, then we will tell you how to make currant marshmallow.

Homemade currant pastille

Currant marshmallow is very easy to prepare, but drying it takes quite a lot of time, so be patient and start cooking.


  • black currant – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 600 g.


Before making currant marshmallow, we sort out the berries, wash them, and puree them in a blender. Pour the berry puree into a saucepan and put it on the fire, heat the contents of the saucepan to approximately 60 degrees. We rub the warm currant puree through a sieve and return it to the heat again, seasoning it with sugar. Bring the mixture for the future marshmallow until it thickens, cool to room temperature and beat with a mixer to make the marshmallow more tender and airy.

Grease the parchment with oil using a napkin and pour the currant puree in a thin layer of 0.5 cm. Dry in the oven at 60 degrees for 5-6 hours. Next, divide the dessert into portions and return it to the oven. The finished pastille turns out to be quite elastic and does not stick to your hands.

Recipe for black and red currant marshmallows


  • black currant – 300 g;
  • red currant – 300 g;
  • honey – 300 g.


We sort and wash the red and black currant berries. Puree the currants using a blender and rub through a sieve. If you want to get a slightly tart marshmallow, then you don’t have to grind the berries. Place the finished puree on the stove, mix with honey and keep until thickened. Pour the completely cooled marshmallow into a thin layer onto the greased vegetable oil parchment and place in a warm oven. It will take about 6 hours for the marshmallow to harden, after which the delicacy can be divided into portions and dried in the sun. It is necessary in a cool, dry place, otherwise it will again acquire its former stickiness and softness.

In such a recipe, you can use not only currants; raspberries, strawberries, a little gooseberries, in a word, anything you find in the garden are perfect. The technology for preparing the dish does not change depending on the composition, although instead of drying it in the oven on a sunny day, you can dry the delicacy on the balcony or in the yard.