Gyurza pistol complex. "Gyurza" in a holster. The most powerful Russian pistol. The history of the creation of the gun "Gyurza"

One of the most famous and powerful pistols produced in the Russian Federation is the Serdyukov pistol (SPS, Gyurza, Vector). Today we will get acquainted with the history of the emergence and development of this model. Let's find out why it is remarkable, analyze its main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.


The history of the Serdyukov self-loading pistol (SPS) began with the development of a new pistol complex at the Klimovsky Research Institute. The pistol was supposed to surpass both domestic and foreign counterparts in service and operational and combat parameters. The need to create a new model of personal short-barreled weapons that is radically different from those used in the army, special services and law enforcement agencies arose back in the 80s. The reason for this is simple - the introduction of personal protective equipment into the armed forces of a number of countries, differing in classes. Second-class body armor, for example, can stop a TT pistol bullet when fired at close range.

But bulletproof vests began to be actively used not only by law enforcement agencies, but also by terrorist organizations. Bulletproof vest protects a maximum of 30% of the body. But in conditions of fire contact, everything begins and passes very quickly. Therefore, there is not enough time for aiming, and the fire is carried out on the hull, since this is the largest target. With body armor in this case, you can not only survive, but also actively fire back.

A new weapon-cartridge complex was needed, which, having acceptable dimensions, small mass and weak recoil, could effectively hit an enemy in a bulletproof vest.

New Approach

The widespread use of personal protective equipment was not the only reason for the development of new weapons. The weapon system of the USSR was built on the concepts of large-scale confrontation against NATO troops. Thus, the focus was on missile and tank troops, aviation, artillery and large motorized infantry units. Personal weapons played one of the last roles. For example, Makarov) was created as a weapon in peacetime. And in the fighting, the officers still took the machine gun. But in the conditions of guerrilla and local wars of the 70-80s, this approach to weapons turned out to be completely wrong.

Practice has shown that personal small arms play a huge role. The clashes in the above wars took place, as a rule, with the participation of small infantry units, which were supported by artillery, aircraft and tanks. Predominantly guerrilla methods of warfare were used, with a large number of surprise attacks from ambushes and shooting from short distances. As a result, there was a need to modernize personal short-barreled weapons.

Start of development

By the end of the 80s, the arms industry received new materials. Everywhere, changes began to be introduced into the design of pistols. A new generation pistol had to meet the following requirements: constant combat readiness, safe handling, reliability in difficult conditions of use, great firepower, convenience and ease of operation and maintenance. Well, the used cartridge had to have a high stopping and penetrating effect of the bullet.

In 1991, the design team led by Pyotr Serdyukov created two prototypes of a pistol with the 6P35 index. In the meantime, B. Yuryev completed the development of a new RG052 cartridge with a high stopping and penetrating effect of a bullet. The cartridge had a caliber of 9 mm and a length of 21 mm. During the development of the cartridge, it was assumed that it would be used not only in a pistol, but also in a submachine gun. The key feature of this cartridge is that the upper part of the core protrudes from the jacket, which means that less energy is needed to penetrate it.

The Serdyukov pistol had an initial velocity of 420 m/s. It was enough for a bullet to pierce body armor designed to stop assault rifle bullets. In 1993, a modernized version of the pistol was created, which received the index RG055 and the working title "Vector Serdyukov pistol". This model differed from the previous one in the shape and design of the bolt frame, the thickness of the barrel walls and the shape of the sight, which received enamel inserts. "Vector" was adopted by the power units and troops of the USSR. A little later, Serdyukov's SPS export pistol, the Gyurza, appeared. This model is still used in the internal troops of a number of countries. Foreign models do not provide such a successful combination of characteristics as the Serdyukov pistol. "Gyurza", like "Vector", is not the official name of the weapon and does not appear in the documents.


In 1996, an improved model, called the “Serdyukov SR-1 pistol,” entered service with the FSB units. The design had several changes. Due to the update of the handle (several notches on the front and back sides, as well as corrugation on the sides), it has become more comfortable, which is important, given the rather powerful recoil of the weapon. The dimensions of the pistol have slightly increased, and with them the resource of parts has also increased. The bore was made chrome-plated. The cartridge was also improved. Together with a 6.74-gram cartridge, the pistol gave 410 m / s muzzle velocity and 565 J of energy. Bulletproof vest of the second class could be hit from a distance of up to 70 meters. Several new cartridges were also created with an expansive, as well as a bullet with a lead core.

Design features

The Serdyukov SR-1 pistol received a barrel channel locking system using the so-called swinging larva. This had a positive effect on the accuracy of shooting. The return spring is located around the barrel and rests against a special stop. For ease of disassembly, the frame consists of two parts. The handle along with the trigger guard are made of impact-resistant plastic. The metal (top) part includes a number of parts and has guides for the bolt carrier. The double-action trigger mechanism has a safety cocking bracket, but it is not automatically placed on it.


To fire a self-cocking shot, you must first put the bracket on the safety platoon. To cock the bail manually, it is mandatory to turn off the automatic handle safety. If a misfire occurs during firing, it is eliminated by sending a new cartridge into the chamber, and not by re-pricking the primer, as was the case before.

Great power requires special care. Therefore, the pistol has two automatic fuses. The handle, also known as a lever, fuse is located on the back of the handle, locking the sear. The second fuse protrudes from the surface of the trigger and blocks its movement until the trigger is pressed by the shooter.


When all the cartridges from the magazine are used up, the bolt casing automatically stops the bolt (not a delay, but a stop). When a new magazine is in place, the bolt housing is automatically released from stop and sends a cartridge into the chamber. Thus, by attaching an equipped magazine, the shooter can immediately start firing without reloading the weapon. Pulling the bolt back (which takes precious time), as on most pistols, is not necessary.

A few more features

The Serdyukov pistol has a double-sided sliding magazine latch. It is located in a standard place - at the top of the store, behind the descent. Due to the fact that the latch is located on both sides, both right-handed and left-handed people can use the gun with the same convenience. The store has a box-shaped structure and holds as many as 18 rounds. This feature, along with the self-loading of the pistol, is its main advantage. Aimed shooting is provided thanks to the front sight and the rear sight, on which light stripes are drawn for accurate fire at dusk. If necessary, the rear sight can be adjusted using special tools included in the spare parts kit. Disassembly of the gun is carried out according to the standard scheme.

Changes 1997-2003

In 1997, the Serdyukov pistol again underwent design changes. The handle has acquired a new shape, which made it possible to equally comfortably hold the pistol for shooters of different builds. The store received a push-button latch. And the sights have acquired slightly different dimensions and shape. At the end of the same year, the gun could not win the Rook competition and began to develop independently. Work on fine-tuning the model to new requirements was called "Granite" and continued until 2000. As a result, the pistol again changed its name to "Vector SR-1M" and entered some special services units for testing.

In 2003, the Serdyukov pistol was adopted by the FSB, but after further improvements. The handle has become more comfortable, the trigger guard has increased. Now the model has become known as SPS, which means "Serdyukov's self-loading pistol." However, he was self-loading before. In general, the military calls this model differently: “Serdyukov pistol”, “SPS”, “SR-1”, “Vector”, “Gyurza”, despite the fact that each of the names was given to weapons in different years.

2012 version

In the summer of 2012, another modification of the ATP was presented. It was distinguished by the presence of Picatinny grooves (used for attaching calimator sights and laser pointers). A muffler can be attached to the 2012 model. This version is used by the armed forces to this day.


In general, the Serdyukov self-loading pistol has excellent operational and combat characteristics. Its reliability has been confirmed by participants in real combat operations. The model works flawlessly in the temperature range from -50 to +50 °C. At the same time, thanks to the plastic handle, you can comfortably hold it with your bare hand in all weather conditions. The trigger safety key does not interfere with comfortable shooting at all. The Serdyukov pistol has a high quality of assembly, processing of materials and their manufacture. The high-strength plastic used in the construction proved to be excellent.


The hand guard, due to the powerful spring, puts quite a lot of pressure on the hand. Due to the large handle, those with a small hand have to change their grip when changing magazines. The strange shape of the trigger makes it difficult to quickly self-cock when the weapon is drawn. The fact is that, as a rule, the shooter's finger rests on the edge of the trigger guard, and not on its center, which leads to the finger slipping.

Despite these shortcomings, the Serdyukov self-loading pistol is actively produced and used by various law enforcement and law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. It is in service with units of the FSB, FSO, separate detachments of SOBR and OMSN. Weapons are also available in the presidential security service and the border troops.

Serdyukov pistol: specifications

Practice has shown that the effective range of fire from this type of weapon is 100 meters. The accuracy of the battle is commendable. A fighter with an average level of training at a distance of 25 meters puts ten bullets in an area with a diameter of 6.5 cm. At a distance of 100 meters, the indicator increases to 32 cm.

A shot from a hundred meters with an SP-10 cartridge pierces a body armor consisting of two titanium plates 1.4 mm thick, as well as 30 layers of Kevlar.

As a summary, let's recall the main characteristics of the SPS pistol. The length of the pistol is 200 mm and the length of the barrel is 120 mm. The height of the weapon is 145 mm and the width is 34 mm. Caliber - 9 to 21. Weight of the pistol without cartridges - 900 g. The magazine holds 18 cartridges.


SPS is a weapon to be proud of. It is not for nothing that it has been used by law enforcement agencies of different countries of the world for so many years. Other things being equal, this pistol clearly outperforms foreign competitors in terms of penetration, shooting accuracy and ease of use. Of course, the SPS has flaws, but they are not so great as to write it off.

Pistol SR-1 "Vector", early production version

Pistol SR-1 "Vector" in comparison with the Makarov PM pistol

Incomplete disassembly of the pistol "Vector" SR-1

USM: double action

Caliber: 9x21 mm SP-10 and SP-11

Length: 195 mm

The weight: 990 grams empty; 1200 g with 18 rounds

Magazine capacity: 18 rounds

Muzzle velocity: 420 m/s

The pistol, formerly known as RG055, SR-1 "Vector" or "Gyurza", and in 2003, officially adopted by the Russian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the designation SPS - Serdyukov Self-loading Pistol, was developed at the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (Klimovsk) by Peter Serdyukov and Igor Belyaev. The development of a new pistol complex (9mm high-efficiency cartridge + pistol) was started at TSNIITOCHMASH in the early 1990s as part of the Rook army competition, while two basic designs were worked out - with a blowback and a movable barrel, and using recoil energy with a short stroke trunk with its hard locking.

The first system was not successful, but the pistol of the second design, although it was rejected by the army, aroused the interest of various Russian special services in the mid-1990s, in particular the FSB and the FSO. The main advantage of the new pistol was its very high efficiency against targets protected by body armor or obstacles like the sides of a car, for which the pistol received a specially designed 9x21mm SP-10 cartridge (originally designated RG052) with an armor-piercing bullet.

Later, in addition to the SP-10, a number of 9x21mm caliber cartridges were also developed, including cartridges with expansive and low-ricochet bullets. With the SP-10 cartridge, the pistol is able to successfully hit targets in class 3 bulletproof vests at ranges up to 50 meters and even further. In addition, the SPS pistol has a fairly high magazine capacity and is adapted for operational use. It is currently in service with the FSB and FSO forces, and is offered for export.

The SPS pistol is built on the basis of automation using recoil energy with a short barrel stroke and its rigid locking by a larva swinging in a vertical plane located under the barrel (similar to the Walther P-38). The return spring is located around the movable barrel, for which a patented solution is used in the form of a special stop for the rear end of the spring, while the front end of the spring rests on the bolt. The frame of the pistol has a composite construction - its upper part is made of steel, and the pistol grip with trigger guard is made of durable plastic. The trigger mechanism of the pistol is double action, with an open trigger.

The USM feature is that the self-cocking mode works only when the trigger is placed on an intermediate "safety" platoon. The pistol does not have non-automatic safety locks, instead there are two automatic safety locks - on the trigger and on the back of the handle. At the same time, under conditions of incorrect or incomplete grip of the pistol under stressful conditions, the grip safety may not turn off, which will lead to the impossibility of firing with disastrous consequences for the shooter.

Therefore, some users permanently disable the grip safety by wrapping tape or duct tape around the grip. SPS sights - fixed, have white inserts to facilitate aiming. Cartridges are fed from detachable box magazines with a capacity of 18 rounds.

The magazine release button latch is located behind the trigger on the handle. Early production samples of the CP-1 did not have a slide lag; SPS pistols of the latest releases, according to some reports, received a slide lag that automatically turned off when a new magazine was inserted into the pistol.

In 1991, the first tests of pistols developed on the Rook competition theme were carried out at the Rzhev training ground of the Moscow Region. This theme was ordered and funded by the GRAU (Main Rocket and Artillery Directorate). The military wished to consider the possibility of creating a new army pistol, more powerful than the PM. One of the participants in the competition was a pistol developed by TsNIITOCHMASH called "Gyurza" chambered for a powerful 9x21 cartridge. According to the results of this competition, TsNIITOCHMASH was recommended to continue work on a pistol chambered for 9x21. The TsNIITOCHMASH pistol, modified according to the test results, received the index RG-055. Sometimes you can also find such names for the RG-055 pistol as "Granite" and "Gyurza", but these names are unofficial.
The pistol complex SR-1 "Gyurza" was created for special forces of law enforcement agencies and is designed to destroy protected (in bulletproof vests of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree of protection) and unprotected manpower, as well as various technical means (vehicles, radar, etc.) at ranges up to 100 m. The complex includes a 9-mm self-loading automatic pistol and specially designed high-power cartridges for it 9x21 mm SP10 and SP11.

At the same time, the opinion was expressed that the modernization of the PM cartridge does not strengthen it to the desired extent, and, in addition, further practice has shown that the use of a reinforced PMM cartridge for a PM pistol is unacceptable due to a significant decrease in the survivability of standard pistols. The customer was asked to check the feasibility of using the 9x19 Parabellum cartridge for the new Russian pistol. To this end, TSNIITOCHMASH and a number of Tula enterprises developed various versions of the Russian Parabellum cartridges. Some of them are significantly superior to foreign ones in breaking through barriers.

Due to the high muzzle energy of the bullet - 60 kgm (for the American "Beretta" - 43 kgm) - in terms of penetration of rigid obstacles and in terms of external ballistic data (range and flatness of the trajectory), the RG-055 "Gyurza" pistol surpasses all known army pistols. During the demonstration of the RG-055 "Gyurza" pistol in 1997 at the US Marine Corps training ground in Florida, all body armor presented by the FBI was pierced.
Despite the high muzzle energy, the RG-055 "Gyurza" pistol is distinguished by high accuracy - for an experienced shooter, when shooting standing with two hands at a distance of 100 meters, hits do not go beyond the size of a regular growth target. At a distance of 50 meters, he breaks through a bulletproof vest of the 2nd class. The length of the pistol is 200 mm with a weight without cartridges of 0.92 kg, the magazine capacity is 18 cartridges. There is an external trigger and automatic safety.

A batch of pistols RG-055 "Gyurza" chambered for 9x21 in the amount of 50 pieces manufactured by TSNIITOCHMASH was sent for trial operation to one of the units of law enforcement agencies. Pistols were used in a number of military operations, including in Chechnya.

It should be noted that even at the height of the work, the GRAU of the RF Ministry of Defense stopped funding on the topic "Rook", but the FSB showed interest in the pistol and allocated funds for its further development for itself and according to its TTZ from 1993. For the period of this development, the Customer assigned the name "Vector" to the pistol.

As a result of the State tests, which were carried out in the period 1995-1996, the pistol was adopted by the FSB under the symbol CP-1. The name "Vector" in the order for the adoption of the pistol into service is missing.

The 9x21 cartridge was also put into service under the designation SP-10. In parallel with this cartridge, the senior engineer of TSNIITOCHMASH L.S. Dvoryaninova developed the 9x21 SP-P cartridge, which has anti-ricochet properties. A feature of the SP-10 cartridge weighing 11 g is a bullet with a bare steel core and a flat area in its head, which gives the SP-10 cartridge increased armor penetration. At a distance of 100 meters, a bullet is guaranteed to pierce a class III body armor, and at a distance of 70 meters - a car cylinder head.

The automatic pistol, the mechanism of which is based on the Beretta M92, works due to the short stroke of the barrel. The pistol has two automatic safety locks. The first is made in the form of a key at the back of the handle and turns off when it is completely covered by the palm of your hand. The second (similar to the Austrian "Glock" 17 or the German "Sauer" model 1930) is a kind of key or lever on the trigger that locks the trigger. This safety is turned off at the beginning of the descent, when the shooter's finger presses the key into the trigger.

The principle of operation of automation is based on the use of the recoil energy of the shutter with a short barrel stroke. The locking and unlocking of the barrel bore is carried out by the shutter in cooperation with the rocking contact. The pistol bolt consists of a body and a combat larva, which are spring-loaded between themselves. The combat larva can move along the shutter body. When fired, the larva moves away, compresses the spring, strikes the bolt body and continues to move together, softening the recoil.

The frame consists of two parts: a metal reinforcement, which is the power structure of the body, and a plastic handle, made integral with the trigger guard. The valve body is welded from two box-shaped parts. Mainspring in the trigger. The trigger mechanism of the trigger type with an open location of the trigger, double action, allows firing from a combat platoon and self-cocking.

The supply of cartridges is spring-loaded from a removable box magazine with a staggered arrangement of 18 rounds, located in the pistol grip. The magazine body has holes that allow you to determine the number of rounds. Store latch double-sided. The wide trigger guard on the front wall has a notch that makes it easier to shoot with two hands.

The sights are permanent, open type and consist of a front sight that does not give glare and an adjustable rear sight with a rectangular slot. After all the cartridges in the magazine have been used up, the shutter is on the shutter delay.

The body of the SR-1 "Gyurza" pistol is made of durable plastic with streamlined shapes. The handle and trigger guard are made as a single piece and have a slightly rough surface. This lightened the weapon and made the grip more comfortable. The oversized trigger guard allows you to shoot with thick gloves, and the front curve is designed for two-handed shooting.
The SR-1 "Gyurza" pistol has a number of design features. Among them, in addition to two automatic fuses, a quick "ejection" of the magazine from the pistol grip and automatic sending of a cartridge into the chamber when changing the magazine, the ability to turn off the magazine latch with the finger of the hand holding the pistol, duplication of controls for the right and left hands, a two-row arrangement of cartridges in a large-capacity magazine, the presence of light dots on the rear sight and front sight to ensure aimed shooting in low light conditions, a notched stop on the front of the trigger guard for the convenience of aiming with two hands.

One of the officers of the Nizhnevartovsk SOBR, operating in the Oktyabrsky district of Grozny, was told that the SR-1 Gyurza pistol had excellent combat qualities. But during assault operations in urban conditions, it must be used with caution, since the armor-piercing bullets of the SP-10 cartridges ricochet strongly from reinforced concrete walls. In addition, such bullets easily penetrate the plaster walls of living quarters and can hit people behind them. Therefore, he equips one of the pistol magazines with SP-10 cartridges, and the other with SP-11 cartridges and uses one or another magazine depending on the situation.

The pistol complex is used by the security services of the presidents of Russia and Belarus and is offered for sale abroad under the trade name SR-1 "Vektor".

An important component of the Gyurza pistol complex are special 9x23 mm cartridges. For firing from the Gyurza pistol, the following nomenclature of cartridges is used:

The SP-10 cartridge is a cartridge designed by A. Yuryev, the second name is RG-052. The jacketed bullet contains a tungsten carbide core with the core exposed at the bullet head. These design features give the SP-10 cartridge increased armor penetration. At a distance of 100 meters, the SP-10 bullet is guaranteed to pierce class III body armor, and at a distance of 70 meters, the cylinder head of a car.

The SP-11 cartridge is a jacketed bullet with a lead core.

Cartridge SP-12 - with a bullet of expansive action

Cartridge SP-13 - with an armor-piercing tracer bullet.

Pistol SR-1 "Vector", early production version

Pistol SR-1 "Vector" in comparison with the Makarov PM pistol

Pistol SR1M modern release

SR1MP pistol with an adapter with a Picatinny rail under the barrel and a special quick-detachable silencer

Incomplete disassembly of the pistol "Vector" SR-1

USM: Double action
Caliber 9×21 mm SP-10 and SP-11
Length 195 mm
The weight 990 grams empty; 1200 g with 18 rounds
Magazine capacity 18 rounds
muzzle velocity: 420 m/s

The pistol, previously known as RG055, SR-1 "Vector" or "Gyurza", and in 2003 officially adopted by the Russian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the designation SPS - Serdyukov's Self-loading Pistol, was developed at the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (Klimovsk) Pyotr Serdyukov and Igor Belyaev. The development of a new pistol complex (9mm high-efficiency cartridge + pistol) was started at TSNIITOCHMASH in the early 1990s as part of the Rook army competition, while two basic designs were worked out - with a blowback and a moving barrel, and using recoil energy with a short stroke trunk with its hard locking. The first system was not successful, but the pistol of the second design, although it was rejected by the army, aroused the interest of various Russian special services in the mid-1990s, in particular the FSB and the FSO. The main advantage of the new pistol was its very high efficiency against targets protected by body armor or obstacles like the sides of a car, for which the pistol received a specially designed 9x21mm SP-10 cartridge (originally designated RG052) with an armor-piercing bullet. Later, in addition to the SP-10, a number of 9x21mm caliber cartridges were also developed, including cartridges with expansive and low-ricochet bullets. With the SP-10 cartridge, the pistol is able to successfully hit targets in class 3 bulletproof vests at ranges up to 50 meters and even further. In addition, the SPS pistol has a fairly high magazine capacity and is adapted for operational use.

In the course of production and operation, the Serdyukov SR1 pistol has undergone a number of changes, and is currently produced under the SR1M index. This variant has slightly improved ergonomics by changing the design of the magazine latch, increasing the size of the automatic fuse button on the handle and a number of other changes. In addition, customers are offered the SR1MP version, in which the SR1M pistol is equipped with a special adapter with one or four Picatinny rails, as well as a quick-detachable silencer. It should be noted that at present, 9x21 live cartridges are produced only in versions with a supersonic bullet, and therefore the effectiveness of muffling the sound of a shot is somewhat limited.

The SPS / SR1M pistol is built on the basis of automation using recoil energy with a short barrel stroke and its rigid locking by a larva swinging in a vertical plane located under the barrel (similar to the Walther P-38). The return spring is located around the movable barrel, for which a patented solution is used in the form of a special stop for the rear end of the spring, while the front end of the spring rests on the bolt. The frame of the pistol has a composite construction - its upper part is made of steel, and the pistol grip with trigger guard is made of durable plastic. The trigger mechanism of the pistol is double action, with an open trigger. The USM feature is that the self-cocking mode works only when the trigger is placed on an intermediate "safety" platoon. The pistol does not have non-automatic safety locks, instead there are two automatic safety locks - on the trigger and on the back of the handle. At the same time, under conditions of incorrect or incomplete grip of the pistol under stressful conditions, the grip safety may not turn off, which will lead to the impossibility of firing with disastrous consequences for the shooter. Therefore, on early versions of the CP1 pistol, some users permanently disable the grip safety by wrapping tape or duct tape around the grip. SPS sights are fixed, have white inserts to facilitate aiming. Cartridges are fed from detachable box magazines with a capacity of 18 rounds. The magazine release button latch is located behind the trigger on the handle. Early production samples of the SR-1 did not have a slide delay, the SR1M pistols received a slide delay that was automatically turned off when a new magazine was inserted into the pistol.

9-mm self-loading pistol SR-1M "Gyurza" Created at TSNIITOCHMASH by designer Pyotr Ivanovich Serdyukov in the early 1990s. At the end of 1996, the pistol was adopted for the special forces of the FSB and the FSO. The gun is designed for special forces and is designed to destroy enemy soldiers in bulletproof vests or in the cabs of cars, as well as antennas of radar systems or missile bodies.

The need for a pistol, radically different from those in service and used in the army, law enforcement agencies, special services and special forces of personal short-barreled weapons, arose in the 1980s. The reason was the widespread introduction of light personal protective equipment of different classes into the armed forces of most countries of the world. For example, a second-class bulletproof vest is capable of stopping 7.62 mm steel-core bullets at close range, when fired from and 9 mm bullets of a standard NATO cartridge, when fired from .

In addition to armies and law enforcement agencies, criminal and terrorist groups began to use bulletproof vests. When using body armor, as a rule, no more than 30% of the body is protected, however, the experience of the combat use of personal weapons, especially by police, indicates that most fire contacts occur suddenly and pass quickly. In such conditions, when there is not enough time for accurate aiming at vital organs, firing is carried out at the hull, which, in the case of using protective equipment, means the possibility of surviving or even returning fire.

Automation "Gyurza" works on the energy of the recoil of the shutter with a short stroke of the barrel. The locking and unlocking of the bore is carried out by the shutter when interacting with the swinging contactor. The trigger mechanism of the trigger type with an open location of the trigger, double action, allows firing from a combat platoon and self-cocking.

The supply of cartridges is spring-loaded, from a removable box magazine for 18 rounds, located in the pistol grip.

Protection against an accidental shot is carried out by two automatic fuses:
- one of them, located on the back of the pistol grip, blocks the sear;
- the second is located on the trigger and blocks it.

The sighting device consists of a rear sight and a front sight located on the gate. The frame of the pistol is made of Armamid with fittings, which significantly reduced the weight of the weapon and its cost.

The SR-1M pistol was specially designed for the 9x21 increased efficiency cartridge.
Cartridge SP-10 includes a jacketed bullet with a tungsten carbide core. At a distance of 100 meters, the SP-10 bullet is guaranteed to pierce class III body armor, and at a distance of 70 meters, the cylinder head of a car.
Cartridge SP-11 equipped with a jacketed bullet with a lead core.
Cartridge SP-12- an expansive bullet.
Cartridge SP-13- with an armor-piercing tracer bullet.

Two independent fuses make the gun safe and allow you to instantly open fire. When changing the magazine, the cartridge is automatically sent into the chamber. The controls are designed for the right and left hand. On the front of the trigger guard there are notches for the convenience of aimed shooting from two hands.

The latest modification of the Gyurza SR-1MP pistol provides for the possibility of attaching a collimator sight, a laser designator, and a tactical flashlight. There is also a silencer. It allows a fighter of a special unit to conduct covert fire without giving himself away by the sound and flash of a shot.

Main characteristics:
The mass of a pistol with a magazine, without cartridges - 0.9 kg;
Pistol length - 200 mm;
Weapon height -145 mm;
Weapon width -34 mm;
Magazine capacity - 18 rounds;
The initial speed of the bullet - 420 m / s;
Sighting range - 100 m;
Rate of fire - 40 rds / min.
Cartridge - 9 × 21 mm;
Cartridge index - SP10, SP11, SP12, 7N28, 7N29, 7BT3.