Why is a hangover bad and what to do about it. Severe hangover - what to do? The sun feels bad, like a hangover

And only in the morning, when you wake up in a cold sweat and there is one question in your head: what to do - a severe hangover? Where to look for help? In my head there are traditional healers, brine and pharmaceutical drugs that can only aggravate the situation. Today there is no point in reading forums or listening to advice from experienced alcoholics about what to do if you have a hangover and how to make it go away.

Very bad hangover? Don't know what to do?

completely anonymous service with home visits

Nausea with a hangover: what to do?

Nausea - this is your reaction to alcohol poisoning - don’t worry too much, this is a normal phenomenon and means the body is fighting. If nausea with hangover the only symptom, then there is no reason to worry, although if you have concerns and your health worsens, then consult a narcologist.

  1. Drink more water, preferably mineral water
  2. Hot broth
  3. Green tea with lemon
  4. Contrast shower and if you get a dream
  5. Try to induce vomiting and empty your stomach

Additional signs of serious poisoning

in which to refuse specialized help

  1. My heart is beating with a severe hangover - what to do? Count how many beats per minute and if more than 90, then call for help immediately. Tachycardia during a hangover is very dangerous. Taking any medications without a doctor's prescription is strictly prohibited. Once again we urge you not to self-medicate with information from forums and advice from alcoholics. Self-medication leads to great troubles and even death.
  2. Shaking with a hangover - what to do? The answer is simple: stop drinking, since you cannot recover on your own, your vital organs are pretty tired and after the tremor more serious problems will come. Although shaking is already a serious indicator of anxiety. Then there is a violation of movement coordination. Without contacting a narcologist, you can try walks, sweets or seafood. Health care providers may prescribe antidepressants to help relieve peripheral neuropathic pain.
  3. Hangover on the second day - what to do? There are not many options here and there are three factors in which you must change your attitude towards alcohol, otherwise things will get worse: You drank a lot and didn’t think about how much, it’s fake alcohol, your body can’t tolerate alcohol, or alcohol becomes a poison for you - we can say that alcohol appears allergy. The body cannot recover; vital organs are worn out. The best solution is one that will approach your problem professionally.
  4. Hangover pressure - what to do? The reason is naturally alcohol. It’s very strange, because if an alcoholic has already experienced the pain of a hangover more than once and has repeatedly vowed to quit drinking, then he again takes up the glass and asks the standard question “what to do with a hangover?” We will answer directly - you need to get treatment and learn to live soberly. While your heart is still beating, call a doctor. If you have high blood pressure, smoking is strictly prohibited. Nicotine constricts blood vessels and your condition will worsen. A hangover can make you feel dizzy; depression and anxiety are also one of the symptoms. Trust your health to professionals and think about a sober life - it’s better to do this with helpers (a narcologist is the first stage of treatment, and a psychologist is the second and an obligatory support group of relatives and people who have dealt with the problem and are now living sober)

We are ready to provide consultation for relatives of an alcoholic

and teach them: what to do, how to treat and where to treat

and most importantly, how not to cause harm

What to do if you have a hangover at home?

If you read the article carefully, you probably already realized that Hangovers are no joke. Home treatment for a hangover is not something you can do on your own. The best decision is to use

The hangover condition is familiar to every person who drinks alcohol. It happens different for everyone. It depends on age, quality and quantity of drinks, period of alcohol consumption. The only way to avoid morning discomfort is to give up alcohol altogether.

But if you still had to drink, and in the morning you feel bad from a hangover, then the first thing you need to do is neutralize the toxic substances of alcohol in the body. This can be done biochemically (using honey and fermented milk products) or physical (enema, sorbents). To reduce swelling, normal fluid distribution must be restored. This can be achieved by drinking large amounts of water in combination with diuretics. In case of nervous system disorder, you can use special-purpose drugs or natural sedatives.

The most typical symptoms of a hangover

  • Anxiety and feeling of fear.
    When poisoned, the nervous system receives great stress, hence inexplicable fear and anxiety;
  • Loss of strength.
    Alcohol breakdown products accumulate in the muscles, which provokes increased work of internal organs;
  • Muscle cramps.
    When the nervous system is damaged by toxins, improper distribution of nerve impulses in the muscles occurs. This condition is usually observed with a hangover in chronic alcoholics after a prolonged binge;
  • Headache.
    Drinking drinks with a high alcohol content leads to dehydration and partial death of brain cells, which causes migraines;
  • Nausea.
    Poisoning with toxic substances causes nausea. The body makes attempts to empty the stomach of its contents;
  • Dehydration.
    This happens because alcohol is the best diuretic that exists.

Why is a hangover bad?

Some aspects of the effects of alcohol:

  • Fluid imbalance.
    The body usually contains a lot of water. With a hangover, absolute dehydration does not occur, but the volume of circulating blood becomes insufficient;
  • Poisoning.
    When alcohol breaks down, a toxic substance (acetaldehyde) is released. When exposed to it, other toxins appear;
  • Sleep disturbance.
    A person will not get enough sleep and rest if he goes to bed drunk. Since alcohol slows down the onset of REM sleep;
  • Decreased metabolism.
    During alcohol intoxication and poisoning, the body consumes a lot of vitamins and microelements. Chronic alcoholics have an acute shortage of them;
  • Effect on brain cells.
    The nervous system becomes very sensitive due to the chemical effects of alcohols and acetaldehyde. Even natural sounds and light from a hangover cause irritation and pain;
  • Violation of acid-base balance.
    Nausea and rapid breathing are caused by acidic breakdown products of alcohol (acetic acid, acetaldehyde, lactic acid).

I have a bad hangover, what should I do?

There are no quick cures for hangovers. It will take about 12 hours for the body to fully recover. But there are some recommendations that will help ease its course:

  • You should drink plenty of fluids (mineral water, juices, compotes).
    Such drinks will replenish the deficiency of minerals and vitamins and prevent dehydration;
  • You need to get a good night's sleep.
    The best cure for a hangover is sleep. The body actively resists alcohol poisoning only during sleep;

  • If you have a hangover, taking activated carbon will prevent further poisoning of the body and neutralize toxic substances;
  • Aspirin.
    For irritability and severe headaches, you should take an aspirin tablet, but only if there are no stomach problems;
  • Take a light tonic shower.
    Drops of sweat release toxins onto the skin. Water at room temperature will not only wash them away, but will also allow the skin to better absorb oxygen;
  • Eat a dish rich in proteins and amino acids (soups, borscht, scrambled eggs).
    The liver is the filter of our body. In order for it to begin to function normally, such substances are necessary;
  • Take a breath of fresh air or ventilate the room, as the metabolic process is facilitated by ventilation of the lungs.

A severe hangover is the body’s reaction to ethyl alcohol poisoning. It often develops with the abuse of strong drinks as a result of intoxication with ethanol decomposition products, such as acetaldehyde. Pharmacological medications and home therapies will help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover.

Causes of hangover

Alcohol intoxication or hangover develops as a result of the negative influence of several factors:

  1. The accumulation of toxic substances in tissues, a decrease in the rate of oxidative reactions, which enhances the picture of a hangover.
  2. The presence of additional components in drinks that adversely affect the body.
  3. Electrolyte imbalance. At the same time, against the background of general swelling, the volume of circulating blood decreases, which becomes a provocateur of dryness during a hangover.
  4. As a result of the body's struggle with alcohol, a deficiency of nutrients, microelements and vitamin complexes occurs.
  5. When alcohol decomposes, ingredients with an acidic environment are obtained - acetic and lactic acids, acetaldehyde, which leads to acidosis.
  6. A hangover also has a negative impact on brain cells. The organ practically does not rest even after falling asleep, since there are no REM sleep phases.

The pathogenesis of a hangover is due to the need to decompose acetaldehyde and other toxic components. Neutralization of the toxin occurs in the liver using a special enzyme - aldehyde dehydrogenase. Alcoholism leads to dysfunction of the organ; the necessary enzyme is not produced in sufficient quantities, which is why a very severe hangover is observed. It is not necessary to drink alcohol in large quantities. A severe hangover is guaranteed even with a small portion of a strong drink.

Signs and clinical picture

Hangover syndrome is accompanied by several pronounced symptoms:

  1. A terrible headache caused by vasodilation.
  2. Nausea and vomiting, dizziness during a hangover, resulting from the negative effects of alcohol on the cerebellum.
  3. A decrease in the concentration of antidiuretic hormone, which provides increased urination and a feeling of thirst.

Along with such symptoms of a hangover, slight memory loss, a state of weakness, mental discomfort, and irritability are likely. Systematic consumption of alcohol leads to addiction and an increased hangover.

What to do if you have a bad hangover

If you are very sick after a binge, you can improve your health at home by resorting to simple anti-hangover measures. For example, drink more water to restore the water-salt balance, cleanse the body of toxic alcohol compounds with a sorbent. You can help yourself with a hangover by taking a walk.

Among the ways to eliminate a hangover are prolonged sleep, a warm shower, and a special diet. For example, fish soup, a salad made from fresh tomatoes, and a glass of tomato juice help restore metabolic processes after drinking alcohol. It is recommended to drink kefir or fermented baked milk if you have a hangover. It is better not to drink coffee or tea in the morning. When a person suffers from a severe hangover, it is advisable to take a day off on a working day in advance.

Hangovers are often treated with pharmacological agents. But in this case, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications so as not to worsen the painful condition. With severe hangover symptoms, independent use of drugs is associated with risks of side effects and death.

Helping ourselves with drugs

To eliminate anxiety and insomnia during a hangover, it is recommended to take tinctures and tablets containing motherwort and valerian. Treatment of neurological disorders is carried out with medications such as Glycine, Mexidol, Grandaxin, Novo-passit.

If there is a slight increase in blood pressure, magnesium sulfate will help with a hangover. But if there is a serious jump in blood pressure, it is advisable not to resort to home treatment, but to call an ambulance. Otherwise, with a hangover, there is a high risk of hypertensive crisis, stroke, myocardial infarction, which, if left untreated, cause death.

When tachycardia is noted against the background of a hangover, drink potassium chloride diluted with water, and an hour later additionally consume dissolved magnesium. With a slight increase in heart rate, the use of sedatives on a natural basis will be sufficient.

In the case of tremors in the form of slight chills, you don’t have to worry about reducing symptoms - as soon as the body is cleansed of harmful substances, the sign of a hangover will disappear. Tremors with a high range of motion can be eliminated with the help of antidepressants, vitamin B6, and non-alcoholic energy drinks. Aspirin is traditionally used to eliminate headaches and swelling during a hangover. It is incompatible with ethanol, so you should take the tablets no earlier than 6 hours after taking the strong drink.

Cleansing from ethanol breakdown products during a hangover is achieved by taking sorbents - Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb. It should be taken into account that these medications cannot be used in combination with others; you should pause for 1.5 hours.

Succinic acid helps speed up metabolic processes during a hangover. But it is undesirable to use it for gastritis and peptic ulcers. If there are no kidney stones, it is easy to remove severe swelling with Veroshpiron. But it is better to observe moderation when drinking, without exposing your body to the risk of a hangover.

It is worth paying attention to complex medicines that help with a hangover:

  • Korrda;
  • Stand up;
  • Alco-Buffer;
  • DrinkOFF;
  • Antipohmelin;
  • Guten Morgen.

The drugs normalize liver function, make metabolic processes active, and quickly eliminate hangover symptoms. But in order to avoid the characteristic clinical picture, it is recommended to take them both before and after drinking. To choose the best option for a hangover, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Remove toxins

Eliminating toxins from the body will eliminate the signs of a hangover. Activated carbon is used independently to bind harmful substances. For a hangover, take 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. Modern sorbents in the form of powder and gel have proven themselves well - they have a gentler effect on the gastrointestinal tract and absorb toxic compounds more effectively. Before using the remedy for a hangover, it is advisable to cleanse the stomach using warm water or a weak solution of manganese for rinsing.

If there are no adsorbents in the house, cleansing is performed using folk recipes. You need to stock up on fresh tomato juice in advance, to which you add a pinch of salt and ground black pepper. Take the hangover cocktail slowly, in small sips, prolonging the pleasure.

Eliminate headaches

Aspirin, Asparkam, Pantogam, Mexidol, Panangin will help relieve the condition after a hangover. To get the maximum effect, use the drugs after the complete disappearance of nausea and vomiting. A positive result is also ensured by the use of diuretics, since tissue swelling provokes compression of the nerve endings in the brain tissue.

Traditional recipes for a severe hangover

There are several methods that have proven effective for hangovers that are worth taking note. However, using only traditional recipes for a severe hangover will not help. Doctors advise using them as an additional therapy against the background of drug treatment.

Combine 1 glass of orange juice with the pulp and zest of 1 lemon. Add 100 g of natural honey to the drink. Beat thoroughly and add 1 egg white. Continue stirring until the volume increases. Drink for a hangover after cleansing the stomach.

After excessive alcohol consumption, finely chopped white cabbage will help improve your health. The ingredient is kneaded with your hands and seasoned with kefir or any other fermented milk product, such as yogurt or fermented baked milk. It works as well for a hangover as a traditional fermented snack.

Oatmeal helps relieve a hangover. They are filled with fermented baked milk or kefir and left to swell for a couple of hours. Salt, sugar and lemon juice are added to the finished “porridge” to taste. This dish guarantees quick cleansing of toxic substances and restores normal stomach acidity.

Alcohol is known to cause vitamin B1 deficiency. But this ingredient is present in large quantities in green tea. Therefore, if you have a hangover, it is recommended to drink the drink throughout the day. To enhance effectiveness, it is allowed to add sedative herbs and infusions of plants that have an analgesic effect to the composition.

How to avoid a bad hangover

You can prevent a hangover by practicing the step-by-step scheme:

  1. 2 days before the expected fun, eat more seafood.
  2. About a day in advance, drink 0.3–0.5 g of acetylsalicylic acid - Aspirin, Upsarin.
  3. Before drinking, have a bowel movement, take vitamin B6 and a choleretic drug.
  4. Immediately before drinking alcohol, swallow Glutarin, Succinic acid or Mezim.
  5. Don't skip the snack.

To prevent a hangover from developing, Mezim is taken again after the party. An hour later, they visit the toilet and empty their bowels. If possible, a warm shower or vigorous exercise is recommended. Gymnastics lasts 30–40 minutes. Then they go to bed. To avoid a hangover, a sound sleep of 8–9 hours is recommended.

Consequences of the condition

A hangover is dangerous due to complications on the body. For example, with diabetes, alcohol abuse can lead to coma. If you have hypertension or atherosclerosis, the risks of heart attack and stroke increase. Any chronic disease can go into an acute phase as a result of a decrease in immune defense and disruption of the neuroendocrine balance during a hangover.

Frequent hangovers provoke liver and kidney failure, the treatment of which lasts a long time and is not always successful. Therefore, if the signs of illness worsen due to a hangover, you should immediately seek medical help and not practice self-treatment.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcohol

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“I usually feel very bad with a hangover, what should I do if this happens?” Desperate people who have no experience in preventing a hangover in advance or curing a hangover based on a specific system of measures often turn to specialists with a similar question. However, the very desire to get an answer already inspires hope: it means that a person is still at the initial stage of a precarious path leading to the abyss of alcoholism, although associated with the concept of “hangover”.

Let us immediately note that in response to the complaint “I feel bad with a hangover,” we can give the only comprehensive recommendation that allows you to completely get rid of the problem that has arisen: while you still have the courage not to ask in a panic: “I feel bad with a hangover, what to do!”, stop drink alcohol even in small doses! A hangover is a painful condition, both in the physical and spiritual sense, because the lowly companion of depressed well-being and leaving much to be desired in appearance is always moral suffering, prompting you to gloomily admit, if not to your loved ones, then to yourself: “I always feel very bad with a hangover.” ..."

Those (and, alas, there are many of them) who are unable or simply do not want to immediately become an absolute abstainer, so that the sacramental question “I feel very bad from a hangover, what should I do?” has completely lost its relevance, they will certainly find themselves face to face with a situation where a hangover after a drunken feast makes itself felt in its most unpleasant forms. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to answer the question “I feel very bad from a hangover, what should I do…” with a single comprehensive phrase: a systemic set of special measures is needed to prevent a hangover, or to consistently, step by step, treat the hangover that has occurred.

What to do if you have a very bad hangover

The general method of getting rid of a hangover is implemented in two main ways. The first of them is preventive, which is to minimize the possibility of a hangover even before drinking alcohol, during a feast or immediately after it. The second way is to treat the symptoms of an already existing condition, known as a morning hangover, which, depending on the dose of strong drinks taken the day before, can last all day or even longer, gradually losing intensity.

  1. Minimizing hangovers

    The most important measures to limit hangovers are:

    • alcoholic “hardening” several hours before the feast;
    • blocking alcohol entering the LCD with sorbents;
    • drinking only one type of alcohol, preferably good vodka;
    • if this principle is not observed, drink drinks of increasing strength;
    • eating fatty foods during a feast;
    • stimulation of the gag reflex immediately upon returning home;
    • drinking as many alcohol-free drinks as possible during and after the feast;
    • taking the Morning care herbal drink.

    A detailed description of hangover prevention measures is presented in the article How to rid yourself of a hangover.

  2. Treatment of hangover symptoms

    The most unpleasant symptoms of a hangover are:

    • a state of general weakness, characterized by the complaint: “I feel very bad from a hangover, what should I do?”;
    • headache due to a hangover;
    • vomiting and diarrhea caused by the phrase “very bad with a hangover”;
    • severe manifestations of thirst during a hangover;
    • tremor of the upper extremities with a hangover;
    • muscle cramps when you have a very bad hangover;
    • mental depression from a hangover.

    The hangover therapy package includes:

    • removal of poisons of alcohol origin;
    • getting rid of somatic manifestations of a hangover;
    • final rehabilitation after the hangover has largely been overcome.

A detailed description of home therapy methods for hangovers is presented in the articles

It has become a tradition that not a single holiday or celebration is complete without alcohol. And the alcohol at parties never ends. What then? The next morning, most participants in the feast wake up with severe headaches, weakness, nausea and general poor health. This is the hangover syndrome.

What to do if you have a severe hangover, when sometimes you don’t even have the strength to get out of bed? Unpleasant symptoms should definitely be removed as soon as possible and brought to your senses. How to do this - we share recipes.

It is better to relieve the symptoms of a hangover that is too severe with the help of doctors

The appearance of painful symptoms after a heavy libation of alcoholic beverages is a consequence of the fact that the body has undergone a massive attack of toxins formed after the breakdown of ethyl alcohol. Alcohol, even in small doses, can cause severe intoxication. The severity and severity of hangover symptoms depends on several factors:

  • age;
  • weight and height of a person;
  • initial health status;
  • gender (it has been noted that women suffer more severely from hangover symptoms).

The essence of hangover syndrome

Before you try to figure out what to do with a hangover and frantically prepare yourself miracle potions, you should know what exactly is happening in the body. When a person feels unpleasant symptoms in the morning after drinking, this is evidence that in the body:

  1. The electrolyte balance is disturbed.
  2. Severe dehydration occurred.
  3. The cells of the nervous system are damaged.
  4. The body has lost a significant part of vitamins and minerals.
  5. There has been a global disruption of acid-base metabolism.

Poisoning with ethyl alcohol (its toxic residues during decay) not only torments a person with unpleasant symptoms. A hangover is a dangerous condition. After all, a weakened body is literally open to any kind of infection. That is why, to improve your condition, you should spend time at home and take time off from work. And immediately take all measures to relieve the syndrome.

What to fight with

A hangover is a symptom of poisoning the body from drinking too much alcohol. Moreover, for some individuals, even a few glasses of low-alcohol drinks are enough to develop this condition in order to wake up with a headache the next morning. The main symptoms of hangover syndrome include the following:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased thirst;
  • severe migraine;
  • dry mouth;
  • aches and heaviness in muscles and joints;
  • painful nausea that does not go away even after repeated vomiting;
  • increased sensitivity to bright light, loud sounds, strong odors.

This symptomatology is the main one. But a hangover can manifest itself in different ways. Sometimes, a hangover syndrome brings more painful physical manifestations: back pain, allergic manifestations in the form of a rash, nightmares and poor sleep.

Main symptoms of a hangover

In some cases, only doctors should be involved in stabilizing a person with a hangover.

This applies to cases of hangover, which become the culprits of exacerbation of chronic diseases that a person has. You should immediately seek help from a doctor if the following dangerous signs appear (with a hangover):

  1. Bloody vomiting.
  2. Lower back pain.
  3. Yellowing of the skin.
  4. Rapidly swelling face.
  5. Presence of blood in stool or urine.
  6. Prolonged urinary retention.
  7. Pain in the heart area that is increasing.

This symptomatology is very dangerous. These signs are evidence of the formation of an acute exacerbation of chronic diseases in the body, and require immediate medical attention.

Bad hangover: what to do

The main efforts that should be made when fighting a hangover are to help the body cleanse itself of the toxic residues of ethanol. There are several useful recommendations that will provide effective and efficient assistance in the presence of unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Perform an enema. An enema will help remove the remaining toxins that have already entered the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Induce vomiting. This should be done by drinking plenty of water and pressing on the root of the tongue.
  3. Take sorbents that will absorb poisons and remove them from the body. You can take activated carbon, Polysorb or Enterosgel.
  4. Carry out measures aimed at restoring salt and water balance. This can be done by drinking large quantities of drinks. Opt for plain water, citrus juices, cabbage brine or homemade compote/fruit juice.
  5. To calm a disturbed nervous system, take Glycine (after carefully studying the instructions).
  6. After the vomiting stops, the body's strength must be restored. You should just eat, giving preference to light foods: meat broth, lean meat, fish, vegetables/fruits.
  7. You should definitely get enough sleep. If you can't sleep, take a mild sleeping pill.
  8. When you wake up, take a warm shower. It will also help remove remaining toxins.
  9. Thoroughly ventilate the room and do light exercise.

But it is worth remembering that these recommendations are appropriate only in the case of an uncomplicated hangover, with its mild symptoms. A severe hangover is best treated with medical intervention. You can call a narcologist to your home to administer a home drip. In case of chronic alcoholism or dangerous side effects, the person should be hospitalized.

What to do and what not to do when you have a hangover

Traditional methods of therapy

What to do when you don’t have the strength to make a trip to the neighboring pharmacy? Traditional medicine comes to the rescue. After all, people have been familiar with hangovers for hundreds of years, and there have long been centuries-tested recipes to help cope with the negative manifestations of a hangover. For example:

  1. Natural drinks successfully help remove the remnants of toxic toxins: tea with the addition of chamomile, lemon balm, fermented milk products (Ayran, Tan, kefir). A good remedy would be a tomato cocktail: tomato juice is mixed with one raw egg, a pinch of salt and pepper.
  2. To relieve headaches, it is better to use healing decoctions of milk thistle, dandelion, mint, and rosemary. Making them is simple: steam a tablespoon of dry raw materials in boiling water (100 ml). The infusion should be taken after half an hour of infusion, every 30-40 minutes, ½ cup.

Drug therapy

Doctors do not classify hangover as a separate disease. This is a whole complex of signs of poisoning of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to treat not the hangover itself, but its individual manifestations:

  1. To rid the body of the remains of toxic toxins, sorbents (Enterosgel, activated carbon, Polysorb, Filtrum) and products containing lignin (Lignisorb, Polifan, Polyphepan, Entegnin, Filtrum-STI) become useful.
  2. To restore the vitality of a weakened body, succinic acid and tinctures of ginseng and eleutherococcus will be the most effective.
  3. If your blood pressure rises, you should take magnesium sulfate.
  4. Vishperon is recommended to relieve swelling.
  5. If your headache is severe, you should use Mexidol, Aspirin or Pantogam.

You can also take ready-made remedies designed to restore strength during a hangover. Such as DrinOFF, Alka-Seltzer, Zorex. Do not forget to carefully read the instructions for the drugs before use.

"Help" sign

To better understand what exactly to do in a particular condition, use this table. After all, hangover syndrome manifests itself individually, and for each sign of a hangover there is its own “antidote.”

What symptom are we removing? What to use
nausea and general weakness induce vomiting, take some sorbent, perform an enema
malaise and weakness, but no symptoms of nausea take any fermented milk drink; lemon juice, rowan tincture or succinic acid help well
mild swelling, dry mouth drink a glass of brine, and then drink as much liquid as possible (green tea, decoctions of medicinal herbs, decoctions of oats, mineral water or drinking water), and at the same time take a diuretic
migraine (headache) The use of medications will help: Pantogam, Aspirin, Asparkam (Panagin) or Mexidol
tachycardia, increased blood pressure take magnesium sulfate (or magnesium), in especially severe cases call a doctor
feeling of anxiety and excitement, insomnia Using Valerian, Motherwort will help, you can take sedative medications or Glycine, Persen, Mexidol, Picamilon or Novo-Passit
deterioration of mood, apathy, weakness and loss of ability to work It’s better to limit yourself to a mug of strong tea or coffee (if there are no heart problems), otherwise use tinctures of Ginseng or Eleutherococcus

It is better to prevent a hangover than to suffer from its manifestations later. Therefore, take care of your own health before the feast begins.. And take into account the following effective recommendations:

  1. Drink in small portions. You should not organize alcohol competitions - the finish line will be a severe hangover.
  2. It’s better to discreetly skip toasts that are too frequent or take a sip of alcohol.
  3. Eat a lot and densely during feasts.
  4. Drink alcohol with plenty of liquid. But leave carbonated drinks alone - they lead to rapid intoxication and worsening of the morning condition. It is better to give preference to water, juices, fruit drinks and compotes.
  5. Try to smoke less and less often. Nicotine in combination with ethyl alcohol worsens the subsequent condition and provokes intoxication.
  6. 2-3 hours before the start of the celebration, take several tablets of a product that accelerates the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats. These fat burners include enzyme preparations: Abomin, Vestal, Lactrase, Pancreatin, Mezim-Forte, Panstal and others.

Snacks also play an important role. To avoid a painful hangover, you should give preference to fish snacks, potatoes, pasta and rice. But you should refuse food that is too fatty - in this case, there is a high chance of getting very intoxicated and a subsequent severe hangover.

Do not mix alcoholic drinks of different types. Such proximity causes very severe intoxication and subsequent hangover. The best hangover prevention is having your own sanity. You should always know your limits and never overdo it with alcohol. Feel good!