Swimming how many times a week for health. How to lose weight in the pool: the benefits of swimming and necessary exercises. Swimming technique for weight loss

The topic of losing weight is popular among many women of all ages, starting from the youngest. The most common methods: running, gyms, diets are already fading into the background.

They are still used, but in addition there are additional methods. These include various beauty treatments, massages, baths and, of course, a swimming pool. This method is less expensive and very beneficial for the whole body.

What are the benefits of swimming?

Swimming in the pool has a complex positive effect.

Its main benefits:

  • Support and strengthen the immune system.
  • Relaxation and unloading of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Maintaining muscle tone.
  • Losing excess weight.
  • Improved sleep.
  • Strengthening your posture.
  • Improving blood supply and functioning of the pulmonary system.

Thanks to the “anti-gravity” effect that water creates, the body is not subjected to the same pressure as during training on land. This is why the negative impact on the musculoskeletal system is mitigated and positive processes are launched.

Water has great resistance and buoyant effect. Thanks to them, training becomes more effective and useful.

How to swim in the pool correctly?

A positive effect is achieved only when the exercises are performed correctly.

There are basic criteria for swimming in the pool, when fulfilled, training will become truly effective:

It is under such conditions that it becomes possible to lose weight by working out in the pool.

List of items for the pool

When visiting swimming pools, certain rules must be followed.

They are installed to maintain the general hygiene of all visitors and require a certain list of things, which includes:

It is better to find out in advance whether a certificate is required for a visit or stock it up just in case. Depending on the location of the locker rooms, you may need a change of clothes: a robe or a T-shirt with shorts.

Sometimes locker rooms may be located separately from showers, and to get there you will have to change into something light. The list of things in each case will vary and be supplemented depending on personal preferences.

What are the benefits of swimming?

Swimming not only has a training effect, but also a therapeutic one. Visiting the pool is recommended for people with various diseases.

These include:

  • Joint diseases. In the pool, unlike on land, their movement will not be so constrained, and diseased or operated joints will develop faster.
  • Varicose veins Diseased veins in water relax and blood supply improves. A swimming pool is the best preventative measure for this disease.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system. During swimming training, breathing normalizes, lung capacity increases, and ventilation improves.
  • Stress and nervous system disorders. Swimming improves mood, relieves stress, calms and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

The pool is recommended for pregnant women and even children from a very early age. For pregnant girls, it relieves a lot of stress on the spine and legs, prevents swelling and the development of varicose veins. Young children learn to swim faster, while visiting the pool accelerates the overall development of children up to one year old.

Regular visits to the pool will help in treatment and rehabilitation, strengthen the body and maintain health and immunity. In addition, intense training strengthens muscles and keeps them in good shape, promoting intensive weight loss and the formation of a slender body.

Exercises for weight loss in the pool

In order for water procedures to become not only pleasant, but also useful, it is necessary to perform special sets of exercises in water. To do this, you can attend organized water aerobics classes or do them yourself during regular visits to the pool.

When performing these complexes, you need to work out each part of the body separately: arms, legs, waist. Most often, they are the ones who require weight loss.

Leg exercises

When swimming, I work my legs quite intensively, but for better results, additional exercises are used. Before performing them, do a light warm-up. To do this, you need to swim or run in the water along the bottom in a shallow place for about 5 minutes without plunging your head.

After this, you can proceed to the complexes:

Exercises for the waist, hips and abs

The waist, hips and abs are less involved during swimming.

For their additional load, you need to perform the following exercises:

Hand exercises

Your arms work the hardest when exercising in the pool. Therefore, if, in addition to exercises, you simply swim in one of the styles, then you can not load your arms too much, but perform only the basic complex.

By performing all the exercises, you will not only pump up certain muscles, but also burn excess fat throughout the body. Because water resistance creates additional stress during any physical activity.

Swimming styles

To lose weight in the pool, you can not only do water aerobics, but also simply swim in any of the available styles.

At the same time, you need to keep a fast pace and not stop too often. Can be done short breaks of 60 seconds every 5-10 minutes depending on fatigue and swimming skills in the pool.

There are 5 main types of swimming:

  • Free.
  • Crawl on the chest.
  • Back crawl.
  • Breaststroke.
  • Butterfly.

Each of them has its own characteristics and technique for correct execution.


This style of swimming is often called “doggy style”, because from the outside it really resembles a swimming animal.

This style is most often used by beginners who have recently learned to swim. In the freestyle method, both arms and legs are equally involved.

It is very simple, but does not allow you to develop high speed.

Freestyle is not actually doggy style. Freestyle in professional sports is considered to be a method in which a swimmer overcomes a distance using any style convenient for him. At the same time, he can change them for his convenience several times along the way.


This is one of the simplest and most common swimming styles. Traditionally, people swim on their chest this way.

The hands alternately make large strokes along the body. The legs are straight and move, alternately rising and falling.

During movement, the head is facing in the water. To breathe, the swimmer periodically raises his head to the side while performing a stroke. Breathing should be rhythmic and clearly calculated. An inhalation is done every time you lift your face out of the water.


A rougher style, more often used by men. With it, the body seems to be throwing itself out of the water. A person, swimming in a pool in this way, makes simultaneous symmetrical movements with his arms and legs under water parallel to its surface. This method is one of the most ancient, but at the same time it has the lowest speed.

This style is also called back crawl due to its great similarity to this style. The swimmer, lying on his back, also rows with his arms alternately.

But they do not bend, but remain straight both in the water and above its surface. At the same time, the legs make the same movements as in a regular crawl - they rise and fall.

With this method, the start can only be done directly from the water. Backstroke is quite fast and is considered the third fastest among all styles.


The name of this style is translated from English as butterfly. It got its name because of the characteristic movement of the swimmer's arms, reminiscent of wings.

The athlete makes strokes simultaneously and symmetrically with both hands. At this moment, the body rises from the water and moves in a wave-like manner along with the pelvis and legs.

If you look at swimming in this style in profile, the body movement resembles a dolphin, which is why this style received the second name of the same name. It requires great precision and effort.

How to swim in the pool to lose weight?

  • In order to get visible results in weight loss and body transformation, classes must be systematic and intensive. It is recommended to swim at least twice a week. Training cannot be skipped, otherwise the entire effect of the pool will be reset to the initial level.
  • During the lesson there should be a warm-up, a main part and a so-called cool-down. During the warm-up you need to warm up. To do this, it is best to calmly swim or run in a shallow place.
  • The main part of the training can be divided into several types: swimming in one of the styles and exercises. Although, if the swimming method is quite energy-intensive, then you can exclude sets of exercises partially or completely. It all depends on time and physical condition.
  • When finishing your workout, you should again swim calmly at a slow pace. The back crawl is suitable for this.

Any activities in the pool should be combined with other physical activity, daily exercise and proper nutrition. Then the process of losing weight will proceed much faster and easier.

How long should you swim in the pool to lose weight?

You need to swim in the pool until you feel slightly tired when you get out of the water. Otherwise, the exercise will not have a fat-burning effect.

A workout duration of less than 40 - 45 minutes will also not bring results.

It is advisable to train more, about an hour. However, you don’t have to swim all the time. You can do the exercises on the spot or take short breaks between swims. It is important that your breathing and pulse remain even during this time.

How many times should you go to the pool to lose weight?

How many times should you go to the pool? Only constant training brings results and has a cumulative effect.

The minimum number of visits per week is 2 times. It is advisable to visit the pool 3 times.

Hiking can be reduced to once a week only if there are other constant physical activities in your schedule. These include jogging and the gym. Then the pool will be an additional measure and will only have a supporting and strengthening effect.

When starting their first lessons, beginners often make mistakes or are simply lost.

In such cases, advice and tips from experienced swimmers are very helpful:

By following these tips, getting started with swimming will be much easier. In addition to them, you can study suitable literature and you should definitely seek help and tips from a trainer.

Visiting the pool has its contraindications.

These include:

If you have signs or presence of one of the contraindications, then you should refrain from visiting a public swimming pool until your health is restored. Any disregard of these indications may worsen your personal condition and cause harm to other visitors.

Bottom line

  • The swimming pool as a means of losing weight has a lot of positive reviews. Those who have been regularly swimming for a long time note that the body becomes slimmer and more toned, the skin and muscles become toned.
  • The girls also noticed that in the pool it is not kilograms that are lost faster, but those very cherished centimeters. This is logical, because adipose tissue is broken down, but at the same time muscle mass is gained. Because of this, the weight may not change much, but the difference in volume will be immediately noticeable.
  • Many people note and remind that results will not appear with poor nutrition. As soon as you start eating only healthy foods, the process of losing weight goes on the right track and the result is visible after the first month.
  • You can and should lose weight using a swimming pool. This is a fairly easy and pleasant way to get your body in good shape. Water will not only help you lose weight, but also relieve stress and tension. But this method only works in combination with measures such as diet and an active lifestyle. There is no one perfect way to lose weight. A beautiful body requires regular effort, and swimming in the pool is one method from the whole complex.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Winter in Russia, figuratively speaking, lasts up to nine months a year. Those who can boast of stable financial income prefer regular swims somewhere in the warm sea. The rest have only such an alternative as a swimming pool. A healthy and pleasant procedure that everyone can afford - you just need to get a doctor’s certificate and buy a swimsuit.

But is a swimming pool as useful as we think? Are there any contraindications for such procedures?

Swimming in the pool - pros and benefits

Does your body lack tone? Want to get your body in shape for summer? Need an extra boost of energy? The ideal solution is a swimming pool.

What are its benefits, what does swimming contribute to?

  • Treatment of scoliosis, osteochondrosis.
  • Development of all muscle groups.
  • Strengthening joints.
  • Formation of correct posture.
  • Getting rid of extra centimeters at the waist.
  • Hardening the body.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Increased resistance to colds.
  • Positive effects on the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems.
  • Increased performance.

Visiting the pool - cons

  • Chlorine used to disinfect pool water may cause allergic reactions skin, eye irritation and dermatitis.
  • With constant swimming in the pool, the female figure becomes masculine due to strong development of shoulder muscles (with a couple of sessions a week and swims of no more than five hundred meters, the figure, of course, will not suffer).
  • Swimsuit color fades from chlorinated water (do not take an expensive swimsuit to the pool).

Follow these simple rules, and the pool will become a source of exceptional joy, health and the most positive emotions for you.

As a physical activity, the pool is recommended for all people, regardless of age. And also for those for whom other sports are excluded. Who will benefit most from swimming?

  • To those who wish lose weight.
  • For those who are concerned strengthening your joints and muscle training.
  • To those who are shown prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Adult men as prostatitis prevention.
  • To those for whom stress- a common occurrence.
  • For expectant mothers.

The pool is also indicated for diseases such as:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Neurosis.
  • Various disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract(for example, flatulence or constipation).
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Placenta previa(in pregnant women).

For what diseases is a swimming pool contraindicated?

  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Oncology.
  • Angina pectoris, rheumatic heart disease.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Open tuberculosis.
  • Presence of open wounds.
  • Pathologies of the urinary system (cystitis, etc.).
  • Threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

In addition to taking into account contraindications, experts also recommend be very careful when choosing a pool. The most dangerous pool for health is the one you are allowed into without a doctor’s certificate. As a rule, this is where there is the greatest risk of contracting a fungal infection, lichen, scabies or human papillomavirus.

There are a number of tricks that help you quickly and painlessly while swimming. The most effective swimming technique is the crawl. It tightens the abs, tidies up the arms and legs, and straightens the spine. While crawling, you can lose up to six hundred calories in an hour. And, for example, swimming on your back gets rid of unpleasant problem areas on your sides.

A successful workout should consist of several alternating swimming methods, and it is advisable to alternate between relaxation and active exercise. For example, to begin with, you can warm up by swimming, then swim for fifteen to twenty minutes with the crawl, then lie on your back, then repeat the entire sequence two or three times. To soothe and relax your muscles at the end of your workout, it's best to do a little breaststroke or backstroke.

The pool disciplines. It is in it that it is easier to concentrate on training, and not just admire the surrounding nature, lazily swimming along the shore, as often happens in natural reservoirs.

How much and how often to swim

It is best to swim two or three times a week for at least forty-five minutes. This schedule will not lead to the build-up of excess muscle tissue, but it will help get rid of excess fat.

A swim workout that lasts forty-five minutes means that forty of those minutes you spend actively swimming in any style, rather than lying motionless on the surface. Warm up on the “shore” before entering the water. This way your muscles will be more prepared. If you can swim five hundred to six hundred meters quite easily, do aqua yoga or aerobics to lose weight. Swim in warm water. If the water is cool, you need to swim until you start to freeze. Because once freezing begins, the body will go into fat storage mode to fight the cold. Don't eat immediately after training. There should be at least two hours between swimming and eating, otherwise you will only gain weight.

Swimming burns one hundred more calories than running at a moderate pace.

One of the best additional effects of swimming can be called hydromassage; it helps tighten the skin and improve its overall condition. If you swim in the sea, then your skin receives all the necessary microelements and salts.

Greetings, dear visitors to our blog! No one doubts the fact that swimming is good for health. But does swimming help you lose weight? This question remains open for many people who want to do it in such a pleasant way. Let's try to understand this.

The benefits of swimming for health and weight loss

Swimming is considered a cardio exercise and has a lot of positive effects on the human body. There are several good reasons that allow overweight people to choose this type of physical activity to solve their problems:

  1. Metabolic processes are accelerated.
  2. Blood circulation and the work of all organs and systems are stimulated.
  3. There is a minimal load on the musculoskeletal system;
  4. The ability to perform even the most difficult exercises without much difficulty, thanks to the hydro-weightlessness effect that water creates;
  5. Swimming in the pool is recommended even for people of retirement age or those with any mobility restrictions;
  6. This is also excellent because of the hydromassage provided by water during active movements;
  7. During swimming, approximately 400 Kcal are burned per hour;
  8. Due to the need to overcome the resistance of water, the body has to expend more energy than on land;
  9. During swimming, the whole body works, forcing all muscle groups to engage. And this helps to lose weight not only in the legs, but also in the abdomen, back and upper shoulder girdle;
  10. Regular swimming lessons will relieve slouching;
  11. Water has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calming it. And this also contributes to the process of losing weight, because everyone has long known that stress is one of the reasons for weight gain (read, by the way).

Swimming does not have to be in the pool - an open pond is no less useful, allowing you to simultaneously enjoy the natural beauty of the surroundings.

Is swimming alone enough to lose weight?

But with all this, it is difficult to lose weight quickly with just swimming alone - it is better that such a load is part of a comprehensive plan.

And this is explained by several reasons:

  1. Increased appetite after such a workout, which makes you eat more food.
  2. Typically, swimming is tiring and relaxing, leading to a sedentary lifestyle in the following hours.
  3. Cool water causes the body to burn a lot of calories, but immediately after reaching land and heating, this process stops.

How to swim to lose weight

In the process of losing weight by swimming, the style is also important, using which you can do it faster and better. I recommend mastering three events - breaststroke, crawl and butterfly. It’s better, of course, to work out with a trainer, but you can do it yourself.

Breaststroke technique

The arm movements of this style are synchronous - forward from the chest area. The legs push from the water, bending and straightening at the knees.

You are unlikely to develop high speed with this type of swimming, but due to the complex technique it is recommended to use it at the initial stage of training.

Crawl technique

The arms work alternately with simultaneous movements of the legs (“scissors”). This style is considered the fastest and can be used after the body has adapted to the stress.

Butterfly technique

The left and right parts of the body symmetrically and simultaneously perform the movement of a given trajectory. At this time, the legs also move synchronously, but in waves.

This style is very difficult to perform, so it is used by people who have already mastered the previous two perfectly.

Interval method

There is another way to lose weight by swimming, training intervals - alternating maximum work at the limit of your capabilities with a period of rest. With such exercises, weight continues to be lost even a couple of days after.

According to reviews of people who use this method, kilograms are lost much faster, and much less time is spent.

Interval training is carried out like this: for 30 seconds you work with your maximum possible strength and speed, after which you restore your breathing for 15 seconds, swimming at a calm pace. This is one interval that you need to complete up to 10 times per workout.

As you train, reduce the recovery time and increase the “jerk”, eventually reaching 15 intervals.

By the way, interval training is one of the most effective. Master, for example, the system - just 4 minutes of high-intensity intervals, and the weight begins to melt.

How much swimming do you need to do to lose weight?


Another important point is nutrition. To speed up the process of losing weight and consolidate the results obtained, you will have to give up baked goods, confectionery and sausages, as well as carbonated sweet drinks.

About the testimony

Based on the benefits of swimming for the human body, the following diseases can be identified, in the presence of which such training will become simply irreplaceable:

  • Problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • Brain damage;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Pulmonary ailments;
  • Disability resulting from physical and mental abnormalities;
  • Cerebral palsy and rickets;
  • Birth injuries;
  • Autism;
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Anemia.

Swimming is prescribed even for such serious diseases as coronary heart disease, angina pectoris and myocarditis.

Swimming pool exercises are a useful and almost safe sport that is recommended for all ages and has almost no restrictions. Why else is swimming so beneficial?

Features of the classes

It's no secret how beneficial swimming in the pool is, because during such activities you get:

  • Hardening. The water temperature in the pool fluctuates at 25-30 degrees, which promotes increased heat exchange, as a result of which the body hardens;
  • Development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems due to the pressure exerted by water;
  • Unloading the joints and spine. During exercise, muscles and joints work in an intense mode, but the vertebrae are practically not subject to stress, so swimming can be practiced even as rehabilitation after injuries;
  • Strengthening the muscle corset. As in any sport, thanks to strength training, in a short period of time you can get in shape and pump up your muscles;
  • Hydromassage. While swimming, using various techniques, your skin receives a powerful hydromassage effect, thanks to which you can develop stagnant muscles, eliminate cellulite, varicose veins, and swelling;
  • Weight loss. A very relevant idea for many is that with the help of swimming, you can adjust your weight. Such sports bring much greater results than exercises in the gym, since water has a higher density relative to air, which means that being practically weightless, we overcome heavy loads, practically without feeling it, and we can use many different techniques ;
  • Improvement of general emotional state. This fact is a good addition to all of the above, because by doing physical activity and improving your health, you calm your nervous system and improve your mood.

You can start classes at any age; both children and the elderly can exercise in the pool. Moreover, inability is not a contraindication; anyone can learn. As a rule, this is nothing more than a psychological threshold, which experienced trainers working in the pool will help to cope with and teach.

How long to swim in the pool

How long to swim in the pool to achieve the desired result is calculated individually, based on the task you set for yourself. On average, it is considered optimal to practice 2-3 times a week for 60 minutes.

The exact number and time of classes is determined by the doctor or trainer, but if you go to the pool without any instructions, on your own initiative, the general rules will suit you. It is very important to correctly distribute the load during classes:

  • Before swimming, you should warm up at the edge of the pool (several minutes);
  • Then you can do several approaches at a warm-up pace; warm-up should take no more than 10 minutes;
  • Next we move on to the training itself. It is very important that it be intense. Much depends on what kind of pool you practice in. Most often there are 25-meter complexes, although there are also 50-meter ones, this means that the number of approaches depends on the size of the bowl, so we will measure them in time intervals, you can measure on the spot how much time you need for any exercise. For example, you can choose 30 to 15 (work/rest). Do not forget that it is not recommended to swim in one style during a lesson; you need to alternate several techniques. It is this style that will allow you to achieve maximum results;
  • By the end of the lesson, you can swim several “pools” at a calm pace and relax.

Some people find it difficult to adjust the lesson on their own, then it is better to go to classes with one of the groups that work with a trainer. You can attend water aerobics classes, the so-called water sports. This is a very effective sport; moreover, all exercises are performed to music, which makes the activity more rhythmic and energetic.

Whatever you choose, the main thing is not to forget about the dangers that may warn you. You can often hear from people who worked out in the pool to lose weight 2-3 times a week, that after a few months of such training they gained weight rather than lost it. This is due to the fact that we freeze much faster in water than in air. Our body perceives this as a signal that it is time to stock up, and a terrible appetite appears. As a result, after training, we actively begin to eat! It is very important to follow not only your training regimen, but also your diet. You cannot increase the amount of food, then exercising in the pool to lose weight will lead to the desired result.