Pluto as the principle of transformation and revival of personality. ♇ Pluto in the sign ♍ Virgo of the natal chart of Frances Sakoyan. Planets in Zodiac Signs

> Pluto in Virgo

Let us turn our attention to the character of the individual when Pluto in Virgo.

Pluto in Virgo according to the horoscope

If character has developed in a negative direction, a person is capable of opposing his own ideas to generally established norms and rules. He can destroy his own environment and die in the process, or he can make efforts to transform his character. In this case, the heights of perfection await the person. If character development occurs in a positive direction, then a person with the horoscope of Pluto in Virgo is interested in modern technologies and takes part in the collapse of empires with pleasure.

Such a person knows how to control his passionate emotional nature. He skillfully regulates the use of his own energy and directs it to serve people in practice. A person tries to direct all his strength to a specific work - technology, science or everyday life. He can change his attitude towards medicine and healthcare, and is ready to reform this area.

The person has pragmatism, prudence and sobriety of mind. He retains the ability to reason sensibly for a long time. It is difficult for him to impose or inspire anything. Romance and ambition are not for him; financial limitations will not upset him too much. She raises her children naturally, without pressure, showing by her own example the rules of behavior and everything that will be useful to them in life. He will make a good psychologist, an excellent doctor. He has great entrepreneurial abilities and knows how to use his work position for his own purposes.

You won’t scare him with mutual love obligations; he has a calm and sober attitude towards this.

Pluto in Virgo - human characteristics

Throughout life, such a person needs to reconsider the vision of the material form and divide it into particles and details. He has an amazing ability to work and is able to concentrate all his energy on one specific job. He has enormous reserves of internal strength and energy, and this helps him in changing certain areas of the material sphere. In all matters, he tries to get to the bottom of the main thing, “to the roots,” and using this knowledge he strives to improve reality. He needs to abandon generally accepted dogmas and try to rebuild reality in a new way, taking advantage of what already exists and the generation of new ones.

Man desires to have material reality under his control. If he fails to do this, he may despair and be deeply depressed. He is able to rethink moral principles in a new way and reform everyday life. Thanks to his enormous hard work, he becomes an example for others, concretely and clearly showing the path to the goal for his followers.

A natal chart is a person’s personal birth horoscope. It is built at the time of a person’s birth and place of birth. This horoscope characterizes a person’s destiny: the possibilities, inclinations and circumstances of life inherent in him. Using the birth chart, the position of the planets in the zodiac signs relative to the Earth, as well as relative to each other, is determined. According to these data, a description of the person is compiled. We present to you a service that allows you to perform an online calculation of your natal chart by date of birth with interpretation for free.

In order for the description to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to indicate the date of birth, time of birth (preferably the exact time) and place of birth. If your city is not on the list, select the closest city, a difference of 50-100 km is acceptable, it is important that the city is in your time zone. The Placidus system is used to determine the position of houses.

Select date, time and place of birth:

Date/time of birth:
day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 months January February March April May June July August September October November December year 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 97 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1 972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 19 47 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1 922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 hour 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 minute 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 5 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Place of birth:

Not selected - Russia Abkhazia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Anguilla Angola Andorra Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Afghanistan Bahamas Bangladesh Barbados Bahrain Belarus Belize Belgium Benin Bermuda Bulgaria Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Burkina Faso Burundi Bhutan Vanuatu Vatican UK Hungary Venezuela Virgin Islands (British) Virgin Islands (US) East Timor Vietnam Gabon Haiti Guyana Gambia Ghana Guadeloupe Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Germany Gibraltar Honduras Hong Kong Grenada Greenland Greece Georgia Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Egypt Zambia Zimbabwe Israel India Indonesia Jordan Iraq Iran Ireland Iceland Spain Italy Yemen Cape Verde Kazakhstan Cayman Islands Cambodia Cameroon Canada Qatar Kenya Cyprus Kyrgyzstan Kiribati China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Ivory Coast Cuba Kuwait Laos Latvia Lesotho Liberia Lebanon Libya Lithuania Liechtenstein Luxembourg Mauritius Madagascar Mayotte Macedonia Malawi Malaysia Mali Maldives Malta Mariana Islands Morocco Martinique Marshall Islands Mexico Mozambique Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Niger Nigeria Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Nicaragua Niue New Zealand New Caledonia Norway Norfolk Island UAE Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Rwanda Romania El Salvador ( Western) San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Swaziland Seychelles Senegal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Serbia Singapore Syria Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Suriname USA Sierra Leone Tajikistan Thailand Taiwan Tanzania Turks and Caicos Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunis Tunis Turkmenistan Turkish Uganda Uzbekistan Ukraine Wallis and Futun Urugua Farier Islands of the federal states of Micronesia Fiji Philippines France France French Polynesia Croatia Czech Republic of Montenegro Switzerland Switzerland Switzeri Sri-Lanka Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Orgy South Korea Jamaica Japan - not selected - Moscow St. Petersburg Adygea Republic Altai Republic Altai Territory Amur Region Arkhangelsk Region Astrakhan Region Bashkortostan Belgorod Region Bryansk Region Buryatia Vladimir Region Volgograd Region Vologda Region Voronezh Region Dagestan Jewish Autonomous Okrug Transbaikal Region Ivanovo Region Ingushetia Irkutsk Region Kabardino-Balkaria Kaliningrad Kalmykia region Kaluga region Kamchatka region Karachay-Cherkessia Karelia Kemerovo region Kirov region Komi Kostroma region Krasnodar region Krasnoyarsk region Crimea Kurgan region Kursk region Leningrad region Lipetsk region Magadan region Mari El Mordovia Moscow region Murmansk region Nenets Autonomous Okrug Nizhny Novgorod region Novgorod region Novosibirsk region Omsk region Orenburg region Oryol region Penza region Perm region Primorsky region Pskov region Rostov region Ryazan region Samara region Saratov region Sakhalin region Sverdlovsk region North Ossetia Smolensk region Stavropol region Tambov region Tatarstan Tver region Tomsk region Tula region Tyva Tyumen region Udmurtia Ulyanovsk region Khabarovsk region Khakassia Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Chelyabinsk region Chechen Republic of Chuvashia Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Yakutia Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Yaroslavl Region


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Determine your natal birth chart

Here Pluto is in the abode of Mercury and Proserpina, Mercury is also in exaltation, in the sign of the element Earth.

In this era, the energy of the masses is wasted on trifles. Acceleration occurs (Virgo is the sign of Proserpina, a symbol of physiological reserves).

At best, your energy is directed to work, technology, science. This time is characterized by disappointment in doctors and the emergence of new ideas in healthcare. The health problem will come first for your generation.

You have a free attitude towards morality and love. You do not bind yourself to any obligations with your partner. Your ideals are imitative, since in Virgo there is an exile of Jupiter.

Your personality is characterized by materialism and pragmatism. You are a sober, cold person, often involved in small business. At best, you will retain common sense and mental energy into old age. You are not very suggestible and are able to constantly limit yourself in terms of funds. You are not very ambitious, and not at all romantic. You have excellent brain function and a bright head. You have a very free attitude towards children; with you, they can grow like grass, almost without the need for education (the necessary information is “floating in the air”). In general, the position of Pluto in Virgo was realized as a revolution in computer-based science, as sensational discoveries in medicine, technical re-equipment and conditions of employment. The people of your generation will become the new alchemists, capable of reviving alchemy at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. They will use new celestial energies both in physics and in the field of health. With little money you can achieve great results. You can make an excellent doctor, a reformer of medicine, an excellent astrologer (astrology is the alchemy of the soul).

In the worst case, you will be characterized by: squandering public property, using work and official position for personal purposes. You can be a slacker with a sterilized mind. You belong to a generation that will age early. Freedom in love can manifest itself in this case as detachment from relationships and cold debauchery.

♇ Pluto in the signs of the Zodiac ♇ Pluto in the sign of Aries

Here Pluto is in its nocturnal abode along with Mars, in the sign of exaltation of the Sun. Standing is fraught with explosion. At this time, people everywhere began to defend their rights. This -..

♇ Pluto in Taurus

Here Pluto is in exile, in the abode of Venus and Chiron, in the sign of exaltation of the Moon, in the earth element. This era saw the material flourishing of the capitalist world...

♇ Pluto in the sign of Gemini

Here Pluto is in the monastery of Mercury and Proserpina, in the house of exaltation of Proserpina, the sign of the element Air, the element opposite to the water planet. At this time they go:..

♇ Pluto in the sign of Cancer

Here Pluto is in the abode of the Moon, in the sign of exaltation of Jupiter, in the sign of the related element of Water. In this era, the ideas of patriotism are being implemented. Your generation is the generation...

♇ Pluto in Leo

Here Pluto is exalted, in the house of the Sun, in the element of Fire. Your generation is characterized by enormous human and life dynamics, independence,...

♇ Pluto in Virgo

Here Pluto is in the abode of Mercury and Proserpina, Mercury is also in exaltation, in the sign of the element Earth. In this era, the energy of the masses is wasted on trifles. Happening..

♇ Pluto in the sign of Libra

Here Pluto is in exile, in the house of Venus and Chiron, in the sign of exaltation of Saturn, in the sign of the element Air. People with a strong Pluto in Libra will be leaders in the Age of Aquarius. U..

♇ Pluto in the sign of Scorpio

Here Pluto is in his daytime abode along with Mars, in the sign of exaltation of Uranus. In no other sign does this planet achieve such full expression...

♇ Pluto in the sign of Sagittarius

Here Pluto is in the monastery of Jupiter and Neptune, in the sign of exaltation of Chiron, in the sign of the element of Fire, opposite to the water element of Pluto. Your generation is the generation...

♇ Pluto in the sign of Capricorn

Here Pluto is in the abode of Uranus and Saturn, in the sign of exaltation of Mars, in the sign of the element Earth. This standing gives you discipline, asceticism, conservatism. At this time, they are formed..

Pluto in Virgo

You were born in the 14-year period (1957-1971), when people were born driven by the need to find an ethical standard, to clearly feel what is true and what is false. You have a subconscious desire to eradicate all evil in the world and restore perfect order everywhere. You have an aversion to anything ugly, dirty or ridiculous. But oddly enough, you are often fascinated by what is tasteless, and often feel a sense of hopelessness and despair about the way the world works.

These internal emotional conflicts are reflected in your generation's attitude towards lifestyle. Most people in your age group are conservative and ethical, and only a few are the opposite extreme - they like to be strange, unusual in manners and appearance, even sloppy, ridiculous. It seems that there is no middle ground between these two extremes in your generation. Typically, the rebellious type of behavior appears in youth, and then gradually disappears, and at an older age, your age group is rather simply conservative.

Your age group does not compromise easily and tends to have strict criteria about what is right and what is wrong. You have a strong feeling that you must destroy evil in the world. Of course, good deeds are highly commendable, but a categorical and one-sided approach to complex issues is unacceptable.

Your age group has undergone a significant revision of its attitude towards Good and Evil and is swinging from one extreme to the other. Your generation will make significant contributions in the fields of medicine, ecology and education.

On a personal level, it stimulates analytical abilities, criticism, and the desire to get to the roots. Rethinking your mind, subordinating it to mass opinion.
Changes come through social structures, attention to unemployment, national minorities, and personal and public health. A generation of reformers of everyday life.

Francis Sakoyan

With negative In the development of character, such a person is inclined to openly oppose his ideas to generally accepted ones. He either perishes along with the destruction of his environment, or directs his efforts to transform his own nature, achieving high perfection.

With positive character development, a person shows a constant interest in the development of new technologies and willingly participates in the destruction of empires. He is able to control his passions and finely regulate the use of internal energy, channeling it into practical service to the needs of humanity.

Such a person strives to direct all his energy to specific work - in science, technology or in everyday life. He is inclined to reconsider his attitude towards healthcare and is seriously concerned about reforming medicine. He is a rather pragmatic, sober and somewhat distantly cold person, who retains common sense and high intensity of mental energy into his old age. He is not at all suggestible, knows how to limit himself in his means, is not very ambitious and not too romantic.

His children usually grow “like grass,” without experiencing any pedagogical pressure on his part, because he radiates everything they need for life, pours it on them and demonstrates the rules and norms of behavior by personal example. This is an alchemist, a brilliant doctor, an excellent psychologist. There are remarkable abilities for entrepreneurship and the ability to use official position for personal purposes. Such a person treats mutual obligations in love calmly and soberly. Throughout his life, such a person must reconsider his vision of material forms through their division into parts and details. He is brilliantly efficient and has a remarkable ability to concentrate his forces on one task.

The high potential of his internal energy helps him to purposefully transform individual areas of the material environment. He gets to the root of everything and, based on the knowledge gained, strives to improve reality. What is required of him is the ability to abandon some previously used “bricks of existence” that seemed to be the unshakable foundation of the world, and to rebuild existence anew, using what is left, on the basis of what is possible to come up with something new.

Such a person craves to gain power over every material element of reality, and when this fails, he tends to fall into deep despair and depression. He boldly rethinks moral standards and boldly reforms everyday life. He captivates others with his personal example of hard work and frenzy in work and clearly organizes the lives of his followers, specifically pointing the way to his goal of reorganizing reality.

This person has a remarkable analytical mind and ingenuity, he is especially talented in the field of psychiatry and literary criticism.

The planet Pluto is naturally associated with the sign of Scorpio and the eighth house. Both planet, sign and house relate to issues such as birth, sex, death, energy and transformation. Pluto's main theme is energy, and how to handle it, both on an individual level and for all of humanity. A Plutonian is someone whose Pluto is very strong in their chart, that is, Pluto has aspects to the Sun or Meridian, or several important planets are in Scorpio, or the eighth house is strong.

The themes given by this position are guilt, resentment, desire to control, anger or revenge. Since no one seeks revenge without being deeply hurt, there is often some kind of horror story associated with Pluto's position in the natal chart. Although some people are more profoundly influenced by Pluto than others, we all exhibit some traits of Pluto in the areas of our lives that it affects.

Review of Pluto's Positions

Most of what will be discussed applies to a person with a difficult Pluto placement. If your Pluto is well aspected (only has and) or if your Pluto is not particularly strong, this material may not apply to you to any significant extent. At the same time, you may find that even the weakest placement (such as Scorpio on the cusp and no planets in this house) is associated with some of your difficulties. In this case, reading the text will give you some understanding, although some of the more intense aspects of this situation will not apply to you.

Regardless of whether your Pluto is strong or weak, you may be offended by some comments, but facing the truth is the beginning of change. Once is not enough, but we will continue to know about it, and the truth will hurt our eyes, until the games we play are often brought to light so much that they begin to bother us - and we are forced to abandon them. Acknowledging them to others speeds up the process.

We are often haunted by the affairs of the house or planets associated with the position of Pluto in the natal chart. And to what we cannot get rid of, we become tightly attached. The same negative pattern can appear in our lives over and over again, and with each repetition we become more fixated on it. If someone hurt us or betrayed us, we already expect betrayal, we choose people who will betray us, and then with our expectations we achieve betrayal. Even a decent person who is constantly under suspicion will be forced to say: “You don’t trust me? If that’s all you can think of me, then that’s what I’ll do.” This is how we create self-fulfilling prophecies.

One of the options for the emergence of such an obsession is a tendency to get involved in a power struggle in matters related to the house occupied or its. Such a fanatical desire to win can paradoxically lead to bitter failures. Often it all begins with a power struggle with parents (or other authorities) in childhood - with those who attached great importance to the issues of the house in which Pluto is located and tried to impose their will on the child here. If the child followed the directions, the parents won. In order not to succumb to the will of his parents and win the battle, a person had to lose everything connected with the house where Pluto is located. Failure was perversely seen as a moral victory. This process allowed me to call the house where Pluto is located “the house of bad luck out of spite.”

In the end, parents can teach a child that he or she will never achieve anything in the affairs of this house - and the child takes revenge on his parents in a peculiar way, suffering failure after failure. Some people seem to freeze this area of ​​their lives, controlling needs and feelings so tightly that even friends cannot guess how important this area was once. There may be another attitude: “I don’t need this at all” - and a feeling of moral superiority over those who succeed.

A different picture arises if a person accepts as truth the parents' belief that the affairs of the house where Pluto is located or its aspects will help transform and manage life if he or she succeeds in these affairs. As a result, an exaggerated amount of energy is directed into this area of ​​life. Because of the energy put into the Pluto-ruled area of ​​life and the power struggles that take place where a person ends up being controlled by what he most wants to control. He is powerless to achieve success, but he cannot get rid of it until he transforms himself. Paradoxically, when the Pluto area is healed and loses its hold over you, it becomes an area where you can apply significant amounts of creative energy.

A person with a difficult situation can be a Scorpio in the relevant area of ​​​​life, injecting poison into others - usually secretly, from around the corner. I call this syndrome the “vengeful victim,” meaning a person who has been wronged and feels a sense of revenge by inflicting that injustice on others. A person with the Moon in Scorpio, for example, may feel very hurt by his mother, and as a result feels relieved to take out his anger on any woman who comes along. Not all of us are vindictive victims, of course, but many of us like to play the victim at times, and if there are difficulties in areas of your life under the influence of Pluto, then perhaps this model works for you to some extent.

There may be a deep, dark secret in the Pluto area of ​​your life, leaving you feeling like you are unable to be open with others. Readers may be relieved to know that we will not discuss the sexual aspects of various positions. So often the deep, dark secret is sexual. But in reality it has nothing to do with sex. When sexual difficulty or sexual obsession arises, the real cause is often energy. Critical issues such as betrayal, separation, guilt and resentment can be manifestations of the same energy as sexuality.

How to use interpretations

In the following interpretations it is considered in various and in some signs. The interpretations are arranged in house order, with similar positions grouped together. For example, Pluto in the third house is grouped with aspects between Pluto and Mercury, as well as Mercury in Scorpio, since they all have similar manifestations. No aspect is similar to the other, but there are similarities that can help an astrologer find similar themes. For example, in each combination, the concerns of Mercury are combined with the concerns of Pluto, which gives some commonality of themes. If one of the combinations is noticeably different from the others or has important individual features, it will be considered separately. Since I do not adhere to the traditionally attributed leadership of Taurus and Mercury to Virgo to Venus, these points are omitted.The strength of grouped combinations is not the same. The approximate order is:

  • Pluto is in tense aspect to the planet.
  • Pluto in the house.
  • Planet in Scorpio.
  • Scorpio planets in the house.
  • Scorpio on the house cusp.
  • Pluto in the sign.

Apart from Pluto's placement in the first house, the placement of individual interpretations corresponds to their approximate strength as I have assessed it, which may vary at times. Mainly tense ones ( , ) are considered. Sometimes even a trine from Pluto can give you some of the tendencies described. - the most powerful of all, and the influence can be practically neglected. Not given, but planets and signs in the eighth may have a similar influence.

Interpretations of Pluto's positions

Pluto in the first house

This is a difficult position, especially when Pluto is close to or aspects the Ascendant. The struggle of energies can be manifested in their physical appearance. These people manage to look completely different, stand out from the general environment - for example, they wear black leather jackets, sexually provocative clothing, have weight problems or a gloomy, dejected appearance. You can almost hear them telling their parents, "You can't control how I look." Since the first house is one of the houses of health, this case is especially important for working on feelings of guilt, since over the years this energy can develop into serious physical problems.

Plutonians have the ability to alienate others as they can walk around with a defiant air and exude indignation. They can strictly control their outer expression, not trusting the world with any important information and always looking at everything with a critical eye. Being angry or offended, they withdraw into loneliness. In relationships, they may do too much for others, or they may bind others to themselves in a symbiotic relationship. If this fails, the result is isolation. The reason for this lack of trust may be a past experience of betrayal, abandonment, someone's death, or other difficult family conditions (the first house speaks of defense mechanisms that we have developed as a result of family environment and other events in childhood).

This is a powerful position if used constructively, as such people can have a huge impact on their environment. If they master the use of energy, their impact on others will be very great. This is one of the hallmarks of a healer or psychotherapist, because such people can look straight to the root of the problem and give other people the ability to heal themselves. They may also be mediums consciously or not.

Pluto in the second house

(Scorpio planets in the second house, Scorpio in the second house)

The battle of forces may focus on money, which is without a doubt an important topic for parents. When a parent gave something to a child, they had a lot of control over the child, so there was resentment attached to the “giving”: there was a rope attached to the handout, keeping the child close to dependence. As a result, these Plutonians do not differentiate between money and control, and may either have a lot of money or none at all.

Some people seem to fail out of luck and experience chronic financial difficulties. This can happen if the parents predicted to the child that he would never achieve anything in the field of finance. There may be a strong resentment towards people who have money (one client calls rich people “philistines”). Some people rebel against any means of making money, confusing management in the process with control. The resentment they experience over money and control throughout their lives can poison any attempt to become financially solvent.

Poverty itself can become a controlling mechanism in relationships. This means that such people can form symbiotic bonds with those who “help” them, forming a dependency in order to control or avoid being rejected. Words about lack of money end any sentence for them; this is their trump card (“I can’t do what you want because I don’t have money”). Sexuality may play a role here, but then both parties become indignant at having to pay in this way. Instead of developing a dependence on a particular person, the second house Plutonian may resort to government assistance, perhaps with an underlying pleasure in "taking back from the government." Resentment towards those with money may also lead less ethical individuals in this position to “borrow” money or goods from an employer who is then seen as corrupt and exploitative.

The other side of the coin can be seen in individuals who earn a decent amount of money, but do it for the sake of establishing control in relationships or over the environment. These Plutonians are "helpers" associated with people who cannot do without their financial help. This would seem to give the second house Plutonian a better position in relationships (since he who pays calls the tune) and also creates the feeling that he cannot be rejected because others need him so much. But eventually they become disgusted with earning money for these purposes, resulting in neither relationships nor work being successful. Resentment poisons all their efforts, and they do not earn as much as they could, nor do they feel loved.

If you put the keywords for and for next to each other, you get “earning power,” which is a constructive interpretation of this statement. People with Pluto in the second house who work to rid themselves of negative Plutonic tendencies, i.e. resentment, anger, guilt, power struggles and financial-based management, can achieve incredible success. They can literally be money magnets, wizards who can turn resources into wealth. But to achieve success, you must stop failing to spite others.

Tense aspects of Pluto with Mars

Anger is very difficult to express and is held under pressure until it becomes a pervasive resentment and dejection, because these people feel that anger has the power to destroy, even kill. There could have been some kind of strong trauma, or perhaps there were strong, not clearly expressed, but strong grievances in childhood, some kind of hidden threat. At the very least, there is a belief that anger can destroy relationships, or open conflict can lead to abandonment. Since the power of anger is exaggerated, these people control it at any cost, and at the same time do not part with it. Others sense malice and dishonesty on their part, and may in turn become offended; in the end, people and Pluto may begin to be bypassed, which is exactly what they are afraid of. If Mars and Pluto people learn to deal with anger, they become able to heal long-term grievances, putting the released energy to great benefit. The controlled use of this energy gives extraordinary powers of concentration. This energy can also be used for healing or other amazing things.

Pluto in the third house

These people believe that words have the power to destroy. They are extremely careful about what they say, lest they give away any information that others could use to harm them or control them. Such conditions arise if at least one of the family members had a black belt in language karate - a sarcastic, caustic person whom the child did not have the strength to resist. It could well have been a brother or sister—probably an older one—who was so superior in strength that the Plutonian had learned to keep his mouth shut.

As adults, third house Plutonians may either fear verbal abuse or be verbally intemperate and sarcastic, believing that the best defense is offense. Another possibility is that words may be the focus of a power struggle - until they have had their say, they have the upper hand. In relationships, they can do without communication. As subordinates, they may withhold documents or other important information. As students, they will not look at notes and ask for additions. Words can also be used to manipulate, and with great effectiveness.

People who use this position constructively are receptive and deep in their thinking and communication. They are gifted with the ability to see other people's motivations and can penetrate deeply into any problem. They can use words to heal, going straight to the heart of the issue. They are excellent analytical writers and teachers. Instead of manipulating, they can use words to influence others and inspire them to do good deeds.

Pluto in the fourth house

This is a very Plutonic personality, especially when Pluto is near the cusp. One of the parents, most likely the mother, was a powerful person, seeking to impose his opinion and control others. If one of the parents openly dominated, then the other could manipulate the child more subtly: “You and I stand together against this monster.” Often there is strong but not overtly expressed resentment in the home, especially regarding the needs of the child or the need to care for him. Sometimes the grandmother has enormous influence - she is like the matriarch of the family. There could be a real loss, such as the death of a parent, or there could be a constant threat of abandonment if the child does not behave well. Perhaps, near the time of the birth of the child, someone's death was mourned, so the mother was in a sad mood and could not give much to the child.

If a man has or has an aspect between the Moon and Pluto, he may have difficulty trusting women; there may be resentment towards them or a desire to manipulate them in order to make women symbiotically dependent and thereby avoid rejection. A parent with this placement may resent having to care for the child, while at the same time overcompensating or symbiotically bonding with the child by doing too much for him. A parent may hold onto a child as if it were a matter of life and death, feeling that at least in this relationship he will not be rejected. Conversely, the scars left by a lack of love and care in childhood can be so deep that a person decides never to become a parent.

When a person with Pluto or Scorpio in the fourth house becomes an adult, his house can become a battleground for the struggle of forces; or, in order to avoid repeating what happened in the parental family, he decides to live alone. It can be difficult to live alone unless that person has absolute control over the situation. He says: “My home is my castle, my secret refuge, and I cannot bear to share it with anyone.” It is significant that people with this placement have a need for privacy and solitude, and even if they live with others, they need to be alone for some time.

Pluto in the fifth house

Those who have Pluto or planets in Scorpio in the fifth house - at least among representatives of older generations - often experience a situation of forced marriage due to pregnancy. And even among married people, pregnancy can be used as a means to exert control in the relationship—for example, to ensure that the spouse will not leave. Since this is not the most successful way of management, such people often end up taking it out on the child for the fact that he was not the root cause of his birth - either rejecting him or pampering him. Children born under such circumstances who were not wanted very often become offspring: the parents invest excess energy in the child and indulge him too much because of their feelings of guilt. These children resent how they are used and learn early to manipulate and maneuver between their parents. Children can also be seen as a means of exercising power, or as evidence to one parent that he or she will never be alone - the relationship then becomes symbiotic (Cancer ascendant often has Scorpio in the fifth house, so this placement helps explain Cancer's overwhelming love).

On the other hand, people with this position may give up the idea of ​​having children altogether. If a child is rejected by his parents, he grows up to become fearful or prejudiced against the demands that his own children may make. He is afraid that parenthood will take precedence over the rest of his life and leave him nothing for himself. In addition, parenthood is an undesirable consumer of energy. And childlessness can be a kind of revenge - either on a spouse. or parents - refusal to grant them immortality.

When Pluto is in the fifth house or accentuated in Leo, one parent may reverence the child's creativity and see it as a means to wealth and power. Having overdone it, he can go too far, and then talent becomes the focus of the struggle of forces. This happened to many people with Pluto in Leo - after all, this was the first generation with enough free time and resources to develop the creative inclinations in all of us. Talent can be the focus of many battles, especially for those who think that love is the force that transforms a person and awakens the genius in him. Love and transformation are inseparable for people with one of these combinations. “Let me love you so that I can exalt you in my eyes.” Or vice versa. To better understand the romance of this placement, read the descriptions of Pluto in the seventh and eighth houses, as they are similar.

Tense aspects of Pluto to the Sun

(To a lesser extent. If Pluto is accentuated in Leo, you may also notice some of these manifestations).

There is some kind of authority figure present here - usually a father of the plutonic type, often a brutal tyrant. Because of his bossiness and selfishness, he cannot afford to praise his child, as if everything the child does well diminishes his dignity, and everything the child does poorly casts a shadow on him. You won't achieve much with a father like that.

When used negatively, this position results in a combination of Leo's selfishness, need for attention, and Scorpio's willpower. These people cannot imagine themselves without representing something of themselves. If they have no influence in their world, they may develop self-loathing and can sometimes be ruthless or use questionable tactics to prove their worth. With the tendency towards extremes characteristic of Scorpio and Pluto, such people believe that if they are not someone, then they are no one, and life has no value. They hurt people in the spotlight and jump into battle when their ego is threatened. If they cannot expend their energy in battle, their self-hatred increases.

Paradoxically, when these people gain the ability to let go of the desire to be the center of attention, when power becomes less important to them, they actually become very powerful in good causes. The source of energy is their endless ingenuity, radiating from the very center of their being, the never-failing light of their inner Sun. Sun and Pluto shows the potential to transform one's self. If something needs to be worked out, these people will not give up until they get it done. When they heal themselves, they will automatically have the ability to heal other people with similar problems.

Pluto in the sixth house

This placement often indicates people who are obsessed with work to the point that they become workaholics. These people serve, but do not tolerate the position of servants; they work insatiably, but do not tolerate work that is too hard. Such people believe that work is their own path to power, and indeed quietly gain influence, becoming absolutely necessary. Since this desire for power is easily noticed by both the boss and employees, these people are not trusted. Power struggles bring resentment and revenge into relationships with employees, as a result of which such people have to quit one job after another, and not in the best situations.

The sixth house is another house of health, so natal or transit Pluto here indicates the possibility of illness due to accumulated grievances. Illness may be the only means available to end the insatiable busyness of work. If it was not possible to gain power through work, the sixth house Plutonian can control others through illness - become an invalid, around whom everyone will run. A symbiosis is guaranteed: someone must take care of it. Most people are unable to leave a disabled person - they are tormented by feelings of guilt.

Used constructively, this statement refers to people who continually transform themselves through work, understanding that work and relationships at work are a microcosm of the whole of life. Any situation that arises at work can be used as a means to help us deal with parts of ourselves that need to change. Work can be a powerful means of transforming lives, and these people, through their work, can become powerful transformers themselves. This is another manifestation of the ability to heal, sometimes developed as a result of illness.

Love can become an obsession when a person seeks an inseparable merger with his beloved. Issues of ownership, resentment, guilt and power struggles can cause a nuclear reaction. If all this pushes away a loved one, the Plutonian may withdraw into isolation, deciding to no longer have any relationships at all. Some may continue to retain in their memory the connection with the last partner who badmouthed them, and the memory haunts them. Others may decide to stay single because this type of person equates love with controlling another person, and they want nothing to do with that.

For many people with this position, love becomes synonymous with control even in childhood: if they did not submit to the authority of their parents, they risked being denied love and approval. Perhaps there was a real loss or death, which instilled in them the fear of losing love, so they tenaciously cling to their partner, trying to become absolutely necessary. There could be a symbiotic relationship with one of the parents, like those described for Pluto in the fourth house: you and I are together against this monster (to some extent, this model may be valid for the position of Pluto in other houses of relationships - the fifth and eighth ).

If Scorpio is in the tenth house and Pluto is in the seventh, this may indicate a parent who is too restrictive or who has seriously abused the child's trust. Sometimes the opposite-sex parent is so dominant, oppressive, or seductive that the situation causes fear of intimate relationships (in this case, the relationship often changes for the better after the death of such a parent).

Another model confuses relationship with transformation. These Plutonians may fall in love to make the loved one superior, while the loved one himself may resent both the insistence on change and the implied inequality in the relationship. A struggle of forces may arise, which will ultimately lead to a rupture. The “patient” may, out of spite, become even worse. Or the Plutonian himself may become such a patient and fall in love with a powerful mentor.

If this position is used constructively, relationships can become an arena of transformation for both the person and his partner. To become whole, these people may be forced to go through pain and resentment, which intensifies with each new love, until they learn to free themselves from them and forgive. When these people heal the difficulties in their relationships and learn to let go of problems, this situation can make them good counselors, especially in matters of marriage, able to give advice and have the ability to love as a healing force.

Pluto in the eighth house

Sex is a difficult topic for people with this placement. They have mentally conditioned themselves to attach great power to it, so it becomes frightening (our culture has given us all the idea of ​​the exaggerated power of sex, but eighth house Plutonians take this idea to the extreme).

These people may feel that once they begin a sexual relationship, their partner begins to control them. As a result, they will think twice before going for it; at the same time, they are passionate people and it is difficult for us to avoid what pulls them so powerfully. They may strive at any cost to play the main role in sexual relationships. Allowing or withholding sex becomes a means of control, and the bed can become a battleground where other aspects of power in the relationship or in the outside world come to the surface. If resentment and mistrust build up in a relationship, this can cool sexuality, and even after the end of a difficult relationship, this type of person may remain in a “frozen” state, unwilling to open up to anything new. In this situation, some deep, dark secret may play a big role.

The eighth house is also the house of money, so patterns similar to those described for Pluto in the second house can operate. Dividing funds is never easy for such people; this is an area where there can be a fair amount of mistrust and a pressing need to assert control. Entering into inheritance law or a similar unhappy procedure can turn into a brutal battle.

Death is also an important issue here, which frightens and fascinates. Perhaps the child lived in an environment where there was a lot of death around, or even more difficult - there was a constant threat of death, which is much more difficult to cope with. Maybe the father had a bad heart and the family was constantly on guard. This Plutonian type may have an intense fear of death and live with the constant thought that he could die at any minute.

The constructive use of this position gives the abilities of the healer and, possibly, the medium, a tremendous ability to restore the strength of oneself and other people. When sex is freed from heavy emotional overtones, it can become an important means of rejuvenation and restoration. When money is no longer a source of conflict, it may indicate a good ability to earn it or the ability to inspire others to success.

Pluto in the ninth house

This placement indicates a deep, analytical mind, although such a person may have difficulty obtaining higher education. This type of person cannot accept that succeeding means getting a diploma, because to do so is to confirm the victory of their parents. Many of them study at a university, but then for some reason do not finish the last semester, last year, or even just do not complete their thesis. This is a harsh revenge that drives parents crazy, who so wanted their child to have an education, believing that this is the magic key to all doors.

This situation can be seen as a “failure out of spite” because these people themselves believe that education is a powerful factor that transforms life, and that without it they will not achieve anything. indicates in which area of ​​life a person invests excess energy, as if “fastening” himself to it - and does not experience satisfaction, regardless of whether he achieves something or not. And grievances can be taken out on society. One highly intelligent man in such a position, who had only one course left to complete to receive the coveted diploma, expressed to me his resentment towards society. I shocked him by saying, “You know what? Society doesn't care whether you complete your education or not! Society doesn't even know you exist! Only you need education.” Amazed by the simplicity of this idea, thanks to such deliberate shock therapy, he continued his education and finally received a diploma.

When people are working through grievances that stand in their way, Pluto in the ninth house can be an excellent placement. These people are natural scientists and explorers and can derive great satisfaction from self-study. They can also be powerful teachers, capable of grasping the very essence of abstract disciplines, using the power of their minds to free others from the bondage of ignorance. Knowledge truly is power, and the right use of knowledge can transform the world.

Pluto in the tenth house

(Pluto in a tense aspect to Meridian, Pluto with Saturn, Meridian in Scorpio, Scorpio planets in, sometimes accentuated Saturn in Scorpio).

This situation indicates a very complex relationship with authorities; most likely, one of the parents oppressed, controlled the child, and maybe even abused. As a result, the child developed a deep-rooted resentment towards people in power (and perhaps towards the whole world) and a decision to never be subordinate to anyone. In addition, these people are very success-oriented, and it is difficult for them to succeed because they always start a fight with the authorities. And usually they end up harming themselves with their scorpion sting.

Parents with this position, being unable to exercise their power in the world, can take out their need to rule on their children, essentially repeating what they did to them. Pluto in the tenth house indicates a critical, highly ambitious parent who expects nothing less than BIG success and is never satisfied with the child's small successes. This Plutonian may often hear his parents curse, “You will never amount to anything!”, and he may go through many humiliating public failures to confirm this opinion of him. The depth and intensity of this game of “failure out of spite” is very serious!

Such people may stubbornly resist healing because any healing somehow puts a person under someone else's power. It's probably best to do it yourself. Success in healing is quite possible - and they will definitely be healed in the process of practicing. People who have managed to free themselves from the negative manifestations of this situation, who have managed to handle uncontaminated energy, can have a strong impact on the world, healing and transforming it.

Pluto in the eleventh house

Here the obsession is not an overbearing parent, but a group of peers, to which these people so wanted to belong as teenagers, but still could not break into it. For some, the price of belonging was sex. Others preferred isolation rather than submit to the control of the group - after all, teenagers demand more obedience than any parents. Resentment toward what happened at school can affect how an adult defines his or her belonging. The struggle of forces can affect friendship, which can be reduced to the level of possession, symbiosis, so often identified with influence. Others may remain isolated even as adults because they find it difficult to trust anyone. Participation in various groups can also be difficult because these people view any form of organization as a means of exercising power.

Group therapy or self-help groups can bring about qualitative changes in attitudes towards alienation. If issues of trust and resentment are worked through, the ability to be a powerful group leader may emerge. These people may be involved in groups that have as their goals social reform, environmental control, or healing. Friendship can be an area where these people experience transformation, as connecting with other Plutonians who aren't afraid of intensity can lead to mutual healing.

Pluto in the twelfth house

Suppressing emotions can cause self-destructive behavior or physical illness as it is one of the houses of health. Here, illness can serve as a means of isolating these people from a world that seems too powerful, too dangerous and too untrustworthy. Illness can be a means of controlling others, and this is also true for emotional illnesses in the twelfth house. Have you ever tiptoed around someone who is chronically depressed and felt like they were controlling you through their perceived weakness? Drug addiction, another manifestation of the twelfth house, can also be used to manage emotions and as a means of keeping others in check.

These people can suppress their desire for power, and at the same time control other people in circuitous ways that they themselves do not understand well. For example, the role of a helpless victim serves as a cover for the desire for power - have you ever had to “rescue” the poor guy who then took over your whole life and all your energy? Then you have no doubt realized that being a victim comes with great power. (Please understand that there are true sufferers - we are now talking about false sufferers, those who do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of such a situation, believing that their suffering is some kind of moral victory). Unconscious fascination with power can also lead to contacts with mysterious personalities, negative psychic phenomena and all sorts of disgusting situations where power is used for dark purposes. Healing deep-seated grievances can go a long way: it requires raising this situation from a negative manifestation to a constructive one. In a house of secrets, it becomes even more likely that there is some deep, dark secret that, when uncovered through the right therapeutic method, can free you from its influence.

The constructive use of this position is the ability it gives to penetrate into the unconscious and heal deep-rooted emotional problems. For example, this situation is often found among people working in the field of mental health. It is also known that people who suffered from drug addiction and found the strength to end it are better able than anyone else to help other drug addicts. This position also gives mediumship and psychic abilities; the study of dreams can also be very useful here. Another important way to use it is for spiritual healing.

Excerpt from Donna Cunningham’s book “Healing Pluto’s Problems” Translation by A. Kolesnikov, 1989