Primitive society. Primitive Society Main Philosophical Interest


1. Set the correctness or falsity of the statements ("YES" or "NO") and enter the answers in the table: 10 points.

1.1.According to the teachings of Marx, class struggle is an indefinable evil rooted in the very nature of society as an organism;

1.2.According to the teachings of Marx, the class struggle is a positive factor that ensures social progress as long as a class society exists.

1.3. Behavior that does not correspond to the norms accepted in society is called conformism;

1.4.According to the views of Rousseau, social revolution is the only reliable way to transform society.

1.5. In the "noospheric" model of human civilization, the main role is assigned to science 1.6. The common features inherent in people make it possible to apply the concept of a person to everyone.

1.7. The characteristic features of a market economy include the careful use of raw materials and supplies.

1.8. Islam is a religion that is both global and monotheistic at the same time.

1.9. The formational approach of social development is characterized by the statement about the priority of the spiritual sphere of society.

1.10. A religious community that rejects the values ​​of the dominant culture can be defined as a subculture.





















2. By what principle are the rows formed? Name a concept that is common to the lists below.(2 points for each position, total 8 points)

1. Guardianship, marriage contract, minor child. - family law

2.Parliament, Federal Assembly, National Assembly - bodies legislature

3.J.P.Sartre, A.Camus, K.Jaspers existentialist philosophers

Imi my black-eyed prince

He will sail to holy Russia. (Ivan Kozlov "Lament of Yaroslavna")









5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words and combinations of words from the list below. Write down the serial numbers of the words and combinations you have chosen in the order in which they appear in the text. Please note: there are more words and word combinations in the list than there are gaps in the text. 11 points.

“What do we see that strikes us? We see 6 , which has captured and enjoys all the expanses and all the benefits of civilization. 17 , its components, existed before, but each of them took its place - in 13 , in the city. Now they appeared all together, the masses suddenly became visible. Previously, they occupied the background of the stage, now they have come to the fore. 6 - the concept of quantitative and visible. Expressing it in terms 15 , we arrive at the concept 4 masses. Anything 16 - this 9 the unity of two factors: minorities and the masses. Minorities are 8 special dignity. A mass is a multitude of people without special merit. What was previously perceived as quantity, now appears to us as 19 , it becomes a common social sign of a person without 1 , a faceless "general type".

6. Before you is a table. Its first column contains a literal translation of the Latin and Greek words from which the terms known to you from the course of social science are formed. The second column indicates the social phenomena with which these terms are associated. Finish filling in the table and enter the terms themselves and their meanings in the last column. In case of ambiguity of the term, indicate its meaning in relation to the social phenomenon that is indicated in the table. 8 points


Translation of the Latin and Greek term

Public phenomena

Terms and their meanings


Social differentiation

A stratum is an element of a social structure constructed on the basis of a multidimensional classification and organized in a hierarchical order.

"I am well off"

Foreign economic relations

Autarky is a policy of economic isolation pursued by a country, a region, aimed at creating an isolated, closed, independent economy.



Radicalism - socio-political ideas and actions aimed at a decisive change in existing institutions.



Loyalty - loyalty to the current laws, regulations of the authorities

7. Install an extra element in each row. Explain your choice. 4 points.

    1. Production- does not apply to ownership

    2. two-party system-is not an electoral system,

    3. modernization-does not apply to the individual

    4. K. Marx- did not adhere to the theory of local civilizations)

8. Analyze the given facts. They contain information about the operation of political norms. Their types are named in the table. To what types does each of the described norms belong. Enter the serial numbers in the appropriate columns of the table . 9points.

9. When preparing a multimedia presentation on social science, the computer failed, and the prepared slides - images, the essence of philosophical theories, in which the philosophical trends of the 20th century are presented, were mixed up in the "basket". They need to be systematized. To do this, they must be compared and summarized in a table. The first column of the table indicates the philosophical trends of the 20th century.

1 point for each correct position, 8 points in total.

10. Make a diagram using all the proposed concepts and terms. In the diagram, reflect their relationship..

maximum score 8 points

Legal facts, offense, lawful, crime, event, action, illegal, legal acts.

11. Most of the concepts and terms of modern social science have Greek and Latin roots. Here are the words obtained by their literal translation into Russian. Your task is to name the scientific term corresponding to the Russian translation. For each correct position 1 point, total 10 points

  1. Philosophy

  2. Economy

  3. Futurology

  4. Theology

  5. Aristocracy

  6. Corruption

  7. Sociology

  8. Scholasticism

  9. Oligarchy

  10. Demagogues

12. Solve the crossword. Give a definition of the concept obtained in the highlighted vertical line. Maximum 11 points

Horizontally. 1. The basic, initial position of scientific theory. 2. The ability to command, control the actions of another person . 3 . Basic law of the state. 4 . The system of historically established norms, rules of conduct. 5 . Head of state in the Russian Federation. 6. An agreement establishing mutual obligations. 7 . Need for something. 8 . A political organization representing the interests of certain social groups. 9 . Change, growth. 10 . representative body.

1. Principle. 2. Power 3. Constitution 4. Morality 5. President 6. Treaty 7. Need 8. Party 9. Development 10. Parliament.

The received word: patriotism - love for the motherland.

13. From the given words and phrases, make definitions of two social science concepts. Name them. Words and phrases cannot be used twice. In this linguistic constructor, you can add prepositions, change words by case, etc. The maximum number is 6 points

Organization, politics, individual characteristics, expressing the interests of social groups, a person who ensures her success, unification, an active part of society, ease of mastering it, participating in the struggle for power, activity.

Political Party - an organization expressing the interests of social groups, an active part of society participating in the struggle for power

Capabilities - individual characteristics of the individual, ensuring her success in activities, the ease of mastering it.
14 Here is the processed statistical data , characterizing the role of 300 largest domestic agricultural enterprises in Russian agriculture. Economists believe that these data show the advantages of large-scale agricultural production over small ones. Using the numerical data and the terms of the diagram, reconstruct their argumentation. The argument should be as complete as possible.

Maximum 15 points

The chart shows that the top 2% of agribusinesses account for over 25% of gross income and over 40% of agricultural profits. At the same time, the share of profits of the largest enterprises is higher than the share of gross income. It is known that profit is determined by the difference between income and expenses. This means that the cost of producing a unit of output they have is less than that of small producers.
15 The well-known English writer J. Orwell drew attention to the fact that “the commandment of the old despots began with the words: “Do not you dare.” Unlike despotisms, totalitarian regimes say to a person: "You must."

What are the differences in the demands of despotism and totalitarian regimes? What do they have in common? What formula applies to citizens in a democratic regime? The maximum number is 6 points.

1. Differences: despotism prohibits a person from certain actions, totalitarianism requires certain actions from him, totalitarianism requires certain actions from him, appealing to duty. It is important to indicate the role of ideology in a totalitarian regime. 2. General: these requirements are of the same type, since they impose an external will on a person, suppressing the internal will. 3. “Everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed” (“You have the right”). It is important to use the term "generally permissible order" (and not permissive).

In the sciences of society, there are terms and concepts formed from the names and surnames of figures who, for various reasons, entered world history or literary characters, personifying a particular social phenomenon. Here are three such terms. Maximum 12 points


  1. Brief definition of the term

  2. The surname of a historical figure or character, who he was.
1 .Proudhonism - the philosophical and sociological concept of P.Zh. revolution by peaceful means on the basis of class cooperation between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.

For the peaceful liquidation of the state and its replacement by contractual relations between individual producers and groups.

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon is a famous French thinker and economist, one of the founders of theoretical anarchism.

  1. Manilovshchina - groundless daydreaming, passively complacent to reality.
Named after Manilov, a character in Gogol's Dead Souls.

17. Match the names of thinkers and their statements. Pay attention to the names of thinkers more than statements

Maximum number - 6 points


Names of thinkers

  1. "The freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another begins"

  2. “Wealth is not in the possession of treasures, but in the ability to use them”

  3. “Without a doubt, all our knowledge begins with experience…”

  4. “The state structure must certainly take into account the traditions of the people”

  5. "The history of hitherto existing societies has been the history of class struggles"

  6. "People should make a profit in proportion to their costs and risks"

    1. A.I. Solzhenitsyn

    2. K. Marx

    3. Napoleon Bonaparte

    4. I.Kant

    5. M. Bakunin

    6. JJ Russo

    7. F. Voltaire


Tasks of the second and third rounds are checked according to the recommendations given to students..
Total number of points: 1st round - 142 points, 2nd round - 20, 3rd round - 10 points, total - 172 points.

1. Set the correctness or falsity of the statements ("YES" or "NO") and enter the answers in the table: 10 points.

1.1.According to the teachings of Marx, class struggle is an indefinable evil rooted in the very nature of society as an organism;

1.2.According to the teachings of Marx, class struggle is a positive factor that ensures social progress as long as a class society exists.

1.3. Behavior that does not correspond to the norms accepted in society is called conformism;

1.4.According to the views of Rousseau, social revolution is the only reliable way to transform society.

1.5. In the "noospheric" model of human civilization, the main role is assigned to science 1.6. The common features inherent in people make it possible to apply the concept of a person to everyone.

1.7. The characteristic features of a market economy include the careful use of raw materials and materials.

1.8. Islam is a religion that is both global and monotheistic at the same time.

1.9. The formational approach of social development is characterized by the statement about the priority of the spiritual sphere of society.

1.10. A religious community that rejects the values ​​of the dominant culture can be defined as a subculture.

2. By what principle are the rows formed? Name a concept that is common to the lists below .(2 points for each position, total 8 points)

1. Guardianship, marriage contract, minor child. - family law

2.Parliament, Federal Assembly, National Assembly - bodies legislature

3.J.P.Sartre, A.Camus, K.Jaspers existentialist philosophers

4. Family, state, production, education . Public institutions

3. Analyze these situations from the point of view of the current legislation: 4 points

2.1. Underage Anton got a job. He brought a work book, a passport, an application, documents of military registration, a certificate of state pension insurance to the personnel department of the enterprise.

Is it possible to draw up an employment contract with Anton ? Justify your answer.. No, because all minors must undergo a preliminary medical examination and provide a certificate.

2.2 A non-profit organization whose purpose is to help children with disabilities has entered into an agreement for the purchase and sale of alcoholic products with a view to their subsequent resale. It was decided to distribute the profit received from the sale of alcoholic products among the participants of the non-profit organization.

Could a non-profit organization engage in such commercial activities? Is the decision on the distribution of profits between the founders legal? Justify your answer.

She had no right, because it is inconsistent with the objectives of the organization. They do not have the right to distribute profits among the participants of the organization.

4. Here are excerpts from literary works of various genres. If you read them carefully, you will see that early forms of religions are reflected in each. Enter the names of these religions in the first line of the table, and in the second line put down the serial number of the literary passage that corresponds to them. 6 points

1. “When a girl five or seven years old spun her first thread ... the girl’s mother hid it and saved it until the girl became a bride. And then, when preparing her for the sacrament of the wedding, her mother girded her with this thread under all the outfits. The thread of the very first spinning was an impregnable amulet against damage and the evil eye, against evil spirits, which, it was believed, was especially dangerous for a new family. (M. Semenova “We are Slavs!”)

2. “I slowly walked along the corridor, looking at the funny pictures on the doors of the laboratories, and on the corner I met the brownie Tikhon, who drew and changed these pictures every night. Tikhon was a nice gray house-builder from the Ryazan region, exiled by Wiy to Solovets for some kind of offense; with someone he did not say hello there or refused to eat a boiled viper. He drew excellently, in the style of Bidstrup, and was famous among the local brownies for his prudence and sober behavior. (A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky. “Monday starts on Saturday.”)

3. - Well, all right, all right ... - Mr. Schlitte drawled. - Let's see…

The jeweler took a magnifying glass and began to examine the jewelry through it.

Olga barely restrained her surprised exclamation. Something of a beam of light blue radiance emanated from the eyes of the German, the magnifying glass enlarged it and seemed to expand it, so that the jewels were in a cone of blue light.

... Why did the German become so sad? He must have really understood that he was dealing with a treasure, which means that you won’t bring down the price as much as for knowingly stolen ... (A. Bushkov "The Witch")

4. “The king waved his hand, and the page brought a golden dish, on which lay one hemp seed.

Take this seed, Alyosha, - said the king, - as long as you have it, you will always know your lesson, no matter what you are asked. (A. Pogorelsky "Black chicken, or underground inhabitants.")

5. Several Slavic tribes considered the Wolf to be their ancestor and revered him as a deity. According to tradition, during the winter solstice, all the men of these tribes put on wolf skins, which symbolized the transformation into wolves. This meant communicating with animal ancestors, who were usually asked for strength and wisdom. The wolf was considered a powerful protector of the tribe, the devourer of evil spirits. The pagan priest who performed protective rites also dressed in an animal skin. (Sergey Alekseev "Mythology of the Slavs")

6. Yaroslavna cries in Putivl,

Dawn, on the city wall:

"My glorious Dnieper! You are the waves

The rocks of the Polovtsy broke through;

Svyatoslav with heroes

I strove for you, -

Don't worry, the Dnieper is wide,

Rapid current of icy waters,

Imi my black-eyed prince

He will sail to holy Russia. (Ivan Kozlov "Lament of Yaroslavna")



5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words and combinations of words from the list below. Write down the serial numbers of the words and combinations you have chosen in the order in which they appear in the text. Please note: there are more words and word combinations in the list than there are gaps in the text. 11 points.

“What do we see that strikes us? We see 6 , which has captured and enjoys all the expanses and all the benefits of civilization. 17 , its components, existed before, but each of them took its place - in 13 , in the city. Now they appeared all together, the masses suddenly became visible. Previously, they occupied the background of the stage, now they have come to the fore. 6 - the concept of quantitative and visible. Expressing it in terms 15 , we arrive at the concept 4 masses. Anything 16 - this 9 the unity of two factors: minorities and the masses. Minorities are 8 special dignity. A mass is a multitude of people without special merit. What was previously perceived as quantity, now appears to us as 19 , it becomes a common social sign of a person without 1 , a faceless "general type".

6. Before you is a table. Its first column contains a literal translation of the Latin and Greek words from which the terms known to you from the course of social science are formed. The second column indicates the social phenomena with which these terms are associated. Finish filling in the table and enter the terms themselves and their meanings in the last column. In case of ambiguity of the term, indicate its meaning in relation to the social phenomenon indicated in the table.8 points


Translation of the Latin and Greek term

Public phenomena

Terms and their meanings

Social differentiation

A stratum is an element of a social structure constructed on the basis of a multidimensional classification and organized in a hierarchical order.

"I am well off"

Foreign economic relations

Autarky is a policy of economic isolation pursued by a country, region, aimed at creating an isolated, closed, independent economy.



Radicalism - socio-political ideas and actions aimed at a decisive change in existing institutions.


Loyalty - loyalty to the current laws, regulations of the authorities

7. Install an extra element in each row. Explain your choice. 4 points.

      Production- does not apply to ownership

      two-party system-is not an electoral system,

      modernization-does not apply to the individual

      K. Marx- did not adhere to the theory of local civilizations)

8. Analyze the given facts. They contain information about the operation of political norms. Their types are named in the table. To what types does each of the described norms belong. Enter the serial numbers in the appropriate columns of the table. 9 points.

Legal regulations

Corporate regulations

moral standards

Symbols and attributes

9. When preparing a multimedia presentation on social science, the computer crashed, and the prepared slides are images, the essence of philosophical theories, in which philosophical directions are presentedXX century, were mixed up in the "basket". They need to be systematized. To do this, they must be compared and summarized in a table. Philosophical directions are indicated in the first column of the table.XX century

1 point for each correct position, 8 points in total.


Philosophical direction

Main philosophical interest




Analytical philosophy


10. Make a diagram using all the proposed concepts and terms. In the diagram, reflect their relationship..

maximum score 8 points

Legal facts, offense, lawful, crime, event, action, illegal, legal acts.

11. Most of the concepts and terms of modern social science have Greek and Latin roots. Here are the words obtained by their literal translation into Russian. Your task is to name the scientific term corresponding to the Russian translation. For each correct position 1 point, total 10 points











12. Solve the crossword. Give a definition of the concept obtained in the highlighted vertical line . Maximum 11 points

Horizontally. 1. The basic, initial position of scientific theory. 2. The ability to command, control the actions of another person . 3 . Basic law of the state. 4 . The system of historically established norms, rules of conduct. 5 . Head of state in the Russian Federation. 6. An agreement establishing mutual obligations. 7 . Need for something. 8 . A political organization representing the interests of certain social groups. 9 . Change, growth. 10 . representative body.

1. Principle. 2. Power 3. Constitution 4. Morality 5. President 6. Treaty 7. Need 8. Party 9. Development 10. Parliament.

The received word: patriotism - love for the Motherland.

13. From the given words and phrases, make definitions of two social science concepts. Name them. Words and phrases cannot be used twice. In this linguistic constructor, you can add prepositions, change words by case, etc. The maximum number is 6 points

Organization, politics, individual characteristics, expressing the interests of social groups, a personality that ensures its success, unification, an active part of society, ease of mastering it, participating in the struggle for power, activity.

Political Party - an organization expressing the interests of social groups, an active part of society participating in the struggle for power

Capabilities - individual characteristics of the individual, ensuring her success in activities, the ease of mastering it.

14 Here is the processed statistical data, characterizing the role of 300 largest domestic agricultural enterprises in Russian agriculture. Economists believe that these data show the advantages of large-scale agricultural production over small ones. Using the numerical data and the terms of the diagram, reconstruct their argumentation. The argument should be as complete as possible.

Maximum 15 points

The chart shows that the top 2% of agribusinesses account for over 25% of gross income and over 40% of agricultural profits. At the same time, the share of profits of the largest enterprises is higher than the share of gross income. It is known that profit is determined by the difference between income and expenses. This means that the cost of producing a unit of output they have is less than that of small producers.

15 The well-known English writer J. Orwell drew attention to the fact that “the commandment of the old despots began with the words: “Do not you dare.” Unlike despotisms, totalitarian regimes say to a person: "You must."

What are the differences in the demands of despotism and totalitarian regimes? What do they have in common? What formula applies to citizens in a democratic regime? The maximum number is 6 points.

1. Differences: despotism prohibits a person from certain actions, totalitarianism requires certain actions from him, totalitarianism requires certain actions from him, appealing to duty. It is important to indicate the role of ideology in a totalitarian regime. 2. General: these requirements are of the same type, since they impose an external will on a person, suppressing the internal will. 3. “Everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed” (“You have the right”). It is important to use the term "generally permissible order" (and not permissive).

In the sciences of society, there are terms and concepts formed from the names and surnames of figures who, for various reasons, entered world history or literary characters, personifying a particular social phenomenon. Here are three such terms. Maximum 12 points

    Brief definition of the term

    The surname of a historical figure or character, who he was.

1 .Proudhonism - the philosophical and sociological concept of P.Zh. revolution by peaceful means on the basis of class cooperation between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.

For the peaceful liquidation of the state and its replacement by contractual relations between individual producers and groups.

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon is a famous French thinker and economist, one of the founders of theoretical anarchism.

    Manilovshchina - groundless daydreaming, passively complacent to reality.

Named after Manilov, a character in Gogol's Dead Souls.

17. Match the names of thinkers and their statements. Pay attention to the names of thinkers more than statements

Maximum number - 6 points


Names of thinkers

    "The freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another begins"

    “Wealth is not in the possession of treasures, but in the ability to use them”

    “Without a doubt, all our knowledge begins with experience…”

    “The state structure must certainly take into account the traditions of the people”

    "The history of hitherto existing societies has been the history of class struggles"

    "People should make a profit in proportion to their costs and risks"

      A.I. Solzhenitsyn

    1. Napoleon Bonaparte

    2. M. Bakunin

      JJ Russo

      F. Voltaire

Tasks of the second and third rounds are checked according to the recommendations given to students..: ... _______________________________________________________________________________ 9Document

Mira; Answer ________________ 2 7 . Install loyalty or falsity statementsYES» or « NO") And enter answers table: 2.1.Than... 9, 10 5. 5 points for a job well done. 5.1.Presumption of innocence.(2 points) 5.2. Yes. (1 score) Laws...

In the first book, those phenomena that represent the capitalist production process, taken in itself as a direct process of production, and all secondary influences of circumstances alien to it were left aside. But this direct process of production does not yet exhaust the life of capital. In the real world, it is complemented circulation process, which formed the subject of the study of the second book. There, precisely in the third section, when considering the process of circulation as a mediation of the social process of reproduction, it turned out that the capitalist process of production, considered as a whole, is the unity of the process of production and circulation. As to what is discussed in this third book, it cannot be reduced to general discussions about this unity. On the contrary, here it is necessary to find and show those specific forms that arise from process of movement of capital, considered as a whole. In their actual movement, capitals confront each other in such concrete forms, in relation to which the form of capital in the immediate process of production, as well as its form in the process of circulation, appears only as special moments. The modifications of capital, as we develop them in this book, thus step by step approach the form in which they appear on the surface of society, in the interaction of different capitals with each other, in competition and in the ordinary consciousness of the agents of production themselves.

The value of every capitalistically produced commodity (W) expressed by the formula: W = c + v + T. If from this value of the product we deduct the surplus value T, then only the equivalent or value remains, which replaces the capital-value in the commodity c + v consumed in the form of elements of production.

If, for example, the production of a certain commodity involved an outlay of capital of £500: £20. Art. for the wear and tear of the means of labor, 380 f. Art. for production materials, 100 f. Art. on labor power, and if the rate of surplus value is 100%, then the value of the product == 400 from + 100v + + 100m= £600.

After deducting the surplus-value of 100l. Art. there remains a commodity-value of £500. Art., and it only replaces the expended capital of 500 pounds sterling. This part of the value of the commodity, which replaces the price of the consumed means of production and the price of the labor power employed, replaces only what the commodity is worth to the capitalist himself, and therefore constitutes for him the cost of producing the commodity.

What the commodity costs to the capitalist and what the production of the commodity itself costs are, in any case, two completely different quantities. That part of the commodity-value which consists of surplus-value costs nothing to the capitalist precisely because it costs the worker unpaid labour. But since, on the basis of capitalist production, the worker, having entered the process of production, himself forms an integral part of the productive capital that functions and belongs to the capitalist, and, consequently, the capitalist is the real producer of the commodity, the cost of producing the commodity inevitably appears to him as the actual value of the commodity itself. If we call production costs k, then the formula is:

W = c + v + T turns into the formula: W == k + m, or commodity value = cost of production + surplus value.

Therefore, the reduction of the various parts of the value of a commodity, which merely replace the capital-value expended in its production, to the category of production costs is, on the one hand, an expression of the specific character of capitalist production. What a commodity costs to capitalists is measured by the cost capital; what the product is really worth - the cost labor. The capitalist cost of producing a commodity is therefore quantitatively different from its value, or the actual cost of its production; they are less than the commodity value, since, once W=k + m, then k = W–m. On the other hand, the cost of producing a commodity is by no means a rubric that exists only in capitalist accounting. The separation of this part of value almost constantly makes itself felt in the actual reproduction of commodities, since from its commodity form this part, through the process of circulation, must again and again be transformed back into the form of productive capital, and, consequently, it is necessary again and again to buy elements of production with the costs of production. consumed in the production of goods.

On the contrary, the category of production costs has nothing to do with the formation of the value of a commodity or with the process of increasing the value of capital. If I know that 5/6 of the commodity-value of 600l. st., i.e., 500 f. Art., are only an equivalent, a value that replaces the expended capital of 500l. Art., and are therefore sufficient only to repurchase the material elements of this capital, then from this alone I still do not know how these 5/6 of the value of a commodity, which constitute its cost of production, are produced, nor how the last sixth part of the added value. Research, however, will show that the costs of production in the capitalist economy acquire the false appearance of a category relating to the production of value itself.

Let's go back to our example. If we suppose that the value produced by one laborer during one average social working day is expressed in a sum of money of 6s. = 6 marks, then the advanced capital of 500l. Art. = 400 from + 100v will be the value produced in 1,6662/3 ten-hour working days, of which 1,333 1/3 working days are crystallized in the value of the means of production = 400 c, 333 1/3 - in the cost of labor = 100 v. Therefore, if the rate of surplus value = 100%, then the production of the newly created commodity itself costs labor costs = 100 v + 100m= 666 2/3 of a ten-hour day.

Further, we know (see "Capital", book I, ch. VII, pp. 173 and cl. 13) that the value of the newly produced product of 600l. Art. is composed of: 1) the reappearing value of the constant capital of £400; Art., spent on the means of production, and 2) from the newly produced value of 200 pounds sterling. Cost of production of the commodity = 500l. Art. reappeared 400 from and half of the newly produced value of £200. Art. (= 100 v), hence two elements of commodity-value quite different in their origin.

Owing to the expedient character of the labor expended during 666 2/3 ten-hour days, the value of the means of production consumed, amounting to 400l. Art. transferred from these means of production to the product. This old value therefore reappears as an integral part of the value of the product, but it does not arise in the process of production. this goods. It exists as an integral part of the value of commodities only because it previously existed as an integral part of the advanced capital. Consequently, the expended constant capital is replaced by that part of the commodity-value which it itself adds to the commodity-value. Thus, this element of production costs has a double meaning: on the one hand, it enters into the cost of production of a commodity, because it is that component of the commodity-value which replaces the expended capital; and, on the other hand, it is an integral part of the value of commodities only because it is the value of expended capital, or because the means of production cost so much.

Quite the opposite occurs with the other component of the cost of production, 666 2/3 days of labor expended in the production of the commodity, form a new value of 200 pounds sterling. Of this new value, one part replaces only the advanced variable capital of £100. Art., or the price of the applied labor. But this advanced capital-value by no means enters into the formation of new value. When capital advances, labor power is considered as price, but in the production process it functions as creator cost. In place of the value of labour-power, which figures in the advance of capital, in fact functioning productive capital is the living, value-creating labor power itself.

The difference between these different component parts of the value of commodities, which together form the costs of production, strikes the eye as soon as there is a change in the magnitude of the value, in the one case the expended constant, in the other the expended variable part of the capital. Let the price of the same means of production, or the constant part of capital, rise from 400l. Art. up to 600 lbs. Art. or, conversely, drop to £200.

In the first case, not only will the cost of production of the commodity rise from 500l. Art. up to 600 from + 100v== £700 Art., but the commodity-value itself will rise from 600l. Art. up to 600 from + 100v +100m= £800. In the second case, not only will the cost of production fall from 500l. Art. up to 200 from + 100v= 300 lb. Art., but the commodity-value itself, from 600l. Art. up to 200 with + 100v + + 100m= £400. Since the expended constant capital transfers its own value to the product, other things being equal, the value of the product rises or falls in proportion to the change in the absolute magnitude of this capital-value. Let us suppose, on the contrary, that, other things being equal, the price of the former mass of labour-power rises from 100l. Art. up to 150 lbs. Art. or, conversely, drops to £50. Although the cost of production in the first case rises from 500l. Art. up to 400 from + 150v= £550 Art., and in the second case they fall from 500l. Art. up to 400 from + 50v= £450 Art., but the commodity value in both cases remains unchanged = 600 pounds sterling: in the first case = 400 from + 150v + 50m, in the second case = 400 from +50v + 150m. The advanced variable capital does not add its own value to the product. On the contrary, instead of its value, a new value created by labor entered the product. Therefore a change in the absolute magnitude of the value of the variable capital, insofar as it expresses only a change in the price of labour-power, does not in the least change the absolute magnitude of the value of commodities, since it does not change anything in the absolute magnitude of the new value created by the active labour-power. On the contrary, such a change affects only the ratio of the magnitudes of those two components of the new value, one of which constitutes surplus-value, while the other replaces the variable capital and therefore enters into the cost of production of the commodity.

Common to both parts of production costs - in our case 400 from + 100v– only one thing appears: they are both parts of the value of commodities which replace the advanced capital.

But from the point of view of capitalist production, this real state of affairs necessarily manifests itself in a distorted form.

The capitalist mode of production differs from the mode of production based on slavery, among other things, in that the value, respectively the price, of labor power is presented as the value, respectively as the price, of labor itself, or as wages (Capital, Book 1, Ch. .xvii).

The variable part of the value of the advanced capital therefore appears in the form of capital expended in wages, in the form of capital-value, which pays the value, respectively price, of all the labor expended in production. If we suppose, for example, that the average social working day of 10 hours is embodied in a quantity of money == 6s., then the advanced variable capital of 100l. Art. will be the monetary expression of the value produced in 333 1/3 of a ten-hour day. But this value of purchased labour-power, which appears in the advance of capital, is by no means part of the actually functioning capital. Instead, the living labor force itself enters the production process. If the degree of exploitation of the latter is, as in our example, 100%, then it is expended during 666 2/3 of a ten-hour working day and therefore adds a new value of £200 to the product. But in the advance of capital, the variable capital of 100l. Art. figures as capital expended in wages, or as the price of labor done during 666 2/3 of a ten-hour day, 100l. st., divided by 666 2/3, gives us, as the price of a ten-hour day, 3s., the value created in five hours' labour.

If we now compare the advanced capital, on the one hand, and the value of commodities, on the other, we get:

I. Advance capital of £500 Art. = 400 lb. Art. capital expended on the affinities of production (price of means of production), + 100l. Art. capital expended on labor (price 666 2/3 of a working day, or wages for them).

II. The commodity value of 600l. Art. = cost of production of 500l. Art. (£400, price of means of production used up + £100, price of 666 2/3 working days expended) + £100. Art. surplus value. In this formula, the part of the capital expended on labor differs only from the part of the capital expended on the means of production, for example, on cotton or coal, in that it serves to pay for a materially different element of production, but by no means in that in the process of formation of the value of the commodity , and therefore in the process of increasing the cost of capital, it plays a functionally different role. In the cost-price of the commodity, the price of the means of production is reproduced exactly as it already figured in the advance of capital, precisely because these means of production were expediently used. In exactly the same way, in the cost of production of a commodity, the price, or wages, of 666 2/3 of the working day expended in its production is reproduced as it already figured when capital was advanced, and again precisely because this quantity of labor was expended in an expedient form. . We see only ready-made, cash values—those parts of the value of the advanced capital which participate in the formation of the value of the product—but we do not see the element that creates new value. The distinction between constant and variable capital has disappeared. All costs of production of 500l. Art. now take on a double meaning: firstly, they represent that constituent part of the commodity-value of 600l. Art., which replaces a capital of 500l. Art., spent on the production of goods; and, secondly, this constituent part of the value of the commodity itself exists only because it previously existed as the costs of production of the applied elements of production, means of production and labour, i.e., as advanced capital. Capital-value is reproduced as cost-price of the commodity because and insofar as it has been expended as capital-value.

The circumstance that the different component parts of the value of the capital advanced have been expended on materially different elements of production—instruments of labour, raw materials, auxiliary materials, and labour—simply results in the fact that these materially different elements of production will again have to be purchased with the cost of production of the commodity. On the contrary, as far as the formation of the costs of production themselves is concerned, only one difference makes itself felt - the difference between fixed and circulating capital. In our example, 20 f. Art. were listed as means of labor (400 from= 20 lb. Art. - depreciation of means of labor + 380 f. Art. - production materials). If, before the production of the commodity, the value of these instruments of labor was = = 1,200l. Art., then after its production it exists in two forms: 20 f. Art. - as part of the commodity-value, 1200 - 20, or 1180l. Art. - as the remaining value of the instruments of labor still in the possession of the capitalist, or as an element of the value, not of his commodity-capital, but of his productive capital. In contrast to the means of labor, the materials of production and wages are wholly expended in the production of the commodity, and therefore their entire value enters into the value of the commodity produced. We have seen how these various components of the advanced capital, in relation to the turnover, assume the forms of fixed and circulating capital.

So Advance Capital = £1,680:

fixed capital = £1,200 Art. plus circulating capital = £480 Art. (= £380 production materials plus £100 wages).

The cost of producing a commodity, on the other hand, = only £500. Art. (£20 depreciation of fixed capital, £480 circulating capital).

However, this difference between the cost of production of a commodity and the capital advanced only confirms that the cost of production of a commodity is formed exclusively by the capital actually expended in its production.

In the production of a commodity, instruments of labor worth £1,200 are employed. Art., but of this advanced capital-value only £20 is consumed in production. Consequently, the applied fixed capital enters only partially into the cost of production of the commodity because it is only partially spent on the production of the commodity. The employed circulating capital enters wholly into the cost of production of a commodity because it is wholly expended on its production. But what proves this if not that the consumed fixed and circulating parts of capital, ro rata
the magnitude of their value, enter equally into the cost of production of a given commodity, and that this constituent part of the value of a commodity in general owes its origin only to the capital expended in its production? If this were not so, it would be impossible to understand why the advanced fixed capital of £1,200. Art. does not add to the value of the product beyond those 20l. Art., which he loses in the process of production, also those 1,180l. Art., which are not lost by him in this process.

Thus, this difference between fixed and circulating capital in relation to the calculation of production costs only confirms the obvious arising of production costs from the expended capital-value, or the price at which the expended elements of production, including labor, cost the capitalist himself. On the other hand, in relation to the formation of value, the variable part of the capital expended on labor power is directly identified here under the rubric of circulating capital with constant capital (the part of capital consisting of production materials), thus completing the mystification of the process of increasing the value of capital

So far we have considered only one element of commodity value, the cost of production. We must now also look at another component of commodity value, the excess over production costs, or surplus-value. Thus, surplus value is, first of all, the excess of the value of a commodity over the cost of its production. But since the costs of production are equal to the value of the capital expended, into whose material elements they are continually being reconverted, this surplus of value is an increase in the value of the capital expended in the production of a commodity and returned from circulation of that commodity.

We have seen before that although T, surplus value arises only from a change in value v, of variable capital, and therefore in its origin is simply an increase in variable capital, but at the end of the process of production it forms an increase in value to the same extent c + v, i.e., the total capital expended. Formula from + (v + T), which indicates that T produced by the transformation of a certain capital-value v, advanced for labor power, into a variable value, therefore, due to the transformation of a constant value into a variable value, can be represented in exactly the same way in the form (c + v) + t. Before production, we had a capital of £500. After production we have a capital of £500. Art. plus a £100 increment in value.

However, surplus-value constitutes an increase not only in that part of the advanced capital which enters into the process of value formation, but also in that part which does not enter into it; consequently, it is an increase in value, not only to that expended capital which is replaced from the price of production of the commodity, but in general to all capital invested in production. Before the production process we had a capital cost of £1,680: £1,200. Art. fixed capital in instruments of labour, of which only 20l. Art. depreciation are included in the price of the goods, plus 480l. Art. working capital in production materials and wages. After the production process, we have £1,180. Art. as a component of the value of productive capital plus commodity-capital of £600. If we add these two sums of value, it turns out that the capitalist now owns a value of £1,780. If he subtracts from this the entire advanced capital of 1,680l. Art., then he is left with an increase in value of 100 pounds sterling. So, 100 f. Art. surplus-value equals the addition of value to the invested capital of £1,680. Art., as well as to his share of 500l. Art., which is used up during production.

It is now clear to the capitalist that this increase in value arises from the processes of production undertaken with capital, that therefore it is generated by capital itself; after the production process, the specified increase already exists, and before this process it did not exist. As regards, first of all, the capital expended in production, it seems that surplus-value equally arises from the various elements of its value, consisting of means of production and labour, for these elements equally participate in the formation of production costs. They add to the value of the product their value components, advanced capital, to the same extent, and do not differ as a constant and a variable magnitude of value. This becomes evident if we imagine for a moment that the entire expended capital consists either exclusively of wages or exclusively of the value of the means of production. Then in the first case we would have instead of a commodity value of 400 from + + 100v + 100m commodity value 500 v + 100m. The capital expended in wages, 500l. Art. represents the value of all the labor employed in the production of the commodity-value of £600. Art., and just therefore forms the cost of production of the entire product. But the formation of these costs of production, whereby the value of the expended capital reappears as a component part of the value of the product, is the only process known to us in the creation of this commodity-value. How does that component of 100l. Art., which forms the surplus value, we do not know. The same would be in the second case, when the commodity value would be = 500 from + 100m. In both cases we know that surplus-value arises from a given value because this value is advanced in the form of productive capital, whether in the form of labor or means of production. But, on the other hand, the advanced capital-value cannot form surplus-value for the sole reason that it has been expended and, consequently, constitutes the cost of production of the commodity. Precisely to the extent that it constitutes the cost of production of a commodity, it does not constitute surplus-value, but only an equivalent, a value that replaces the expended capital. Consequently, insofar as it forms surplus-value, it does not form it in its specific quality of expended capital, but in general as capital advanced and therefore applied. Surplus-value therefore arises both from that part of the advanced capital which enters into the cost of production of the commodity, and from that part which does not enter into the cost of production, in a word, equally from the fixed and circulating components of the employed capital. All capital - both the means of labor and production materials and labor - materially serves as the creator of the product. Materially, all capital participates in the actual labor process, and only a part of it participates in the process of value formation. Perhaps this is precisely the reason why he participates only partially in the formation of production costs, but entirely in the formation of surplus value. Be that as it may, in the end it turns out that surplus-value arises simultaneously from all parts of the invested capital. The reasoning could be further abbreviated if, roughly and simply, following Malthus:

"Capitalist waiting equal profit from all parts of the capital advanced by him.

The surplus-value, presented as the product of the total capital advanced, assumes the transformed form arrived. Therefore, a certain amount of value is capital because it is expended in order to produce a profit, or a profit appears because a certain amount of value is used as capital. If we denote profit by the letter p, then the formula W=c+v+m=k+m turns into a formula W = k + p, or commodity value = production costs + profit.

Therefore, profit, as we first have it here, is the same as surplus-value, but only in a mystified form, which, however, necessarily arises from the capitalist mode of production. Since, in the visible formation of the costs of production, no difference can be found between constant and variable capital, the change in value that takes place during the process of production is inevitably associated not with the variable part of capital, but with the whole capital. Since at one pole the price of labor power appears in the transformed form of wages, at the opposite pole surplus-value appears in the transformed form of profit.

As we have seen, the cost of producing a commodity is less than its value. Because W = k + T, then k \u003d W - i.e. Formula W = k + t only on the condition that it reduces to W = k, equality of the commodity value and the cost of production of the commodity, if T= 0, is a case that never occurs on the basis of capitalist production, although under special market conditions the selling price of commodities may fall to or even below their cost of production.

Therefore, if a commodity is sold at its value, then a profit is realized equal to the excess of its value over its cost of production, and therefore equal to the entire surplus-value contained in the commodity-value. But the capitalist can sell a commodity at a profit, even if he sells it below its value. As long as the selling price of a commodity is higher than its cost of production, even if it is lower than its value, a part of the surplus-value contained in it will always be realized, hence profit will be made. In our example, the commodity value = £600. Art., production costs = 500 pounds sterling. If the commodity is sold for 510, 520, 530, 560, 590l. Art., it is sold below its value by 90l., 80l., 70l., 40l., 10l. Art. and yet from its sale a profit of £10, £20, £30, £60, £90, respectively, is made. Between the value of a commodity and its cost of production, an indefinite series of sales prices is obviously possible. The greater the element of commodity-value which consists of surplus-value, the greater in practice are the limits of these intermediate prices.

This explains not only the everyday phenomena of competition, such as, for example, the well-known cases of underselling, the abnormally low level of commodity prices in certain branches of industry, and so on. which regulates the general rate of profit and the so-called prices of production determined by it, is based, as we shall see later, on this difference between the value of a commodity and its cost of production, and on the possibility that follows from it to sell the commodity at a profit below its value.

The lower limit of the selling price of a commodity is determined by the cost of its production. If a commodity is sold below its cost of production, the expended constituents of the productive capital cannot be wholly replaced from the selling price. If this process continues, then the capital value advanced disappears. Already from this point of view, the capitalist is inclined to regard the costs of production as real internal the value of a commodity, because it is the price necessary for the mere preservation of its capital. But to this is added the circumstance that the cost of production of a commodity is the purchase price which the capitalist himself paid for the production of the commodity, hence the purchase price determined by the process of production of the commodity itself. Therefore, the excess value or surplus-value realized in the sale of a commodity appears to the capitalist as an excess of the selling price of the commodity over its value, and not as an excess of its value over its cost of production, so that it appears that the surplus-value contained in the commodity is not realized through its sale. but arises from the sale itself. We have already clarified this illusion in more detail in Capital, Vol. I, ch. IV, 2 (“The Contradictions of the General Formula of Capital”), let us now return for a moment to the form which Torrens et al. have put forward again, representing it as a step forward made by political economy in comparison with Ricardo.

“The natural price, consisting of the cost of production, or, in other words, of the capital expended in the production or manufacture of a commodity, cannot include a rate of profit ... If the farmer, having spent 100 quarters of grain, gets back 120 quarters, then 20 quarters of grain is a profit, and it would be absurd to call this surplus, or this profit, part of the cost... The manufacturer spends a certain amount of raw materials, tools and means of subsistence for labor and receives in return a certain amount of finished goods. This finished product must have a higher exchange value than the raw materials, tools and means of subsistence, thanks to the advance payment of which it was created. Wed "Capital", book. I, ch. XV111, pp. 511–512 [see K. Marx, Capital Volume 1, Moscow, 1969, pp. 559‑560].

Therefore, concludes Torrens, the excess of the selling price over the cost of production, or profit, arises from the fact that consumers

“whether by direct or indirect (circuitous) exchange, a certain greater amount of all the constituent parts of capital is given for a commodity than its production cost.”

In fact, the excess over a given quantity cannot form a part of this quantity, and therefore profit, the excess of commodity value over the capitalist's outlays, cannot form a part of these outlays. Consequently, if no other element participates in the formation of the value of a commodity than the value advanced by the capitalist, then it is incomprehensible how a greater value can emerge from production than that which has entered into it—that is, how can something arise from nothing. However, Torrens gets rid of this creation out of nothing only in such a way that he transfers it from the sphere of production of commodities to the sphere of circulation of commodities. Profit cannot come from production, says Torrens, because otherwise it would already be contained in production costs, hence there would be no surplus over these costs. Profit cannot be obtained from the exchange of commodities, Ramsey answers him, if it was not already available before the exchange of commodities. The sum of the value of the exchanged products obviously does not change as a result of the exchange of the products of which they represent the sum of the value. It remains the same after the exchange as it was before the exchange. It should be noted here that Malthus directly refers to the authority of Torrens, although he himself explains the sale of goods above their value in a different way, or rather does not explain it, since all arguments of this kind are essentially completely amenable to arguments about the then famous negative weight of phlogiston. .

In a society dominated by capitalist production, even the non-capitalist producer is dominated by capitalist ideas. In his last novel, The Peasants, Balzac, who is generally distinguished by a deep understanding of real relationships, aptly shows how a small peasant does all sorts of work for nothing for his usurer in order to maintain his goodwill, and at the same time believes that he does not give anything to the usurer, since for him his own labor is not worth any monetary outlay. The usurer, in turn, kills two birds with one stone in this way. He rids himself of the money spent on wages and draws more and more into debt bondage of the peasant, who is gradually ruined because he does not work in his own field.

The absurd notion that the cost of producing a commodity constitutes its real value, and that surplus-value arises from the sale of a commodity above its value, that, consequently, commodities are sold at their values ​​if their selling price is equal to their cost of production, that is, equal to the price of the means of production consumed on them, plus wages - Proudhon heralded this absurd idea with his usual scientific charlatanism as a new discovery of the secret of socialism. This reduction of the value of commodities to their cost of production forms in reality the basis of his "People's Bank." Previously, it was shown that the various components of the value of a product can be represented in proportion to the product itself. If, for example ("Capital", Book I, Chapter VII, 2, p. 182), the cost of 20l. of yarn is 30s.—namely, 24s. means of production, 3s. labor and 3s. surplus value, then this surplus value can be represented as 1/10 of the product = 2l. yarn. If these 20 f. yarns will now be sold at their cost of production, for 27s., the buyer will receive 2l. yarn for nothing, or the goods will be sold at 1/10 below their value; the worker, just as before, did his surplus labor, but only for the buyer, and not for the capitalist producer of yarn. It would be quite a mistake to suppose that if all commodities were sold at their cost of production, the result would actually be the same as if all commodities were sold above their cost of production, but at their values. Even supposing that the value of labour-power, the length of the working day, and the degree of exploitation of labor are everywhere the same, the masses of surplus-value contained in the values ​​of different kinds of commodities, depending on the different organic composition of the capital advanced for their production, will by no means be equal. .

1. Set the correctness or falsity of the statements ("YES" or "NO") and enter the answers in the table: 10 points. 1.1.According to the teachings of Marx, class struggle is an indefinable evil rooted in the very nature of society as an organism; 1.2.According to the teachings of Marx, the class struggle is a positive factor that ensures social progress as long as a class society exists. 1.3. Behavior that does not correspond to the norms accepted in society is called conformism; 1.4.According to Rousseau's views, social revolution is the only reliable way to transform society. 1.5. In the "noospheric" model of human civilization, the main role is assigned to science 1.6. The common features inherent in people make it possible to apply the concept of a person to everyone. 1.7. The characteristic features of a market economy include the careful use of raw materials and supplies. 1.8. Islam is a religion that is simultaneously global and monotheistic. 1.10. A religious community that rejects the values ​​of the dominant culture can be defined as a subculture. 1 yes no no yes yes no no 2. By what principle are the rows formed? Name the concept that is common to the lists below. (2 points for each item, 8 points in total) 1. Guardianship, marriage contract, minor child. - family law 2.Parliament, Federal Assembly, National Assembly - legislative authorities 3.Zh.P.Sartre, A.Kamus, K.Jaspers existentialist philosophers 4. Family, state, production, education. Public institutions 3. Analyze these situations from the point of view of the current legislation: 4 points 2.1. Underage Anton got a job. He brought a work book, a passport, an application, documents of military registration, a certificate of state pension insurance to the personnel department of the enterprise. Is it possible to draw up an employment contract with Anton? Justify your answer.. No, because all minors must undergo a preliminary medical examination and provide a certificate. 2.2 A non-profit organization whose purpose is to help children with disabilities has entered into an agreement for the purchase and sale of alcoholic products with a view to their subsequent resale. It was decided to distribute the profit received from the sale of alcoholic products among the participants of the non-profit organization. Could a non-profit organization engage in such commercial activities? Is the decision on the distribution of profits between the founders legal? Justify your answer. She had no right, because it is inconsistent with the objectives of the organization. They do not have the right to distribute profits among the participants of the organization. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Here are excerpts from literary works of various genres. If you read them carefully, you will see that early forms of religions are reflected in each. Enter the names of these religions in the first line of the table, and in the second line put down the serial number of the literary passage that corresponds to them. 6 points 1. "When a girl of five or seven years old spun her first thread ... the girl's mother hid her and saved her until the girl became a bride. And then, preparing her for the sacrament of the wedding, the mother girded her this thread under all the outfits.The thread of the very first spinning was an impregnable amulet against damage and the evil eye, against evil spirits, which was considered especially dangerous for a new family .. (M. Semenova "We are Slavs!") 2. "I slowly walked along the corridor , looking at funny pictures on the doors of the laboratories, and on the corner I met the brownie Tikhon, who drew and changed these pictures every night. Tikhon was a nice gray house-builder from the Ryazan region, exiled by Wiy to Solovets for some kind of offense; with someone he did not say hello there or refused to eat a boiled viper. He drew excellently, in the style of Bidstrup, and was famous among the local brownies for his prudence and sober behavior. "(A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky. "Monday begins on Saturday.") 3. - Well, okay, okay ... - Mr. Schlitte drawled "Let's see..." The jeweler took a magnifying glass and began to examine the jewelry through it. Olga could hardly contain her surprised exclamation. From the German's eyes came something of a beam of light blue radiance, the magnifying glass enlarged it and seemed to expand it, so that the jewels were in a cone of blue light. ... Why did the German become so sad? He must have really understood that he was dealing with a treasure, which means that you can’t bring down the price as if you were knowingly stolen ... (A. Bushkov "The Sorceress") 4. " The king waved his hand, and the page brought up a golden dish, on which lay one hemp seed. “Take this seed, Alyosha,” said the king, “as long as you have it, you will always know your lesson, no matter what you are asked.” (A. Pogorelsky "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants".) 5. Several Slavic tribes considered the Wolf their ancestor and revered him as a deity. According to tradition, during the winter solstice, all the men of these tribes put on wolf skins, which symbolized the transformation into wolves. This meant communicating with animal ancestors, who were usually asked for strength and wisdom. The wolf was considered a powerful protector of the tribe, the devourer of evil spirits. The pagan priest who performed protective rites also dressed in an animal skin. (Sergey Alekseev "Mythology of the Slavs") 6. In Putivl, Yaroslavna, Zarya, cries on the city wall: "My glorious Dnieper! current of icy waters, With them my black-eyed prince will float into holy Russia. (Ivan Kozlov "Lament of Yaroslavna") animismtotemismfetishismmagic2,651,43 5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words and combinations of words from the list below. Write down the serial numbers of the words and combinations you have chosen in the order in which they appear in the text. Please note: there are more words and word combinations in the list than there are gaps in the text. 11 points. "What do we see that amazes us? We see 6, which has taken over and enjoys all the expanses and all the benefits of civilization. 17, its components existed before, but each of them took its place - in 13, in the city. Now they appeared all together, the masses suddenly became visible. Before they occupied the background of the scene, now they have come to the fore. 6 - the concept of quantitative and visible. Expressing it in terms of 15, we arrive at the concept of 4 masses. Every 16 is a 9 unity of two factors : minorities and the masses Minorities are 8 special dignity Mass is a multitude of people without special merits What was previously perceived as a quantity now appears before us as 19, it becomes a common social sign of a person without 1, a faceless "general type" 6. Before you is a table.In its first column there is a literal translation of Latin and Greek words, from which the terms known to you from the course of social science are formed.In the second column are the social phenomena with which these terms are related. Finish filling in the table and enter the terms themselves and their meanings in the last column. In case of ambiguity of the term, indicate its meaning in relation to the social phenomenon indicated in the table. 8 points Answer: Translation of the Latin and Greek terms Social phenomena Terms and their meanings "Plast" Social differentiation Strat - an element of social structure, constructed on the basis of multidimensional classification and organized into a hierarchical order. "I am in abundance" Foreign economic relationsAutarky - a policy of economic isolation pursued by a country, a region, aimed at creating an isolated, closed, independent economy "Root" Ideology Radicalism - socio-political ideas and actions aimed at decisively changing existing institutions. "Loyal" Power Loyalty - loyalty to the current laws, regulations of the authorities 7. Set an extra element in each row. Explain your choice. 4 points. a. Production - not related to ownership rights b. a two-party system is not an electoral system, c. modernization - does not apply to the individual d. K. Marx - did not adhere to the theory of local civilizations) 8. Analyze the above facts. They contain information about the operation of political norms. Their types are named in the table. To what types does each of the described norms belong. Enter the serial numbers in the appropriate columns of the table. 9 points. Legal NormsCorporate NormsCustomsMoral NormsSymbols and Attributes1,43,756,82,9 9. When preparing a multimedia presentation on social science, the computer failed, and the prepared slides - images, the essence of philosophical theories, which represent the philosophical trends of the 20th century, were mixed up in the "basket". They need to be systematized. To do this, they must be compared and summarized in a table. The first column of the table indicates the philosophical trends of the 20th century. For each correct position, 1 point, 8 points in total. Philosophy of the XX centuryPhilosophical directionMain philosophical interestThinkersPhenomenologyIII4HermeneuticsII2Analytical philosophyIV3PostmodernismI1 10.Make a diagram using all the proposed concepts and terms. In the diagram, reflect their relationship. maximum score 8 points Legal facts, offense, lawful, crime, event, action, illegal, legal acts. 11. Most of the concepts and terms of modern social science have Greek and Latin roots. Here are the words obtained by their literal translation into Russian. Your task is to name the scientific term corresponding to the Russian translation. For each correct position 1 point, total 10 points 1. Philosophy 2. Economics 3. Futurology 4. Theology 5. Aristocracy 6. Corruption 7. Sociology 8. Scholasticism 9. Oligarchy 10. Demagogues 12 .Solve the crossword. Give the definition of the concept obtained in the highlighted vertical line. Maximum 11 points Horizontally. 1. The main, initial position of scientific theory. 2. The ability to command, control the actions of another person. 3. Basic law of the state. 4. The system of historically established norms, rules of conduct. 5. Head of state in the Russian Federation. 6. Agreement establishing mutual obligations. 7. Need for something. 8. Political organization representing the interests of certain social groups. 9. Change, growth. 10. Representative body. 1. Principle. 2. Power 3. Constitution 4. Morality 5. President 6. Treaty 7. Need 8. Party 9. Development 10. Parliament. The received word: patriotism - love for the Motherland. 13. From the given words and phrases, make definitions of two social science concepts. Name them. Words and phrases cannot be used twice. In this linguistic constructor, you can add prepositions, change words by case, etc. The maximum number is 6 points Organization, politics, individual characteristics, expressing the interests of social groups, a person who ensures her success, unification, an active part of society, ease of mastering it, participating in the struggle for power, activity. A political party is an organization expressing the interests of social groups, an active part of society participating in the struggle for power. Abilities are the individual characteristics of a person that ensure her success in her work, the ease of mastering it. 14 Here is the processed statistical data characterizing the role of the 300 largest domestic agricultural enterprises in Russian agriculture. Economists believe that these data show the advantages of large-scale agricultural production over small ones. Using the numerical data and the terms of the diagram, reconstruct their argumentation. The argument should be as complete as possible. Maximum 15 points The chart shows that the top 2% of agribusinesses account for over 25% of gross income and over 40% of agricultural profits. At the same time, the share of profits of the largest enterprises is higher than the share of gross income. It is known that profit is determined by the difference between income and expenses. This means that they have less costs per unit of output than small producers. man: "You must." What are the differences in the requirements of despotism and totalitarian regimes? What do they have in common? What formula applies to citizens under a democratic regime? The maximum number is 6 points. 1. Differences: despotism prohibits a person from certain actions, totalitarianism requires certain actions from him, totalitarianism requires certain actions from him, appealing to duty. It is important to indicate the role of ideology in a totalitarian regime. 2. General: these requirements are of the same type, since they impose an external will on a person, suppressing the internal will. 3. "Everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed" ("You have the right"). It is important to use the term "generally permissible order" (rather than permissive). 16 In the sciences of society there are terms and concepts formed from the names and surnames of figures who, for various reasons, entered world history or literary characters personifying a particular social phenomenon. Here are three such terms. Maximum 12 points Indicate: 1) A brief definition of the term 2) The name of the historical figure or character, who he was. 1. Proudhonism is the philosophical and sociological concept of P.Zh. revolution by peaceful means on the basis of class cooperation between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. - for the peaceful liquidation of the state and its replacement by contractual relations between individual producers, groups. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon is a famous French thinker and economist, one of the founders of theoretical anarchism. 2. Manilovism - groundless daydreaming, passively complacent to reality. Named after Manilov, a character in Gogol's "Dead Souls". 17. Match the names of thinkers and their statements. Pay attention to the names of thinkers more than statements The maximum number - 6 points all our knowledge begins with experience..." 4) "State structure must certainly take into account the traditions of the people" 5) "The history of hitherto existing societies has been the history of class struggle" 6) "People must profit in proportion to their costs and risks"a. A.I. Solzhenitsyn b. K. Marx c. D. Hume d. Napoleon Bonaparte e. I.Kant f. M. Bakunin g. JJ Rousseau h. F. Voltaire17. 1- F 2 - D 3 - E 4 - A 5 - B 6 - C The tasks of the second and third rounds are checked according to the recommendations given to the students. Total number of points: 1st round - 142 points, 2nd round - 20, 3rd round - 10 points, total - 172 points.

school stage.Grade 10. (Time to complete 1 hour 20 minutes)

Dear participant of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science! You are asked to complete tasksschool stage of the Olympics. Carefully read the wording of each task in order to answer strictly the questions posed. In cases where tasks require analysis of the given data, remember that the correct answer should be based on this data, and not deduced from your general knowledge.

Good luck to you!

1.1. The right to be elected to the bodies of state power and local self-government is called

a) active suffrage;

b) classical suffrage;

c) passive suffrage;

d) conservative suffrage.

1.2. Traditional society is characterized by the following features:

A) the predominance of state and communal property;

B) rational perception of the world;

c) the desire to live in harmony with nature;

d) subordination of the individual to society

1.3. From the point of view of empiricists, the criterion of truth is

a) theoretical proof;

b) agreement with previously acquired knowledge;

c) experience;

d) agreements of scientists.

1.4. The branches of public law are

a) constitutional law;

b) criminal law;

c) family law;

d) financial law;

e) civil law.

1.5. Choose a term that reflects a peculiar combination of biological and social characteristics of a person:

A) an individual

B) subject;

B) individuality;

d) personality

1.6. Fiscal policy is called:

A) cost allocation policy;

B) the policy of imposing taxes on the population;

C) the policy of regulating the economy through the issuance of banknotes, changes in the discount rate and the required reserve ratio;

d) the policy of regulating the economy by changing government spending and taxation

1.7. The social development of modern Russia is NOT characterized by:

A) the complication of the social structure;

B) deep social differentiation;

C) the stability of the social status of people;

d) marginalization of society








2.1. Prestige - respect for the social position occupied by a person, prevailing in public opinion.

2.2. To calculate the standard of living in the country, the GNP indicator per capita of the able-bodied population is used

2.3. The priority of the interests of the state over the interests of the individual is a mandatory feature of civil society

2.4. The transition from a "leisure society" to a "working society" is a worldwide trend.

2.5. Religion is one of the forms of human adaptation to the surrounding world, the satisfaction of his spiritual needs, characteristic of culture.

2.6. Innovative proposals can be manifestations of deviant behavior.

2.7. The generalized results of the achievements of human knowledge are the basis of a person's ordinary worldview.








1 point for each correct answer, total 7 points

3.1. Hinduism, Shintoism, Confucianism, Judaism.

3.2. The adoption of a new constitution of the state, the election of the mayor of the city, holding a rally demanding the implementation of government reforms.

4.1 . Breathing, nutrition, communication, movement, reproduction of the genus.


4.2. Promissory note, bond, money, share, privatization check


5. Correlate the historical type of society with the fragments that characterize it.

Types of societies

Text snippets

1 . agrarian society

2 . industrial society

3. Information society

BUT . “Elections via the Internet can become a reality,” Rosbalt news agency reports.

B . According to the statement of the All-Russian headman M.I. Kalinina - Morozovskaya strike "... this is the first strike that acquired a political connotation, the first strike that served as a mirror where the workers saw that method, that method, that road they could follow in order to improve their situation."


Saving time and money.

The ability to make purchases and pay for services via the Internet without leaving your home at any time of the day around the world from anywhere on the planet Earth.

G . These tribes, the Slavs and the Antes, believe that God alone, the creator of lightning, is the master of all. They worship rivers and nymphs and all sorts of other deities, make sacrifices to all of them, and with the help of these sacrifices they also perform divination.

D . Excessive investment in heavy industry has undermined the country's financial system. Lack of funds forced the state to resort to forced internal loans. For many years, citizens of the USSR "subscribed to a loan" in the amount of one or two weeks' earnings.

E . And the knights without quarrels and without malice spend the rest of the day competing with each other. Whoever gains the upper hand in the game that he was having fun with, Arthur rewards him with some kind of generous gift. After the first three days of these festivities, all whom he exalted and who are subject to him are summoned, and he favors them with all sorts of favors.

F . Science is the most important social institution, penetrating deeply into all spheres of public life; science becomes a mass activity.

Z. “People are no longer bound together by castes, corporations or clans and therefore are very much inclined to pursue exclusively their own interests and fall into individualism”

(A. de Tocqueville)

6.1. A little boy was thrown into a children's clinic in one of the districts of Bryansk. Who are his parents and where they are, it was not possible to establish.

Which country will the boy be a citizen of? Justify your answer.

6.2. 17-year-old Konstantin Volkov got a job at the Sfera enterprise. He concluded an employment contract, which, with his consent, included a condition on a probationary period of 3 months. At the end of the three months of the probationary period, Volkov was fired, recognizing the results of the test as unsatisfactory.

Is Volkov's dismissal legal? Justify your opinion.


A classification has become widespread in ___, which distinguishes, depending on the grounds and conditions for the acquisition of _________ membership of _____ and ___ parties. The former are distinguished by the fact that they are formed around a group of political ___, and the basis of their structure is a committee of activists. They are usually formed ____ on the basis of various ___ fractions, associations of the party bureaucracy. Such parties usually activate their activities only during ___. Other parties are centralized, well-disciplined organizations. They attach great importance to the unity of party members. Such parties are most often formed ____, on the basis of trade union and other ___ movements, reflecting the interests of various social ___.

1) "from below"

7) bulk

13) party

2) public

8) impeachment

14) parliamentary

3) factor

9) political science

15) consensus

4) selective

10) group

16) ideological

5) national

11) elections

17) system

6) society

12) norm

18) leader

19) "top"

20) sociology

21) staff

1 point for each correct word, 12 points in total.

9.1. Determine the grouping principle and mark it in the heading of the first column of the table.

9.2. Give names to the rest of the columns in the table.

9.3. Fill in the remaining rows of the first column of the table

9.4. Fill in the table in accordance with the grouping principle found, transferring text information and serial numbers of illustrations to it.

(1) (2) (3)

I in. AD, 1.5 billion people,VII in AD, 500 million people,VI in. AD, 2 billion people

3 points for defining the grouping principle (heading of the first column), 2 points for the names of other columns. 0.5 points for each named world religion and for each correctly established substantive position of the table, a total of 15 points

9. Analyze the diagram presented and evaluate the statements made. You can agree with each conclusion or refute it. Your opinion must be supported by the diagram data.

Indices of some economic indicators of Russia

in 1992-2003 (in % to the previous year).

9.1. Russia's GDP is made up of manufactured industrial products and agricultural products.

9.2. During 1992 - 1998. there was a steady decline in total industrial production.

9.1.______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

9.2. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. The basic law of the state, which has the highest legal force and establishes the foundations of the political, legal and economic systems of the country.

2. The possibility provided for by law of a participant in a legal relationship to carry out certain actions or demand certain actions from another participant in this legal relationship.

3. The totality of socio-economic and legal measures providing each member of society with the realization of his most important rights and freedoms.

4. Official proclamation by the state, party, international, interstate organizations of the basic principles.

5. Maximum openness and truthfulness in the activities of state and public organizations; an effective and active form of participation of public opinion in the democratic solution of the most important problems of the country.

6. Cash payment, which is made to citizens in cases provided for by law; one of the forms of material support in old age, in case of illness and disability, etc.

7. A person who is not a citizen of this country and does not have evidence that could establish his belonging to the citizenship of any foreign state.

8. Purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society, state.

9. Solving important issues of public and state life by direct voting of voters.

10. The possibility of free existence in society of various political views, schools, ideologies, various political parties and organizations with different goals and programs.

11. Control of official authorities over the content of works intended for printing, distribution, reproduction, release, staging, etc.

12. Public recognition by the population of the country of the legitimacy of the existing institutions of state power.




Definition ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1 point for each word. 3 points for definition, 15 points in total

11. Dear participants!

1. "True society is a support and replenishment, and not the boundary of personal life."

(V. Solovyov)

2. “Competition as a whole is unconscious. The conflict is always conscious. (R. Park.)

3. "Look into the causes of all licentiousness, and you will see that it springs from impunity." (Ch. Montesquieu.)

4. “Government is an invention of the human mind, and therefore people have

the right to use it as you wish." (E. Burke)

5. "Humanity is the goal of human nature." (I.G. Herder.)

6. "The most important product of the market economy is the consumer." W. Mich

7. "Technically we live in the atomic age, while most people emotionally live in the stone age." (E. Fromm.) For the task 5 points.

Maximum points - 79


Answers and evaluation criteria for the school stage of the Olympiad in social studies for students in grade 10

1. Choose the correct answer (one or more):















1 point for each correct answer, total 7 points

2. Set the correctness or falsity of the statements ("YES" or "NO") and enter the answers in the table:
















3.1. - National religions. 3.2. - Manifestations of political activity.

2 points for each correct answer, total 4 points

4. What is extra in a row? Give a BRIEF explanation.

4.1. - Communication is a social need, the rest are the primary (physiological) needs of a person.

4.2.Money, everything else - types of securities.

1 point each for the indicated extra concept and up to 2 points for the explanation, for a total of 6 points.

5. Correlate the historical type of society with the fragments that characterize it.

1 point for each correct match, 8 points in total.

G, E


A, B, F

6. Analyze from the point of view of the current legislation, these situations:

1 point for a correct answer and up to 2 points for justification, 6 points in total.

6.1. The boy is a citizen of the Russian Federation.(1 point) According to the law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation", a child born in the territory of the Russian Federation, if both of his parents are unknown, is a citizen of the Russian Federation. so-called. "soil principle".(2 points)

6.2. No. (1 point). According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for persons under the age of 18, a probationary period for employment is not established.(2 points). Only 6 points.

7. Insert instead of gaps the serial numbers of the corresponding words from the list below. The words in the list are given in the nominative case, singular. Please note: there are more words in the list than gaps in the text!

1 point for each correct word, 12 points in total

Widespread in9 received a classification that distinguishes depending on the grounds and conditions for the acquisition13 membership 21 And 7 parties. The former are distinguished by the fact that they are formed around a group of political18 , and the basis of their structure is a committee of activists. They are usually formed19 based on various14 factions, associations of the party bureaucracy. Such parties usually intensify their activities only during11 . Other parties are centralized, well-disciplined organizations. They attach great importance to16 unity of party members. Such parties are most often formed1 , on the basis of trade union and other2 movements reflecting the interests of various social10 .

8. Group the images below, numerical data, names of chronological periods and fill in the table below by completing the following tasks:

world religions

Place of origin

Time of occurrence

Number of adherents

6th century BC.


1st century AD

7th century AD

3 points for defining the grouping principle (heading of the first column), 2 points for the names of other columns. 0.5 points for each named world religion and for each correctly established substantive position of the table, a total of 15 points.

9. Analyze the diagram presented and evaluate the statements made. You can agree with each conclusion or refute it. Your opinion must be supported by the diagram data.

9.1 No. GDP growth does not consist of the volume of industrial and agricultural production. So, for example, in 2002-2003. it outpaces the growth of industrial and agricultural output, and 1999 GDP growth lags far behind industrial production and slightly lags agricultural production

Other examples are accepted that correctly illustrate the conclusions drawn about the correctness or falsity of the statements contained in the task.

9.2 . Yes. Since the index of the volume of industrial output in % of the previous year for a given period is less than 100 each time.

2 points each for determining the correctness or falsity of the statements made and up to 5 points for the explanation, 14 points in total

10. . 1 point for each word. 3 points for definition, 15 points in total

6. Allowance. 7. Stateless. 8. Education. 9. Referendum. 10. Pluralism.

11. Censorship. 12. Legitimacy.

A word vertically: totalitarianism is a political (state) system exercising or striving to exercise absolute control over all aspects of society's life for one purpose or another.

11. Essay.

Criteria evaluationessay



The meaning of the statement is revealed.


RepresentationAnd explanation of one's ownpositions



Maximum score


school stage. Grade 11 (Duration 1 hour 20 min.)

1. Choose the correct answer (one or more):

1.1. According to the pragmatic concept of truth, truth is

a) the result of an agreement between scientists;

b) the property of knowledge is absolutely consistent with reality;

c) a product of scientific activity corresponding to previous knowledge;

d) what is useful, what helps us solve problems successfully.

1.2. The condition necessary for a person to take the position of an emotional leader in a group:

a) have more knowledge and skills than other members of the group;

b) have a higher moral character than other members of the group;

c) have power over other members of the group;

d) be able to motivate other members of the group to work

1.3. Determine which of the following indicators characterize the efficient use of labor resources in a market economy

A) 100% employment of the population;

B) 100% employment of the able-bodied population;

C) the presence of frictional unemployment;

D) the presence of structural unemployment;

D) the presence of cyclical unemployment.

1.4. Highlight the features that distinguish a socio-political movement from a political party:

A) the struggle for political power;

B) inconstancy of the composition;

C) the existence of a program and charter;

D) fixed membership;

1.5. The criteria for social progress cannot be:

a) the transition of society from simple, less developed forms to more developed, complex ones;

B) the development of productive forces;

c) the progress of science and technology;

D) strengthening the dominance of man over nature;

e) an increase in the degree of freedom that society can provide to a person;

1.6. The branches of private law are

a) constitutional law;

b) criminal law;

c) family law;

d) financial law;

e) civil law.







1 point for each correct answer, total 8 points

2. Set the correctness or falsity of the statements ("YES" or "NO") and enter the answers in the table:

2.1. The cognitive function of science is most fully reflected in the applied sciences.

2.2. Organizations and associations created without the intervention of government bodies constitute the organizational basis of civil society.

2.3. The onset of legal capacity corresponding to the age of majority is possible until the age of 18.

2.4. The main indicators of the economic cycle are the increase in the interest rate and the growth of the exchange rate.

2.5. The concept of "altruism" most logically opposes the concept of "egoism".

2.6. The presence of a written constitution is the main distinguishing feature of the rule of law.

2.7. In Western Europe, the USA and Russia, nuclear families make up more than 70% of families.








1 point for each correct answer, total 7 points

3. By what principle are the rows formed? Give a SHORT answer.

3.1. Fetishism, totemism, animism, magic.


3.2. Everyday quarrel, divorce of spouses, strike, revolution.


2 points for each correct answer, 4 points in total

4. What is extra in a row? Give a BRIEF explanation.

4.1. Liberal parties, conservative parties, opposition parties, social democratic parties.


4.2. Theory, hypothesis, perception, concept, comparison.


1 point each for the indicated extra concept and up to 2 points for the explanation, for a total of 6 points.

1 point for each correct word, 11 points in total

“What do we see that strikes us? We see_____, which has captured and enjoys all the expanses and all the benefits of civilization._____ , its components, existed before, but each of them took its place - in_____ , in the city. Now they appeared all together, the masses suddenly became visible. Previously, they occupied the background of the stage, now they have come to the fore._____ - the concept of quantitative and visible. Expressing it in terms_____ , we arrive at the concept_____ masses. Anything _____ - this _____ the unity of two factors: minorities and the masses. Minorities are_____ special dignity. A mass is a multitude of people without special merit. What was previously perceived as quantity, now appears to us as_____ , it becomes a common social sign of a person without_____ , a faceless "general type".(J. Ortega y Gasset, Spanish philosopher.)

1. Individuality.

2. Political science.

3. Party.

4. Social.

5. Static.

6. The crowd.

7. Family.

8. Personality.

9. Dynamic.

10. Economic.

11. State.

12. Strat.

13. Village.

14. Characteristic.

15. Sociology.

16. Society.

17. Individual.

18. Sign.

19. Quality.

20. Class.

6. Analyze from the point of view of the current legislation, these situations:

6.1. A 16-year-old citizen came to get a job in a car repair workshop. At the same time, he provided a number of necessary documents: a passport, a military registration certificate and an application for employment. However, the owner refused to hire him, saying that without undergoing a medical examination and providing the relevant certificate, he had no right to conclude an agreement with him.

Is the owner of a car mechanic workshop right? Justify your answer.


6.2. A minor girl was under the care of her own aunt. However, even before reaching the age of 18, she decided to get married, while declaring that from the moment she got married, she would not need care. The aunt objected, recalling that guardianship is determined until the age of majority, and if it is so important for a niece to get rid of guardianship, one must apply for permission from the guardianship and guardianship authorities.Who is right in this situation? Justify your answer.





For the correct answer - 1 point; for the correct justification - 2 points, total 6 points.

Monetary, government spending, taxation, establishment, policy, economic means, regulation, budgetary, establishment, policy, required reserve ratio, state regulation of the economy, discount rate of interest, money issue.

8 .

Do it yourself. For this:

1) head the columns of the table below, defining the essence of the positions presented;

2) enter in them the serial numbers of the proposals, reflecting the respective positions.

1. Deviant behavior poses a threat to the stability of society. 2. It is one of the ways to adapt culture to social change. 3. Even communities that are completely isolated from world civilizations must from time to time change their patterns of behavior due to changes in the environment. 4. If there are numerous cases of social deviations in a society or a social group, people lose their sense of expected behavior. 5. The behavior of a small number of individuals deviating from old, obsolete, habitual norms may be the beginning of the creation of new normative patterns. 6. There is a disorganization of culture and the destruction of the social order. 7. Taking on the role of a deviant can lead a person to social isolation. 8. Overcoming traditions, deviant behavior containing new viable norms increasingly penetrates people's minds. 9. Deviant consciousness does not allow a person to master positive social roles and useful activities. 10. As members of social groups learn behavior containing new norms, it ceases to be deviant.

1 point for determining a position on the issue of the social significance of deviant behavior and 1 point for each sentence correctly related to the corresponding position, a total of 12 points.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(5) (6) (7) (8)

(9) (10)

Culture types


10. Solve the crossword. In the selected cells you will get a word. Write down its definition.

    The proportionality of parts and the whole, the fusion of the various components of the object into a single organic whole.

    Philosophical direction based on the belief in the ability of the human mind to learn the laws of nature and society.

    The science of beauty in nature and art.

    A dissident individual who actively uses informal methods of political protest in the fight against the dominant ideology.

    Philosophical science, the object of study of which is morality.

    A nihilistic attitude towards all moral principles.

    The senseless destruction of objects of material culture, works of art, historical monuments.

    Perception of the surrounding world, imbued with despondency and disbelief in a better future.

    Tolerant attitude towards a particular religion, allowing the state freedom of religion.

    Public discussion of any controversial issue, problem.

    Restriction and suppression of sensual inclinations, desires as a means of achieving religious or ethical goals.

    Precepts of a social and moral character, to which the church gives divine authority

    Dissemination of political, philosophical, scientific, artistic and other views and ideas with the aim of introducing them into the public consciousness and intensifying mass practical activities.





Definition ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1 point for each word, 2 points for the definition, 15 points in total.


11.1. Describe any changes shown in the diagrams. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11.2. Due to what process and why do such changes occur in the economy?


Total for the task 9 points.

12. Dear participants!

Here are the statements of thinkers, scientists, politicians, writers. Choose one of them. Which will be the topic of your essay. Your task is to formulate your own attitude to this statement and substantiate it with the arguments that seem to you the most significant.


"The beast never comes to such a terrible fall as a man comes to."I. Berdyaev


"If money does not serve you, it will dominate you."F. Bacon


"Take the place and position that befits you, and everyone will recognize it."R. Emerson

Political science

“Someone will be called a true ruler if he controls himself and does not serve vile desires.”

Izbornik, 1076


"Justice without force is useless, force without justice is despotic."Latin saying

For the task 5 points.


Answers and evaluation criteria for the school stage of the Olympiad in social studies for students in grade 11

1. 1. Choose the correct answer (one or more):

1.1. - G; 1.2 - d; 1.3. - in, city; 1.4. – b; 1.5. - G; 1.6. - in, d.

1 point for each position, total 8 points

2. Set the correctness or falsity of the statements ("YES" or "NO") and enter the answers in the table:

1 point for each position, 7 points in total

3. On what basis are the rows formed? Give a SHORT answer.

3.1. - early forms of religious beliefs. 3.2. - types of social conflicts.

2 points for correct answer, total 4 points

4. . What is extra in a row? Give a BRIEF explanation.

1 point each for the indicated extra concept and up to 2 points for the explanation, for a total of 6 points.

4.1. - Opposition parties, because this is the type of party in relation to the ruling regime, and the rest - on an ideological basis. 4.2. - Perception, since this is a form of sensory knowledge, and the rest is a form of rational knowledge.

5. 5. Insert instead of gaps the serial numbers of the corresponding words from the proposed list. Words are given in the list in the singular, adjectives in the masculine form. The same words can be omitted in the text more than once. Pay attention: in the list of words there are those that should not occur in the text!

1 point for each correct word, 11 points in total.

“What do we see that strikes us? We see 6 , which has captured and enjoys all the expanses and all the benefits of civilization. 17 , its components, existed before, but each of them took its place - in 13 , in the city. Now they appeared all together, the masses suddenly became visible. Previously, they occupied the background of the stage, now they have come to the fore. 6 - the concept of quantitative and visible. Expressing it in terms 15 , we arrive at the concept 4 masses. Anything 16 - this 9 the unity of two factors: minorities and the masses. Minorities are 8 special dignity. A mass is a multitude of people without special merit. What was previously perceived as quantity, now appears to us as 19 , it becomes a common social sign of a person without 1 , a faceless "general type".

6. Analyze from the point of view of the current legislation, these situations:

For the correct answer - 1 point; for the correct justification - 2 points, a total of 6 points.

6.1. The owner is right (1 point). According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federationminorsunder the age of eighteen they are hired only after a preliminary mandatory medical examination (examination) and further, until the age of eighteen years, they are subject to an annual mandatory medical examination (examination).(2 points).

6.2. Rights girl (1 point). After a minor enters into marriage (part 1, clause 2, article 21 of the Civil Code), no special permission is required to terminate guardianship.(2 points).

7. From the proposed words and combinations of words, make a number of economic concepts. Draw a diagram showing the relationship between these concepts.

Economic means of state regulation of the economy

Money-credit policy

budget policy

Money issue


Regulation of public spending

Establishment of the required reserve ratio

Setting the discount rate percent

2 points for each concept compiled (7 concepts to compose) and 1 point for each established connection, a total of 21 points.

8 . Read the text. This is an excerpt from the abstract, which presents two different positions on the issue of the social significance of deviant behavior. The author, unfortunately, failed to separate arguments and assessments reflecting one position from arguments and assessments reflecting a different position.

1 point for determining a position on the issue of the social significance of deviant behavior and 1 point for each sentence correctly related to the corresponding position. Total 12 points.

Negative social value

deviant behavior

Positive social value

deviant behavior

1, 4,6,7.9


9. Divide the images below into three groups based on the type of crop they represent. Write down in the first column the names of the types of culture, and in the second - the serial numbers of the images representing each type.

2 points for each type of culture named and 1 point for each image correctly assigned to the corresponding type, a total of 16 points.

Culture types


Mass culture

folk culture

Elite culture

10. Solve the crossword. In the selected cells you will get a word. Write down its definition.

. 1 point for each word. 2 points for definition, 15 points in total.

1. Harmony. 2. Rationalism. 3. Aesthetics. 4. Dissident. 5. Ethics. 6. Immoralism. 7. Vandalism.

8. Pessimism. 9. Tolerance. 10. Discussion. 11. Asceticism. 12. Commandment. 13. Propaganda.

Vertical word: missionary - the activity of religious organizations aimed at spreading their doctrine and worship among the Gentiles

11 . The data presented in the diagram reflect the situation in one country at the beginning and at the end of the year. Analyze them. The concepts denoting the categories of the population shown in the diagram are used in the classical sense.

11.1. – a decrease in the share of employed, an increase in the share of the unemployed, a general increase in the number of economically active people (the sum of the shares of employed and unemployed).(3 points).

11.2. - economic crisis.(2 points). Some people lose their jobs - the number of employed is decreasing and the number of unemployed is growing, some people who had the opportunity not to work are also forced to look for work. Other answers are also accepted that do not distort theoretical concepts, are internally consistent, reflect various incidents of social reality, and are well-reasoned.(4 points). (In total for the task 9 points).

11. Essay .

Criteria evaluationessay



Disclosure of the meaning of the statement

The meaning of the statement is revealed.

The meaning of the statement is not explicitly disclosed, but the content of the answer testifies to its understanding.

The meaning of the statement is not disclosed, the content of the answer does not give an idea of ​​its understanding.


RepresentationAnd explanation of one's ownpositions

Presented own position with argumentation.

Presented own position without explanation. OR Own position is not presented.


Level of given judgments and arguments

Judgments and arguments are revealed based on theoretical positions, conclusions and factual material.


Judgments and arguments are given based on theory, but without the use of factual material. OR

Judgments and arguments are given based on factual material, but without theoretical provisions.

Judgments and arguments are not given.

Maximum score


Maximum points - 120 .