Sample letter of notification of change of bank details. Letter to change the details of the organization: sample

Often, organizations decide to change the servicing bank. In such cases, the payment details of the company change. So that such changes do not lead to the collapse of economic activity, it is necessary to notify counterparties about them in a timely manner. Let's figure out how to do it right, and also consider a sample letter about changing the details of the organization.

A letter on the change of bank details refers to legally significant messages, the definition of which is given in Article 165.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. However, there is no unified form for this type of business correspondence. Therefore, they are compiled in an arbitrary form. However, there are practical recommendations for writing such business letters.

Who needs to be notified about the change of details

When concluding various agreements with organizations and entrepreneurs, payment data are indicated, according to which it is necessary to transfer any funds. If this information changes, the company must notify:

  • business partners;
  • suppliers;
  • clients;
  • customers;
  • other counterparties.

At the same time, the tax service does not need to be notified, since the banking organization itself will transfer the necessary information to the department.

Sample letter of information about changing bank details

Authorized employees of the company, usually employees of the legal department, are responsible for preparing the notice. Despite the fact that the document is drawn up in free form, it must contain the following information:

  • name, address, telephone number of the sender's company;
  • name of the company and authorized person of the addressee;
  • date and place of drawing up the document;
  • text describing the essence of the changes and the measures that are recommended to be taken in connection with them;
  • the date from which the old information ceases to be valid;
  • new payment details;
  • date of signing the document, full name, position, signature of the responsible person of the sender.

The document can be issued on a standard A4 sheet or company letterhead. The text can be handwritten or printed, it is not necessary to certify with the seal of the organization. A sample letter on changing the bank details of the organization is presented below.

To protect the company from possible conflicts with partners, it is best to use registered mail with notification, as well as record the fact of sending in the log of outgoing correspondence.

What happens if you do not notify counterparties

If counterparties are not notified of the change in payment data as soon as possible, they will not be able to ensure the timely transfer of the necessary payments. Moreover, the recipient of the transfers will not be able to demand the payment of penalties and fines, since the fault for the delay will lie with him. This means that going to court on this issue will not lead to its positive decision.

The notification that the institution's payment details have changed is one of the important legal documents (Article 165.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). However, a unified sample letter on changing the details of an organization is not provided for in the legislation. The document is compiled in any form. But there are a few rules to keep in mind when drafting a notice. We will talk about these rules in more detail in the article.

When you need to notify about a change in bank data

When concluding any agreement, regardless of its content, companies are required to indicate their data: full name, legal and actual addresses, registration information (TIN, KPP, OKTMO, OGRN), for settlements, also payment data (name of the bank, numbers of the settlement and personal accounts, BIC and correspondent account).

In what cases is a sample information letter on the change of details:

  1. If an error has crept into this information, for example, a typo in the current account number or TIN.
  2. During the period of validity of the contract there were changes in the registration data of the enterprise.
  3. Payment information has been corrected, for example, a state institution has changed its credit and banking company or a bank has changed its name.

Notify contractors, business partners and customers of these changes.

Writing a letter the right way

We are preparing an up-to-date sample of a notification about a change in the bank details of an organization. The preparation of such a letter should be the responsibility of company lawyers or an accountant if there is no legal department in the state. The notification is made in any form, however, the mandatory data should be indicated:

  1. The name of the sending company, its address and telephone number.
  2. Similar information about the recipient company.
  3. Information about the place and time of the document.
  4. Written explanation of the situation. Describe why the company's payment details have been adjusted. For example, the reason may be the conclusion of a new agreement with the bank, a change in the credit and banking company, a change in the current account number (a currency or special account was indicated).
  5. New data and the date from which they begin to operate. For example, if the company switched to servicing a new credit company (or the bank changed its name), then indicate the new details.
  6. Signatures of the responsible person and the head of the company, certified by the seal (if any). The chief accountant is not required to sign the letter, however, the presence of the mark of the chief accountant will increase the credibility of the information.

Form-sample letter about changing the bank details of the organization

The letter can be written by hand or on a computer. It is acceptable to use company letterhead. Hand over the notice in person or send it by registered mail. Check the document in the Outgoing Documentation Log before sending it.

Sample letter of information about changing bank details

If you are late with notification

Let's say the payment information has changed, but the prepared sample of the notification about the change in bank details of the organization was not sent. What will happen in such a situation:

  1. Funds under an agreement with incorrect information may be arrested by the bank until clarified. Clarification period of 5 days or more. Consequently, the institution will not receive payment on time.
  2. The money will be returned to the sender, and the fault for the delay on the debt will lie with the organization with incorrect data in the agreement. In this case, it is impossible to set a penalty or fines.
  3. Such problems with settlements under agreements and contracts have a negative impact on the business image of the company as a whole, therefore, counterparties may refuse further cooperation.

When a company ceases to use the services of the old bank and opens an account in a new one, it is obliged to warn counterparties. Partners and clients of the company are sent a letter about changing the bank details of the organization, download a sample of such a letter in the application.

Attention! You are on a professional site with specialized legal content. Registration may be required to read the article.

When concluding an agreement, both parties to the transaction indicate information about themselves, in particular, bank data. This is necessary for non-cash settlements with a counterparty. It is also noted in the agreement in which case the participant in the transaction must send a notification about the change in bank details. So, when changing the bank, a notification about the change of details is sent to business partners and clients of the company, as well as to government agencies. To correctly draw up a document, use the sample letter on changing the bank details of the organization.

A letter about changing bank details is sent to all counterparties of the company

Notification of a change in bank details is a legally significant message. Rules apply to this document. A letter about changing bank details is sent to the address of the location of the executive body of the counterparty. When sending, you must retain evidence that the company sent the notice. If the company registers outgoing correspondence, the letter must be registered in the journal.

An information letter on the change of bank details is sent to:

  • business partners of the company,
  • clients,
  • suppliers,
  • customers,
  • other counterparties of the company.

The company without fail notifies counterparties about the change of details. In particular, this information should be sent to the government agencies for which it is necessary. However, the bank, and not the company itself, notifies the tax authority of changes.

Urgent message for a lawyer! The police came to the office

A sample letter on changing bank details will help you correctly draw up a notice

The preparation of a letter on the change of bank details is carried out by employees who are responsible in the company for sending legally significant correspondence. Usually such documents are issued by the legal department. But such duties can also be entrusted to company clerks, etc. In order not to miss anything, you can use a sample of how to write a letter about changing bank details.

Specify the required data in the notification about changing bank details

The letter on changing bank details does not have a single approved form. The document is in free form. However, there is information that must be present in the text (see sample notification of a change in bank details):

Name the recipient of the message. They write not only the name of the counterparty, but also the responsible person, list the name and position. Typically, the notification is addressed to the head of the counterparty organization. But there may be another person to whom the letter should be sent. The counterparty indicates such person in the contract or informs about him specifically.

  1. Note the date and place of the document.
  2. Enter the name of your organization.
  3. Tell us what the changes are and on the basis of which document they are made. Since this letter is about changing bank details, it is necessary to specify the new details exactly. Explain what the recipient of the letter should do about the change. Also indicate the date from which the old details will cease to be valid.
  4. Mark the date of signing the letter, indicate the responsible person on whose behalf the letter is sent. The document must have his signature. For example, in a sample notification of a change in bank details, organizations indicated the general director of the sending company.

Notifying counterparties of a change in bank details is the responsibility of the company, a copy of the document will need to be sent to each counterparty.

Without a letter about changing bank details, it is impossible to demand a penalty for non-payment

If the company does not promptly notify about the change in bank details, it will not be able to win a dispute in court over the payment that the counterparty transferred to an inactive account. For example, if the counterparty paid the due amount on time, but transferred it in accordance with the previous details, the company is not entitled to demand a penalty or other penalties for late execution. Since she did not properly notify that the funds should be sent to a new account, the debtor's obligation is considered fulfilled.

Therefore, the company needs to send a letter to counterparties about changing the bank details of the organization, a sample of which can be used. Download a sample bank details change notice and notify business partners and customers in a timely manner.

Attached files

  • Sample information letter on changing the bank details of the organization.doc

The details of the organization include information about the address of its location, PSRN, TIN, KPP, data on bank accounts and other similar information. Such data is usually provided in contracts concluded with contractors. It is on the basis of this information that the business partners of the company reflect the data on the party to the transaction in primary and other documents. For example, in payment orders, invoices, waybills. And it is extremely important to ensure the relevance of this information, that is, to inform counterparties in a timely manner about changes in any of their details. After all, if, say, the organization changed the address, but did not inform its supplier about it, the invoices issued by them will contain outdated information about the address of the buyer. And this will be an obstacle to tax deduction. Or, for example, an organization, knowing the unstable position of its bank, decided to open a new account, but did not announce the changes to its buyer in time. And he, in turn, paid the debt under the contract to the troubled bank. And the fault of the buyer will not be here, and the debt to the supplier will be considered repaid. And it does not matter that the supplier, for example, will not be able to receive money from his account in a bankrupt bank.

Timely informing counterparties about changes in their details is a matter of particular importance. It is no coincidence that contracts often provide for the obligation of the counterparty to notify the opposite party within a reasonable time of changing its details.

Information letter for changing details: sample

As a rule, the details of the organization are contained in the client card, which the company sends upon request to its counterparties. Accordingly, when changing the details, you can send an updated version of such a card.

But you can also send counterparties a notification letter about the change in details. If necessary, the fact of sending such a letter can be documented. For example, by sending information by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt or by putting a mark on receipt upon delivery of the letter in person.

The organization determines the form of the letter on its own. It indicates the information to be changed, as well as the date from which such changes are to be applied. Such a letter can be addressed both to a specific counterparty (then its name is indicated in the header), and to an indefinite number of persons.

For an information letter about a change in the bank details of an organization, we will give a sample of its filling.

Each legal entity has bank details. Without a current account, the process of paying taxes and making settlements becomes more complicated, and the burden on the cashier increases. The account is not a permanent requisite of the company, like a TIN or KPP. How to compose bank account change letter

Informing counterparties: right or duty?

An enterprise for a credit institution is the same client as an individual. He retained the right to change a bank account within the bank (closing the old one and opening a new one) or moving to another bank for servicing. In any case, the question arises of how to write an information letter about changing bank details for interested parties.

If the obligation to provide banking services to a legal entity is a controversial issue in the Russian legal literature, then the obligation to notify about a change in the details of counterparties is not subject to discussion. The form of the notification is not specified by law. According to the business custom that has developed in Russia, the organization sends a letter to interested parties about changing bank details.

Important! The third paragraph of Article 30 of the Banking Law fixes the client's right to open any number of accounts he needs, without limiting the type of account or currency.

The obligation to notify the counterparty contains Article 165.1 of the Civil Code (part one). The Code defines this category of information as "a legally significant message that entails consequences for another person."

As you can see, the circle of addressees of the information letter is defined by the legislator as widely as possible. They can become:

  • business project partners;
  • clients;
  • customers;
  • suppliers;
  • other interested parties.

A letter about changing the bank details of the organization should be sent in due time, since the addressee has the corresponding obligations only after receiving new details.

Writing an information letter

There are no separate requirements for this type of correspondence. Given the high activity of fraudsters, a letter on changing the current account should be prepared on letterhead signed by the head or chief accountant. Due to the operational nature of the information, you can make a preliminary distribution of a scanned copy of the letter with a note about duplicating the message by mail.

Depending on the relevance of the information at the time of receipt, the counterparty will be able to independently make decisions - to wait for a paper copy of the letter or to clarify its authenticity with a representative of the organization.

In the event of a change in the data of the settlement account, it is better if a sample letter on changing the bank details of the organization is compiled jointly by the legal and economic services. Addressees, depending on the number of counterparties, can be specified:

  • personally - in the "header" of the letter, the addressee's postal details, his surname and initials are indicated, as well as the appeal "Dear Name, Patronymic!";
  • depersonalized - in the "header" of the letter the target group of recipients is indicated with the marking "(according to the list)". For example, "Clients of LLC" LLC "(according to the list)". In this case, a mailing list is additionally compiled to the letter, with a list of addressees.

The form of the letter on the change of details can be downloaded

It is better to take separate data in the text of the message from the constituent documents:

  • full and short (if provided) name of the organization,
  • legal address.

In addition, you should specify:

  • the document that is the basis for informing,
  • new details;
  • the date the details were changed.

Click here to view a sample of the 2018 form. And also download a sample for use in work.