Why Tatyana rejects Onegin's passion. Why did Tatyana Larina reject Onegin, denied him love? Dostoevsky's version: Tatyana refused, showing the true nobility of the soul

Why Tatyana rejects Onegin's love at the end of the novel
Tatyana Larina is Pushkin's favorite heroine, the most famous female image of Russian literature.
For the author, this heroine is very dear, he does not try to hide his love for Tatyana from the reader: “forgive me ... I love Tatyana my dear so much ...”
Tatyana, according to the author, represents the ideal of the "Russian soul". They are easy to communicate, open, trusting, like a child, which is the girl at the beginning of the novel. For the heroine, everything is new, fresh. Tatyana and Vladimir Lensky, a friend of the Larin family, are close in spirit - they are both romantics. The heroine is pensive, dreamy and quiet, compared to her sister Olga - lively and sociable since childhood.
The Larin family represents a certain category of society - the patriarchal nobility. They honored the customs of their ancestors, observed religious fasts.
The heroine lived measuredly and smoothly until Evgeny Onegin moved to the village. He became her first and last love.
Onegin is flattered by Tatyana's love, but he is not mentally ready to respond to her love. He is not capable of a serious all-consuming feeling, because love is a hard work of the soul. Rejecting Tatyana's love, Onegin, without knowing it, becomes unhappy, as he has lost the opportunity to be reborn.
The turning point is the duel between Onegin and Lensky. This duel is an absurdity and a tragic accident. Lensky dies in a duel at the hands of a friend, and Onegin, realizing what he has done, is horrified and leaves the village.
Tatyana Larina is fighting with herself. On the one hand, she still loves Onegin, and on the other hand, she understands that she is in love with the murderer Lensky. Tatyana realizes that Onegin is not the hero that she painted for herself in her imagination and in her dreams, but a man incapable of compassion, bringing pain and tears to others.
Tatyana is very worried about everything that happened. Her health condition is getting worse. The worried mother takes Tatyana to Moscow, where she marries her. Returning from a trip, Onegin accidentally meets Tatyana at a ball and, not yet knowing that it is her, is "smitten" by her grandeur and beauty.
“How Tatyana has changed!” - exclaims the author. In essence, her character, her views, her attitude to life, Tatyana remained the same as before. But she experienced a lot, thought a lot and understood a lot.
The scene of her last meeting with Onegin fully reveals this. Before the reader is no longer that naive girl, but a grown-up woman, deeply feeling and sincere, true to those moral principles.
She finds the strength to reject Onegin's love, not because she no longer loves him, but because she does not want to change herself, her views on life, her rules of ethics, her high understanding of the word "fidelity". Everything in Tatyana's sad monologue is simple, sincere and high. Her words to Onegin:
... You must, I ask you to leave me; I know: in your heart there is Both pride and direct honor.
The word "honor" is heard for the last time in the text of the novel, and now in its first and most direct and lofty meaning.

Everyone, I think, is familiar with Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin". The ending of this work is rather sad and does not at all meet the expectations of many readers, especially readers. Throughout the novel, we expected that Tatyana, a sweet ideal, and Evgeny, a genius of tender passion, would be together and live a long happy life. But it was not there!

With words

I love you (why lie?),
But I am given to another;
I will forever be faithful to him ...

Tatyana Onegina...rejects. I confess that this came as a complete surprise to me. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I began to realize that somehow things were not as I thought. But hope waited until I frantically leafed through the book and realized that everything was over. The novel is over. Tatyana and Onegin are not together.

Perhaps, of course, Pushkin did not tell us everything, and in the life of the main characters in the future, maybe something happened, we just don’t know it. Maybe thirty years later, being already elderly uncle and aunt, they decided to try life together ... Oh no, this is already my wild fantasy played out. But I can definitely say, without fantasizing, that you and I can get into a similar situation. And what then to do?

First, listen to yourself. When we have something (in our case, a man) and we have the opportunity to exchange it for the same thing, only modified (in our case, for another man), then we face a very interesting and difficult choice: between the present and the future. And we can't know exactly what awaits us. Tatyana, after all, could not know what awaited her with Onegin. He did not have an ideal reputation and was famous for changing women like gloves, so being confident in the unreliable Eugene is a dangerous business. Yes Yes! He may not support or even go over to the side of the enemy at a crucial moment. I even conducted a survey, and it turned out that most girls would not marry Eugene Onegin, as he is unreliable, proud and maybe even selfish. While many would like to marry Tatyana. But back to the topic.

Secondly, listen to the mind. So, the feelings have made their choice, now you need to think about how the rejected man will feel. Thinking about your feelings, you should think about the feelings of others. What and how much did your current lover give you, and can the future one give at least as much? If not, there is no need to change anything. Tatyana, for example, respected her husband. He truly loved her, wanted her to be happy and live like a princess. Could Onegin do something similar for her? What is he capable of for the sake of his beloved? And why did he realize only after more than three years that he loved the beautiful Tatyana ?! BUT? And in general, saying goodbye to her lawful spouse, Tatyana would have caused him pain, the inconvenience of change, a terrible feeling called "I can't-forget-her." Rejecting Eugene, Tatyana did not change anything in her life, nor in the life of her husband, nor in the life of Onegin. I do not think that Eugene was tormented by mental anguish. Although, who knows? Maybe a miracle did happen?

Third, listen to others. Sometimes we fall in love so much that we become blind, not noticing anything around. In this case, the people around us will help us. More precisely, their life experience and wisdom (depending on whom to turn to). You can ask for advice from parents, relatives, friends, classmates, classmates, colleagues; you can even describe your situation in detail and ask for advice on forums or social networks. The main thing is to have a lot of advisers, because, as a rule, the majority turns out to be right. Our Tatyana, of course, did not ask anyone's advice, and she did not need them. As a child, she ran to the nanny for advice, and now she decides everything herself, like an adult wise woman. But if you do not consider yourself wise enough, mature and confident in your decisions, like Tatyana, then I think you should consult with someone. Some women, having made many mistakes in life, can advise what is needed!

So why did Tatyana reject Onegin, even though she loved? Maybe she was afraid that society would not understand her, maybe she respected her husband and did not want to hurt him. It's just that in her case, reason prevailed over feelings. She knew for sure that she was doing everything right and would not regret this decision in the future.

We cannot judge the correctness of her choice, we cannot condemn Tatyana, this is her choice. So don't be afraid to make the wrong choice! No wonder they say: “Everything that is done is for the better”!

    In his work "Eugene Onegin" Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was looking for an answer to the age-old question: what is the meaning of life. A huge role in the work is given to the heroes of the novel, who express the depth of their feelings.

    The most important characters in the novel are Tatyana and Onegin. The poet is definitely impressed by the main character, but Tatiana is bigger.

    Onegin and Tatyana are brought together by common qualities and traits, both stand out for their knowledge, upbringing, they loved to read literature. Both of these characters have a penetrating mind, they can recognize kindness, immaturity, and so on in a person.

    The two heroes were united by their independence, their opinion, their waywardness.

    However, Onegin is a selfish nature, who first of all thinks only of himself. Even in those moments when he sought Tatyana's location, his thoughts were not so busy with the girl as with himself. Tatyana, in love, did not know the calculation. She suffered with all her heart, she gives herself to a wonderful feeling. “As a result, we can observe a picture of Eugene Onegin's complete indifference and Tatyana's warmth and affection.

    In everything and always, Eugene Onegin tried to indulge his whims. He did everything either out of boredom or out of interest. In this regard, they did not coincide with Tatyana at all. The girl knew how to sympathize, experience, open her soul.

    Therefore, Tatiana rejected Eugene Onegin. She did not want to destroy the foundations of society. Since at that time she was already married. And she did not consider it right to commit such a sin as cheating on her husband.

  1. Trying to answer this question, many do not even think, but how could Tatiana have done otherwise? What would she have become for Onegin if she had not rejected his love? wife? Mistress? For those who are at least a little familiar with the history of family and marriage in Russia, it is clear that the first was almost impossible. The Church could accept divorce cases for consideration only for the following reasons:

    • The long-term and unknown absence of one of the spouses.
    • An attempt on the life of a spouse.
    • Proven infidelity of one of the spouses.
    • Charge of bigamy or bigamy.
    • A disease that makes marriage physically impossible.
    • Monasticism." » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » «In our time it is hard to imagine, but in the year of the publication of the novel «Eugene Onegin» in multi-million Russia there were a little more than a hundred divorces. So what could Tatyana and Onegin present to the Holy Synod? That they love each other and want to be together? » » » » » » » «But that's not even the point. Can we imagine Tatyana involved in some kind of scandal that discredits her family, her husband? The heroine attracts everyone, including Onegin, because she never gave reason to doubt her moral purity. Brought up in the traditions of Christian morality, she cannot break the oath given before the altar: “But I am given to another and I will be faithful to him for a century.” Pushkin does not show "his heroine at the moment of choosing between her husband and Onegin, which means that this choice did not and could not be." In fact, the answer to this question can be reduced to one sentence: if Tatyana had not rejected Onegin's love, it would not have been Tatyana. » » «»

Why did Tatyana Larina reject Onegin, denied him love?

    Firstly, because adultery (betrayal of one's husband even in thoughts) is a mortal sin, and she was nevertheless raised a Christian. Secondly, he was the first to reject her, and so it was for her, unfaithful, to repay him with the same coin with pleasure.

    For evil to him. When she confessed her love for Onegin, he rejected her. then she refused him out of spite

    She refused him at the end of the novel. Because she is already married and does not intend to cheat on her husband.

    And in the beginning she loved Onegin very much, but he did not need her.

    In the end, he became interested in her rather because of pride, he wants her to always dry up for him. And people like Onegin are not capable of sincere love.

    Because she wasn't free. Noah was given to another and I will be faithful to him for a century. Fidelity in married life was not an empty phrase for her. What future would await them if she answered him in return? If this happened, then L. Tolstoy would no longer need to write the novel Anna Karenina

    Because everything needs to be done on time. It's too late to talk about love when a woman is no longer free. Late realized that he loves. And when it is a stranger, then this forbidden fruit is sweet. Moreover, Tatyana realized that Onegin was not serious and why ruin her life, her husband's life for the sake of some kind words. Honor then was above all. And common sense won heart addiction. I respect such women, but modern ones, who are not guided by love impulses. Not every man will appreciate the fact that everyone left everything for him and followed him to the ends of the world. Yes, and not everyone can go.

    Because she knew perfectly well what would happen if she did otherwise. What exactly - was described in prose by another genius of Russian literature - L.N. Tolstoy. True, at that time, when writing a continuation of the continuation, it was not customary to preserve the names of the main characters. And Tolstoy called his heroine Anna Karenina.

    One can interpret Pushkin's novel Eugene Onegin in different ways. Probably because she did not want to ruin her marriage, to deprive her children of their father. And besides, she understood with her mind that her husband was a fortress, and Onegin, although all so airy and romantic, was fickle.

    She made a choice. She, as a woman, wife, mother, is obliged to think about her and her children's well-being, the stability of marriage, and traditions. respect for the spouse. She has matured and understands that this is much more than passionate feelings. And an insecure, disappointed with life man will not be able to give this to her, and therefore happiness.

    Previously, they did not breed for such a reason as dislike for their spouse. This time. And secondly, Tatyana treated her husband with great respect. Thirdly, Onegin is not worthy of Tatyana. He values ​​form, not content. He did not need Tatyana while she lived in the village. And as she became a socialite, Eugene suddenly woke up to her love. Yes, I think, not only Onegin was in love with her. Surely there were other men nearby who secretly sighed about her. Their marriage would not be happy, Onegin is too selfish.

    Tatyana never stopped loving Evgeny, which she confirmed during the last meeting

    She refused Onegin in the hope of a romance? adultery? whatever you want to understand. She denied him the right to compromise both herself and her husband.

    She is truly noble, because she thinks not only about her impeccable reputation, but also about the honor of her husband, which, perhaps, is not more important for the moment.

    And she still loves Onegin. Because strong love does not disappear so quickly. Perhaps it will happen that she will fall in love with her husband. We won't know this. Because it's a completely different story.

    Tatyana is a whole and noble nature. If she makes a decision, she follows it to the end. It would be unthinkable for her to cheat on the husband to whom she once swore allegiance. Honesty and decency are not empty words for her, although she did not even have to think about it, because they were part of her nature.

The answer to this question is obvious to many students. Tatyana herself, who, as you know, is “Russian in soul”, and therefore the bearer of the traditional Christian worldview, in the 8th chapter gives the ardent Onegin the following rebuke:

I love you (why lie?),
But I am given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever.

However, it turns out that in the literary circles of the 19th century, the behavior of the heroine was by no means unambiguously interpreted. Why does Tatyana refuse Onegin?

One of the greatest Russian critics, Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky, believed that in the final chapter of the novel in verse, Tatyana became worse. "Tatiana's dear ideal" seems to have disappeared: the heroine has become a secular lady, who "does not even raise an eyebrow" at a new meeting with the hero. It is no coincidence that even Onegin himself “could not find traces of the former Tatyana ...”. Indeed, as a timid girl, who even among her relatives “seemed like a stranger girl”, who had never lived in the capital before, but saw “in the wilderness, in the village” only peaceful pictures of nature or, for example, maids picking berries in the bushes, she almost changed beyond recognition? What happened to "poor Tanya"? How she turned into the mistress of a noble house, the wife of a general, whom even Princess Nina Voronskaya with her “marble beauty” could not outshine.

Has Tatyana's attitude towards Onegin changed? The answer, from the point of view of V.G. Belinsky, simple. Tatyana is no longer what she used to be: she, fearing the condemnation of the world, has adapted to its laws and lives by them. As we remember, Tatyana in the 8th chapter nevertheless confesses her love to Onegin. But it must be remembered that now this explanation is no longer an “inexperienced soul”, but a married lady who took an oath of allegiance to her husband at the Sacrament of Wedding. What sad conclusion suggests itself? Tatyana does not love her husband, although she respects him. So she lives in a lie. The critic called it "a profanation of the feeling and purity of femininity".

Dostoevsky's version: Tatyana refused, showing the true nobility of the soul

The other point of view is easy to foresee. Tatyana refuses Eugene because she has become ... better, wiser. Such a vision of the image of the heroine is inherent in F.M. Dostoevsky, who considered the heroine mainly of the novel, "the apotheosis of the Russian woman." Dostoevsky's opinion is directly opposite to Belinsky's. Tatyana was not spoiled by the light at all, she remained the same. This means that life among the St. Petersburg world for her is nothing but torment and suffering. Why does she not want to, leaving her husband and the vain capital, run away with her beloved, who now reciprocates her feelings? Tatyana understands that her betrayal will turn the old general's decent life into a disgrace, a tangle of gossip and gossip. From Dostoevsky's point of view, it is a big mistake to consider the heroine weak-willed. No. The main reason for her decision, oddly enough, lies in the proverb familiar from childhood: “You can’t build your happiness on someone else’s misfortune!”. That is why Tatyana, loving Onegin, rejects him.

Readers' version: would we choose Onegin?

Now let's try to answer our question ourselves, based on our own perception of the situation. Imagine, think about it: what could Tatyana feel when she received a letter from Onegin, passionately and passionately in love? Let's read the love letter. How many times is the first person pronoun "I" repeated there? As many as 12 (!) times. What qualities does Evgeny suspect in his beloved? Onegin believes that Tatyana is capable of despising, looking with a “proud look”, “severe nonsense”, enjoying “evil fun”, expressing “angry ... reproach” ... Is this our Tanya, the one that “the morning moon is paler and more trembling than a driven doe”? It seems not. It turns out that we, the readers, and he, Onegin, know different heroines. In the image described by Yevgeny in the letter, it is impossible to unravel the features that the author put into his beloved Tatyana. Moreover, in the letter the hero does not show the height of feelings, since he pities himself most of all. Let us recall at least the following lines addressed to the heroine:

If only you knew how awful
Longing for love,
Blaze - and mind all the time.
Subdue the excitement in the blood;
Want to hug your knees
And, sobbing, at your feet
Pour out prayers, confessions, penalties,
Everything, everything that I could express ...

But doesn't Tatyana know? Didn't she feel the same when she wrote her letter? Doesn't she still keep Onegin's "cold look" in her memory? Doesn't she remember the scene of the explanation in the garden as a "terrible hour"? Thus, it turns out that the letter of the hero is addressed not at all to Tatyana, not to her feelings, but to himself. It seems that Onegin loves not Tatyana, but himself and his feelings. But is Onegin really the same in Chapter 8, “having fun and luxury a child”, a selfish secular dandy? Certainly not. But this is a topic for a separate discussion ...

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