Outline of the excursion "Plants in Nature" - All-Russian Ecological Festival "Take care of your planet!" - Competitive works - Catalog of articles - DIA "CREATIV". Nature excursions

Goals: conduct observations of spring changes in nature; learn to appreciate the beauty of nature; cultivate a sense of beauty, love for nature; develop the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions.

Planned results: students will learn to observe the state of the weather, the spring natural phenomena; evaluate the impact of the awakening of nature on man.

Equipment: task cards (for option 2 lessons).

Preliminary preparation: students learn verses in advance, prepare messages.

During the classes

Option 1

I. Organizational moment

II. Self-determination to activity

Today I invite you to visit. Guess who.

If the river is blue

Woke up from sleep

And runs, sparkling in the fields, -

So, we have come...

If the snow melted everywhere,

And the grass in the forest is visible

And a flock of birds sings, -

So, we have come...

If the sun turns red

Our cheeks are red

We will be even more pleasant -

So, we have come...

A. Nekrasova

What is this poem about? (About spring.)

So, we are going to visit the spring. Or rather, it was she who came to us, to our region.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Preparing for the tour

Spring is a wonderful time of the year! This is an awakening. And at the same time, it is not safe in the forest in the spring.

Check your clothes. Did you tuck your pants well into your socks? jacket in pants? Is there a headdress? As few areas of the body as possible should be left open. This will protect us from ticks, because they also woke up with the arrival of heat.

And what else should we remember when traveling through the forest? (They don’t make noise in the forest, they don’t break tree branches, they don’t litter, they don’t pick flowers, herbs.)

Also, do not touch unfamiliar plants with your hands, they can be poisonous. You can't go off the trail so you don't get lost.

Are you ready to hit the road? (Children's answers.)

(Before the tour starts, the teacher sets the children up for what they will have on the tour.)

1. See the changes that have taken place in nature compared to winter.

2. Observe the weather and compare it with the weather that was in winter.

3. See in which places the snow has already melted, and in which it is still preserved, whether the appearance of snow in spring differs from its appearance in winter.

4. Observe whether the buds of deciduous trees and shrubs have changed, whether flowers and leaves have appeared on the trees and shrubs.

5. See if the appearance of conifers has changed.

6. Pay attention to whether flowering herbaceous plants have appeared.

7. Observe if insects have appeared, in what places they are kept, if frogs and other animals have appeared that were not there in winter.

8. Find out if any migratory birds have arrived, listen to their voices.

9. Pay attention to whether there have been changes in the life of wintering birds and animals.

- Guys, during the tour we will surely see birch trees with bark cut by someone. From these cuts, the juice that the trees need is very necessary. To help the trees, we will cover these wounds with garden pitch or clay.

And remember: on excursions and at any other time, you must follow the rules of friends of nature.

2. Excursion

Reception "Inanimate nature in spring"

(A prepared student reads a poem.)

Winter days are over

The nights have become short.

The sun is clearer from the sky

The golden beam spills.

Damp heat blows

Wind from the open fields.

Quickly one after another

Clouds are rushing in a crowd,

Glide with a light mist.

Jackdaws, crows in herds

S. Drozhzhin

In winter, they said about the sun: "It shines, but it does not warm." But now you can't say that anymore. The sun shines brighter and really warms. It now rises in the sky much higher than in winter. Spring is coming!

It's getting warmer every day. The snow began to melt, and the first, still timid streams ran. The days are noticeably longer than in winter. And how the sky has changed! It is now blue, high, and white-white light clouds are floating on it. You will not see such clouds in winter. They come in spring, summer and early fall.

First of all, spring came to the city. Less and less snow on the streets, more and more assertive spring streams. Ice icicles hang from the roofs. The drops are ringing. People don't dress as warm anymore...

Outside the city, winter is still strong. But she didn't have long to be in charge. Everywhere the snow turned gray and wet. The first thawed patches appeared on the hillocks and in the fields. In the forest, the snow melted around the trees. This happened because tree trunks are dark, and dark objects are quickly heated by the sun.

The ice on the lakes is also melting. It darkens, becomes covered with cracks, splits. Ice drift begins on the rivers: ice floes, large and small, quickly float with the flow, collide, break.

In the spring, it is dangerous to walk on ice in reservoirs. Melted ice can break. Pranks on the river during the ice drift are very dangerous! From the melted snow and ice, the river overflows with water and overflows its banks. It's a flood! Water spread widely, flooded meadows, bushes and trees, sometimes even entire forests! Hares, foxes and many other animals are in trouble. People rush to their aid: boats transport animals to safe places.

The soil thaws from the spring heat. It accumulates a lot of moisture. Gradually, the soil on the surface dries out, but remains moist at depth. This moisture is very necessary for plants. In the spring, precipitation falls in the form of rain. Sometimes snow also falls, but it melts quickly, there is not much time left before the first thunderstorm, which usually occurs in early May.

(A prepared student reads a poem.)

Bird cherry blossoms again

Lilies of the valley fled in a crowd.

Your earthly beauty

Nature gives us with you.

You look around, you take a dip

In her sunrises and sunsets,

In her forest scents -

And bow down to the ground.

Only the sun in spring

The rays will scatter over the fields -

Already the stream is ringing with a string,

The storm is already thundering!

And there are forest nightingales

They will whistle again until sunrise!

Do you hear: nature gives us

The tunes are the best.

V. Suslov

Halt "Three springs"

(Student's post.)

The wonderful writer Vitaly Bianchi believed: there is not one, but three whole springs!

The first spring is field. It begins when the first thawed patches appear on the fields, the earth begins to free itself from snow. Snow retreats from the fields, runs from them in streams into ravines and under the strong ice of the river. The rising water presses down on the ice. The river, as it were, gathers strength in icy captivity. Here she pulled herself up and ... The thick ice cracked. Ice drift and spring flood began. This is the second spring - river.

There was no trace of snow left in the fields, the rivers began to return to their banks, and winter still does not want to give up, still sends its morning frosts. The last snow is still hiding from the sun in the forest.

But the third spring comes - the forest, when the snow melted in the last refuge of winter. The forest is blooming, turning green, filled with vociferous birds. Well, after it, after the third spring, summer comes.

Halt "Trees and shrubs in spring"

The willow bowed over the tyn,

All blossomed, blossomed,

So it shines like pearls.

Somewhere thawed bumps

And the kidneys turned red

With a dormant sweet leaf.

S. Drozhzhin

It is impossible to imagine our nature without the white-trunk beauty of the birch. How many fairy tales, poems, songs have been composed about her by the Russian people! Interestingly, birch is the only tree in Russia with white bark. Birch lives 100-120 years. Yes, people love birch, but how often do they not take care of it ... Losing a considerable part of the juice in the spring through the fault of a person, the birch weakens. If you inflict wounds on her for several years in a row, she may even die completely. The sugar contained in the sap is needed to nourish the tree. The movement of sap from trees and shrubs is a sign of their spring awakening. Another sign is the flowering of some trees and shrubs.

Of the trees, the alder is the first to bloom. It is easy to recognize it in winter and spring by the black bumps on the branches. In the spring, earrings appear on the alder. Earrings are many small flowers gathered together.

Willow blooms early in spring. Bees and bumblebees curl around its flowers. They come here for sweet nectar. Of the shrubs, hazel and wolf's bast are the first to bloom. On hazel, as well as on alder, earrings are visible. And the wolf's bast has pink fragrant flowers. This shrub is rare in our forests and needs strict protection. But remember that the wolf's bast is a poisonous plant!

Alder, willow, hazel, wolf's bast are early flowering plants. They bloom before the leaves open. Birch blooms later, when the leaves on it are already beginning to bloom. Cherry blossoms later. By the time of flowering, it is already covered with young foliage. Apples, pears, and cherries bloom in the gardens after the leaves bloom.

Swelling of buds and blooming of leaves are also signs of the spring awakening of trees and shrubs.

In the spring, fallen seeds of trees and shrubs begin to germinate. Young maple plants are especially visible.

Interesting changes occur in the spring with conifers. The larch is fully dressed with new needles. In pine, spruce, juniper, young needles grow at the ends of branches. It is much lighter than the old one. It must be remembered that coniferous plants never bloom.

Halt "Herbs blooming in spring, insects in spring"

(A prepared student reads a poem.)

He grew up for a long time

He was waiting for spring

And finally blossomed!

You had other dreams -

With his hand you dared.

I plucked a flower from the face of the earth,

And he wanted to bloom!

Beauty is difficult to comprehend

And so easy to sweep away!

And under the pine where you stole

natural beauty,

Two lonely leaves

Dew is poured on the ground.

A. Novik

In early spring, when the leaves have not yet blossomed on the trees and shrubs, there is a lot of light in the forest. The soil at this time is saturated with moisture. Early flowering herbs need just a lot of light and moisture. So they bloom in early spring, although in some places there is still snow. These plants need little heat.

Early flowering plants receive nutrition from their own "pantries". "Pantries" are thickened underground parts of plants. Stocks accumulated in them last year and were stored all winter.

And spring confidently comes into its own. Gradually, more and more green grass appears in the forest, in the park, in open places. Following the primroses, lily of the valley, bathing suit, and then other herbs bloom. Take care of beautiful plants! May our native land always be beautiful and flourishing!

From the spring warmth, the insects came out of their stupor and left their winter shelters. Butterflies fly, flies bask in the sun, mosquitoes hover in the air, bumblebees fly over the ground with a buzz, bees buzz near a flowering willow, an anthill comes to life. Yes, insects are amazing, interesting. And yet, some of them people have to fight. You have to fight with those insects that harm a person. There are not so many of them. Scientists have calculated that out of every hundred different insects, only one harms a person.

For example, some insects feed on plants grown by humans. Cabbage butterfly caterpillars feed on cabbage. When there are very few of them, they are not terrible. But if there are a lot of them, they can ruin almost the entire crop. But some guys believe that it is necessary to crush any caterpillars. Are they right? Let's figure it out. The caterpillar of the nettle butterfly feeds on nettle leaves, and the mourning caterpillar feeds on birch or aspen leaves. What harm do these caterpillars bring to a person? None!

Remember: the caterpillars of most butterflies do not harm humans! If these caterpillars are destroyed, the beautiful butterflies may disappear.

Now consider mosquitoes that suck human blood. Often there are a lot of mosquitoes. And then people can't work normally, have a rest. People fight mosquitoes to reduce them. But, perhaps, these insects should be completely destroyed? No way! Mosquitoes are essential in nature. Mosquito larvae live in the water, many fish feed on them. And many birds feed on adult mosquitoes.

Interestingly, dragonflies help us fight mosquitoes. Dragonflies and their larvae are voracious predators. So, if you want to reduce mosquitoes, take care of dragonflies!

Many dangerous insects are eaten by ants. No wonder they are called orderlies of the forest. Of course, ants also need to be protected.

Let's treat insects carefully and thoughtfully so that not a single six-legged creature dies from our hands! Do not catch or kill insects! They are not only needed by nature, but also decorate it. Don't destroy anthills! Ants are the nurses of the forest.

Halt "Birds in Spring"

There is still snow, and wintering birds have felt the approach of spring. The tits sang as if they were ringing silver bells. The sparrows chirped merrily. And the woodpecker in the forest began to beat his drum. His drum is a dry knot. The woodpecker taps on it with its beak, and the sound carries far through the forest. This sound replaces the woodpecker's spring song.

Migratory birds return from warm lands. Now there is enough food for them again: insects have appeared, and where the snow has melted, you can find last year's fruits and seeds. Rooks arrive earlier than other birds. It is believed that with their arrival, spring begins with us. Following the rooks, starlings and larks return, then finches. Swallows and swifts arrive later than other birds. After all, they need enough flying insects to appear in the air. The cuckoo also arrives late. It feeds on caterpillars that it collects from trees. And there are a lot of caterpillars only after the leaves bloom. Almost all birds build nests in spring. Large nests of rooks can be seen high up in the trees. Swallows made their nests under the roofs of houses. Larks, nightingales build their nests on the ground. Tits and starlings settle in houses made for them by man, and in the forest - in ready-made hollows. A woodpecker with a strong beak itself hollows out a hollow in a tree trunk.

Birds lay eggs in nests and incubate them - they warm them with their warmth. In some birds, such as ducks, eggs hatch with downy, very mobile chicks. A day later, they jump out of the nest, follow their mother as a brood, swim, dive and collect food on their own.

In other birds, chicks are born helpless, naked. But they need a lot of food, because they grow quickly. It is not easy for parent birds. Starlings bring food to chicks 300 times a day, tits - 400 times.

But the cuckoo does not build a nest. And she doesn't feed the chicks. She lays her eggs in the nests of other, smaller birds. Usually they do not notice the deception, incubate the cuckoo egg, and then feed the big voracious cuckoo. He is larger than the bird that feeds him.

Halt "Different animals in spring"

Have you seen any animals in the spring?

- What interesting things did you notice?

Have you seen these animals?

Have you ever seen snakes?

What do you know about snakes?

In the spring there are many changes in the life of animals. Animals that have been sleeping all winter are waking up. They come out of their shelters very thin and begin to look for food. The hedgehog searches for insects, the bear - mainly plants and insects, but sometimes preys on large animals, such as elk or deer. Bats wake up later than others. They feed on insects that they catch in the air, and there are still few flying insects in early spring. Those bats that wintered in warm regions are returning to us. Interestingly, for bats you can make houses similar to bird houses.

Animals molt in spring. They change their warm coat for a light summer one. The squirrel, hare, weasel again change the color of the fur.

Most animals give birth in the spring. Adult animals take care of their offspring: they feed, protect from enemies.

Important changes take place in the spring in the life of other animals: fish, frogs and toads, lizards and snakes. The fish are spawning. Fry emerge from the eggs. They feed, grow, and eventually develop into adult fish.

Frogs and toads wake up after hibernation. They purr loudly in a pond, river, lake. They spawn into the water. After a few days, tadpoles emerge from the eggs, which eventually turn into adult frogs and toads. Lizards and snakes are also awakening from their winter hibernation. They crawl out into the sun and bask for a long time. Lizards begin to catch insects. Snakes prey on frogs, mice, voles. As you can see, for most animals, spring is the time of reproduction. Therefore, hunting and fishing in the spring are prohibited.

Do not catch or bring home healthy young animals. In nature, adult animals will take care of them. Take care of frogs, toads and their tadpoles. Do not kill snakes, even poisonous ones! All of them are very necessary in nature. And from the venom of poisonous snakes, a person receives the most valuable medicine!

Halt "Work of people in the spring"

- Based on your observations, tell us what kind of work people do in the spring in the field, in the garden, in the garden, on the streets of cities and villages.

How are these works related to spring changes in nature?

— How did people prepare for spring work in autumn and winter?

Spring is a very hectic time. The main concern is to sow and plant cultivated plants in time. The future harvest largely depends on how people do this work.

First, tractors with harrows enter the fields plowed in the autumn. Harrows level the soil, loosen it, break up large lumps. Then tractors with seeders appear in the fields. Wheat, oats and some other plants are sown in early spring. At the end of spring, potatoes are planted with the help of special machines - potato planters.

Lots of work in the spring in the garden. At the very beginning of spring, tree trunks must be whitened so that the sun does not burn them. After all, it has now become bright, hot. The trunks are also whitened in order to kill insects dangerous for plants that hide in cracks in the bark.

When the snow melts and the soil in the garden dries out, dry leaves are removed. And when young foliage appears on trees and shrubs, dried branches are cut out. At this time, they are clearly visible.

In gardens, people sow the seeds of radishes, carrots, beets, and many other vegetable plants. Seedlings of tomatoes and cabbage grown in advance in warmth are planted. Halt "Our story about spring"

(The class is divided into groups. Each group must verbally compose a detailed and colorful story about spring in a certain time. Then all the stories are heard, analyzed, the teacher highlights the most successful fragments of each story.)

IV. Summing up the lesson

What new did you learn during the tour?

Option 2

I. Organizational moment

Today our lesson will be unusual. We will go to the forest (park, square) and observe how nature has changed with the advent of spring.

II. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Preparing for the tour

(The place of the excursion, the route of movement are reported, the rules of the road are repeated, the rules of behavior in nature. The class is divided into groups.)

2. Excursion

(Each group is given a task card, the time for independent work is reported, an approximate zone of the forest (park, square) is determined for conducting observations.)

Card 1. Inanimate nature

What is the weather today? Compare it to winter weather.

How does the spring sky differ in color and cloudiness from the winter one?

How does the sun shine? Did the height of the sun above the horizon and the length of the day change in spring?

What happened to the snow? Why? Has it changed in color and density compared to winter? Where is more snow left, why?

How has the soil changed?

Card 2. Wildlife

Look at the forest (park, square) from a distance. Has it changed since winter?

Find a coniferous tree. How have coniferous trees changed compared to winter?

Find a deciduous tree and shrub. How have deciduous trees changed with the advent of spring?

Examine the buds on the tree and shrub. How have they changed compared to what you saw in winter? Have the leaves on the tree and bush blossomed at this time?

Examine herbaceous plants. How have they changed with the onset of spring? Find a flowering herbaceous plant. What is it called? Where does it grow, on what soil?

Listen: when are there more sounds in the forest (park, square) - in winter or in spring? Why?

What insects and birds did you see during the tour? What changes have occurred in their lives with the advent of spring?

(The teacher conducts a collective discussion of each task. Then the groups report on their observations, a collective conclusion is made.)

Inanimate nature

Today... the weather. The sky is now blue, high, white-white light clouds float across it. The sun shines brighter, warms. It rises much higher above the horizon than in winter. The day became noticeably longer. The snow is melting because it's getting warmer. It darkened and thickened. First, it melts near trees, buildings, then in fields and other open places. Later the snow melts in the forest. The soil thaws from the spring heat. It accumulates a lot of moisture.

Live nature

The forest (park, square) was dressed in a light yellowish-greenish haze. Pine trunks have changed color. They turned a bright orange color. Buds swelled on deciduous trees and shrubs. Silvery lambs appeared on the willow (willow), and earrings appeared on the alder. So willow and alder bloom. There are no leaves on the trees and shrubs yet.

On the thawed patches, in places well warmed by the sun, coltsfoot blossomed. The soil in such a place is well moistened. In spring, there are more sounds in the forest (park, square) than in winter, because there are more birds. Migratory birds are starting to return. They chirp cheerfully. Insects have begun to emerge. They come out of their hiding places.

(Then the students are located in the clearing, the game “I know ...” is played. The purpose of the game is to summarize the work done, to find out what the children learned on the excursion.)

I know five signs of spring: ...

I know five migratory birds:...

I know five primroses:...

I know five insects: ...

I know five awakened animals: ...

III. Summing up the lesson

(This stage of the lesson is held in the classroom. Students tell what changes have occurred in nature with the advent of spring. A diagram is drawn up on the board “Spring changes in nature observed on the excursion.”)


1. Recall what you saw and heard on the tour, tell about it at home.

2. Workbook: No. 1 (p. 36).

"Spring trip to nature"

Location: the immediate vicinity of the school.

Target: to introduce students to the changes in inanimate and living nature that occur in early spring.


notebook and pencil for each student,

observation cards.

During the classes

I. Organization of students at the beginning of the lesson.

The change has flown
The door creaked loudly.
We quietly entered the classroom
And the lesson will start now.

II. Introductory conversation in class.

Guys, today we are going on an excursion into nature, which will take place at the school site. The theme of our excursion is “The beautiful spring has come!”. On this tour, we have to solve certain tasks ( The teacher writes down the main objectives of the excursion on the blackboard in advance).

Let's read what problems we will try to solve today during an excursion into nature.

On the tour we have a notebook and a pencil.

Guys, how should you behave during the tour?

That's right, you can not make noise, talk loudly, scare away the birds. We need to take care of the plants around us.

(The teacher divides the children into 2 groups

III. Field work

1. Observation of changes in inanimate nature.

What season is it now? A riddle will help you answer this question.

I open my kidneys
into green leaves.
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement
My name is… (Spring).

And what poems can you remember to convey today's spring day? ( Before the excursion, the teacher asks the students to learn poems about spring).

Spring is coming to us
Quick steps.
And the snowdrifts are melting
Under her feet.
Black thawed patches
visible in the fields.
Looks very warm
Spring's feet.
(I. Tokmakova)

The swallow rushed
Because of the white sea
She sat down and sang:
How February is not angry
How are you, March, do not frown,
Be at least snow, at least rain -
Everything smells like spring!
(A. Maikov)

Guys, now look around at how beautiful nature is in spring. The sun shines brighter and becomes warmer and happier. But it's not just our mood that lifts. In the calm, in secluded forest glades, the sun is hot, like in summer. If you turn one cheek to him, you want to turn the other - it's nice. The horned spruce is also basking in the sun, densely, from the crown to the hem, hung with old cones. Birch trees are warming - gussets, forest children are warming - willow.

I know that some of you have prepared proverbs about spring. Let's listen to them.

    Winter scares spring, but it melts itself.

    In spring, it bakes on top and freezes on the bottom.

    Red spring, but hungry.

    If you miss a day in spring, you won't get it back in a year.

So, guys, we were able to notice that nature in early spring has its own merits, and we also admired the landscape around us a little.

And now let's move on to observing the changes that occur with the advent of spring in inanimate nature. Look at the sky. Can we now see the sun on it. How is it located relative to this house? Let's do a sketch in a notebook.

Let's define the color of the sky. Make appropriate entries in your notebook.

Is there wind today?

Is there any precipitation today? (If so, please name which).

Guys, what conclusion can we draw from observing changes in inanimate nature? (The sky is blue, the sun rises higher, and there is no precipitation).

2. Observation of changes in plant life.

Now let's look at plants. Take a close look at the trees. What color is the bark? Are there any leaves? What color are the leaves?

Let's look at a birch leaf and sketch its appearance.

And now we will divide into groups, and each of the groups will receive a separate task written on the card.

Each of the groups characterizes its plant for other groups.

So, what changes in plant life have occurred with the onset of spring? (there are leaves on trees and shrubs, they are green. The color of the bark of trees and shrubs is bright compared to other seasons.)

3. Observation of changes in the life of animals. (Watching birds and insects).

Consider the appearance of the bird, its size, shape, color. Make appropriate entries in your notebook.

What does the bird we are watching eat?

4. Ecological parking.

And now we will contribute to the protection of nature. To do this, let's collect garbage on the territory of the school site.

IV. Debriefing in class.

Guys, after our excursion, let's draw general conclusions about how nature has changed in spring. On the card, mark what changes in inanimate and living nature we observed on the excursion.

Then the students and the teacher check the correctness of the assignment.

V. The result of the excursion.

Well done boys. I really liked the way you worked today at the lesson.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 21", Kaluga


"Spring Changes in Nature"


primary school teacher

Salnikova Julia Igorevna



Excursion on the topic: "Spring changes in nature"

Grade 2


I . Educational:

1. Formation of ideas about spring changes in nature.

2. Formation of ideas about the signs of the onset of spring.

II . Developing:

1. Development of observation

2. Development of logical thinking based on the development of logical operations.

3. Development of independence in the performance of individual - group tasks.

III . Educational:

1. Education of respect for nature.

2. Education of a culture of behavior in nature.


For the teacher: scoop for digging up primroses, thermometer, illustrations (birds (rook, lark), plants (goose onion, poplar, aspen), insects (urticaria butterfly, mourning butterfly, forest wasp)), boxes for collected material.

For students: hard cover notebook, pencil, colored pencils.



1. Folding book display:

goose bow- herbaceous bulbous plant. Plant height - from 3 to 35 cm. Plants may have one or more bulbs. Some species have two types of roots: going from the middle of the bottom vertically down, and going from the edge of the bottom, first down, and then horizontally and up. The flowers are small, yellow, star-shaped. Pollination occurs with the help of insects that are attracted to nectar. Grows on moist soils: in forests, shrubs. Distributed in Europe and Asia.

Coltsfoot- a perennial plant that grows on clay soil, in fields and ravines. The underside of the leaves of the coltsfoot evaporates water weaker than their front side, and therefore their lower surface is warmer than the upper one - hence the Russian name of the plant. Underground branched creeping rhizome in early spring produces above-ground stems covered with brownish, scaly leaves. A yellow flower develops on this stem. Distributed in the European part, in the Caucasus, in Siberia to Baikal, in the cities of Central Asia.

forest wasp- an insect, 15-20 mm in size, lives in families in nests suspended on tree branches, under the roofs of houses and other buildings. Coloration yellow-green.

mourning house – The butterfly is quite large: the wingspan is up to 7.5 cm. The color of the wings of the male is dark brown, cherry-brown, the female is light brown. Wings with a wide light yellow border and a number of blue spots in front of it. On the front edge of the wings, 2 large yellowish-white spots. The underside of the wings is dark. The lighter wing rims of hibernating individuals are associated with fading during hibernation. Butterflies of this species can be seen near puddles on the roads, as well as on trees with sap flowing out. Mourners are big lovers of juices and often gather for a joint meal. Its first flight can be observed in early spring. The new generation appears at the end of July and flies until late autumn, when it leaves for the winter. The female lays up to 100 eggs in dense clutches in the form of circles on the branches of plants. Caterpillars develop from June to July.loose and attached head down. The pupal stage is about 11 days. There is one generation per year. Winters in hollows and other secluded places.

Rook- The rook is very similar to the black crow and can be distinguished by a bare circle around the beak, extending to the very eyes. It can also be seen by a very elongated beak and by small feathers on the head and neck, which have round edges, which the black crow does not have. The plumage of the rook is beautiful, black and blue with a purple sheen, 43 centimeters long. lives in alleys, parks and large gardens near fields, meadows, pastures, as well as in small groves, in the steppes and along river banks. Rooks build their nests on tall trees, often near habitation; the nest of the rook is so loose that, falling to the ground, it falls apart, which does not happen with the nests of other birds of the same kind. In April, eggs appear in the nests. These birds nest in large colonies.

field lark- the plumage of the lark is very modest, brown above, white below, light, even whitish, usually with dark spots and stripes. The lark is found everywhere, with the exception of the far north. It is found everywhere both in grain fields and in wastelands overgrown only with heather on dry, barren soil, as well as on oily soil, in pastures, pastures, on alpine logs, and even on islands and along the shores of the seas.

The lark always nests on the ground and generally runs beautifully and quickly, moreover, on the run, it raises feathers on the crown of the head. The lark flies south from us in September and gathers in huge flocks before leaving. Returns to us in early spring, depending on the climate, in February or March. Since the lark feeds on insects, it must be valued not only as a cheerful, pleasant singer of our fields, but also as a useful bird that destroys various harmful insects from our crops.

2. Preparing children for the story of a poem about spring and folk signs.


Guys, listen to the poem that Oksana will tell you.

Nature has not woken up yet

But through thinning sleep

She heard spring

And she smiled involuntarily.

Tyutchev. F

What time of year is this poem talking about?

About spring

Today we have a lesson-excursion and we will go to the park to observe what changes have taken place in animate and inanimate nature with the advent of spring.

What seasons do you know?

What season is it now?

What season precedes spring?

When is the day longer in spring or winter?

When is it warmer in spring or winter?

What signs of the onset of spring have you seen?

Well done, now open your notebooks and write down today's date and topic (on the board: Excursion. Spring changes in nature).

Card #1

1. Find a spruce. Consider it. Highlight the signs by which you learned that it was a spruce (trunk, branches, needles). Highlight what has changed in appearance compared to winter.

2. Draw a spruce branch. Try to reflect the changes that have taken place.

art #2

Excursion. Spring changes in nature.

1. Find willow. Consider it. Highlight the changes that have occurred since winter.

2. Draw a willow branch. Try to show the changes that have taken place in the picture.

Card #3

Excursion. Spring changes in nature.

1. What insects can be seen in spring. Where can they be seen? What are they doing?

2. Use the net to catch the nettle moth.

Card number 4

Excursion. Spring changes in nature.

1. Consider the appearance of the rook. What size is it? What color is the plumage of the head, body, wings, tail? Describe the behavior. What is the rook doing?

2. Draw a rook.

Guys, we came to visit nature. Let's remember how to deal with yourself so as not to harm nature. (Children list the rules of behavior in nature).

People have long noticed the changes that occur in nature at different times of the year, compared them. These observations are reflected in signs, sayings. Does anyone know examples of such signs?

Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard.

The swallow has flown in - soon the thunder will rumble.

Long icicles for a long spring.

How do you understand these proverbs?

Well done. Today we will observe the changes that have taken place and find out how they are interconnected.

Pay attention to the sky. What color is it? What color was it in winter?

Guys, stand so that the sun illuminates your right hand. What do you feel?

The sun rises above the horizon in spring, the day becomes longer, so more heat falls on the earth and the air temperature in spring is higher than in winter. Let's measure the temperature and compare it with the temperature in winter (they measure and mark it in their notebook).

What was the land covered with in winter? Is there snow now? What has he become?

Where do you think so much water could have gone?

A large amount of melt water flows into reservoirs, so in spring you can see such a phenomenon as high water - the rise of water in reservoirs.

But not all water flows into reservoirs, part of it is absorbed by the soil, from where it can be absorbed by plant roots.

What happened to plants in winter?

See what has changed in the appearance of the trees?

At first glance, it seems that no changes have occurred in the life of trees with the advent of spring. Let's get closer to the birch and see if we notice any changes.

On the birch branches, the buds became larger - they swelled up and slightly opened their protective scales, from under which you can see green leaves.

Well done. What made these changes happen?

Externally, the trees and shrubs have changed, although they have long "felt" the arrival of spring. The soil thawed, allowing trees and shrubs to absorb water and nutrients from it, which travel up the trunk to the buds, dissolving their sugar stores. This phenomenon is called sap flow. If a hole is made in the tree trunk at this time, then juice will come out of it. Many birds feed on the sap of trees, such as the woodpecker, but the holes they make to extract the sweet sap are very small and do not harm the tree. But the notches that people make when collecting juice can lead to the death of a tree. If you see such a notch while walking through the forest, then help the tree, for this, cover the wound with plasticine or clay.

Look at the willow, what changes do you observe compared to winter?

Fluffy buds appeared.

Guys, these are willow flowers. Many trees and shrubs bloom in spring: willow, alder, hazel, poplar, maple (I show illustrations of flowering trees).

We have looked at the changes that have taken place in the life of trees and shrubs, their buds have swollen, some have green leaves, many of them are blooming. In order to observe what changes will happen to them further, we will take several branches of willow, birch to the class and put them in the water. You will also have to continue observing plants in nature according to the plan:

1. The beginning of sap flow (for maple and birch).

2. Swelling of the kidneys (appearance of lighter internal parts in the kidneys).

3. Budding (green tips of young leaves become visible).

4. Beginning of leaf deployment

5. Flowering of early-flowering trees and shrubs (willow, hazel, etc.).

And what changes have occurred in the life of herbaceous plants (The teacher points to an early flowering plant)? Does anyone know what this plant is called?


What interesting things can you tell about it? What other early spring blooming plants do you know? (pointing to corydalis and goose onions) Now we will carefully dig out some early flowering plants to study them in more detail in class, and we will plant one plant in a pot and observe how it develops and what changes will occur with it.

Look at the coltsfoot flowers, who can you see on them?


What insects can we observe in early spring? What can you tell about them?

Well done. Listen, what sounds did you hear?


Have you heard it in winter? What birds could not be seen in winter, but now you can? Are there any birds that disappeared with the advent of spring? Which? What is the reason for such changes in the behavior of birds?

Have you noticed what the birds are doing now?

They build nests.

What materials do they build their nests with?

And so, guys, what changes in nature have we already been able to identify?


And now each group will have to complete the tasks that are given on the cards. When performing them, we do not forget about the rules of behavior in nature. You have 10 minutes for this.


- What signs of the onset of spring have we observed?

What animals and plants did we observe?

And now back to class.


Open the notebooks in which you wrote down the date and subject. Now we will record the results of our observations.

What was the weather like during the tour? What was the temperature? Was it sunny or overcast, windy or not? Write down your observations in your diaries, and the attendants will also write them down in the calendar of nature and labor.

What changes have occurred in the life of plants with the advent of spring?

What changes have occurred in the life of insects and birds in spring?

You completed the tasks on the cards, now each group will tell the others what they observed.

What changes have occurred in the life of coniferous plants (for example, spruce)? We write down

What did group 2 observe? What changes have you noticed? We write down

What did group 3 observe?

We dug up early-flowering plants, and the 4th group caught a urticaria butterfly, now we must prepare everything for the herbarium.

So, everyone is great today. The observations made today will be useful to us in the following lessons.


    Pleshakov A.A. Atlas - determinant "From the earth to the sky." A guide for students of secondary schools.: Education, 2009 - p.222

    Kiseleva K.V.BUTtlas-determinant "Flora and fauna of central Russia".: Fiton, 2010 - p.544

early spring (middle age)

GOAL : Familiarizing children with changes in nature in early spring and the connection with these changes in general.

Tasks :


    reinforce the idea in children that everything in nature is interconnected;

    to form children's knowledge about the seasons, about trees and shrubs, about birds and the ability to recognize them by certain signs.

    determine the signs of the onset of spring in living and inanimate nature;


    develop the skills of observing changes in nature, arouse a desire for independent research;

    develop the ability to build cause-and-effect relationships;


    to help children get a feeling of cheerfulness, happiness, warmth, positive emotions;

    to form ideas in children about the correct behavior in public places;

    evoke a sense of pride and admiration, as well as a desire to make your village cleaner and more beautiful;


(the teacher invites the children to go for a walk in the garden). Guys, you and I went to the garden several times in winter, watched nature, fed the birds, Winter is over, but what is the name of this time of spring? (early spring)

I suggest you go on a tour of our favorite garden and see what happens there in early spring, and at the same time check our feeders, because. birds still need our help (why?)

What are the rules to follow when walking in the garden.

While in the garden, you can not spoil the trees and shrubs.

Walk only along paths and paths so that the grass does not die from trampling.

You can’t shout and talk loudly so as not to frighten the birds living in the garden;

You can't throw trash.

That's right, well done guys! Now I am sure that you will not violate any of these rules while walking.

Here we are in the garden. Enjoy how good it is here.

the snowdrift is already hunched over from the sun's rays

and a sparkling stream ran down the street ...

What time of the year is this quatrain talking about?

List all spring months?

What is the first month of spring?

And after what winter month does it come?

And who will tell me what time of year we have now?

Yes, guys, now we have an early spring.

And by what signs can you determine the onset of early spring?

1. The snow has darkened and become spongy, during the day the sun shines brighter and warmer, the snowflakes on the surface of the snow melt and turn into droplets of water that flow down through the thickness of the snow, and holes remain in the snow. When the snow melts, it becomes visible dirt and dust that the snow picked up from the air, flying to the ground. In winter, this dust was not visible, because there was a lot of snow and it was fluffy, and in spring the snow melts, sags and the dust becomes visible.

2. The sun has changed, it began to shine brighter and longer, the day becomes longer. An increase in air temperature causes snow to melt.

3. A large number of clouds form in the sky. Due to the abundant melting of snow, a lot of water is formed, which, evaporating, forms clouds.

Guys, have we just listed the changes taking place in living or inanimate nature? Let's now look at these changes with our own eyes.

Let's look at the snow. What can you say about it? (Yes, Indeed, it does not look so appetizing anymore. ). Look, the first thawed patches are already beginning to appear (these are places where the snow has already melted and the earth has appeared). Let's find those places. What are their names? Where are more places like this?? (At tree trunks, because trunks dark, andsunlight absorbs dark light objects better , the trunks heat up faster than snowdrifts, so the snow around trees are melting faster . You can be convinced of this if you touch the coats of dark and light colors with your hands).

Is it possible to see the sun? (of course it's difficult because the sun has become shine from a different angle as if clasping the earth, warming it ).

And who can say why the sun is warmer in spring than in winter?

Yes, that's right, in spring the sun is closer to the Earth than in winter and more sunlight hits the Earth.

When do clouds appear? (afternoon) Watch the clouds, imagine what they look like.

And what else happens in inanimate nature in March? Of course, we forgot about spring streams and puddles that they form.

Where do these streams come from?

Snow is frozen water, and when it melts it turns back into water. Water flows down from high places, forming streams.

You see how many signs of early spring we have identified in inanimate nature, well done!

Who will answer me the question of what can be attributed to wildlife? (trees, shrubs, birds, insects, animals)

And how do you think, affected by their changes occurring in inanimate nature?

Let's start our observations. Only at the beginning answer me the question: what is the difference between trees and shrubs?

It turns out that buds swell on bushes and trees, they become thicker. We tear one kidney from a tree and a bush and tear the kidney in half.

What do we observe at the site of the fault?

Inside the kidney we see a small tiny leaf, as if many times folded.

Why do buds swell in spring?

Of course, in the spring there are all the necessary conditions for the growth of plants.

Remind me, please, of the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants.

(sunlight, heat, moisture).

Look around and name the trees that you can recognize by their appearance. (birch, poplar, linden, maple). What is different about these trees? (the buds of a birch are small, those of a poplar are long and sharp, those of a maple are large and more oval, the trunk of a birch is white with black dashes, the trunk of a poplar is lighter than that of a maple), (take a few branches for experience, put in water)

D \ I "It's the other way around" (without naming, I'm trying to confuse the name and description of the trees)

Now let's walk through our garden and admire its beauty. What trees are more in the garden? (deciduous) And which ones? Look at the condition of the trees in our garden? (some trees need people's help: whitewashing, pruning, treating bark wounds).

Look even more closely, what do we see on the trees? (nests).

Do you think they are empty or someone has already settled them?

What birds come to us in spring? (migratory).

What migratory birds do you know? (rooks, starlings, swallows, cranes)

Which birds come to us first?

Of course, rooks. The rook is the herald of spring, it arrives before all birds.

What do you think, do rooks need nests?

What material does a rook build a nest from? (from branches)

Walk through the park and see if we can see rooks.

What do rooks eat? (insects).

Take a look around: have the insects woken up? (No).

Let's try to guess why the rook has such a big beak? (it turns out that the thaw is enough for the rooks to find food for themselves - to dig out the larvae from the ground).

Let's return to the thawed patches and consider whether the rook has worked on them, looking for food for itself?

So why are there no other birds in early spring? (no more insects)

And how do our wintering birds behave? (bullfinches flew closer to the north, because they like a cold climate, and crows, sparrows, jackdaws fly in pairs in search of nesting places and scream loudly). Look, our feeders are empty, let's fill them with food, the birds are still weakened by wintering, and some find it difficult to forage on their own.

Let's play D / I "Migratory Birds", I describe the birds, and you are trying to guess what kind of bird it is from the description?

Birds, like people, are waiting for the arrival of spring.

Notice how people began to dress?

Guys, can we conclude whether spring has come to our garden?

By what signs can you find out about the arrival of early spring? It's so nice and cozy here that you don't want to leave. Do you remember how we cleaned the garden from garbage in the spring?

And who knows the proverb about order? (clean and beautiful not where they sweep, but where they don’t litter)

Among the expanses of our country there is a region where you live, where is your home, your native land. Today we learned a lot of new and interesting things, walked through all the corners of this wonderful garden and concluded for ourselves - in order for our garden, our village to be beautiful and loved, all residents, both adults and children, need to take care of it.

"Spring trip to nature"

Location: the immediate vicinity of the school.

Target: to acquaint students with the changes in inanimate and living nature that occur in the spring.



During the classes

I. Organization of students at the beginning of the lesson.

II. Introductory conversation in class.

Guys, today we are going on an excursion into nature, which will take place at the school site. On this tour, we have to solve certain tasks (The teacher writes down the main objectives of the excursion on the blackboard in advance).

Let's read what problems we will try to solve today during an excursion into nature.

Main tasks:

    Observation of changes in inanimate and living nature.

    Consider some types of trees and shrubs.

    Observation of bird behavior.

On the tour we will need a thermometer, a magnifying glass.

Guys, how should you behave during the tour?

That's right, you can not make noise, talk loudly, scare away the birds. We need to take care of the plants around us.

III. Field work

1. Observation of changes in inanimate nature.

    What season is it now? A riddle will help you answer this question.

I open my kidneys
into green leaves.
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement
My name is…(Spring).

    Guys, now look around at how beautiful nature is in spring. The sun shines brighter and becomes warmer and happier.

So, guys, we were able to notice that nature in early spring has its own merits, and we also admired the landscape around us a little.

    And now let's move on to observing the changes that occur with the advent of spring in inanimate nature. Look at the sky. Can we now see the sun on it.

Determine the color of the sky, cloudiness.

    Using a thermometer to determine the temperature of the air

Is there wind today? What is his strength?

Is there any precipitation today?(If so, please name which).

    Look at the surface of the soil. What is she? What is she covered with?

Guys, what conclusion can we draw from observing changes in inanimate nature?(The sun rises higher, the air temperature is above zero, the precipitation is in the form of rain).

2. Observation of changes in plant life.

  • Now let's look at plants. Take a close look at the trees. What color is the bark? Are there any leaves?

Let's look at one of the kidneys using a magnifying glass.

    So, what changes in plant life have occurred with the onset of spring?

3. Observation of changes in the life of animals. (Watching birds and insects).

    Consider the appearance of the bird, its size, shape, color.

What does the bird we are watching eat?

4. Ecological parking.

And now we will contribute to the protection of nature. To do this, let's collect garbage on the territory of the school site.

IV. Debriefing in class.

Guys, after our excursion, let's draw general conclusions about how nature has changed in spring.