Full name Eve origin and meaning. The meaning of the name Eva, the origin, character and fate of the name Eva

The sonorous name Eve is a Russian-language version of the Hebrew name Hava, which translates from Hebrew as “breathing”, “giving life”. In this version, the name means "naughty", "restless". In many Slavic languages, the name entered in the form of Eva, in English - Iva, in Georgian - Khava. To date, it has become widespread among Tajiks, Uzbeks and Georgians. There are female and male names, where the name Eva has become their short form. For example, Eugene, Evangelina, as well as Eutropius and Evstigney.

According to the Holy Scriptures, in the religion of Christians, Eve was named the first woman created by God. She was created as a faithful companion and wife for Adam. This name is also found in the Islamic religion. The Qur'an says that God created Havva out of mercy to Adam. In all scriptures, Eve (Hava) symbolizes femininity and the primary source of all mankind.

Characteristics of the owner and fate

A harmonious and good interpretation of the name is a component that affects the fate of the bearers. Eves, like all people, are endowed with both good and negative character traits. Along with softness, dreaminess and kindness, uncontrollability, obstinacy and irascibility coexist. Where it is necessary to make quick decisions, Eve demonstrates indecision and excessive gullibility. A girl with this name tends to believe in mysticism, as a result she often becomes a victim of scammers who pretend to be magicians.

The character of women with this name is complex and unpredictable, difficult to change. In communicating with people, their mood quickly and often changes, if a few minutes ago you were talking with a cute girl Eva, then one careless word is a real fury in front of you. Be prepared for the fact that Eve will never violate internal principles, will not betray her beliefs.

Sometimes she is very indecisive in some matters, but if she makes a decision, she always does it deliberately, on a sober head. Eva is diligent and punctual, loves order in everything. She spends a lot of time on her appearance and wardrobe choices. And despite the fact that she demonstrates self-confidence to everyone, the secret of the name hides vulnerability and sensuality.

As a child, Eva is outwardly obedient and calm child. As a rule, he is respected among his peers and takes a leadership position. They listen to her, imitate her. The girl is able to lead the whole team. Eva always chooses friends older than herself, her peers are not interesting to her. Girls with the name Eva have great learning abilities, but do not have much zeal for learning.

In her school years, Eva is distinguished by very outrageous antics, which often brings teachers to a fainting state. Capricious and headstrong, they are simply unable to live by the rules. They have a rich imagination, often live in a world they have imagined. Which sometimes worries their relatives and friends. Therefore, when choosing the name Eva for a girl, remember that you will need a lot of wisdom and strong nerves.

Career and profession

Eva is very efficient and endowed with many talents. A woman with that name always stands out from the general mass of the working team. Evas are great at handling conflicts at work and handle stress with ease. The only thing that they endure with difficulty is life in a team where there are clear rules. Eve needs freedom in everything. It is full of ideas that need to be implemented. At the same time, she needs support and understanding, without the approval of her aspirations begin to fade.

Most often, people with this name choose the profession of a teacher, linguist, teacher. Her interests are manifested in the field of clothing and management. By virtue of their nature, Evas choose professions where they can show their creativity, put ideas into practice, where freedom of thinking is welcomed. In addition, Eva showed herself well in medicine, and her love of travel makes her an indispensable employee for business trips.

Family and love

Thanks to firm principles, the girl Eva is in no hurry to enter into a relationship with a man before marriage. Morality and its aspects play an important role for her. For marriage, Eve takes a long time to mature, creating it consciously and seriously. In the family of Eva, they give themselves entirely, for them children and the beloved man always come first. If there is a choice between a successful career and a family, then Evas choose a family.

In marriage, a woman named Eva is a faithful wife, a wonderful and hospitable hostess. In matters of fidelity, Eve has firm principles, she is faithful herself and demands the same from her husband, so her jealousy often turns into scandals. Most often, the first marriage of Eva does not bring happiness, it ends in divorce.

The strongest inspiration and joy in life for them is their children. Eva are wonderful and caring mothers who do not let their children get bored and upset. Sometimes, women with that name take children for adoption.

The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy

As mentioned above, the name Eve is directly related to Christianity. However, until recently, it was not in the Orthodox calendar. Only eighteen years ago, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized the abbess of the Penza Monastery, Abbess Eva, who was shot by the NKVD in 1937. Nowadays, when Eve is baptized, the name is not changed, unless the parents themselves express a desire.

Name day dates in 2018

As for the Catholic calendar, here Eve can celebrate her name day on January 5, June 2, March 11, and also on December 24 and 31.

Purposeful, strong-willed and sensual Eva knows how to control herself and is used to achieving everything herself. The secret of the name Eva lies in the energy and wealth of nature that conquers those around and helps her achieve the fulfillment of desires.

The translation of the name comes from the word Chava, which means in Hebrew "breathe" or "live." There is also a translation option, meaning "cheerful, perky."

The female name Eva is not very common among the descendants of the Slavs, although its popularity has increased slightly in recent years. The name is not Muslim, it is already difficult to determine its nationality, it is in use abroad and is used in different parts of the world.

The Orthodox calendar includes only one saint with this name - Eva Pavlova, whose memory falls on February 7 and August 27. According to the Catholic calendar, there are two dates - September 6 and December 24. One of these days will become Eve's name day - the first number after her birthday.

Traditions and sounds

The history of the name goes back to what, according to biblical tradition, is considered the first woman on earth. It was Eve who tasted the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So Eve became the progenitor of the human race. Some researchers considered her the embodiment of an ideal woman and, reflecting on Eve's act, attributed to it a sacred meaning - the beginning of the comprehension of truth and human development.

What the name Eve means is revealed more fully through an analysis of the energy of culture. The name Eve refers to the Jewish egregore. The Hebrew origin of the name Eve connects it with those qualities that were especially valued by the Jews when it was first used.

Therefore, Evas are very often characterized by such features as mystery, fortitude, some conservatism, aristocracy. Fate often connects them with science, they usually choose solitude, preferring to keep a distance from people. Eve, whose instinct will be unusually developed due to the forces of the Jewish egregore, may well become a strong and influential person if she is interested.

The characterization of the name Eva is complemented by sound influence. Each letter contributes to the meaning of the name Eva.

  • E - full of ideas, the ability to easily resolve conflicts and insight.
  • B - creativity and ease in establishing contact with people.
  • A - thirst for solid ground underfoot, the desire for creation, energy.

The mutual influence of the energy of sounds forms a bright individuality. The girl will easily adapt, and perhaps take the place of a leader or a “grey eminence”.

When using diminutive forms, perhaps only the meaning of the name for the girl changes somewhat, since in relation to adult women the affectionate version of the address is rarely used. The full name Eva has the following common forms:

Evushka, Evochka, Evika, Yves, Willow, Hav, Eva.

Each of these forms adds something to the interpretation of the name. For example, the affectionate version of Yevushka or Yevochka is associated with the development of softness and awareness in a girl.

  • Evika, Willow, Yves - pronounced sophistication and a desire for harmony will appear.
  • Hav - emphasis on independence and prosperity.
  • Eva - the ability of a speaker, insight, curiosity will develop.

Growing up process

The description of the name allows you to look into the future and outline the path that Eve will take. The child is characterized by a developed fantasy and a penchant for mysticism, mystery. She likes fictional stories, she seems to live in her own world. She likes to talk, share her impressions, besides, she is spontaneous and sweet.

The daughter pleases her parents, reflecting them: from her mother she often takes on independence, from her father - responsiveness and good nature. She is independent, but obedient, and if she gives any trouble, then they are trifling.

Evochka is very energetic, often she becomes the epicenter of events. It seems to speed up the flow of life around her. Events rush at a gallop, and Eva collects impressions and then shares them like precious stones.

At school, the girl is more interested in natural disciplines, she often succeeds in mathematics. Her classmates love her, as Eva is a sincere peace-loving person, incapable of betrayal.

In her youth, the girl is self-willed, although she does not lose her prudence, so it is quite easy to persuade her to her side if you find undeniable arguments for the truth of this particular position. Eve, whose lively mind requires constant nourishment, seeks to be friends with intellectuals who can speak with her on the same level. A girl in adolescence becomes picky about her close circle of communication.

She easily penetrates all the locked doors of a person’s soul and quickly understands him, while she herself remains an eternal mystery to those around her. The girl does not like to share her experiences. Few people notice how vulnerable, tender and sensitive nature is hidden behind the facade of confidence, independence and strength.

Adult Eve is an adventurer, she does not like boredom, dullness, regularity at all. She craves excitement, risk, Eva loves to win, especially she likes to solve complex problems that would challenge her abilities. It is thanks to this that the girl often breaks very high. She works to achieve the desired position and is not used to waiting for handouts from fate.

The character traits of this woman suggest that she wants to become an expert in her chosen field. Almost everything suits her, her mindset allows her to master even professions that are considered masculine.

Considering that a girl is naturally endowed with the ability to establish contact with others, she will make an excellent doctor, teacher, lawyer, and journalist. She is fair, tactful, smart, quickly understands people and has organizational skills. She will be able to build her own business and show herself well as a boss.

Unbreakable union of hearts

Eva is easy to get carried away, she is mysterious, gentle and seductive. In a romantic relationship, she surrenders to feelings and emotions, becoming amazingly lively and unfettered by the framework of rationalism, logic and dry calculation, which she expects from her chosen one.

The girl wants an exciting, passionate relationship, devoid of boredom and banality. Therefore, cold and overly reasonable partners will not come to court. She receives a lot of energy from being in love, so she looks for him, and when she finds him, she gives all the tenderness to a loved one.

Eva has high requirements for a partner. He must be smart, gallant, open, active, temperamental. And when she finally finds a person who satisfies her, she becomes the most faithful and devoted to him.

Marriage at first proceeds especially rapidly, the girl is fighting for power. A man will need patience to endure this avalanche of self-will. On the other hand, by choosing the right tactics, the husband will eventually find a caring and active wife who will always fight for the interests of the family and his love. Children grow up with her in strictness. She demands from them the fulfillment of duties, teaches responsibility early, knows how to reward for correct behavior and protect from dangers.

Not every partner is suitable for a woman named Eve. The meaning of her name is very harmoniously combined with the meanings of the names of some men - as a rule, it is with them that Eve is most comfortable:

  • A strong and happy family will be built by a girl with. They will have a very bright and interesting life.
  • Strength and desire for leadership make Eve and Eugene related, their characters do not fight, but merge, forming a strong and long-term unit of society, they know how to find a compromise.
  • Common interests, mutual support and responsibility inherent in Alexei and Eva cement their connection, forming an excellent foundation for happiness and harmony.

Difficulties are expected with those who cannot find an approach to the girl. However, all these problems are easy to solve if you pay close attention to them and discuss important issues. Eve's low compatibility with men bearing names:

  • . A lot of passions, uncontrollable feelings, they cause instability in relationships, partners need to learn to restrain themselves.
  • . It is worth considering on what basis the union is based, because it seems that they have nothing in common. If no common points are found, the relationship is unlikely to last long.
  • . They need to make a clear demarcation of the boundaries, otherwise Eve will compete with him until the break.

The meaning of the name Eve hides in itself a connection with the progenitor of all mankind, because it comes from the first woman created by God. According to the Book of Genesis, it was Eve who gave the forbidden fruit a taste, after which the couple was expelled from the Garden of Eden.

In Hebrew, Eve sounds like Chava and is translated "giving life." It is also interpreted as "breathe, live, move, play pranks." The name Eva is used by many Christian and Catholic countries, where it sounds slightly modified (Eva, Iva, Efa).

Although the name Eve comes from the Hebrew word, among the Slavs it has become a short form for multiple female and male names:

  • evangelica,
  • Evstigney and others.

Name characteristic

The cold energy of the name Eva repels his parents a little when choosing. The mythological component also contributes to this, since Eve is considered a temptress, because it was through her that they and Adam were expelled from Paradise. Therefore, many are cautiously placed to Eva and do not often call their girls by this name. The ambiguous image of a woman who committed a sin repels many. But, despite this, the characteristic of the name Eve suggests that d evushka is purposeful, lively and groovy.

The coldness of the energy component of the name Eve is also given by its insufficient softness both in pronunciation and based on the personality of the girl.

  • In general, its bearer is a rather purposeful person with great ambitions.
  • Behind the impregnable mask of indifference and coldness lies a subtle nature, which not everyone can recognize.
  • The screen of efficiency and impregnability that Eve wears makes her irritable, as it does not allow her to show weakness and vulnerability in some situations.

Due to the split personality, proportionally opposite in people and inside the girl herself, it is rarely possible to recognize what the name Eve means.

Some of them remain two-faced, revealing only to those closest to them, while others break through one of the personalities. Then the woman becomes completely cold and stony internally and externally, or vice versa, throwing off the mask of indifference, turns into a sensual and caring person.

The biblical character still leaves a certain imprint on Eve's entire life story. Therefore, she is:

  • wise,
  • sly,
  • strong-willed,
  • purposeful.

No matter how the card lays down in a life situation, our heroine will under no circumstances bend and adapt to the circumstances or a particular person, if she considers this unacceptable for herself.

The girl defends her point of view, even if she feels that she is wrong in some way. Excessive pride prevents admitting defeat.

Advice for girls named Eva. Wanting to achieve location, as well as to make family life flourishing, more is needed:

  • communicate with loved ones
  • do not be afraid to open your soul to them,
  • talk about pressing issues.

Eve's childhood and adolescence

  • From an early age, a girl named Eva becomes a leader in the team. She, as it were, subjugates her peers on an extrasensory level.
  • Among the crowd, Eva becomes exactly the person who sets the rhythm and sets her own rules.
  • At the same time, her actions do not in any way infringe on the dignity of other children.
  • Even older people and even teachers listen to Eva, take into account her practical advice and suggestions.

The name Eve does not have high achievements in the sciences and the curriculum, so our heroine studies mediocrely. Self-conceit, eccentricity and, in some cases, passion for the opposite sex leads to extraordinary behavior and actions of our heroine.

In order to prevent a fall at an early age, parents should explain to their Eve the structure of life relationships and sexual development in time.

Professional orientation and hobbies

Eva Jacqueline Longoria (American actress, model, restaurateur and television producer)

Although the meaning of the name Eve hides some debauchery, coldness and originality, these women can be divided into two types.

  1. Those who marry early, becoming a mother and a housewife. At the same time, order reigns in their house, and the Eves themselves live for their own pleasure. Spas, socializing with girlfriends, taking care of children and husband, that's their prerogative.
  2. For the second type, the name Eva promises a successful career, an interesting and versatile life. At the same time, it is difficult for our heroine to work in a team where she has to be in the role of a subordinate. Ambitions take over, and our Eva herself becomes the head of a department, company or opens her own business, where she is a full-fledged mistress.

With a good combination of circumstances, Eva can become a fashion designer, where she will set the rules. Having overcome laziness, realizing that a good specialty should be acquired, a girl named Eva will become beautiful:

  • teacher,
  • doctor,
  • translator.

Having correctly positioned herself and cast aside unnecessary arrogance, she will successfully work for her own pleasure.

Less ambitious Eva, who curbed her sublimity, would make a good secretary or middle manager.

But, no matter who our heroine works for, she is wasteful. Spend money on:

  • trinkets,
  • spas,
  • restaurants,
  • expensive clothes.

Eva always looks like a needle, you can't take her by surprise.

What talents the name Eve hides in herself is what was given to her by God. Sometimes in a career her skills are combined with professional activities, such women can be called doubly happy. In general, Eva can draw, sing or dance in her free time and seven hours.

Love relationships and family ties

The girl called Eve is beautiful, knowing her own worth, so she does not lack fans. If she didn’t get married “by flight” at an early age, burdening herself with her husband and children, then she will not enter into family relationships soon.

  • Women with the name Eve are unpredictable, which is why they choose a mate for a long time.
  • Relations with a cold and prudent companion will lead to a divorce, our heroine will be oppressed by them.
  • Only with a charismatic person of the same temperament will you get an excellent union.
  • Trusting her beloved, a girl named Eva will blossom, become soft and responsive.

The name Eve is the oldest of all female names, because it was the first woman on Earth who wore it. It has reached the modern world and is gaining popularity again.

Name origin

The name Eve has Hebrew roots, it comes from the name Chava, which is translated from Hebrew as "giving life" or simply "life." Eve was the name of the progenitor of all people on Earth. In the modern world, the name is also translated as “live”, “naughty”, “mobile”. In various countries, you can find analogues of this name: Eva, Efa, Eba or Iva.

Adam and Eve were the first people to appear on Earth

How did the name Eva come about? God created a woman so that the first man on Earth - Adam - would not be bored alone, and ordered him to come up with a name for her. Then Adam called her Eve.

Name Forms

The name Eva does not have a short form, but it has diminutive forms: Evochka, Evushka, Efi, Evka, Evita.

The name Eva has several related names, for which it is considered a short form:, Evnika, Evdokia. For the male names Evstigney and Eutropius, it is also a short form.

The church version of the name sounds similar: Eve. The name is found in sacred biblical writings, so you do not need to take another name at baptism.

Name transliteration: Eva.

According to the latest transliteration rules, the name Eva is written as Eva

The name Eva goes well with such patronymics as Alexandrovna, Arkadyevna, Andreevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna, Borisovna, Grigorievna, Evgenievna, Maksimovna, Nikitichna.

Nicky for the name Eve: Eve, First_Woman, Eva, Yves.

Table: name Eve in other languages

Name days and patron saints of the name

Not so long ago, the name Eva was not inscribed in the Orthodox calendar, but in the year 2000 Abbess Eva, who in the world was called Akilina Vasilievna Pavlova, was canonized. The woman was the abbess of the Penza Holy Trinity Monastery and was executed in 1937 for counter-revolutionary agitation.

Saint Eve's feast day is August 27

The feast day of Saint Eve is the twenty-seventh of August. On the same day, people with the name Eva celebrate the name day. In the Catholic faith, Eve's name day falls on five dates:

  • 5.01,
  • 11.03,
  • 2.06,
  • 24.12,
  • 31.12.

Characteristics of the name Eva

The name Eva is very strong and is always associated with the first woman on Earth and her destiny. Therefore, some parents are afraid to call their daughter that. But this is in vain, because the name is really beautiful and powerful.

Eva is a secretive girl, she does not like to share her experiences with anyone

Eve - is that a name? No, a riddle… A mystery. Unsolved and sweet... Eternal and captivating flight, Sweet sin of the Foremother, love...

Not known http://stihi-pro.pp.ua/sid_0_cid_1_tid_0/stihi_pro_Evu.html

How the name Eve affects the character of the child

Little Eva is always cheerful, active and kind. She seems obedient and sweet, does not cause problems for mom and dad, with the exception of frequent colds. Eva is often very similar to a parent, she grows up as a beautiful, but capricious child. Although at first glance you can’t say so, because a little girl shows her temper only in front of those people who are not able to refuse her and will do as she wants. Perseverance and perseverance are the main characteristics of a girl named Eva.

Eves have good learning abilities, but they are not interested in this occupation. They have a few favorite subjects, and the rest they are superficial. Physical education enjoys special love. Girls have a lot of talents: they sing well, have the plasticity to do gymnastics or dance, write poetry.

Eva is very talented at a young age, they sing, dance, draw well

Girls really like it when they are praised and admired for their beauty, which they have known since childhood.

The nature and fate of an adult

Adult Eva is a strong, strong-willed person with excellent self-control. She has a restrained and balanced character, strict towards others, but quite sociable and cheerful.

A beautiful name, and a lady to match, Beautiful, bright Eva, It is easy and quick to find communication with her, She is a queen in manners!

According to Mendeleev's theory, women with the name Eve easily fit into any team, are reliable, active and gladly come to the rescue. They are smart and resourceful, do not tolerate familiar and vulgar attitude towards themselves.

The theory of P. Rouge regarding women with the name Eve reports that they belong to the choleric type of people with a difficult character. They also have the characteristics of an introvert - closed, self-confident, secretive. According to Rouget, Evas are women who love work, but are envious and slightly gloomy. Eva has a good intuitive sense, but does not use it. She is very touchy and vulnerable, unable to defend herself, but when her loved ones are offended, she will always come to the rescue and intercede for them.

Eve is closed and secretive, touchy and vulnerable

The main feature of Eve is sensuality, which distinguishes her from other women, according to the theory of B. Higira. Women named by this name are jealous, unpredictable and conflicted. Men love them for their "boring" character. Eva will never forgive the man who cheated on her. She is hospitable, loves male attention. He never sits idly by, enjoys traveling and outdoor activities. External characteristics: thin, blond hair, carefully selects a wardrobe, prefers black and red shades in clothes. She likes to read fashion magazines, novels and detective stories. From cinema, he prefers television series and romantic films.

Talents and career

According to Mendeleev's theory, Eve is able to reach the top in any professional activity. Under no circumstances will she get involved in a dubious business, due to the fact that she has high intelligence and the ability to analyze. He always has his own opinion, which is difficult to change.

According to Rouge's theory, Evas are created for such professions in which it is necessary to give all the best "to the fullest." However, they are even more suitable for the role of the mother of the family. Evas enjoy spending time with children or looking after someone, so they make good doctors, nurses, teachers and caregivers.

A doctor is the profession in which a woman named Eva will be successful

According to Khigira's theory, Evas are inclined towards such professions as doctor, secretary, teacher, translator, tailor, hairdresser. Does not know how to manage money wisely, often wastes it.


Weaknesses can be considered the intestines, skin and lungs. It happens that a girl is predisposed to fullness and obesity. There are also pressure issues. The secrecy of character and the suppression of her emotions leads to depression and mental problems in Eve. To avoid this, you should learn to relax and give vent to emotions, find an activity that will be to your liking.

Love and family

Men are always interested in women bearing the name Eve. They, in turn, seduce and tease the opposite sex. Eves are flirtatious, often fall in love and act up. According to Higira's theory, there are always a lot of admirers around Eva, whom she keeps at a distance. Carefully chooses a life partner, but can enter into an intimate relationship already at the first meeting. Eve has a changeable character: she can live with one partner for a long time, but there are times when she begins to change her companions like gloves. She appreciates in men a delicate, sensitive and gentle attitude towards herself. She is married more than once, often does not remain faithful in marriage, she easily admits this to her husband.

So many meanings in the name Eve: The main feelings, the first woman, Passion and desire in this name Merged together like a doublet!

Unknown http://stihi-pro.pp.ua/sid_0_cid_1_tid_0/stihi_pro_Evu.html

There are always a lot of fans around Eva

Family is very important to her. She prefers her career growth. However, relations with the mother-in-law will not develop, as well as with many other relatives. Despite this, Eva will always protect her family and their interests.

Eve is really an exemplary wife: She bit an apple in embarrassment, fell in love with Good Adam, and was faithful to him all her life.

Eduard Asadov https://rustih.ru/eduard-asadov-vernaya-eva/

Eva is a good housewife and mother. She has culinary talents. Children will be brought up in love, but in severity.

Table: compatibility of some male names with the name Eva

Man's nameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityThe nature of the relationship
Alexander70% 90% Eva and Alexander love to spend time together. They take care of each other, and after the birth of children, love extends to them.
Alexei80% 90% This couple does not have passion in a relationship, but there are many common interests. And then there is love. They initially see in each other who they really are, therefore, in marriage, the spouses do not expect "unpleasant surprises."
Andrei100% 60% Eva and Andrey have a very bright and passionate relationship. However, none of them is used to giving in to the other, which is not very good for family life. In addition, both are jealous, which causes constant quarrels and scandals.
Sergey50% 80% At the first meeting, they will not pay attention to each other. However, after several dates and lengthy conversations, they may become closer.
Evgeny60% 100% Eva and Eugene have high self-esteem and a brilliant mind. In their relationship there will be mutual respect and reverence. Partners will appreciate and cherish each other.
Dmitry90% 60% The pair is distinguished by brightness and good taste. However, Eva will be unhappy with the lack of financial stability in the relationship, as a result of which a break may occur.
Michael100% 70% This couple will make a good union. Here there is love, and respect, and friendship. They are good with each other in every sense. However, they are constantly fighting for leadership in relationships.
Yuri90% 60% The union of Eve and Yuri is strong enough. There is romance and passion here. However, not everything is so smooth in family life: partners will compete for leadership all the time, which will provoke quarrels and disagreements.
Oleg80% 80% Oleg will always be able to support Eva in any situation, which she appreciates very much. In a relationship there is tenderness, affection and care. There is complete equality of partners here, no one is trying to become a leader and dictate their terms.

E - the letter means the desire to express oneself, exchange ideas, the ability to enter the world of higher powers.

B - the letter characterizes a person as sociable, loving life and nature. The letter "V" is present in the name of creative people looking to the future.

A - the letter symbolizes the beginning of something, the desire to act, to achieve physical and spiritual comfort.

According to the interpretation of the letters in the name, Eva is a sociable, creative person who wants to achieve new goals

Table: matches for the name Eve

Characteristics of the name in accordance with the season in which the person was born

Eva, who was born in winter, is controversial, it is difficult for her to get along with others and relatives. She marries several times, gives birth mainly to boys.

Women named after Eve and born in the summer have a gentle character, attentiveness to relatives and friends, and usually give birth to girls.

Autumn Eves have good patience, they are able to easily forgive insults.

Eves, who were born in the spring, are gifted with high intelligence and a sharp, impetuous character.

Table: horoscope named after Eve

AriesEve-Aries is calm and balanced on the outside, but passions are raging inside. This is a stubborn, strong-willed and active woman who always goes forward. Self-affirmation is an important point on the path of Eve-Aries. Quite often, she does not take into account the opinions of others, is curious and unrestrained. Absolutely incapable of meanness and deceit. Eva-Aries is a sympathetic and caring person who loves to give gifts. Has a desire to live and an optimistic attitude. Knows how to value money and independence. She wants to get leadership in any team, it is difficult to compete with her even in family life.
TaurusIt has an iron will and at the same time femininity and sensuality. She always has clear goals and clear thoughts. It has a calm character, restraint. Eve-Taurus is able to impress others, does not fight for leadership with men, is pedantic. Dislikes vulgarity, lazy and inattentive people. She has no problems with finances, she is always able to provide herself with a comfortable existence. Eve-Taurus does not complain about difficulties and is able to become a support for her companion.
TwinsTactful, open, able to make friends. It's fun to spend time with her. Eva-Gemini is intelligent, romantic and benevolent. She has many interests, but they are all superficial. All her life she is looking for change, learns new things. Completely devoid of patience and constancy. Can live a double life, prone to lies. She has problems with money, because she does not like to earn them, she is afraid of difficulties. Can't deal with his feelings. The husband of Eve-Gemini will constantly have to be on the alert, maintain interest in himself and provide for his family on his own.
CancerEva-Cancer is vulnerable, shy and modest. This woman does not like close attention to her person. He has few friends, but he is not at all sad about this, as he likes to spend time alone. Conflicts are terrible for her, they can develop into depression. Eva-Rak always exaggerates her problems. At the same time, she is prudent and pragmatic, tends to save money for later. Income is always greater than expenses. Eva-Cancer will never give up his own, and will not even look at someone else's. A woman is very patient, able to wait a long time and always waits for the best. She is not interested in a career, she likes to spend time with her family much more.
a lionHardworking but conflicted. He loves to lead, takes love and admiration for granted. She has a painful conceit, does not tolerate criticism, reacting aggressively to it. Lack of money can cause severe depression in Eva-Leo. A woman is very able-bodied, but loses discipline in difficult situations, and besides, she is lazy. She copes well with the role of wife and mother, she is faithful to her husband, but loves to receive compliments from strangers.
VirgoCreative nature, she is charming, shy, will not cry at the first difficulties. Does not tolerate tediousness and pretense. She does not believe in intuition, she is guided only by common sense. She has such qualities as perseverance and diligence, she is able to provide support to those in need. At the same time, she is stingy and stubborn, boring and cruel to everyone, including herself. Absolutely non-confrontational, knows how to work in a team. Spends money wisely, saves for a rainy day. She is reliable and faithful in marriage, she makes a good mother and wife.
ScalesThe woman is interesting in communication, smart, friendly and charming, although slightly unsure of herself. Avoids conflicts in any way, depends on public opinion, as a result of which he tries to make a good impression on others. Eve-Libra will never humiliate herself and deviate from her own principles. He is afraid of responsibility and avoids it in every possible way. He has a brilliant mind, loves to gain new knowledge, is interested in psychology. Eve-Libra is able to masterfully maintain the equality of strength and softness in her character. Difficulties do not frighten her, she is able to cope with this alone, without even asking for help from her husband, whom she loves madly.
ScorpionEva-Scorpio is an incredulous, silent and secretive woman, has good intuition. It has excellent willpower, intelligence, emotionality, but is prone to self-destruction. He always takes everything seriously, does not like weakness in people. Never deceives, kind to people. He does not listen to other people's opinion at all, therefore he often conflicts and argues with strangers and close people. She dreams of a family, but living with her is not so easy. For the sake of loved ones, Eva-Scorpio is capable of much, she will not compete with her husband, she will become a support and support for him.
SagittariusShe does not know how to lie, she is soft and kind to everyone. She needs recognition and understanding. A heightened sense of responsibility for everything and everyone. However, she is cold with relatives. Money does not matter to her, the main thing is independence and freedom. Eve-Sagittarius is too vulnerable to the outside world, she is naive, tends to idealize everything. She is successful at work, easily converges with people, can become a real leader. She will be happy only in her second marriage, when she becomes more wise and tolerant.
CapricornConscience and honor are very important for Eve-Capricorn. She is honest, responsible, ambitious, diligent and organized. Always moving towards the top of his goals, heedless of obstacles. Self-confident, cautious, independent. The main goal in life is independence, to which she goes, overcoming all anxieties and worries. Eve-Capricorn has a boring, secretive, dull character. She can be content with what she has, she is afraid of serious changes, so she almost never changes jobs. The husband must support her in her aspirations, otherwise the marriage will be unsuccessful.
AquariusCharming, witty, charismatic, able to build relationships. Decisiveness and stubbornness help her succeed in her career and material stability. He does not like flattery, he is always glad to change and meet new people. Easily finds a common language with different categories of people. Eva-Aquarius has unique creative views, creates new projects and things. Freedom is the most important thing for Eve-Aquarius. The husband should not interfere and limit her, she was not created to stay at home and run the household.
FishLives in a world far removed from reality. A woman tends to idealize and fantasize everything. He has a hypersensitive nature, goes with the flow, does not conflict with anyone, reacts very sharply to other people's thoughts and feelings. The hardest thing for her is to get rid of her shyness and not fall into depression. He has great talents and diligence, so he can succeed in his career. Likes to spend money, but does not like to earn it. Designed for family life and motherhood.


The name Eve is of Hebrew origin. Derived from the Hebrew Khavva, which comes from the word "Hayya" (to live). The literal interpretation of the female name Eve sounds like "alive." By the way, such names as Eva and Evita are considered derivative forms of Eve, although few people know about this.

The female name Eva has a lot of features in terms of significance. It combines two important factors - good value and beautiful sound. Plus, this name has a very strong energy, which can directly affect the character, essence and nature of the bearer.

Conversational options: Evushka, Evochka

Modern English counterparts: Yves, Willow, Eva, Hava

The meaning and interpretation of the name

According to the main version, the meaning of the name Eva promises carriers such character traits as purposefulness, activity, sensuality, temperament, sensitivity and gentleness. And depending on the season of birth, there may be such character traits as poise, restraint, self-control and self-sacrifice for the good of people. Not surprisingly, girls named Eva often make people working in the field of donations and charity.

Eva, in most cases, is a very kind, shy, reserved, smart, resourceful and efficient girl, who simply has an excellent imagination and good intuition. This is a girl who has everything and always goes according to plan, who will never deviate from her plans, and will treat any business with due responsibility.

Advantages and positive features: kind and positive, she will never leave a friend in trouble, she will help, even if she has to sacrifice something important, she will always show sympathy and understanding. And Eva is also an open and sociable person, although a little shy.

Eve treats badly people with a changeable mood, to those who are difficult to predict, to fickle and unpredictable personalities. She avoids communication with deceivers and selfish people, tries to spend time only with trusted people.

The name Eve belonged to the progenitor of the entire human race and the first woman. That's what Adam himself called her.

The nature of the name Eva

The nature of the name Eva is such that it promises the bearer of this name a difficult and constantly changing nature. The character of a girl named Eva is unpredictable, she is always changing, and at the same time changing of her own free will. For example, the lack of self-confidence and determination quickly reverses only with the direct personal desire of Eve to change herself. But that's not all…

The nature of the bearer of this name form provides for the presence of a large number of shortcomings, including infantilism, calmness, inability to make contact and unwillingness to trust people. She is so afraid of betrayal and infidelity that she does not even risk letting anyone near her, at least until maturity. That is why, throughout almost her entire life, she suffers from loneliness - this is her character.

On the other hand, one cannot ignore the fact that character is one of the most mysterious parameters - it largely depends on additional factors, including parental upbringing, and even the influence of the season in which Eve was born.

Early childhood

The girl named Eva usually has a bright and too mobile early childhood, which is actually not surprising. The character of the girl, who is patronized by the meaning of the name Eve, is too unpredictable, and this quality will only increase in the course of growing up. Plus, there are a number of other characteristics, including mobility, energy, activity, efficiency, the desire to communicate more and be in front of the whole world.

And since childhood, Eva has been craving popularity and respect. But there is a “but” - popularity in society, dreams of which the girl named Eve necessarily has, are hindered by such features as infantilism, isolation, inability to make friends and communicate on topics of interest to interlocutors, naivety and gullibility. Usually Eva is an insecure child, indecisive, shy and always doubting her own decisions and actions. Because of this, it is difficult for her to get along in the team of the kindergarten, for example, or the yard.

But she is successful in terms of her own development. All new things are easy for her, and she learns everything with great pleasure, her parents will not have to force her to anything.


Teenager Eva, this is already a different person - the meaning and energy of this name still play the most important role in shaping her personality. This name endows her with the qualities that were named above, but additionally gives rise to other characteristics in her. So, in adolescence, this girl increases sociability, and also, eloquence begins to appear - she gradually acquires friends and girlfriends, becomes more self-confident and tries with all her might to become popular in society. In part, most of the bearers of this name succeed.

Another interesting point is that the girl whose parents decided to choose the name Eve has a factor of persistence and perseverance in terms of learning everything new, which naturally bears fruit. So, Eva can become an excellent student and cope with the study of any subject, whether it is an exact science or a humanitarian subject. In addition, Eve can also have diligence, perseverance, and excellent self-control in terms of emotions. She will never flare up, will not show aggressiveness, and will not be offended without a good reason, and in general, her ability to control her own emotions is amazing, everyone would like this ...

grown woman

Adult Eva, over whom the meaning of this name continues to patronize, is already a woman with an excellent character and excellent endurance, able to survive any everyday trouble with minimal psychological consequences. At the same stage of life, the meaning of the name Eve can give a bunch of other qualities. Having reached maturity, she becomes a self-confident and determined lady, but at the same time distrustful.

It so happened that all Evas, without exception, are too distrustful, perhaps the reason is the patronage of such a factor as significance, but the main thing is not this, but the fact that Eve will never let an unverified person close to her. Before calling someone a friend, Eva checks this person for selfishness and fidelity, and only after she is convinced of the person’s loyalty, she decides to dedicate him to her life, experiences, resentment and feelings. By the way, Eva is very sensitive and receptive, and can be offended by any little thing, even the most harmless criticism - however, again, a person whom she did not call her friend will never know about this.

The interaction of the character of Eve with the seasons

Winter - the winter bearer of the name Eve, thanks to the influence of the meaning of Winter itself, will grow up as a person predisposed to leadership. She will manage and control everything around, but often such properties as a quarrelsome character with personal authority will often play against her. She is kind and sympathetic, sincere and good-natured, but she makes many everyday mistakes.

Summer - this girl will be an attentive, good-natured, caring and diligent person, trying to change the whole world for the better. Prone to love and happiness, lucky, but often will be betrayed by one of those who are close in spirit. She is selfless and mentally hardened. This will have to be raised by education in rigidity, because this will not hurt her.

Autumn - a baby born in the autumn months will be calm and balanced by the origin of the soul. Patient and kind by nature, such a woman will be successful with the male half of humanity. But there is a “but” - often she will forget about herself, she will help others to the detriment of herself. At any moment, she will be ready to go to reconciliation with those who are to blame for the conflict.

Spring - this newborn will grow up as an intellectual girl, one for whom science and creativity will replace communication with peers. Charming and interesting, but her mind, clearly more perfect than that of men, is able to repel even the most strong and callous.

The fate of the name Eva

The fate of the name Eve with love, marriage and, as such, relationships with men, is very difficult, but it is also impossible to predict it with an accuracy of “for sure”. This is one of the most theoretical parameters - in many ways, fate depends on the bearer of this name herself and on her upbringing. Although there are moments in which the practical majority of researchers believe.

One of these moments is the confidence of experts that every Eve, without exception, by nature, is too illogical in terms of love for a woman. Falling in love, Eve can become unpredictable, emotional, overly forgetful and optional. Fate assumes that during her falling in love she becomes too fickle a girl, which cannot but bring her fruits that negatively affect life in general. In addition, many researchers are confident that the fate of the bearer of the name Eva involves a large number of partings with many stormy romances.

At the same time, the fate of the mature Eve may turn out differently - the matured Eve, having fallen in love and getting married, runs the risk of becoming a boring and predictable, but responsible, obligatory and constant woman.

Love and marriage

Eva used to consider love the most important impetus for the successful construction of life. She likes it when a man vividly, emotionally and persistently demonstrates his feelings. From love, this woman expects a storm of positive emotions and a fountain of feelings, but men without initiative do not interest her.

Eva has been in search of the ideal man for a long time, such that he is both witty, and temperamental, and smart, and active, and open. She hesitates to start a family for a long time, but despite her caution, she still marries at an early age. As a result, the first marriage collapses.

Eva's husband must patiently and sympathetically treat her desire to be the head of the family, because she is a leader by nature. Eva's rather sharp temper does not prevent her from being a hospitable and skillful hostess, delighting her loved ones and guests with delicious cuisine, great mood and home comfort. And she does not allow anyone to poke their nose into her family and relationships in it.

Eva as Mother

Eva becomes a very caring and loving mother. She easily copes with all the troubles associated with caring for tiny babies. She was not accustomed to trotting over the stroller from every breath of one of the kids. She calmly takes care of household chores while a sleeping child in a stroller breathes the air by the open balcony. She teaches him from the cradle to independence and introduces him to the outside world.

When the children get a little older, Eva in behavior with them further prefers not to lisp too much. When raising her children, she uses even severity, without screaming and screaming. She is very demanding, even slightly despotic towards her kids. At the same time, she does not forget to show affection and tenderness from time to time.

Eva pays special attention to the issue of children's education. She thinks in advance about the future kindergarten of her kids, and the future school, and sometimes a higher educational institution. On the other hand, she respects the opinions of her children and will not suppress their dreams and desires. And the opinion of the father of the family is also important for her.

Compatibility with male names

Eva has the best combination in terms of love and passion with such male names as Trofim, Makar, Yegor, Robert, Gordey, Varlaam, Alfred, Boris.

An ideal, reliable, lasting and happy marriage will be by men named by such names as Samuel, Solomon, Khariton, Efim, Alexei, Anatoly, Foma, Frol and Ernest.

And with Anton, Apollo, Savely, Maximilian, Demyan and Vilen, Eve should not get involved at all, because there is complete incompatibility.