Preparation for the exam in the history of the 17th century. USE. History of Russia IX-XVIII centuries. Independent preparation for the exam. Full course. Gevurkova E.A. Industry of Russia in the 17th century. characterizes

1. Read an extract from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3.
Use information from the source, as well as historical knowledge in the history course
rii of Russia in the 17th century
From the writings of a historian.
“Since the second decade ... of the century, a number of new facts have consistently appeared in our history,
which markedly distinguish further time from the previous one. First, in Moscow
a new dynasty sits on the throne ... The state territory ... gradually absorbs the entire
Russian plain, extending both to its geographical borders, and almost everywhere to the limits
Russian population. The composition of the Russian state gradually includes Russia Little, White and,
finally, Novorossiya, a new Russian region, formed through colonization in southern Russian
steppes. Stretching from the shores of the White and Baltic seas to the Black and Caspian, to
Ural and Caucasian ridges, the territory of the state passes far beyond the Caucasian
ridge in the south, beyond the Urals and the Caspian in the east.
At the same time, an important change is taking place in the internal structure of the state: along with the new
a new governmental class becomes and goes into a dynasty. The old boyars gradually
crumbles, losing weight, genealogically and economically depleted ... In his place at the head of society
becomes a new class, the nobility...
In the midst of ... the continuous tension of the people's forces, the freedom of the peasantry is finally perishing.
labor: the landowning peasants fall into serfdom ... But, constrained politically, on
native labor expands economically: to the former agricultural exploitation of the country
now joins its industrial development; next to agriculture, which remains the main
productive force of the state, is of increasing importance in the national economy
manufacturing industry, factory industry, raising hitherto untouched
natural wealth of the country.
1. What century and what new dynasty is the document talking about?
2. How does the historian see the difference between this period of Russian history and the previous one? name
at least three positions.
3. Using the text of the document and knowledge of history, indicate what value for the subsequent
development of Russia had the changes named by the historian. What was the name adopted in this
century, a set of laws that reflected the changes noted in the text?
2. Read a passage from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3.

Russia XVII century
From a historical note:
“The candidacy of a representative of the Romanov family suited different segments of the population and even
classes of society. For the boyars, the Romanovs had their own - people from one of the most noble
boyar families of the country. They were considered their own by those who were close to the oprichnina court ... but also
the victims did not feel alien to this family; among its members met
executed and disgraced during the years of the oprichnina, Filaret himself ended up in a sennik under the former oprichnik
Boris Godunov. Finally, the Romanovs were very popular among the Cossacks, with
many illusions were associated with him, and Filaret's long stay in Tushino ... made him
former Tushino residents do not fear for their fate under the new government. Because Filaret
led at one time a delegation that invited Vladislav to the Russian throne, then
supporters of the Polish prince did not worry about their future under the Romanovs.
1. What event is the document talking about? In what year did it happen, and what caused it?
2. Why was preference given to the Romanovs? Specify at least three arguments.
3. What circumstances preceded the beginning of the reign of the Romanov dynasty in Russian
throne? List at least two positions. Who was the first representative of this dynasty?

Tasks on the history of Russia in the 17th century.
3. Read a passage from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3.
Use information from the source, as well as historical knowledge in the course of history
Russia XVII century

From the notes of a foreigner.
“Swedish ambassadors arrived in Moscow to ratify the peace treaty. They were met
and received according to custom, and, after some sojourn, released in contentment<...>
With copper money, things got worse and worse every day. At the beginning of this year, 5 or 6 went to one
silver, and when I arrived in the country - only 3<...>The reason for the daily fall [value
copper coin] was that a large amount of it was imported secretly from the sea, and in Moscow and in
other cities were minted by private individuals. Many counterfeiters were caught, each
of whom they cut off their hand, beat them with a whip and exiled to Siberia, confiscating their property to the treasury, but nothing
helped. It turned out that even some of the noble people have a hand in such a fake.
This winter, the boyar Boris Ivanovich Morozov died childless, leaving the tsar a huge
fortune and lots of money<...>
Early in the morning, when, when I was training the regiment on the field near the Novospassky Monastery, a
Colonel Crawford, reported that there was great confusion in the city, and gave the order to speak to the Tagansky
gate. I inquired where [the tsar] was, and, having learned that he was in Kolomenskoye, I advised him to go there<...>
The rebels came out of the Serpukhov Gate in a crowd. There were about 4 or 5 thousand of them, without weapons,
only a few had clubs and sticks. They claimed compensation for [damages] for copper
money, salt and more. For this purpose, sheets were pasted up in different places of the city, and one
solicitor<...>read the sheet containing their complaints, the names of some persons whom they imagined
guilty of abuse, and an appeal to all to go to the king and seek redress, and
heads of bad advisers.
1. Name the king mentioned in the text. What year do the events described in the text refer to?
Under what name did these events go down in national history?
2. What two causes of the monetary crisis described in the text does the author name?
How does he explain the impotence of the authorities in dealing with the crisis?
3. Using historical knowledge, indicate at least three new phenomena in the Russian economy
the period to which the events described in the text refer.
4. Read a passage from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3.
Use information from the source, as well as historical knowledge in the course of history
Russia in the 17th century
From a historical source
“Here about this thief ... let us announce more extensively. That was by nature a Don Cossack, who,
having gathered his party of thieves, stealing along the Volga River for quite some time, breaking ships and drowning people,
... and already those evil deeds of his reached the Sovereign ... Then the Sovereign ordered to gather several troops and
send on that rebel. He was afraid and, fortunately, he gathered ... thieves' troops, went
Down the Volga, ... into the Caspian Sea, repaired great robberies, ... and captivated the Persian cities there ..., and
he enriched himself and all his people immensely ... Then the thought came to him to return to Russia, and bring
guilty to the Tsar ... And when he began to approach the city of Astrakhan, then he sent from himself to
to announce to the governor that ... he is going with a confession to the Tsar ...
And meanwhile the Voivode of Astrakhan, seeing the rebel's many riches and expensive things,
when he received them from him by kindness, and sometimes by a thunderstorm ... Already the rebel often mentioned to him that he
he was soon sent to Moscow, but Voevoda, ... envious of his riches, put him off day by day
departure ... Then the rebel, having gathered his Cossacks on his ship, brought a great complaint to them
The governor of that ... Everyone rushed to the city to the court of the governor ...
They beat the voivode and citizens, and beat the whole city and captured, and plundered the estate ... To them
all sorts of barge haulers, former and working, joined the military there ... Having gathered many thousands of them,
History elective. Gudzishevskaya N.V. MBOU secondary school No. 1, Vilyuchinsk

Tasks on the history of Russia in the 17th century.
the rebel went up the Volga River ... And the rebel went with the intention that he come to
hail to Moscow, and beat all the princes and boyars and noble people and all the Russian gentry,
eradicate all bureaucracy and power, and make sure that everyone is equal to everyone. And he wrote to that
written sheets, and sent himself in advance to cities, villages and villages, announcing that his evil
intention. And that his evil plan was very pleasing to the common people: all that mob rose
kill their masters, and join the rebel."
1. What century do the events described in the source belong to? Name a "rebel", oh
whose actions are mentioned in the source. Name the sovereign during whose reign
described in the event source.
2. How does the text explain the actions of the "rebel" and his people against the Astrakhan governor?
What are the intentions of the "rebel" when marching on Moscow indicated in the text? Bring at least
two provisions revealing these intentions.
3. Using historical knowledge, name at least three major uprisings, riots,
occurred in the same century as the uprising described in the source.
5. V.O. Klyuchevsky described the 17th century. as "a new period of Russian history".
Explain what were the most important socio-economic changes (give three
6. In 16541655 a monetary reform was carried out in Russia: large silver coins began to be minted
coins in denominations of 1 ruble and 50 kopecks and copper kopecks, equivalent in value to
silver. The consequence of the reform was the uprising in Moscow Copper Riot.
Name at least two reasons that led to the failure of the monetary reform.
What changes took place in the country's monetary system after the Copper Riot (specify one
any change)?
7. In the XVII century. Russia was shaken by numerous folk performances, contemporaries often
called this age "rebellious". In particular, a number of mass popular movements were marked by
mid-second half of the 17th century
Name the main causes of social movements in the middle of the second half of the 17th century. Specify
for at least three reasons.
Name the normative act that finally enslaved the peasants to the landowners, and the year
release of this document. Give at least 3 reasons for this process.
8. In 1648, the Salt Riot broke out in Moscow.
Specify any three results (consequences) of this uprising.
9. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich received the nickname Quietest from his contemporaries. The king was different
of his time, a gentle character, was often condescending to the misconduct of others and
very religious. But his reign was marked by terrible social upheavals,
because of which the century, which fell on the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, entered into
history as a "rebellious age".
Give at least three causes of social upheavals during the reign of Alexei
History elective. Gudzishevskaya N.V. MBOU secondary school No. 1, Vilyuchinsk

Tasks on the history of Russia in the 17th century.
10. The following assessment of the development of Russia in the 17th century is expressed. before the start of the reforms of Peter I:
Russia in the 17th century was in a state of isolation from economic, military and cultural
achievements of the countries of Western Europe.
Using historical knowledge, give two arguments to support this assessment, and
two arguments against it.
Indicate which of the arguments you have given support this point of view, and which
refute it.
11. There are debatable problems in historical science, on which

Russia in the 17th century was a country in which medieval features in eco
economic and cultural life of the country, and only by the genius of Peter she was able to start to catch up
to the level of developed countries of Western Europe"

Using historical knowledge, give at least two arguments supporting
given assessment, and at least two arguments refuting it.
Indicate which of the arguments you have given support this point of view, and which
refute it.
12. There are debatable problems in historical science, on which
different and often conflicting points of view. Below is one of the controversial points of view,
existing in historical science.
“In the economic, socio-political and cultural aspects, Russia in the 17th century. did not experience
notable European influence; the country remained essentially the same as in the 16th century.
Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can support
this point of view, and two arguments that can be used to refute it. When presenting
arguments, be sure to use historical facts.

History elective. Gudzishevskaya N.V. MBOU secondary school No. 1, Vilyuchinsk

Tasks on the history of Russia in the 17th century.
Exercise 1.
1. We are talking about the XVII century.
the author means a new dynasty - the Romanovs
2. The author sees the differences of this period of Russian history in the following:
significantly increased the territory of the country
on the royal throne - a new dynasty
the boyars lose their former power and the role of the nobility increases
landowning peasants fall into serfdom
serious changes are taking place in the country's economy: industrial production is developing
(the first manufactories appear)
3. the changes named by the historian in all spheres of life in Russia paved the way for reforms
Peter I
the "Cathedral Code" (1649) of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was adopted
Task 2.
1. We are talking about the election of a new king, which was to take place at the Zemsky Sobor.
the event dates back to 1613.
it was due to the need to restore statehood and acquire a new
2. The choice of the Romanov dynasty was due to:
The Romanovs to the greatest extent suited all classes, political groups, which gave
opportunity to reconcile interests
The Romanovs are a noble boyar family, related by family ties to the Rurik dynasty
The Romanovs enjoyed considerable popularity, including among the Cossacks.
3. The beginning of the Romanov dynasty was preceded by:
power struggle
economic ruin of the country
social conflicts
foreign intervention
The first representative of the Romanov dynasty was Mikhail Fedorovich
Task 3.
1. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich;
year 1662;
the name of the event is the Copper Riot.
import of copper coins from abroad;
actions of counterfeiters.

explanation of the impotence of the authorities:

notable, influential persons were engaged in illegal minting of copper coins.
History elective. Gudzishevskaya N.V. MBOU secondary school No. 1, Vilyuchinsk

Tasks on the history of Russia in the 17th century.

3. New phenomena in the Russian economy in the 17th century:
development of small-scale crafts;
the emergence of the first manufactories;
commodity specialization of the regions, the beginning of the formation of the all-Russian internal market;
the beginning of the state's protectionist policy.
Task 4.
1. century XVII century;
"rebel" Stepan Razin;
Emperor Alexei Mikhailovich
2 actions of the "rebel" and his people against the Astrakhan governor were caused
the greed of the governor, who was delaying the passage of the Razintsy to Moscow;
provisions revealing Razin's intentions when marching on Moscow:
extermination of the nobility (princes, boyars, nobles);
destruction of power (chief officials);
establishing equality.

3. uprisings, riots:
Cotton's rebellion;
the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov;
Salt riot;
Copper Riot;

Solovetsky uprising;
Streltsy revolt of 1682;
archery riot of 1698
History elective. Gudzishevskaya N.V. MBOU secondary school No. 1, Vilyuchinsk

Task 5.
serfdom is legally formalized;
manufactures appear;
the beginning of the formation of a single all-Russian market;
small-scale nature of the craft.

Task 6.

Reasons for the failure of the reform:
The minting of copper coins reached in 16551662 reached unprecedented proportions in many
Salaries were paid in copper and taxes were collected in silver coins. Author
In the same years, the government increases taxes by 20%, among the people this fee received

mints of Moscow, Pskov and Novgorod, and had an unmanageable character

name "fifth money"

Tet copper money began to decline catastrophically.

The copper penny began to depreciate, trade was noticeably upset, no one wanted to
take copper money for payment. Sagittarius and service people began to grumble at their "copper" sting
vanye they couldn't buy anything. All goods have risen sharply in price, no one paid attention to
royal decree.

 Changes in the country after the Copper Riot:
As a result of the Copper Riot, the mints in Pskov and

Novgorod, in the capital resumed the minting of silver coins.

deceived his people.

The servants were again paid salaries in silver.

Task 7.
Soon copper money was withdrawn from circulation, although the state was shamelessly

deterioration in the well-being of the population (increase in taxes) due to frequent wars;
enslavement of peasants;
strengthening of red tape;
church schism and reprisals against the Old Believers;
restriction of Cossack self-government.

Legal act that finally secured the peasants for landowners
Cathedral Code of 1649.
Reasons for the development of the process of enslavement:

The need to restore the country after the Time of Troubles, which requires cheap labor.
Strengthening the role of the nobility in the life of society, which benefited from enslavement

peasants, their lack of rights for personal enrichment.

through the enslavement of the peasants.

state level.

economic development of the country.

allow uprisings

Task 8.
Strengthening the autocratic power of the monarch, who sought to simplify his position for
The peasants were poorly educated, could not resist enslavement on
The active development of manufactories, combined with free labor, could accelerate
The Code was published after the Salt Riot, introduced an indefinite search for peasants, so as not to

Results (consequences):

cancellation of collection of arrears on taxes;
convocation of the Zemsky Sobor;
adoption of the Council Code;
the abolition of "white settlements";
the introduction of an indefinite investigation of fugitive peasants (the abolition of school years);
the fall of the government of B.I. Morozov.
Other outcomes (consequences) may be specified

Causes of social upheavals of the times of Alexei Mikhailovich:
dissatisfaction of the lower ranks with the growth of taxes (the establishment of new taxes - five
Task 9.

money, salt tax, etc., the growth of old ones);

dissatisfaction of the peasants with enslavement;
the dissatisfaction of the Cossacks with the attack on their liberties;
church schism, the struggle of the Old Believers against the official (Nikonian) Church.
Other reasons may be given. The reasons may be formulated differently.

Task 10.
 To confirm

at the end of the 16th century. to Arkhangelsk
20 ships a year came, at the end of the 17th century. -
80; to Amsterdam, hundreds a day. This is a witness
suggests that Russia's external contacts
were incomparably weaker than the contacts between
Western countries;

Moscow diplomacy did not participate
in European Affairs (permanent contacts
were only with Poland and Sweden);

until the 1710s Russia failed to master
production of modern types of weapons,
which the countries of the West already possessed (weapons
bought abroad). This testifies to
lack of close contacts with the West, before
suggesting the borrowing of production

 In rebuttal
officers served in the German Quarter
large manufactories were founded


the “military revolution” began: the appearance of
fox soldiers, dragoons and reiters
shelves created according to the European model;


there was a "secularization of culture":
crisis of medieval consciousness; appeared
new - secular - plots, themes and images in whether
literature and art. Named processes about
came largely under the influence of Western

Task 11.
 To confirm
dominated the production of goods

the country's economy was
agricultural, labor-based
lean peasants;

handicraft production;

worldview of the majority of the population
was permeated with religious dogmas and based
fell out on medieval traditions;

education of the general population
was predominantly religious in nature;
 In rebuttal

in the economic life of the country actively
appeared, new, more progressive
features: an economic specialization was formed
lization of the country's regions in production from
individual types of products,
internal trade and foreign trade,
there was a formation of fair centers of trade,
the All-Russian market was actively developing;

there are manufactories in metallurgy
gii as a large-scale production, founded

the life of the main part of the population wore ar
secular culture and science practically

chaic character;

did not develop

Task 12.
 To confirm

There was no bourgeoisie in the country, and

in the 17th century Russian industry was
represented primarily by handicrafts
production, organized in the same way as in
previous centuries;

merchants were engaged in trade;

central control by exercising
elk after a few dozen orders
whose functions often overlapped


in culture is still very
significant influence of religion; overwhelming
part of the population is distrustful of
West, has no contact with
Europeans in Russia and leads
traditional way of life

released process
in Russian culture of the 17th century. develops
nogo on the division of labor and manual
production of products;

the process of its sedition,
literature, painting, architecture;

printed matter;

the first higher education
institution: Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy

new forms of art appear
th creativity of the European type, in particular
 In rebuttal
manufactories appear, some of which were
organized by foreigners;
all-Russian market, the role of
commercial and entrepreneurial part of the population;
regiments of the “new system” are being created (the prototype
regular army), increased centralization
management, a person is increasingly evaluated not by
“breed”, but on personal merit. These same
tendencies are also typical for the countries of the West;
the first newspaper appears, the first
theater, more and more representatives of the upper
strata of society speaks foreign languages
(Polish, Latin), wears European
clothes, the German
freedom, to know more and more often takes on the service
European doctors and teachers.

17th century

I.Assignments of part A.

1. "Tushinsky thief" was called:

1) Procopius Lyapunov; 2) False Dmitry II; 3) Stepan Razin; 4) False Dmitry I

2. The creation of the first militia during the Time of Troubles is associated with the name:

1) Alexander Menshikov; 2) Boris Godunov; 3) Vasily Shuisky; 4) Procopius Lyapunov

3. In what year did the reign of the Romanov dynasty begin?

1) in 1584; 2) in 1598; 3) in 1605; 4) in 1613

4. What is small-scale production?

    release of goods of small sizes

    production of goods in front of the buyer

    production at the factory

    production of small batches of goods for sale in the market

5. Cathedral Code is:

    code of laws

    public service promotion

    representative body at court

    literary work

6. One of the main reasons for popular uprisings in the 17th century. was:

    growth of feudal duties

    increase in the number of orders

    opposition to the Mongol-Tatar yoke

    declining role of the Boyar Duma

7. A new phenomenon in the Russian economy in the 17th century:


  1. natural economy

    small commodity production

8. Industry of Russia in the 17th century. characterizes:

    widespread use of foreign capital

    widespread use of hired labor

    development of commodity production

    use of steam engines

9. Which of these persons was not a contemporary of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich?

1) Stepan Razin; 2) Patriarch Nikon; 3) Archpriest Avvakum; 4) E. Pugachev

10. Promotion of Russians to Siberia in the 17th century. Name related:

1) Ermak Timofeevich; 2) Semyon Dezhnev; 3) Stepan Razin; 4) Vitus Bering

12. The reform of Patriarch Nikon caused:

    church schism

    creation of the Holy Synod

    strengthening the power of the church

    the limits of kingship

13. Which of the above referred to the results of the foreign policy activities of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich?

    annexation of Left-Bank Ukraine to Russia

    conclusion of the Nystadt peace treaty

    annexation of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates to Russia

    Russia gaining access to the Black Sea

14. About the "secularization" of the culture of the XVII century. testifies:

    appearance of the parsuna

    adoption of the law on compulsory primary education

    beginning of printing

    opening of the Academy of Sciences

15. The bulk of the population of Russia in the XVII century. belonged to the class:

1) Nobles; 2) clergy; 3) Cossacks; 4) peasants

16. Development of the economy of the XVII century. DOES NOT describe:

    distribution of land to nobles

    the increased role of cash rent

    emergence of manufactories

    monopolization of industry

17. What is the significance of the adoption of the Council Code?

    completion of church reform

    creation of an estate-representative monarchy

    strengthening the legal protection of the peasantry

    enslavement of peasants in Russia

18. The reason for the decline in the role of Zemsky Sobors in the middle of the 17th century:

    the growing role of the Boyar Duma

    reforming the church

    an increase in the number of representatives of the lower strata of the population in Zemsky Sobors

    strengthening of royal power

19. Appearance in the 17th century. the order of the Secret Affairs testified to:

    strengthening the role of the Boyar Duma

    limiting the king's power

    a clear delineation of the functions of orders

    formation of an absolute monarchy

20. Cause of urban uprisings in the 17th century:

1) the deterioration of the position of the urban lower classes due to the introduction of new taxes

2) dissatisfaction of the urban lower classes with the introduction of internal customs

3) persecution of the Old Believers

4) the introduction of workshops and guilds in cities

II. Part B assignments

1. Arrange the names of historical persons in chronological order of their activities.

A) Patriarch Nikon

B) M. Speransky

B)A. Menshikov

D) A. Kurbsky

2. What are the three features listed below that characterized the economic development of Russia in the 17th century?

    railway construction

    commodity specialization of districts

    start of the industrial revolution

    creation of the first manufactories

    fair trade development

    elimination of internal customs duties



A) Smolensk War 1) 1632-1634

B) Streltsy revolt in Moscow, 2) 1654

the beginning of the "two kingdoms" of Ivan 3) 1670-1671.

and Peter Alekseevich 4) 1682

C) an uprising led by 5) 1689

S. Razina

D) accession of Ukraine to

4. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky and name the king in question.

“... He was elected to the kingdom, because he was the nephew of the last tsar of the old dynasty, Theodore... The Council swore allegiance not only to the tsar he had chosen, but also to his future queen and their future children, seeing in his chosen one, if not hereditary, then hereditary Sovereign... Serving people gave a vow to be without controversy in all sorts of sovereign affairs.

5. Arrange the events of the 17th century in chronological order.

A) "copper riot"

B) "salt riot"

C) an uprising led by Stepan Razin

D) adoption of the Council Code

6. What three events took place during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich?

1) church schism

2) the liberation of Russia from the Horde dependence

3) Copper Riot

4) the final enslavement of the peasants

5) sections of the Commonwealth

6) creation of colleges

7. Match events and dates.

A) Russia's conquest of access to the Baltic Sea

B) accession to Russia of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates

B) the beginning of the development of Eastern Siberia by Russia

D) accession to Russia of Finland

8. Read the passage from the historian's work and name the king in question.

“The fact that contemporaries called the 17th century a “rebellious” century is largely based on the realities of Russian history of this period. It would seem that the sovereign who ruled in such difficult conditions could become hardened, hardened, introduce an exclusively authoritarian regime, in a word, resemble his not so distant predecessor, Ivan the Terrible. The tsar, of course, resorted to harsh and even cruel measures when it came to suppressing popular uprisings, when it was a question of preserving the entire system of state power. But in his character, inclinations, addictions in everyday life, he was very different from the Russian tyrant of the 16th century. No wonder they called him the Quietest.

9. Which of these figures is associated with the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich?

1) Boris Morozov

2) Bogdan Khmelnitsky

3) Procopius Lyapunov

4) Athanasius Ordin-Nashchokin

5) Grigory Potemkin

6) Andrei Razumovsky

10. Match.

A) The election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom

B) "Uglich affair"

B) Stolbovsky world.

D) Deulino truce

11. Read an excerpt from a historian's work and name the church figure in question.

“In 1655, on the week of Orthodoxy, the patriarch celebrated a solemn service in the Assumption Cathedral in the presence of two Eastern patriarchs, Antioch and Serbian, who happened then in Moscow. After the liturgy, after reading a discourse on the veneration of icons, he delivered a strong speech against the new Russian icon painting and excommunicated all those who would henceforth paint or keep new icons. At the same time, selected icons were brought to him, and he, showing each people, threw it on the iron floor with such force that the icon was broken. Finally, he ordered the faulty icons to be burned.”

12. Which three of these social movements date back to the 17th century?

1) the uprising of I. Bolotnikov

2) Copper Riot

3) an uprising led by E. Pugachev

4) Salt Riot

5) Plague Riot

6) uprising of military settlers

7. Establish a correspondence between the names of the rulers and the events that took place during the years of their reign.


A) Vasily Shuisky

D) Catherine II


1) Livonian war

2) the uprising of I. Bolotnikov

3) the uprising of E. Pugachev

4) Northern war

5) Smolensk war

14. Read an extract from a modern historian's work and write the name of the patriarch in question.

“Exiled to the Ferapontov Monastery on Beloozero with the rank of a monk, he outlived his “owl friend” Alexei Mikhailovich for five years. All the years spent in the monastery, he hoped for the resumption of the former friendship of the king, who humanly experienced a break and persecution against him, repeatedly asked for blessings for himself and his family. In 1676, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich died, and in 1681 the patriarch was allowed to return to the New Jerusalem Monastery, but death prevented this.”


15. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Write the letters of the terms in the correct order in the table.

A) "The case of Tsarevich Alexei"

B) "Uglich affair"

B) "Pugachevism"

D) "Trouble"

III. Part C tasks.

1. Read the extract from the historical essay and answer the questions.

“The candidacy of a representative of the Romanov family suited different strata and even classes of society. For the boyars, the Romanovs were their own - they came from one of the most noble boyar families in the country. They were considered their own by those who were close to the oprichnina court ... but the victims did not feel alien to this family either; among its members there were those who were executed and disgraced during the years of the oprichnina, Filaret himself ended up in a sennik under the former oprichnik Boris Godunov. Finally, the Romanovs were very popular among the Cossacks, many illusions were associated with him, and Filaret's long stay in Tushino ... forced the former Tushinos not to fear for their fate under the new government. Since Filaret at one time headed the delegation that invited Vladislav to the Russian throne, the supporters of the Polish prince did not worry about their future under the Romanovs.

C1.0 what event is the document talking about? What year did it happen and what caused it?

C2. Why was preference given to the Romanovs? Specify at least three arguments.

SZ. What circumstances preceded the beginning of the reign of the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne? List at least two positions. Who was the first representative of this dynasty?

2. Name at least three popular uprisings that took place in the 18th century and indicate their reasons.

18 century

1. Note, as a result of which war Russia got access to the Baltic Sea:

a) Seven years (1756-1763);

b) Smolensk (1622-1634);

c) Northern (1700-1721);

d) Livonian (1550-1583)

2.Catherine II was considered an enlightened empress. She was quite educated

literary work. Despite a sharply negative attitude towards the French Revolution, she

corresponded with:

a) Rousseau

b) Napoleon

c) Voltaire;

d) Montesquieu.

3. Note which empress's reign went down in history as the "epoch of enlightened absolutism":

a) Anna Ioannovna;

b) Catherine I;

c) Elizabeth Petrovna;

d) Catherine I.

4. The battle of Poltava contributed to:

a) changing the course of the war in favor of Sweden

b) the collapse of the Northern Union

c) changing the balance of power in the war in favor of Russia

d) entry into the war of the Ottoman Empire

5. Dissatisfied with the reforms, "Peter 1 grouped around:

a) Tsarevich Alexei

b) Princess Sophia

c) Patriarch Adrian

d) Queen Catherine

6. The first minister under Catherine 1 was:

a) D. M. Golitsyn c) P. A. Tolstoy

b) P. I. Yaguzhinsky d) A. D. Menshikov

7. Favorite of Anna Ioannovna "who became her first minister:

a) E. I. Biron c) D. M. Golitsyn

6) A. P. Volynsky d) A. I. Osterman

8. Daughter of Peter I Elizabeth was on the Russian throne

    according to the will of Peter I

    at the request of the participants in the peasant uprising

    at the invitation of the Supreme Privy Council

    as a result of a palace coup

9.F. S. Rokotov, D. G. Levitsky, V. L. Borovikovsky were

  1. musicians



10. The final formalization of serfdom took place during the reign of:

a) Mikhail Romanov

b) Alexei Mikhailovich

c) Fedor Alekseevich

d) Peter I

11. The opening of Moscow University took place in:

a) 1745 c) 1783

b) 1755 d) 1796

12. The first president of the Russian Academy - a scientific center for the study of the Russian language and literature:

a) E. R. Dashkova c) N. I. Novikov

b) N. A. Lvov d) M. V. Lomonosov

13. In 1785:

a) the first section of the Commonwealth

b) provincial reform

c) annexation of Crimea to Russia

d) the adoption of the "Charter to the nobility"

14.E. I. Pugachev declared himself emperor:

a) Peter II c) Peter III

b) Ivan Antonovich d) Paul I

15. Battles near the rivers Larga, Cahul, in the Chesme Bay refer to:

a) the Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739,

b) the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774.

c) the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791.

d) war with Sweden

16. Which of these events happened before all the others?

    opening of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg

    adoption of the "Council Code"

    the beginning of the reign of Paul I

    Azov campaigns of Peter

17. Which of the named persons was a statesmanXVIIIin.?

    G.A. Potemkin

    I.S. Peresvetov

    A.L. Ordin-Nashchokin

    A.F. Adashev

18. Contemporaries were

    F.F. Ushakov and A.V. Suvorov

    Patriarch Filaret and E.I. Pugachev

    A.L. Ordin-Nashchokin and M.V. Lomonosov

    S.T. Razin and A.D. Menshikov

19. The concept of "recruit duty" arose during the reign

    Catherine II

  1. Alexey Mikhailovich

20. The first printed newspaper Vedomosti appeared in Russia during the reign of

    Catherine II

    Mikhail Fedorovich

II.Assignments of part B

1. Arrange the following events in chronological order.

A) the establishment of lesson years

B) the establishment of the Supreme Privy Council

C) the adoption of the "Council Code"

D) the adoption of the "Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility"

2. Which of the above concepts are associated with the era of palace coups in Russia in the 18th century?



    Cabinet of Ministers

    Specify the correct answer.


    The secret committee

    Order of secret affairs


H. Match the names of the monarchs with the events related to their reign.

  1. Elizaveta Petrovna

    Anna Ioannovna

    Catherine I

    Seven Years' War

  1. creation of the Supreme Privy Council
  2. establishment of the Holy Synod

    repeal of the decree on single inheritance

4. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky and write the name of the Empress, which it refers to.

“... This reign is one of the darkest pages of our history, and the darkest spot on it is the empress herself ... The Germans poured into Russia, like rubbish from a holey bag, made the court lazy, settled the throne, huddled in the most profitable places in government ..."


5 .Arrange the following terms in chronological order of their appearance.

A) Statutory commission

B) Supreme Privy Council

B) The secret committee

D) Zemsky Sobor

6. Which of the named persons refers to the contemporaries of Peter I?

    M. Speransky

    A. Arakcheev

    I. Mazepa


    F. Lefort

    B. Khmelnitsky

7. Set match:

    Peter I

    Alexey Mikhailovich

    Ivan IV

    Peter III

    "Cathedral Code"

    "Table of Ranks"

    "Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility"


    "Charter to the cities

8. Read an excerpt from N.M. Karamzin and name the empress in question.

“She was the true successor to the greatness of Petrov and the second educator of the new Russia. The main thing of this unforgettable monarch is that she softened the autocracy, without losing her strength.

Answer: .

9. Which three of the following names refer to the cultural history of the 18th century?

1) Sergei Solovyov 4) Vasily Klyuchevsky

2) Matvey Kazakov 5) Dmitry Mendeleev

3) Vasily Bazhenov 6) Denis Fonvizin


10.Set match:

A) G.R. Derzhavin

B) R.S. Rokotov

C) V.I. Bazhenov

D) I.I. Polzunov



  1. literature


11. 14. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian A. Kamensky and name the ruler in question.

“At the very end of 1761, a 35-year-old man ascended the Russian throne - nervous, impressionable, intemperate in his impulses and hobbies. He did not know and did not like the country that he was to rule, and it never occurred to him that he had any duties towards this country, and that its people were not just a crowd of subjects. Having escaped from the cage where he was kept for almost his entire conscious life, for the first time he felt like an emperor, an autocrat with unlimited power and reveled in freedom, the opportunity to live and reign as he wanted.


12. Which of the following public authorities arose in the era of Petrine reforms?


    State Council


    Zemsky Sobor


13. Establish a correspondence between the names of statesmen and their activities. :


A) A.D. Menshikov 1) military leader, the first Governor-General of St. Petersburg

B) F. Prokopovich 2) boyar, the actual head of government in 1645 - 1648.

C) B.I. Morozov 3) Duke of Courland, favorite of Anna Ioannovna

D) E.I. Biron 4) prince, favorite of Princess Sophia, head of the Ambassadorial order

5) associate of Peter I, writer, head of the Academic Team

14. Read an extract from a historian's work and name the statesman in question.

“... It should be said that he honestly justified the honors and titles received from Peter by deeds, especially military ones. Suffice it to recall that in the Battle of Poltava with the Swedish army of Charles XII on June 27 (July 8), 1709, he, commanding the left wing of the Russian army, utterly defeated the corps of General Roos. Among the associates of Peter I, the greatest merits in the defeat of the Swedes during the Northern War belonged to the most serene prince. It was for successful military operations near Poltava that the tsar promoted him to field marshals.


15. Arrange the following concepts in chronological order of their appearance.

A) Arakcheevshchina B) Pugachevshchina

B) Khovanshchina D) Bironovshchina

III. Part C tasks.

1. IN. Klyuchevsky in his "Course of Russian History" emphasized that "there was a great difference in the movement on December 14 from the noble coups of the 18th century."

Where do you see the differences in these performances? Did they have anything in common? List at least four characteristics in total.

2. Read an excerpt from the historian's work and answer the questions.

“The fate of Catherine proved that the human will, desire can become no less real and powerful factor in history than dozens of multi-gun ships and thousands of soldiers. Empress Catherine did create fame for herself, which became her powerful weapon, like that warship that was called "Catherine's Glory ..."

The French diplomat Corberon wrote in his report that the fame that the empress created for herself, her decisive character, her ability and luck replace her skillful statesmen and experienced generals.

The Empress entered the history of Russia as an outstanding statesman, and the era of her reign became a time of grandiose reforms and the publication of the most important legislative acts...

Before her were the real goals of strengthening the autocracy, carrying out the necessary military, administrative and estate reforms. She carried them out in a unified way, with one general idea - to maximize the development and improvement of that "regular" state, the foundations of which were laid by Peter the Great.

The legislative acts of Catherine survived her for a long time and, together with the basic laws of Peter the Great, became the basis of Russian statehood for many decades. Actually, the ambitious queen-legislator probably dreamed of such a conclusion of the historian.

C1. What chronological period in the history of Russia is referred to in the document? Specify its scope. Under what name did this period go down in history?

C2. Using the text of the document and knowledge of history, mark what reforms were carried out by Catherine II (indicate at least four reforms).

Preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Examination

Secondary general education

Line UMK I. L. Andreev, O. V. Volobueva. History (6-10)

General history

Russian history

USE in history: we analyze tasks with a teacher

Sergey Agafonov, co-author , methodologist of the corporation "Russian Textbook" *,teacher of the highest category:“In my opinion, half of the success (if not more) in the exam in history and social studies depends on the number of thoroughly analyzed typical tasks. It is the disassembled tasks, and not just the completed ones. At the same time, it is important to inscribe events, processes, phenomena of national history in the context of universal history, establishing links between various social phenomena and processes.

Evgeny Mikhailovich Polushin, teacher of history and social studies of the 1st category, 5 years of experience as a teacher, graduate of the Faculty of History of Moscow State Pedagogical University. IN AND. Lenina, Ph.D.:“The unified state exam in history consists of 25 tasks. The answers to tasks 1-19 are a sequence of numbers or words, tasks 20-25 require detailed answers. Let's take a look at these tasks. The seeming simplicity of the first 19 tasks is offset by the lack of answer options, so solid knowledge is required, and you can’t count on luck.”

1. In the first task, it is supposed to arrange in chronological order the events related to national and world history:

1) Convocation of the first Zemsky Sobor

2) Proclamation of Charlemagne as Emperor

3) Accession of Crimea to the Russian Empire

Here it would be good to know the dates firmly: 1) - 1549; 2) - 800; 3) - 1783 and the problem is solved, but such bright events in history are well remembered at least in chronological order.

2. In the second task, you need to establish a correspondence between events and years. And again, you need to know the dates, at least imagine - about the era of the reign of which political figure in question. The events of our history are often correlated with the rulers of the country, why not use this in the exam? The task is complicated by the fact that there are more dates than events, that is, the exclusion method will not work here.

The date of the baptism of Russia is firmly known to any student who takes the Unified State Exam in history - 988. The decree "on free cultivators" is also a textbook - 1803, the abolition of parochialism is clearly associated with the 17th century - 1682, and the 19th conference of the CPSU is Gorbachev, hence 1988.

3. The third task involves the exclusion of two abbreviations that are not related to the period 1945-1953:

1) CPSU; 2) NATO; 3) CMEA; 4) CIS; 5) SNK; 6) UN.

In this case, we will need to know that the SNK (Council of People's Commissars) is the first Soviet government. Its existence belongs to an earlier period, and the CIS (commonwealth of independent states) is currently heard, which also does not correspond to the indicated period.

4. Write the term in question:

The highest state position in the Novgorod Republic in the XII-XV centuries. he was elected at the veche for one or two years and supervised the activities of all officials, together with the prince he was in charge of administration and court issues, commanded the army, led the veche meeting and the boyar council.

According to the first words, "The highest state position in the Novgorod Republic ..." it is clear that we are talking about a posadnik. In addition to the posadnik, a thousand man was elected in Novgorod, and he led the city militia as an assistant posadnik. The archbishop was the head of the church, and the prince had only military functions.

5. Establish a correspondence between events and facts:

A couple of World War I - Brusilovsky breakthrough is obvious. The Battle of Austerlitz and the Anti-French Coalitions too. Prince Igor and his famous unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsy at school are studied, in addition to history, also in the lessons of music and literature. The battle of Klushino is an unsuccessful attempt by Vasily Shuisky to stop the Polish army, after which he was overthrown by the Seven Boyars, and the Poles occupied Moscow.

6. Establish a correspondence between fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: for each fragment indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by numbers:


BUT)“We grant this nominal decree with our royal and fatherly mercy to all who were previously in the peasantry and in the citizenship of the landlords, to be loyal slaves to our own crown, and we reward with an ancient cross and prayer, heads and beards, liberty and freedom and forever Cossacks, without requiring recruitment collections, per capita and other monetary taxes, possession of lands, forest, hayfields and fishing, and salt lakes without purchase and without dues, and we free all the judges who were previously committed from the villains of the nobles and city bribe-takers to the peasants and all the people - imposed taxes and burdens.

B)“If any of the landowners wishes to release their acquired or ancestral peasants one by one or as a whole village to freedom and at the same time approve a piece of land or a whole dacha for them, then having made conditions with them that are recognized by mutual agreement as the best, he has to present them at the request his through the provincial noble leader to the Minister of the Interior for consideration and presentation to us; and if a decision follows from us according to his desire, then these conditions will be presented in the Civil Chamber and recorded at the serf deeds with the payment of legal duties. ... Peasants and villages, released from the landowners under such conditions with land, if they do not wish to enter into other states, can remain farmers on their own lands and in themselves constitute a special state of free cultivators.


1) This document was published by Alexander 11
2) The execution of this document is made dependent on the will of the landlords
3) A contemporary of the publication of this document was A.D. Menshikov
4) This document was published by Alexander 1
5) According to this document, some duties introduced by Peter 1 are abolished
6) This document was issued by the leader of the popular uprising.


The first fragment refers to the manifestos of Emelyan Pugachev. This becomes apparent when you look at the style - it is similar to the imperial manifestos of the 18th century, as well as the content - the promise of the abolition of recruitment kits and the return of the old cross and beards. It was the recruitment kits and the poll tax that were the innovations of Peter I.

The second fragment is an excerpt from the decree "On free ploughmen" of 1803, which, as you know, allowed the landowners to release peasants with land to the will with the consent of the emperor.

Thus, the answer is: A - 5.6; B - 2.4

7. Which three of the following events occurred in the 18th century:

1) Battle of Borodino
2) Gangut naval battle
3) defense of Shipka
4) the battle of Gross-Jägersdorf
5) Sinop naval battle
6) the battle of Rymnik

Here are quite famous battles, let's remember them. The battle of Borodino is the war of 1812, the Gangut naval battle refers to the Northern War of 1700-1721, the defense of Shipka is an episode of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, the battle of Gross-Egersdorf refers to the Seven Years' War of 1756-1763. , Sinop naval battle - Crimean War, 1853, The battle of Rymnik took place during the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791.

Accordingly, the 18th century includes: the Gangut naval battle, the Battle of Gross-Jegersdorf and the battle of Rymnik.

8. Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence marked with a letter and containing a gap, choose the number of the element you want:

A) Commander of the 62nd Army, which especially distinguished itself in the Battle of Stalingrad ___
B) The complete liberation of Leningrad from the enemy blockade took place in January ___
C) September 30, 1941 began ___

Missing items:
1) defense of the Brest Fortress
2) 1943
3) 1944
4) V.I. Chuikov
5) N.F. Vatutin
6) battle for Moscow

Great Patriotic War in the course of the history of Russia in the XX century. much attention is paid, and significant battles that had a significant impact on the course of the Second World War are especially highlighted. One of them is the Battle of Stalingrad, in which the 62nd Army under the command of V.I. Chuikov.

The Leningrad blockade was lifted during one of the 10 operations of 1944, namely the Leningrad-Novgorod one, while the blockade was broken as early as 1943.

On September 30, 1941, of course, the Battle of Moscow began, that is, its defensive stage, and the counteroffensive near Moscow on December 5-6, 1941 became the first major successful offensive operation of the Red Army in the Second World War.

9. Establish a correspondence between events (processes, phenomena) and participants in these events: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second column:

A) the development of Siberia and the Far East by Russia
B) internecine war in the Moscow principality
B) Northern War
D) economic reforms of the 1960s. in USSR

1) Dmitry Shemyaka
2) Ivan 111
3) E.P. Khabarov principality in the second half of the 15th century.
4) A.N. Kosygin
5) G.A. Potemkin
6) B.P. Sheremetev

The development of Siberia and the Far East by Russia is associated with the name of E.P. Khabarova. The internecine war in the Moscow principality was fought between Vasily the Dark and his brothers Vasily Kosy and Dmitry Shemyaka. B.P. Sheremetev - commander of the Northern War. A.N. Kosygin - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

10. Read an excerpt from the Decree of the Presidium of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR and indicate the last name that was omitted three times in the text:

“The awarding ___ of the Nobel Prize, in essence, for the novel Doctor Zhivago, hastily covered up by high-flown phrases about his lyrics and prose, actually emphasizes the political side of the unscrupulous game of reactionary circles ... Considering the political and moral fall of ___, his betrayal of the Soviet people, to the cause of socialism, peace, progress, paid for by the Nobel Prize in the interests of fomenting the Cold War - the Presidium of the Board of the USSR Writers' Union, the Bureau of the Organizing Committee of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR and the Presidium of the Board of the Moscow Branch of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR deprive ___ of the title of Soviet writer, exclude him from the members of the USSR Writers' Union.

In this task, the title of the novel will tell you the name of the author. Of course, this is Pasternak.

11. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap marked with a letter, select the number of the required element:

Missing items:
1) the formation of the Holy Roman Empire
2) the first convocation of the Estates General in France
3) XIII century.
4) Battle of Kulikovo
5) XVII century.
6) the emergence of the state of the Franks
7) X c.
8) oprichnina
9) the beginning of the compilation of Russian Truth

The complexity of this task is that it is necessary to synchronize the events of domestic and foreign history, which is not easy for children.

11th century in the history of Russia is the creation of "Russian Truth".

The battle on the ice or the battle on Lake Peipsi - 1242, which means the XIII century, the baptism of Russia - 988, i.e. X century, and the formation of the Holy Roman Empire in 962 - also X century.

It turns out that in the XIV century. the Battle of Kulikovo took place (1380) and the first convocation of the Estates General in France (1302).

12. Read an excerpt from the Constitution of the USSR:

“Article 1. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a socialist state of the whole people, expressing the will and interests of the workers, peasants and intelligentsia, the working people of all nations and nationalities of the country. Article 2. All power in the USSR belongs to the people. The people exercise state power through the Soviets of People's Deputies, which constitute the political foundation of the USSR. All other state bodies are controlled and accountable to the Councils of People's Deputies. Article 3. The organization and activities of the Soviet state are built in accordance with the principle of democratic centralism: the election of all bodies of state power from top to bottom, accountability to their people, and binding decisions of higher bodies for lower ones. Democratic centralism combines unified leadership with initiative and creative activity in the localities, with the responsibility of each state body and official for the assigned work. Article 4. The Soviet state, all its organs operate on the basis of socialist legality, ensure the protection of law and order, the interests of society, and the rights and freedoms of citizens. State and public organizations and officials are obliged to observe the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws. Article 5. The most important issues of state life are submitted for public discussion, as well as put to a nationwide vote (referendum). Article b. The leading and guiding force of Soviet society, the core of its political system, state and public organizations is the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The CPSU exists for the people and serves the people...”.

Using the passage and knowledge of history, select three correct judgments from the list below:

1) This Constitution of the USSR was adopted during the leadership of the USSR I.V. Stalin
2) The principle of democratic centralism implies that the decisions of higher bodies are binding on lower ones
3) Article 5 of this Constitution of the USSR during the entire history of the Soviet Union has never been implemented
4) According to this passage, there is Soviet power in the USSR
5) This Constitution of the USSR was adopted by the XXV Congress of the CPSU
6) One of the articles of the USSR Constitution presented in the excerpt was canceled before the collapse of the USSR

There are several “beacons” in this passage from the Constitution of the USSR that you need to pay attention to:

1) the mention in Art. 6 about the CPSU as the "leading and guiding force" of Soviet society. This immediately indicates that we have before us the "Brezhnev" Constitution of 1977.
2) reference to the referendum.

We need to choose the right judgments. 1) - we brush aside immediately, because led by Brezhnev. 2) - suitable, because in Art. 3 is clear enough about it. 3) - not suitable, because a referendum on the preservation of the USSR was held in 1991 4) - fits unambiguously. 5) - not good, because Party congresses did not adopt the Constitution, but only the Congresses of Soviets. 6) - suitable, because 6 art. was abolished in 1990, before the collapse of the USSR, which took place in 1991.

Review the diagram and complete tasks 13-16:

13. Name the country-opponent of Russia in the war to which the diagram is dedicated:

Tasks on the historical map often cause difficulties. In this case, a map of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 is presented. this is clear from geographical names.

14. What is the name of the commander of the Russian troops in the battle, indicated on the diagram by the number "1":

The number "1" denotes the battle of Mukden in Manchuria. General Kuropatkin commanded the Russian troops.

15. Indicate the name of the battle, the area of ​​​​which is shaded and indicated on the diagram by the number "2":

The number "2" denotes the Tsushima naval battle.

16. What judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three sentences from the six offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table:

1) The city indicated on the diagram by the number "3" was not surrendered to the enemy
2) The Russian squadron in the battle, indicated on the diagram by the number "2", was commanded by Z.P. Rozhdestvensky
3) The peace treaty following the war, the events of which are indicated in the diagram, was signed in the American city of Portsmouth
4) One of the defenders of the city, indicated on the diagram by the number "3", was R.I. Kondratenko
5) As a result of the war, the events of which are indicated on the diagram, Russia lost the city of Vladivostok
6) In the battle, indicated on the diagram by the number "1", the Russian troops won.

Here again we choose the correct judgments. The number 3 denotes the fortress city of Port Arthur, it was surrendered to the enemy by General Stessel in 1904. Accordingly, 1) is not suitable. 2) - suitable, because The Russian squadron was commanded by Rozhestvensky. 3) - suitable, because the peace treaty was indeed signed in the American Portsmouth. 4) - suitable, because Kondratenko is the hero of the defense of Port Arthur. 5) - not suitable, Russia did not lose Vladivostok. 6) - does not fit, near Mukden, the Russian army, rather, was defeated, and Mukden was captured by the Japanese.

17. Establish a correspondence between cultural monuments and their brief characteristics: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second column:

A) "The Tale of Bygone Years"
B) Tsar Cannon
C) the painting "Boyar Morozova"
D) sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Girl"

1) a cultural monument created in the 16th century.
2) a cultural monument created in the 17th century. author - I.E. Repin
4) author - V.I. Mukhina
5) author-monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery Nestor
6) author - V.I. Surikov

The Tale of Bygone Years, according to the generally accepted version, was written by the monk Nestor. The Tsar Cannon was cast by master Chokhov in the 16th century. The painting “Boyar Morozova” was painted by V.I. Surikov. The sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Woman" was created by V.I. Mukhina.

18. What statements about this coin are correct? Choose two sentences from the five offered:

1) This coin was issued after the Caribbean Crisis
2) The monument depicted on the coin was erected in memory of the Battle of Stalingrad
3) By the time of the collapse of the USSR, the number of ribbons on the coat of arms of the USSR depicted on the coin had decreased
4) The war, in which the coin is dedicated to the anniversary of victory, began in the first decade of June
5) The monument depicted on the coin was designed by the sculptor V.I. Mukhina.

The commemorative coin depicts the sculpture "The Motherland Calls". It was created by 1967 according to the project of the sculptor Vuchetich. Again, we choose the right judgments. 1) - right, the Caribbean crisis was in 1962. 2) - right, in memory of the Battle of Stalingrad and installed in Volgograd. Here you can stop, in the condition it was required to choose two correct judgments. 3) - not true, the number of tapes has not changed since 1956. 4) - not true, the Second World War began on June 22, and this is the third decade. 5) - not true, Vuchetich.

19. Specify the photographs showing the buildings, the construction of which was completed in the same period when this coin was issued (during the leadership of the USSR by the same statesman):

To begin with, we need to remember who led the USSR in 1967, by the time the monument “The Motherland Calls!” was opened! In Volgograd. This is L.I. Brezhnev (1964-1982). This means that the building under the number 2) is suitable - the house of the Soviets, built in the late 1970s, and 3) is the house-book on Novy Arbat, built under Brezhnev.


From the Emperor's Manifesto

“Immortal Glory, Wise Monarch, Dear Sovereign, Our Grandfather, Peter the Great, Emperor of All Russia, what a burden and colossal labors he was forced to endure solely for the well-being and benefit of his fatherland, raising Russia to perfect knowledge of both military, civil and political affairs , not only the whole of Europe; but the greater part of the world is an unfaltering witness. But how to restore this it was necessary, in the first place ... to teach the noble nobility and show how great are the advantages of the enlightened powers in the prosperity of the human race against countless peoples, immersed in the depths of ignorance; therefore, at that time, extremeness insisted on the Russian nobility, showing its excellent signs of favor to them, ordered them to enter the military and civil services, and, moreover, to teach noble youth, not only various liberal sciences, but also many useful arts ...
The aforementioned establishment, although at the beginning it was somewhat coercive, but very useful, was followed by all those who have owned the Russian Throne since the time of Peter the Great, and especially Our Dear Aunt, blessed memory, the Empress Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, imitating the deeds of Her Sovereign Parent, knowledge political affairs and various sciences has spread and multiplied ... We see with our pleasure, and every true son of his fatherland must admit that innumerable benefits followed from that, rudeness was exterminated in those who are negligent about the common good, ignorance was changed into common sense, useful knowledge and diligence in service has multiplied skillful and brave generals in military affairs, in civil and political affairs it has appointed people who are knowledgeable and fit for the job, in a word to conclude, noble thoughts have rooted in the hearts of all true Russian patriots boundless fidelity and love for us, great zeal and excellent zeal for Our service, and therefore We do not find the need and, in compulsion to service, which until now has been needed ...

1) All nobles who are in Our different services can continue it for as long as they wish ... "

20. Indicate the year in which this manifesto was issued. Indicate the emperor who issued this manifesto. Specify the name of this manifest:

At the very beginning of the document, it is indicated that this is a manifesto. The text of the document refers to the release of the nobles from the compulsory service established by Peter I. Accordingly, this is the Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility of 1762, and its author is Peter III.

21. What, according to the author of the manifesto, is the reason that forced Peter I to oblige the nobles to serve and study? In what way does the author of the manifesto see the merit of Elizaveta Petrovna? How does the author explain the reason for the decision expressed in the last sentence of this passage?

This task can be performed based solely on the text of the document. 1) The reason was the need to have an educated nobility to serve for the benefit of the fatherland. 2) Elizaveta Petrovna “distributed and multiplied various sciences” (founded Moscow University, for example). 3) The reason is that the nobility became educated and diligent in service. And therefore, there is no need to force him to it.

22. List any three measures not mentioned in this manifesto that the author of the manifesto took during his reign:

Peter III ruled for a short time, about six months, was killed by guards conspirators who elevated Catherine II to the throne, but managed to do something. Firstly, he canceled the persecution of the Old Believers (Pugachev promised the old faith, posing as Peter III); secondly, he began the secularization of church lands, which was then continued by Catherine II; thirdly, he led Russia out of the Seven Years' War by entering into an alliance with Prussia, which, in many ways, brought the wrath of the guards on him.

23. In 1990, a program was developed for the transition of the USSR to a market economy, which was called "500 days". Specify any two directions of reforming the economy that were envisaged to be carried out as part of the implementation of this program. Specify the reason for the rejection of this program by the President of the USSR:

The 500 Days program assumed a transition to a market economy, for which it was necessary: ​​1) to privatize state property and 2) to abolish centralized management of the economy, i.e. planning. Gorbachev rejected this program for fear of social unrest.

24. There are debatable problems in historical science, on which different, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science:

"The political activity of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich was successful"

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can support this point of view, and two arguments that can refute it. When presenting arguments, be sure to use historical facts.


Arguments to support:

1) Svyatoslav defeated the neighbor of Kievan Rus - the Khazar Khaganate, to which the Slavs once even paid tribute.

2) He appointed the rulers of individual lands not the leaders of tribal unions, as it was before, but his sons, which reduced the risk of separatism.

Arguments in rebuttal:

1) Svyatoslav spent a lot of time on campaigns, leaving Kyiv without cover for the squad, which the Pechenegs used more than once.

2) Svyatoslav was defeated by the Byzantine army, concluding a peace that was not particularly beneficial for Russia, and was killed by the Pechenegs, returning home from this campaign.

25. You need to write a historical essay about one of the periods in the history of Russia:

1) 912-945; 2) December 1812 - December 1825; 3) March 1921 - October 1928. The essay must:

Evgeny Mikhailovich Polushin, history teacher:“I decided to take the period from December 1812 to December 1825. This is the time from the expulsion of the French from Russian territory during the Patriotic War of 1812 to the Decembrist uprising. In this eventful historical period, in my opinion, two stand out especially - the creation of the Holy Alliance in 1815 and the uprising of the Decembrists in 1825.

The initiator of the creation of the Holy Alliance was the Russian Emperor Alexander I, who from his youth dreamed of an international arbitration court, necessary to prevent military conflicts. The Holy Alliance was formed after the Napoleonic Wars in order to preserve the European order that was established after the victory of the anti-French coalition over Napoleonic France and the prevention of revolutions.

This union, originally founded by Russia, Prussia and Austria, gradually included almost all European monarchs. But the existence of the Holy Alliance did not bring the fruits that Alexander I had hoped for. Russia, faithful to the ideals of the Holy Alliance, suppressed the Polish uprising of 1830-1831. and even sent Russian troops to suppress the revolution in Austria-Hungary. Such activity of Russia frightened some European countries and made it possible to suspect our country of expansion plans, for example, in the Balkans, which later affected during the Crimean War, in which Russia had no allies. The lack of allies and international isolation were important reasons for Russia's humiliating defeat in this war.

N. Muravyov is one of the founders of the Northern Society of Decembrists and the author of the "Constitution" - the program of this society. Secret societies arose among Russian officers after the foreign campaign of the Russian army. In Europe, they got acquainted with the way of life and methods of government, which were very different from Russian realities. The absence of serfdom, the relative economic well-being of the peasants, the officers dreamed of realizing in Russia. On the way to this, in their opinion, stood the autocratic power, firmly guarding serfdom and administrative arbitrariness. Although until the end of the 1810s, its young officers hoped for the goodwill of the emperor and dreamed of helping the authorities in reforming the country. Convinced that Alexander lost interest in reforms, the conspirators headed for an armed uprising. The northern society, created by N. Muravyov, represented the moderate wing of the conspirators, who assumed the preservation of the monarchy, provided that it became constitutional. The uprising of the Decembrists, as they were later called, took place on December 14, 1825 and was brutally suppressed by troops loyal to the government. The Decembrists had a huge impact on the further history of our country, stirring up the thinking part of society, becoming an example of disinterested service to the idea of ​​​​the country's well-being. Although there is another opinion formulated by P. Chaadaev. He did not approve of the Decembrist uprisings. He considered it senseless and even harmful, frightened and embittered the authorities, and made liberal reforms impossible in the foreseeable future. In many ways, he was right."

*Since May 2017, the DROFA-VENTANA joint publishing group has been part of the Russian Textbook Corporation. The corporation also included the Astrel publishing house and the LECTA digital educational platform. Alexander Brychkin, a graduate of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, candidate of economic sciences, head of innovative projects of the DROFA publishing house in the field of digital education (electronic forms of textbooks, Russian Electronic School, LECTA digital educational platform) has been appointed General Director. Prior to joining the DROFA publishing house, he held the position of Vice President for Strategic Development and Investments of the EKSMO-AST publishing holding.

Today, the Russian Textbook Publishing Corporation has the largest portfolio of textbooks included in the Federal List - 485 titles (approximately 40%, excluding textbooks for correctional schools). The corporation's publishing houses own the sets of textbooks in physics, drawing, biology, chemistry, technology, geography, astronomy, most in demand by Russian schools - areas of knowledge that are needed to develop the country's production potential. The corporation's portfolio includes textbooks and teaching aids for elementary schools awarded the President's Prize in Education. These are textbooks and manuals on subject areas that are necessary for the development of the scientific, technical and industrial potential of Russia.

A 1. In what century did all these events take place - the Salt Riot in Moscow, the uprisings in Pskov and Novgorod, the Copper Riot in Moscow?

1) XV century 2) XVI century 3) XVII century 4) XVIII century

A 2. What was the name of the Code of Laws of Russia adopted in 1649?

1) "Sudebnik"

2) "Charter"

3) "Cathedral Code"

4) "Table of Ranks"

3) "Cathedral Code"

A 3. What date is associated with the final enslavement of the peasants?

1) 1480 2) 1556 3) 1649 4) 1721

A 5. Which of the following was one of the reasons for the riots of 1648 and 1662 in Moscow?

2) liquidation of city self-government

3) the introduction of recruitment for the townspeople

4) providing foreign merchants with advantages in trade

1) the introduction of new duties and money

A 6. Read an excerpt from a historian's work and indicate the name of the church figure in question.

“He was a power lover who fanatically believed in his great destiny. With the beginning of the church reform in 1654, the patriarch began to publicly declare the primacy of the "priesthood over the kingdom", which meant the subordination of the royal power to the patriarch. Over time, this difference in the characters of the king and the patriarch gave rise to mutual alienation. Alexei Mikhailovich was more and more weighed down by his importunate guardianship and arrogance. Friendship came to an end, and when the patriarch in 1658 publicly renounced his rank in the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral, the tsar did not dissuade him.

1) Job 2) Habakkuk 3) Nikon 4) Philaret

A 9. Which of the following provisions refers to the church reform of Patriarch Nikon?

  • opening of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy
  • establishment of the Holy Synod
  • separation of church and state
  • replacement of a double-fingered sign of the cross with a triple-fingered one

A 10. The result of the conclusion of the "Eternal Peace" with Poland (1686) was that

1) Russia received Left-bank Ukraine and Kyiv

2) Russia got access to the Baltic Sea

3) The Commonwealth abandoned the Right-Bank Ukraine

4) The Commonwealth returned Novgorod to Russia

Answer: Russia received Left-bank Ukraine and Kyiv

A 11. Read an extract from a historical document and indicate the title of this document.

“Also, if some patrimonials and landowners will teach the sovereign to beat his forehead about his fugitive peasants and bobs, those peasants and bobs, according to the investigation, should be given according to scribe books without fixed years.

The court for their peasants is sought and they are responsible for the nobles and children of the boyars in all cases, except for tatba and robbery, and red-handed and mortal murders.

1) "Cathedral Code" 1649 2) "Sudebnik" 1497 3) "Sudebnik" 1550 4) Russian Truth

15. The first higher educational institution in Russia:

1) Moscow University;

2) Petersburg University;

3) Institute of Noble Maidens;

4) Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.

16. The years 1497, 1581, 1597, 1649 reflect the main stages:

1) struggle for access to the sea;

2) formation of the Russian centralized state;

3) approval of the patriarchate in Russia;

4) enslavement of the peasants.

  • 1497 Sudebnik of Ivan III
  • 1581 "Decrees on reserved years"
  • 1597 Decrees on lesson years (5-year investigation)
  • 1649 Cathedral Code

17. Not is a contemporary of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich:

1) Patriarch Nikon;

2) Stepan Razin;

3) Andrei Kurbsky;

4) Athanasius Ordin-Nashchokin.

18. "Two kingdoms" - the period of joint rule:

1) Ivan and Peter Alekseevich at the end of the 17th century;

2) Boris Godunov and False Dmitry 1 at the beginning of the 17th century;

3) Fyodor Ioannovich and Boris Godunov at the end of the 17th century;

4) Patriarch Filaret and Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich in the 20-30s. 17th century

19. The largest Russian icon painter of the 17th century:

1) Theophanes the Greek;

2) Simon Ushakov;

3) Andrey Rublev;

4) Vladimir Borovikovsky.

Answer: 2 (Trinity, Savior Not Made by Hands)

21. The peasant war under the leadership of Stepan Razin took place simultaneously with such an event as:

1) "copper riot";

2) "salt riot";

3) Solovetsky uprising;

4) "Khovanshchina".

Answer: 3 (1668-1676)

23. Which name in the given series of names of participants in the events of the Troubles is superfluous:

1) K. Minin;

2) D. Pozharsky;

3) I. Bolotnikov;

4) E. Pugachev.

25. Indicate which event happened later than all the others:

1) adoption of the Council Code;

2) accession of the Romanovs;

3) Russia getting access to the Baltic Sea

4) the appearance on the political arena of False Dmitry 1.

Answer: 3 (1721, Peace of Nystad)

26. Which of the following provisions was contained in the Council Code of 1649:

1) the introduction of oprichnina;

3) the establishment of St. George's Day;

4) the announcement of serfdom as hereditary.

28. The event, which received the name "Uglich drama" in history, is associated with:

1) the death of Tsarevich Dmitry;

2) the campaign of False Dmitry I;

3) the death of Boris Godunov;

4) an uprising led by I. Bolotnikov

29. “The rebellious age of the quietest king” was called by contemporaries the reign;

1) Alexei Mikhailovich;

2) Mikhail Romanov;

3) Fedor Ivanovich;

4) Fedor Alekseevich.

30. Cathedral code is:

1) code of laws;

2) the procedure for promotion;

3) a representative body at the court;

4) literary work.

33. Which of the named literary works was created in the 17th century:

1) "The Tale of Igor's Campaign";

2) "Zadonshchina";

3) "The Life of Archpriest Avvakum";

4) "Journey beyond the three seas."

Answer: 3 (autobiographical genre)

35. What was called “lesson years” in Russia?

1) the term of the search for fugitive peasants;

2) the period of the reign of the "seven boyars";

3) the period for which the oprichnina was introduced;

4) years in which the transfer of peasants from one owner to another was prohibited.

36. What was the name of the government body in Russia in the 15th-17th centuries:

1) boyar duma;

3) State Council;

4) Supreme Privy Council.

40. Which of the following referred to the results of the foreign policy activities of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich:

1) accession to Russia of the Left-bank Ukraine;

2) the conclusion of the Nystadt peace treaty with Sweden;

3) accession to Russia of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates;

4) getting Russia access to the Black Sea.

41. Which of the following was one of the reasons for the church schism in the 17th century:

1) the secularization of church lands by the tsar;

2) a decision to correct church books;

3) establishment of the patriarchate;

4) the intensification of the struggle between the nonpossessors and the Josephites.

42. As a result of the uprising in Moscow in 1662, the tsar was forced to:

1) abolish copper money;

2) liquidate the "white settlements";

3) cancel recruitment;

4) introduce the poll tax.

43. One of the consequences of the adoption of the Council Code of 1649 was:

1) the establishment of an indefinite investigation of fugitive peasants;

2) extension of the terms of the search for peasants up to 15 years;

3) the abolition of the rule “there is no extradition from the don”;

4) permission for landowners to exile peasants to Siberia.

44. Which of the named names are associated with the events of the church schism in Russia in the 17th century:

A) Philaret;

B) Habakkuk;

D) Joseph Volotsky;

D) Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich;

E) Tsar Fedor Ioannovich.

Specify the correct answer:

45. Which of the following provisions contained the Cathedral Code of 1649:

A) the introduction of a poll tax;

B) the final legal enslavement of the peasants;

D) the creation of zemstvo cathedrals;

D) attaching residents of cities to the settlement;

E) exemption of nobles from compulsory service.

Specify the correct answer:

46. ​​Which of the following events occurred during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich:

A) adoption of the Council Code;

B) Northern war;

C) sections of the Commonwealth;

D) Copper riot;

D) the Seven Years' War;

E) the peasant-Cossack movement under the leadership of S. Razin.

Specify the correct answer:

ABD; 2) AGE; 3) BVE; 4) VDE.

IN 1. Arrange in chronological order the documents that reflected the process of enslavement of the peasants:

1) "Cathedral Code"

2) Decrees on "reserved years"

3) Sudebnik 1497

4) Decrees on "lesson years"

Answer: 3241

IN 3. Match the names of contemporaries.

1) Yaroslav the Wise A) Patriarch Nikon

2) Dmitry Donskoy B) Metropolitan

3) Tsar Alexei Illarion

Mikhailovich B) Sergei Radonezhsky

4) Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich

D) Patriarch Filaret

D) Joseph Volotsky

Answer: BVAG

IN 1. Arrange the names of historical persons in chronological order of their activities:

A) Bogdan Khmelnitsky;

B) Patriarch Filaret;

C) Tsar Fedor Alekseevich;

D) Tsar Fedor Ioannovich.

Answer: GBAV

AT 5. Read an excerpt from the historian's essay about the Solovetsky Monastery and write the name of the phenomenon in church life with which the described events are connected:

“Monks, sophisticated scribes, owners of the richest library, and “worldly” settlers painfully accepted minor changes in liturgical books, recognizing them as a malicious deviation from the true faith and piety. And when many ungodly heresies and crafty innovations were found in the first corrected books delivered to the monastery in 1657, it was decided to hide them without accepting them for service.

Answer: church schism

Q1 Arrange the following events in chronological order:

1) church reforms of Patriarch Nikon;

2) approval of the patriarchate in Russia;

3) church reform of Peter I;

4) church activities of Sergius of Radonezh.

Answer: 4213

B5 An important process in the history of Russia, characterized by the concepts of "St. George's Day", "work in progress", "an indefinite search for runaway peasants", is called _____ peasants.

Answer: enslavement (or enslavement)

Q4 Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, refer to the events (phenomena) of the 17th century.

1. Acceptance of the Council Code

2. "Campaign for zipuns"

3. The conclusion of the Stolbovsky peace with Sweden

4. The conclusion of the "Eternal" peace with Poland

5. Paris Peace Treaty

Find and write down the ordinal number of the term related to another historical period.

AT 6. Fill in the empty cells of the table using the data presented in the list below. For each cell marked with letters, select the number of the required element. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters

1. Northern war

2. Livonian war

3. Alexei Mikhailovich

4. Crimean War

7.Catherine II

8. Elizaveta Petrovna

Answer: 231457



Ivan the Terrible

church schism

Nicholas I

IN 3. Establish a correspondence between the names of legislative documents and the provisions enshrined in them:

DOCUMENTS 1) Sudebnik 1497

2) decrees on lesson years

3) Sudebnik 1550

4) decrees on reserved years

Answer: BVAG


A) confirmation of the provision on St. George's Day

B) the introduction of the provision on St. George's Day

C) the establishment of a 5-year term for the investigation of fugitive peasants

D) a temporary ban on the transition of peasants on St. George's Day

Part C (USE 2005, option No. 21)

From 1-3. From the work of the historian R.G. Skrynnikov.

“The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich went down in history as a “rebellious time”. Of all the folk performances of that era the most destructive and bloody was Razin's rebellion. Don ataman Stepan Razin made a robbery campaign on the Caspian Sea. The Cossack army plundered several provinces on the southern coast of the Caspian and defeated the Persian fleet. Razin promised the people freedom and called for the total extermination of the boyars and officials. The rebellious Cossacks were supported by non-Russian peoples of the Middle and Lower Volga regions. The uprising covered a huge territory ... Razin's rebellion was accompanied by the extermination of nobles and clerks. In response, the authorities executed many thousands of rebels. The self-proclaimed intrigue did not develop in the Razin movement and did not lead to a split in the Russian nobility, which is why the Cossack rebellion did not turn into a civil war.

C 1. What century does the event described in the document belong to? What gave the author reason to call the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich "rebellious time"? (by the 17th century)

C 2. Based on the text of the document and knowledge of history, name the characteristic features of S. Razin's speech. List at least 3 traits.

C 3. Why, according to the historian, did the uprising not develop into a civil war? Name at least 2 reasons.

From 4. Specify the main types of social movements in Russia in the 17th - 18th centuries. Give examples of movements you know.

Riot (Copper, Salt)

Peasant uprising (S. Razin, I. Bolotnikov, Solovetsky uprising)

From 4. USE, 2004, option number 18.

What are the main tasks that were solved in the foreign policy of Russia in the 17th century? (list at least two tasks). Give examples of wars, campaigns and expeditions of the 17th century undertaken to solve these problems (at least three examples).

The main objectives of foreign policy:

1) achieve access to the Baltic Sea;

2) return the Russian territories occupied by Poland;

3) go to the Black Sea coast.

Russian-Swedish war 1656-1661 Smolensk war 1632-1634,

Russian-Turkish war 1677-1681

From 4. Name at least four features of the state-political development of Russia in the second half of the 17th century, indicating the transition to an absolute monarchy. Give at least three provisions of the "Council Code" of 1649.

Signs of absolutism:

The highest degree of centralization

Developed bureaucracy completely dependent on the monarch

High level of economy

Strong army and law enforcement agencies

Liquidation of representative organizations

Advanced diplomacy

Complete subordination of the church to secular power

Provisions of the Council Code of 1649

  • the final legal enslavement of the peasants;
  • strengthening the authority, power and prestige of the king's personality;

Attaching city dwellers to the settlement;

USE, 2004, option No. 22, 29.

From 4. What are the main reasons for the popular movements of the 17th century. Give examples of major speeches. What were the reasons for their defeat?

  • Insufficiently clear development of the uprising program
  • The lack of unity of interests of its various groups

IN 1. Arrange the following historical documents in chronological order of their creation. Write down the letters that denote the documents in the correct sequence in the table.

A) "New Trade Charter"

B) "The Truth of the Yaroslavichs"

C) Sudebnik of Ivan IV

D) Cathedral Code

Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet No. 1 (without spaces and any symbols).

Answer: BVGA.

AT 5. Write the name of the leader of the uprising referred to in the historical document.

“... Having mastered such a great force without any fight, [he] gave each of them a salary for two months, promising in advance the freedom to rob and kill at their will, and added: “For the cause, brothers! Now take revenge on the tyrants who have hitherto kept you in captivity worse than the Turks or the pagans. I have come to give you all freedom and deliverance, you will be my brothers and children, and you will be just as good as I am - just be courageous and remain faithful. After these words, everyone was ready to go to his death for him, and everyone shouted with one voice: “Many years to our father. May he defeat all the boyars, princes and all bonded countries!” This news frightened Mr. Prozorovsky, he feared for Astrakhan, for the stupid people began to grumble and express praise to the robber, and such unrest began in all the cities of that area and every moment had to wait with fear for terrible bloodshed.

Answer: Razin

Read an extract from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period.

From the decision of the Council (January 1682).

“... We, the great sovereign, therefore, we will order those books to be put on fire, so that it will be in eternal oblivion. And from now on, we command our boyars and devious and thoughtful and neighbors and all sorts of ranks of people in Moscow in orders and among criminals, and in the regiments of the military and embassies, and everywhere in all matters to be all among themselves without places and henceforth no one with who should not be considered any previous cases and reproach anyone, and no one should be lifted up above anyone by past finds.

C1. Determine what is repealed by this resolution.

C2. Explain in the interests of which segment of the population this decision was adopted. Give at least two arguments to support your opinion.

C3. How did the adoption of the resolution affect the situation of various segments of the population?

C4. Review the historical situation and answer the questions.

In 1658, Patriarch Nikon left the patriarchal throne and retired to the Resurrection Monastery near Moscow (New Jerusalem), founded by him. Perhaps he expected to be begged to return. But the Council of 1666-1667, which anathematized the Old Believers, also defrocked Nikon. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich supported this decision. Nikon was exiled north to the Ferapontov Monastery. The once all-powerful patriarch, former "friend" of the tsar, his co-ruler, accustomed to command rather than obey, spent the last 15 years of his life in captivity.

What were the contradictions between the king and the patriarch?

Why did it become possible to remove Nikon from power?

(Give at least two reasons.)

C5 Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can support this point of view, and two arguments that can refute it.

"Russia in the 17th century was in a state of isolation from the economic, military and cultural achievements of the countries of Western Europe"


Arguments to support:

Arguments in rebuttal :

Arguments to support:

  • Moscow diplomacy did not participate in European affairs (there were constant contacts only with Poland and Sweden)
  • Until 1710, Russia was unable to master the production of modern types of weapons (it was bought abroad). This indicates the absence of contacts with the West, which implies the borrowing of production technologies.

Arguments in rebuttal:

  • Large manufactories were founded by foreigners, which indicates that Russia borrowed the best practices of Western European countries.
  • Foreign officers served in the German Quarter
  • A military revolution began: soldiers, dragoons, and reytar regiments appeared, created according to the European model.

Test number 1 "Old Russian state."

A1. What was the name of the first Russian chronicle?

1) "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" 2) "The Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor

3) “Instruction for children” by Vladimir Monomakh 4) “Word about law and grace”

A2. The ancient Russian state was formed in

1) 182 2) 828 3) 882 4) 988

A3. After the campaigns of which prince, Khazaria ceased to exist as a strong state?

1) Igor 2) Svyatoslav 3) Vladimir 4) Yaroslav

A4. Christianity in Russia was adopted: 1) 955 2) 988 3) 1054 4) 1223

A5. Under his reign, a light warning system (fiery telegraph) was introduced to warn of danger in the southern borders of Russia:

1) Vladimir 2) Yaroslav the Wise 3) Vladimir Monomakh 4) Yuri Dolgoruky

A6. In what year was Moscow first mentioned?

1) 1132 2) 1147 3) 1157 4) 1212

A7. Who was the first Moscow prince?

1) Yuri Dolgoruky 2) Daniil Alexandrovich 3) Ivan Kalita 4) Dmitry Donskoy

A8. The heyday of the Old Russian state is considered to be the reign of:

1) Princess Olga 2) Prince Yaroslav the Wise

3) Prince Vladimir the Holy 4) Prince Svyatoslav

A9. When did feudal fragmentation begin and end in Russia?

1) the end of the 10th century - until the 12th century

2) the end of the XI century - until the middle of the XIII century

3) the beginning of the XIII century-40s of the XVI century

4) 30s of the XII-end of the XV century

A10. During the fragmentation of Russia, the boyar republics existed in:

1) Novgorod and Kyiv 2) Novgorod and Vladimir 3) Novgorod and Pskov 4) Novgorod and Moscow

A11. The first source of legal norms was called:

1) Russkaya Gazeta 2) Russkaya Pravda 3) Russian Law 4) Russian Word

A12. In what year did the Lubeck Congress of Princes take place?

1) 1054 2) 1097 3) 1111 4) 1147

A13. Which prince bequeathed that henceforth the eldest in the family should be the Grand Duke in Russia?

1) Yaroslav the Wise 2) Izyaslav 3) Oleg 4) Vsevolod

A14. Such people, for a monetary debt, worked out part of their time for the master, because they concluded an agreement with him, and became dependent on him:

1) serfs 2) smerds 3) purchases 4) ryadovichi

A15. What was the result of the battles on the Neva River and Lake Peipus?

1) Russia captured the entire coast of the Baltic Sea

2) the beginning of the unification of Russian lands was laid

3) the offensive of the Mongol-Tatars was stopped

4) the spread of Catholicism in Russian lands was prevented

A16. The battle on the Kalka River took place: 1) 1223 2) 1242 3) 1380 4) 1480

A17. Which of the events does not relate to the struggle of the Russian state with the Mongol-Tatars?

1) Battle on the Kalka River 2) Battle on the Ice 3) Battle of Kulikovo 4) Standing on the Ugra River

A18. The Battle of Kulikovo took place in: 1) 1223 2) 1237 3) 1380 4) 1480

A19. Indicate which of the listed literary works is devoted to the description of an event related to the 14th century.

1) "The Tale of the Battle of Mamaev" 2) "The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu"

3) "Journey beyond three seas" 4) "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

A20. The ruin of Moscow by Khan Tokhtamysh took place in the reign

1) Alexander Nevsky 2) Dmitry Donskoy

3) Ivan Kalita 4) Vasily III

Test No. 2 "The Russian state inXV–XVII centuries.

When completing tasks A1-A20, out of the four proposed options, select one correct one.

A1. Which of the following events took place during the reign of Grand Duke Ivan III?

1) a lawsuit was issued 2) the first Zemsky Sobor was convened

3) a streltsy army appeared 4) Western Siberia became part of the Russian state

A2. He was the first to take the title of "Sovereign of All Russia":

1) Vasily the Dark 2) Ivan the Terrible 3) Ivan III 4) Semyon Proud

A3. The coat of arms with a double-headed eagle appeared as the official symbol of the Russian state with:

1) Ivan III 2) Ivan the Red 3) Vasily the Dark 4) Dmitry Donskoy

A4. Standing on the Ugra River occurred in:

1) 1410 2) 1475 3) 1433 4) 1480

A5. What event happened during the reign of Ivan III?

1) restoration of veche Orders in the Moscow principality

2) removal of the veche bell from Novgorod to Moscow

3) writing a set of laws "Russian Truth"

4) construction of signal towers on the borders of the principality

A6. The procedure for filling higher positions, depending on the nobility of the family and the importance of the positions occupied by the ancestors, is called:

1) tax 2) feeding 3) polyudie 4) localism

A7. Which of the above refers to the results of Prince Ivan III's campaign against Veliky Novgorod in 1478?

1) expansion of the powers of the Novgorod veche

2) the receipt by the Moscow prince of large land holdings at his disposal

3) providing the Novgorod merchants with special benefits

4) transfer of most of the Novgorod lands to the principality of Lithuania

A8. In honor of the birth of Ivan the Terrible in the village of Kolomenskoye was built

1) Temple of the Ascension 2) Temple of Basil on Gorka

3) Spassky Cathedral 4) Intercession Cathedral

A9. Wedding year for the reign of Ivan the Terrible:

1) 1530 2) 1533 3) 1538 4) 1547

A10. The introduction of oprichnina by Ivan the Terrible led to:

1) the final legal registration of serfdom

2) the abolition of parochialism

3) cancellation of feedings

4) strengthening the personal power of the king

A11. Year of annexation of the Kazan Khanate to Russia:

1) 1514 2) 1552 3) 1556 4) 1558

A12. Yermak's campaign in Siberia was organized at the expense of:

1) merchant-industrialists Stroganovs 2) state treasury

3) entrepreneurs Demidovs 4) at their own expense

A13. Read an excerpt from a historian's work and indicate under what name the government in question entered history.

“About the beginning of Ivan’s reign, one can even say that it was an autocratic monarchy“ with a human face ”, thanks to the reforms of the government headed by Adashev and Sylvester. During its ten years in power, this government carried out as many reforms as no other decade in the history of medieval Russia knew. True, the prerequisites for reformatory activity were formed even before Adashev and Sylvester entered the historical stage.

1) Council of All the Earth 2) Elected Rada

3) Order of secret affairs 4) Middle thought

A14. Read an excerpt from the work of a modern historian and indicate when the events described occurred: “Using the decay of the oprichnina army, the Crimean Khan ... broke through to Moscow and set fire to the city. The fire spread to the Kremlin, where many Muscovites hid. Almost all of them suffocated "from the fire heat" in stone cathedrals and chambers. For about two months, the city was cleared of corpses. This time, too, there was no betrayal.”

1) 1558 2) 1564 3) 1571 4) 1584

A15. Which of the following refers to the results of the Livonian War of 1558–1583?

1) economic ruin of the northwestern territories of the Moscow State

2) accession to Russia of Courland and Lithuania

3) Russian loss of Novgorod and Pskov

4) Russia receiving the Baltic coast from Vyborg to Riga

A16. Read an excerpt from the work of a historian and indicate the name of the territory, the annexation of which to Russia is in question.

“The warriors of Kuchum did not know how to use the invention of gunpowder and at the end of the 16th century acted as the only weapon of the Genghis times. Each Cossack went to the crowd of enemies, hit one with a deadly bullet, and dispersed twenty and thirty with a terrible sound of his squeak. So in the first battle on the banks of the Tobol, in the Babasan tract, the leader of the Cossacks, standing in a trench, with several volleys stopped the desire of ten or more Mametkulov horsemen, who rushed at full speed to trample on him: he himself hit them and, having completed the victory, discovered path to the mouth of the Tobol.

1) Astrakhan Khanate 2) Amur Region 3) Eastern Siberia 4) Western Siberia

A17. Master Dionysius worked on the murals:

1) Trinity-Sergius Monastery 2) Ferapontov Monastery near Vologda

3) Andronikov Monastery in Moscow 4) Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery

A18. What events in national history are associated with the dates of 1497, 1550?

1) the adoption of the Code of Laws 2) the struggle against the Horde dominion

3) the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible 4) the expansion of the territory of Moscow Russia

A19. Basil's Cathedral was built in:

1) the end of the XV century. 2) the middle of the XVI century. 3) the end of the XVI century. 4) the beginning of the XVII century.

A20. Read the extract from the document and indicate the century:

“.. The Tsar and Grand Duke Fyodor Ivanovich of All Russia pointed out .. Which peasants are from the boyars and from the nobles and because of the clerks and because of the boyar children and because of all kinds of people, from estates and estates, and from patriarchs and from the metropolitans and from the sovereign and from the monastic estates ran out until the present year 106 in 5 years, and on those fugitive peasants in their escape. and on those landowners and votchinniks, for whom they run out to live, that landowner, from whom they ran out, and to the patriarchal and metropolitan and sovereign children of boyar and monastic villages as clerks and servants to give court and search firmly for all sorts of investigations, and by court and by investigation those fugitive peasants with their wives and children and with all their bellies to carry back where someone lived.

1) XV century. 2) XVI century. 3) XVII century. 4) XVIII century.

Test No. 3 "Time of Troubles in Russia"

When completing tasks A1-A20, out of the four proposed options, select one correct one.

A1. Foreign interference in the internal affairs of Russia during the Time of Troubles was carried out by:

1) Denmark, Norway 2) Commonwealth, Sweden

3) England, Sweden 4) Turkey, Crimean Khanate.

A2. Time of Troubles in Russia is called:

1) the end of the 16th century 2) the first half of the 17th century

3) the beginning of the 16th century 4) the end of the 16th - the beginning of the 17th centuries

A3. K. Minin and D. Pozharsky became famous in Russian history as leaders:

1) a peasant uprising; 2) the defense of Smolensk;

3) a conspiracy of the boyars against False Dmitry I 4) a militia that liberated Moscow from the invaders

A4. In the period of troubled times, the "Tushinsky thief" was called:

1) Ivan Kholopko 2) Grigory Otrepiev 3) False Dmitry II 4) Procopius Lyapunov

A5. The second militia began to form:

1) in Ryazan 2) in Vladimir 3) in Nizhny Novgorod 4) in Moscow

A6. The Rurik dynasty ended after death:

1) Ivan the Terrible 2) Fedor Ivanovich 3) Boris Godunov 4) Mikhail Fedorovich

A7. The first tsar who occupied the Russian throne not by inheritance, but as a result of election to the kingdom was:

1) Mikhail Romanov 2) Boris Godunov 3) Vasily Shuisky, 4) False Dmitry I.

A8. In 1598 Boris Godunov took the Moscow throne on the basis of:

1) Wills of Fyodor Ivanovich 2) Decisions of Tsaritsa Irina

3) Decisions of the Boyar Duma 4) Decrees of the Zemsky Sobor

A9. Which of the following documents was adopted later than the others:

1) Decree on lesson years, 2) Sudebnik of Ivan IV,

3) Decree on reserved years, 4) Sudebnik of Ivan III

A10. Leader of the peasant movement 1603-1604:

1) Lyapunov P 2) Ileyka Muromets 3) Cotton Kosolap 4) Zarutsky I.M

A11. About whom V.O. Klyuchevsky said: “It was only baked in a Polish oven, and fermented in Moscow”:

1) about Fyodor Romanov 2) about Boris Godunov

3) about Grigory Otrepiev 4) about Prince Vladislav

1) Boyar Duma 2) Seven Boyars 3) Shuisky V.I 4) False Dmitry I

A13. The uprising of 1606-1607 under the leadership of Bolotnikov I.I. was suppressed after:

1) Defeats near the village of Kotly 2) Surrenders of Tula 3) Retreats to Kaluga 4) Siege of Moscow

A14. In the uprising of Bolotnikov I.I. did not participate:

1) Archers 2) Peasants 3) Cossacks 4) Posad people

A15. Contemporaries were Bolotnikov I.I. and:

1) Ivan IV 2) Khmelnitsky B.M. 3) Shuisky V.I. 4) Razin S.T.

A16. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian N. I. Kostomarov and determine the name of the historical figure missing in the text to which this characteristic refers. “They chose Prince ______ as king, convinced that the former, killed, named Dmitry, was not the real Dmitry ... But the people were dissatisfied with the fact that _______ sat on the throne incorrectly: not the whole earth, through their chosen people, elected him to the kingdom, but shouted him king and planted the parasites in Moscow also favored him on the throne ”:

1) Mikhail Romanov 2) Boris Godunov 3) Alexei Mikhailovich 4) Vasily Shuisky

A17. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky and indicate to whom the road to the throne was opened after the described conspiracy. “However, the main reason for the fall of False Dmitry I was different. At a meeting of conspirators on the eve of the uprising, the boyars frankly stated that they recognized False Dmitry only in order to get rid of Godunov. The great boyars had to create an impostor in order to depose Godunov, and then depose the impostor in order to open the way to the throne for one of their own. They did just that."

1) Vasily Shuisky 2) Ivan Zarutsky 3) Prokopy Lyapunov 4) False Dmitry II

A18. The cross-kissing record of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, given upon his accession to the throne, contained a promise:

1) transfer part of state lands to the church 2) do not execute without trial

3) to make large land grants to the nobles 4) to cancel state taxes

A19. The meaning of the "cross-kissing record" of Vasily Shuisky was:

1) in the creation of a new authority - the Zemsky Sobor,

2) in the promise of the king to his subjects to observe the rule of law,

3) in the introduction of a new principle of succession to the throne,

4) in the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia.

A20. By 1606–1607 applies to:

1) the reign of Vasily Shuisky 2) the uprising led by I.I. Bolotnikova

3) the reign of False Dmitry I 4) the activities of the Second Home Guard

Test No. 4 "The First Romanovs"

When completing tasks A1-A20, out of the four proposed options, select one correct one.

A1. What did the accession of the Romanov dynasty mean?

1) the beginning of a new stage of the civil war 2) the end of the Time of Troubles

3) the end of feudal fragmentation 4) the beginning of boyar rule

A2. The concept of "split" in the XVII-XVIII centuries. meant the division of the population into supporters and opponents:

1) reforms of the Chosen One 2) abolition of serfdom

3) reforms of Patriarch Nikon 4) expansion of the privileges of the nobility

A3. Archpriest Avvakum was:

3) the leader of the opponents of church reform; 4) the mentor of the royal children.

A4. The Council Code of 1649 played a decisive role in:

1) the formation of enlightened absolutism 2) the enslavement of the peasants

3) the establishment of a class-representative system; 4) the replacement of orders by colleges.

A5. Which of the above refers to the results of Alexei Mikhailovich's foreign policy?

1) accession to Russia of the Northern Black Sea region

2) annexation of Western Siberia to Russia

3) Russia getting access to the Baltic Sea

4) accession to Russia of the Left-bank Ukraine and Kyiv

A6. Which of the following was the result of Nikon's reforms in the 17th century?

1) liquidation of monastic land ownership 2) change in church rites

3) the creation of the Holy Synod 4) the establishment of the patriarchate

A7. What century in the history of Russia was called the "rebellious century"?

1) XVI century. 2) XVII century. 3) XVIII century. 4) XIX century.

A8. Read the passage from the chronicle and answer the question: When did these events take place?

“At this time, robbery multiplied in the Russian land, not only there was no passage in deserted places, but near Moscow there was a great robbery. Tsar Boris sent troops to them many times ... but nothing could be done with them. The boyars decided to send a governor with a large army against them ... They (troops) went and met with (robbers) near Moscow. The robbers fought with them without sparing their heads, and they killed the governor Ivan Fedorovich ... and barely overcame the accursed, killing many of them ... Cotton, barely alive, was taken prisoner, while others fled to Ukraine and there they were caught and hanged.

1) 1602–1603 2) 1606–1607 3) 1608–1609 4) 1611–1612

A9. Russian pioneer:

1) Ivan Fedorov 2) Andrey Kurbsky 3) Ivan Peresvetov 4) Theodosius Kosoy

A10. The supreme power became two-headed: the king and the patriarch jointly ruled the country. These were:

1) Vasily Shuisky and Germogen 2) Mikhail Fedorovich and Filaret

3) Boris Godunov and Job 4) Alexei Mikhailovich and Nikon

A11. The concept of "lesson summer" meant:

2) restriction on the transition of peasants on St. George's Day

3) the term for the investigation and return of fugitive peasants

4) the years when the landowner transferred the peasants to dues

A12. A state in which the power of the monarch is combined with the existence of bodies composed of deputies from the nobility, clergy and townspeople is called:

1) absolute monarchy 2) constitutional monarchy

3) estate-representative monarchy 4) oligarchy

A13. The Council Code stated:

1) a reform of church rituals was carried out

2) the last destinies were destroyed

3) liquidated "black settlements"

4) the search for runaway peasants became indefinite

A14. The salt riot took place in:

1) 1648 2) 1645 3) 1653 4) 1667

A15. The Andrusovo truce between Russia and Poland was concluded in:

1) 1667 2) 1653 3) 1681 4) 1689

A16. One of the associates of Stepan Razin:

1) Vasily Us 2) Yuri Baryatinsky 3) Philip Kolychev 4) Archpriest Avvakum

A17. Despite the suppression of the Copper Riot, the government was forced to:

1) Develop a new set of laws 2) Go for the abolition of copper money

3) Abolish serfdom 4) Exempt the taxable population from paying taxes

A18. The uprising of Stepan Razin happened:

1) 1667–1677 2) 1667–1670 3) 1670–1671 4) 1669–1671

A19. The copper riot took place in:

1) 1649 2) 1665 3) 1662 4) 1670

A20. The king, nicknamed "the quietest":

1) Boris Godunov 2) Mikhail Fedorovich

B) Fedor Borisovich 4) Alexei Mikhailovich

Answers to tests.