Baked apples or fresh. The benefits of baked apples. Oven baked apples with sugar and raspberries

Agree that the topic of health interested people at all times. Suffice it to recall the fact that even the ancient Greeks and Romans worked intensively in this direction, laying the foundations of many modern fields of medicine. But, since it more and more resembles the “conveyor business”, people more and more often turn to folk knowledge embodied in recipes for health and beauty.

In particular, questions are often raised: baked apples - the benefits and harms of which have recently been “on the ears” of everyone, do they really have healing properties? The answer to it will follow immediately: yes, their use has a very beneficial effect on the entire body.

For the most part, they do not treat this or that disease in the usual sense for everyone, acting as a medicine, but saturate the body with the necessary substances so that it can cope with the disease itself, while facilitating the activity of most of its systems.

The Chinese, more than a thousand years ago, noticed: the human body is able to stay in an ideal physical and mental state, if it is provided with all the nutrients it needs.

And modern science only confirms this fact. Undoubtedly, good-quality apples, baked properly, are a health benefit, as well as an extremely tasty and affordable treat. You can enjoy them yourself and feed them to your children and grandchildren. And in order to get the maximum benefit from this (and not cause any harm to yourself, which is practically impossible).

Calorie content and composition of baked apples in the oven

The calorie content (or, as it is commonly called, energy value) of baked apples depends on the method of their preparation, variety, and also, in many respects, on what they are baked with: the apples themselves - without additives, with sugar or honey, cinnamon or cottage cheese and so on.

calories . It is immediately worth noting that the speech, now, and further in the article, will focus on apples without additives. So, their approximate calorie content is about 58-60 kcal per hundred grams of the product. This is almost the same as that of fresh apples, only plucked from the tree.

From them it is almost impossible to gain weight, even if you use them in large quantities, purely theoretically. But, for those who, for example, follow a diet to lose weight and count the calories consumed by the body per day, information about the energy value of the product may be useful.

With regards to the composition of apples, it should be singled out separately, since it is thanks to him that they have such pronounced beneficial properties for the body.

So, in baked apples there are: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There are a lot of vitamins in them. Perhaps for this reason, doctors say: in order not to get sick at all, it is enough to eat 2-3 medium-sized apples daily.

And, even if this is a bit exaggerated, let's not forget that each "legend" has its share of truth. One thing is beyond doubt: easily digestible vitamins from apples, passing under the "control" of the body, after their use and absorption by the intestines, work wonders and completely solve problems with vitamin deficiency in 1-2 weeks.

vitamins in apples is, in one dosage or another. In particular, most of all, among them: C and E, A and H, PP, and also absolutely all B vitamins.

Minerals , in their "range" contained in these fruits, are also not inferior. Among them, it is especially necessary to highlight such useful ones: magnesium, zinc, potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and others.

Note! With proper baking of apples, they practically do not lose their useful properties, since the vast majority of vitamins and minerals contained in them are not destroyed. And this is very important, since there is an opinion that heat treatment has a destructive effect on useful substances in products. This is not entirely true: a lot depends on the consistency, structure of the product itself, the way it is processed, and other equally important factors.

Baked apples - all the benefits and harms

When it comes to the beneficial effects on health, and even on the appearance, of such a unique product as baked apples, one can talk endlessly here, since this is really an almost inexhaustible topic. First of all, it should be noted how beneficially this product affects the gastrointestinal tract!

The state and working capacity of the gastrointestinal tract depends, by 80-85%, on the state of the whole organism: immunity, cardiovascular and nervous systems, musculoskeletal system and general physical well-being, condition of hair, skin, and so on.

We can say that our gastrointestinal tract, and the entire digestive system as a whole, is the core, the basis of the whole organism. And this is no exaggeration.

And since baked apples have a very beneficial effect on them, the pattern becomes clear: their use is health promotion and a significant improvement in well-being, increased efficiency.

If we talk about the benefits of apples prepared by baking them in general, then the following can be distinguished:

Benefits for children and teenagers

Vision benefits

Such a product is useful for reliable protection of the organs of vision from the often inevitable age-related degenerative changes and from common eye infections. Do you want to keep your vision sharp until old age? Then - do not forget about the periodic use of apples, including baked ones.

Improvement of the blood count

The blood formula and, in particular, the content of red blood cells in it, will improve significantly, due to the content of iron in apples, which is necessary for their effective production in sufficient, from a physiological point of view, volumes.

Improving brain function

The product improves the functioning of the brain and its blood circulation, protects this organ, the importance of which cannot be overestimated, from atherosclerosis and age-related changes.

Normalization of blood pressure

Apples allow you to normalize blood pressure due to their ability to maintain an optimal water-salt balance. In severe hypertension, of course, baked apples alone will not be enough, but even in such cases they are able to show a good positive effect.

Strengthening the body and immunity

Baked apples do not have direct antimicrobial and antifungal abilities, but due to the fact that their regular consumption can raise the defenses to a qualitatively new level, the threat of infection with them is significantly reduced.

Baked apples are excellently absorbed by the body, which allows you to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract, unloading it and, at the same time, getting the most out of using a product so rich in healthy substances.

And yet, apples, prepared by baking them, allow you to normalize body weight, are indicated for violations of the pancreas, intestines and liver. This will be discussed further.

Who can harm baked apples?

And right now about who should be careful with the use of baked apples!

1. Those who have an individual allergy to them.

2. With an exacerbation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

3. Apples do not have a very pronounced, mild diuretic effect, therefore, they are not recommended in large quantities for urolithiasis, prostatitis, as well as prostate adenoma and so on.

How many baked apples can you eat per day?

In general, you do not need to abuse this product.

The optimal "dose" for an adult per day is about 2-3 apples.

For children from 2 years old - half an apple every few days.

For children 5-10 years old - 1 apple every two days.

These doses are approximate, they are given for a rough understanding of how much this product can be eaten for its beneficial effects on health and the elimination of negative consequences from it for the body.

The benefits of baked apples for our liver

For this body, she is incredible. As already mentioned, apples do not so much heal her as they allow her to unload, allowing her to recover naturally.

And a lot of valuable minerals and vitamins that enter the body along with the pulp and peel of apples will undoubtedly contribute to this.

The work of the liver will be normalized completely or partially, depending on its current state, if baked apples are consumed regularly, as well as to eliminate the negative influence of provoking factors to the maximum: normalize nutrition, reduce alcohol consumption, avoid stressful situations, and so on.

What are the benefits of baked apples for the intestines

They cleanse the intestines and prevent the development of constipation.

Irritations of the intestines, foci of inflammation in it, slagging, feces - all this will be neutralized.

Apples are extremely beneficial for the intestines. But, in their raw form, they may not be allowed for everyone to eat. But in the baked one, this is exactly what is needed to improve the intestines and maintain it in an optimal physiological state throughout the year.

Baked apples for weight loss, is there any benefit?

Apple diets, their recipes, in dozens and hundreds of variations, have practically flooded the Internet. But, the vast majority of them are ineffective, ineffective at all, or even harmful.

One day every two weeks, at regular intervals, eat 1-2 baked apples in the morning, afternoon and evening, as well as an apple in between, on the other days just adhering to a normal diet (at least not overeating) , and you will notice positive changes in your figure in 1-1.5 months.

And even with a normal diet, but including baked apples in the diet in doses that are recommended for an adult, you can be sure that they contribute to weight loss.

By improving metabolism, increasing the efficiency of the liver and intestines, removing excess fluid and toxins from the body, apples, quite deservedly, can be considered a dietary product!

Baked apples for pancreatitis - the main benefit

Such apples are a dish that is allowed for both acute and chronic types of pancreatitis, including - including the stage of its exacerbation.

When baking apples, their acidity decreases, they are not easily digested, being perfectly absorbed even with a lack of pancreatic enzymes, thereby unloading it.

Flatulence and dysbacteriosis, constipation and toxins, cholesterol - all these problems will be solved thanks to baked apples.

And since the pancreas is part of a single digestive system, positive changes in it cannot but affect the state of the gland itself!

Is it possible to bake apples with diabetes?

Answering a common question: is it possible for diabetics to baked apples, endocrinologists unequivocally and unanimously state what is possible, but only in moderation, focusing more on sour varieties.

Please note that baked apples for diabetes are considered by many to be the most useful among all the ways to prepare these fruits.

Baked apples during pregnancy and breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, apples baked in various ways will help to quickly restore the strength and energy of a nursing mother, having a beneficial effect on her health and the health of the baby.

Only 1 apple per day, and you can satisfy the body's need for nutrients and minerals, vitamins.

Many mothers, or future mothers, are afraid to eat red apples. But, when baking, the allergic substances in them are almost all destroyed. The same applies to green fruits (by color, not by degree of maturity).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, compote or uzar from them are also useful.

Contraindications for baked apples

As already noted, there are practically no contraindications to their use, with the exception of a few very rare cases. Therefore, feel free to eat them.

It's delicious and incredibly healthy. Don't believe? See for yourself. After all, you can buy them inexpensively in one of the nearest stores! Be healthy!

Everyone knows how useful an apple is. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford to eat it without consequences for their health. Basically, of course, these are elderly people, children of the first years of life and suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. True, if you cook them correctly, then apples will suit all these people. And how should they be prepared? This refers to baked and the harm of which is completely different from those of fresh fruits.

But first you need to learn how to choose the right apples for baking so that they do not crack and can be eaten with the peel. Best of all, of course, if these are fruits from your own garden. But if this is not possible, then when choosing them in a store or on the market, it is advisable to give preference to domestic ones and those with a light coating (these are traces of watering). But glossy and shiny apples are best left in the supermarket. Usually they are treated with wax, so the peel of such apples is not recommended to be eaten.

In order to get beautiful baked during cooking, while also being preserved, it is advisable to choose hard fruits with a dense peel, without damage. Varieties such as Antonovka, Simirenko or Granny Smith are best suited for baking. It is also important to properly prepare them for baking. Wash the apples well and remove the core with a special or regular knife. Then you need to put them in a deep baking sheet with and bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Do not add sugar, as there is already plenty of it in the apples themselves. If, after baking, they seem sour, you can add a little honey.

That's just it. The benefits and harms of this dessert are still highly dependent on what they are supplemented with during cooking. If you make a filling of cottage cheese and dried fruits, then, of course, such apples will be useful. And if you add whipped cream or condensed milk, then it is unlikely to be a dietary dish. Therefore, it is important not only to choose the right apples, but also to cook them.

And yet, are baked apples healthy? Just like fresh fruits, they are rich in iron, sodium, phosphorus, vitamins B6, B12 and other trace elements. True, after heat treatment, they become a little less, but not much, since the fruits are baked in the peel. In addition, baked apples contain more pectin. And it helps to remove toxins from the body and normalize the intestinal microflora. Baked apples are also recommended for anyone who suffers from constipation and other bowel diseases. In general, they are absorbed even better than unprocessed ones. Eating them helps in weight loss. Pregnant and infants are also recommended to eat baked apples.

The benefits and harms of their use by nutritionists do not raise any doubts. So, there is no doubt for those who are recommended to include them in the menu. Moreover, the beneficial properties of these apples are too obvious, and there are practically no negative properties. Of course, you should observe the measure when eating baked apples. The benefit and harm from them will be clearly unequal, and the first will be several times higher than the second.

Baked apples piping hot from the oven is a great dessert, not only tasty but also healthy. Our ancestors began to bake apples on fire many hundreds of years ago. And almost immediately found that they have a beneficial effect on health.

The biggest advantage of this simple dessert is that baked apples are easily digested by the intestines. Even in people with diseased intestines, they do not cause unpleasant consequences in the form of bloating or heartburn.

Useful properties of baked apples

In addition, baked fruits are easily absorbed by the body, heat treatment almost destroys the nutrients in apples, reducing, for example, the content of vitamins A, C, iron, etc. But at the same time it provides a lot of benefits for nutrition with a weak intestine. Therefore, they are recommended to be eaten by small children in the form of mashed potatoes, as well as to patients after abdominal operations and simply weakened by the disease. Baked apples act as a mild laxative, activating the digestive tract. Perhaps the most active useful substance in them is pectin. It is pectins that remove toxins from the body, neutralize bad cholesterol. They are also useful in dysbacteriosis, restoring the beneficial intestinal microflora.
For the same reason, baked apples are recommended as a means of preventing the development of various tumors and disorders of the liver and rectum.

Useful substances in baked apples:

  • vitamins A, B, H, PP, E;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • pectins;
  • cellulose.

Traditional medicine considers baked apples a panacea for disruption of the digestive system. It is believed that their daily use is able to restore damaged intestinal tissue within a month.

The benefits of baked apples for weight loss

Of course, raw fruits are also good for weight loss. But overdose can lead to heartburn or diarrhea. Baked apples have a lot of benefits - with the help of various ingredients, the diet can become more varied and healthy.

With all this, 200 grams contains about 120 calories, 9 grams of carbohydrates and 5-7 grams of fiber.

How many baked apples can you eat

There are no restrictions on baked apples. There are as many as you want. If the body already refuses to accept them, then you should pause.

How to cook baked apples

You can bake them in the oven or microwave. Only firm fruits are suitable for baking, without any damage.

From the washed and dried fruits, it is necessary to cut out the core into which you can put the filling and spices. For example, cottage cheese, cinnamon and honey.

Attention! Do not sprinkle apples with sugar! It's best to do this after cooking.

Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

There are few people who do not like baked apples, the benefits and harms of which often fade into the background, given the taste of this delicacy. Someone chooses the classic version for themselves - just fruits baked in the oven, while someone makes whole works of culinary art out of them, adding whipped cream, cinnamon, butter, dried fruits and various other fillers. In the first case, the dessert remains very dietary, in the rest it is no longer inferior in calories to cakes, but there is a choice.

Benefits of baked apples for the body. Contraindications

Baking, in principle, is one of the most useful ways of cooking, because in this version many useful substances and properties are preserved in the products. So, what are the benefits of baked apples for the body?
Her list looks like this:
  • The content of a large number of pectins, which have a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract and especially on the intestines. They help with bloating, constipation and remove toxins.
  • Mild diuretic effect. Baked apples help to cope with puffiness and are generally indicated for use after poisoning or serious illness.
  • Normalization of metabolism. In the case of regular use, this delicacy has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism, acting on it in a healing way.
  • Normalization of blood pressure. Baked apples have the ability to maintain the body's water-salt balance at an optimal level for it.
  • Improvement of the blood count. The level of hemoglobin in the blood directly depends on the intake of iron in the body, which is contained in fresh and baked apples.
Thus, we can conclude that baked apples are almost the healthiest dessert in the world, but they also have their drawbacks. For example, they can affect the gastrointestinal tract in the opposite way, causing indigestion and bloating. And also, in rare cases, they can cause allergies. But as such, they have no contraindications, except that they cannot be eaten during an exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Calorie baked apples without sugar

If you do not add anything harmful to baked apples, then the result will be a dessert with a calorie content of only 50 Kcal per 100 grams, which is extremely dietary, and given the sweet taste of the finished dish, it is also very impressive. Interestingly, sugar-free baked apples retain almost the same calorie content as fresh fruits, so there is almost no chance of gaining weight from eating them. And they immediately have proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Diet baked apples for weight loss

This recipe is not only the lowest calorie, but also included in the therapeutic diet for pancreatitis. So, to cook baked apples for weight loss, you need:
  • Apples (possibly sweet varieties, but this is for taste purposes)
This concludes the list of required ingredients. They need to be washed, then cut out of the core or just make a recess and add a little water to it. Then the prepared fruits should be laid on a baking sheet and baked for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. After that they will be ready.
Advice. To prevent apples from bursting during baking, you can make punctures in their peel.

How many baked apples can you eat per day

Since apples cooked in the oven have such beneficial qualities for the body, doctors usually answer the question of how many baked apples you can eat per day, like this: 2-3 things. Moreover, on an ongoing basis, which will not affect the arrow on the scales in any way, but most likely it will be very noticeable in improving well-being as such. Here, after all, it is still necessary to take into account the fact that vitamins and minerals are found in baked apples in an easily digestible form and, with constant consumption, will completely compensate for their deficiency.

Indication of baked apples for gastritis

Gastritis is a very annoying problem and usually involves a strict diet. And if the issue is very difficult with fresh apples, because the fiber in their composition is painfully perceived by the stomach, then for baked apples, if not green, then certainly yellow light burns, since they are easily digested. You can definitely eat baked apples with gastritis with high acidity, but reduced secretion is not a complete contraindication for their use. In such cases, it is advised to choose the fruits of sweeter varieties, not to get carried away by their quantity and listen to the body.

Baked apples while breastfeeding

The period of breastfeeding takes place in severe dietary restrictions, while the young mother still wants to eat something tasty and sweet, as well as to restore strength after the changes that have occurred in her body. Here, baked apples come to the rescue, because just one such fruit a day is enough to fill the body with useful substances and have a beneficial effect on mother and baby.
Often, women who have given birth are forbidden to consume red apples, and they transfer these fears to dessert. However, baked apples can be eaten of any variety, because when baked, all allergic substances in them are destroyed. So nursing mothers can afford this dish without any doubts and worries.

Baked apples for diabetes: video

The diagnosis of diabetes imposes strict restrictions on nutrition, so many dishes, especially those related to the category of desserts, raise questions in sick people. Doctors allow eating baked apples for type 2 diabetes, limiting the amount to 1 fruit per day. Naturally, they should be prepared in the above way, without any additives in the form of sugar, honey, dried fruits, whipped cream, etc. Whatever the dietary apples, they contain a lot of glucose, which can increase blood sugar, so their uncontrolled use in diabetes is completely prohibited.

Praise first baked apples, good which is a separate topic, for a delicate and delicate taste. However, if one can argue about tastes, then baked apples are definitely useful - they remove bad cholesterol from the body, and also help the connection of free radicals, because they contain a lot of pectins. They are a good means of preventing various tumors, and also help with constipation, as they dilute the contents of the intestine.

The benefits of baked apples are also obvious in helping to treat dysbacteriosis. The pectins contained in apples promote the absorption of bacteria in the intestines. Also, baked apples restore digestion well after abdominal surgery.

Baked apples - how to choose and how to cook?

When buying, try to choose those apples that quickly darken when cut. Before you start cooking, they should be washed in water. Then cut out the core by making a cone-shaped incision and remove all the seeds. The main thing is that the incision is not through.

The easiest recipe for cooking is to pour a small amount of water on a baking sheet and carefully spread the apples. Before this, lightly moisten the apples with water and pour a little sugar inside. Bake should be no more than 20 minutes. This dish will be not only a delicious dessert, but also a great side dish for meat or fish!

The recipe is more interesting - the traditional sweetness of Western Europe or apples in caramel. Wash apples. With a thin knife, make a deep incision around the stem, remove the core. Mix 1st.l. sugar with ground cinnamon. Pour an equal portion of the resulting mixture into the middle of each apple. Preheat oven to 220ºС. Place the apples cut side up in a heat-resistant dish, pour in a little water (about 1 cm layer) and place in the oven. Bake for 5-7 minutes, depending on the size of the apples. Melt the butter in a saucepan without bringing it to a boil. Add the remaining sugar. Stir, reduce heat to medium and cook, stirring constantly, until sugar begins to caramelize, 5 to 7 minutes. Remove from heat and pour caramel over apples. Let the caramel dry.

Baked apples are a delicious dessert when cinnamon, nuts or honey are added to them. They serve as an excellent dessert for meat or fish, they can be served as a separate dish. The only thing - do not forget about the measure, if you abuse this delicious dish, some relaxation of the stomach is possible.