Help in promoting a channel on YouTube. The specifics of the channel on Youtube, assistance in promotion and effective tips that will help shed light on proper promotion. Using your sites

Promotion and promotion of videos on YouTube must be done by professionals. To promote a brand, just a video is not enough; it also requires a whole set of events to create an interesting community used to communicate with users.
On the CashBox exchange you can order professional services of performers. Each of them has their own YouTube channel promotion strategy, so you can count on getting a high-quality result. The cost of promoting a YouTube account depends only on the agreement with the contractor. The channel can be created from scratch, or based on a ready-made community with a specific audience, but it will need to change its theme.

Advantages of your own video channel

No service YouTube channel promotion is not able to guarantee 100% success, which is why it is better to use the services of performers from our exchange who honestly work out the funds invested in them.

For a YouTube channel, the main indicator of popularity is views. That's why it became so popular increase video views on YouTube and likes for videos. Their number shows the size of the target audience, due to which you can obtain data on the geography of visits, the age of viewers, and so on.

Having a thematic video channel can provide certain benefits:

A properly configured marketing tool, characterized by visibility and accessibility

The ability to make the maximum number of potential clients aware of who you are and what you do

If you want to become popular and make money from it, then you need to start promoting a YouTube channel now. YouTube is the most popular video hosting service, which has become a constant source of income for many famous bloggers, streamers and other interesting and enterprising people. But as you know, popularity does not come on its own, it has to be earned.

Preparing the channel for promotion

To quickly promote a YouTube channel from scratch, you need to use paid and free promotion methods in combination. But before you start optimizing and advertising your channel, you need to create and design it correctly.

To create a promising channel you need:

  • Decide on the topic and niche that the channel will occupy on YouTube. Choosing a topic is a very important step. The fact is that in popular and profitable niches it is much more difficult to promote a channel. But if you still manage to do this, then the earnings there will be appropriate. It's best to do what you really understand. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s entertainment, children’s, gaming or scientific content. Passion and dedication always attracts viewers.
  • Watch videos from popular bloggers and come up with your own personal trick. Every popular blogger on YouTube has their own “trick”. This makes the person memorable, which prevents him from being confused with anyone else.
  • Create a memorable image. Creating an image should be focused on the target audience. The closer the presenter is to the viewer, the more attractive he will seem.
  • Shoot several videos using high-quality equipment. Good video quality in 2017 is an integral part of a popular channel. Therefore, the light, equipment, and sound must be of not ideal quality, but not worse than standard.
  • Before publishing, find out the opinions of friends and acquaintances and bring the image to perfection. The help of friends and acquaintances at first will help to identify all the shortcomings and work on all the weak points. Therefore, you need to try to connect as many people as possible, because in return you can get really valuable advice.

Types of promotion

When the user already has his own account with a small collection of videos, it is not clear what to do next. Wastefully leaking videos that no one watches is a very dubious activity. Therefore, you need to put the camera aside and get busy promoting.

There are two types of channel promotion:

  • paid;
  • free.

The issue of money is always relevant, but to achieve the goal you need to be guided by other characteristics of the available promotion methods, namely their effectiveness. Otherwise, instead of quickly gaining subscribers, time will be spent on meaningless and useless activities.

Channel promotion – do you need to pay?

Some people sincerely believe that to become popular on YouTube, it is enough to make a spectacular video, post it online, and a new trend is ready. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Even the most charismatic and ambitious blogger can remain unnoticed.

Advantages of paid channel promotion:

  • quick recruitment of “live” subscribers;
  • minimal investment of time and effort;
  • guarantee of results.

Most of the sites and applications that offer free money lie. After all, their main contingent are bots. They, in turn, are of no value to the owner of the YouTube channel.

Proper promotion can be much cheaper if you first take a short course on the basics of Internet marketing. But this takes time. Training includes working with Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords, the basics of SEO optimization, viral marketing and much more. If you plan to make working on the Internet your main field of activity, then such skills and knowledge will not hurt.

Paid promotion methods

If at the start you have at least a small budget that can be spent on promotion, then the chances of professionally promoting your YouTube channel are significantly higher than without it. But you need to invest money wisely, so first you need to familiarize yourself with the existing methods of paid channel promotion.

Paid methods include:

  • purchasing subscribers on specialized exchanges;
  • services of freelancers and professional promotion agencies;
  • purchase of advertising.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. But in general, their effectiveness has long been confirmed in practice. Many, without understanding the essence of each of these methods, hastily give money to just anyone, and receive nothing in return. Therefore, it is worth considering them in more detail.

Services for buying subscribers, likes and comments

Buying subscribers is in demand among “newbies” on video hosting. Some sincerely hope that after acquiring a couple of thousand subscribers, the channel will immediately get to the TOP and advertising prices will rise to exorbitant amounts. It should be said right away that this is not so.

No matter how many users are attracted through the exchange, they will not be able to make the channel popular. The fact is that the goal of such subscribers is to get money. They are not interested in the published content, therefore, there is little value from such viewers.

But for a developing channel, a large number of subscribers makes it more attractive to “live” users. It has been noticed that before people start watching a video, they look at how many users are interested in it and how many liked it. And only then do they decide whether it’s worth spending their time watching. Therefore, the larger the channel’s purchased audience, the more “live” users it will attract.

On specialized services you can buy:

  • subscribers;
  • comments.

To promote a channel on YouTube, subscribers alone will not be enough. The number of views and likes are the main parameters for raising a channel to the TOP. And for the video hosting administration, it will be obvious that a large number of subscribers without activity on the channel is the result of cheating. And this, in turn, can lead to their mass write-off and account blocking. Therefore, to create the appearance of real promotion, you will need to not only gain subscribers, but also create imaginary user activity.

You can also see a selection of YouTube promotion services divided into categories on the blog of the service for working with bloggers EPICSTARS.

All operations for purchasing spectators are carried out remotely. The channel owner simply selects the desired package of subscribers (500, 1000, 5000 or more people) and pays for it with a bank card or e-wallet. There are no and cannot be any guarantees other than reviews from previous customers. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant so as not to run into scammers.

To do this, you need to follow some rules:

  • The official website may contain fake reviews, so before purchasing, you need to study the site’s reputation on third-party resources.
  • Before purchasing, you need to analyze sellers' prices.
  • The first costs should be minimal to ensure the quality of the services provided. It is better to buy packages of 100 or 500 subscribers.
  • Exchanges and services that promise to gain subscribers in a couple of hours should be treated with distrust. After all, a sharp increase in subscribers can be a reason to block a YouTube channel.
  • After purchasing, you need to carefully monitor the activity on the channel.

User activity shows the number of subscriptions, unsubscribes, likes and comments left over a certain period of time. If, after purchasing subscribers, the number of subscriptions increased sharply, and a week later gradually decreased by the same number, and during this time not a single like or comment was made, then you should no longer return to the services of the exchange that cheated them.

Professional channel promotion

The services of professionals in the field of Internet promotion can completely save the owner of a YouTube channel from any hassle. You can order full channel promotion either from a special agency or from a freelancer. However, the cost of such services is, to put it mildly, rather high.

The secret of specialists in the field of Internet marketing is a proven and tested promotion strategy, using techniques, competent SEO optimization and the correct setup of advertising campaigns. To master all these skills, the average user will need more than one month. Therefore, the price for specialist services is appropriate.

When choosing a suitable specialist to whom you can entrust your channel, you should make sure that he uses only “white hat” promotion methods in his work. Otherwise, published videos may be banned, views written off, and the channel even blocked.

YouTube channel advertising

  • On forums and social networks. Of course, you can post videos on forums and social networks for free. Only the owners of communities and forums will remove such “advertising” within a few minutes, so there will be little benefit from this. You can officially promote a channel either through advertising exchanges in social media, or directly through the administrators of the sites of interest.
  • Using Google AdWords. Google AdWords is a powerful advertising tool that allows you to publish video ads on YouTube. Advertisements placed in this way are published either on video hosting pages or broadcast during video playback. All the advertiser needs to do is shoot a commercial, determine the budget for the advertising campaign and set the parameters of the target audience.
  • On video blogs of other authors. Many of the popular bloggers themselves offer their PR services for developing channels on YouTube. When choosing a suitable person, you need to look at how many subscribers he has, whether there are fake accounts among them, and how many there are. If the majority of the audience of a supposedly popular blogger was recruited by a cheap program, investing in such advertising will be pointless. Bloggers set prices themselves and, as a rule, they depend on the advertising format. This could be adding an advertiser’s video to your favorites, holding a joint competition, a promotional video at the end of a video, or a joint release that is published simultaneously on two channels.

Paid promotion of a channel on YouTube will not necessarily extract the last money from its owner. If you analyze all the available paid methods and combine them with free ones, you can inexpensively and at the same time quickly gain the coveted popularity. Therefore, you should not stop halfway and give up on your intended goal. The sooner you start work, the faster this goal will be achieved.

Not really

It is the world's largest video hosting site, where a video is posted every day. The audience of this service exceeds 100 million people, so we can say with confidence that almost every inhabitant of the planet has visited here.

But this service can be considered not only from the point of view of entertainment, but also from the point of view of profit, because your own channel on YouTube can bring certain dividends. Of course, if it is sufficiently popular.

What is a Youtube channel and what is it for?

Before you think about creating your own channel on YouTube, you should first understand what it is? To put it simply, anyone can create their own separate channel in this service, on which they can post various.

The purpose of these videos may be simply interactive communication, or perhaps the desire to make money on your channel.

Of course, you can make money from your views only if the material is interesting enough for the public, because only those who get more than 1 million views per video receive real profit.

But the YouTube channel also allows you to earn money by placing links in the description under the video. You can also advertise your products, services, etc. there.

Youtube is the property of Goggle, so videos from this video hosting site appear almost immediately in the search bars after they are posted.

As a rule, about 30 minutes pass from the moment a video is uploaded to the hosting until it is posted.

How does a YouTube channel influence promotion and is it necessary?

Any video on YouTube is promoted to the top search lines with varying degrees of success. There are several points that directly affect the success of a YouTube channel:

  • . In other words, the title of the video or its description should include various ones, from which people most often formulate queries on the Internet.
  • Availability of incoming links to videos. To put it simply, incoming links are links from third-party resources, i.e. some other one or links to your video. Naturally, thanks to such transitions, the number of views increases, and the position of the video in search increases.
  • Duration of viewing. Many people naively believe that the main indicator of a video’s success is the total number of views.
This is true, but the duration of viewing your video also plays a very important role, which is why Youtube keeps such statistics.

In other words, if users watch your videos to the end, then this will directly benefit you in terms of promoting your channel. Naturally, to ensure this, you need to make high-quality and interesting videos so that people are really interested in what you have to say.

  • Availability of likes. Everything is very simple here: the more likes your video has, the higher it will be in the search lines. Naturally, dislikes also affect your video, but in a negative way.
  • Total number of views. This is one of the most important indicators of video success. The more views there are, the higher the video ranks in searches. In addition, many experts note the fact that people start watching exactly those videos that have the most views.

A purely psychological aspect comes into play here, because it is human nature to trust other people’s opinions, so a large number of views is a clear signal that this video is of interest to many. This means that the likelihood that he will also like the video increases.

  • It’s good if other users add the video to their playlists, because the more of these additions, the more promoted and popular the channel is. This also includes adding to “favorites”.
  • Large quantity. It’s good if they contain several keywords.
  • The number of channel subscribers directly affects its ranking position. Therefore, you need to regularly add new videos to the channel so that users’ interest does not fade away.

People can also complain about your video, which affects the promotion of the channel, but from a bad side. In principle, such a complaint must be justified, so if you do not violate YouTube regulations, then you have nothing to fear. Complaints most often come about videos that do not comply with YouTube rules, which you must familiarize yourself with before creating your own channel.

What should you do to promote your channel on Youtube?

Promoting a Youtube channel is a complex job that includes several basic rules. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Step #1. Create a channel and upload several videos to it.

Naturally, the first step will be to create the channel itself on YouTube. But without a video, people are unlikely to need it, so first you need to think through the concept, i.e. what exactly are you going to tell in your videos, what topic are you covering, etc.

Work on the channel should be carried out on a regular basis, so you need to periodically upload new videos.

The acceptable minimum is two videos per week, but it is better to have a little more.

What content is of high quality, read.


Running your own channel on Youtube is a rather labor-intensive process. Of course, if we are talking about serious work aimed at long-term results, and not just using the channel for pampering. It is clear that there is no clear recommendation, following which you are guaranteed to promote your channel on YouTube.

Still, the content of the videos plays a very important role, and this is in many ways a creative work, because information content and videos alone cannot be considered the key to success. A person is always susceptible to external effects, so he evaluates the charisma of the narrator, the external design of the channel, as well as many other points.

In this issue we will tell you which services are best to use to promote your channel and videos on YouTube. The list includes only proven and reliable services.

Even if you have very high-quality and interesting content, it needs to be pushed. We especially advise young YouTube channels to conduct advertising campaigns. Because without this, many people may never find out about your channel. But also for those who already have several thousand or tens of thousands of subscribers, but things are not going any further - run advertising.

Register on several sites at once to determine exactly which one is best for you. The functionality is similar, the differences are not big, each service has its own advantages. But it’s worth trying each of them in action.

Vktarget - increase subscribers and likes

  • Website:

Despite the fact that VK is present in the name of the site, you can also buy promotion on YouTube. The service has been on the market for a long time and has a good reputation.

Bosslike – wind up and earn money

  • Website:

On the Bosslike service you can not only promote your videos, but also earn money by completing various tasks. There are 6 social networks in total: YouTube, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Odnoklassniki.

Cashbox is a large promotion exchange

  • Website:

A large and professional exchange for promotion on social networks. Low prices will allow you to effectively conduct your advertising campaign. For example, watching a video on YouTube costs just 10 kopecks.

LikesRock – a new generation of promotion tools

  • Website:

A relatively young, but very promising service with its own promotion philosophy. They often hold competitions and promotions.

Epicstars – an epically cool promotion service

  • Website:

You can read how effectively you can promote your YouTube channel from our friends from ★ EPICSTARS in their article -

Hi all! Most recently, I wrote about making money on video in . Today I continue to cover this topic. And now I’ll tell you about promoting the channel on YouTube. I can’t say that I’m a guru in this matter, but I’m sure my tips can help not only beginners, but also experienced YouTubers, so read and apply carefully! So, let's go.

YouTube channel promotion

You can promote both paid and free. But the most important rule is that the content on the channel should be interesting. Why?

Yes, because even if you invest millions of rubles in advertising, and your videos are uninteresting and useless, you won’t get many subscribers. And, as you know, subscribers are the most important thing, but we’ll talk about that a little later. Now let's move on to talking about promotion methods.

Free YouTube channel promotion

Now I will tell you about some free “tricks”. Which will help you promote your channel. First I will list them, and then I will dwell on each separately. So:

  • Content;
  • Regularity;
  • Invitation reminders;
  • Relinking;
  • Title, description and keys;

Promoting a YouTube channel using content

As I said above, the most important thing is the content, that is, in our case it is video. Why is it so important to shoot in a high-quality, interesting and useful way? Because if the viewer likes the video, he can:

  1. The simplest thing is to like, and this affects the search results;
  2. Would like to watch other videos of the author. Opportunity to get additional views;
  3. Subscribe to the channel. We remember that the more subscribers, the better;
  4. Send the video to your friends. Again, views are never unnecessary.

I hope you now understand that good content is very important.

Promotion of videos on YouTube - regularity

If you post 50 videos in one day, and then forget about the channel for a year, then maybe 3-5 thousand subscribers will come. Of course, provided that the videos are of high quality and useful. But if you post 1-2 videos a week, you will get a lot more subscribers. Old subscribers will watch new videos every week and almost every video will receive a lot of views.

If you post 50 at once, then hardly anyone will watch them all. Well, if someone wants to stretch out the viewing, then more than half of these people will never watch anything. Because videos will constantly be lowered in the list. In general, I think it’s clear here: you shouldn’t upload all the material at once.

Promote your YouTube channel for free using invitation reminders

Remember, people watching videos for some reason become very lazy at the moment of watching them. Most of them will not want to subscribe or will forget. Therefore, you need to be reminded of the opportunity to subscribe as often as possible.

You can do this in two ways:

Promotion of videos on YouTube for free using linking

The principle here is the same as in invitations. A person watched your video and liked it. Maybe even the thought of “watching some more video” appeared. And here I will repeat once again: the majority of viewers will not want to click somewhere again to watch other videos.

Therefore, you need to use “linking”. That is, at the end of the video you offer to watch something else from your channel. You can also do this in two ways:

  • Just say it. But then you will need to put a link to the video you offer. All again because of laziness - few people will enter the name into the search.
  • Using annotations. Just insert an annotation and an additional link in the description. - This is a very effective method, I advise you to definitely use it.

Promoting videos on YouTube - title, description and keys

Let's talk about the name first. It should, firstly, reflect the essence of the video, and, secondly, attract viewers. For example, if you made a video about . That title like “video about making money” won’t work.

What else can you call it then? Suitable options: “How to make money on the Internet?”, “5 ways to make money on the Internet” or even better – “TOP 5 ways to make money on the Internet.” In general, you need to use the method of creating selling headlines. Read more about this. Otherwise, a banality in the title can significantly reduce the likelihood that viewers will choose your video from the list of “similar videos.”

What about the descriptions? Well, most importantly, never leave them empty. How then to fill out this field? Here's what should be required:

  • Link to subscribe to your channel;
  • Link to your website (if you have one, of course);
  • Links to all social networks;
  • Description text 3-5 sentences. Preferably with keys.

I also recommend inserting time codes. This is when you write time, but on the contrary - what is being said at a given interval. What is this for? Firstly, it is convenient for viewers. Secondly, you can insert keys into time codes and get even more targeted viewers.

Well, now let's talk about the keys. They are also called tags. These are not the keys that you insert into the description. These are special words that need to be entered in a special window. It is located under the description window. There you can insert everything that people can type into a search on YouTube, for example: the name of your channel, the title of the video, individual words, key queries, and the like.

So these were all the main free methods video promotion onYouTube. What paid methods are there?

Promotion of a channel on YouTube for a fee - honest ways

Honest methods - this is because we will not talk about gaining subscribers and buying views. I have already talked about this. What are the honest paid methods? Only one - advertising. But advertising is different.

Promotion of videos on YouTube using Adwords. Google contextual advertising can help in the development of the channel. All you need to do is:

  • Have an Adwords account;
  • Create an advertising campaign for an entire channel or for a separate video;
  • Make a teaser - a short video that will lure people to click on the advertisement.
  • Well, pay.

The disadvantage of this method is that most YouTube visitors have an adblock that blocks contextual advertising.

If you are interested in this method, find out more about it.

Website for YouTube channel promotion

There is such a site, Its essence is that there are admins of all major groups in VK and Odnoklassniki. You buy an advertising post from them, which may contain a link to subscribe to the channel and an advertising video. You pay from 2 to 5 thousand rubles, and for this your post hangs at the very top for an hour. After this, it smoothly descends.

In principle, you can simply write a personal message to the admins and agree on advertising. Advantages of this method: You can agree on any terms. Disadvantage: not all admins respond quickly, some ignore them altogether.